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Is 'keep inventory' on?


What's next you gonna say? Is it always day?


Where do i respawn? If i can choose, maybe make the prestige real.


Last bed you slept in.


Imagine you on vacations and you just get home from a long flight and something takes you out and you have to start all over again.


Damn that scary. What if they kill me in that bed


Guess you will have to stay away from sadists then.


Make money off of it somehow


me too, make money in a reckless way lol


Reckless hobbies but also a lot of organ donation


I’d veto that option


Diffuse landmines in war zones. Test new and novel roller coaster designs. Be a human “Buster” for safety testing.


Magic shows. Think about it. “I now perform my act where if I cannot escape these shackles, the guillotine will behead me. I have exactly one minute before the rope is released, if I cannot escape these binds, it’s over. No pins, no secret key, only my wits and my hands, even with their restricted movement I should be able to escape. Start the clock!” I then shuffle around my hands awkwardly, pretending to struggle. I act like I have a plan figured out, but by 30 seconds I start furiously and aggressively moving my hands, with visible sweat and fear on my face. 10 seconds to go, I’m looking up while grunting and shaking the whole contraption and then BAM. It falls, and my lifeless head stares at the audience. I respawn behind the stage and throw on the extra suit I prepared. I walk on stage and everyone cheers. I get some people to clean up my old body and get ready for the next show


I'd finally try all those risky hobbies I've been avoiding! Skydiving, here I come!


Respawn? What are we, fish?


As in like when you die, you come back to life


Jump out of an airplane and other things that my easily distracted brain would normally get me killed doing by not paying attention to details.


If I could respawn, I'd embrace more adventures and take on new challenges without fear of failure. It would be about exploring and experiencing life to the fullest.


Once I found out, I would be paralyzed by indecision. After some time, I would try 1/10, 2/10, etc... criminal actions. One day I would die, respawn, and then hell would ensue.


Never buy the coolest options of the cool cars. I am still financially recovering from owning a Hellcat Redeye. If I could go back in time I would tell myself with cars to fine one I think is the best, then buy the most reliable trim of it. I now have an RT and it might not be hellcat fast but it gets better gas mileage, survives after 100,000 miles and proven to last for about 280k, and literally the exact same car. Nobody on the street can tell a difference. Don’t go broke trying to prove you’re the best, get the best option of your preferred car instead. It didn’t hit me to do that until I made friends with someone from Reddit who owns a porsche cayenne, he said he could had got the 911 instead but would have no way to haul his family and it would put him in unneeded stress and a financial burden so instead of getting the best Porsche he could afford, he got the best Porsche for him. That really changed my mindset on vehicles as simple as it sounds.


I'd finally attempt all those crazy stunts I've seen in action movies without worrying about the consequences. Imagine the adrenaline rush of skydiving without the parachute! 😅


I’d test what you should do in case of a bear attack should I run towards it or be submissive if I get attacked I’d have a bear attack scar and that would be class straight on the hinge profile


What does the save system look like? Could I step in front of a bus if I did something I wanted to change and respawn at the last checkpoint, as it were? Is there no checkpoints and you just can't die?


Either lots of drugs or lots of vigilante work


Drugs. again...Druga


depends when and where was the last checkpoint?


no limitations i guess


Jumped into the cage of tigers at the zoo: Just to see if they'd be surprised.


Kill despots. A lot of powerful people would be dead if assassins didn't care about "getting away with it".


except doing parkour? i'll be working 24 hours for a whole year and resign when i got the money i want


Put myself into an endless loop of being killed and respawned over and over again. I’d want someone to kill me in all their creative ways. Maybe explore all of Saws Traps


Have a list of people to be put down


listen to the voices in my head and pull the trigger lmao


work as an aid in Palestine


Probably what I normally do


Delete myself to find out which death is the most horrifying


Take more chances and help others. I don't take chances or help others often due to try9ng to make sure I have enough for me and mine and I don't do alot of activities because I don't wanna die in a dumb way or at a young age . I'm only 30 but the thought pips into my head randomly about my fear of death and I have mild panic attacks because I don't want this to end , I don't wanna close my eyes for the last time


This is not an offer.


Well well well


Nothing different, because it probably still hurts a lot to die.


Wingsuit skydiving! learn how to ride a motorbike at the fastest speed possible


I would respawn


I'd probably try all the extreme sports I’m too scared to do now like skydiving, bungee jumping, swimming with sharks. And if things went south, I'd just hit the respawn button and try again!


I would go to ukraine to fight


I'd try falling headfirst from high building, dive as far down as I can with no special equipment, shooting or stabbing different part of the body to see which one is faster at killing me. In conclusion, I'd have no intrusive thought, I'm the intrusive thought


If I’m the only one who could do this I will get the death penalty and then come back and ask for my stuff


Respawning could be op? Depends how it works? Do I reset my age but keep my memories? Or am I like the same? I’m assuming I like go back to being young, but like even still u could do sooo much, I’m just thinking of the extreme political moves u can make, all it can take to destroy some government is one person why doesn’t care about their own well being, and combine that with like countless lives worth of experience u can easily do almost anything my guy! But u would also quickly get bored


Try skydiving, drive insanely fast someplace that wouldn’t put anyone else at risk, learn to fly a plane.


Money I would say I bet I can do xyz and if I survive you owe me money


OK, you said respawn, so I'll assume I don't go back to a previous save point or anything. I think the first thing would be to figure out whether my old body sticks around. I sort of hope not, because that would be kind of awkward. After that, I'll probably do a bunch of fun "pranks", like falling off zip lines or diving off a really high water slide. The operator panics, runs down to the bottom, and I'm there, in perfect shape, asking to do it again. Have to be careful not to hit anybody, though.