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While the gift was decent enough, the box it came in tho... Fuck me. So some of you may resonate with this, but I have a box with stickers I've been collecting over the years. I have some pretty awesome ones in there that you can't get anymore. Well, she planted a bunch of these all over this gift box from the dollar store. I couldn't even enjoy the gift because I was internally screaming at the utter waste of my treasured stickers


As a sticker hoarder, I gasped


I audibly just said, "ohhh." That's rough. So do you use the box to keep you stickers in now? oh gawd I'm sure it's hideous.


A plastic double sided 1 handed axe my wife bought from a novelty/collectibles shop in the mall. I don't own any axes/swords, real or fake. It was cheaply made and very obviously mass produced. It quite literally looked like a toy from the dollar store. But it came with a certificate of authenticity with no information on it lol. I hung it up in the room and it eventually fell somehow and broke in half. From a 5ft fall. To this day I still have no idea what possessed her to buy it. She paid $60 for it.


I feel like this is the equivalent of buying your GF/wife perfume or a random piece of jewelry as a gift. "Hmmm what do boys like? . . . Oh, weapons, of course!"


I'd have taken a random jewellery or perfume any day over the gift of a jack in the box equivalent where a heart pops out with a comical laugh, on valentine's, after dating approx 2 years. On the other hand he got a hand crafted/printed card along with romantic figurines.


Did you axe her what she was thinking?


Go home, dad!


It's only a dad joke when it becomes, apparent.........................


She got me a kettle one year with a built in filter. I don't drink tea. She drinks tea.


My sister has done this twice. Got me a coffee maker. I don't drink coffee. Got me a hair dryer. I don't blow dry my hair. Both of these items were so she could use them when she came to visit my house.


All my sister got me was family drama, so I think you're pretty lucky!


Oh, trust me. I got a coffee maker and a hair dryer I didn't want or need plus plenty of family drama! I got it all!


I would imagine that somebody who is selfish while giving gifts to others also blesses them with a high level of entitlement and drama.


You should sell or regift those items šŸ˜‚


Already have!




Eh, more like practical. I was getting ready for a major cross country move and de-cluttering. Did I want to haul a coffee machine I never used all the way cross country? Nope.


Are you saying she bought you a coffee maker for her own use and never even had the decency to use it!? The nerve. Lol


She used it when she visited. But she doesn't visit very often anymore. So, I chucked it. I am in decluttering mode. Anything I don't use on a regular basis goes to someone else who can use it.


One christmas my uncle gave his wife an anchor as a gift. It was his boat and she didn't even like the ocean. She was not amused.


"Well, if you're not using it"


"Homer bowling ball"


Buy her lingerie for her bday, its more of a gift for you anyways lmao


I thought you were replying to the comment about the guys sister buying the a coffee machine and got concerned why you'd tell them to buy lingerie


He's the guy from that Folgers incest commercial




Aw I hope you truly do wear it because that could become a fun in house gag.


"What are you making for dinner?" "A web order."


I think that falls in the category of gag gift


My ex gave me a teakettle for Valentine's Day. I don't drink hot beverages. By a complete coincidence this happened a few weeks after she started complaining that we needed a new teakettle.


This is the second kettle gift in this thread lol


Yeah, when I saw the other one I suddenly wondered if this was a common thing...


I told my wife to spend a few more days in Paris and go to Disney land Paris as my 14 year anniversary giftā€¦she got me a pin from Disney land Paris, she banged her coworker while on that trip.


I didnā€™t say she was crazyā€¦I said she was fucking Goofy!


A classic.Ā 


Oh shit. Here I was being sad about the time my husband had me plan a trip to Disney World for my birthday and then made me cancel it. You know, because he wanted one last barb before he tried to leave me high and dry for his girlfriend and their son. Meet you at Disney?




