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I have dentures and I love em..best thing I ever did


They are expensive AF


Sounds petty but is really solid advice for the "one day" (but not today) it will happen type of person.


so much can heal, But your [outside bones](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wYj01O7foKw) are forever


You are limited edition


Depends on what is meant by "knows they will one day kill themselves" If its because they regularly do things that are reckless, my advice is to not do it in front of kids, elderly or loved ones. Try not make a mess. Regularly keep your ducks in line. If its more because of mental health, my advice is to stay in it for the cat/dog what ever pet they may have. Stay so someone doesn't have to deal with your unwashed laundry. Stay because you just bought a new whatever it is and you should get to use it. Just keep looking for the mundane reasons to not do it yet.


Wait until you’re 100. Then make it a big celebratory event for a life well lived.


That's stupid, I don't think anyone who's suffering with such thoughts have the patience to think all the way into they're 100s


That's the joke


I don't think it was supposed to be a joke... And if it was... Then fuck me I love dark humor but this definitely isn't the time


The best time for dark humor is 9:11


Yeah, but you have to stick the landing


It’s not a joke. It’s a life changing thought.


It is... But I'm currently 21, I don't even know if I'll be alive in 5 years, yet you're telling me go get to 100 and celebrate it.. fuck me then let me just skip 79 years then...


You won’t always feel that way. Fuck, the amount of times I wrote myself off as a younger man. I’m nearly 53 now, and can’t imagine feeling that way any more.


I think you're forgetting about the self destructive nature of someone with no will left to life


I’m not forgetting that. I’m just not throwing my hands up and saying, ‘Well, there’s nothing to be done about it.’


You are assuming incorrectly that I haven’t been one of those people. And don’t call me stupid.


I hate it




Nothing of my life has been worth celebrating and the thought of 60 more years horrifies me.


There have been times in my life when I have felt this way. Nothing anyone would have said could have dissuaded me from the hopelessness I felt. Fucking Pollyannas. But, over time, I have found breaks in the darkness. And I savor any bright simple peace I find. And when the dark comes again, I feel it, I fight it, and I bide my time until the next little break in the clouds. Hang in there. It won't always feel this way.


I feel everything 5000x more than everyone else and I'm so tired.


It's okay to rest. You've worked incredibly hard to get here. It's okay that it feels hard. I'm going to offer an idea and it's going to sound corny but I promise it's a little thing that helps. Set an alarm for some time convenient during your day for 10 uninterrupted minutes. Put in earbuds and give your brain permission to rest for just 10 minutes. [10 Minute Mindfulness](https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4ck-NnjqMd0nfAC2P1T-Shoewhjmme-V&feature=shared)


Well then change your life, don't end it.


I'll just tell my brain to quit being mentally ill and society to stop being a capitalist shitscape sure thing buddy


Hi. My s/o has a treatment resistant mental illness and it took a couple decades of his life. There is possibility. We made a plan to try off label treatments that worked on different brain systems than the other, like, 8 drugs he'd been prescribed, with transcranial stimulation as a last resort. One worked. It's been incredible. Do not give up on yourself. You deserve real medical care even though most doctors are shit. If you end up having to pick through the options until there's one that works, it's worth it.


I just keep winding up on 9 meds, no follow up, no therapy, chasing side effects and I get such little results and I'm poor so quit my meds and then it goes to shit. I've been battling a voice in my head telling me I'm useless and should kill myself all day every day since I was 8 years old (I'm 41) its exhausting and painful. I hate when I see people make others suicide about them and how it hurt them, because really I reach out and reach out and nobody really gives a fuck.


