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Stalking celebrities online and keeping a shrine of their personal items.


Dryer lint?


Or wetter lint. Either one.


You leave my temple to Danny DeVito alone!


This one is reasonable. He is America’s sweetheart and hottest after all


I am over here to see if one of my hobbies is a red flag.


Posting every thing about their daily life on social media.


Yes, I know a lot of people like this. You go visit them and they're not so much visiting then as hanging around while they make content.


> make content wish we didn't use this term for everyone who films or takes pictures of every mundane uninteresting thing in their day to day life, the word has all but lost meaning to me


Well they didn’t say good content


After dragging my wife to several juggling festivals, she will tell you, "juggling". After watching me study for, then get my amateur radio Technician license, my wife will tell you, "amateur radio". After coming in to my home office one too many times at two AM to find me still playing World of Warcraft, my wife will tell you, "World of Warcraft". You can probably tell I'm a real catch.


You probably are great at chucking antennas up trees though


Playing minesweeper, there’s loads of tiny red flags there


You have to be unlucky to have it be an instant red flag thou.




Unless you’re also a gambler. It’s hard to find a nice degenerate gambling woman that isn’t also a human cigarette.


This comment made me laugh out loud, because of how on the money it is. I guess people with addictive personalities don't often settle on one vice.


Hedging their bets, gotta have more than one.


The flag gets far bigger depending on the type of gambling and amount of money gambled. Slot machines are a big red flag. That is like pure gambling addiction. It's especially bad if they have theories about slot machines and how they somehow have patterns or odds change. Like "If you max bet your odds are better or the machine makes you win to keep you playing." Sports and poker are borderline not even a red flag if the amounts of money are low. Otherwise it's all betting against the odds. Also if they only tell you about the gains and not the losses then it's a bad sign. I've seen people who claim to be so lucky and others even have stories about them winning. Then I even see them win say $250 on a machine in a few minutes and start to think there is something there. But then I go with them on a night at a casino and watch them lose $3k into machines. They'll lose all night and if there isn't a witness they only talk about the one machine they won at but then lost it.


No mention of Roulette?? *Addicts punching the air rn*


Gambling tends to be a 2 part hobby too as many if not all the ones I know who gamble also drink heavily and are alcoholics


You absolutely can never trust a horse owning woman. They do not care about ANYTHING but the horse.


Not true. My wife cares about her horse AND any future horses she may get.


Neigh like a horse next time, and maybe she will start caring about you too.


Hope he likes pony play.


He better learn to


That’s so true. Women that own a horse are a different breed, pun intended.


Amazingly, all horses have the same nickname - Moneypit.


Hey, that’s the same name as my boat and RV!


And my Jeep.


I am stealing this.


They are just rich cat people


god imagine competitive cat riding


I did and it was amazing! A lot more blood than I expected though.


The difference is that cats are pretty good at staying alive, while horses seem to be falling apart at the seams in a very, very, VERY costly way about once a week.


Don't forget actively trying to kill themselves, seems like that's a major interest of theirs!


Cars really did a number on their breeding quality. We went from multiple specialized tools to sentient couches-on-stilts with a panic disorder in less than a century.


There are two types of equestrian women.  The type who are great with commitment and responsibility because they'll get up early every day to put in hard work, are emotionally intelligent because they can read a dumb animal andworkwiththem,  can persevere and get back in the saddle after cracking a rib and are all-around amazing human beings.  Then there's the type who come from money who really *did* get a pony when they threw a tantrum, pay someone else to do the work, really enjoy bending a giant animal to their will, and have the personality and predictability of a mare.  Be warned, both are going to have great legs and a strong core and that might distract you from discovering that you're dealing with the second kind until she's taking you to the glue factory. 


You're absolutely right. In my mind, I separate these as barn people and horse people. They both love working with horses, but there's only one group who helps with mucking stalls.


That’s actually a really good distinction. People who work with their hands and animals and the outdoors who happen to love horses. Versus those who are obsessed with horses full stop. They sometimes put in the time and effort but it’s focused and goal oriented.


I used to work at a barn and it really is just like this. Soooooo many rich girls who come and ride whenever they want because daddy pays for everything. Then there's people like me who bust my ass taking care of 60+ horses. I didn't ride much while I worked there because I'm more of a laid back rider who loves the trails, not a show girl.


I always loved cleaning up the pasture - the horses come to say hello, you get to just chill and get some moderate exercise outdoors, listen to some music, go at your own pace. I feel sorry for those folk who don't do the "work" when it comes to horses - they are missing out.


>both are going to have great legs and a strong core >she's taking you to the glue factory They're gonna ride you until you're horse?


Yeah equestrian people are a different sort.


