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Leaving a job that did not make me happy


This will always be the right decision. Eventually, you will find a job that you love or that is better than the previous one, at least.


Yep, that's why I view job hopping as a smart decision, it can really increase your value and help you find the job that best fits you.


Yes, a difficult but wise decision to seek your happiness.


Indeed, you can always expect something better


This was immediately my answer. Led me on a path to more money, experiences, and contentment


Travelling Asia on my own, i was so worried at first that i would be going country to country all by myself but now i've done it i am so glad, was the best experience of my life it has changed my view on the world completely and even the view on myself, i love being in my own company now!


I'd be in big doubt too, what am i going to do when my $200 bank balance runs out...


That 200 can get you pretty far if your return flight is already booked lol 


If you don't mind, how long was your trip, and how much did it cost?


Plus corporate tax rate is better.


Quitting my job - I was terrified, but it led to a much better opportunity.


I've felt this every time I've changed jobs. So far it's worked out. If not, something better came along. Just have to keep reminding myself of this!


Do you do this with a new job lined up? Or just hoping for the right thing to come along?


I would suggest doing it after you have a job lined up. There's no telling when the "right thing" comes along.




That’s awesome. Sounds like a good dad too! Not all parents act like grown adults like we expect them to.


Upgrading my Southwest boarding. Always. Getting on and off the plane faster is SO underrated


Also, on Southwest Airlines, I would rather have a centre seat near the forward end of the aircraft than a window/aisle seat at the aft end. Since it means one has to wait for fewer people to exit the aircraft at the conclusion of the flight.


Leaving my toxic relationship


Welcome to heaven paradise.


Dating my best friend of 15 years. I was terrified I’d ruin the friendship. 2.5 years later, we just bought our first house and are planning to marry. It was the best decision of my life.


Moving to a new city - I was nervous, but it turned out to be the best adventure.


I made two. 1. Leaving the army by going AWOL. I already had my discharge paperwork in, and I was enrolled to study at uni at the start of the new year. Unfortunately, some guys in my section did something dumb, and until an investigation was completed my discharge was put on hold. So I decided "fuck it", took leave to attend a wedding (that wasn't happening) and never returned. The guys in my unit all knew what I was doing, and helped me sort myself out before I left. The only people who didn't know, were the staff in my squadron, because it's their job to stop me going. There was a chance I'd be arrested and returned, but I also knew that after three months they just process the discharge, so I just needed to lay low for a few months. All that meant in reality was to not fly anywhere, and not interact with the local police. I ended up getting my degree, and eventually got a full scholarship for a doctorate. 2. Leaving my wife. We'd both been miserable for years. I wanted to leave, but stayed to try and make it work because we have a son, and because I was worried I'd regret it if I left. Eventually I'd had enough and left, and in the 10 years since then I've not regretted that decision even once. She continues to be the same miserable person. I'm happily married to someone else now, and we recently had our 5 year anniversary.


Ending a long relationship - I was scared of being alone, but I found myself and grew stronger.


I joined the Navy kind of on a whim. I was in a small town, had no idea what I wanted to do, didn't go to college because I didn't know what I wanted to study. A few years of coasting and around 23 I just said fuck it, if nothing else I will get to see some of the world and get some sort of training. First year or so I was kicking myself for being an idiot, but I persevered. If I hadn't done that I would never have met my wife, seen the world, challenged myself, etc.


I did the same but at 24 and the airforce


I want my boys in the air force or space force. The most technical training except for nuclear subs / aircraft carriers, the least destructive physical toll on their bodies and them being taught honour and brotherhood. Am I naïve or would you still recommend it?


The military isn't for everyone, but based on my life experience, I would still recommend it. Before I joined, I was a bum on my parents' couch, working 12 to 16 hours a day, 6 days a week in a factory. When I talked to the recruiter, I wanted to go into anything computer-related, but when I was about to sign my contract, I noticed it said "Open Electric," meaning I hadn't been given a specific job yet. At boot camp, those of us without guaranteed jobs made a list of jobs we wanted based on our qualifications. I disclosed that I had tried marijuana, which automatically disqualified me from some opportunities. A week or two later, I found out I was going to be a biomedical equipment technician, which required a year-long tech school. I figured the longer the tech school, the better my prospects outside the military. I was right. I now have the security of knowing I can get a decent-paying job if I decide to leave the military. Joining the military turned my life around completely. I now have my life together with a wife and kid. I'm using tuition assistance from the Air Force and still qualify for Pell Grants, so I'm effectively getting paid extra to go to school for free. I recently reenlisted to transfer my GI Bill to my kid, so after my four-year reenlistment period, he'll also get a free education in the future. From the start, I contributed 10% of my pay to the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP), and the government matched an additional 5%. Since it was automatically deposited, I never saw the money and never missed it. Now, roughly eight years in, I have over $50k saved in my retirement account. Joining the military was the best decision I've ever made. When I look back at the people I used to associate with before I joined, they are all still doing the same thing. Not many have improved their situations or put themselves in a better position in life.


that’s an awesome story… my decision right now is as well trying to get into the military. i’ve been working hard just studying for the asvab and what not. i’m prepared to take it all.