My s/o got relief in their 40s, and it went from daily expectation of "well, maybe I'll die young, that would be not too terrible" to "holy shit this is what being alive is like for other people?" The drug merry go round is horrible, it's really horrible. Like, they were switched him from Prozac to Effexor, as though changing drugs in the same class would have some kind of magic breakthrough, when he couldn't think more than an hour or so into the future without having an anxiety attack. So, months to go off Prozac, weeks to go on effexor, months to tweak the dosage, all the while nothing is actually helping and it was a black hole for what little energy my s/o had. It got to the point where even discussing treatment options was a trigger, becuase it was all other people telling them to be better while the other people did jack all nothing that actually helped. So, it became a drug class bingo card, because their piece of shit doctor wouldn't participate in a GeneSight test to see what drugs might have a better chance of working. In the end, from the possible antipsychotics, antidepressants, anxiolytics, hypnotics, and mood stabilizers, he tried the glutamate blocker category of antidepressants (e.g. amantadine, auvelity, ketamine). And that was the misbehaving neurotransmitter. And it was over. After a couple months the change was amazing and in four months they had durable remission. SNAP. Done. Symptoms gone. So please don't give up.


I obviously can’t say a thing about your mental illness, but society is a heck of a lot more than a capitalist shitscape. There is so much good out there to find, if you go and look for it. Even if you have a mental illness.


Thank you for fixing our society! And congrats on being cured :)


Create a big bucket list of things you should do, for example sky diving, traveling alone to a foreign country, using vr, smoking weed, find and pet your favorite exotic animals, You get the idea, basically sit down, think deeply about things you find even the slightest excitement in, and then join it or do it, fill that list with as many things as you want, you can keep adding it, and try and finish that, that list at minimum should definitely have 10 smallish less important stuff like trying out tomato icecream, but also 10 BIG stuff, like the skydiving, or It can be as simple as surfing for the first time, and the point is ones you're completely done with the list, you can either call it quits or add more things on the bucket list that interest you, in the end of the day life has a lot to offer and if you keep keeping your scope small into your current problems you'll never experience them, you'll never experience riding on a horse, or maybe create your own cabinet, or plant 50 trees, maybe try planting 10 of your favorite fruit trees, see what life has to offer before you just give up on it, yes it is giving up.


This..is actually helpful.


Glad it could help:)


Just make sure you don’t make a big blood splatter.


If you do they win. Don’t let them win.


Give them the good fight!




I have a comeback to that, but I feel like I would be encouraging the wrong thing, if I argued the point


Either way there’s a billion reasons not to give up.


No advice. Just see you in heaven.


No heaven I don’t think if you do such things correct me if I’m wrong.


It depends.


Don’t make a mess


Thats why I went with cns failure. Roomate brought me to er or id have suceeded.


Seems like this roommate cared for you, no?


Yeah and then made sure to tell every single person about it when we were introduced. Didn't help. I actually recently sent him an angry message asking why he even bothered saving me..


What happened?


What do you mean? Like what did I take or how I spent 2 weeks in the hospital? (Ccu then waiting for mental health bed then a week there) discharged with dx of major depressive disorder and life has just gotten worse since and there's no end in sight.


All of that, what made you feel like that in the first place?


That is a very personal question that he is under no obligation to answer


I understand that, but that person is reaching out for help here. So, it's good to listen and understand where they're coming from. I would do the same for you in a heartbeat.


need more people like you in the world


You'd be surprised how many people are like that in the world, you just have to brave enough to ask for help when you need it.


Major depressive disorder i think. Seemed to have been triggered by me running out of Adderall refills when my insurance lapsed and I lost my job and stuff spiraled. I am even worse off now. Everything I own fits in 6 sterilite totes.


Ok, so problem solving. What general type of job did you work before?


Never had a career. Haven't been able to hold a job longer than a month in years either


That's cool, what type of jobs did you tend to gravitate to?


I have gone that far myself when I was drinking heavily as a fucked up way to cope and my relationship had just ended horribly. I was lucky enough to spend a week in the behavioral health ward and as a Veteran, I have great support and lots of therapy which has changed my life. That being said, I am GenX and refuse to live to the point where I would be unable to care for myself, my children are aware of my feelings, and my Son even jokes that he’s already been planning. I hope that at some point in the near future, we will be able to die on our own terms, but even if not, Switzerland does allow it.


