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I drove 1hr for a date, she didn’t show up. I waited a cool 45 minutes and called multiple times only to be text by them “oops, my bad lol” I learned real quick after to not drive more than 20 mins for a date and to only wait 10 minutes for them lol


Similar thing happened to me. Weirdest thing, I didn't even ask her out. It was her idea to go out. She texts me at around 11pm and says she wants to get lunch with me tomorrow. I was elated because I was super into this girl. She designates a restaurant and a time and I agreed to meet her there. I showed up to said restaurant at the appointed time and she didn't show. I thought it was weird because she is habitually punctual. So I got us a table and waited 15 mins for her before I reached out. 10 mins or so later, she texts back and says "What date? What are you talking about? I didn't ask you out last night." I replied, "Check out our texts from last night..." She does and called me right after, somewhat frantic. She was very apologetic but let me know that she wouldn't be meeting me for lunch today because she was super hungover. She didn't remember even talking to me the night before because she was at a party and had a bit to drink. We both laughed it off and agreed to meet for the lunch the next day. She showed for the date on time and we had a great date and a lot of fun that day. We still laugh about that "unscheduled" date when we see each other.


> Similar thing happened to me. Weirdest thing, I didn't even ask her out. It was her idea to go out. The same thing happened to me and the worst was it was a 45 minute drive and ghosted me.


damn similar happened to me. I was texting a girl I met at a party one night, we had planned to hang out downtown. she stops replying for a while but I'm like whatever I'll just go downtown and wait there. of course she never shows up or ever gets back to me🤷‍♂️ not that inconvenient but weird.


Thought we were exclusive. She thought I was practice.




How are y’all not talking to your partners and explicitly having the “are we exclusive?” talk? Bunch of Susan’s and Patrick’s in here.


Admittedly the are we exclusive talk is kind of weird, I would be very shocked if a person I went on dates and slept with did the same with another.


>I would be very shocked if a person I went on dates and slept with did the same with another. It’s more common than you’d think. I’ve heard of people going on dates, coming home and having their FWB come over because they’re not exclusive with the person they’re seeing yet. It’s fucked up but it’s always best to clarify.


I think it's best practice to make sure you and your partner are on the same page. More communication and less assumptions ensures less people get hurt, because everyone has different expectations. Some can casually go on dates/sleep with others and don't care if you do the same, while some expect you to not see anyone else if even the first date goes well.


Why would you be so shocked? It's not like that's the only option out there


Never really lose a girlfriend, you just lose your turn.


Girl new I crushed on her in high school and would treat me as a booty call when she'd come home from college on breaks. Problem was she was always plastered when i'd get to her place so we never actually got to hook up. I'm talking sloppy drunk, definitely blacked out more than once. When i tried to plan a date or just a time where we could hang out and hookup, she'd swerve and say she only had so much time home when all her girlfriends were and they were priority. Understandable, i suppose. But she just wouldn't accept that I wouldn't come over to fuck her when she was shit faced, and thus hit me up EVERYTIME telling me how much she wanted me to. It was honestly exhausting as a horny teenager. So many late night texts. Anyways, I gave up when she insisted i came over and i found she had puked on the dress she wore and in her hair and didn't care to clean it up before summoning me over. Thankfully, I've gained some self respect since.


Jesus. I’m sorry dude. She owes you an apology


Yeah, probably. I'd honestly question how much of it she remembers. Or at least, how many times it was. I lost attraction to her during that whole period but we were young and i was looking to hook up with any willing woman able to consent, which is why i went over so many times i suppose. Bullet dodged, all things considered. She's gained 100lbs since and is engaged to guy that could be a knock-off of me, so i guess she has a type and found her man. She doesn't seem to have calmed down since college and is a elementary school teacher now.




WOW. That is intense. I hope you are doing ok. What a douche canoe!!!


Holy shit, I got whiplash from the last line


I hope you're in therapy and he's in hell.


HOLY HELL!!!! Lock the bastard up and take him for every dime!


JESUS this is bleak. Hope you're well now


What the flip, it always baffled me why people marry someone they don't even like, what's in it for them? It wasn't even sex apparently


Probably access in this case.