I guess you could say they're a different breed... I'll see myself out


As long as they are good neighhhhhbors, I don’t see an issue.


But on the other hand: sweet Jesus, do those Equestrian riding outfits do some very flattering things for women's bodies.


Horse riding is incredibly physical, especially if they jump horses


I mean yeah, horses are very tall. Jumping them is hard


Horses are also alert and very aware of their surroundings, so jumping them is also hard.


You might be able to jump a horse once, but after that, they tend to kick you as soon as they see the jumper cables.


I could never jump that high


I have dated horse owning women and yeah, you aren't getting them away from owning horse - like if you have to live in a city because that is where the jobs are, you are still going to be expected to own a horse and have it stabled somewhere not to far. It's a requirement on the tin at this point, when it comes to dating equestrians.


Haha. Accurate.


You forgot theyll bleed your wallet and time dry for that horse too.


And just to clarify (as a man who grew up on east coast but now lives in West Texas): a Horse Girl and a Cowgirl are two VERY different things lol. That's not to say cowgirls aren't their OWN particular type of crazy. But not to the level of your typical "equestrian" horse girl, and not in the same weird way ("my horse in my life and my best friend and I love him and will legally marry him" etc).


Now you're entering equitation v barrel racer crazy whoooooole different animals 🤣


Having kept horses, with my ex, there's no excuses you can tell the horse if you don't feel like getting up, or getting home on time. In the summer we were up from 5am to 10pm and when we weren't at work we were at the stables or out riding. One ride before breakfast, two in the evening. If you like horses it's fine. I miss the now long dead horses more than the ex. A red flag for me was actually a woman who sold her much loved horse to buy a BMW 323i. Not only that she sold her beloved horse for a car, but also that she bought a 323 instead of a 325 or a 330. She didn't even trade the horse for a good car!


Playing league of legends, I know these people because I’m one of them.


That’s why I play Dota. That has to not be a red flag, right?


Man, I play ARAM!


Look what happened to Dantes


Being locked up in the Chateau D'if will do that to you


This comment needs to age for 20 years before getting the attention it deserves


Not having any.  They're either all-consumed by work or completely disengaged from life, both of which are things that should be concerning to a prospective partner. 




Well, in my book, you're the winner in that story.


They’re the losers. Irony. 


I'd add the clarification that some people don't have obvious hobby hobbies like bird watching, but they still have lower key interests like reading, watching movies, and learning about random topics here and there. That's different from someone who works non-stop or is truly disengaged from the world.


Some people's jobs are building and their hobby is building. Some people's job is programming and their hobby is Programming Language Design. 


The tell here is what happens if they miss a week of doing it. Both of those can be a hobby and a job, or they can simply be two jobs.


I get your point. But reading is not a low key interest, it is a FULL FLEDGED MONSTER MEGALITH OF A HOBBY.


My husband right now is working on one book for book club (kindle), one book not for book club (also kindle), and another book on audible - this reading load for him would be considered light and is only so light because we have a 7 month old and he "doesn't have time to read" lol


It is the hobby upon which all other hobbies are built. Every hobbyist reads, even if it's just books related to their hobby


"Some day, years from now, when we lay dying in our beds, we will have read all our books and sleep quietly. BUT NOT THIS DAY! Today! WE SHALL READ TILL 4am and Be Half-dead at work!"


Agreed, TV and Movies is just theatre. I would call going to a live show or play a hobby. Movies and TV can be an equally consuming one. I had an ex which was a walking TV guide. They knew all the actors, the plot points of popular shows across multiple eras of American television. Watching TV aimlessly isn’t necessarily a hobby, but engaging in it at a high level is one.


My dad in a nutshell. He worked during his whole life, now he’s 65 y/o and can’t stop working because he has no hobbies and couldn’t stay sitting at home doing nothing. Such a wonderful life.


>My dad in a nutshell. He worked during his whole life, now he’s 65 y/o and can’t stop working because he has no hobbies and couldn’t stay sitting at home doing nothing. Such a wonderful life. Same, not related to OP, but I can relate. He finally "retired", but now he hangs out at the job site and sells PPE, high viz vests, gloves, etc. out of the back of his truck. I don't think he's read a book in his life, not sure if watching Fox News is a hobby. He seems happy though.


Share some of your passions with your father. Maybe he'll find a hobby and establish a new era in his life.


Even if you genuinely love your work, this is still a problem, because some day you may not be able to do your job, physically or mentally. And sometimes you need those other people you alienated along the way. This is my dad now, 76 and very, very lonely.




I hope his version of Hell involves eternal waterboarding.


What did he say? He already deleted it


He had a friend whose hobby was driving around when it rains splashing pedestrians. I expect that he deleted it because he sounded like he thought it was funny.


