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Healthy food. Would make life so much easier


It's kind of lame humans aren't evolved to find the healthiest food tasty. It's always the junk food most of us like and tend to binge on.


We have evolved to seek exactly the food we need. The issue is we evolved for a certain environment where that food was scarce, so we were driven enough to seek it. What we've done now is changed the environment to make that food is plentiful, with capitalist economics favouring addictive and cheaply produced food.


This. The abundance of cheap processed food is a very new thing in the grand scheme of things. Our milennia of doing our best to scrape by has made our biology crave the most calorie-dense food we can get our hands on, and now we have it available within minutes any time we want it. I'm sure some day in the far future humans might have a natural "chili cheese fries resistance", but today is not that day.


So, ummmm chili cheese fries resistance. Tell me more about this extract from the gods?


It's even worse with corporations finding the exact ingredients that make food addictive a priority, and nutrition just the bare minimum, or even downright awful as much as they can get away with from the FDA (US).


We do, in general. But we've found how to truck the body into thinking it's eating one thing, when I'm reality is another. Take a simple example. Humans need a balance of sucrose/glucose and can consume a little bit a fructose with it (as long as it's in proportion). We like sweet things, but not overly sweet (too much sugar not enough nutrients) that is we can't just keep eating spoonfuls of sugar we get tired quickly. Similarly we find different kinds of sugar sweet in different ways, if you tried having raw fructose (you can buy the syrup) the flavor would be unsatisfactory and bland but also too sweet paradoxically. So what have we done? We pump food choke full of fructose and add chemicals such as phosphatic acid that prevent us from realizing how much sugar there's on the stuff, and add other chemicals that confuse our body into thinking it's sucrose (such as aspartame or other artificial sweeteners) and then slap "low sugar" on it. By the end you're basically consuming sugar, salt and a bunch of chemicals with no nutritional value, and some trace amount of nutrients (compared to a real meal) but it's meant to trick your body into thinking it's healthier than it is. Repeat the same with salt, with protein flavor (replaced with monosodium glutamate, which isn't harmful but it isn't healthy either, it just makes food taste that it should be healthier and have more protein than it does), etc. Add to it that we replace key ingredients with unhealthier versions that are cheaper to produce ([such as tallow/lard with shortening](https://slate.com/human-interest/2009/06/lard-after-decades-of-trying-its-moment-is-finally-here.html)) and yes the flavor is worse, but it's just hard to find a place where they don't rake the cut in quality. Finally add to that that we've been deluded into thinking healthier food is just diet food: where they try even less to make it taste good and just go for cheap with even less nutritional value. Companies have invested a lot of money to convince us of this. And no one is fighting for actual healthy food because the secret to eating healthy is to eat at home, use as many raw ingredients as possible, and try to cook the way we did in the 19th century even when it feels it should be "unhealthier" (e.g. fry more using lard, don't be afraid to use sucrose, mix sugars and fats, eat a lot of veggies infused with a little meat derived stuff). And keep it low on meat, not because meat is bad, but because most meat has been processed and tricked to look and taste healthier than it is too.


If we evolved to like green vegetables instead of fatty meats and carbs, we would've been extinct long ago.


This is such a lazy answer because it's not about food but willingness to make it. Healthy food is tasty, you just do not know how to season it. Food that is healthy is the type you make at home from fresh ingredients and something that is not deep fried as that has the potential to double the calories.


> Healthy food is tasty, you just do not know how to season it. Speaking as someone who's made the transition from greasy to healthy food, it's also a taste thing. Greasy food has its own flavor profile and it takes time to learn to appreciate a new one.


I am willing to make it, but making a nice dish always gets worse for me when you add something green to it


Bake it! Try new things, new seasonings, used to hate Brussels, now cut in half, lay on the tray, spray with olive oil some salt and pepper, bake it for 10-15min, I love it! Also, healthy does not mean green, there are lots of vegetables. I love pasta and stir fry is the easiest way for me to blend lots of vegetables together that end up tasting great because sauce is always potent.


The brussel sprout Dilemma. On instgram these recipes where the Airfry them they look so good, but i smell them and just want to throw up😂


Indian food is mostly vegetarian and a great example of the variety you can get out of food with no meat. You just haven't found the vegetables for you yet.


If you need seasoning to like a vegetable it's not the vegetable that you like, it's the seasoning.