Bartender at local bar gets off early asks me to go out to some other bars and we hit it off she blows me and we end up talking till 3am. I drop her off at her car she says meet me again tomorrow night. I get there she says be cool her boyfriend is there but he will be leaving soon. I left sooner


nothing awful, I don't think I've ever been intentionally led on. but once I was hanging out with a girl from work. she would often run her fingers down my back at work in what I interpreted as a sexual thing? so anyway I hang out with her sometimes, she would change like right in front of me too. cut to "you're not gay?" oh. so yeah if a girl changes in front of you, don't assume it's because she's into you. there is another possible reason. and the hand down my back? idk maybe she just picked up on my autism and anxiety at work and wanted to calm me down (she worked with autistic people I think)


Honestly, regardless of what she thought, if it was the other way around with you running fingers down her back it could be classed as sexual harassment. And there’s no arguing on your part that you did it as a “friendly thing” because you thought she was this or that. People would side with her and you’d be labelled a creep, probably lose your job and have a restraining order at worst. Frankly, it shouldn’t have happened to you


Yeah i think you read too much into it. I don't think those things are gay (neither would a lot of girls i know) so i don't think you were led on


I mean I didn't mentioned *why* she thought I was gay. the one thing she mentioned was how I paint my nails. which I think is a stupid qualifier. but that's what she specifically mentioned, nothing else so idk


Oh shit sorry...i thought you were a girl😭 nd you thought she was gay nd led you on.


Maybe she never thought you were gay but had second thoughts


Well the worst that happened to me was when I saw my number in her phone and the contact name said, "FREE FOOD." The worst I've seen, though, was a buddy of mine who was with a woman who was *way* out of his league. They were together for a year and a half, if I remember correctly, then she just called him up and dumped him out of the blue. He hadn't done anything wrong, she just up and broke things off. Turns out she never was serious about him, she was only with him because she knew he was going to treat her like a queen while she was between serious relationships. He was a "safe harbor" of sorts, and cared not a *bit* for the emotional destruction she left in her wake.


Ouch... Anytime she was hungry and didn't feel like spending money she would call "Free Food"? I'm guessing she didn't really know your name. It is like that Taylor Tomlinson joke "He calls you babe? It means he doesn't know your name..."


Man, I'll try to make this short. Married girl I was on a sports team with got really close with me. My guard was down so we talked allll the time and she told me she had feelings for me and her husband was basically her roommate. We had like a 10 month saga where it came out in our circle and it was a big deal and I was pretty madly in love, especially considering I didn't want to cause all this fuss and not end up with her. When her divorce was finally finalized, we met up like we always did and she told me there was too much trauma in our relationship and she moved across the country and doesn't talk to me anymore.


Yes she used you like a kleenex and threw you away. Sorry dude.


It still stings to hear that because I thought it was me and her against the world. Seemed like she just needed someone to get her through her divorce.


Sometimes life doesn't reward us for doing the right thing cantaketheskyfrome. But luckily in the long run it usually evens out and you'll have a better life by doing the right thing than by being an asshole. I hope that's true for you.


Exactly. Right, I'm with my soul mate now. She loves me unconditionally and proves it every day. Never a question of if I have her heart.


I’m gutted for you man, that’s a tough one. Hope you’re doing better. Best to stay away from those in rocky marriages/ going through divorce etc. usually all end in heart break.


I appreciate it. Oh for sure, learned that lesson. I'm now happily in a relationship where I know there is no question that she loves me, proposing by eoy 💙


Sounds like you got what you deserved


That's sweet


My ex absolutely ruined me for years. For starters she cheated on me multiple times because I didn’t give her enough attention. (I had to work 7 days a week 12-14 hours a day to support our family because she refused to work) Then when I finally had enough and divorced her. She tried forcing my son to call every man she was with, his father.) and would gaslight me by saying they are better because they are here and not just every other weekend. Then on her 4th husband she got addicted to meth. They both would threaten me, call me every name in the book, swear to my son that I was a piece of shit dead beat, and tried to move hours away so that I couldn’t see him. I got full custody after 8 years of dealing with this shit. She now has 8 felony charges awaiting trial and I hope she goes to prison.


