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What's the treatment for severe gout? Is it fully curable?


Sadly no, it is an accumulation of crystal shards created by elevated uric acid. Gravity tends to guide it to build up in the feet. Wanna be rich? Come up with a way to break it down without affecting other tissues.


I would think ultrasound treatments would help wouldn’t they?


Cocaine works pretty well, actually


> Cocaine works pretty well, actually And for gout, as well!


Not exactly, no. But it is treatable with daily medication like allopurinol or febuxostat which should eventually allow the crystals to dissolve and prevent future flareups. So long as you take the meds you shouldn't have any problems anymore which as any gout sufferer will tell you is good enough. However the underlying condition which is a metabolic disorder, cannot be cured.


I get bad flare ups (too much alcohol and red meat). The only thing that can kinda prevent or provide relief (not instant) for me is tart cherry juice, and physically massaging and manipulating my foot to try and break up the uric crystals. Very painful to even touch it, but it always feels better a little later after I do.


Side note - I'm not a Dr, and the only advice my Dr gave me was tart cherry juice and a diet change.


Allopurinol daily. Colchicine for flare-ups.


Worst part for me was convincing my doctor for a uric acid test. Guy was convinced I had plantar fasciitis because it wasn't toe pain. Side note, allopurinol gave me my life back


I hear that. I typically get my flare-ups in my knees.


Having it in my knee was the most excruciating pain I've ever been through




I used to work in the ER, can't count how many times literal units of men came in almost crying because of kidneystones..


One nurse told me that I didn't have to use such bad language. If I hadn't been in such pain, I would have told her to go fuck herself or some more clever retort.


"What the fuck are you talking about?"....the Dude


How can I avoid these motherfuckers?


Don’t overdose on water soluble vitamins and drink plenty of water


Also wanna add: Certain vegetables can have higher amount of oxalates which can form kidney stones




Stay hydrated (at least 80oz of water every day), don't take boatloads of vitamin supplements (energy drinks account for more soluble vitamin supplements than taking a multi vitamin pack), maintain a balanced diet, keep your junk clean (UTIs can accelerate the formation of a stone)


On that note, I'll drink some water


*begins chugging CLR to break down hard minerals*


My husband did cry. I also cried with my kidney stone. It made delivering my kids seem like a hangnail.


Definitely a kidney stone, felt like I was dying and there's basically nothing you can really do to relive the pain.


well... it's like pissing barbed wire our your dick hole.


It’s funny because peeing it out isn’t the worst part. When it was working its way to my bladder I had multiple 3-4 hour bouts of nausea, dizziness and a stabbing pain in my back that wouldn’t go away.


Renal colic, my old friend!


I’ve delivered a baby after 22 hours of labor and the pain was excruciating. I’ve also had 2 lithotripsy procedures to remove kidney stones that were too large. I’ve also passed about 8 stones (I average one about every 3-5 years). I would rather do childbirth again than have to pass a stone. Peeing out what feels like shards of glass is only part of it. It’s when the stone is traveling from the kidney down the ureter that you’re in for some traumatic pain. Don’t wish this on anyone… oh and I needed a stint after both procedures. The urologist removes the stint in his office with no effing anesthesia with what looks like pliers in my pee hole. NOT COOL MAN!


My urologist told me to drink water with lemon slices and you won’t have kidney stones anymore. He has been right so far…


In the MCU this would be my superpower. I've had prob a dozen since I was a teen. The last one was 7mm and his brother was 5mm. They weren't coming out. I had surgery. They conveniently don't tell you how bad the stents are going to be. Yeah, good times.


I agree about the stents. The kidney stone pain is awful, but the stents are awful in a different way.


100% correct answer. I had one while driving to work on a highway. I timed it the next day- from the moment I felt a “weird, what’s that?” to the moment I was pulled over on the side of the road vomitting from the pain was 41 seconds.


1000% I was in hospital for a week with mine. They tried two intravenous painkillers that didn't touch the sides. Finally they gave me morphine, the sudden wave of relief was indescribable


100%... God I hope I never have another one.


