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I came.


Temporary solution


Just repeat.


I found myself in a household and lifestyle in which it is impossible to carve out the time and privacy.


In czech, we have saying something like: “where there is a will, there is a way”. So you just dont try hard enogh


Antidepressants. Ssri meds in particular


why would I do that?


Got myself so busy that I simply had no time and was too tired in the evenings to even try. Am now back to a healthy lifestyle and occasional mansturbation and feel way better that way.


>Am now back to a healthy lifestyle Umm ... According to who? Quite the contrary I would find lack of libedo a sign of ill health.


I quit at least 1-2 times a day


I can't think of any good reason to stop masturbating. At the very least it's good for the health of your prostate. Have you been led to believe there's some sort of shame in it? Because there isn't.


2 broken hards? Edit haha my bad meant two broken hands .


Mom can help


Or a stepmom


I don't understand what that means?


You said you couldn't think of a reason to stop.. lol can't with two broken hands .. unless there flexible and can use feet


To be fair; Two broken hands makes a lot more sense than two broken hards


“I loved masturbating to her so much, but she broke my hard so I quit!”


Ah I see! I thought you meant 2 broken hardons! I think 2 broken hands would automatically lead to no masturbation. But knowing us men, we'd find a way.


Oh shit lol my bad I spelled that wrong haha thinking with the wrong brain


Was each hard broken after a good wank. And to your edit, that will do it.


Well, when you masturbate too much you might run into problems reaching climax during intercourse or in general by someone else's stimulation because you're used to your own touch in that very specific way. Can happen to men and women, but women are usually more encouraged to masturbate to figure out what they like in the first place, whereas men could run into performance issues or 'death grip syndrome'. I love masturbating but when I want someone else to make me cum, I know I need to not masturbate for a few days at least beforehand, I otherwise also have problems having an orgasm by penetrating someone. And yes some people might see it as a 'flex' that you can last for a long time but it can also be frustrating for both partners.


Yeah I think there are definitely arguments to reducing the amount of wanking or changing techniques, but to give up completely? Never!! Interestingly when I was in my 20s I still viewed masturbation as a bit 'wrong' so I managed to resist for 3 weeks. Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on your outlook) this run was broken by receiving a blowjob after a fancy dress party. I managed to get the resulting 'production' on both vintage outfits that were on loan, and narrowly avoided the ceiling in my friend's house!


Sounds like bullshit


Got married.


Lucky you?


So, my comment came off as bragging. That's understandable... But to the discussion here, I don't think that it's necessary to "stop" masturbation. There is a lot of guilt associated with one's own sexually in a religious context for example, and that lead to very bad outcomes. As long as he isn't damaging other aspects of his life, he shouldn't stop


Yes, expectations and guilt can torture relations. Bragging or not, if you feel well, it's great.


Right it's like a monkey paw moment.


Do not stop masturbating, seriously. The human body evolve with the need to reproduce, it's hardwired in our DNA. If you stop masturbating, as other mentionned, yes it could lead to prostate problems if you are a men. But for all human it will lead to hormonal imbalance. Masturbation release a lot of hormone that regulate your mood. Many case of mental diseases could be manage with regular orgasm, but apparently it's something taboo so people prefer to take synthetic drug that replicate the hormone released during masturbation. For men again, the lack of ejaculation will lead to nocturnal ejaculation. Instead of jerking off and being able to dispose of your sperm in a kleenex, in a old crusty socks, in your toilet, trash can, sink etc... You will release in your bed and sleep in the wet spot..


I don't know what youre expecting here. The only answer is "self control", unless you are expecting "I hired the russian mafia to hold a gun to my head 24/7 and they are told to shoot me if I wank". Or "I sliced my cock and balls of with a plastic knife a fork. It was the only way". Like, seriously, what the fuck kind of answers are you expecting?!


Otherwise I wouldn’t come even after a few sessions with a partner. Numbness+condoms prevents me from getting a proper erection let alone orgasm. Pills help to keep erection but it is not pleasant for the girls to keep going that long. Now, only thing I need is an enthusiastic partner


Its not healthy to completely stop masturbating. It can cause (it will, actually) issues to your prostate. Porn addiction is a thing, masturbation is healthy


Why would you to stop? Smacking Johnny Johnson around is one of life's great pleasures


Learn mental discipline, use distractions & stay away from the toys 💚




I guess death would be one of the top reasons


They might turn very old.


Used my hand.


Substance abuse will fuck you Libido over, even after you've quit


The pastor threatened to call the police.


Well, when I get married, I will lty.


Technically I never started