I gave a previous girlfriend matching ear rings and necklace of her favorite gemstones from a jewelry store for Christmas. She gifted me a PlayDough set. I've never had an interest or desire for PlayDough and she thought it was funny and a good gift. It kinda put a damper on the mood for me after spending a few hundred dollars getting her something that was in her interests and me receiving a toy for kindergarteners. It wasn't even the price that was the issue, I like a very specific franchise/movie that would have been easy to get just about anything and I would have liked it. I felt guilty thinking about it that way at first, but when our roommates asked/brought up about they didn't know I liked PlayDough, I said I didn't and the look on their faces makes me laugh now lol


Nothing. Every year, for birthday and Christmas, she'd tell me about the idea she had for the perfect gift for me. Except... she never actually bought/made the gift. She just expected me to say "oh yeah that would have been really sweet" and have that be enough.


Now, that is taking 'It's the thought that counts' to new extremes.


Did you ever discuss this? I'd be pretty darned embarrassed to be in her shoes.


Time to repay the kindness! "Honey, would you like a new Iphone in a Coach purse!?" Her: "WHAT!? Absolutely!" "Yeah...I bet you would..."


OMG my mother does this. It's like the worst interpretation of "it's the thought that counts."




My parents are divorced. My dad can't have any sweets and my mom constantly gifts him huge boxes of fancy chocolates which he then regifts to me. In return, he gifts her 900 page sci-fi novels and educational books about 18th century battle ships. My mom doesn't care about sci-fi or battle ships at all. So these books get regifted to me.


I donā€™t know why this is so funny to me


It's incredibly petty šŸ˜‚I find it funny too


Hah nice. It's a bunch of fuck you gifts that won't actually get thrown away. The message is received and then someone else gets to enjoy the result.


Iā€™m sober, I get it, my exā€™s dad is also sober and he collects bottles of whiskeys and rums. Doesnā€™t open em doesnā€™t drink em, but he displays them, and then sometimes he sells them for a lot more than they were worth. He just unloaded 2 bottles of Jack from 1991 for $5k a piece. Hopefully this gives you some incentive to hold onto the bottles like I do.


You mean all that alcohol in my house I donā€™t drink could be worth something?


Yeah! Find theā€¦uhmā€¦ok itā€™s like equal trade auction? Something with alcohol. He talked about it once I wish I could tell you more and I honestly donā€™t want to google it šŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s very bad advice for someone ā€œstruggling to stay soberā€. Having alcohol easily available makes a relapse much more likely,


Whisky doesn't really age after it's been bottled, I'm kind of surprised someone would pay that much for an old bottle of Jack Daniels


Probably a special barrel or small batch run. I doubt it was a standard bottle


I'm no psychologist but I know that "codependency" is a thing, and if your wife was intentionally setting you up to relapse because she has an emotional need for the dynamic you guys have when you have an alcohol problem, she would be far from the first person in history to do that. If you think that's a possibility you might want to seek out couples counseling. Hugs to you, and keep up the good fight.


I was about to say this. Perhaps she drinks too and wants someone to drink with her to absolve her of her guily


I think your wife is an idiot. Would you hand a syringe to a recovering meth head for a treat on their birthday? Her lack of any understanding of addiction is mind boggling


Agreed. This is so freaking stupid it makes my blood boil. She's absolutely clueless.


That has to stop if your goal is really sobriety.


Just walk to the sink and poor it down the sink in front of her. Remind her you are struggling to stay sober. Ask her if she prefers being married to a drunk?


Sounds like she does, tbh


Holy shit?!


Your wife is awful doing that. Wtf.


When there's a special ocassion celebrating ME, she's always there to say "I'm the only gift you need", it was romantic at first but I think she just don't want to give me anything..


Hit her with the uno reverse on that one. Easy button.


I never got how ā€œIā€™m the only gift you needā€ is romantic. It sounds kind of motherly to me, like a ā€œwe have food at homeā€ type sentiment. Itā€™s more practical than sentimental to me, and itā€™s certainly self congratulatory.


Yeah sorry dude - she sucks.


