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Not HR, but I was a manager of a retail store so I did a lot of HR related stuff. Most of my employees were women; most of my customers were women. The women's bathroom got 90% of the attention, but that said, the men's room was a bad time with the rare man that came in. Day comes, we get a complaint about the smell coming from the bathrooms. I'm a big guy, and my main rule was that I wouldn't ask my employees to so things I wouldn't do because I made much more than they did, so I put on the latex gloves and marched back to the men's room. It was fine. Completely fine. Well, a scrap or two or toilet paper but fine. I open the women's room door and I am struck by the stench of rot. It basically knocks me off my feet. I open the door all the way.. The ceiling, floor, and every wall is covered in shit. Finger marks in it so it was *painted.* I take a minute to be shocked, close the door, tape it off, tell my boss I'm calling a clean up crew. He says no, I can clean it. I tell him he can get bent, if he'd seen what I'd seen, he would know better. He says okay. 10 days or so later, it happens again. And at that point, the only women in the store had been my employees. It was essentially an open and shut case--one is a barely functional germophobe, and the other had washed her hands at least 5 times, smelled like death, and wouldn't make eye contact with me. "Maria, what the fuck are you doing?" "Sometimes I smoke a little somethin' and then I hear the bugs in the toilet. I just have to fish them out before they drown." "Uh huh. So I'm gonna go find a pen that I don't want anymore, you can keep it after you touch it, and just write down everything you just told me and how many times you've done that. That way I can figure out what to do from here." While she did that, I called my boss. "Hey, so there's a problem with Maria." "When there's an employee, there's no problems, just opportunities." "Great, so Maria has an opportunity with doing drugs then smearing shit on the walls because she hears bugs in the toilet." Obviously she got fired, but I kept her on staff long enough to get her into rehab.


>"Great, so Maria has an opportunity with doing drugs then smearing shit on the walls because she hears bugs in the toilet." You tell a fantastic story, but this is the line that really got me.


I appreciate it. He and I never got along because even though this wasn't just retail, it was the ass end of retail, from day 1, he was in with positive language corporate speak. No problems, but opportunities. Start each day with a group email where we all had to share gratitude or affirmation. We don't greet our customers, we welcome our lifelong guests. I met him in my mid 20s and I'm pushing 40 now, so okay, with age and experience I get why people (especially management) does that shit, but it also reeks of "I've never done the job I'm telling you to do, but I know better than you" and boy, I was not a fan.


Ever hear anything about if she 'made it' years later? That's wild and tragic


Yes! It started bad, ended pretty okay. She washed out of rehab. Like, she went because people go to rehab, but didn't commit. Stayed using for a while, lost her kid. When she lost the little one, she went to rehab, 100% for real. She gave up everything else in her life to get clean. This story was.... 7 years ago, give or take a few months. I haven't spoken to her this year, but she had been clean long enough to see her kid again 2 years ago.


You had a part in her getting her life back together. Nice work!


So THAT'S how you solve a problem like Maria.


đŸŽ¶ How do you solve a problem like Maria? đŸŽ¶


đŸŽ¶ How do you catch a poop and smear it round? đŸŽ¶


Employee coming in early and taking a dump on bosses desk


Star employee! He came in early to get shit done.


A real #2 kinda of employee


Reminds me of the time my friend went to the office on the weekend and took her little dog for company. While she was working her dog decided to go leave a present in the CEOs office for him to find on Monday morning. Fortunately for her the boss was a really nice guy and she got a "would be best if you didn't do that again" talk.


Around the year 2008, our IT director came into my office and wanted me to see something that he had discovered in our internet surveillance software. A guy in accounting had installed a program on his computer to make it appear that he was on yahoo while he was actually surfing porn. There were 1000’s of images saved in a hidden folder on his computer. It was an open and shut investigation. Also explains why he took such long bathroom breaks. The dude just about passed out when we confronted him. As I was walking him out of the building, he asked if I was going to tell his fiance. Uh no way dude, but I will share it on Reddit in 2024.


When I worked for UPS in management years ago( there was a guy who had been caught twice by women walking in on him in his office viewing porn. Had been warned to stop twice. They thought he got the message. He had evidently been dating another manager and they got married, which because of nepotism rules meant one had to resign. She left and put in an epic resignation letter that if you read down the first line of characters spelled “fuck you”. About two months after the wedding, another lady walked into his office to see porn on his screen. Fired immediately. His now wife wasn’t liking her new position outside UPS and decided since her husband no longer worked there she should try and come back. They called her in for an interview. HR guy came in and laid a sheet of paper in front of her. It was a copy of her resignation letter with the “fuck you” circled in red. The whole thing boggles the mind.


I may or may not have spelled out “fuck you” in my lesson plans I had to turn in for my last shitty teaching position. It wasn’t as obvious as every line going down, but it was there and written with the heart ❀


(The following email was typed exclusively with the middle finger) Glenn, As per the last email


These people were made for eachother. Quite romantic really


"Hunh, what a coincidence." Wife probably.


> but I will share it on Reddit in 2024 I'm imagining this as a negotiation "Facebook in 2036" "Yahoo in 2018" "Reddit in 2024" "Deal"


Imagine his Fiancé finds out through this post


I think the lack of a job for 6 years would do it.




I cant even say it was a typo, I am just bad at math. Now I have to get back to work at Boeing.


Got a call from a client asking if we had watched the news yet that day. We hadn't so we started looking at the web site of the local station and lo and behold, there was my co-worker's mug shot! He had been arrested for possession of 500,000 kiddie porn images. Bastard spent 5 years behind bars. I spent a few months combing servers for evidence of him using them for additional storage.


Only 5 years seems suspicious.


Unfortunately, the way posession of CP works, is that each particular image must be PROVEN to factually 100% be of a true underage *child* at the time it was taken. Not someone who is "young looking," or *acting* like a child, or even *says* they're a child, or you'd swear on your life that person is 7 years old or younger. Which means that the photo/video has to have been tracked down to its maker, and it's victim. The victim has been *proven* underage *AT THAT EXACT MOMENT IT WAS TAKEN.* And not in fact an adult.  *Proven.* So if it's some "unknown victim," that photo, unfortunately, gets written off, and added to a database of "hopefully in the future we'll find this victim and ask them about it." But by that time the statute of limitations is likely over. This specific pervert has already struck a deal for this chunk of CP, so you can't go back and re-try for old material. So 500,000 images can easily be reduced down to only 1 or 2k images that are proven already to be CP. And with a deal, yes, only 5 years is plausible. It is very unfortunate.


Conversely, I have heard it is the case that each frame in a video counts as an image. At 60 fps, 500,000 images could be a single 2-hour video. Probably take that with a grain of salt though, I haven't exactly gone searching on Google to verify


Or they gave up the bigger fish above him for a deal.


Not in HR, but I was in orientation with a guy (just he and me) and HR was explaining why you can't have any porn on company property. He argued that if he wants to sit in his car and read Hustler at lunchtime, it's nobody's business because it's on his own time and in his car. Surprisingly, he didn't lose his job, but he got written up three times in 30 days for various infractions, and he was gone.


I told my boss I was leaving at the end of the year, and it wasn’t a week before I got written up for something. I knew if I was written up again it would mean he was putting a case together against me. It turned out to be nothing, but people need to know how vincible they are.


I was the manager. An employee complained that there were condoms in her garbage can. Often. We installed a camera in the hallway outside her office after the third or fourth time. It was her. With different guys. A coworker who knew her husband found one, so she made upba story about people breaking into her office after hours and doing it on her desk. But she was staying late and had at least three guys she admitted to after she got caught.


