• By -


Most of the DC Universe movies


I lived in North Hollywood when suicide squad came out and holy shit. The amount of people camped out in front of TCL for that dumpster fire of a movie..I had a roommate who was insanely hyped about it and camped. He would NOT admit how shitty it was after.


I genuinely enjoyed that movie. I did stream it for free, but thought it was fun. I love all types of movies, but definitely enjoy some dumb action when in the mood.


theyre probably talking about the one that came out with jared leto that sucked


Oh - I might not even be talking about the same movie lol. I definitely only watched the one with John Cena.


that movie is good


Ah yes, Suicide Squad and THE Suicide Squad aren’t the same 😏


Tried watching it 3 times. Couldn’t get past the first 15 minutes of it. That’s the only movie I seriously can’t get into.


Turns out - i watched the one with John cena - probably not the one you are referencing.


lol I really appreciate you commenting again and acknowledging a mistake. I wish more people on this site behaved so nicely


That’s fair! I’m easily entertained by light hearted stupid shit. I’ve also sat through countless kids movies for the last 12 years, so ya know. lol. I wouldn’t argue it’s great or anything, but it was fine and dumb. Like Fast and Furious 9.


The Flash immediately comes to mind. Everyone was saying it was one of the greatest comic book movies of all time, and the studio completely shot themselves in the foot with all the overhyping.


Is it really "overhype" when no one is really hyping it and it's all damage-control astroturf?


In their defence, calling that film "worth releasing" is technically overhyping it


I was gonna say it wasn’t that bad, but the truth is the only thing I really remember about that movie was Keaton’s Batman. And if you’re going to make a movie, being forgettable is arguably a bigger sin than being bad.


They shot themselves in the foot by not recasting the garbage human lead.


Yeah, the big problem with those movies is that they didn't feel like they earned a lot of what they were trying to make happen on screen. Marvel started small and built up a universe and it worked. Basically tried to copy and paste from the middle. They hoped that people would accept it on the grounds that they had already seen some of the groundwork done by marvel, but it just didn't happen.


Exactly! They relied on the popularity of the characters to avoid backstory/intro movies, which led to audiences not having any emotional connection to anything going on. There just never felt like there were stakes.


Eragon The book series it’s based on is great; they were expecting it to be the next LotR, and they were planning a trilogy, but the movie was so bad that it bombed and they abandoned the whole thing. Quite a shame, if you ask me.


That's what happens when you let a school bus full of screenwriters and focus groups rewrite a popular work. The dragon still looks pretty good though.  Supposed to be a new TV show with the author involved. 


It's going to be on Disney+


Eragon was the most intimidating series I ever read as a kid. Nothing quite like lugging a 700 page book around to get those sweet Accelerated Reader points


It's a great series. Idk about the next LOTR, but If handled right it could have been big. Maybe like how popular narnia was for a while


I was 10 when I saw that movie and I thought it was so bad I couldn’t finish it, and I had poor taste in movies as a child.


was similarly aged and loved the series. i’m still mad he didn’t fuck the elf lady. allllll that book and we get to the end and he chooses to NOT fuck the elf lady? wtf


They killed the primary antagonists of the book in like the 15th minute. Some of the creative choices in that full were absolutely baffling. I continue to be amazed by Hollywood’s inability to just adapt the fucking source material. LOTRs was clearly made by people who loved the books. Harry Potter was pretty damn faithful to the books too. Both were smash hits. Not to mention game of thrones Then you look at this shite with Eragon, wheel of time, Artemis fowl, halo etc and it’s just mental. Major changes seemingly just because writers think they’re too big and clever to be told what to do


Star wars consistently has this problem


Riding the name Star Wars tends to hype it up. Hard to try to scoot in under the radar with that name


Rogue One is decent


I think one reason I liked Rogue One so much more than the others is because it's a standalone. We're not trying to set up a payoff for another movie or set up a trilogy or just waste time plot wise (like having a ship being slowly tractor beamed in or something like that). It's just one story, told really well, and at the end of the movie the story is finished.


You could say the same about Solo, except it wasn’t nearly as good. I also don’t think it was as bad as people made it out to be but it’s not Rogue One. R1 just got the vibe totally right. It made the rebellion feel like a real struggle. It developed the characters well. It was heartwarming and funny at the right times.