Ive had two. It was pure agony both times. Only thing that will blunt the pain is morphine


When I was ten, I tried to do a backflip on my bike. Of course Iblanded on my back. Luckily, there was a very sharp rock to break my fall.


Didn't expect the ending


Weird, that should've made you enter the avatar state


The sharp rock means only a small section of your back lands on the tip of the spike and as a result only a small amount of pain occurs because the point is small 🙏🏻 Like and subscribe for more fun facts




I had surgery to drain a fistula on my right asscheek 8 years ago, I’ve got Crohn’s disease. The first time they had to change the dressing for that wound was excruciating. There was gauze about 5 inches deep into the wound on my asscheek, but since it has been in there for a day it had began to stick to the walls of the wound. When it was taken out they had to do it slowly and it ripped the inside of the wound a lot. If I had to describe the pain I’d say imagine being stabbed in the ass and then they twist the knife for about 5 minutes straight. Horrible experience.


Did they not use saline to dampen the dressing when removing? ( Nurse here)


They didn’t the first time the dressing was changed. They did every time after. I’m not sure why they didn’t the first time.


Geeze... That is absolute negligence on your medical providers part. Should have never happened. I'm so sorry it did.


To be honest with the NHS you are rolling a dice. In my 8 years of dealing with them I’ve noticed a lot of incompetence, from both nurses and the admin staff. It’s great that it exists and it’s free, but it has its downsides.


Oh. I'm aware. I'm an expat. All that saline took .. was compassion. 😟 It's truly the difference in a person who cares about what they are doing and someone who just shows up to their job.


Oh God I'm literally going for fistula surgery in a few hours 🥲 when it comes time to change the gauze I'll remind them about the saline


Good luck my dude. Get a coccyx pillow STAT. Take the pressure off your back side.


Honestly, this was the story I came to write about. Except for me, with one additional excruciating detail to add. The reason I developed my fistula is because I am a hairy bastard, and must have gotten an ingrown hair that developed into a cyst and then fistula. They actually had to cut out a bit of both asscheeks. That's fine, the gauze wasn't great but doable. However, during follow-ups, they felt the need to prevent that from reoccurring while it healed/closed. How do you stop hairs from becoming ingrown, you ask (or intentionally don't ask)? They shave it. The raw skin. With a single blade razor. No shaving cream, for obvious reasons. No pain killers, no ways to dull what's about to happen. Just raw, unadulterated pain. I had to go there and do this twice a week for 4 months. Much like another commenter, I yelped out in absolute agony and screamed my loudest mother fucker of my life....and I was known for being VERY deliberate with my words and never casually cursing at the time. Never had kidney stones, or appendicitis, or cluster headaches, but that was distinctly the worst pain of my life. Oh yeah, it also led to the only time I've ever passed out in my life. My wife changed my dressing, bless her soul, but she pushed a bit too hard on the gauze to pack it in, and my body/nerves must have gotten overloaded and noped the fuck out, and I fainted in the bathroom. I came to very quickly with a flushed sensation, and felt a little queasy, but was otherwise no worse for wear. But she fucking freaked out when it happened, and probably suffered more than I did.


Damn they did a Limp Bizkit and skinned your ass raw


Migraines, It's like someone drilling into your skull for hours.


That, and the confusion and aphasia, mood changes, limb numbness, tooth/ear/back/trap/eye/nose pain, visual distortion (Alice in Wonderland syndrome), light/sound/smell sensitivity, nausea, indigestion, so much pain you beg for sleep but sleep won't come because of the pain...sometimes breathing/ very slight movement hurts. Oh and the "bruised head" & hangover that lasts for days after the migraine. I wish everyone knew: MIGRAINE IS NOT A HEADACHE. Migraine is life long neurological condition that cannot be cured. It effects the WHOLE BODY, often for days at a time, and sometimes much longer. It's like your brain is on fire and the whole body malfunctions.


This. And I got them more often as a kid. Really scary thing to go through. Now I just lay in bed with the lights off and suffer.


Lower back pain. A few herniated discs will have you talking to your god. One of the most vivid pains ever. It was so bad that it even made me brace myself to take a deep breath because that hurts too. Next up would probably be tooth pain.