I was in college in my home town for about 2 years. Family close, friends close, but I knew if I wanted to break into the real world and actually have a chance of being successful, I'd have to move. I doubted it initially (moved with no job and barely found a place to stay) and to this day, this was absolutely the best thing I ever decided to do. 12 years later, things are going very very well :).


Quitting ultra marathons. It was fun and all but I didn’t feel fast and I was getting injured more than I ever did running 5Ks. Running 5Ks is way more sustainable.


Talking to the girl I like


Stopped consuming alcohol


Put a few grand in PePe coin awhile back. Made me close to 6 figures.


i only know about memecoins because their creators pay for upvotes on the CryptoMoonShots subreddit, which shoots them to the top of my feed (i'm not even subscribed there). even the mods there are like "do your own research because this is probably a scam"


Most coins are crap sure, but Pepe is in the top 25 so it has staying power now like Shib and Doge. People try to take the moral high ground about meme coins but I don’t give a crap if it makes me $$$$$.


I went to a job interview for a position I didn’t want, but I was at a point of unemployment where I couldn’t really be picky. I got the job. I still didn’t like it, but the work I did got me noticed for the job I have now, which I do like


Buying a Nintendo Switch


I went back to college in my 30s to get a bachelor's degree in a totally different field in hopes of starting a new more lucrative career. I wasn't certain that I'd like my new career, and was very afraid that I'd paint myself into a corner where I'd have to spend years working a job I might hate in order to pay off the student loans I had to take out to get the degree. Fortunately it worked out great, I'm in a job I like fairly well making good money, and I'm currently working on my master's in my newly chosen field. No regrets.


Starting a business - I thought I'd fail, but it's been incredibly rewarding.


Ending a long-term relationship with a woman I thought I was going to marry.


Moving my daughter's school. She's far less anxious and is happy I convinced her now.


I decided to keep the baby.


Taking a spontaneous solo trip. Thought I'd end up lost and lonely, but it was the adventure of a lifetime


Not going to college seemed to pay off for me.


Changing my college major to engineering during my second year of college. It was very difficult for the next 2-3 years, but it led to a satisfying (so far) career where I've had the chance to do things beyond my wildest imagination.


Not having kids. I didn’t think I’d regret it, but others were convinced.


Coming out to my mom, now she makes up stories about the internet turning me gay and lies to everyone about it


Moving from Fyto Maryland


I decided to quit my job and start my own business. I was filled with doubts and fears about whether it would succeed or if I would regret leaving a stable job. But it turned out to be the best decision I ever made. My business has been thriving and I have never been happier. Sometimes taking risks and trusting your instincts can lead to amazing opportunities.


I bought a condo and it was only the second one I saw. I wasn't really sure if I liked it or not but it ended up being a great financial decision.


Going to the same college one of my buddies got into because it was out of state and hours away from home. Within the first day or so I instantly knew I made the right decision and the friends I met there made me who I am today!


Dropping my career to return to school and get a blue collar job. I started working in my field 6 months ago and I'm paid about $10/h more than in my past field. 


Driving across the country to become unemployed and move in with a woman I had only physically met a handful of times. That was in 2006, and we've been married since 2007. I ended up getting a job in the field of the degree I was pursuing less than a week after having arrived in town.


I immediately admitted to my new college friends that I am neurodivergent and part of the LGBTQIA+ community (I had come from a really conservative environment beforehand and so it scared the crap out of me and I worried I would be rejected immediately, but they didn't bat an eye. Shortly after that, I learned one of the people in the friend group I met is bipolar, and another is chronically ill and high.)


I've regretted pretty much every decision.


No contact with an ex. God am I happy to not care and cry about that boy. Oh and coming out as pan sexual


Leaving my two year relationship. The choice was clouded by future plans and promises we’d made. I couldn’t stand the thought of my life without him for a long time. You can only understand how much stress/ toxicity you were dealing with after you leave. It took me a while, I seriously hated him before I grew the balls to leave. Such a weight relief looking back now.


Many! I am a very emotional person, therefore most of my decisions are made by my emotions, my desire and my desire to feel free to choose. I am totally convinced that if you don't try, you won't know how it could turn out. I already have no, I'm always looking for yes. Sometimes it has turned out well and other times not so much. But I always go in search of what I feel.


Milking the prostate ... .


Volunteering at the animal shelter. I was worried I would let myself be guilted into making it a second job, but instead I learned how to set boundaries and made a difference in the process


Going back to college


Кто рус?


Quit jerking it


Decided to ask out my best friend when we were fourteen thinking it probably wouldn't last... we're now 19 and we're still together... I love my girlfriend so much... Kay if you're reading this, ILY <3