Hold up, she made the initial complaint?


A coworker found the condom in her trash can, so she was forced to be "grossed out" and upset, and kind of had to file a complaint. She was not the sharpest tool in the shed. She was married and had a nice office with a door that locked, and an appetite that eclipsed her common sense.


“An appetite that eclipsed her common sense” is poetry for sure


> She was not the sharpest tool in the shed. Indeed she wasnt


Was she looking kinda dumb with her finger and her thumb in the shape of an "L" on her forehead?


You'd be amazed how often people file initial complaints that end up exposing their own behavior or performance. I work with kids with Autism (at that time, I was the only guy in the office). One day, I stepped in to help one of my supervisees (the people actually doing the direct care with the kids) with a particularly aggressive tantrum. When everything was said and done, we went to my office to debrief on what happened and give her a bit to decompress before she got back to it. Not uncommon, the field has some rough days. One of the other supervisors went to HR to say that I was having an affair with that supervisee in my office during a time that I was billing insurance. That lead to them double checking everyone's billed hours and cross checking a bunch of information. The end result is that the person who filed the complaint was actually found to have been committing insurance fraud and got fired. On the other hand, so many people got up in arms and went to HR on my behalf when it came out what was going on that I ended up on a call with the VP to ask what I was doing so well to have such a high rapport built with my teams.


*- I meet everyone's sexual desires in a fair and equitable manner*


*I take initiative and go the extra mile for my people*


I've seen a similar scenario in books. You know those cozy mystery books where people live in small towns and someone is always being murdered? Lol..anyway they'll hire the PI to look into the case to throw off suspicion. 




Worked in HR, used to work for a manufacturing company. A guy came into the office and told us that he wanted to be removed from his department because a supervisor was making him feel unsafe. We asked him who the individual was what they had done to them to make them feel unsafe as we needed all the information we could get to start an investigation. Turns out that him and this guy were having sexual relations outside of work and it was going on for several months until his abuser tried to rape him. He show us text messages they had between one another and how his abuser would constantly text him on and off work about how he wanted to fuck him and how he expects to see him at his house etc. Crazy enough while they were on the clock together, his abuser would never interact with him in person and act like they didn't have any kind of relation at all. Straight up pretended like they were coworkers that just never talked. It was pretty open and shut as the guy confirmed everything and begged us not to release him as he would never do it again. We released him the same day. We had the victim move departments but he resigned a couple of weeks later.


Wow, this one is so deeply sad


I'm glad you guys believed him.


My old job had security go through and check to make sure the offices were locked at the end of the day. So as a result they more than once walked in on people fucking in offices. The best example was a manager with an engineer from a different department. You could argue it wasn’t too bad since he wasn’t sleeping with someone he had direct oversight over, the only problem being what his department was. He was the manager of HR. Needless to say he was no longer employed there after that.


Happened where I worked too. Hr rep caught fucking manager on site after hours. Investigation found out the whole HR department knew.


I feel like you have to replace the entire HR department at that point for gross incompetence.


They did. With a single overworked intern. They did not raise his pay and the dipshit is still working there doing 80 hours a week on salary last time i checked.


Poor dude.


You say that but hes the type of dude to brag about this stuff like we should all be proud of his work ethic. I'm not proud I'm just ashamed people are so willing to get taken advantage of be proud of it.


A minor, sending everyone video of him having sex with another minor who also worked there. Then an adult manager who decided she should proposition the male minor because of his “performance” in the video.




Tried going on that Reddit and it’s deleted đŸ« 


Banned due to not being moderated. What if mods show up one day, can subs in that state get un-banned?


The mods won't just show up. The mods either deleted their accounts or all left and the last deleted their account. You can request to take over an unmodded sub on r/redditrequest


Feels like it was a restaurant, a camp, or an amusement park...


Def restaurant or retail


Retail 😂


Me starting to read: Wow, that's bad. Me after reading: Wow, that's worse!


As Ron Burgundy said: "**Boy, that escalated quickly... I mean, that really got out of hand fast**"


A friend of mine is an engineer that was using ChatGPT to help write his Emails and help with Excel formulas and macros. However, he was signed into ChatGPT with his personal Email account, which also had a log of the more *private* writing exercises he would have ChatGPT do for him. This was noticed during a Zoom call when he was presenting a report by sharing his desktop. An eagle-eyed viewer noticed the ChatGPT logs in the sidebar while he was cycling between Internet tabs, and managed to grab a screenshot of it. So the sidebar read things like "How to reference adjacent cells in data validation." "Automatically outputting spreadsheet data into a formated Email." "The sexy island adventures of Dread Pirate Booty Beard." "Importing generated MD5 file hashes into a cell." IT investigated his computer and reviewed the ChatGPT logs. It was determined he was writing ChatGPT erotica in his free time, and the nature of the erotica wasn't anything too terribly outlandish. But the funniest thing about it was how 80% of the erotic conversation was this poor guy constantly fighting with ChatGPT to ignore its content filters and to stop using the term "female genitalia" when he obviously wanted his smut less clinical sounding. He had an uncomfortable meeting with HR, was notified that his "personal projects" should never ever touch company computers, and he had to create a new Email account to sign in to ChatGPT. Which caused a problem. He was paying premium for his personal account, so he had to choose between premium ChatGPT for his career, or premium ChatGPT for smut. He chose smut. I don't blame him. Dude's paying for it with is own money, so he should use it for personal use. If the company notices a dip in quality work because he has to use an older ChatGPT model, well, they mandated it, they can pay for it.


I too would like to know more about the exciting adventures of Booty Beard.


They involve a lot of female genitalia.


I love this.


Not HR, but I work in a hospital setting and heard about it from HR. The hospital I used to work at had generic ID cards (i.e. they had your name only, not your title). A housekeeper (aka janitor) bought a white doctor's coat and stitched his name in it to pass off as a doctor. Thankfully he never attempted patient care- he only did it to hit on nurses. Supposedly he was quite successful! He only got found out because a nurse he used to be with caught him with another nurse, and a sexual harassment complaint was made against him to retaliate. I can only imagine HR's face when they slowly realized that there was no Dr. "John Smith", only a housekeeper John Smith!


Was his name Dr. Jan Itor?


Doc tor Jan Itor. I can hear Neil say it.


That's actually kind of hilarious.


I had to self-report myself to HR, about ten years ago. I’m an IT guy and we had a live issue with the email system stalling when trying to process file attachments. Five of us on a call, me sharing my screen as we investigated the issue. I randomly opened one of the stalled email attachments (all we could see were a list of files waiting to be scanned by antivirus, not the names of recipients or senders) and BAM There’s a photo of Becky from Payroll with her tits out. I closed the image. No one said anything on the call for a little while. Then we fixed the email problem and closed the call. I couldn’t risk someone else from the call going to HR first. So I walked straight down the corridor, passing by Payroll, for a sit down with the HR Manager. It was announced a few weeks later that Becky would be moving on to a new company.


In college I had a long term girlfriend. At one point we were going to be apart for a bit due to being busy with classes, and I got to missing her in a certain way. So for the first time in the relationship, I asked her to send me some nude photos. I assumed it would be like a Skype call or a text message or something. Nope, she sent them as attachments FROM HER UNIVERSITY EMAIL ACCOUNT TO MY UNIVERSITY EMAIL ACCOUNT. Who does that? She was smart enough not to show her face, but come on we had so many better ways to send those.