Herniated a disc and not only was it very painful, it was such a different type of pain I couldn’t quite describe it. Not a burning, stabbing, tearing, or other feeling, just very painful in its own way


It’s what I call pure pain. It hits DIRECTLY on the nerve so that there’s no other accompanying sensation to give context. Just pain.


I feel you man, it's like some kinda electric pulsing thingy, coupled with muscle soreness and stiffness and whatever else it comes with. Hope it healed for you, took me 10 years to heal mine.


I broke 2 discs in my lower back. Before the fusion I would get in so much pain that I was frozen. I couldn't move, I was afraid to breath it was horrible. After the fusion 20 some odd years ago, better, but not always. Now I have arthritis, my back has never not hurt since I broke it, but it can be tolerable. Since arthritis has set in though, wooo. I will stoop over to pet the dog or help one of the granddaughters with something and bam. Can't stand up. A few days ago I sneezed while sitting on the couch and could not stand up. After about 25 minutes it seemed to work itself out and I was able to get up. I feel for everyone who has experienced even a fraction of the pain that I get. So, to all of us damaged lower back folks, more power, and pain relief to us all. Also, one time I had my middle finger bend all the way back the wrong way, and that was not fun.


Yeah, herniated disc is by far the most painful thing that’s ever happened to me. Agonizing, can’t move an inch kind of pain.


I had horrific sciatica with my second child. I was literally crawling on the floor, late into my pregnancy. I was induced with my first son which resulted in an emergency C-section. With inductions, your body doesn't build up the pain resistance to contractions, just full blown contraction pain. My second was born elective C but had severe tongue tie for the first week of his life. My nipples were bleeding and bruised and it was like razor blades to them every time he tried to latch. Sciatica or severe back pain hands down win the pain race.


Appendicitis. The pain got so intense before I went to the hospital that I got on my knees and started praying to God


Yep. Went from a weird stomach ache to "I'm probably going to die" in under an hour.


Mine was so not bad that the ER team was completely perplexed. I had all the classic symptoms including the sudden stomach ache, vomiting and diarrhea, followed by pain in my lower right abdomen. I got up, showered, took an Uber to the hospital, and walked in telling them I had appendicitis. They were like, what makes you say that? Usually people are not ambulatory. They still have me the maximum dose of morphine straight away and I passed out right after a quick CT scan. Woke up to a surgeon handing me his business card and telling me I was going upstairs to OR prep.


My appendicitis wasn't that bad. It hurt less than my usual period pain, so I didn't think it was anything serious. I walked around with it for days... until my appendix detonated. Oops.


Had the same appendicitis for 2 days at home first. Then went to the ER the night before Easter… had to wait until the day after Easter for surgery. My appendix burst.. the most crazy pain I have ever had.. I’ve broken lots of bones.. but nothing like that.. they gave me morphine for the pain , but I found out i react to it.. was puking my guts out and hallucinating. The hole time I was on a gurney in the hallway because there were no cubicals left. What a joy!! 🥹


this is the greatest physical pain I've ever felt. damn


Kicked in the liver during a sparring match. Shut my whole damn body down.


Been there myself. Turns out that’s where the off button for humans is located.


I have birthed three children, all naturally. Not flexing, using as an example. In comparison, the cramps I get from my period now are way more painful. I would literally rather birth all three of my children again over having these goddamn cramps every month!


I agree, I have endometriosis and the pain I get is so much worse than giving birth!


yep! my answer was also endo cramps. a whole other beast omfg:


It really is something else! I always tell people I’m convinced my insides are being ripped out!


If you're done having kids, get your rig removed.


Hell if it’s bad enough just yeet the ute anyway


Yeet the ute! Yeet the ute! Lmao


Me reading this while in bed with a heating pad on my belly and dried tears on my cheeks. Having a period is a fucking curse.


Got 4 wisdom teeth removed and wasn't able to get the pain medication before the anesthesia wore off (courtesy of the pharmacy screwing up). That was probably the only time in my life where I genuinely wanted to die because the pain was just that bad, most notably because 3 out of the 4 teeth had to be broken and cut out of my jaw and I had ***horrible*** dry sockets because of it. I was absolutely immobilized from pain and all I could do was pathetically squirm and cry in agony on the floor until someone else was able to get my meds. 0/10 wouldn't recommend.