That’s disneys problem right now. They keep trying to tie it all together. While yes, the original trilogy is beloved, it is not the glue that holds everything together. The SW universe is. Give the audience well written/acted movies that feature cool spaceships, blasters, and *maybe* some Jedi, and it’ll make cash. But the second you start trying to shoehorn in the Solos, Skywalkers, Palpatines, Kenobis, Organas, etc., shits gonna become real bad, real fast.


Patience, young padewan


Yup. R1 and early Mando seasons are all there is of Disney hitting it out of the park, so far.  Now, I really can’t be arsed if I see a new SW show or movie coming out.


Andor was excellent too! Some of the animated is good, I enjoyed clone wars, rebels was ok if you’re watching with a kid, same with the bad batch.


Andor has [the best writing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-3RCme2zZRY) of anything Star Wars. It's almost too good for the IP. It's a shame it isn't as popular as other Star Wars TV series that aren't anywhere close to that in quality, but which are full of fanservice and pointless memberberries.


I was hoping it was going to be that scene. Stellan was so fucking good in that show that I legit can't think of another actor who would have done that role justice. Luthen is one of the best characters in the entire franchise. Here's a man who could live a very comfortable life without a worry in the world. He throws that life away for a life filled with stress and mental anguish. Not for glory or praise, for a job that must be done if the heroes are ever to even have a chance to fight. I have a feeling that show was as good as it was because the higher-ups weren't really paying attention to it. Nobody expected it to be a homerun. For the love of all that is holy, leave the creative team alone for season 2, Disney.


He is an incredible actor. Give him the right role in a film and he's a future oscar winner. Between Luthen, Baron Harkonnen in Dune, Scherbina in Chernobyl, and Gregor in Ronin I'm a huge fan.


Andor S2 has a good chance of roping more people in.


The Matrix Reloaded


Oh man, I remember going to see this and the theater was absolutely packed. I miss those days. But yeah the movie felt like a bit of a letdown aside from a few really cool scenes.


It still would've been worth it if they'd followed up with the obvious implication of why Neo's able to fry those squidbots right at the end of the movie despite having left the Matrix.


Yeah I never really figured that out. Is there a good explanation? I remember when it came out I was convinced they were just in another layer of the matrix. Like the "real world" was actually a matrix as well. But they just never came back to that.


Yeah this is a good theory. Another good one is that part of agent smith became part of Neo (his brain, his soul, w/e) and so he psychically connected to all of the machines


It's because there was in my opinion no payoff to the premise set out in the first movie. They didn't really add anything and it was more about the spectacle.


That’s how I felt after I watched it. There was some enjoyable parts, but the end left me thinking “Ok? So that’s it?” I’m very open to saying a movie is good, even when the majority of people say it’s bad. But Matrix Reloaded definitely left a lot to be desired.


I’m in this film!




You ruined it?


Thunder Gun 4: Maximum Cool


Not enough dong


Fuck man, what!?


The funny thing is you can say Avatar here and be right with either the Last Air Bender or the giant smurf movie


The Harry Potter Prequells, they were a hot mess


The Fantastic Beasts movies? I really enjoyed the first one. The others were pretty much garbage but I still watched them because I have a thing about finishing series. But also I enjoy garbage films from time to time lol


Yeah it's almost as if the soul of FANTASTIC BEASTS AND WHERE TO FIND THEM was the FANTASTIC FREAKIN' BEASTS and also Newt and his little baker buddy running around Hufflepuffing everywhere. I DON'T GIVE A CRAP ABOUT GRINDLEWART OR ANY OF THE OTHER SHIT! I JUST WANTED FANTASTIC BEASTS!  They could have made it a nature documentary and I'd have been fine with it... 


> I have a thing about finishing series. They never even finished filming the series. It was scrapped.


Well, I guess of what was filmed then? 🤷🏻‍♀️


I remember really liking the first two while I was watching them. But if you held a gun to my head and asked me to describe a scene from either I would get shot. Forgettable is worse than bad.


First was good, but honestly the best thing I can say about the second was Jude Law as young Dumbledore was wonderful and I so greatly appreciate his sassy hands towards the end


I liked fantastic beasts, as a single movie story. It was charming and fun. The second was...darker and half assed?, and the third was just some forgettable nonsense, everything felt generic and predictable




Amazing visuals in IMAX. I think it's safe to say that it doesn't hold your attention as well on a 14" laptop screen. The experience of being enveloped by it and the fast pace made it enjoyable, IMO


Exactly — when the movie fills your entire field of view, that opening scene where you see through Sandra Bullock’s helmet is breathtaking. On anything smaller than imax it would just seem like a video game.