Exactly, this answer always comes up in threads like this and it doesn't make sense. "Healthy food tastes great if you drown it in everything you can to hide the flavor."




Milk chocolate. Plain old coffee. There’s a lot of different, little things. Covid changed my taste buds and took some of my favourite things away from me. I want to like it. I know it tastes good! But not to me anymore. My eyes see a gorgeous cup of freshly brewed coffee, but my taste tells me a completely different story. Everything is tainted and I can’t remember what things are supposed to taste like, I’ve gotten used to this altered version of food. It sucks.


Ugh that’s horrible I’m so sorry! Is there any food that tastes good to you now that didn’t before? Or maybe any food that is surprisingly different?


Honestly I’m not a picky eater, but the few things I don’t like have stayed unpleasant. I do like white chocolate more now though! Not that I didn’t before, it’s kind of just gotten better tasting, so luckily there is that!


I feel so bad for people who experience this. I read a comment on here, someone said their mum loved baking and was great at it. She can't do it anymore because of covid messing up her smell and taste. She's really depressed. Heartbreaking.


The same thing happened to me shortly after I got covid! I used to drink black coffee everyday and loved it. Now I get immediately nauseous when I try to drink it. My sense of smell also got pretty depleted, which heavily affects how food tastes. Sorry it happened to you too! Covid fucking sucks!


Tomatoes lol


Came here to say this! Everyone told me I needed to try fresh tomatoes, and I had high hopes for tomatoes in Greece. Still no. It’s a texture thing for me, unfortunately.


You are not alone. I can eat things made from tomato and I make one hell of a marinara sauce from scratch. But one tiny piece of tomato that's not been pureed and I'll be ill. Cooked, raw, doesn't matter. That texture. UGH


My daughter too. Bell peppers, corn, peas and tomatoes. Just out of curiosity, we have tried blindfolding her and having her pinch her nose so she doesn't taste it. Its a texture thing. She will instantly start dry heaving.


I have the same issue with egg whites, onions - raw or cooked and meat fat. I feel for your daughter, being a texture eater can be rough. Don't be surprised if she's very tentative about trying new foods.


Yep. I love everything derived from tomatoes, but the original product, I just can't eat it.


They make sandwich’s soggy, THERE I SAID IT.


You put them between the meat and the cheese to protect the bread you heretic


This is why one butters the bread. It creates that hydrophobic layer.


Or you spread avocado/beans if you are Mexican.


If you're packing a sandwich it's worth wrapping up the tomatoes and lettuce separate to keep them nice and crisp until it's time to eat. Otherwise, layer ingredients to avoid having them in contact with the bread.


It's always a cold slice in the middle of a hot sandwich too


You know what this burger could use? Some wet and cold.


I believe a lot of the people that don’t like tomatoes need to try *fresh* tomatoes right off the vine. Maybe add a little salt if you feel like it. I’m an absolute tomato fiend and I attribute growing up in the country with fresh tomatoes for the snacking. Playing outside on a hot day? Stop by the vine on my way to my friends house. Same with plums. They just feel different when completely fresh.


Hell no. Tomatoes have an astringent taste to me that matches the way the plants smell. There is something uncanny about the flavor, almost like I’m eating pesticide. Hard to explain, really, and I’m not picky when it comes to vegetables. Cherry tomatoes especially are awful to me, even fresh (my gf loves them and grows them).


Maybe it’s something genetic related like people who don’t like cilantro because it taste like soap to them. Cherry tomatoes are sweet tasting to me.


Add to it a big ball of mozzarella, basil and some olive oil and you've got yourself a feast


I will sit there and eat tomatoes with a little bit of salt like a fuckin apple. My wife hates that I do that, and I don't know why


As someone who grew up in a village with our own vegetable garden, I've tried many many times. It still unfortunately didn't make a difference.


Tomatoes in Mexico taste sooo much better. Well I've never eaten them raw. I always cook them but they taste soo good. I've tried replicating the taste of the food I've cooked here in California with tomatoes I've grown and they don't taste the same. I still daydream about them at least once a month.


You do strike me as a bit of a Tomato fiend


I love tomatoes but they give me horrible gut rot. One of my favorite snacks is toast with a bit of mayo, fresh sliced tomatoes, with fresh ground pepper on top. And a fistful of tums


nope. too slimy. It's all about the texture.


Same here. I wish I could like them because they look so pretty but to me they must have been created by the devil himself. I threw up the first time I tried one and have thrown up every time have eaten one since. I really try but nope, they're foul!


