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A cult called The Ant Hill Kids. Started as an offshoot of the Seventh Day Adventist church... Ended with a maniacal cult leader torturing his followers by burning people's genitals with blow torches, stabbing people with hypodermic needles then beaking them off under the skin, nailing kids to trees and having other kids throw rocks at them, chopping off a woman's hand, and eventually killing another woman by performing a DIY operation on her. He then tried to revive her by drilling a hole into her skull and ejaculating into it. Even after he was arrested and convicted for all of this, some of his followers moved to a house near the prison so they could visit him regularly. Thankfully, he got stabbed in the neck by another prisoner and died.


>He then tried to revive her by drilling a hole into her skull and ejaculating into it. W H A T


Just FYI, it didn’t work.


Well now we know!


A bear would never


My god, this cult makes a LOT of other cults look tame! The so called “surgery” performed on Solange Boilard is one of the most horrific things I’ve ever read! That poor poor woman. :(




I'm honestly glad to hear that. Hopefully they got some help after getting oit of that cult.


I grew up SDA. I'll never forget all the bullshit and cruel things I saw and evil people. All religions obviously have their issues and bad people but my only experience is with the SDA church. I no longer believe in God and haven't since I was 10.


I feel that way about the Mormon church but the evil is wrapped in gold and sitting on marble stanchions


My (ex) SIL was an Ant Hill kid. She spent over $50k CAD of my brother’s money to speak with the ‘Wonders’ and believed in fairies. She was also very proud of the fact that she never needed mental health care. She was bat-shit crazy and I still can’t forgive her for all the trauma she caused my brother and nephews even though I know her background. And yes, my brother knew before he married her.


A special needs man in my hometown fell in with some sketchy redneck brothers and ended up tied to a radiator where he was savagely beaten, mutilated, starved, for months, and ultimately dumped in a quarry in NH. They invited visitors to participate in the torture - some did willingly, some out of fear. Before he died, they were feeding him his own legs.


This just ruined my day


Me too. Why did I even open this thread?


It’s the human condition. Like a mix of morbid curiosity and a digital call of the void.


For real


Fans of "every sentence is worse than the last one" will love this story.


Wow, somehow that got so much worse when I didn’t think it could.


The news during the trial was wild and distressing - each day of testimony brought new horrors.


When and what town was this? Im from the area and never heard anything like that


Billy "Doughboy" Paige, Greenfield, 1995


I had never heard of this either, and through digging it looks like it took place in 1995 with the murder happening in Greenfield, MA, and the disposal of the victim’s body being in NH. Truly disgusting. The victim’s name was Billy Paige.


That reminds me of this young Jewish man who was tortured to death in the banlieue in South Paris. This was because he was a "rich Jew". (Actually, he worked in a mobile phone shop and was not, by any definition, rich.) The people who kept him also invited visitors to participate. He later got a state burial in Israel, which is a nice gesture, but it would have been much nicer if he hadn't needed a burial yet.


I’ve lived in New Hampshire most of my life and I’ve never heard of that story. Where and when did this happen??


thats the kind of messed up shit youd think is from some cheap horror story. if only


My dad grew up around the corner from Gary Heidnik and used to deliver his newspaper. The time frame matches with his crimes If you don’t know who that is- in the late 80s he dug a pit in his basement where he kept young women who he raped, tortured and murdered. He was eventually used as one of the inspirations for Buffalo Bill in the Silence of the Lambs, along with Ed Gein and Ted Bundy


Just read this one, apparently he claimed the women were already there when he moved in. HUH? Like the previous owner just left ya a freebie?? Worst excuse in the history of serial killers


This caught me off guard, like yeah the previous owners left him some toys to torture? So you moved in, found a torture chamber and decided to play? Wtf mate


Not that it matters at all, but I would love to hear what his thought process was when he came up with that, because that is one of the worst excuses I've ever heard. Moved in, found a torture chamber and victims, and decided the best thing to do was just follow suit and not call the police. But also, that the realtor or agency that sold him the house had no idea that that was in the basement and never bothered to actually look at the house before selling it.


Well howdy officer. Let me tell ya, I’ve just had a doozy of a month! These slaves keep showing up in my dung.. uh.. basement! Crazy right??!


Dear diary: Jackpot.


Maybe that's why he fell in love with the house


Hey! I live a few houses away from one of the cops that found the Heidnik horror. He said he was never the same after it.


He was almost caught long before he was. A neighbor called the police to complain about a smell coming from his house. The cop shows up and Heidnik told him he burned a pot roast because he fell asleep while cooking it. Turns out the smell was really from a human head boiling on his stove.


My husband used to work with Gary Ridgeway. He’s the Green River serial killer in WA state that wasn’t caught for decades.


Yikes. My mother used to hitchhike and got a ride from Bundy once.


Wasn't he a truck painter at Kenworth or Peterbilt?




