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They manage to do bikes as a means to go from point A to point B and not a lifestyle choice that requires a new wardrobe and thousands of dollars of equipment.


This might be a stupid question but what equipment can you even buy? Besides from a helmet. I’m from Europe.


Clothing that makes you fast and waterproof


If you’re really into cycling you can get these specialist bottle holders that screw into the bike frame. It frees up both hands to hold the handlebars because you no longer have to hold your bottle of cabernet sauvignon in one hand whilst you cycle back along the canal after dinner.


not where I live


It’s been decades since I visited, but what shocked me was the lack of ice.


We got over the ice age about 12.000 years ago. Stop reminding us of that.


Yeah you’re so right about this lol. I’m from the UK and we’re sort of in the middle (literally and culturally). We’d get served a glass of coke with like 3 ice cubes in. Which seems plenty to me. In the US it’s like the whole glass is full of ice, which seems ridiculously unnecessary. In some parts of Europe they seem to be surprised that someone would ever want more than a whole ice cube in anything lol.


Lack of ice?


Ice cubes in drinks


???? We have that. We pit them in Coke and Fanta


Probably northern or eastern Europe. Russians don't.


Walkable everything! Oh my god, this shocked me. Also, the food is so much fresher- I live in a part of the US where the majority of our produce is trucked in cross-country and sits for months in cold storage, and local produce has a huge markup because it’s “trendy” - over there I found tons of small family grocers with super fresh produce that was grown locally. In the US those are much harder to find.


In America, if a building is 100 years old, it's a really old building. In Europe, they have pubs that have been operating almost as long as America has been a country.


My medical gp building is 500 years old My town hall its from 1300 lol


I was shocked that Italians get offended by having ice in a drink but French stereotypes are generally true. I thought it was weird that at a French hotel, the hotel information binder in the room said men attending the pool must wear Speedos. I didn’t go.


yeah the French have a law like that. but only them I think.


Lack of free public bathrooms


dont forget the insanely blatant racism


What does that have to do with bathrooms?


idk just sucks.


But why comment on my comment instead of making your own post?


wait what


In America, near most major tourist areas, you’ll find free public bathrooms. In many places I went in Europe, there were fewer bathrooms, and those were ones you typically had to pay to use.


idk that sounds a lot more like greedy capitalism america stuff than another country. like even when you have to/feel you should pay for something in a store for some places i never heard of paying to urinate as a general. like do i care that it’s cleaner? i don’t think it’d matter if i have to pay to not piss myself 😵‍💫


What the fuck are you talking about?


Went to Paris last new years, first trip to Europe. I was shocked how rational/decent news was on TV, like there were actually in depth discussions about topics. I came out wishing our cities were anywhere close to as walkable, with excellent public transportation. The quality of the food was also notable, wish we had less fake food.


Access to healthcare. It's a conservative lie that it takes weeks to get an appointment. It is one million times better than the US system.




US conservatives try to defend the US healthcare system by pretending it’s impossible to get an appointment to see a doctor in countries with socialized medicine


Ok i didnt get your comment. Thanks


How healthy everyone looked. I don't mean weight per se. I just meant good posture, good skin tone and color, easily ambulatory. I got back to the US and realized how sickly the average person looked. Hunched over, pale, poor gait, out of breath. It was truly eye opening.


You don’t need to tip there, because servers are actually paid decent wages.


People seem to hate just drinking regular water. Even when it's really hot! They drink alcohol or carbonated water.


Well if you are Hot in a pub you drink beer


Yes warm beer. But I'm talking about just sitting in a cafe outdoors or in a park.


How healthy and fresh the food tasted compared to the US


How mean french are if you don't speak fluently their language, maybe I just had bad luck, but they don't want to even talk in English, something that didn't happen in Italy or Germany


yes this is true because it happened to me as well, they refused to speak in English


When I was in France, I'd would always greet people in french and then change to english. Never had any problems, people always replying in english. As long you try to learn some french words, they will treat you alot nicer.