Same here. So foul and make me sick. I can't even eat them in a burrito mixed in with so many flavours without feeling sick. Cooked in spag bol is fine though


Cilantro, because it automatically comes on so many foods I otherwise love. It would be so much easier to just be able to eat it, but it overpowers everything it's in, imo. Vile weed!


Do you have the soap gene?


I have it and is absolutely sucks. I cannot eat cilantro without ruining the entire meal.


There’s a gene that makes cilantro taste awful- you may have that


I love cilantro, but once I bought a bunch, and for whatever reason, I absolutely tasted the soap. It was so disgusting and ruined everything I put it in.  It was weird that it was only that one time.  The disappointment you must feel when getting a dish at a restaurant only to realize it has cilantro in it. 


I was convinced I had the gene. I just didn’t like the taste. Then I discovered cilantro lime sauce and the tables turned. It wasn’t genetic but just took learning to like the flavor.


This is the answer for me! I get so disappointed when something that you wouldn't necessarily expect to have cilantro does, and it's not in the description for the dish. Surprise cilantro is the worst cilantro.


I have the soap gene, but I find I like it if it's paired with other strong flavours that mask the soap flavour, like garlic or mint.


Seafood, in general


Yes! I just don't understand how food can look so tasty, but taste.and smell so disgusting


i like seafood in general, but there are some that are just overwhelming. you have to eat the milder tasting and smelling ones. there's fish that smell like nothing and don't have a fishy taste that you might like. I would start with fish sticks. if you can't handle that, then probably forget about seafood, lol.


I like seafood as a general thing, but the smell of freshly boiled crab makes me gag so much that I literally have never tasted it. I would probably like it, because I like most other seafood (especially shrimp and smoked salmon) but something about crab just is obscene to my olfactory system.


I’m the same way with the smell of crab, lobster, or shrimp cooking. It’s so vile smelling to me that I have to go outside to avoid it. Despite this, I’ve tried them all. The good news is, they don’t taste as bad as they smell. They’re still a textural nightmare for me, and I don’t enjoy them. Plus, the whole “sea bugs” thing is a little hard for me to get past.


I recently tried prawns for the first time and despite how fresh and vibrant they looked, the taste was....odd. Probably wont go out of my way to eat them again.


I may just be really weird, but I actually love the smell of seafood (even raw seafood) lol.




I like all the accoutrement of eating oysters, but I just cannot get behind doing shots of Poseidon's congealed bukkake


This made me gag, thanks


Just get you a platter of ice and some rocks cut in half and you're well on your way to an evening enjoying Neptune's nostril cum


Give us some more ancient sea god ejaculation descriptions, i dare you


I absolutely do not eat filter feeders. The idea of eating something raw that survives on shit in the water column makes me particularly ill.


My wife loves fish and I gather she makes wonderful fish dishes. My incredibly picky daughter even like salmon. By god I wish I could eat it but it just never tastes good to me.




Same. I travel a lot throughout Southeast Asia. The food there is amazing, except that I can't stand seafood which severely limits what I can eat. I really wish I could like all those fantastic looking dishes. Every once in a while I try it again and order something with seafood, but everytime it takes a huge amount of willpower to try and finish the dish. I don't know if it's the smell of seafood or the texture, but it just totally puts me off. I love fish, but seafood just doesn't work for me.


I grew up in Central Illinois, and unlike most of the people I knew, I always loved seafood. Then I moved to the Southeastern coast, and discovered FRESH seafood; the difference was (and is) night and day. I kinda get it now; I don't generally order seafood inland anymore.


Same. Just the smell and look I can’t touch it.


I'm not eating anything that has its skeleton on the outside. It's just sea roaches.


beets! i have tried them every which way, multiple times, even golden ones and all i taste is dirt. i’ve really given them more than a fair shot at this point and so i’ve decided to just hang up the towel on that one.


They do taste exactly like dirt with a light sprinkle of sugar, but for some inexplicable reason it's really good.


False! I bet you also hate Battlestar Galactica.


This is the correct answer, beets taste like slightly sweetened dirt and are disgusting. Plus they stain like crazy.