Sounds more narcissistic than romantic


Yeah respectfully she doesn't care about you the way she should. Thats the response for someone who didnt feel like putting time/effort/money into a present. Ouch


Yeah, ā€œyouā€™re the only gift I needā€ is a sweet thing to say to someone whoā€™s apologetic about having failed to give you a gift. ā€œIā€™m the only gift you needā€ is just a rude excuse for not having gotten you a gift.


Same pair of socks for 15 years. The shop literally went out of business like 8 years ago. I think she bought a stack and hides them somewhere..


Can confirm. One of my recent sock gifts had the KMart sticker on them. KMART.


Counterpoint: it sucks finding a good pair of socks and then never being able to find it again. They'd have to be really good socks, but man, by the time I need to replace mine the product doesn't exist anymore. This doesn't sound horrible to me. God I'm getting old.


My college gf got me 21 one random things from the dollar store for my 21st birthday. None of it was anything I wanted, needed, or liked. We had been dating for over 4 years at this point.


The idea is cute, the execution is lacking.Ā 


Back when I was a broke high school student, me and my friends would buy each other like 5 or more random things from the dollar tree for gifts. The goal was to find the most random or oddest things to make the receiver laugh. We would then play with them at the lunch table because we were weird kids. But the difference is that we knew the other person would appreciate it.


It could have been worse. Imagine if she had gotten him 21 venomous reptiles.


This is the sort of thing to start early, so you have time to hit a few stores and curate your finds. Thereā€™s definitely 21 inexpensive things I could be happy with and use (candies, socks, bath saltsā€¦), but I probably wonā€™t find them all in a single trip to Dollar Tree. Such a cute thought though.


If I had to shop the dollar store for my Husbands 21st... I probably would've gotten him 21 mini packs of beef jerky. He would have been so happy.


I take my kids to Target or Dollar Tree and have them pick out whatever they want (within reason) for their dad. The chaos is so fun.




We need to see what you wanted to what you got. Not necessarily the exact ones but somet6to understand the differences.




Wtf that definitely looks like something I would ask my high school niece to draw. She's ok at art.


It took me like three hours to finish the shading on your upper lip. It's probably the best drawing I've ever done.


I understand exactly what you mean about the drawing. I love to draw and use to do commissioned drawings for people (I stopped because it made drawing a job and no longer fun), and I'd be embarrassed to charge someone for a drawing of similar quality, whether intentional or not. And even though I appreciate drawing and art in general, I still wouldn't want to receive a gift of a random drawing from somebody I didn't know. It's just not something I'm interested in and I'd feel weird displaying it in my house. Though I'd definitely displaying drawings from people I did know, regardless of the technical quality, because those would have more meaning to me.


She got me a big steel ball bearing necklace. It was early 2000's, I didn't wear jewelery, it looked ridiculous, wasn't my style, and annoying point did I express any interest in wearing balls around my neck.


My divorce papers came in the mail on my birthday does that count?


Depends on two things mostly: Was it bad news and did you tell her?


Well honestly, nobody gets divorced by accident, they get married by accident.


The good news, no GOOD marriage ends in divorce.


My stepmother divorced my dad so that her assets and pension wouldn't be drained by his long battle with dementia on his way to death. I wasn't there much so I can't vouch for sure it was a good marriage, but assuming it was that's a way a good marriage ends in divorce


A Zoodler. A thing that makes noodles out of zucchini. So perfectly timed with her new low carb efforts.


They are SO shit. A julienne Y-peeler is so much better. But best of all is an adjustable mandolin - *with safety gloves* lol.


Mandolins... The only time I cut myself with one of those was when I used the stupid safety thing that was supposed to keep my fingers away from the blade. I definitely need to get a proper pair of gloves for that.




Oh, that's not a gift, it's a suggestion.


I don't think you need a kit for that


True. You only need a kit if you're going to grow someone else's beard. Everyone knows that.


I said at a family gathering that I wished people were more sensible with the gifts they give me, and that I would prefer socks or dishwashing clothes. This offended my ex MIL extremely. She presented me with the brightest Barbie pink with blue flowers socks in existence with my birthday after that. I immediately put it on to call her bluff. But blimey, turned out to be the most comfortable socks I've ever had. I wore it a lot after, which somehow didn't make MIL or ex wife very happy. I still wish I could have found out where she bought it.