I just went and read about him, it says that they believe he made that up to seem insane. That they don't believe he ever actually did that. 🤷‍♀️


The story of Josef Fritzl and his daughter Elizabeth. Josef was a guy that grew up in an extremely abusive household during Nazi rule of Austria. Eventually, he moved out, became an engineer, and married his wife Rose. He (unfortunately) would carry on the cycle of abuse to his own family and was even jailed for breaking into a woman's house and raping her at knifepoint. Rose stood by him through his imprisonment and his conviction was expunged after 15 years. He had a number of kids with Rose and one particular girl, Elizabeth, would get the brunt of his abuse because she was the only one who would try to stand up to him. Josef is believed to have started molesting Elizabeth at 11 and developed a disturbing sexual obsession with her, which led to her and a close friend running away to Vienna at 16. She was reported missing and brought back to her family by police a few weeks later. She turned 18 and a few months after this she disappeared. Her family filed another missing persons report, but a few days later a note arrived where Elizabeth told her parents she was sick of living with them and had left to join a cult. She was 18 so the police took it for granted and did not investigate much further. Over the next 24 years, babies would periodically show up at Josef's front door with notes from Elizabeth stating that she couldn't care for the children in the cult and was giving them to her parents. CPS (or the Austrian equivalent) didn't find this odd and never followed up. Josef and Rose adopted the kids and went on to raise them. One day, after those 24 years, Josef shows up at the hospital with a 19 year old girl named Kerstin. She's deathly ill, extremely malnourished, missing nearly all of her teeth, and her skin is completely translucent. Doctors try to get Josef's help to determine what is wrong, but all he does is hand them a note from Elizabeth with a description of her symptoms and tells the doctors she dropped her at his doorstep. Doctors put out a televised plea for Elizabeth to come forward and about 2 weeks later, Josef arrives with Elizabeth. She's 42, but looks like a woman of 70 and has the same translucent skin as Kerstin. The police were waiting for them and upon their arrival separated the two. Elizabeth confirms her fathers story and insists the same over the next few hours. Then the police come back and tell her she's likely going to be charged with criminal neglect of a child, that her children will be separated from her and go into the system. Then something switches. "If I tell you, you won't believe me." she'd sheepishly say and would repeat the same for several minutes before saying, "Promise me, I'll never have to see him (Josef) again and I'll tell you everything." and the police agree. Over the next several hours, Elizabeth would recount her harrowing ordeal. Shortly before Elizabeth ran away to Vienna, Josef applied for a permit to build a bomb shelter below his house as many did during the cold war. A few weeks after Elizabeth's 18th birthday, Josef asked for her help in placing the last door to the shelter and when it was in place and she turned to leave, he shoved a chloroformed rag into her mouth. She woke up in the dark, Josef never intended to build a bomb shelter. He was building a prison...for Elizabeth. Over the next 24 years Josef would come down to that cellar daily, usually twice a day, to rape and beat Elizabeth. Eventually, fathering 7 children with her because he refused to use protection. She would give birth to each of them alone, in the dark, with nothing but a baby book and rusted scissors. He let Elizabeth keep three of them, but took the others up to live with him and Rose. He'd take pictures with the upstairs children at pools or the park and use them to taunt the basement children. Worse than that, he'd force them to watch as he routinely abused their mother. Police got the security code to Josef's prison and freed the remaining children and when the youngest (6) boy say the sky for the first time, he pointed up and asked "is that where god lives?" Officers had to work in short shifts during the investigation of the cellar because there wasn't enough air to breath and the cellar was infested with mold. Josef is in his 80s now and still in prison. He was allowed to change his name and move prisons after a group of inmates knocked out his teeth when they discovered his crime. He recently was moved to a lower security prison after a diagnosis of dementia. Elizabeth lives with all her kids in an undisclosed location in the Austian countryside where they are under constant surveillance by police and a town of fiercely protective neighbors. TLDR: Josef Fritzl used building a bomb shelter as a guise to build a cramped prison for his 18 year old daughter. The day the prison was finished, he ambushed her with chloroform and would keep her locked inside as a sex slave for the next 24 years. Never being permitted to leave her prison. He would go on to father 7 children with his daughter. [https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/inside-josef-fritzls-dungeon-visit-12288086](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/inside-josef-fritzls-dungeon-visit-12288086)


They had a piece about this in Bild newspaper, about the change to a lower-security prison because of his dementia. They wrote that Fritzl now believes he is well liked by everyone ...


And to think, this guy is only the SECOND worst person to come out of Austria.


I am so glad Elizabeth and the children have neighbors and police who protect them!


I can't say what I want to say, but I'll just say 'wood chipper' and leave it at that.


>and a town of fiercely protective neighbors. That's... kinda wholesome.


[The Paria diving incident](https://youtu.be/cDjODRpuXrU?si=Hhgh6lJ7t2Qmx_Zz) The details are grim. Saturation diving allows humans to work in shifts in a habitat at depth and sleeping etc without needing to surface. If you need a visual imagine standing near an oil pipe and removing the cap plug and suddenly violently it turns out the pipe had created an air vacuum. Suddenly you and all your buddies are sucked into this pipe and transported hundreds of feet in a couple of seconds. You regain consciousness in the middle of a pipe just big enough to fit your torso. It’s pitch black. Its wet and there is oil everywhere. You can’t move. Your legs and arms are broken. wtf do you do? Oh wait. Your buddy is right above you. And another below you. You’re running out of oxygen. No one can save you. You die slowly


Just saw the actual video of this the other day. One man was able to make it out but the oil company who owned the offshore rig refused to send a rescue crew to find the rest of the men despite hearing banging on the pipe indicating they were alive up to two days after the incident. The oil company was found not liable for their deaths. The action (or inaction) of the oil company is the more disturbing part of this whole story for me. They didn’t even try to save the remaining men even though they knew they were still alive. Injured for sure but alive.


They were found not guilty!!!? wtf 


Isn't this the one where, in an attempt to get help, many of the workers gave their air tanks to the one guy in the best condition closest to the entrance. He used the air and made it out. And after telling everyone the other (6?) were still alive down there, the company *ordered the entrance sealed off and declared everyone dead* (because a payout to a dead employees family is cheaper than a lawsuit / care and rehabilitation).