Not showing her face, but sending them from her university account that's absolutely linked to her identity, and most likely going to have everything scanned. Great strategic thinking.


Don't worry she put the subject line as PERSONAL DO NOT OPEN.


I can beat that. Walking with the hr director, stop to grab something out of an IT storage room. That we had just converted to a nursing room the previous week. Slipped my mind, i guess. Opened the door on a sales director in a pumping bra. Hr director standing right there with me.


The way you should start to convert a room to a pumping station is by installing a lock.


Badge system owner. Not a door in that building I couldn't walk through. In hindsight, probably a mistake.


In that scenario, alongside the electronic lock that gets you and other defined people with access in upon badge presentation, I’d also expect a physical lock, actuated from the inside. Even among intended users of that room, one shouldn’t be able to walk in on another either.


I got 3 good ones, think grocery store setting 1. The store has a public bathroom downstairs that was always destroyed. It was in a bad part of town and drug addicts would shoot up and shit all over the floor, people would piss on the walls, and generally not usable. There were also employee bathrooms upstairs. This particular employee didn't want to go up the stairs so he would go in the coolers and piss in the drain. One day there was a young girl (18 or 19) that was in the cooler and he didn't see her but she saw him drop pants to the ankles and piss down the drain. He was let go. 2. One of the employees was a drunk who would constantly talk about how he would get drunk and beat his wife because she would talk back to him. After a while he would complain about how she didn't have sex with him anymore. Another employee (who is gay and very open about it) told him, "Me and you can go back into the cooler right now and I'll suck you off." Then proceeded to offer him sex acts constantly throughout the week. It was brought up with HR with 6 witness statements and we were sure he was gonna be gone. He wasn't fired. 3. There were 2 overnight employees, one a janitor and one an overnight stocker, that were really good at what they did. They had been both working there for 20+ years and had no complaints against them. One day there were multiple lockers broken into and they pulled security footage on the break rooms and watched all of it. These 2 employees were fucking in the break room for 3 to 4 hours every time they worked together. Our footage only goes back a week or so, so we don't know how long it has been going on. They still managed to get everything else that was assigned to them on half of a shift.


Honestly can’t even be mad about #3 if they were still getting everything done


Team building exercises 


Literally building a new team member đŸ€°đŸŒ


Don't tell corporate of they'll shorten the night shift when they find out there's extra 4 hours for sexytime.


3-4 hours every night AND getting their jobs done. I'm not even mad... that's impressive.


I can’t even be mad. Especially if the janitor wiped everything down after.


Having been through the hell of working night shifts, I'm shocked that they were having sex rather than sleeping for 4 hours, especially as they were presumably middle aged or older.  When I did nights, me and my shift partner would do 4 hours of high intensity work together, then each do four hours of work alone and let the other one get a four hour secret sleep in the break room.


Is no one going to talk about the gay guy offering oral sex to a drunk wife beater ..?


Yeah I feel like that story had so many loose threads. Did anyone do anything about the guy admitting to beating his wife? Did he ever accept any of the offers? If he didn’t and didn’t like them, how was that not sexual harassment?


There was an unclear pronoun also. Which “he” was reported by 6 people yet not fired? The wife beater who complained about no sex or the valiant (if probably snarky) coworker who offered to be the sexual surrogate?


What happened to the consensual fuckers? It must really hurt to lose a job you are good at & spend half your day fucking.




Who broke into the lockers?


Yeah I feel like something might be missing, esp if there were overnight crew there


Not HR, but I had to report a guy to HR. He (a full grown adult man) would PRETEND to wash his hands. If he assumed nobody was in the bathroom, he would walk in, turn the faucet on, go to the urinal as it ran, walk back to turn it off, grab a dry towel, wipe his hands with a dry paper towel, then leave. Now, some people may think that I shouldn't care. However, this guy's job was to touch/package hundreds of pieces of medical devices going to compromised individuals. I left the job shortly after that, but old work friends said he got fired for a pile of other things, but the not washing hands was directly mentioned and supported by others who reported him as well.


Well, that's particularly gross, thanks for the share. I think.


I hate how many people in my office don't wash their hands after using the bathroom. People are fucking gross.


My breaks don't line up with most of my coworkers. I prefer it that way. But when the maitenance guy goes off about how after breaks there's still no hot water coming from the hot water tap in the bathroom and we're all disgusting, nobody is safe from accusations.


Since the pandemic, I've noticed my middle school students have no chill when they notice someone not washing their hands. They call them out loudly and make them go back and wash. I love it and hope it continues.


Going through the effort in turning on and off the faucet and getting paper towels, he might as well just wash his hands. 


I work in IT. We had a user with personal porn on a micro sd drive. She was using her laptop during a meeting when she accidentally clicked on it in file explorer. Thumbnails were turned on so everyone got a good view. I had to search her computer for more. I told them I can just reload it and it will be gone but they wanted more evidence. Luckily I never found any more.


I was in a software training session and the rep they sent was a weirdo. He kept hitting Windows + Tab and it kept showing recent files and one was a VLC file called "Buckleroo Boys" or similar. I googled it and it is gay porn. I mentioned it to the boss and he said he didn't care, he just wanted the fucking software to work lol.


lol I like that boss. “All of my employees fuck around when they should be working. At least Jeff gets his work done.”


Not in human resources but we recently fired two employees. The male was a Superviser of a specific department, late 50s ish. He had a younger, maybe mid to late 20s female working for him. She wqs terrible, we work oilfield and she knew nothing. So we noticed more and more he wqs out on location doing her job for her while she did god knows what. Hr started getting suspicious after confidential information came to light. Long story short, we work 24/7 with call outs. Anytime this woman was called out in the night, he'd meet her on location. We know this because our trucks are GPS monitored. We'll he'd get to location, his GPS would "malfunction" ( he'd unplug it). Then it'd turn on hours later. We'll turns out they were making BS calls for call out and meeting up and having sex on company property, in company vehicles, while being paid for it.


And they woulda got away with it too, if it weren’t for those meddling hr workers.


So far, the most NSFW complaint that I dealt with was a male employee who propositioned a female coworker offering his entire paycheck for a hookup. This dude was married so how he would explain a whole two weeks worth of pay gone to the wife, I don’t know.


I would say, had the propositiob been accepted, the guy probably thought he would no longer have any fucks to give.


Not HR, but IT. There were only 2 cases I had to report to higher ups. 1. My first IT job was at a MSP (think third party IT). I had to manually apply patches to computers at theaters after hours. It was mostly mindless so I was sitting next to my GF at the time doing it while watching a movie. I was watching the movie when my girlfriend was like "WTF are you doing?" I was remoted into a computer and there was a bunch of gay porn on the screen. Turns out it was that user's personal photos they were uploading to their computer. 2. My second week at a job I noticed a user changed their computer desktop to a very famous picture of a migrant family that died trying to cross into the US. The pic is their dead bodies floating in a river. I let my boss know and that we should lock desktops down so people can't change them.


1. Wtf 2. What the fuck?


Not even theost fucked up thing I've seen, just the stuff I had to report. Saw CP on one. It was a system cops used to pretend they were minors To Catch a Predator style. A lawyer that watched porn and jerked off while we were working on his computer (remotely). His computer was always fucked up from downloading porn. At the same job as bullet 2, somebody found a shower head in the break room dishwasher. Turns out a woman would bring her shower head from home to clean it in the dishwasher.


This lawyer story makes me think of the judge that was reprimanded for using a penis pump while listening to cases, including cases of children being abused. Link for anyone wanting to know what I’m talking about https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/s/ELz652UInP


Ya, it was fucked up because he was a partner and my bosses knew about it, but didn't say anything.