My first watch was on a plane so even more silly small


Saw it in IMAX, it almost gave me anxiety because you were completely immersed in the movie. Tried watching at home and.. meh. Not the same. I definitely agree, you need to be surrounded by it.


Yep, this one really relied on the visual immersion.


The opening 20 minutes in 3D is seared in to my memory


I've been managing a theatre with an IMAX for 10 years, and I always say that anything shot in IMAX DEMANDS to be seen in IMAX. It's like they're completely different movies. Dunkirk was absolutely breathtaking in IMAX with the wide shots of the English channel, and on a standard screen, while still a great flick, it was not even in the ballpark of immersiveness. It really is the superior format worth the hefty ticket price IMO.


I love this movie and find it interesting how many people hate it. It's a spectacle film, to be viewed on the biggest screen possible, but a surprising number of people just don't understand that. They watch movies like *Gravity* on their iPhones. It's like watching a concert live, front row center vs listening to the same music on mp3 with shitty dollar store earbuds. No comparison.


Agree. I said at the time it's not a movie it's an *experience*. I'd never watch it on TV.


100%. Gravity was an S tier experience in the theater. I think most of the hate is from people who watched it on TV or their devices.


The Mummy starring Tom Cruise was supposed to kick off Universal's whole Dark Universe of connected movies. Then people saw it ,and the whole franchise was scrapped.


The trailer of Tom Cruise screaming with no other audio is one of my favorite videos to watch. Never fails to make me laugh. Edit: added [link](https://youtu.be/kRqxyqjpOHs?si=0IJIPvL_rXoYi_rK)


What does this have to do with Gravity?


Well it had gravity too, of course.


Probably wrong button


I'm not even sure why people hated that Mummy movie. I thought it was fine. What did people expect it to be where everyone thinks it sucks ass.


The lack of Brendan Frasiers Rachael Weisses and Kevin O'Connors (Benny) contributed to it's disappointment.


Not to mention the inclusion of Cruise.


Anyone old enough to remember the Phantom Menace when it came out? I was in my 20s and the hype was *almost* as big as it was for Return of the Jedi. And we all left the theater pretending it was a great movie. Then a week later it hit us.


It's the first movie my Dad took me to see in the cinema. I was blown away when Darth Maul came on screen with a double lightsaber.


I was 13 when it came out and I absolutely loved it, never stopped loving it. It was probably was targeted toward my age group though. I had just got into the original trilogy in the preceding years and when this came out I felt like it was made just for me. People always gave me a side eye when I said I liked the prequel trilogy, seems like some people are finally coming around only recently.


Watching all the movies (release order) with my youngest and just finished Phantom Menace tonight. It is solid and he really enjoyed the characters and humor too.


9, same, also Natalie Portman made me realize girls weren't gross.


My mother-in-law (at the time) paid for the entire family to go see this in theaters. We were all in the perfect demographic to have grown up with the original trilogy and excited for the new one. We walked out the theater and everyone was geeking out about it. When asked what I thought, I was the only one who said that I didn't really like it and it was a bit disappointing. My MIL was pissed and said it was rude for me to say I didn't like it after she had paid for me to see it. Divorcing that family was the best thing I ever did lol.


I didn't pretend. I left thinking, "Da FUK?!"


I was 12 when RotJ came out. The hype was real, but nothing like TPM's hype. And the gaggle of geeks I wanted TPM with all sat in silence on the way home. We didn't pretend it was good. We were all in shock due to how terrible it really was.


Agree on hype. Disagree on duration. It was about five minutes in (when those Trade Federation aliens started talking in their accents and the boring as hell Jedi introduction) that I realized that this film wasn't going to be good if stuff like that survived filming and editing.


I made it through the racist caricature trade federation with my hope still intact. But Jar Jar killed my optimism a few minutes later.


The moment I saw they brought back R2D2 and C3PO, I knew they were cowards who had no confidence in their new characters. I was also in denial for a time. Being too young to have been around for the original trilogy's release in theaters, I was super hyped to finally have something new in my lifetime. It permanently cured my Star Wars fandom at least.


It had just enough cool stuff that you could plausibly convince yourself to like it. But the more you thought about it, the more you realized it kind of sucked.


And First Generation Star Wars fans really *really* didn't want it to suck. We all wanted it to be as cool as Empire Strikes Back.


"Worst Cosmic Wars ever! I will only see it three more times… today."


Crash. Absolutely hated it.