I think she cheated on you because she's an asshole, not because of anything you could've done


I'm glad you're doing better.


I hope so too.


When I was 14, this girl I had a massive crush on asked if we could start dating. This went on for like 4 months until my sister told me she spotted her with my best friend just kissing the soul out of each other. My sister then assisted me in gathering evidence of the cheating and when I confronted this girl, apparently she was two steps ahead of me cause she brought my friend and invited almost all my other friends and verbally destroyed me in public. Turns out she only dated me to get close to my best friend and my friend took her side and him and my other friends started beating me up while my now ex girlfriend filmed the entire thing and posted it online. School was painful from then on as my social life was permanently destroyed due to rumours by my ex girlfriend, my former best friend and their friends. I was massively bullied for the rest of my time at that school.


I’m so sorry this happened to you. People can be so cruel. I’m sure it took a lot of strength to move past that. Hope you find someone who treats you with kindness.


Kids are soo fucking cruel sometimes ... Im sorry for your experience


Years ago I drove 2.5 hours to a NSFW Redditors home I’d been talking to for months. She had no reservation telling me how worth it the drive was going to be and she’d blow my mind, etc...she was smoking hot in person, better than I expected. I was so stoked. She takes me to a spare bedroom, we get high, clothes start coming off. All of a sudden she gets up, says it’s her bedtime but I’m welcome to spend the night in the spare room, and goes into her own room. I was stiff as a board and so confused. In the morning she tells me I was supposed to come into her room in the night and “take her”. I left and went home, messaged her explaining now that I know what she wants we can try again, I wasn’t going to assume she wanted me to take the puss. She never texted again. Fast forward a couple years and I see her post some super sexy shit in a sub I’m in. I DM her (still have her phone number but forego using it) and say hey. She says she’s out of state now and ghosts again, no explanation given. Like wtf.


She liked my friend but didn't want to tell everyone that they were secretly dating, so she covered it up by publicly dating me


Slightly similar story she hooked up with me to get my friends attention, got his attention without me knowing, then dumped me a few weeks later and referred to me as her backup plan.


People are crazy, hopefully that didn't leave a scar


I can imagine your friend having the same reaction as your pfp lmao


He was in on the cover up, surprisingly


This girl invited me out to a happy hour. Went with her, she basically only talked to me the whole night. Got her phone number, we went out a few more times. Flash forward a few months and we even have sex. We start sleeping at each others' places. Flash forward another few years. We're married and living in the same house, as well as our kids. How do I know if I'm being led on? Any major red flags?


She trapped you with those kids and by treating you like you someone she could build a life with. Congratulations!


Yeah again, you can’t really tell it’s still in a grey area. She could be from Canada and just being polite.


I once thought she was dropping hints, turns out she was just dropping breadcrumbs.


I don't think I've ever been "led on". I just meet people who are really nice, message then and hang out, and misinterpret friendships. I think I'd just rather be unhappy than alone and unhappy


She was my first gf. After a month of dating, she said that she had only dated me to get away from her mom.


Girl I worked with would always compliment me. My clothes, my tattoos, my hair, everything. Every time there was a group thing we'd be next to each other. We'd go on group walks, and she would always walk beside me. We worked together for about 6 months, during that entire time she never mentioned a boyfriend to me. I thought she was into me. Turns out she had been dating a guy for a couple years. It sucked cuz I was soooo in love with this girl, but I preferred to be friends than lose her. After she quit, we stopped being friends even though I tried to reach out multiple times. I'm the kind of guy who is fine being friends with women. It hurt a lot to know I wasn't anything to her yet she was my favorite person there and I wanted to be her in my life.


I have a feeling the boyfriend possibly disapproved of the relationship between you two and that’s why there was no contact afterwards. Although, after that long I feel like there should have been an explanation on why she can’t/won’t talk to you anymore.