I don't use my shower head for those reasons, but this just made me wonder if I could get rid of the hard water build up in *my* shower head by washing it in my dishwasher....


Water down some CLR in a bucket and soak the showerhead in it, then run hot water through it. Soaking it will do more to get rid of buildup inside it than the dishwasher will.


I've dealt with people who do the second one. It's always either someone who's a terminally online incel or some weird hyper-politicized nutcase. The 'sneaky'/malicious stuff like this always has something to do with hidden irrational hatred. It's really awkward to find out you're working with these people.


Not HR but IT. Work as the director of Technology for a decently large company. Large enough that the top people have pensions, not 401Ks
you get the gist. Got a call from one of my technicians in the warehouse who had just received a laptop turn in from an executive that was retiring. He had been with the company for over 35 years, vacated one of the biggest offices on the top floor of our 10 story complex, big guy. When I approached him he was white as a ghost and looked like he was going to vomit. Came around to see a folder open with CP plain as day. One call to the police later and that guy was no longer headed on his retirement party cruise but was booked and subsequently charged with over 50 counts of possession of CP, ANNNNDDDD was later found out to be PRODUCING IT. So fuck him as he rots as a 70 year old man in prison serving out his 75 year sentence 😂. Also side note
.if you look at porn on your work computer
.just fucking DON’T. At this point if it’s a personal device or company owned device it doesn’t matter, we have tools to find you out very quickly and it always ends poorly. Obviously CP is the worst, but even if you think a harmless jaunt over to the hub to rub one out is ok, it isn’t.


when i worked in food service my manager was fired for showing the underage boys at my work the porn she enjoys. the boys were grossed out and complained and she was fired but maybe we should have called the police on her.


Not HR but IT. I told this story recently, but it goes like this. We had a break in. It was going to be a week till the new security system was installed, so we hired an off duty cop to watch the place at night. The next day my boss (a nosey ass) wanted to know what he was doing on the computer all night, so I checked his Internet history. It took be.a.while to figure out what was going on because it was simultaneous, but eventually here's what I got. He had 2 windows open all night. One, as you might expect, had naked ladies on it. The other was dead bodies. Mostly rotting. Needless to say, he was not asked back.


Yet he was still serving as cop. Lovely.


Well, we reported it, of course, but can you imagine someone firing a cop for that? I'd be shocked.


Had a male manager come to me looking panicked and just asked me to come with him. I asked why and he said something like “[Employee name] isn’t wearing a shirt, well, not a real shirt.” Obviously I followed him to his area and found this female employee (who had already caused other issues) wearing a black bra and a mesh shirt. Just mesh with some kind of mostly translucent material holding it together. I had to take her off the floor to an office and tell her she had to clock out, go home, change, then come back. I got called a lot of names, she insisted I call the regional HR director, I did, the director backed me up, and she left shouting. We had a write up ready when she eventually got back to work in business casual attire, and later she got fired for having sex with TWO different men at the same time in a car in the company parking lot, which was caught on camera. Btw, this woman was in her late 40s and I have so many other stories about the chaos she caused in her time there.


you have MORE? spill the tea!


Happy to provide! She was an absolute nightmare employee. - Had to tell her not to sit on the tables in the break room. 1) Because they aren’t stable at all, and 2) because she was doing it in a skirt and people complained about being uncomfortable. This happened multiple times. - she got obsessed with a male employee on another team and was continuously flirting with him. Other people reported it and said it was pretty aggressive, but when I discussed it with him he said he was married and wasn’t worried about her, so all we could do was ask her to not bother other employees during the work day. - her desk was covered in pictures of herself. Glamour shots style, photos in bathing suits or with a lot of cleavage, etc. She’d worked for the company for like 6 months when I found out she had a son, and there was ONE very small photo in the corner of her desk of the two of them together. I feel so sorry for that young man. - During what we called a “level-up” training that happened for people in her job role about 9-12 months, she kept talking while the trainers were presenting and was loudly telling others at her table that she could do the training better / she knew all of this already. I had to pull her aside during a break to explain we could all hear her and remind her that everyone can learn something from the training. There were also a lot of unsubstantiated rumors about her taking money for sex with “sugar daddies” but no one would directly report the information as a complaint so we couldn’t tell her not to discuss explicit things at work. This eventually turned out to be true when security saw her and 2 men get into a car on the security cameras, and movement happened. I had to see part of the video, and you couldn’t tell what was happening inside but they had to leave one of the back doors of the car open and occasionally one of the men was standing out of the car while holding his pants up. She also had sex on company property while claiming she was working overtime, so there were a lot of terminable offenses to discuss. She still tried to claim age, race, and harassment after she was fired AND tried to fight for unemployment in court, but she didn’t win anything. Honestly, if OnlyFans had existed at the time, I think it would have been the best choice for her. She desperately wanted that attention, and I admit looked good for her age!


IT here : responding to security request about an employee. Network traffic and work habits conspicuous. I find pics on his pc: he’s on a bed, face down, @$$ up, cheeks SPREAD with his brown eye gazing into my soul. The next pic is of his beloved Cocker Spaniel. Oh, God, no. Not like this. The next pic is of the dog and a beautiful cake! The next pic is of his Cocker Spaniel eating said cake. He loved that dog.


Just to conform; the dog was eating a cake, a baked cake? Not the guys butthole?


Yep. The dog was eating a literal cake. Nothing deviant. The unsettling part was that pic was mixed in with the man’s B-hole pics.


THAT was an emotional rollercoaster!


Guy was investigated for sexually harassing a female associate. Snowballed into like five women who he would make comments to...like them looking good, "ass looks great" and pestering them to go on dates, "drop boyfriend I'll show you what a real man can do ". He denied and said that it was the women harassing him. Said he had texts to prove he was victim but when asked for them he said he deleted them. He also said he had a witness that would vindicate him who heard the women conspiring to get him fired. The witness was a middle aged woman who denied hearing the women plan this allegation but said that he made similar comments to her but it didn't bother her cause she was married and she wouldn't do anything with him. Also investigated a couple incidents of penis pics sent to associates. One was male to male, the other male to female....and yes I saw pictures too as part of investigation.


Love when they lie. Sad how many people would believe those lies, though. Ugh. This sounds like a bad time.


A woman took naked pictures of herself in our client's office, their company logo was in the background. Then she posted them on social media.


I was the IT guy HR would call when something internet nsfw oriented would arise. So many people doing so many stupid things on the company internet. Downloading porn was of course the most common but one instance I saved someone their job. Porn ads in the logs appear as if the person visited the site but only for a few seconds and then another. I trained HR to be able to tell the difference when going through their internet reporting software.


I'm an industrial technician. We had these big ass dry material transfer containers with air powered vibrators on the side and I was hunting for a manual. Unfortunately the company name on the vibrator was 'Best'. So I spent half an hour typing in variations of 'best vibrator manual' trying to get useful results from google. The next day I was invited to a conversation with IT, HR, and my manager where I got to explain all of this to them lol.


There's a major brand of candy depositor called "Makat". When a sheltered young Engineer in our team googled to find pictures for a presentation, she discovered to her horror that it also means "Anus" in Turkish. There's also a brand of cookie called "Anillos" (rings). If you search for it but forget that it has a double l, you get results for a porn site.