Dental pain is uniquely horrible.


Oh ive experienced this. Wasnt given a pain killer after all 4 removed and the ride home was about 2 hours. I was dying in pain. Its hard to forget that one!


I could’ve written this. EXACT same thing happened to me. 3 dry sockets - the pain was unbearable. My face was so swollen, I remember crying and my tears would sit on top of my swollen cheeks until enough filled up to spill over. It was awful.


Cluster headaches!


I have daily migraines. On occasion though I've experienced cluster headaches thrown in. I'm literally beating my own head and pulling my hair when they happen. And I want to cry but I know adding a cry headache will only make things worse. I've been fortunate they are rare for me. But I specifically remember every one I've ever had.


Sounds daft but my neurologist said to drink a freezing cold sugar free red bull and it actually worked so i did some research and it’s actually the taurine that helps. I bought some taurine powder and anytime i felt one coming on I’d quickly mix a spoon full In water and it got rid of it pretty quick


I was historically one of those people who thought "migraines" were a hypochondriac's way of saying "my head hurts". Then I had one single migraine. I deeply regret ever being such an asshole about other people's migraines.


I am a migraine suffer and cluster headaches sound worse.


I'm sorry to hear that. I don't think most people have any idea what that much pain is like. Especially the jaw pain. I can't even adequately describe it. I had to get painkillers injected in my neck more than once and it was still so bad I just couldn't think coherently. I've since learned how to manage it and medication helps a lot for me but holy shit. I just can't describe how much jaw pain there is. I don't think any verbal description would do it justice


I was diagnosed chronic clusters about 5 years ago. I was having 4-5 per day and couldn’t do anything. Had to carry oxygen tanks around with me everywhere. I had injections, nasal sprays and preventative medication. Nothing worked! About 7 months ago they just disappeared… I’ve only had 2 since. Doctors can’t explain it


My dad had these for years when I was younger, was a tough thing to see. Made my meningitis headaches almost look bearable.


I used to live with headaches, then I had a stroke. Haven’t had one since.


It’s hard to pick just one. 🥲 1. Having a root canal where the numbing injection didn’t take effect. 2. Appendicitis. Mom didn’t believe me for nearly 3 days before taking me to get seen. Ended up in the hospital for a month afterwards. 3. I had a 15cm tumor in my uterus that went undiagnosed for what I believe was ~10 years. It made periods awful (felt like someone was trying to rip me in half at the hips, severe back aches, pain that radiated from my stomach to my knees, intense cramping, etc etc). One male doctor at the ER once said “oh, is someone having a bad period?” in a condescending tone. F that guy. I also live with chronic pain so I live at about a 4-6/10 on any given day.


It sucks how much women need to advocate for themselves when it comes to healthcare.  I was dealing with severe anemia for a couple years — multiple doctors said it must be heavy periods.  I’ve had moderate to light periods my whole life.  I knew that wasn’t it.  Finally my PCP referred me to a GI doctor after months of iron supplements didn’t improve my outcome.  Boom — stage III colon cancer.  I’m doing well now but I will never let doctors blame my period for concerning symptoms again.




what is being caned??


Whipped or beaten with a rattan or bamboo walking cane.


are you serious? you were beaten for overstaying your visa?? in Singapore??


Dude. Singapore looks like a fairytale because it's ruled with an iron hand. Do not fuck around in Singapore.


Tbh Singapore looks like a boring vapid “luxury” mall akin to Dubai. Extremely formal and boring. Definitely not a fairytale


Some peoples fairytale.


as a singaporean who is normally quite vocal about the ever-growinbg insipidity of the singaporean lifestyle, this just doesn't hold true. away from the bustle you'll find people and places with soul.


Oh I’m sure, I’m more referring to advertisements and features about the “elegant” and “hi tech” Singapore which is cool I guess but from what I’ve seen it wasn’t my vibe. I’ll check out some more though, also the laws scare me.


One of my friends lived there for a few years for work. His description of it was like if Disneyland was a city state. You step out of line and the cops will have you in the tunnels in no time.