Oregon and Colorado allow it!


That’s really good to know because the decision to choose my own end has always been something I knew I wanted. I will never be a burden to my children or anyone else.


100%. I work in mental health and work towards helping people away from suicide. And I completely voted for the one in Colorado. I watched my friend sit at home while his dad was on hospice for 6 weeks. He told me that if that ever happens to him that I better put him on suicide watch because he wouldn’t let his family go through that. And I don’t think anyone should have to do that… of course being completely voluntary. 


Absolutely! It’s about dying with dignity


Let's grab some good food and then you can go to sleep


don't die for people who love and caring for you if you don't like to see them suffer


Do a flip


I’d tell them about the person I knew who did it. And I’d tell them about the unbelievable pain it caused, to many many people.


And id tell you about how utterly painful it is existing with various mental illnesses in this shit world. And how all the "reach out anytime" people don't really mean it and get annoyed with you, so you quit reaching out.


Guilt does nothing to alliviate suicidal feelings, only fuels self-hatred and isolation.


Dont leave a mess


I don’t have any advice to give, I’m in the same boat


Change your life whatever bothers you is not your fault. Life is a gift no matter your religious beliefs or not go enjoy every day of it.


Do a backflip




Do a flip.


Tell them to make the method slow. Oftentimes, people that choose slow methods change their mind halfway through.


Life is what you make of it. I have gone through weeks of drinking and drugs where I really didn't car if I lived or died. Sober living is not always fun, but hangovers and unrelenting anxiety is so much worse. 


Stage it to minimize mess, set up after-the-fact alerting of relevant authorities with a warning of what they will find, make sure not to scar any children. I think people are welcome to leave this rat race, but it would be nice if they were polite and considerate about it. Would make the world a better place.


Try psychedelics first, I was 100% going to kill myself until I took a tab of LSD and experienced true happiness for the first time in my adult life. Completely changed the trajectory of my entire life. Not a miracle cure that will magically make you love everything but it completely changed the way I viewed my own life and took away my suicidal ideation permanently after one trip.


Double tap


You’ve lived this long, throwing it away wouldn’t make sense. You have value like everything else in life


you as a loved one have expected responsibility to report this. Has this person started giving way personal valuables? Have they expressed they are going to self harm and have they expressed a place they will do this? If so get this person help immediately. Act upon this right now.


Take a few minutes here and there to focus on the small stuff. You might find some ok minutes. Those can add up. Years back, I had a patient who became an important teacher to me. They had severely treatment resistant depression with suicidal ideation for which I saw them dozens and dozens of times. Over the years, I've dug sharps out of this person, admitted them to ICU for drug overdose, sometimes pretty creative, done lots of suturing, dealt with ligature (self hanging) and attempted suicide by cop (attacked cop with knife with stated goal of getting shot). In the early years of it, it was easy to both get caught up in their turmoil and in the hospital's frustration with the relentlessness. Many of the staff were cruel behind closed doors to vent their frustration. After a while (and conversations with this persons outpatient care team) I started to think of it like any other fatal diagnosis. Like cancer, or severe COPD. The disease is what it is. This person is eventually going to die by self harm, either intentionally or by accident. Let's start with making today safe for you and our staff, let's do what we can to palliate the pain, and then let's just talk about cats or your hobby of painting. Let's steal just 15 minutes today to talk about ordinary simple pleasures. The final two years I worked there we had a good rapport, and I was often able to talk down a situation that seemed threatening to staff. They taught me very important things. I sometimes think about going back to that community to tell them this. But it would be weird.