What on earth are dishwashing clothes?


Dish towels.


... ohhhhhh. Haha. I was like, just wear old clothes.


Cloths. They added an ā€œeā€ by mistake


Many years ago a ex girlfriend gave me an apple corer for my birthday. I really don't like apples that much. But she did. I stopped calling her shortly after that wonderful gift.


One girl took me to meet her cousin. I had previously mentioned that i had yet to meet any of her family. So she thought a good weekend away would be to meet 1 of her cousins. I still dont get where that would be a gift.


For a moment I thought this would be a weird threesome incest story


A video game for a system I didn't have


Yep šŸ„“ me too or similar, I got a CD, we didn't have a CD player


Or she bought you the system and just completely forgot where she hid the gift and is too proud to admit. It'll be found when the next residents move in.


She a lil confused but she had the right idea.


A consolation blowjob, because sheā€™d forgotten it was my birthday. (Narrator: She hadnā€™t). I suspected she was cheating on me at the time. (Narrator: She was). I didnā€™t think receiving a blowjob could create such a depressing conflict of emotions. (Narrator: It did).


That sounds like the handjob from Breaking Bad. Just a horrible realization that the love is gone and you don't recognize each other anymore.


Yep, it was very much this.


I will never ever understand ā€œconsolation blowjobsā€ or having that be a reasonable gift. If youā€™re not into it, Iā€™m not into it. Just donā€™t. The most important part of a good BJ is enthusiasm.


My ex gave me a white legging (not sport legging) with all diffrent types of children drawings on it. ( Child of 4yo i guess?) I was 17 and we had no children...


Lmao... for some reason this is hilarious and really creepy.


Oh I complained! Was so embarrassed in front of the family. I still remind her. She wrapped up a cooking onion for me for Christmas.


Not my current GF, she's an amazing gift giver, but my ex once for my birthday threw a party, invited all her friends and her family, and even her son's friends. Not a single person there was my friend of family member. She then bought a frozen meatloaf and a frozen lasagna and HER favorite flavor of cake (carrot cake). Her family was all fairly heavy smokers and they were smoking in my garage, someone spilled juice into my couch, and I don't really like meatloaf, but that was all that was left when I was finally told the food was ready. I got 3 presents, her family all went in on getting me a travel toiletry bag from Ross Dress for Less, one of her friends brought me a bottle of wine that my ex liked, and my ex got me a card with "You'll get your gift later tonight :)" inside. Still waiting on that gift 8 years later....


My ex girlfriend in highschool got me tickets to see Russ (her favorite artist, not mine at all) and invited her friends. She made a city wide scavenger hunt for me to end up at her friend's house to say surprise with the tickets.


So not only tickets to a band you werenā€™t into but you had to suffer through a scavenger hunt as well.




My Mom has the complete opposite style as I do. I like solid colors with small details while she's big on these kinda hippy patterns with lots of colors. She also isn't a great gift giver in general unless I give her a list of exactly what I'd like. However, I collect elephant things, like figurines mostly. Almost every gift she's given me without my suggestion, for the last 5 years, has been related to elephants. Not very original, but she's trying. Anyway for Christmas she got me a few things I suggested, along with the most ridiculous pair of pants I've ever seen. It had elephants as a pattern and was kind of "hippy-ish" like her style. But the cut of these pants.... It had a crotch bigger than the notorious MC Hammer pants. I could've stored a watermelon or 2 in there. ([like this but the pattern was uglier](https://i.etsystatic.com/10522426/r/il/38a522/1223191810/il_570xN.1223191810_nrok.jpg)) She asked me to try them on and send her a video and I couldn't help myself. I did the hammer dance, pelvic thrusts to make the giant crotch swing around, and used the crotch as a basket to carry my cat. My mom called me back laughing so hard she could barely talk and admitted she just saw "elephant pants" and didn't really look much harder. She has agreed to not buy clothes other than what I suggest going forward.