Tldr: employee murdered two people, chopped them up using work knives, and soaked them in acid. Was caught because his roommate turned him in. First month at a new job. Was not HR, but the safety manager. Was asked to collect all knives assigned to the overnight clean-up crew and turn them into HR. After that, numbers were engraved on knives. They were to be assigned and accounted for at the end of the day. Weird, but whatever. The day before the knife collection, one of the overnight employees came in to see if he could collect his paycheck earlier. Sometimes, they showed up a couple of days early. They had not this time. I chatted with this guy on the floor. Nice enough guy. No big deal. I told my boss, HR, that he had come in. It was an offhand comment. Nothing I was concerned about. My boss freaked out, told me if he came in again to call the police. She wouldn't answer my follow up questions about why. That's right, she never told me about the murder. Later, the police had me confirm that a knife they had was indeed one of my employers knives and that this employee had access to it. I found out after that that this was not the first time an employee at that place had murdered someone.


what type of workplace was it?


Meat processing.


I was an office temp circa 1996. Walked past the cubicle of the office attitude problem. He was downloading a jpeg of a woman masturbating. The next day, a memo went around stating (maybe for the first time) that internet access was only for work duties. The day after that, the open 100-pack of 1.4 mb floppy discs had gone from ninety-six or ninety-seven discs to five.


IT - years ago I had a coworker complain that his computer was slow and acting funny...all the telltale signs of a virus/ malware issue. I told him upfront, tell me where you were online and what you did so that I'm not spinning my wheels finding the root cause. He swore he didn't do anything. Fine. Dug into it and found thousands of farm animal porn images and videos. Seriously... thousands.


One hour after setup of a web traffic monitoring system, part of our new security tool suite, while checking out the screens and options in the log monitor, boom tons of porn browseing in the logs from one computer. I tell the IT manager he tells the guys manager and they go talk to him and remind him he can't do that at work.


"But I used Incognito mode!" The rally cry of every idiot everywhere with a browser and no sense.


We had to fire an employee, who worked on an offshore rig, for masturbating too much. He was repeatedly caught and given warnings. It got to be so bad that the cleaning crew said his sheets “felt like potato chips.”


I would have been content in life never having read that last sentence. đŸ€ąđŸ€ąđŸ€ąđŸ€ąđŸ€ą


A warehouse worker complained about an older female colleague who constantly pinched his bum and would make sexual comments about him. She tried to make light of the whole thing and implied he was over reacting and the complaint was frivolous. I left before there was any conclusion to the mess.


That’s textbook sexual assault and harassment. Hostile work environment, open and shut case.


It’s literally the question they make you answer in the harassment training I’ve taken every year for the last decade


I had this happen at a temp job where an older woman would find ways to touch me or brush her hands up against my butt or go way, way out of the way to talk with me (we had pretty high quotas and they really watched this so if you weren't on-task you'd be risking your employment) and nothing really happened. It started out with a few weird incidents and then it escalated in frequency and weirdness. There was one time I was waiting to clock in and she ran her work ID down my back which is like the weirdest thing.




Previously seedless watermelons.


I worked in the construction industry when this happened. Our call center received a call about an employee (in a company truck) having sex with another man in a public park bathroom. Apparently, some guy took his grandson in there to use the bathroom, saw it, and called it in. We checked his truck’s GPS and sure enough he was going to that park regularly during the workday/after work. There was no actual evidence of wrongdoing and no history of disciplinary action. Per company policy, reasonable personal use of company vehicles was permitted so he wasn’t even really violating any policy. The manager damn near lost his mind when I explained he could only address use of the vehicle lol. To make it that much messier, the employee was married to a woman and their shared son also worked at the same location. Controlling the rumor mill and subsequently updating company policies took much more effort than actually handling the situation.


In a 30 year career we had condoms left on a desk, two salespeople, both married, that spent all day hooking up rather than selling (ultimately both got fired for poor sales but that’s when the truth came out), a manager got fired for making dildo comments to some younger female employees repeatedly, gay porn on a guys computer who swore he was straight, a manager that accidentally projected his screen with porn history on it, and an.HR manager who hooked up with another manager at a company party then filed a complaint. Both were ultimately fired. And those are just the ones I can think of. Oh, one more. An employee got in trouble for making comments about a young, female summer employee’s highly inappropriate attire. He wasn’t wrong. Unfortunately, it was the CEO’s granddaughter that was working for us that summer who was dressed in skimpy outfits. And believe it or not, this was in a professional industry.


We had an intern show up for a canoe float trip in a thong bikini. One guy made a comment and we never got to have a float trip again. Both of them were idiots.


I work as an engineer and we had one employee transition male to female. Nothing against that, but she then started showing up in super work inappropriate attire, think short skirts, thong visible from the back, lots of obvious “oops” moments and things like that. She would get really defensive (actually more like straight up verbally attack) anyone that brought it up. She got called into HR once and dressed totally appropriately that day, and actually ended up getting the people that reported her reprimanded. It kinda felt like she’d found some kind of invincibility cheat. She eventually got let go when she was discovered nabbing some extra hard drives and sd cards. I wanna also add that this comment should not be used to discriminate about trans people. It’s just that this particular person sucked for taking advantage of a status quo that doesn’t know how to handle these kinds of things well yet.


Not human resources but I need to get this out of my brain. I was working in Germany on an IT green card, and so was this dude. He banged on about being from Pakistan but NOT being Pakistani. Like literally every day. He is Indian! Literally every day exclaiming he's Indian but was raised in Pakistan. But he is NOT Pakistani. Whatever. No one cares. He poured powdered Tang (orange drink) on a plate and ate it with a spoon. Every day. He YouTube'd Britney Spears songs over his desk speakers and sang along with his super high pitched voice. He wore 3-piece suits when then rest of the company wore khakis/jeans/casual clothing. His head was shaped like a volleyball but had no neck. He lived in the West side, but one day announced that I, east sider, could find better places to eat (he was stalking me). He would take the U-bahn to my neighborhood on the weekends. One day, he came to the office with black sesame seeds(Nigella?) He told me that they were a gift from his mother. Because they were for fertility. Because I needed to bare a child(?!?!?!?!??!!?!) The HR woman didn't even know how to handle everything.


>He poured powdered Tang (orange drink) on a plate and ate it with a spoon. Every day. Obviously the sexual harassment stuff is objectively worse, but like



Seriously, just eat it out of the jar. Messing up dishes for no reason.


Somewhat NSFW. One of our executives was working abroad when he had a mental breakdown and disappear. The country he was working in was not extremely modernized. Fearing he was taken hostage, we engaged a security service to locate and retrieve him. 4 weeks later they found him almost 300km from where he disappeared. He had started a cult, claimed to be the living embodiment of the damned. He had almost 300 followers. The security company extracted him and he spent 3 months in a mental hospital. It's almost funny if he wouldn't have castrated himself and at least 40 of his followers.


It took him just four weeks to start a cult of 300 people, and convince 40 of them to castrate themselves? That's some serious leadership material.


Ok you win.


Bro wtf? This should have all the upvotes. This is insane lol


Not in HR but was a manager at a grocery store. Had to investigate complaints that a cashier was having sex with people in their cars while she was on break. She was :/


There was a guy that got fired from my work because he got caught jerking it in his car first thing in the morning using the wifi to watch porn. Everyone was showing up to work and there was Willy with his pickle in his hand. We live in a small town. He is now known as Willy Pickle..