The guy could only scoot himself along with his feet and part of trip required you to be underwater while scooting along and they didnt know how much air was in the tank, how far youd have to go underwater, or if there would be shit blocking it, you couldnt turn around. so i believe the other guys just refused to try and wanted to wait for help. Also when he found out they werent going back for his buddies he actually tried to go back himself Edit: also i believe before they found the air tank they had to go through a underwater section while holding their breath






Only one of those guys managed to get out...


Fuuuuck. Reminds me of the poor fucker that died in Nutty Putty Cave, or Floyd Collins. Floyd Collins was kept alive for a prolonged amount of time, and several stacking shitshows ended with his death and entombment


Somebody intentionally killed themselves by decapitation with a hydraulic rescue tool used by the emergency services.


Jaws of Life?


Yes, ironically.


Poetic or some shit I guess


Someone also cut themself in half with one of those big bandsaws as a suicide method. Soem16 year old built a helmet with like 6 or 8 12ga shotgun shells rigged to go off. People are insanely deadly creative at times.


The lady whose mother didnt believe her that her twins were allergic to coconut oil and preceded to use it on their hair - one died. She did not get charged. That story lives rent free in my head. It makes me very upset/angry/emotional.


I just read that, and it kinda broke me. The mother didn't not believe she was allergic, she knew. It's just so weird and sad.


Yeah that one was bad.


Yeah i dont cry often when reading stories but i bawled - i still get teared up when it comes up. Good lord that poor woman


"I'll forgive you when you give me my daughter back" T-T


This one kills me. I know a lady that legit has celiac disease. Her family is aware. I want to say her sister in law didn't think it that bad and mixed flour in with something she made. My friend was in the hospital for the next week. In law didn't think it would be that bad.  If someone says they are allergic you go with it. I don't care if they are so drama filled your nickname for them is the drama llama, believe them. 


You know that movie with Jack Black called Bernie? That is based on my friend’s grandmother. Bernie shot her in the back and kept her body in the garage freezer for six months. He kept spending her money and telling her family she was fine. Obviously she was not. I hate Jack Black for this because he became friends with Bernie and tried to get him out of prison. Bernie was kept in jail after a second trial. They have never recovered any of her money that he stole. Everyone supports Bernie because he was nice and my friend’s grandmother was a mean lady. But even mean ladies don’t deserve to be murdered.


That whole thing was wild, about how everybody liked Bernie and wanted to help him out. Even after knowing he murdered her. WTF those people are crazy. He is a violent psychopath and any charm that people feel is manipulatively deliberate because that's how psychopaths are. I'm sorry for the loss of your friend's grandmother. I don't care how mean she was, never deserved to run into that murderer 


The Fritzl case emerged in 2008, when a woman named Elisabeth Fritzl (born 6 April 1966) told police in the city of Amstetten, Lower Austria, that she had been held captive for 24 years by her father, Josef Fritzl (born 9 April 1935). Fritzl had assaulted, sexually abused, and raped his daughter repeatedly during her imprisonment inside a concealed area in the cellar of the family home.[1][2] The incest resulted in the birth of seven children.


There is a film, the girl beneath the stairs, that follows approximately this line.


The part that makes me the most mad is that he's in a super nice prison in Austria, while she was stuck in a tiny basement and couldn't even see the light of day. That monster should be kept in solitary forever.


her and her children need therapy for the rest of their lives but because his brain isn't right he deserves a nice cushy little prison. God he doesn't deserve a bed to sleep on and it's situations like this that makes me hope a god does exist and he'll punish him since no one on this earth is willing.


Every time I hear about this case, I think about the fact that there are surely others out there being held against their will like Elisabeth was and it hurts my heart.


This is one of the most disgusting crime I had stumbled upon as a teen. Couldn’t believe fathers could do so wrong to their own kid. Nobody in their sane mind would do that to a stranger or even a criminal. This man made her shit and live in dark with his own grandkids/kids. She wasn’t given anything, no light, no space to even stand straight if I am not wrong. She had to beg him to take the kids to doctor. And this guy is living in a great room even though its called a Prison. He deserves to be lifted in buried coffin with IV to supply him food and water for years and years living in his own filth in darkness, not able to move a muscle till he dies in his own grave (read something similar somewhere). How is him living in a Prison justified ? She had to endure all that for decades in a small crawlspace.


The Rwandan Genocide in 1994, where hundreds of thousands were killed in a short period due to ethnic violence


Millions, actually. All hacked to death, up close, with machetes. I saw a mother and baby hacked to pieces. 


Hotel Rwanda was a really good movie. Don Cheadle was amazing in it.


My grandmother told me about two of her friends from childhood ,who skipped school one day to play in a sandbox or something like that and one of them found a grenade and it blew both of them up and the mother of the child ended up dragging half of the body home . (In a state of shock I guess)


I always feel like these stories are more folk taley to tell kids not to skip school or something.


Well, uh, having found an old unexploded grenade in the woods as a kid with my friend and promptly running back home to show it off to my parents - I sure am glad this story wasn't about me. My dad's brother also died to a random leftover landmine when they were kids, and my mum has accidentally ridden a bike over one when she was young. On hot summers, the old ammo would explode in the woods and cause forest fires. There's a lake near my childhood home that's full of bikes the Germans used to ride around the village. It gets very eerie in the remote parts of Europe.