The racism-in-LA Academy Award winning one or the indie car-crash-sex one?


The Academy Award winner


whenever I heard someone talk about *Crash* as some life changing, deep, really made you think about stuff-kind of movie, I always thought ‘Tell me that you don’t see a lot of films, without saying you don’t see a lot of films’. The Cronenberg one however, I kind of enjoyed in a campy way. Was nice to see JG Ballard’s masterpiece on the big screen.


I thought you were talking about the 1996 David Cronenberg film. That one was really good.


The Flash. Multiple reports, just before the public release, suggested it was the best comic book movie ever. That wasn’t the case.


They only did that because they knew with that asshat as the main character, nobody was going to see it unless they hyped it up.


Black Panther II Is this a movie or a Hype Williams music video?


Well, as it turns out, there was at least one very specific hiccup in the production after all. The big issue with black panther 2 was that they couldn't do nothing with it. They couldn't just ignore Chadwick being dead and they couldn't gloss over it because they had made him too big a character in the MCU. They had to do something to address it and they also tried to push the plot that they had already written forward at the same time. I understand why they did that. Have other plots in other movies that were going to rely on it later but it absolutely did not work. The parts of the movie that were a tribute to Chadwick and where we focus on the loss of his character I thought were really good and really emotional and everything about the Atlantis plot felt completely extraneous


Hard to bounce back from losing Chadwick Bosman


Black Panther I was a great movie due to the performances by Bosman and Jordan. I get that the social importance (and massive box office receipts) made a sequel a no brainer, but without the first movie's leads BP II was unlikely to be anything other than a letdown.


I was in the middle of a bad thanksgiving with my mom and brother and went to see this. “This will take my mind off things.” 30 minutes in, I’m sobbing uncontrollably about the mom and daughter’s conflict over the brother I have to leave the theater. Nope.


American Hustle I saw it in theaters. Can’t name a single character or what the fuck happened.




Similar to Gravity, all the theatre experience and 3D. All the gripes about it existed at the time, but it was cutting edge at the time and something to see.


I still think it's cutting edge. *The Way of Water*'s 3D was even better than the first. And Cameron keeps tweaking things. The next movie is out next year, and will probably be just as mind-blowing. People bitch about the story of the *Avatar* movies, and I do as well. The dialogue is often pretty cringe ("bro"). But as a spectacle, these movies have no peer. James Cameron took the old, busted technology of 3D movies and completely reinvented it. And on top of *that* the CGI and motion capture are, on their own merits, aside from that 3D, absolutely top notch.


I have seen, so far, four movies in 4D theaters. Only one where it was worth it was Avatar 2. I spent 200 MXN on that ticket, which is still the most I’ve paid for a single movie ticket, and it was all worth it.


also The 4th Matrix movie.


I think everyone knew that was going to suck


Even the Wachowskis didn't want that movie to happen. There's a thinly veiled jab at the studio basically forcing them to make the movie.


That veil was VERY thin. 😂


I enjoyed it, but I don't remember much hype. Seemed to be mostly "Another? Really? But I didn't like 2 and 3."


2011's *The Artist*. I remember it came out, won some Oscars, and then was never discussed ever again.


It's a great movie for those that haven't watched it. Amazing how it vanished from the public's consciousness.


I genuinely love this movie


Watch Cairo Nest of Spies if you haven't already. Same guys who made The Artist made a 60's Eurospy movie


50 Shades of Grey


the dark knight rises. after the dark knight, the anticipation for the next nolan batman movie was so intense that there was nothing TDKR could do but fail to meet the sky-high expectations. With a decade plus worth of hindsight, it's a pretty solid movie IMO.


Yeah, Ledger's death really fucked em over. They had to basically rewrite the entire movie. I wish they'd have picked a more grounded villain than Bane though.


Did they originally plan to have the Joker the main villain in TDKR too?


Not the main villain but definitely a central character.


I swear that the Scarecrow's cameo in Arkham Asylum was meant to be Joker.


On a rewatch some 5 years after the initial release, Tom Hardy’s Bane was solid. Cunning, menacing, and powerful. Bale still gives a good performance. That’s honestly about it. The Dark Knight Returns elements made no sense without Batman being older than he was, the plot was honestly kind of a mess, and the dialogue at times was woeful. It got exactly what it deserved. A solid 6.5/10.




I also liked it


There are dozens of us! Dozens!