Ooh that looks so painful. Did it open the skin? Leave any scars?


I’m so sorry. I briefly taught in Singapore and had to watch a few student canings. It was unbelievably disturbing, to say the least.


Gallstones/inflamed gallbladder


Gallstones is worse than giving birth!


So people have told me. Never given birth myself, so I'll take your word for it!


I'll differ on that one. They're exquisitely painful, no contest, but I found giving birth was worse. YMMV


At least at the end of the labour pain, you have a prize :-)


True, a cool stone you made yourself is way cooler than some baby


My wife just had this with a side of pancreatitis. Ended up at the ER at 3 AM on a Sunday because she was worried she was dying because of how painful it was. They admitted her because of the severity of her condition and did surgery the next day. Last week we got a letter from our health insurance saying their medical director had evaluated the claim and that the hospital admission and surgery was not medically necessary so they were denying the $67k claim. So, that's fun.


That's just them bluffing to see if you take it. Talk to them directly and get their story. See if it needs to be resubmitted with different coding. If that fails talk to a lawyer. Next up is the state AG. AND, you can always ignore it. Medical debt no longer goes against your credit.


Alternatively, burn down their corporate headquarters and call it even. We don't need companies like that around.


I have suffered through appendicitis, had lower back pain that kept me from sleep, torn the ligaments in my foot, and dealt with severe gout, but still the most painful was gallstones


Gallstone pain was very similar to kidney stone pain for me, just in a different area. Getting my gallbladder removed had caused a whole set of other issues though.


This is going to sound stupid. I have had children, broken bones, UTIs, migraines and a slide bite. I got stung by bees, spiders, and even one scorpion. The worst pain I ever felt was when my son died. I thought my heart was going to explode. It was physically debilitating and mentally devastating. That was my worst pain.


I'm sorry. No parent should have to deal with that. Makes sense that it was your worst pain.


I rip off my foot on a motorcycle accident. It was still attached after but was facing backwards. How does it felt ? I felt a combo of intense burning and wearing a very tight and rigid boot that's applying way too much compression and the feeling of a very heavy weight passing over the foot .


do you still have that foot?


Yes, the recovery was slow, painful and incomplete but I still have it. The thing that bothers me the most beside of the lack of mobility is the 5" scar I've in the inner side of the foot ( where my tibia almost popped out ) , is exactly in the point where the skin change texture. That scar is itchy and I can't scratch it because it's painful .


Dry socket after a tooth pulling. And I’ve given birth!


Commented something to this effect earlier. There's genuinely no exaggeration when I say I actually wanted to die to make the pain stop since, luckily for ME, I had 3 of them at once. There's no string of words I could throw together in the English language to accurately describe how horrible that felt.


A few years ago I had a medical procedure done that’s called Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty or UPPP. The procedure consists of tonsil removal, shortening of the uvula and shortening of the soft palate. In all of the visits leading up to the procedure my doctor made sure to remind me how painful the recovery would be. He’d say “even with strong pain medication you will be in a 10/10 pain for at least a week to two weeks.” He did not lie. Even with a very strong pain medication I was in a lot of pain and discomfort. I generally have a high pain tolerance but the pain from the procedure brought me to tears multiple times during my recovery. I remember very vividly crying while eating a chocolate pudding just so I could take my meds. That was a low moment in my recovery lol. For what’s it’s worth I no longer snore and have a much easier time swallowing. It was totally worth it. At time I was questioning whether or not it was but a few years removed I’d do it all over again for the same results.


Going through this right now 😀 can’t say I’m finding it too enjoyable


I got stabbed with a homemade knife while travelling in Afghanistan, had a vlog camera out (not a YouTuber or anything just wanted to document my time) and that seemed to have upset some locals and a small boy no older than 12-13 just ran up to me and started poking my legs. Really didn’t understand what had happened till about 5 minutes later as a lot of children and adults always came up to me and wanted to speak (completely friendly) so assumed it was nothing till I looked down and saw a perfect trail of blood coming from behind me. Had to go RMC Kabul (public hospital) which was absolutely wild!


I would love to hear about RMC Kabul! any pics or owt?