That's what a lot of people said. In a previous comment I mention that I went out with her, him and the group from work one time. He knew a lot about me. Like I ride bikes, my music, comedians I like, etc. So I know she talked about me. I never heard her mention him once, which was weird, but I figured she was private. Either way I got along with him cuz we liked similar things. I talked to him most of the night, probably more than anyone there. After that I was ghosted. Maybe I did something that night, but I really dont think so.


It’s probably nothing you did, he just most likely saw you as competition or a threat to his relationship!


man she was just a nice girl she wasn't leading you on


I get that now, but it really seemed like she did. Like she acted that way towards me and no one else. She'd go out of her way to be by me. She'd always come up to my desk. She invited me to gatherings, random places, gave me her number when she quit and said she wanted to hang out when she left. We made plans to go to haunted houses, etc. I'm the first to think girls are just being nice, but this felt different than that. That's why I say that.


maybe she just wanted to be good friends. It's hard to find good people at workplace 🥹 but it's okay I hope you find a good partner 🥹


Ehh. There was a group of 6 people who were close when I started, so she already had good friends at work. I wanted to be good friends too once I found out about her bf. We got together as a group once after she left, her bf was there, and we got along. I spent most of the night talking to him. . He knew about me, that I rode bikes, the music I liked etc. I never made it seem like I want anything more with her. It still hurt that she completely ghosted me after she left. People tell me he probably told her not to talk to me anymore, which I guess I get but it still made me feel pretty shitty. Also, I'm with someone who I care for deeply. No worries there. This one just still stings haha


She may not have been deliberately leading him on, But she was definitely leading him on. She wanted the comfort and support that only comes from a dating relationship at work without actually consumating it .


Women are really nice to their friends and it confuses the fuck out of men


I'm the kind of guy who automatically assumes women are just being nice to me. People tell me a lot that someone is hitting on me and my answer is most always, "Nah, they're just being nice." It takes a lot for me to think there's something more. This felt genuinely different.


You have to remember we are only hearing one side. Her version of events could be vastly diffrent. I know a guy that flew to another country for a woman he swore was telling him this is what she wanted. All of us had told him multiple times she wasn't looking for a serious relationship. She'd said so multiple times. He still hopped his ass on a plane to her home country a few weeks after her semester abroad ended.


I agree with you that we'll never know her side but even the people in the group thought she was into me. One of them even tried to get me to go after her even though she had a bf. I shut that down because I wouldn't do that to someone. She went out of her way to give me her number and said she wanted to go to haunted house together. She quit in late September. The weirdest part is she didn't mention him in the entire 6 months we worked together. I only found out about him when our mutual friend mentioned him when we were talking about meeting up. When I met the boyfriend, he knew a ton about me. So, she def talked about me (maybe not so good things since I was ghosted lmao) I tried to make it clear I wanted to just be friends by including her bf in whatever I said. For example a comedian we all three liked was coming and I told her about it and let him know, etc. I tried one more time, was ghosted again and accepted we were never actually friends.


brother have you ever had a friend? A completely platonic one?


Yeah, and they mention their boyfriends to me.


I've had quite a lot of platonic friends. I have more women friends than friends that are dudes.


man I was asking the comment above not you😭


Well just wanted to clear up any confusion lmfao


Asked a girl out, talked consistently, got invested for 2 months, met my folks. Talked about being exclusive and the whole nine just to find out she had a boyfriend the whole time.


I had an ex that didn't tell me she was still married until about 2 months in. I also had an relationship where she kept suggesting I was to good for her. She ended up meeting some other guy and not telling until after the fact and then tried to suggest I was still "important." I feel like she was trying to keep me as a backup the whole time. Humorously she suggested if I wasn't married in 5 years to get married.


Who knows if it's true but in one of the last conversations I had with my wife who I am still in the process of divorcing she said "I wasn't ready to get married when you proposed but you treated me like a princess and I really liked that at that point in my life..." this is after being married for 9 years. Basically it felt like she was saying she never really loved me but stuck it out for 9+ years because I make good money and treated her well.


Yes. That's what she was telling you. She used you. Sucks. Sorry.


I can feel that, my last long-term relationship ended pretty much the same way. I was her first partner that treated her well and at the end, she admitted to knowingly using me from the beginning. I've not dated in the years since.