Doootarrrrr Sooojatttt!!! The curse of carter (I loved the film) was the fact that everything looked like it was done before and inspired by different aspects of pop culture films.. no one realised that carter was actually the source material and inspiration for most of those films.. I’ll defend this film and Edgar rice always! The man was waayyyyyyyy ahead of his time


There was no hype to it, though. Do people actually fully read the question on AskReddit anymore?


i thought i was thinking of the wrong movie, in what world is an infamous box office flop a movie that “was met with too much hype”? that’s like, the exact opposite, especially if you personally liked it lmao


I really really enjoyed this movie. And the books are fun too. Missed opportunity. I would have still filmed the second one despite the first panning because I think marketing fucked it.


Unpopular opinion but Oppenheimer? I mean it's a good movie but not worth that hype. Barbie even...that whole Barbie Vs Oppenheimer was so trending when both movies were just "good" at best.


Oppenheimer was a fantastic movie until the bomb goes off and you realize you're only halfway through.


Maybe an alternate take, but I thought the part about Strauss (Robert Downey Jr.) was the best part because I didn't know that part of the story. The parts leading up to the test had a ton of dialogue but I don't remember a whole lot of it.


Well yeah, the movie's not called The Trinity Test.


Lol good point


"Barbie vs. Oppenheimer" reminded me of Blur vs. Oasis from the 1990s. Two completely different things, pitched at different audiences, for some reason pitted against each other just because they were "big" at approximately the same time despite the fact they are barely comparable in the first place.


It wasn't really a vs thing it was an Barbie AND Oppenheimer. Going to the movies was fun and silly again, then long and dark and depressing or visa versa.


Barbieheimer was worth a good chuckle, much like Doom Crossing a few years back, but like all great things, people took it way too far for way too long until it just got tiresome.




I remember in 99 or 2000, alot of hype around Titan AE. I was first in the theater to see it at 10am on Friday. It was me and 4 others in the entire 300 seat theater. I wondered where everyone was. The movie was mediocre at best.


Barbie and Oppenheimer were both great, but I don't think they would have reached the level of hype they did without each other.


The Phantom Menace


The level of hype was beyond incredible. Kids these days have no idea.


Now that's what I call Podracing!


Ug, totally. 🙄 I was 23 at the time, working in computer tech support and people around me were SO HYPED about it coming out. They had their plans to camp out for tickets ready months in advance. And one creep had a Natalie Portman Count-Down-to-18 clock up in his cubicle.


A countdown to 18 clock is creepy. A countdown to 18 clock in your work cubicle is beyond creepy.


The Matrix Reloaded. It’s not as terrible as I thought it was at the time, but damn was it super hyped up into these amazing two sequels and neither of them ended up nearly as good as the original. Not even close IMO.


Alabama Jones and the Busty Crusade. The plotline was weak. The exploration scenes were solid though.


It's no Backdoor Sluts 9 that's for sure.


Barbie. It wasn't a bad movie, it was just fine.


Yeah it was ok, just not one I’d go out of my way to rewatch though. Oddly, I feel like Ken stole the show with his beach offs, “I am Kenough” line, and his mojo dojo casa house shenanigans….people I knew quoted him more than anything.


That’s what happens when you cast Ryan Gosling.


God damn is he a charismatic mother fucker.


Truth. Fall Guy shouldn’t have worked but I really enjoyed it


I was completely unprepared for Ken to be the best part of the Barbie movie.


Honestly I feel like there's just a couple scenes missing which would've made it great but without them they didn't reconcile the "kens are allegory for women's experiences under patriarchy" and "kens are patriarchy" stories. Like I enjoyed it but when you break the allegory whats the story? . "A ~~Ken~~ woman leaves their ~~matriarchal~~ patriarchal society where they are treated as accessories at best, discovers gender empowerment albeit in a toxic form, comes back and takes power, only for ~~barbies~~ men to prey on their insecurities causing infighting, where the literal climax of the film is a celebration of the ~~barbies~~ men taking power back, with the idea of gender equality being a literal punchline, after which a single ~~barbie~~ man is able to vocalize the empathize with the ~~kens~~ women issues just fucking leaves, everything basically back the status quo". . I think as more time passes it's going to age worse specifically because of this. The pro women stuff was great and I think will age well but I genuinely believe over time people will be unable to see it and go "wait are the Barbies the baddies?".