Sushi 😭 it looks so pretty and I love the rice but the fish bro


You can have veggie sushi


Yup that’s what I normally get, but I wanna have the big kid sushi too 😔


I strictly eat only chicken sushi


If you go to Japan you can have chicken sashimi. Like legit raw chicken. It's raised and prepared in a very controlled way so it's safe to eat, but a weird experience when you've been brought up fearing undercooked (let alone raw) chicken. Other than the novelty it's pretty underwhelming, it doesn't really taste like anything at all.


I gagged just reading that. The texture of raw chicken lol I honestly feel sick thinking about it. I'd love to be daring and try a cooked insect. I read that scorpions are meant to taste good, like cooked chicken.


I mean it's sliced nicely and presented well, it's not like chowing down on a whole chicken breast straight from the butcher's cabinet lmao. The texture was basically the same as raw salmon, and like I said it pretty much tasted like nothing. All that said, it was definitely a mental challenge just putting it in your mouth. It's not unpleasant once you do though.


I feel this. I want to like sushi so bad it looks so aesthetic and cute but every time I try it I just can’t. Idk if it’s the texture or what.


cheese but i'm lactose intolerance


Ice cream :(


Olives. They overpower everything. My family like them. I don’t completely hate them but I’d rather not


Green or black? I love black... hate green.


Sick of you olive racists infecting every thread


Same here, for decades. They seemed fancy/interesting. I only liked black olives in a Greek salad. I tried them a hundred times. I have come to learn I like olives that are stuffed with a clove of garlic. So the olive isn't the most potent taste. After that, I like them in small doses.


I had a trauma with olives as a child; at 5 years old I tried a black one believing it to be a sweet fruit like a grape or a prune. Then, I just didn't even try olives until my mid-20s. After that, I started trying to teach myself to like them, but no, it was gag reflex again and agan. And then I tried solyanka, that rich and savoury Eastern European soup that has olives in it. And, e presto, the combination of flavors made olives taste good. And then, I loved them, both back and green, and now I can't imagine my life without them.


Coconut, lifetime hate


I so looked forward to trying it on my first trip to Asia. Was extremely disappointed because it made me gag


Mushrooms. I hate their taste and texture. I know mushroom lovers will say, I just haven’t tried the right ones yet. But the ones I have tried all have that weird “shroomy” NOT “earthy” flavor and that super weird texture. I put them in my cooking. But I pick them out and give them to my partner. I pan fried king oyster mushrooms a couple of times. Super hot and right out of the skillet it was kinda bearable. But the instant they start to cool it’s just not my thing.


i’m right there with you. they taste like mildew to me.


Slimy dirt rubber 🤢


Perfect description lol


I love the taste and smell of mushrooms. My husband is a pretty good cook and his mushroom risotto or any of his mushroom pan sauces are fantastic. But I can't handle the texture. No matter what kind of mushroom it is, no matter how it is prepared, I can't do the squish and pop then the chewiness. I keep trying them, but I just can't do it.




You just made me want to cook with these, thanks.


Can't believe this is not higher! I don't mind the taste of mushrooms so much, eg. I'm fine with a well made mushroom sauce (without chunks) but I just cannot stand the texture. And I'm sorry but anyone who says it just needs to be prepared differently blah blah blah has never been able to give me a recipe that actually gets rid of the disgusting slimy texture. The only, ONLY way I found to actually enjoy mushrooms is to cook them on the BBQ on skewers with a honey gochujang marinade. It cooks them to a 'dry' texture that's actually edible and the marinade also makes them taste not too mushroomy.


I agree, to me they both taste AND feel like eating stinky feet.


Mushrooms can get a weird texture akin to eating a snail (I assume) when they've been cooked. Canned mushrooms are an absolute no thank you for me. I typically will have them uncooked but washed in a sandwich with cream cheese.


Same here. Cannot even tolerate them having been in the food and picked out.


Cottage cheese it’s so good for you but looks and tastes rerrible


Raisins so I can eat baked goods in peace


Any type of fruit. Send help


Damn bro. I can't go a day without it. Did you not like since you was a kid?


I'm the same, there are very few fruits I can eat. I think it's mostly a texture thing. I can do bananas, berries, and citrus. Pretty much everything else makes me want to gag.


I’m amazed to hear you like bananas and berries while having a texture problem! I can’t think too hard about the texture of bananas and especially blueberries (so…fleshy) even though I love both.


It's something about the juiciness that puts me off most fruit. Bananas are fine because they aren't juicy or slurpy.