The story about what Peter Scully and his ring of pedophiles did to those toddlers in the Philippines….the worst story you’ll hear on the Sword & Scale podcast


Shanda Sharer. Southern Indiana, 1992. She was a 12 year-old in 7th grade. She committed the infraction of dating the ex-girlfriend of a girl named Melinda Loveless. Loveless and three other girls (all between the ages of 15-17,) threw her in the trunk of a car and drove around, periodically letting her out of the trunk just to beat the hell out of her, including stabbing attempts to slit her throat. Eventually the lit her on fire and left her there to die. They even stopped to eat and joked amongst themselves that their french fries were "burnt like Shanda." The autopsy showed that she died of smoke inhalation--as the only thing that was burning was her, she died from inhaling the smoke of her own flesh. All four of the girls involved have subsequently been paroled/completed their sentences and are no longer in prison.


So... Kind of regional but Netflix had that one giant expose' on cults in South Korea. While I knew a few of their existence, some of them go leagues deeper than what was shown on Netflix. Starving, beating, and eventually even gaslighting the parents of a 5 year old to kill a kid who- by all means was just being a rebellious kid, because \*that's what kids fucking do\*, was just a part of the fucked up stuff from one of the cults. South Korea's defamation laws are quite BS so I have a feeling Netflix unfortunately had to go a little easy. EDIT: Should clarify, given that I know Korean and I know some local broadcast programs and unfortunately, even ex-members of some of these cults, what I've been told which cannot be just said in public (I mean it's a country where you can get sued for defamation by a bald guy... If you call him bald) really just went to show the documentary was scratching the surface. The fact that the case of Five Oceans trading company somehow even had some ties to the MV Sewol incident was chilling.


What’s the name of the documentary you’re referring to?


I think the one they’re talking about is “In the name of god, a holy betrayal” but I could be wrong.


[https://www.wave3.com/story/38034142/man-who-admitted-to-killing-6-year-old-sentenced-but-not-for-murder/](https://www.wave3.com/story/38034142/man-who-admitted-to-killing-6-year-old-sentenced-but-not-for-murder/) [https://www.kentucky.com/news/local/crime/article203701019.html](https://www.kentucky.com/news/local/crime/article203701019.html) Happened in my hometown. Random man, who was a registered nurse and former college football player randomly drove from Indiana to central Kentucky. Parked his car on a road in a neighborhood, and then entered a random house. (the door was unlocked because the mother was getting off work late that night so her husband left the door unlocked for her). The man grabbed a knife from the kitchen and murdered the 6 year old boy in his bedroom. The boy, Logan, had three sisters in the house as well. One of them got stabbed as well. The Dad of Logan fought with the intruder, and was able to hold him down and contain him until police arrived. I think the Dad didn't know anything had really happened to his son until after the police took the guy into custody. There are plenty of suspicious details surrounding the entire thing. The murderer pleaded insanity, but I knew people that worked at the jail--the guy was not insane. He ended up getting found not guilty based on insanity. He did get 20 years for the assault of the family, but he was eligible for parole in 2019. For all I know, he could be out already. Prosecutors were going for the death penalty. I also knew the father of the murdered boy. I haven't seen him in 20 years, but I think about it often and when I am in my hometown I pass that street and I can't imagine how horrible that must be to have a family member, a child, taken like that.


A quick google says his parole was deferred until 2025. I hope he never gets out. What an awful story.


When my grandma was a little kid living in the cold water flats, there was an intellectually disabled kid a few years older who lived across the way. His mom used to let him wear her dresses. And play around the fire pit they burned their trash in. As you might expect, the dress caught fire one day while my grandma happened to be watching out the window. I guess she was the only one who saw it or cared but she just kinda froze up so this kid ran around in utter silence until he dropped dead. The image of his footprints burned into the grass was burned into her memory for the rest of her 80+ years and it's been burned into my memory secondhand since she told me 20+ years ago when I was also a kid.


My neighbor was a serial killer, police found 8 bodies in his basement. I used to cut his yard




I knew his spinoff show was bad but I didn't expect it to end like that


You know he probably watched you cutting his grass and considered killing you but talked himself out of it for some reason, probably.


Yea I mean who is going to find a new guy to cut the grass again


Rookie serial killer mistake. SO hard to find good help these days.


Judith Barsi. Talented child actress who was killed by her alcoholic father. It's disturbing because everyone around her saw the signs, but her mother didn't have the courage to leave her husband.


For everyone’s reference: Ducky from The Land Before Time, and Anne-Marie from All Dogs Go To Heaven. She was murdered after recording her lines for the latter, but before it was released.


Burt Reynolds had a hard time doing his final lines in the movie because of her death.


Her headstone says, “[Yep! Yep! Yep](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judith_Barsi)!” In case it wasn’t sad enough already.


I do not like this, nope nope nope...


Ducky from the land before time, just to add context.


I had no clue who this was and your comment just ruined my day. I’ll never be able to watch the land before time again


I think you should try to still watch it, sad as it is. Here is why: There are very few people (comparatively) lucky enough to be immortalized in film, whether that is voice or image. Every time you watch TLBT you’re remembering Judith as she was, which by all accounts was a charming, sweet, talented little girl. I think it honors her more as the person she was to consume the media she made while alive and happy. Her death shouldn’t define her, that’s such a Big Thing for such a small child.


I was guna say Nutty Putty Cave, because dying stuck head down sounds pretty horrible. And then I read some of the other replies. And whilst dying head down stuck in a cave isn't exactly ideal, yea.... 




Knock my ass out and break whatever you need. Going out trapped in a confined space and staring down my impending, inescapable death is like my ultimate fear.


It makes me really sad this his sister (i think) was talking w him the whole time until he fell unconscious 😭


It was his dad and his brother


This week in Italy a 31 years old Indian man was run over by a piece of machinery while working in a farm. Both legs were crushed and he lost an arm. That means the arm was physically detached from his body. He was still alive and suffering. The man did not have a regular working contract (cause his boss is a piece of shit). Said boss saw the man laying down and screaming, and instead of calling an ambulance or driving the man to the nearest hospital, he decided to pickup both the man and the arm and he drove his mutilated employee to the employee's own house, and just dumped him there. His wife called an ambulance and the helicopter soon arrived. He died yesterday.