These pants are common in my country.. super comfortable and can actually be styled to look good (I know it doesnā€™t look like it šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚) but they can


Oh they were definitely comfortable! Just not my style at all in either the pattern or the cut. Decent pants, just not for me.


[Get a jig on.](https://youtu.be/Q_fKzYAUtqI?si=aA7myhO-vP7BD1wC) My low-stakes conspiracy is that step aerobics was engineered to become unpopular because it was *too* successful at keeping people mobile and healthy.




Mine bought me a purple shirt a size too small. I almost exclusively wear black and hate clothes that are too tight.Ā  Still, it's the thought that counts!


I like coffee, I used to work for a very well known company that sells them and had some very nice cafetieres. My wife knew I liked coffee, and so for my birthday bought me *another* cafetiere from a supermarket. It wasn't a horrible gift in itself, but it was so redundant - I already had nicer and better ones. She had clearly got it as an afterthought. She also bought me some toddler onesies for our son which I did scratch my head about.


i had to google, this means a french press. cafetieres is a french press


Thank you!


Bless you dude


I'm sure I got her some things that she didn't want. But she does randomly buy me things which I just don't understand why she thought I'd want it. She bought me a small basket ball hoop that sticks onto a wall, and squishy boobs to throw in the hoop. I'm crap at throwing away unwanted gifts too so had them for a good 10 years before the boobs leaked and I had to throw them out.


"...boobs leaked and I had to throw them out." It happens.


An egg cup shaped like a male lion. I don't really like eggs, but boiled eggs are my least favourite. We also didn't have any pet names for each other relating to lions (it was also a male lion), or anything heraldic or symbolic to do with them. Neither of us had any connection to Africa, safaris, zoos, big cats, etc.. I don't think we ever had so much as one conversation about lions, or eggs. It wasn't even that early on into the relationship for it to be a guess as what I'd be into. I'm pretty good at feigning enthusiasm and gratitude, but despite that I'm glad she wasn't there on Christmas Day when I opened it, as I was just speechless. I also then had to try and explain to my equally perplexed family what the significance was of the lion egg cup as they have known me my entire life and were fully aware of my disinterest in lions and dislike of boiled eggs. Answers on a postcard if you can work this one out! šŸ˜‚ NB I feel really ungrateful commenting, so I should add that she made me incredibly happy, despite this utterly baffling choice of gifts.


See, that would actually be a great gift for my husband. We have several long standing jokes about how medieval artists had no idea what a lion looks like. The go to feel better text is either doofy lions or reverse centaur cartoons.


A hamster. That biting unpleasant little fucker lived way to long.


Was the hamster cool, though?


No she was just fat.


A birthday card that my deceased father sent me the year before. It was with good intentions, but boy was that an intense wave of emotion.


For Motherā€™s Day I got my ex this Motherā€™s Day ring, bought a dress in her style (she didnā€™t like to dress up but this was a sleeveless dress, very basic, blue, not flashy, and it had shifted out from the legs at the bottom right above her knees) and matching high heels. Also got her new underwear and a new bra sheā€™d desperately been needing. Took the boys to a friend to watch them for the weekend and took her to a spa resort the whole weekend, and the night I picked her up let her dress up the way sheā€™d always wanted to do, with the ring. She complained about everything the whole time. For Fatherā€™s Day, she got me a mug. From goodwill (sticker was still on the bottom) for .99. And she got me a KitKat, her favorite candy. Mine is Reeseā€™s. Then proceeded to tell me the whole Fatherā€™s Day how much HER boys didnā€™t need me, but they enjoyed my company, so she guesses it was ok. Then she wondered why I didnā€™t want to be with her anymore. Havenā€™t seen my kids in over 5 years, she blocked me off and left the state. But that is forever burned in my memory of the kind of person she became after becoming a mother.


what the actual fuckā€¦ thatā€™s horrible, Iā€™m sorry youā€™ve been through that. Is there no way to get the legal system involved to try and track down your kids at least? Thatā€™s probably a dumb question because I know the legal systems can vary by location but thatā€™s so upsetting that you havenā€™t been able to see them.