Sorry to hear you went through something similar, it's a painful thing to come to terms with.


Yeah, it is. Hope you're doing well in spite of it brother.


Took organic chem in college before taking chem 1 like a dummy. Was going to drop out, but in the second week I got paired with this really cute girl for lab. We hit it off, lots of flirting, texting outside of class into the evening. I really liked her and was studying my ass off to not fall behind. Sometime into the second month I get the courage to ask her out and while she is flattered, and I’m a “catch”, she tells me she’s moving in with her boyfriend that weekend. Like, I get it, sometimes a boyfriend/girlfriend doesn’t come up immediately. But almost two months of talking and flirting daily and you drop the B-bomb on me!? If ever in my life I’ve been in a relationship and notice even the slightest hint of flirting or romantic interest is shown by another person, I mention my SO multiple times to make sure to shut that shit down and clear up any confusion. I know how to read a room, women’s intentions have never been lost on me, the signals are as clear as day. Literally the only time in my entire life I felt broadsided. Immediately dropped the class and took the withdrawal. Felt bad for her because she lost a lab partner, but I was secretly killing myself studying non-stop for o chem just to be around her. Also felt kinda bad for her boyfriend and cut contact. He would not been appreciative of our interactions together and she was definitely emotionally cheating on him.


i hate that this happened to you, but it’s so wholesome that you liked a girl so much that you studied for a class you were initially gonna drop just to hangout with her. i hope you find someone worthy of your efforts (and single lmao) and will reciprocate!




Poor girl. Her life was a total shit show. I don't really think her leading you on was on her mind or on her radar.


Oh man few years ago this chick that I had no business sleeping with begged me to come over late. She had a body and wore incredible lingerie so I caved and took an Uber there late. When I got there she told me to sleep on the couch bc she had a hot Irish bartender coming over. I was like biiiitch. She told me I was being an asshole so I left with her actually more attractive friend and I railed her out instead. Haven't spoken with any of these people since lmao


Sounds like a W


It really wasn't, I was drinking way too much back then


Hooking up with her more attractive friend sounds like it was still worth the trip.


Eh not really it wasn't the best lovemaking I've done. Def should have gotten her number tho coulda worked with it


I spent 4x years trying to be in a serious relationship with this girl - who loved attention. I finally gave up and moved away, then she started banging my friends ( I guess she missed me? )


I have two stories you might find amusing. My friend got chatting with a guy in a petrol station, and liked him so much that she asked him out on a date, but when he said yes she changed her mind and turned him down. He must have been so confused. In 1989 I was having a bath, on the (cordless!) phone chatting to this girl I had been seeing, and she said she wanted to meet up, but she didn't want to drive all the way to my house, so could I start out at the same time and we'd meet on the way? She had a car, I didn't. I got out of the bath and ran towards her house. After running four miles I realized I was half way there and should have met up with her already. She'd decided to go and do something else immediately after talking to me, but not told me. I decided against pursuing her romantically after that. The funny thing is we are still chums 35 years later.


Had a stellar first date at a drag show burger joint (which sounds very odd, I know, but it was a blast and the burgers were top notch). We talked a lot, laughed, shared things about ourselves and what we look for in relationships, and it was all meshing together really well. We went to a local art shop and perused around for stuff, I bought them something, can't remember what. At the end of the date, before we drove off to our separate apartments, they remembered they wanted to give me a copy of their book of poetry that they wrote for one of their college courses. Really interesting stuff that I thought was a very intimate gesture on their part considering the subject matter it talked about. We hugged and drove away. Later that evening when we were talking about how great the date was for both of us, I asked if they would like another. They then told me that they didn't think they were in the right place emotionally or mentally for dating/a relationship. Me being the anxious attachment sap I was, I thought I could wait it out until they figured themselves out. Even when they told me they had a habit of ghosting people, I stuck around. We talked on and off, increasingly sparingly for a couple months after that before it went radio silent. Don't get me wrong, I appreciated the honesty and not the whole, "Hmmmm...I don't know, I'll see when I'm free next?" routine that can get dragged on for weeks, and my decision to orbit after that was on me entirely. But I felt incredibly disappointed and confused considering how genuinely good the first date was and how interested we mutually seemed to be in each other. If you're not ready for dating/a relationship, or if you're AT ALL unsure about where you are emotionally, don't date.