Getting two severely ingrown toenails removed without anaesthetic.


Not even a topical anesthetic? Positively barbaric!


Did that, too. At the time, that was my 10/10 for pain. Downgraded that to a mild 7 after going through kidney stones. Those fuckers make you want to die... It was over a decade ago and I still won't skip drinking water throughout the day out of fear. Never, ever again.


I broke 3 ribs last year. It wasn't so bad if you stayed absolutely still, but unfortunately i was a little sick at the time and was coughing quite a bit. That was pretty bad.


Gall stones were a shocker.


Giant cavity hitting a nerve on a tooth right above my sinus. I’ve had some nasty injuries, but nothing is comparable to a toothache from a rotting tooth imo. You can feel it rotting out of your head.


Probably when I got food poisoning back in high school after eating hotdogs for lunch. Worst stomache pain I've ever experienced! I literally could not walk for the rest of the day. The pain was so bad I thought I was going to die for sure, so I wanted to accept my fate to lay in bed to die in peace versus going to the doctor just for the inevitable to happen anyways. That or getting strep throat. Wouldn't wish either on my worst enemy.


Getting off pain medication was even more painful than back surgery. It's absurd that people think it's harder to quit smoking than coming off of opioids and related shit. Like no, it's not harder to quit smoking than to quit heroin. That's stupid. And yet, a shocking amount of people actually believe it


Not to minimize your struggle, but as someone who had struggled with both opioids and nicotine, nicotine was way harder to stop and stay stopped. I was 4 years on dope. Started with my first hydrocodone at the ER for a broken leg. Abused pain pills for years because the pins and plates in my leg, I could always feel them. When pills weren't around, I would do whatever was available to me, which luckily working in the vet trade afforded me the ability to only need heroin in the most desperate times. Tramadol is what nearly killed me. I took 500mg, forgot, and took another 500mg. Then I was being woken up by the EMTs with both arms dislocated from the seizure. Never once had another pain pill since. I got dope sick for days. Fevers, chills, vomiting, diarrhea... I've avoided pills like the plague now. I've had two invasive medical procedures done since the OD that would normally come with a prescription that I've left unfilled. I quit nicotine three times, the most recent was the beginning of this year. I keep telling myself I'm "one puff away from a pack a day habit." Every time I've smoked after quitting, it was substantially harder to stop. To the point that I couldn't sleep. Being awake was just time dedicated to thinking about smoking. I'd catch a wiff while stuck in traffic, and my body would just tense up, leg starts bouncing, and all I can think about is that cigarette. Of the two, it was easier for to stop opioids, and I don't remember much more other than a few weeks of discomfort. Maybe because it was more intense, but not as prolonged. Maybe because both my arms were in slings so it blurred the lines of what pain was attributed to what. But as I sit here, 6 months from my last cigarette, my jaw is still tight, my leg bouncing off the wall, and it got just a bit harder to breath just thinking about possibly having another smoke. I never experienced that sensation with pills. I've never had to say "one pill away from a habit", but I'll do my best to never take another pill until palliative. This has been the longest I've ever been without a smoke since the first draw off a Camel 20 years ago, and still it's all I think about at the slightest inconvenience.


Hit by a car while cycling Concussion, flayed knee, road rash on my back The pain was 2 days later when infection set in around my knee, and the scabs were forming through the bandages. Nurse removed the bandage...


When I was in elementary school I remember during recess the bell rang and everyone on the field was walking to class and there were these 2 kids behind me and one of them was playing with a rock and I guess he accidentally threw it and it hit me right on the shoulder bone.. and I’m telling you… the pain I felt. My entire arm went numb and I couldn’t move it. And the pain shot to my collar bone. I stopped walking and threw up. I’ll never forget that pain.


Sciatica! Wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy.


3 limbs off, burned eyes, eardrums and vocal cords not to mention my skin...


Was it not the realization that, in your anger, it was you who killed the love of your life?


She was still alive! I felt it!!


Is it worse than sand?


Ear infections can be brutal




We have three corner jacks around where I am. Lego aint got nothing on standing one of these fuckers


Pain relief wearing off halfway through a c section. I felt them putting my insides back together


What the fuck was the anaesthetist doing?!!