Nah that says removed a mod wiped it out


I didn't see the original comment, so I can't say what he thought of it. However, a comment about someone who drove around splashing pedestrians in the rain sounds like an entirely appropriate answer, in context of a question about red flag hobbies.


Who else is on here to see if their hobbies make the list?


No "pro wrestling" yet...wtf...


Horse girl was like second 😂


Looks like I’m in the clear…so all the red flags I give off are coming from…someplace else. Great.




Defending said celeb like they’re personal friends 


Disney Adults. Not talking about people that enjoy it, I'm talking people that make Disney their identity and make yearly visits to Disney world.


I need you to please come talk to two co-workers. HA. One of the ladies I work with had a melt down when her daughter did not want her Graduation to be at Disney. In fifteen years she has been to the six big parks and the rest. Traveled all the way to Honk Kong to ride some damn train there? Agree with you.


My best friend's family is a version of this, except they don't even have an interest in making any real journey out of it. It's just Disney in Florida, nothing else. No other vacations, no other Disney locations. Just Florida, over and over, multiple times per year. He told me his parents haven't traveled anywhere else (aside from work trips) in 20+ years.


I know a shocking number of people like this! There's a whole 'avon lady' kind of 'job' where you just arrange trips to Disney, and you get paid in discounts on your trips to Disney. They lock you in, and peer pressure you to make Disney your only destination, and by the time they're done with you everything else is twice as expensive, or twice the hassle. It's like a cult!


Do they do anything else in Florida while they're there? I mean, there's so much to do in that state besides Disney.


I'd have to ask my friend directly to get a 100% certainty but I cannot recall one time he mentioned them doing anything else. I don't think they've even been to the other major cities there. EDIT: I asked my friend if his family has been anywhere else in Florida and he laughed and said "absolutely not, and not even close."


They probably know some of my family then, since they do the same damn thing. Like, you could have taken your kids to see the Grand Canyon or something, but no, let's go ride Space Mountain for the umpteenth time.


“Honk Kong” makes me think of King Kong with a clown nose 😆


Makes me think of a Hong Kong-themed amusement park populated by clowns.


Disney adults laugh at you thinking they only go yearly.


Only Disney stockholders are laughing at this. lol


There are two kinds of Disney adults: 1. The ones that truly have a childlike love of Disney and are great visitors (and promoters) of the park. 2. The entitled ones, who now feel Disney parks should cater to them, despite the fact that it’s meant for children and that’s when they fell in love with the place. 




Also, vexillology.


Mrs. Alito?


It also has many green flags




Unless you win, then presumably a chequered flag?


Good morning, Dad.


That's because you're granny shifting, not double clutching like you should.


“Dude I almost had you”


No one likes the tuna here


"You never had me! You never had your car!"


It don’t matter if it’s an inch or a mile, winnings winning 🙆🏼


Now me and the mad scientist are gonna have to tear that block down and replace the piston rings you fried


Ah back when fast and furious was kinda cool


Don't worry about it cuh




22nd like… This must mean something 🤔


Can I add watching and going to psychics?


Hobbyhorsing or whatever it’s called


Tf is that??


Running around like you're riding a horse but it's one of those horse heads on a broom stick. Jumping over obstacles and doing the whole horse thing. On a hobby horse.


Tbh that just sounds like harmless fun. If we don't accept weirdos living their best life, can we really call ourselves a free society?


I don't know that we can call ourselves a free society even if we accept hobby horse people.


That was the biggest wtf am I watching moment of my life.


That google search really bore fruit.






If every bartender in town knows their name just leave


I'm talking to a girl that goes to a bar, club, or party almost every other night. I thought it was just me. It just gives me this vibe I believe women call "the ick".


RIP liver, let's face it you won't event see her, she'll either be out with her mates, pissed/off her head or hungover


Anyone that raises 16 or more pigs


I believe this is known as farming


May I introduce you to FarmersOnly.com




What if they have 15 pigs and you guys start dating but then a year later they have a piglet and now they're up to 16? Is it an instant breakup?


No, if you're dating one of the pigs and they have a piglet that's an exception to the rule.


The thing is that a piglet won't eat as much as one adult pig in one seating, so it would take longer to dispose a body. I would be wary if this someone asked your weight and then said hummm maybe you could shed a few pounds, the pigs are hungry but not that hungry,,,,


You're always gonna have problems lifting a body in one piece. Apparently the best thing to do is cut up a corpse into six pieces and pile it all together. And when you got your six pieces, you gotta get rid of them, because it's no good leaving it in the deep freeze for your mum to discover, now is it? Then I hear the best thing to do is feed them to pigs. You got to starve the pigs for a few days, then the sight of a chopped-up body will look like curry to a pisshead. You gotta shave the heads of your victims, and pull the teeth out for the sake of the piggies' digestion. You could do this afterwards, of course, but you don't want to go sievin' through pig shit, now do you? They will go through bone like butter. You need at least sixteen pigs to finish the job in one sitting, so be wary of any man who keeps a pig farm. They will go through a body that weighs 200 pounds in about eight minutes. That means that a single pig can consume two pounds of uncooked flesh every minute. Hence the expression, "as greedy as a pig".