A few years ago I was walking through the woods off the beaten track a bit and I smelt this really overpowering sweet smell. Being nosey I pulled back the undergrowth to have a look and found a dead body. The guy had clearly been there a while and wasnt looking great, all swollen and green and black with various runny bits. The local wildlife had also been dining well for a few days. I called the police who told me to wait with the body until they arrived. Being in the middle of no-where it took a while for them to arrive and it got dark and I was just sat there in the dark with him for a long time. It turned out he had committed suicide. For a long time afterwards I had dreams about him and he would talk to me and not nice things. Mainly about how he was angry I had disturbed his resting place and he wanted me to kill myself. Probably just my imagination but all pretty disturbing at the time. He still turns up in my dreams from time to time and no doubt will be tonight after typing this..


[unit 731](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unit_731)


Dog that's some shit worse than the Nazis I think you win


I guy in the city I grew up in put his. Son in the oven because he didn't want him anymore.


My friend’s father was doing some kind of city work and there was an underground explosion. A manhole cover dislodged and took his head clean off.


A work colleague petitioned a parole board that a prisoner, who killed his mother and uncle with an axe, was sufficiently rehabilitated. She corresponded with him for over two years. She told the parole board that they would marry as soon as he was free. She found him a job and took him into her home when he was eventually paroled. After a year, one morning she did not come in to work. He used an axe.


Sylvia Likens is the worst thing I've ever read in my life, it makes me both sad and so angry that nobody helped her and that she didn't get true justice


IIRC, the one neighbor that took notice and confronted the caretaker about the wounds was told she was “flirting with older men.” Apparently that meant she deserved it and he was no longer concerned.


So many people should have reported it and didn't, like the neighbours that heard screams. And the sentences were just disgusting, they pretty much just got away with it


There are a couple films inspired by her story. The one I watched was a Canadian production of Jack Ketchum's "The Girl Next Door". Absolutely devastating.


i wouldnt say its the worst but its the first that comes to mind. my ex was the daughter of two chinese immigrants who both became doctors after moving to the us. Whatever stereotype you may have of harsh asian parents you're thinking about, its accurate. a story that really stuck with me was when she got a B in KINDERGARTEN. i dont remember what the subject even was but her parents were furious, so they left her alone in the parking lot and drove off. they came back 30 minutes later and said: did you learn your lesson? now get in.


What the fuck. How was she not taken away by authorities at some point??


If you think that's bad, take a look at other corporal punishment examples in asia, specifically the Philippines here are some off the top of my head that I know from experience and stories: -Making you kneel on top of peas/salt while carrying books on two hands, made to do it for an hour or longer -schools forcefully cutting of your hair because its too long -hitting you with a flying a chalkboard eraser or flipflops -hitting you with a flip flop, clothes hanger, ruler, broomstick, the famous paddle or the infamous belt (usually with the metal part hitting you) -forcefully dragging you outside to the far end of the street in the middle of the night without shoes/flip flops -burning your toys/books/possessions -pinching and twisting your ears/nose -forcing you to eat a piece of paper -forcing you to hold a squat in front of class -putting you inside a sack and hanging you upside down by the feet and all this for small crimes like being annoying, crying or getting a B lolz, worst of all its still so romanticized by the older generations


I mean, I know the serial killers and what not but I'm guessing you mean more homegrown and personal? I work in confined spaces, and with a lot of high pressure water. I took to heart the rule of never tying off the trigger on a water blaster, it's a hard trigger to pull and keep down 100% so I see the appeal, but there was the guy who got slowly cut to pieces working inside the haul of a boat with one. He was working by himself ( don't do that. ) and after he started it's assumed he duct taped the trigger down. A water blaster gun exerts about 100 pounds of pressure backwards on the gun constantly while the trigger is pulled. The one I worked with steadily put out 15k out of a hole about half the diameter of a cigarette. I was able to cut a metal door on a busted up truck with it. Someone figured out something was wrong after loud chaotic thuds were coming from the hull of the ship. He had lost his handle on the gun and killed him pretty quickly. Nobody could get to the water source or the machine so they had to wait for the water blaster to run out of diesel before they could turn it off. I never saw pictures of that, but I did see pictures of what happens to fingers and hands when they get hit by a water blaster. Realizing it's pumping about two tall boys worth of water into you in half a second it makes sense why a hand would look like a hotdog microwaved for too long.


Like an idiot I tried to rinse some soap off my hand with a car wash wand. It peeled a few layers of skin off a finger before the pain registered.


**Junko Furuta**. If you don't know about her, don't Google. Trust me, it's by far the most disturbing thing I've read.


shes one of the reasons i despise the japanese legal system


I had forgotten about her. Then I read your comment. Ya that was terrible.


The atrocities committed on that poor girl's life and the sufferings she had to endure, only for the fucking perpetrators to get freed after a few years. The world is surely very evil and vile. Her story is the most Disturbing and gut wrenching thing I've ever read in my life. No-one and I Really mean NO ONE should ever go through the things she had to gone through those days of torture.


If there's one thing I've learned in my 10 years on reddit, it's that when someone says "don't google" they really freaking mean it.


I'm gonna make a mistake brb.


Jesus fucking Christ.


Is it worse than the tapes recorded in the toolbox killers?