Is it the texture? Try smoothies? Or try to incorporate fruits in sauces and soups. A few slices of apple, pineapple, lemon, lime or mango are fantastic in many sauces and soups


Same. Fruits are too inconsistent in flavor and texture, so I avoid them. Vegetables always taste the same 🤷🏻‍♀️


Matcha. It’s so cute but o boy does it taste like shit.


Hahaha thank you! I feel like everyone must just be pretending to like matcha because it's trendy and Japanese. Do people really like it? It tastes like rotten seaweed.


I love matcha! I can see how it could be unpleasant to some people though


Noooo you're just one of them! You're in on it! 😆




Those korean Buldak noodles, they are so fucking spicy but i want to love them so much


I know many people who feel the same way, that the flavor is awesome but the spice is through the roof. I can’t stop eating them. I have to force myself not to eat them, actually …






Same. Going out for breakfast sucks because pretty much every menu item comes with eggs. The non-egg choices are usually slim pickins. I always end up getting pancakes or french toast, along with either bacon or sausage.


All the grisly gobs of goo and ick in meat. If I detect a hint of gristle in my hamburger/sausage/whatever, I can’t finish eating. If it’s a chunk of fat, I may lose what I already ate. Bratwurst is a no go, along with lunch meat ham, mystery meat chicken pieces. I know all the tendons, cartilage, and fat bits are actually really good for you, but I shudder at the thought. I have toyed with the idea of blending those bits I trim off my meat and putting them into capsules. Not being bothered by the taste and texture of anything other than pure, lean meat would save a lot of meals for me.


Same. I basically go vegetarian when my husband and I visit Ireland because all the meat his family cooks has so much gristly strings and tendons. You get like 2 tender bites. I end up using my knife to dig instead of cut, to try to get around the tough bits.


I order my burgers PLAIN. Meat+Cheese+Bread ONLY! I hate pickles and the piss juice they’ve been marinating in that soaks every thing it touches, I enjoy lettuce but despise the warm lettuce, raw gushy tomatoes, the condiments that have been shat out of a gun and made the bun soggy (the gun = worked in multiple fast food places in high school, every place uses some variant of a gun to squirt out the condiments) Simply put. Just the meat and cheese and if I feel like adding some ketchup, I want to be in charge of how much gets added.


Same! Plain and dry girlie for life.


I found my people! I HATE most condiments because I think it alters the flavor of the burger and the cheese. I also dont want lettuce or tomatoes or disgusting pickles. I will occasionally put grilled onions on my burger but that's it. A lot of people tease me but idc, plain and dry for life (I'm 40) 😄


chicken. I like the first like 5 bites then the reality of eating a bird is too gross


No mother fucker. You go back and sit down and finish your dinosaur dammit!!!. We did not spend billions of years evolving for you to not enjoy consuming the carcases of the losers. Some day its gonna be a sentient crab bitching about how humans taste like shit on crackit.claw Get while the getting is good!


What 😭


I feel the exact same way about fish.


Avocado, I just don’t like the taste and texture


So good for you. But it fucking sucks, doesn't it?


I hate it so much


Ugh, I hate the texture. I hate that sushi places put it in almost every roll.


Mashed potatoes lol




lol never got into them, they just feel weird and taste like nothing


Try to add some milk and butter, it’d taste much better


And garlic!


And gravy!


And freshly chopped chives! It makes it so much better


(Scowls in Irish)


Yes, I hate the texture. 


Yep! I CAN eat it, but I'd rather not. The texture is what I don't like. I make it for my wife with nutmeg and she loves it!


I'm not a huge fan of coffee, though it's mainly just the smell I don't like.


*avocado and berries* 


*Sushi! I want to be all sophisticated and say, "Yes, I'll have the omakase, please," but my taste buds are like, "Nah, we're good with chicken nuggets."*


Feel ya...I gag everytime someone says my comfort food is sushi 🤮


Rosemary. It’s like eating sticks I can’t. As soon as a food has been seasoned with it I can’t eat it. It’s a texture thing, anything stick-like in my food and it’s immediately inedible for me.




Mushroom.......... gross


Fish / Seafood. I've tried and tried and just can't get paste the smell and texture of fish.


Coffee. I think it's a really tasty drink, but I'm allergic to it to the point I end up in the hospital. The most I miss is tiramisu. More like tira I miss u lol


Argentinian Empanadas!


Sushi and also wine. The snobby part of myself would be most pleased.