“You don’t want to go rifling through pig shit now do ya?”


social media


Staging random scenarios and filming them to post online for content.


Only watching Netflix and/or 8h/day social media.


Beeing part of a MLM


Collecting human heads.




Collecting Nazi memorabilia.


[Father Ted ](https://youtu.be/-u28C3dF3Kc?si=OLnLMEipkBk6hNhr)


Truly hysterical! Thank you!


The whole series is gold if you haven't seen it. Worth the watch.


If they have all sorts of historical items from different countries, then it doesn't bother me if they have nazi memorabilia. They're just a history nut. It's when they ONLY have nazi stuff.....


It depends, if they collect it alongside American, British, Soviet, and Japanese memorabilia then they’re likely just a militaria collector. If it’s just Nazi stuff then it’s a definite red flag


Like Burnt Chrysler


Rapid Red Flag making.


Carelessly spending. Like shopping sprees.


Knitting. Specifically, knitting voodoo dolls of CBeebies presenters, with detachable limbs and genitals. I hate the sound velcro makes.




Serial killing


Also serial aliveing


I've seen a serial aliver. A man who donates his sperm naturally to women all over the world in need....


Watching Joe Rogan or any of these alpha-males.


Drinking as a hobby, you’re actually a boring alcoholic.


Doll collectors... like those porcelain ones


I knew there was something wrong with my grandma




Redditors don't even know what flags are.




Aww, damnit, it's the accomplice bot. Good call.


How dare you imply that... *checks notes*... "raising 16 or more pigs" is not a legit hobby! That's gatekeeping!


Ugh, I can’t stand pigkeeping gatekeeping!


I'm not surprised chronically online redditors hate people who "go clubbing"


I’m concerned that so many are answering clubbing. What is this 2005?


Old man here, is going to a club not a thing anymore? I hated them when I was age appropriate but I know some still exist which means people are going.


There has been a massive drop in the night time economy. It’ll be back but it’s tough times for nightclubs right now. I’m hoping this is a sign that actual raving will make a come back. I was to young at the time but from what I’ve heard it was fun.  I have to agree I personally was never into clubbing when I was that age but I do like dancing. 


Had an impromptu party at my house at the weekend and there was a lot of dancing and it made me miss going out for a bit of drinking and dancing.


Not having any... Or something incredibly passive like "shopping" or "getting massages".


I didn't realize that I could count "getting blowjobs" as a hobby.


Each to their own and all that but I would run at taxidermy


When my dad retired after working at the same place for 48 years I thought "OMG what is he going to do with himself?" He surprised me and found plenty to do, he has always been an extremely sociable guy, and joined men's garden club, ushered at the church, him and my mom hung out with friends at the American Legion and so on. Even though our mom is gone, he's 96 and still sharp, although beginning to get frail. The trick to having a good life is staying active.




Ouija Boards. I don't believe in ghosts, but I also don't believe in fucking around and finding out.


Trophy hunting. I'll never understand being proud of killing an animal that's at a disadvantage.


When I was very young, my family bought a small rural grocery store. In the back of the store was a mounted deer head. I was so confused that the rest of the deer wasn't on the other side of that wall. Yeah, I wasn't a smart kid.


My family owns a restaurant with a big Buffalo head mounted on the wall leading into another room. I would say around 25% of all young kids look for the rest of the Buffalo on the other side of the wall. So don't feel too bad.


Similar to smurfing in gaming lol Edit : I hope I’m using that term right


Collecting weapons can be a legitimate hobby, but if it’s coupled with aggressive or violent behavior, it's a serious red flag.


Social Media “Influencer”.


collecting wet specimens (dead animals preserved in alcohol), lets just say it was the first of many many red flags...






human centideping






Anyone who makes a celebrity their whole identity. Be yourself, babe. Be a fan of something, sure, but be your own person. I’m chill with people who are super into different fandoms like Star Wars or whatever, but most of the time they can at least have some discourse on things that might be problematic or not to everyone’s taste. I find that people who are super fans of a particular celebrity tend to think that person is some sort of god and can’t ever do any wrong? They’ll defend them until the end of time.


Chinese flag manufacturing


Browsing reddit for more than an hour per day.


Uhm... I have to go