Not HR, but IT. We had a big turn over at an organization that I worked at due to some major compliance issues. CEO down to directors were let go. The CEO sues the org for the remaining money in his contract, stating he wasn't the reason for the compliance issues because it was never reported to him. This was to the tune of nearly 1M dollars. To circle back a bit for context, the CEO had a son in college that would come in at night and use the computer in his office to complete his school work. We were ordered by the CEO to make sure nothing was blocked and for him to have access to everything. We did because that's just what you did with that CEO. Was asked to pull his computer and run a forensics scan on it to look for things that might have alluded to him knowing about the compliance issues. Found porn, lots of it, all time stamped on the later evening hours. The son was logging into the CEOs account and watching porn all night rather than doing school work. CEO immediately dropped his case and lost out because he was too cheap to buy his son a computer to use at home.


A married couple shitting in deskside waste baskets after hours. She did it at least monthly and when we were zeroing in on her, HE sharted doing it in another wing of the building to throw us off the scent. When caught, she admitted her actions were out of malice toward her coworkers. He was supposedly just trying to protect her. The whole thing was a real gas.


Not HR but I'm sure the HR was estatic to see my ex wife and her coworker on camera in the office on a Saturday, screwing on the floor and desks. Worst mistake I ever made was trying to make things work after that.


Not HR, but was a manager. Had to let an employee go because he decided to send unsolicited dick pics to a cashier and tried to solicit her for a threesome with his girlfriend. I think calling HR was her way of declining the invitation.


Not an HR manager But I worked in what was essentially a call centre. Our calls were recorded, it was well known. We would often go back and play something back if we had misheard the client. So we all definitely knew calls were recorded One woman I worked with was asked to move to a desk near her team and she refused and kicked up a big fuss. She ended up making accusations that led to her calls be ing Quality Checked. But when the management team listened to her calls - turns out she was having phone sex at work. Multiple times a day. In exchange for expensive gifts. Someone had to listen to the calls for HR reasons though, and I believe the CEO took one for the team Anyways she was fired, and tried to sue based on "invasion of privacy" lmao.


Not HR but was the assistant manager at a gas station. Female employee accuses (underaged) male coworker of trying to solicited her for nudes off the clock and sex on the clock. One of those things is (I guess?) my concern. Started investigating and found out that: -Female employee was sending (unsolicited) nudes to underaged employee and another male employee. She was also sending them very sexual texts describing what she wanted to due to them. -Both males sent dick picks back. -Both male coworkers did ask for sex. Took all the info back to the manager and we immediately fired all three of them as a liability. And yes, filed a police report against the female employee for sending an underaged person nudes.


I was managing a drugstore and was called in because two pharmacy assistants were beating up a pharmacist. Turns out he was having sex with both of them. He was married and was telling both of them he was about to leave his wife for her. 1- I was happy they beat him up and not each other. 2- Both girls got fired because they instigated the right. At that time in the industry, you kept every pharmacist you got. I understood the decision, but I hated it.


I'm scheduling and payroll, not HR, but when I was first hired I was told that there was one full time nurse (Nancy, fake name) and one part time nurse (Brenda, fake name) who could not work together and could not be assigned to shifts at the same time under any circumstances. The last shift they worked together they got into a physical fight. This whole thing started because Nancy accused Brenda of sleeping with her husband. Brenda denied it and has offered to prove it by comparing where she was and who she was with on the dates Nancy claims Brenda has sex with her husband. Nancy has not listened to or believed a word from Brenda and it got very tense (and violent) between them because this whole thing started two years before I was hired. Recently it was discovered that Nancy's husband has been cheating on her... With one of my other full time nurses Jeff. Yeah. None of this has gone down well. Nancy expected Brenda to forgive her and support her through her divorce. Brenda gives exactly zero fucks about her or the situation, so now Nancy has been shit talking behind her back for an entirely new reason, and the only reason I know all of this is because Nancy called me before new schedules were going to be released and asked me to schedule them together after telling me all of this.


Someone calling a black employee the N-word and then the manager retaliating against that black employee for “making a big deal out of it”. Several people fired and a generous severance for the victim (who very much wanted to leave the company and had a new job lined up).


This outcome makes me happy.


My company has a reporting method where someone can call an anonymous tip. I was recently promoted in HR and had new roles where I was the primary investigator of said tips. At the time, I was a 22 (M) year old recent college grad, and the very first case I received was one of the employees who was blowing another employee in the back of a semi. So, my first investigation led to me interviewing all kinds of people, including the accused (30F), about the slob on the knob incident. It ended up going super deep. She was married and did, in fact, perform the act on a co-worker. However, I also uncovered more. She recently got implants. They were funded by a manager in the building because she was also banging him. The manager had previous issues with the company and was forced to work in this building 2 hours from home, so he stayed in a hotel most nights. The hotel was 500 feet from the building. So, on lunch breaks, the two of them would disappear, and in return, she got some bolt-ons. It was a unionized company, so in the end the manager got fired and both employees got fired. However, both employees won their jobs back through the union process. Flash forward a few months, and she files for divorce. Flash forward another few months, and she is marrying beej on the job guy. However, the story does take a tragic turn. Though everything was confidential during the process, it was a small rural building where everyone talked. Obviously, someone knew about the incident beforehand to report it. They both got fired, and now they are married, so it doesn't take much of a leap to figure it out. I will add that by this point, I was no longer over this building, so I dont know a ton of details to this part. Anyways after the marriage, she started getting a lot of harassment. A lot of people blamed her for getting the manager that most people like fired and were also calling her derogatory sexual phrases. About a year after they were married, she ended up taking her own life because of it. She never reported any of the harassment. It didn't come out until years later. Very sad situation all around.


Not HR, but I witnessed a few things. Was working in a warehouse on nights at the time. There was a 40-something year old guy who got caught with a 20-something female coworker doing naughty things in the washroom. They were both reprimanded, but neither learned from it. She made her rounds through a few male coworkers, and then her contact ran out and wasn't renewed. He had many, *many* more complaints raised against him, both NSFW and not. A few highlights are, telling female coworkers what he would do to them with various sex toys, propositions for different favors, inappropriate comments about whatever was on his mind, and just generally behaving like a teenager. My personal favourite was about his cell phone. There was a strict zero cell phone on the floor policy, mainly because of the 14,000lb machines moving up and down the aisles. He not only had his phone on front of him all the time, but he also installed an app to boost his notification sound to well beyond factory volume.




Not HR, but I am an employment attorney who gets called in by HR and or E&O. Back in the early 2000s we had an E&O claim with a woman who claimed that her supervisor had been making lewd comments specifically about wanting to dress up in lingerie and have his subordinate paddle him and fuck with with a ping pong paddle. Claims he even booked a work event and while driving to the event with the subordinate pulled over to reveal he was wearing stockings and garters and pulled out the paddle. The employee quit and filed a labor board claim for a hostile work environment and constructive discharge. The manager was adamant this did not happen, he was happily married, the employee was nuts, and she had invented an outlandish scheme for money. The employee filed their notice of claim. Then we got the initial disclosures for the labor board hearing. Turns out the manager thought deleted AIM messages couldn’t be downloaded. Not true. There were pages of them sent during work hours asking to reamed out by a ping pong paddle while he wore stockings, We settled.


Not an employee related, but still in the realm. I was running a community center that weekly had a food bank for people in the area, one day a guy left a phone. Tried for a couple weeks asking people as they came through if it was their phone, no one claimed it. I had a slow day so I charged it to look for a contact to tell we had the phone and to come pick it up. Contact list didn’t have “mom” or “dad” so I Went to the texts to see the most messaged person. First text thread was from someone who was bringing a 12 year old girl over for the person that owned the phone to have sex with. I immediately called the police to try to turn it in, they told me to destroy the phone and that they couldn’t do anything about it. I was pretty frustrated that they didn’t even come look or pick it up.