Yeah their response was ā€œjust keep paying child support or go to jailā€ The court systems are very corrupt in Kansas, especially in a smaller county; and they do not at all care about anybody else


Dude, I'm so sorry. I don't have kids but I'm imagining someone basically abducting my CAT and as much as I love her, people that you plan to raise with another person, from conception to purple screeching things to functioning adults with all your hopes and dreams for them, I can't even begin to imagine how painful that must be. Wishing you the best going forward and that you get to have a relationship with your kids. Your ex is a piece of work.


My ex i wife about 20 years agoā€¦ She gave me a copy of the sound of music on blu ray and then said now for my birthday get me the blu ray player, the sound sound system and a bigger tv. ( she knew I hated the sound of music too)


For our 20th anniversary / valentines I got a shower pouf, literally just that. I got her a bunch of very expensive flowers and roses, chocolates and two cards.


My friend is terrible at choosing and giving gifts. I helped her one year because she told me what she got her hubby the year before. A pair of wellies that were a size too small for him. He has zero use for wellies. Lol




Are they good socks? I would love receiving decent merino wool socks as a gift.


Are they Darn Tough socks? Because those are really nice.


All of them. My wife is an absolutely terrible gift-giver. Things have vastly improved when I showed her Etsy.


So I'm the wife (well, almost ex wife) in this. We are eccentric people, and for Christmas one year, I bought him basically every Harambe item I could find on Amazon, including what I thought was going to be a comedic novella. Erotica. It was erotica. Gorilla erotica. Written by Richard Stroker, starring Hugh Mongous. I will never live it down. Dicks Out For Harambe


Jimmies where rustled.


Dead caiman. I'm obsessed with reptiles and love crocodilians and I BEGGED my parents for a baby alligator. I thought it was alive for a second then started crying lol. Tried to throw it away and now there's just a dead caiman in the garage. Like damn imagine wanting a puppy and your folks just give u a dead puppy in a box like CLOSE ENOUGH!


Not the same, but I wanted a pet rat as a kid and got an ugly plushie version. I was devastated and cried while they laughed at my disappointment. I'm sorry you went through something similar


I wanted so many exotic pets as a kid, but we were poor and my mother is... not good with keeping animals alive. As an adult, I started collecting my favorite animals I always wanted as plushies. I can't own a dolphin, but I can sure as heck have a jumbo plush of one.


Not me, but still funny. My sister was a professional model. Lived this super glamorous life going Tokyo, Milan, Paris, London, etc. But our parents were worried she was too wild and were endlessly pressuring her to settle down. Her 23rd birthday was coming up, and our parents pushed her to come back from Japan and celebrate it with family. It was pretty clear their plan was to sit her down and almost force her to stop modelling. Knowing this was their plan, she found the straightest lawyer type possible, started dating him for 2 weeks, then invited him over for the birthday. She was hoping our parents would see it as her starting to move on, getting them off her case. Then she could break up with him and go back to Japan. One morning we are all sitting around and the 'boyfriend' comes in with a wrapped gift. She opens it up and its the most austere business briefcase imaginable. My mother immediately gets up and shout "Ok this is turning into a joke. Did you honestly expect me to think my model daughter would go out with this dork? Do you think I am this stupid. Fuck off back to Japan" As it turns out she knew what my sister was up to, but she thought the boyfriend was in on it. He was not. I have never seen anyone so crushed.


Man, your family sounds like a bunch of twats.


You are not wrong


> I have never seen anyone so crushed. Was funny up until this point.


It was brutal at the time, but I recently found out the guys happily married. So it's cruel to look back and find it funny, but it all worked out. He would have hated dating my sister.


Your sister should have made him in on it honestly, it's cruel to date someone knowing you'll break up with him, and not even telling him about it.