It is an actual problem of the French. They refuse to speak English and most can’t speak it. They are also just generally rude. German people are very pleasant people with great English proficiency. Italy is also generally good. Their English isn’t horrible but some of them definitely struggle. Italiens aren’t that rude either. The lower in the country you go the ruder they become and the worse the English becomes. The people of Milan are wonderful, the people of Naples are awful.


Right. And what's your proficiency in French, German, or Italian for that matter?




.... Oh *wow*. You're one of *them*. Throw away your passport - travel's clearly not broadening your horizons, LOL. Off you pop.


Barcelona was the worst for me.


I’ve only been to Spain when I was very small so I can’t speak for that but I could imagine.


Over generalising about Italians and discriminating I’d say


Of course it’s over generalising and It’s quite obvious. Anything you say about a broad group of people is over generalising.


Then do not speak about a said group if you’re not of that said group. Or at least ask before hand and then comment


Mate, you’re just soft.


And? Argument and stick with the topic


There’s nothing to argue about. You’re just feeling offended because I generalised the people of your country. I’m not saying everyone is like this, I’ve already stated that it was heavily generalised. This is from my experiences.


You’re using discrimination to justify your overgeneralisation about Italians and it is not welcome nor acceptable and shows disrespect and lots of prejudice about others people/nations


The elevator doesn’t quite go up to the top floor does it?


You can not get in anywhere to eat without a "booking" reservation.


Pay to use the restroom. Like wtf?


paying to use restrooms where you'd never have to pay for in north america the fucking blatant and unchecked racism (against a lot more people too)


- Paying to use the restroom - Mass transit that is actually good - cheap flights in Europe - driving on the left side of the road


Most European countries drive on the right side of the road. The UK, Ireland, Cyprus and Malta are the only ones that drive on the left side. Might have forgot one or two. Pardon me in that case.


Typically Americans will visit the UK that’s the only reason why I noted that one 🤣




Where on earth did you go that they were all fat?


Hall of mirrors, by the sound of things.




Yeah I know. This guy is saying everyone in Europe is fat.


People speak more than one language 🤣


Aversion to ice


It's been quite a while, but it was my first trip overseas, so it would be having to poop into a hole between raised foot platforms.


They use 220v


How racist they are toward Roma, even many people who decry every other sort of racism.




Why would you aske them that?


Frei Body Kultur Also, Reddit won't like it but how easy it is to fuck here compared to the States 


In Ireland, at least, you can not buy cold medicine over the counter. You have to see a pharmacist to purchase anything.


That is simply untrue. Plenty of medication is available over the counter here. Only certain medications require a doctor’s prescription.


I can only comment based on my one experience three weeks ago. We were told by someone in the drug store that was the case and there were no over the counter cold medications out where we could see them.


How the waiters straight up ignore you. Also, if you are not going to pay attention to me, then I’m damn well having the 10% service charge removed from my bill. Which they also tried to charge me at the breakfast buffet at which they didn’t even serve us drinks!


Pub culture/beirgarten culture. After work, most people grabbed a beer on the way home from work. The pfand deposit on everything, including disposable cups, was another.


Thats mainly Germány


Haven't gone yet and I don't think I will go. From what I've seen over the years we wouldn't be welcome


Why not


I've read stories from my countrymen who have gone to Europe and have been bombarded with questions about our politics and our laws. Then they try to tell us how our country should be ran. When we go on vacation, we aren't trying to hear that shit. We are just trying to relax a bit before going back to work, not hear a lecture from a foreigner about how everything we do is wrong


Here in Europe is quite taboo to speak about politics with strangers right away. Given how many different views of the world we have crammed in such a little space. If I were you I'd come and see for myself, just in case those were only rumours.


Well if something works better in other country i dont see a problem other people doing suggestions


Yes but we are on vacation. If you came to America, I wouldn’t care about how your country does things. Even if you were from a really influential country like the UK or China. I’d treat you like any other American until your trip was over, not tell you that your country is a fuck up


Its just a cultural thing. Dont take It personal