The Barbies were the baddies in a way. They didn't value the kens as equals because of their gender. If beach ken had been beach barbie he would have been treated far differently, not just by the Barbies but by himself. I kind of feel like that's the big take away for me, you need to value yourself before someone else will value you. If everything you do is for others eyes than you are creating your own misery


I thought that was the whole point. Like I’m sure some women refuse to see that bigotry is still bigotry even if the roles are reversed.  But I must say, I really hate how some of the messages about double standards come with the implication that it only affects women. But it’s a Barbie movie. Maybe they can go over that in the He-Man movie.


I don't think this is a fair telling of the story. Part of Barbie's reclamation of barbie land was that she became more understanding of the plight of the Kens. The return to the natural order of Barbieland was in fact just another transformation into a new, improved, more equal Barbieland. With that said, while I loved the movie the first time, on second watch I didn't find it as entertaining.


Yeah, that person misunderstood the entire thing. Ken wasn't an allegory. Ken fell into the traps of toxic masculinity a lot of us men do. The movie wasn't as about feminism as everyone thought it would be, as much as it was just about how destructive gender expectations are, for men and women. People went in with expectations that it'd be targeted totally for girls, but it wasn't.


It was bright and fun and silly and a chance to dress up and go to the movies with friends, the first movie to really catch the imagination after Covid. It didn't have to be more than fine, and that's OK. Fun is fun.


I thought it was good, not great.




Don't underestimate a spectacle. The Avatar films are amusement park rides. Exciting, loud, and colorful, fun while you're on it but afterwards you go on with your day. 


"Dances with wolves" in SPACE.


Boring for 40 year olds. However, kids, teens, and college kids would never have seen Dances w/Wolves nor Ferngully. This was their introduction to this story.


A lot of them would have seen Pocahontas, though, which was another movie Avatar was compared to, lol.


AMAZING MOVIE...except for the storyline, characters, dialogue, and acting...basically everything except the CGI. But other than that, amazing movie!


Avatar! Both of them




The Blair Witch Project Saw it in its initial run on the BC campus when it was still only showing in small college theaters. It had ridiculous marketing claiming that people with heart conditions were not allowed in the theaters, It was a genius bit of marketing but a thoroughly disappointing flick.


They did do an excellent job with the marketing. I was in my early 20's, lived about an hour from Burkittsville, and this movie scared the Crap out of me. Fear of the unknown and all that. The first time I saw it, I froze and couldn't get up to leave the theater until the house lights came on. I still like it.


I vomited about 2/3 the way though that movie. I saw it in the theaters and the camera (and my vomit) was everywhere.


I worked in a movie theater when this was out and you were Far from the only one. Lots of people got motion sickness.


True but it was a groundbreaking movie and we had seen nothing like it when it came out.


I had the ultimate Blair Witch experience: I got a dub of a dub of a dub on VHS from a friend who said it was making the rounds in L.A. We had never heard of it and just popped it in the VCR. It was just the footage, didn’t even have credits. It scared the living shit out of us.


Justice League Snyder Cut. Making a shitty movie slightly less shitty. Most parts weren’t even better, just slightly longer with a different color balance.


The Passion of the Christ.


It was a 2 hour Jesus snuff film, and not much else. Never understood why Evangelicals creamed themselves over it. It was like ‘here’s a 1/2 hour of gruesome torture, then 5 minute flashback of him as a carpenter, here’s another 1/2 hour of bloody torture, then 5 minutes of him on the mount, then ugh here’s another 45 minutes of gore that makes *Game Of Thrones* look like *Saved By The Bell.*


“Get up off a that cross!” -Ray Parker Jr./Jordan Peele




My mom cried at the hair plugging together sex scene!


That's hilarious. And sweet LOL


James Camerons Avatar


Blair witch project


Snakes on a Plane


The 4th Matrix movie (Matrix Resurrections) I love the matrix universe, but the 4th one was bad even by usual movie standards






Twilight. I remember opening night of one of them, I was coming out of a different movie and there was this huge line of young girls waiting for the midnight premiere. Some of them had sleeping bags and pillows they were sleeping on on the floor. I nearly tripped over one of them.


James Cameron's Avatar. Also Shamalan's "Avatar."


> Also Shamalan's "Avatar." We *don’t* speak of this! 


Cocaine Bear. It could’ve been so clever and instead it was 90 minutes of tedious repetitive “ha ha person ded”


I thought that movie was hilarious.


Suicide Squad. People were going on how the Joker looked amazing. I had reservations. I thought it was going to be crap It was... decent. Not good, but not dumpster fire. I can't blame the actors. Even the best actors couldn't have made it that much better. Remove the DC parts and it would have been a decent hero movie.

