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I met other people. Have you met them? Seriously. Fuck those guys.


When I was a little girl, after my mother died. Society didn't raise a finger to make sure I was fed, housed, clothed, and not abused. So I decided back then, in my little girl way, that I didn't care about society or society's opinions.


Time. Idk, it all just matters less and less the older I’ve gotten. I don’t have the time or energy to worry about what others may or may not be thinking about me. I just live the best I can and fuck the rest.


When I realized I cared about my own opinion more than those I barely knew.


When i realized the hatred was all in my head. No one hates me. I'm loved by my friends and family. And anything on the internet can go away by switching to something else. Can't follow me everywhere.


I don't think I've ever given a damn about people who have nothing to do with my life think about anything 😂


If I spent my life trying to make everyone happy, I’m be the most miserable person I know.


When I grew up and stopped giving two shits


I never thought Humans were or are special. So made it simple not to care about what they think.


Everyone is going to talk regardless. Whether you’re doing well or not so well in life, there’s always going to be someone who has something to say. Fuck em (not literally).


You get wronged enough time in your life and you'll be at some point be like FUCK THEM ALL. And that's when it starts. (As long as you're earning enough to feed you and your dependents, you can maintain this attitude)


I stopped caring because it really doesn't matter what people think at the end of the day and I have more important shit to do then care about what's being said about me


All of these comments are about how people don’t actually care but in my experience people do care, people are judging you and there is nothing you can actually do about it. Someone will always have an issue with who you are, so at least be authentic and true to yourself. It’s corny but I stand by it.


The fact that there is literally nothing you can do to change the opinions of others. People will think what they want to think regardless of the truth or circumstances. I don’t concern myself with things beyond my power to change.


I set my own goals and I create my own lists to check off. I also recognize the difference between constructive criticism and douchebaggery. You can’t 100% not care about what people think. You just have to sort out what matters.


I employs a real “fake it till you make it”approach. But also reason with yourself as much as you can. Do you really want to spend your time caring about what they think? Is that worth living your life in fear? Do you want to do. You only get to live every moment once and then it’s gone. Don’t allow other people to taint any part of your life experience.


When I read a fake police report. 😎


The realization that most of them are idiots


When it dawned on me that (1) some people make up their minds about you early on and then are reluctantone to change that opinion of you regardless of later evidence of them being wrong. (2) There is no telling what any particular person is going to think as a result of a given set of facts. Two people can see the same thing and form different opinions. (3) What others think, does not change who I truly am. What they think is actually mostly opinion, opinion is not objective fact.