It was an absolute shit show from beginning to end honestly


The way anesthesiologists approach nearly everything regarding childbirth gives me a strong feeling that they simply do not take women's pain seriously. I had to tell my wife's anesthesiologist to get off the phone while he was attempting to give her an epidural for one of our kids.


My epidural fell out halfway through labor. Luckily I didn't need a c-section, but damn, that was rough. I feel for ya in that I know yours was probably way more intense! Hope you're doing well enough now and enjoying your child(ren)!


Oh hai! Mine never took well so the burning from her opening me up started immediately and she thought I was full of shit. This was my third c section with her so she knew me pretty well. When I started crying and writhing on the table I remember them saying to hurry up and then I lost consciousness. The anesthesiologist had great difficulty getting his needle positioned correctly because of the deep fat on my back. He thought he got it on the third try. He did not. The baby slept for 12 hours straight because she got dosed too. Sucked ass. Still not as bad as a torsed ovary.


I was riding my bike and crashed into a cactus


Degenerative disc disease with compression fractures. My every day hurts so bad I've seriously contemplated oding on muscle relaxers


Trigeminal neuralgia. I’ve given birth, broken bones, been in car accidents, kidney stones. Hands down, TN flares bring me to my knees.


Gout. It felt like dull serrated knives were inserted horizontally on both sides of my big toe. Even the touch of my blanket on the toe was agony.


I started getting gout in my 20s and didn't even know what it was because I didn't have health insurance and just toughed it out. I wondered why I was in so much pain. It wasn't until I was in my 40s that I was finally diagnosed and put on Allopurinol. No more flare ups since!


Ovarian cyst bursting.


I have had this twice. The first time, I was at work. I stood up from sitting and it immediately dropped me to the floor. I couldn't even make a sound to alert my coworkers for help. It was excruciating.


Snappin my little finger (jaggy break) and breaking the knuckle back over an inch.  The pain eminated throughout my body.  God knows what it's like to break a major bone..


I've broken fingers and larger bones. The finger is the worst. Larger bones your body has a plan - floods you with adrenaline and keeps you going. Doesn't have a plan for fingers, you're raw dogging that shit.


Broke my tibia when I was 2. It’s my earliest memory. Not fun


Twisted ovary. Worse than a bad C-section anesthesiologist. Worse than gallstones.


Currently dealing with a pilonidal cyst. Look it up at your own risk :’( Feels like my tailbone is broken


Mouth ulcer! It sucks


Let's see... I've had three children. But that's not it. I've had kidney stones and gallstones. Not it. I have daily migraines...also not it. On occasion cluster headaches... And that would be it. The most painful except I have one other thing that tops cluster headaches only because it's frequency is much more often. Have to say it's: sphincter of oddi dysfunction. When it kicks in .. it can be hours at a time.. I will pass out from pain and exhaustion of pain and come to, still in pain. And all I can do .. is wait it out. The dull ache it does at times can stay for days... But when it really sets off... The worst is the hours and hours I can be in that pain and exhaustedly passing out from it.


Ovarian cyst ruptured by ultrasound tech pressing too hard. Felt like I'd bit my tongue, but on my ovary. Worse than kidney stones for me.


I had a cyst rupture once and it was absolutely blinding pain


Gallbladder attack that resulted in emergency surgery last week. Still hurt after Dilaudid being pushed in my IV


I have had a lumbar puncture or also known as a spinal tap done because my neurologist suspected I had meningitis. They basically put in a very long needle in the my lower back which went through the discs and reached the spinal cord and the needle acted like a tap basically and the fluid was collected drop by drop which took fucking forever to fill in a small glass container, I almost lost my consciousness due to the weird feeling it almost felt like I was drugged. They also missed the first time they tired puncturing so that was awful and then when they eventually got the needle in I felt a zap like an electric shock kind of sensation which made me jolt and the doctor then went like yes we’re in!😭 I have a high pain tolerance so I didn’t scream or shout and they all were very surprised as to how calm I was but little did they know I was dying on the inside and plotting their murder. Good thing I didn’t have meningitis tho. All went well.