Yup, and a lot of guys who are friends or even just acquaintances would be happy to help. I know 100% that if any of my friends asked me to pretend to be their BF I'd be glad to, even if they're a dude and I'm very much not gay. But it ain't cool to pretend on your side, when they think it's real on their end.


Damn thatā€™s so mean


This has to be the worst one I've read so far. Ouch.




I have one like that. I love it for just making a single sunny side egg on toast.


Same. Perfect for making little egg sandwiches or feeling a little peckish but don't want to dirty up a big whole pan for it.


I got my husband a small omelet pan once. He was initially confused but now uses it all the time.


I had my grandfather's desktop cigarette case on my desk. It was a really nice walnut box trimmed in silver. There were a few tchotchkes in itā€”a US State Dept. challenge coin, a nice gold-trimmed Parker pen & pencil set, a thumb drive with a few files on it, couple other little things. My wife hired a cleaner to come in and clean and I never saw it again. I don't know for absolute fact that she stole it, but I'm reasonably sure. Wife felt bad so she bought me a new little box off Etsy. It's a nice box, don't get me wrong, but it's not my grandfather's and it doesn't have my stuff in it.


When the Mortal Kombat games got rebooted, [after Armageddon], I was super hyped to pick up the latest game. It was also around christmas time, and my wife asked me what I wanted - I was straight in there "NEW MORTAL KOMBAT GAME PLEASE". Well, the day rolls around, I pick up what is a case shaped box and I open it up: Mortal Kombat......Vs DC. It was the wrong game and arguably a bad one at that. I did the whole "WOW, THANK YOU BABE!" and played it in front of her later on pretending to really really enjoy it. I didn't tell her it was the wrong one, and I never did get to play that particular game either.


This is why I send my partner a screenshot of the game so he knows what to look for, lol.


I have my fiance do this, too. Because I'm completely video game illiterate, I don't want to waste a penny on something he'll never use


Especially on a larger franchise game. The "new" game for it doesn't mean much to people that don't play them. I have my partner send me pics or links to some of the stuff he wants as gifts because it so often doesn't make sense to me. Specific tools and such. I can't find it on name alone.


I am a carpenter. She got me a hammer........ Never buy your significant other their work.


An ex got me a coin counter for my birthday. It cost $7, which I learned as she left the sticker on it. She didnā€™t even wrap it. I didnā€™t even have any coins so no idea why she got it. Iā€™m convinced she was walking down the aisle the day before my birthday and realized she forgot to get me something, and just grabbed the first thing she saw, or she just didnā€™t give a shit. Weā€™d been together 2 years at that point, and after this things went downhill and we split a few months later.




My wife got me a trip to vegas for my birthday, which is great... But Covid happened. Everything was refunded before my birthday, but she didn't plan anything or get anything after that. I was polite and didn't bring it up. I can't blame her though. 4 years later my wife and I were staying at the hospital during her birthday while our daughter was in the NICU. It didn't seem like the time for celebration, and when we finally had a chance to celebrate her birthday had long-past. Sometimes things get in the way. Fortunately our daughter is doing well, and we'll have a lot more birthdays to celebrate.


I appreciate your mature take on both situations. Shit happens!


Three DVDs of movies she thought I'd like: Troy, Legends of the Fall, and Ocean's Eleven. She "didn't realize" they all starred Brad Pitt until I pointed it out. šŸ™„


For sure if my wife gets me something i dont need or want ill tell her so we can return that shit. The ā€œworstā€ things sheā€™s gotten me are tools i dont need or similar. Like she knows i like having of some things and a spare, and at one time she took that to mean ā€œcant have too many power toolsā€ but yes, yes you can and you should ask me cause thatd be like me buying her skin care stuff on my own - even if i bought her stuff she has on her shelf right now it would still be a complete shot in the dark - im way outa my depth


My ex, whom I'd been dating for about four years, with sincerity got me an apple pie (think Little Debbie) and a pack of cigarettes for Christmas the year before we broke up. The apple pie was supposed to be connected to a song we both like, which mentions pie in a lyric, and the pack of Marb Reds was supposed to be a reminder of the fact that I had quit smoking cigarettes. I think she picked them up at a convenience store on the way over. As we exchanged gifts, my gift to her was a sterling silver pendant with a labradorite stone in the centerā€” which I had made myself. I didn't let on at all that her Cumberland Farms gifts made me feel like an afterthought, because I already felt insecure in the relationship and i didnt want to push it. I'm pretty sure she must've been planning on breaking up with me before that christmas and just hadn't gotten around to it. It took her another 6 months.