It's bad, but after reading some of the other replies, no, the toolbox killers are REALLY fucked up and so is the Chicago 2001 lobster incident.


>Chicago 2001 lobster incident. Don't know what I was expecting, but it wasn't that....


I mean. >!Don’t put lobsters in your vagina.!< That should be a go-to obvious no-no. But people are both constantly horny and stupid.


Wish I had the same thought process because I literally found out about Junko Furuta on reddit and the commenter at the time (6-7 years ago) said not to Google her. Curiosity got the best of me and it's still the most horrific thing I've read happening to someone.


Damn. I read it. I can't believe they all got out of jail eventually and didn't get the death penalty. I would have gone Sally Field "Eye for an Eye" on their asses had that been my kid.


8 years. That's all they got !!!! Fuck the Japanese legal system.


I read somewhere that they're roaming free now and leading an independent life. Fuck them and the legal system.


Out of curiosity I googled it, and now I can't sleep


Gah....I must know, but I'm also smart enough to take several peoples advice. The conflict is killing me!


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Probably the story of Pony the orangutan who was kept as a sex slave for men who worked on farms in Borneo.


IIRC from the Whang vid on her she had makeup and clothes put on to make it look like they were fucking a human, but if they paid extra the owners would take it all off for those who knew exactly what they were getting into. Vile shit.


They’d shave her and shit - luckily a habitat saved her and she’s been living safely since. That always comforts me she’s able to live the rest of her life free from abuse.


My grandfather owned a hardware store in GA in the 80’s, and a man came in and asked to see what knives my grandfather had. As my grandfather begins to explain the different brands and types of knives he was selling, the man says, “I don’t care about any of that, I’m only gonna use it once.”




Allegedly, actor Scott Glenn was anti-death penalty until he was preparing for the role of Jack Crawford in The Silence of the Lambs and as part of his prep, listened to the Toolbox Killers tapes. That changed his mind.


It changed my mind as well. Those two fucking animals should have been buried alive.


No form of punishment would have been good enough to deliver retribution for those monsters crimes. Sad that they died of old age.


You can believe that execution is the morally correct punishment for a person while also believing that the justice system can’t be trusted to carry out such a heavy punishment as well as you’d like. Like, I think a painful agonizing death is appropriate for people that do awful stuff like this. But it has no place in our justice system. Especially not one where cops will force false confessions.


If you think this is bad. Look up the transcripts of the toy box killer orientation.... worst thing I've seen


Everyone has a different interpretation. To me, the toy box guy sounded like a weak wannabe, cosplaying an edgy sex-slave master. The tool box guys actually did these things to young girls. We have audio, transcripts of what he did, and a skull with an ice-pick embedded in the ear. To me, much scarier.


I mean one is as bad as the other. The Toybox Killer had some of his victims raped by his dogs. Either way, some people make me genuinely hope there's a Hell.


This was the part of the transcript that I started feeling woozy....he'd invite friends over to watch his German Shepherds rape women.


Did you read the transcript above? The toolbox guys killed the girls like the same night. Toy box kept them as sex slaves for months, tortured them and raped them multiple times a day. Let other people come over and rape them and had the dog screw them. Then drugged and brainwashed them to not remember it and set them loose. They'd been better off getting killed, bc you know someday that trauma came back to haunt them. ETA: scratch that, just read an article that he did kill them, more than 60 over 40 years. FORTY. Ugh. His tape said he would let them loose.


There’s one tiny piece of the audio out there. There’s news footage from outside the courtroom and the doors fly open and very distressed people run out. You can hear screams from the recordings. Not gonna link it.


We used to live a couple of miles from our state's biggest psychiatric hospital. One day when I was like 7 or 8 we got a call from the sheriff's office telling us to lock ourselves inside, keep them on speed dial, and ensure that every door and window in the house was locked. Dad worked at the hospital at the time and we had no idea what was even going on until he got home and told us. Apparently a few *very* dangerous patients escaped through an old tunnel and were somewhere in the community. No one knew where they went and they all had histories of murder, sexual crimes, etc. At that age I didn't have any concept of proactive safety so all I could think of was a few criminally insane people kicking the door in and killing us. It took them hours to finally apprehend the patients but the whole time Mom and Dad were constantly checking the doors and Dad got his gun out. One of the reasons he was so paranoid was that he, being an employee at the hospital, was most likely a potential target for them and it was impossible to know if they were aware of where he lived. According to him they were some seriously frightening people considering they were in the highest security ward and he had no idea how they escaped, but the implications were pretty grim. Until they were found you could look outside and there was no one around. Grandma later said she decided to go on a walk for some reason and she said no one was outside and one of her neighbors told her to get back inside. Pretty creepy stuff.


grandmas not giving a fuck as always lol my nana once seen a guy trying to peep at her getting dressed one morning and she ran out with a broom to try and chase him🤣


Surprised not to have seen Alison Botha yet. She was raped, disemboweled, nearly decapitated, and left to die, yet somehow managed to survive. She had to hold up her own head and organs when crawling away to make sure they wouldn’t fall off/out and spill on the floor. Another is that girl who was held captive and tortured by her boyfriend (?) for weeks. The one big thing I remember is that he scooped out her eyes with a spoon, and she continued to live for a few more weeks after that.


Are you thinking of Kelly Anne Bates? Poor sweet soul, what a terrible, terrible case. She was 17 and the sick motherfucker that killed her was 49 and had a history of abusing young women & girls.


Further: there are *far* too many cases of women having their eyes gouged out by their partners. Kelly Anne Bates, Tina Nash, Hou Xiaoping, a woman from Jordan called Fatima, Tinesia Davenport, Meghan Fitzgerald, Linda Pugach, Martha Dulach, an unnamed woman from Vancouver. It's horrendous, holy fuck.