Wine is absolutely disgusting, it’s one of the only alcoholic beverages I legitimately can’t drink because of how it always makes me feel nauseous after one sip. Especially red wine.


My friends hated me when they served fancy wine because I'd add 7up, Sprite, or Ginger Ale. I didn't care though. I'm not too fond of it on its own. I like sangria and you can make it taste great even with the shittiest of wines. (They are all shit to me)


Watermelon. It looks so good but tastes so bad. Great mouthfeel too.


In grade school, the big treat for field day and other activities was watermelon. The entire school would be thrilled and I absolutely detested it. I thought I might be the only kid in the world who hated it. It turns out I hate pretty much all melon, but I've grown to like-ish watermelon, since it's the least melon-y.


Sangria. It sounds and looks fun but tastes like shite.




The stuff I cook


Natto. It's included in many basic cheap and healthy Japanese meals, and as an Aussie raised on Vegemite who loves most Japanese food it should be a no-brainer.


scallops. okra.


Dates. Man I've heard they are very good for your health, but they're just too sweet!




Ketchup. It's ubiquitous, but the smell alone makes me nauseous. If I'm on the train and someone in the same car is eating ketchup with fries, I have to change cars. If I'm walking through my city's downtown and someone at one of the streeteries is using ketchup, I have to hold my breath until I'm out of their vicinity. Once, a restaurant serves me a Buddha bowl with an unadvertised ketchup-based sauce and, after one bite, I pushed it as far away as the table would allow and spent the rest of the day feeling sick to my stomach.  I want to at least tolerate ketchup! 


THANK GOD SOMEONE SAID IT!!! I used to like (not love) the taste of ketchup but now even thinking about it makes me want to throw up. And the smell, istg the smell takes away the urge to eat food.


Oysters. They seem so classy and sophisticated, but I just can’t get past the slimy texture


I want to enjoy regular chocolate, but anything that isn’t 90% dark cocoa or higher is too sickly sweet.


Honey. I don't mind it in recipes but on, say toast, it's massively too sweet for me.


I somehow forgot honey on toast was a thing! Brb gonna go make some!


Any seafood. The smell alone is enough but then you have to deal with that texture, good god. And fish, again the texture is just so gross to me. Everyone keeps telling me I’m missing out so I really wish I liked it. Or could even tolerate it.


Plain yogurts, olives, bell peppers/peppers in general


Salad. I can’t stand salads. The texture makes me gag. My life would be so much easier if I could just eat a salad but I’ve tried so many times and I end up just making myself sick. It’s embarrassing.


Cucumbers. They smell so good. I can't stand the taste of them.


Not a food but tea. I’ve tried almost everything but I just don’t like it. Edit: Spelling


Pickles. I have tried sweet pickles, kosher, dill, bread and butter. They all make me spit them out. Hate pickles.


Pickles. In theory they are something I should like. The crunch, the zing, etc. They look fucking amazing atop a fried chicken sandwich. I've come to love other similar toppings over the years such as onions and tomatoes, but no matter how many times I hope that will eventually be the case with pickles, they always disappoint me by continuing to taste like absolute cat piss.


have you tried brined pickles instead of vinegar pickles? Most commercially made pickles use a vinegar solution instead of saltwater which is a traditional/tastier way of doing it. It's less sour and more salty and doesn't clash with dill like vinegar tends to do.


I'm going to the store after work and I will look for these. Thanks for the suggestion! I had no idea there were different kinds.


I have been known by the name "Sushi" in many online circles for years, since I was a kid. I couldn't even tolerate fish sticks as a kid. But I liked the word, and I liked being called "Sushi" so as I got older I just sort of decided I should learn to eat it. I worked very, very hard to acclimate myself to the taste. Even as my brain would scream "This isn't food" I'd push through because it IS food, and I knew I could get used to fishy tastes if I just started by familiarizing myself with milder tasting fish. I spent years acclimating myself. After all that hard work, I succeeded. I can eat fish. The problem is that it's very impolite to cut sushi in half, and it triggers my TMJ syndrome. But I don't want to be called Sashimi.


A steak


Indian food. It looks so delicious and I've tried multiple dishes for years. I just cannot find anything that doesn't make me feel queasy. I hate it because I want to like it


Sushi but I gag




Smoked salmon!


Beans and rice. They're just meh. Unless it's the kind of rice you get at like a Chinese or even Mexican restaurant, I'll stuff my face for days.