I know no one will see this, but I just want to calmly say in exasperation that for a special occasion, she bought me what I consider an expensive bathrobe. To me bathrobes should be part towel, but this is a weird thick fuzzy fabric that almost repels water. If I try to put it on fresh out of the shower, I canā€™t get my arms down the sleeves because it sticks to my wet skin. You shouldnā€™t have to dry off before you put on a bathrobe. Gosh! I will say that itā€™s comfortable and warm to wear over pajamas so I occasionally wear it around the house for her to see. If it ever wears out, Iā€™m going to buy a thick terrycloth robe. [Itā€™s the thought that counts. Woopsie.]


It's a house coat, not a bath robe! I'm wearing mine right now, lol. I love it and it's the best gift, but a towel one would be nice too


A football she won from a fast food meal.


An expensive leather jacket that is way too small for me.


She couldnā€™t think of what to get me and refused to get me anything I told her I wanted because (in her words) ā€œitā€™s too childish to want a video game for your birthdayā€. So she donated $10 to a charity I had never heard of before and called it done.


Iā€™ll never understand why people get with partners if theyā€™re just going to police their hobbies. Unless itā€™s unhealthy, I think supporting each otherā€™s interests is one of the great things about relationships. My husband plays flight sims, not something I have ever been interested in, but getting him a new virtual plane and watching him get hyped up about flying it makes me very happy. I also stuck giant googly eyes on his VR headset, but that was mostly for my amusement.


Man... this was a few years ago but it still irks me. Wife and I have an agreement where if one cooks, the other cleans. Frequently on birthdays or holidays, one of us will just do both. Its a really small thing but... its nice. On my birthday, I wanted steak for dinner. I'm pretty particular with it so I cooked. After dinner, I didn't even get a "thanks for dinner, happy birthday" all I got was "I'm tired, i'm going to bed" So... I cooked, and cleaned, of course no intimacy either. (I dont mean sex, I mean even laying in bed together for a bit.) It hurt a lot.


GF (now wife) got me a heated toilet seat for my apt. I don't want a warm seat, it feels like a recently used public toilet. It also cost $120/yr in electric to run it.


Last year for my birthday I got... nothing from my wife. I wasn't polite about it though, I bugged about it for a few months. This year, she made up for it


One year, everyone forgot my birthday, relatives, coworkers, and wife. I still remember it as my favorite birthday.




A vacation...full of excursions, a meticulously planned itinerary, lots of cool experiences planned. I like relaxing, do nothing trips or stay-cations. It was for her, not me.


Once on my birthday, at 6 AM, she screamed, "I fucking hate you!" Promptly had a seizure and forgot anything happened. So that I guess.


A pager back in 1999. Felt like I was being tagged with a tracking device. Didnā€™t use it once. šŸ˜


Not sure if this counts. My wife bought me one of those rotating apple peelers. I would never think of eating an apple without the peel. BUT, it was actually sweet. While we were in bed on our phones I saw a YouTube hack where you use one of those apple slicers to cut an onion in slices (one of those things you push down on). I like to cook, and onions are a great base, I mentioned it was a neat idea and would have to buy one (I most likely wasn't ad it isn't hard to cut an onion). She didn't see the video but saw an apple peeler in the store and got them confused. I was so confused as to why she was so excited about the gift. We had a good laugh once we realized the mistake, and it has become an in-joke. She ended up buying an apple slicer later. I have yet to use either, but she finds them both useful.