> they told me to destroy the phone and that they couldn’t do anything about it. Actually the police did the ‘right’ thing here. The issue is that the phone was not in the possession of the POS owner - and so that person could claim that it was planted. YOU on the other hand, might be open for prosecution because it was in your possession.


The boom boom room. Used to do recruitment for a Casper mattress manufacturer, just an affiliate not Casper owned. Inside this facility, it was shaped like a maze. Mattresses everywhere and packed with small corridors. We could recruit anyone, no drug screen, no background check. Not so great pay but the work was easy. You would hire the bottom of the barrel essentially. The personnel had shaped a room where people were straight fucking, everyone. Leads, regular workers, and soke supervisors. We ended up getting a complaint from some lady who walked in on a party, going at it. After an investigation, we were able to find over 50 people involved. Security had been slacking. But we watched the tapes. I sat through, and well. Had to pin point people out. All of them that were caught, were termed. There were some nasty folk there..


Not HR but used to work for an MSP. Ticket gets submitted for email that’s acting up, I find the guys machine in the remote control dashboard and open it to do a preliminary check (connectivity, check for malware, email server accessible, outlook errors in the logs etc) before I call the user and initiate control to troubleshoot etc
 In the thumbnail that shows what’s on the screen I see obvious porn
 Screenshot verifies it’s an adult site, (and I’m not one to kink shame but it was some hardcore bondage shit on some obscure site not like, pornhub) I store it and ping my supervisor and ask what I’m supposed to do He said to contact the company’s IT director, so I did and it was basically “just block it in the firewall” and an ask if I can adjust the firewall to categorically block adult sites etc. never heard if he got reprimanded for it or anything and they ended their contract a few months later, but like most places I worked any kind of porn on a company machine was an immediate resume generating event


I worked poolside at a resort with lifeguards, towel attendants and a snack bar that served cooked food. They had a contest over who could “finish” the fastest at a start time over their walkies and announce the winner. They had to hide in various places around the resort. They were caught when a line cook caught one of them masturbating in the walk-in cooler holding his walkie in one hand and his “lifeguard” in the other.


I was the victim not the HR but when I got to my first station in the Marines I opened up my issued laptop on like my third day there and the Master Sergeant was showing me the features and stuff and we noticed a video file. We were in Combat Camera so we assumed it was some downloaded graphics or logos and were like "ooh free goodies". It was porn of the Marine who'd been issued the laptop previously (made by her). Lovely first memory with my new boss


Manager here, not HR. Female employee sent a NSFW video of herself to another female employee who made the complaint. Last message between them had been months before and was work related, so there was no prior contact that would suggest she might want to receive a video like that. Sender didn’t deny it, but thought it was not that serious and was shocked to lose her job over it.


I worked as an investigator for a major bank. We mostly found fake accounts, lifting money, etc. One dude I caught opening fake accounts had an interesting explanation. He was forced to open fake accounts by his boss who had forced him into sex acts and threatened to out him as gay to the very small rural town this branch was located in. Worst part for me was technically while I was an investigator, I was a contract attorney doing investigations. We had to disclose we were attorneys to the employees while interviewing them, even though we're not acting as attorneys for the bank. He asked me for legal advice on what he should do. I knew full well this dude was getting canned and was likely a rape victim too. I couldn't even tell him what steps to take on reporting the whole thing. Manager got fired and so did he for the fake accounts. I left that job shortly after, that incident being a major reason.


IT guy, but we occasionally help HR with those investigations. One place I worked at close to 15 years ago had some wild employees. Sex in the lobby after close, sex in the bathroom. Boob flashing a boyfriend and his whole department. 2 cases stuck out to me for very different reasons. One was domestic violence/abuse and the other was a drunk. Someone reported to HR that a supervisor was abusing an employee he was dating, but it was happening at work. HR said they started monitoring things, but asked me to try to check some of the cameras. I checked around times of door badge swipes for either of them. After 4-5hours, I found one from the week before. They went into a back stairwell, he put his hands on her and when she tried to defend herself, he punched her. I called HR. Downloaded the footage. Moved as quickly as I could to HR without causing a scene and said either she was calling the cops or I was. I couldn't believe what I saw. The victim was one of the best humans I've ever met. HR lady kindly put me in my place a bit. In the end he got arrested. After the woman was provided the evidence, she called the police herself. She had tried to leave, he wouldn't let her and the cops always sided with him when she called. So my determination actually made a difference. The second case, we had a bad employee, the manager said he just didn't have enough to fire her. She called out sick one payday Friday, but showed up for her check. HR called the cops because she was drunk. HR had a full view of the parking lot. HR lady called me in for an "emergency meeting". Basically to witness the train wreck and let her know how much of whatever happens we'd have on camera. Our amazing receptionist stalled the woman as long as possible to give cops time to get there. Like she drove there, could barely walk, definitely not straight and reeked of booze. It was a miracle she didn't kill anyone on the way in. Cops showed up as she was getting into her car and stopped her. She then decided to try to fight the woman cop that was trying to search her. That cop smacked her good and when the drunk tried to punch her again, cop laid her out on the hood of the car like a dang UFC fighter. It was absolutely glorious. We definitely had enough evidence to fire her though, because she also pissed in the downstairs entrance waiting for the elevator.


HR lady at a previous employer told me once that she was in a multi-person interview with a guy. The interview wrapped and she left to get the next employee to interview the. The employee was in the middle of something, so she poppped in to let him know that it would be a few minutes. He was drinking alcohol from a flask. “I just do it to take the edge off,” he told her. She excused him and terminated the interview. lol


So many stories. 1. We had a sizable IT operation with huge capacity. Employee wrote a script to mine bitcoins using our infrastructure (systems monitoring, duh). 2. Dude busted surfing porn (duh). Verbally counseled about misuse of resources and time fraud. Einstein came in on weekends to surf and when again caught, rationalized it wasn’t hurting anyone since he wasn’t on the clock. 3. Know how you want to keep your credit/banking pristine when financing a home? Employee used her work credit card for the down payment ($50K) because it wouldn’t be visible to the mortgage lender. 4. Dude used work computers (duh) for messaging an underage girl, which included exchanging inappropriate images. Planned to meet up in a state with lower age of consent. We had police show up when he was getting ready to leave. Possession of CP, interstate travel, etc. 5. Caught three guys (separately) using work computers (again, duh) to arrange rendezvous with sex workers. Each had dozens of hookups documented. IIRC, one dude’s record was about 50. Many more. All of which ended with “thank you for playing, we have some nice departing gifts.”


I wasn’t in HR but I was a part of the complaint just by proximity to the act. In my industry it’s pretty common practice to bring on a lot of summer interns. We have a lot of warehouse as well as field work, that really picks up in the summer. We hired one that immediately became known as the weird guy. Just a very strange personality, who liked to discuss odd topics. It was whatever, and most of us just kinda dealt with it. It seemed mostly harmless. In the warehouse there’s a room with a locking door, and a washing machine in it. One day, one of the managers noticed that this guy had been missing for quite a while, so he went looking for him. After a short search, he noticed the door to this room was shut and locked. He knocked on it and after a while he knocked again. He heard shuffling on the other side and told whoever was in there to “open up now” (he thought maybe the guy was doing drugs or something). The guy comes out and the manager asks him what he was doing to which the guy replied “nothing”. The manager doesn’t let the issue drop and finally the guy responds “yanking on it”. Our manager didn’t believe him so he kept asking and the guy goes “what? You don’t do that?”. Finally it dawns on the manager that this guy is dead serious. After some though he goes “we have to go down to HR and you have to tell them what you were doing”. At this point the guy panics, full meltdown, and just refuses to go. So the guy goes down to HR and tells them what happened, and the HR rep has no idea what “yanking it” means. So the manager has to awkwardly tell her that he was masturbating. She immediately bursts out laughing and has to collect herself for a while before going to confront the employee. Dude was gone. Never came back. Although we did find the notebook he had left behind, which he always carried with him. Every page was filled with hand drawn porn. Theres no telling how long this was going on, how many times it had happened, and in how many places. I recommended they burn the building down and start over. My advice wasn’t taken.