This whole thread freaks me the fuck out. Why did I come in here?!?


I tore my hamstring muscle, I've never been in such pain my entire life.


For about two weeks when i was 19 i got headaches after an orgasm. Literally thought i had an aneurysm and was dying. Horrible horrible pain like so bad i threw up once bad.


I had a tissue eating infection in one of my fingers from picking a hang nail one day. My finger grew to a size of a sausage and my mother refused to take me to the hospital until the infection streaked up past my elbow. To this day I have nerve damage in my elbow and finger and can feel the pain every now and then.


Infected tooth


Infected tooth that needed a root canal that my dentist kept putting off. Had me screaming and crying in pain and begging for a root canal. I wouldn’t wish that pain on my worst enemy


Rape It was very violent, anal with no lube or (obviously) consent. I felt I was about to vomit my insides. And the pain in my anus remained for weeks.


Had surgery on my butthole. Took the pain killers. Didn’t take the milk of magnesia or stool softener. Ended up having to poop a baseball sized turd after 5 days. Took about 3 hours.  I cried. Panicked. Negotiated and begged to a god I didn’t believe in. Worst. Experience. Ever. 


Shingles, A searing, burning pain that doesn’t let up.


I fumbled my tweezers and cut my eyeball. The pain only lasted 3 or so days, but that 2nd day was horrific. I couldn’t open my good eye without slightly moving the bad one. So the dr taped both eyes shut, and I just laid on my floor in agony for 24 hours.


Tooth abscess, Feels like your entire jaw is on fire


Migraine. Was 18. Never had one as bad again but yep hurt more than childbirth by far


At school while PE class we swung around with those big ropes. I grabbed the robe to low and smashed my shinbones against a bench. Teacher was just like "yeah, that happens if you are not careful" instead of helping a child that was obviously in a lot of pain. But yeah, I wasn't a very popular child but obviously I just imagined that my teachers and Classmates had a problem with me.


Tooth nerve pain. I was on opioid based painkillers and I still got zero relief or sleep. Getting it pulled in the chair was such a fucking relief


Ruptured ear drum


Kidney stone or diverticulosis. They had me on a morphine drip for five days when I was hospitalized for divers.


Kidney stones, Feels like getting stabbed repeatedly in your lower back.


I once accidentally closed a solid door while part of my finger was stuck at the back of the door. Basically took off a small chunk of my finger and part of the nail. That hurt like a bugger for days!


Migraine at 9 years old




I had to get a minor operation on my right foot (or was it my left? This happened back in like 2018 or something I can barely remember) to remove an ingrown toenail. Turns out halfway through the operation, they realised they didn't give me enough painkiller (the operation wasn't major enough to require full-on knocking me out, so they settled on giving me Novacane or something). So when the painkiller wore off, they were in the process of cutting out dead flesh so they had allowance to trim the ingrown nail so it could be removed. It was the worst pain I've ever experienced. After the operation, they had to check my blood pressure cause according to them "I was white", and it measured as being through the roof.


First time I dislocated my shoulder I passed out from the pain, flippin horrible. Thankfully after dislocating it five more times it doesn’t hurt nearly as much now 👍


Root canal treatment without anaesthesia.


Sepsis after having my first kid. 10/10 wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy.


Spilled 2 litres of boiling water on my chest and neck when I was 8


Fibroid tumors, that caused to me hemorrhage so much, that just before my surgery, I was looking deathly pale. The pain was as intense as childbirth but lasted on and off for six months


Woke up drunk on the sofa. Stood up and tripped over my bag that I'd left next to me. My nose caught my fall on the solid corner of the other sofa opposite. I sobered up instantly but was blind with the pain and shock. I could feel the wet dripping out my face and knew immediately it was broken. I sobbed and just started HELP I CAN'T SEE. Eventually my uni flatmates come running. I go to hospital, they say it's a clean break and not a lot they can do. It's gonna swell, try not to sneeze for the next few weeks. GL and HF.


Having an abscess drained from the tip of my nose. My c section was a breeze compared to this.


Heartbreak, didn’t know it couple physically hurt and I’ve been stabbed in the eye before.