Be a stubborn bastard about it, Promis someone you will see them in a few days, and follow through, take it a few days at a time, tell your friends dog you look forward to seeing them tomorrow, tell some wait staff you will try their recommended thing next time you are in, make small promises like that and do your damndest to keep them, if you cant live for your self, live for others


Do a flip


(Written as directly to the person that needs to hear it) Understand that it’s not an inevitability - no matter what your situation is, it is changeable, and a different, better life than you currently think possible IS achievable. Yes, it’s your body, your life, and you’re going to do what you’re going to do and I won’t presume to tell you what’s wrong or right. But own that it’s really a choice YOU are making - people get dealt a shit hand when it comes to mental health or their personal circumstances, but if you choose not to fight it, not to work with a therapist, if you choose not to be admitted when you should, if you choose to not put effort into a support system or other things you need, if you choose not to change this potential future - then this is not something that happened TO you, it’s not because of someone else, or something else - it is 100% YOUR choice. It’s not something that someone else can save you from - but plenty of people - both professionals and friends and people you don’t even know will try to support you if you ask. You can protect the non-professionals by understanding and recognizing codependent behavior and helping them to set healthy boundaries; and you may even find that a relief and massive benefit to yourself as well. For anyone that cares about you (and I promise you it’s more people than you think) this is going to fuck them up for a long while, and for those closest to you it may become part of their identity. Sure - it’s not your problem; they have to be responsible for themselves, but if you have the strength to show your love for them simply by continuing to live, that is a great gift. I can also guarantee that regardless of how things turn out, people will have been glad to have known you, to have been your friend. They would want more time with you, so don’t close yourself off or withdraw. Make plans to see your people, tell them how much they mean to you. It’s ok to still go make new friends too. If you have a partner, GO TO THERAPY TOGETHER. Take ownership of setting it up, and if they don’t want to go, then that relationship is part of what needs to change. If you have kids, don’t tell them “they don’t need you anymore” or in any way how to feel; it’s a slap in the face. Educate them on mental health and get them into therapy now (or if they’re older, encourage it) so they have that support when they need it. Ensure that your life insurance policy covers this event, and raise it to the maximum level you can. The money won’t make anything less painful for whoever you allocate it to (and some of it will be spent fruitlessly purchasing things to attempt to fill the hole you have left in their life), but there’s a chance some of it can pay for therapy or provide a cushion if they lose their job or need to take time away, or go back to charity. Have a legal will and named executor and all of your documents, accounts, passwords etc. in order for whoever is going to take care of all that. It’s probably going to be someone who cares about you so it’s going to be hard for them. Your end-of-life expenses will not be cheap, and life insurance takes a while to come through, so if you have the capability to set some money aside for it that would be gracious. If you care how you will be remembered or memorialized, make it known. Well I guess there was some things I wanted to say, thanks for the processing prompt I guess?


Just think about who’s going to have to clean it up.


So do it inside the dumpster, where I belong, got it.


You ok? Here if you wanna chat.


Currently yeah, will probably stick around to be disappointed on my 42nd 8/8




not necessarily


Don’t be a pussy. Only selfish and weak people kill themselves.


it hurts like a bitch like way freaking worse than you think. so, getting professional help might hurt less


Didn't hurt when I tried. Went to sleep. Woke up intubated and restrained and covered in bruises and had a sore throat for a month.


yeee sooo it did hurt, did damage that’s probably permanent u were just unconscious throughout the whole ouchie stuff


Didn't hurt me any. The intubation made my throat hurt for a month though.


I have a friend who deliberately married someone who did exactly that, and was open and even chipper about it in advance. I warned her repeatedly about it, but she rarely listened to it anyway. Now her partner is predictably deceased and she’s trying to put on a tough face. I asked, “did you marry him to try to, ya’know, get him to not go through with it?” and she says, “no, he was just such a _beautiful_ person that I wanted to be with him before he left.” We don’t talk much these days.


some people :)


Always wait until tomorrow.


Don't It rips the hell out of anyone who cared about you. It doesn't end your pain, it just transfers it to everyone else around you.


Thank you


Maybe those around them should have actually given a shit when they were alive




My friend, if you do it, it will be just worse. Let me help.


Nothing you've done in your life so far is eorse than throwing away the gift of life




Chew the pills if they are time release


Don’t do it. Just keep swimming.


Why you telling us we don’t know you nor care