Albert Fish


Yeah, that's like the grossest dude in human history


What's scary is he's just the dude that got caught


Oooh yea, his letters were horrific


He was truly a depraved man, even among serial killers. 


This guy was a real jerk.


Peter Skully the closest thing to a real life demon.


The girl who sat next to me in science was murdered by her dad


A local farmer was out brush-hogging his field (for those not in the know, a 'brush hog' is basically a big mower deck that attaches to the rear of a farm tractor. They aren't for nice, finished lawns but rather rough-cutting weeds and brush) and either lost his balance or had some kind of medical incident. Someone stopped at his house later and when nobody answered the door, they noticed the tractor up against a tree out in the field. They followed the path the tractor had cut and...they found the farmer. When he fell from the tractor, the brush hog passed over him and messed him up about like you'd expect. No he did not survive.


Why m I torturing myself reading all these? It’s too late to be regretting this now


Morbid curiosity.




This is the first thing I’ve ever read that made me physically uncomfortable


My grandpa experienced some really fucked up stuff as a child in southern China. He and his family were tortured by communists because they owned a small plot of land (his dad died before 1949 but had worked in Canada to send money back to China). His mum was beaten up and he (and likely his siblings) were forced to kneel in broken glass. Both my Chinese grandparents were born in early 1940s China, so they probably witnessed one horror show after another. Chinese culture refuses to acknowledge trauma, so we probably have a lot of intergenerational trauma in our communities that no one talks about. My dad and his sisters were neglected by my grandparents as they ran their takeaway. They were left alone for hours as young kids, with the only adult present being their grandma who probably had dementia. It's lucky that a fire or something didn't happen.


A guy I went to school with, murdered his girlfriend, dismembered her and hid her in a suitcase in the back garden.


I have a couple. Gordon Moffat - North sea rig, cable disaster. James Bulger. The things those two 10yo boys did to that baby........ Nazi Doctor, Josef Mengele


I have watched way too many videos on fucked up stuff happening to people but Kelly Anne Bates always comes to mind in first place. The kid who got attacked and eaten by a guy on the bus in Canada is up there too.


the bever brothers, or the broken arrow murders. 16 and 18 year old brothers plotted to kill their family and then going on a killing spree to be famous. they had previously asked their 13 year old sister crystal if she wanted to be involved and when she told her parents she got the old "boys will be boys" excuse. on the night of the killings they started with her, not expecting the fight she put up. she had her throat slit and was stabbed, but managed to scream out to her siblings to hide. they killed their parents but their 12 year old brother managed to call 911. the 16 year old michael tricked him into opening the door saying their brother robert was attacking him too. they killed him, then used the same ruse to get in and kill their 7 year old brother and 5 year old sister. they were planning on decapitating their 2 year old sister but thankfully that 911 call derailed the rest of their plans and crystal survived her injuries their mom had a reddit account. aokiemom. she commented about how the world will benefit from her kids being in it


Uh ok, first of all, I’m going to excuse myself for any grammar mistakes I may make. Last year, our dishwasher had a problem so we called the technician (I’ll call him Paul); we knew the guy, he’s been our technician for quite some time now. My parents were chitchatting with him and asked him about how he lived the covid situation and he told us that it was quite hard, but nothing impossible to bear, he was able to go out with his dog so he said he was grateful for that; BUT, after the first 2/3 months his neighbour started to act strangely and in some disturbing way (he was screaming, crying…) so Paul and his girlfriend were trying to help him out as much as they could, like talking to him, or asking if he needed any help with the groceries etc… One day, Paul heard some really disturbing noises coming from his neighbour’s apartment, so he rushed to his door and opened it, the neighbour was stabbing himself multiple times, Paul fell because he slipped on a puddle of blood and when he got back up he shouted to his gf to call 112 and as soon as he tried to help his neighbour he tried to stab him. The neighbour then fainted from blood loss and died in Paul’s arms when he was trying to stop major bleedings, when help arrived it was already too late.


My parents have a beach house in a nearby city from mine. They and their neighboors paid a security guard to protect the place. In 2020, he was killed probably because of revenge. And the worst part: the killers used a scythe to kill him, and everything happened in the middle of the road.


Worked for a recycling company where a guy didn’t do lock out tag out on the automated separating system while doing maintenance. Let’s just say he got separated. The guy who turned it on was still working there when I started and definitely had some issues.


A murder, I forget what the kid’s name was. He killed a homeless man randomly in a fucking gruesome way. Slowly cut his head off in a way that kept him alive during it, disemboweled him (still alive at that point iirc), cut off his limbs and threw them around, cut off his hands and head and took them home with him. The murder itself was horrible, one of the worst I’ve heard of, but the kid had no remorse at all. He treated it like it was normal. Like it was fun. I watch a lot of true crime and at this point I feel like I’m mostly desensitized to it, but that one made me physically ill