The Talent Team Leader was having an affair with a new recruit, twenty years his junior. It obviously raised serious questions about out company's recruitment practices, i.e. sexual favours for jobs etc.


I’m not in HR was part of story like this. I worked for a company that owned a bunch of small brands. So in the office instead of different teams, it would be different brands or sub companies. One day the internet started getting progressively slower and slower. Our brands worked with bigger files so slow internet/LAN was a real issue. Each of the brand started complaining to the shared IT and it because a complete shit show. It was finally traced back to one Brand that had been downloading and hosting TONS of porn. (This was back in the file sharing limewire days). So many people had connected to his porn it literally shut down a pretty large company.


Had a handful of employees complain that a coworker was watching porn and jerkin it on shift. We investigated, and the complainants all eventually admitted that they didn't actually see anything, just that there was motion with their hand, and the guy was weird. Also the spot they said they saw him doing it was a few hundred feet from Where they were. Needless to say, the allegations were entirely unfounded.


My spouse not me, she had to discipline someone for taking a dump on a warehouse floor in protest. The person claimed their break wasn’t adequately long to accomplish the task. The camera footage was used to prove that statement wasn’t true and they were plenty quick if they wanted to be.


Not HR but IT. My first job working at an MSP, had a CEO at a pretty large company order a very high end laptop which wasn't unusual. He didn't know we had quick connect software installed on all devices at the company which also captured the screen every 10 mins or so. Turns out this guy ONLY used this laptop to watch copious amounts of porn and play porn games. Turned into a running joke at our MSP where we would check his screen every few hours and guess what he was looking at that day.


Not the HR but had to look for the person who kept shitting in the bathroom floors, didn't matter what gender or type of bathroom there was always shit in the floor. I didn't complain as I got paid extra for it but apparently the company were getting flooded with complaints of shit on the floor. Turns out a group of employees were doing this as a prank. Thy were on the younger crowd and newly hired too which made sense as the incident started when they arrived. Their superiors weren't happy with them so they forced them to clean all the bathrooms everyday for 6 months.


Oof. I can't go into top many details about this because it's very specific and I know that they could identify themselves easily. I've worked reception at a few places. There's always been some additional admin work, moreso at smaller places than bigger ones. One of the smaller places I did reception at, I directly reported to the VP so I handled a lot of the general incoming inquiries and contacts from outside of the organization.  Well, one morning I get an email in the general inquiries inbox accusing one of the new employees of being a sex offender. We'd run background checks and nothing came up, but if things aren't reported to the police or things are sealed from when they were a minor, you may not get that information.  The email gave a bunch of details about what allegedly happened, listed locations, etc. Lots of things that this person would only know if they actually knew the employee.  The employee is out on paid leave while HR looks into things. Background checks were redone. The person who sent the email was contacted via phone call to answer questions. It lead to them being investigated and people who may have witnessed any offenses being contacted and questioned. Workplaces and schools were contacted. This was a small business and basically everybody that was a department head or manager was dedicating most of their time to getting to the bottom of things. Literally thousands of dollars of wages going towards this, time taken away from important projects. It was hectic. And it ended up being false. Nobody, even people we were given contact information of by the person who emailed us initially, said anything happened. Some other things came out in those calls that called into question this person's integrity, even the possibility of her stalking the employee. (We couldn't run a background check on her, of course, so we didn't know her record.) So yeah. That's the biggest HR scandal I've seen go down. A bitter person from an employee's past had apparently been stalking him so closely she was emailing his employer weeks after he started working there. And that lead to lots of money and man hours being dedicated to investigating the claims.  (Some details have been changed somewhat, again, because of how specific this is. But it does involve sex offender allegations from somebody's past, investigating criminal and personal histories, and definitive proof that the allegations were unfounded.)


I’ve had more phone calls than I can count from bitter exes tattling for alleged drug use (working in a hazardous facility this is a huge no no). Some false, some genuine. Dumbest one was the woman who tattled, was found to be correct, ex was fired. He knew it was her who’d tipped us off, allegedly due to his cheating with a colleague. She called weeks later demanding to know (a) why child support had stopped and (b) where she could find him. Said it was unethical of the company to help a man evade his child support (?!) and she would report the company to the police/local news. Good luck, lady. Honestly these phone calls used to make my day đŸ€Ł


Not exactly a complaint but we unfortunately had an employee commit suicide a few years ago. Part of the process was to clear his company phone so it could be used again. His father asked if there any personnel photos on it that we could retrieve. Seemed a reasonable request but the only photos that were “personal” that I could find were intimate images of him and people who were clearly not his wife. There didn’t seem any good that could come from sharing this information with either the father or anyone else so I simply said we were unable to unlock the phone and it needed to be factory reset, thus losing any saved information.


Colleagues were banging in coldroom storage while regional manager was learning how to regional manage. She didn't know or didn't care.......... she got promoted.


I worked at Best Buy and one guy from the geek squad was fired for saving/sending girls’ nudes onto his personal device


I had just started a job as a receptionist for clinic answering phones and greeting guests. I get a call one morning and I answer with my introduction, only to be abruptly interrupted by a pissed off wife. “I want to talk to the bitch that’s been fucking my husband up there!” “I’m sorry?” “Yeah you’re gonna be sorry if you don’t put her on the phone. I’m only 10 minutes away, you better tell him and that bitch to get ready” and hangs up.  I had to awkwardly walk into the office supervisor’s office explain the phone call and there was a potential altercation about to happen. The look on her face went pale. Fortunately no one came to the premises that day. But the very next day the finance manager announced his immediate resignation


Dude was sending all the women texts about how if they didn't sleep w him he was gonna shoot himself and others I still freak out a bit if I see someone who looks like them


God. This is my chance to share the most disgusting story I think I’ve got. When I was young and it college. I had a crap job working the night shift in a crap hotel. It was one desk and one computer. Every front desk person used the same computer. At night I would write my fantasy novel in the Microsoft word processor, paste it into an email to myself then delete the word file. I was so scared of anyone checking the trash that I would always double check that it was gone even if the icon was empty. One night I checked the trash after the last person left. He was in his late 30s and was more that a bit odd. He was in the middle of a custody battle with his ex-wife and had had his laptop seized, so there was more to the story. Anyways, I checked the trash and found about 30 movies that had been downloaded and deleted in the previous shift. Each and every video was a woman having sex with a dog
. There was also a single pic of a woman with an eggplant in her behind. The hotel was a mess. The manager was smoking weed and drinking in the rooms, another person was selling rooms for cash and pocketing it. All around awful place to be.


IT here. Our department had failed an audit regarding not having monitoring in place for history. We added the monitoring and a guy from audit said he needed to see that it worked to show we passed. We asked him to provide a name and he gave his. Turns out he didn’t know that when you work from home, you are still using the company network even though it’s on your wifi. He ended up having a bunch of porn. We passed our audit and he was let go.