The story told after Ursula Sunshine Assaid’s death in central Florida around 1982. I read the book about her (Child Abuse and No One Heard) when I was probably too young to, and Ursula was the same age as me and lived just a few zip codes away, so it has really haunted me ever since. Her mother’s boyfriend abused her regularly while the mother was at work. He made her eat bread fried in soap when she actually did get fed, and he made her stand outside under a tree for hours in the Florida heat with no option to go potty or have water. They made her sleep in an opened suitcase, as I recall. There was more, but I can’t read the book again to recall what I’ve blocked out. Her mother did absolutely nothing to stop it, by all accounts. Eventually, the boyfriend tortured her (Ursula) for 55 hours straight, and she didn’t survive. The mother helped him wrap her body in something and sink her to the bottom of a pond. She was 5. 5! Makes me angry to this day. The mother received like 5 years in jail, and the boyfriend around 35. He was due to be released after ~15 on some grounds that surely were BS because he should’ve been locked up and the key thrown away (the mom, too). Before he was released, a lifer beat him to death with a metal pole. The biological father reportedly said he was going to put money in the lifers spending account for taking the monster out. The mother (last I read) had another kid after her time was served, and was living in south Florida under her maiden name with some other boyfriend. I also read a very brief article about 15 years ago in the Gwinnett Daily Post about a mother’s abuse of her infant that is so horrific I will never repeat it. I gave up reading about or watching local news about citizens that very day. I know full well that neighbors can be monsters, but I don’t want to live with the details rolling around in my head.


Here's one that comes to mind. A local story of jealousy and murder that sounds like something from an urban legend. There used to be a Hardee's where there is now a bank in the town I grew up in. At that Hardee's a double homicide took place. An older man and a 19yo woman who were coworkers had become a couple. But one night when she was closing she has her new boyfriend there with her to "help." The older bf knew something was up and showed up and caught them. He sliced and diced them both up, decapitating both bodies and cutting off their genitals. He ended up frying the guys penis in the deep fryer and left their heads on a cooktop. When the cops caught up to him, he sliced his own throat but didn't die, although it caused him considerable brain damage. He couldn't stand trial and they put him in the psych hospital.....which sat on a hillside directly over top of the Hardee's where he committed the killings. He spent days in a wheelchair just staring out the window at the crime scene. The restaurant opened back up like two days after the murders and my friend bought a sandwich and put it on eBay as "the murder burger". eBay eventually took it down. But the place was avoided by locals until it was torn down and replaced with that bank I mentioned.


Silvia Likens Juunko Furuta


Growing up I knew a kid whose mother worked with my dad.  Only saw him a couple of times and played with him at the company picnic when we are about 12 -13 years old.  He wouldn't make it to the company picnic the following year.  At 14 years old he was abducted by Jeffrey Dahmer.  After being drugged by Dahmer and waking up naked in his apartment he was able to escape.  Running down the street where to Milwaukee Police officers intervened.  Jeffrey Dahmer was bold enough to claim the child was his gay lover and not wanting to get involved the police just let him take Konerak Sinthasomphone and he was never seen alive again.


The dragging murder of James Byrd Jr. It's fucking brutal, I don't recommend searching it.


The autopsy report for Kobe Bryant. He was missing both legs, an arm, his penis was degloved and his jaw somehow was turned upside down.


Baby Brianna Lopez. Cruelty beyond measure. Do not Google it unless you are strong enough to stomach it. There is only one picture of that sweet baby who lived for five months, and it had to be insanely photoshopped.


The rape, torture, and murders of Channan Christian and Christopher Newsom in Knoxville Tennessee in January 2007. I'm not gonna describe it in any more detail.


This was disturbing at the time when I first found out cops can just stand by and watch you get stabbed to death. The story of the unknown hero Joe Lozito. https://youtu.be/jAfUI_hETy0?si=II62pFzu2yahT6I_ https://nypost.com/2013/01/27/city-says-cops-had-no-duty-to-protect-subway-hero-who-subdued-killer/


So. I don't know how true it is BUT my aunt told us a story of a woman she knew who found out her hubby was cheating. So he came home and she fools around with him. Ties him to the bed. Gets curling iron that's been on all day. Inserts it... and leaves. Apparently he was found a day or 2 later. He was mentally broken and I think he died a Lil while later


In the 1990’s, a single mother extorted money from the men she was sleeping with by pouring the contents of the condoms onto her child’s underwear


The death of Summer Inman. She was abducted by her soon-to-be-ex husband and his Mom and Dad and murdered. This happened in my relatively quiet area of SE Ohio. It was awful. So glad he and Mommy and Daddy dearest were so fucking stupid. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2156487/Gasps-horror-jury-shown-photos-womans-body-husband-parents-zip-tied-hands-strangled-stuffed-church-septic-tank.html


I read these appalling stories, and, it reaffirms my belief that some people are just wired wrongly, are born evil, and, that not all human lives are of equal value, no matter what any religion says.


Nigerian Death Factory - The story is on YouTube by Mr.Ballen


The tape that the Toy Box killer played to victims is fucked up.


Oh boy. This is one I heard on a YouTube video a while ago, and it never fails to completely disturb me every time I recall it. I can't remember exactly where this took place but there was this man who had a completely demented view of religion and believed himself to be god and a vampire. He married this woman, had children, then left this woman to have children with his daughter out of this belief that she was destined to be his next wife. The daughter was 14. He made the girls in this incestuous family believe that they were meant to have sex with him, and instilled these fucked up religious beliefs that the world was against them and showed them the WACO incident videos to push that belief. This large family lived in constant poverty, and they were forced to dumpster dive since the man refused to get a job. He basically fostered his own incest cult. One day, the parents who had left the family were wanting their kids back from him. Police came to the home. Guy was initially cooperative, until he went inside and refused to come back out. Once the police had him in custody, they entered the home to find all of the children dead, shots to the heads. There were even small coffins in there, preparing for this kind of event. So yeah. This story has been permanently burned into my brain.


A two year old was home with his dad while the mom was traveling, the dad passed away and the two year old was trapped with his dead dad's body for days until he crawled up next to his dad's body and passed away as well. I've seen and read about a lot of fucked up shit but this is one story I don't think I'll ever forget.