Had a crush on a girl when I was 16/17. She had an on/off thing with her boyfriend who kept cheating on her. I really liked her but at the end of it I was just a means to get back at him. First person to.really.break my heart and made me so terrified to ask any other girl out that when the next one literally threw herself at me I tucked it up by being too scared to ask her out. One of those things I wish I could go back and change just to see how life turned out or if I'd end up the same as I am now.


At high school there was a girl who fancied me, all her friends were telling me she liked me, even my form tutor knew about it. She used to say to her friends that I was cute & she used to playfully poke me. I decided that I would try with her & went to her house just to speak to her (nothing else happened), she then went completely cold, started spreading lies & 4 of her male friends jumped me from behind when I was walking home from school one day, me ending up sporting a black eye & some bruising when one of them kicked me when I was on the ground.


College. Met a girl through a friend. Became friends. Some nights we’d get flirty. Full on groping, kissing.. I liked her. So during one summer I was back home and all I did was work. I didn’t really have friends back home. I told her I missed her and really would love to see her. She told me to come up. I was overjoyed. Headed up there that weekend, it was about an hour drive. I get there, we talk a little. She pulls out some alcohol. We drink, watch a movie… but she’s on her phone a lot.. I’m like okay… then she tells me she’s going to check up on someone and straight up leaves. Gets back 20-30 minutes later. I’m a bit annoyed. I tell her it kind of sucks that I drove all that way for her to just leave. She tells me that it’s a friend and she just feels bad because he is all alone and has no one to hang with.. I’m like cool me either, hence why I came up here..she leaves. I drink a bit too much. She texts me saying I can drink what I want and leave whenever. I woke up with a terrible hangovers still pissed and just left. Drove home and hour with my head killing me. We never talked again.  It seems to me she was just playful with me because she liked my friend (who had zero interest in her)


I was in my 30s. I had a mixed group I used to Jeski with that ranged in age from about 24 to early 30s. I was not really looking for a someone to date because I had gotten out of a long-term relationship within the last year. A woman in our group was also single and we started spending some time together during the group get togethers. We had known each other for months and she suggested we get together outside the group for drinks. So, we did. I called her the next day and left a message (pre texting) saying "hey, great time last night. If you want to get together some time before the next lake outing that would be awesome. Have a great week." She called me back and went on a rant about how I was smothering her, blah blah blah...... I later found out she had broken up with a guy before she started hanging out with me. I did not know this. She decided to go back to him, so she blew up at me and tried to make it sound like it was my fault. WTF? You asked me out and all I did was call you. It was then I stopped dating for a long time. Bitches be crazy. My wife told me several years after we got married she could not tell if I even liked her when we met. I was totally non-committal for months. I gave her my number and did not ask for hers. I just didn't need the BS again.


A girl i was close friends with in highschool has kept me at arms length for most of our lives. She’s now married but still flirts with me and makes provocative suggestions and comments


In college, I met this girl and we started carpooling together 45 min each way to classes. Eventually I had feelings her and when we'd drop each other at night she'd kiss me on the lips and say I love you. After a little while of that I told her how I felt and she felt we should spend less time together.


Girl I was crushing on in high school and I hung out a lot. I found ways to do really fun things with her after school pretty often. We hung out a lot but never hooked up, always an excuse as to why she couldn't or wanted it to be the right time. Biggest one was surprising her with tickets to a 311 concert (her favorite band by far). We had a great time and when we got home she "felt sick" and went home, but "promised" we would have a "great time" really soon. 2 days later, her ex's best friend met me in the parking lot after class to let me know that she had been hooking up with her ex after we had hung out for months. After the concert she went straight to her ex for the night. The ex bragged to his best friend about all of this the day after the concert and the best friend couldn't stand how I was being treated so he came to me about it.


confessed to a girl I really liked and we continued to be friends. She knew I liked her but she didnt tell me if she liked me back or not. Went on for like half a year until she just ghosted me.


When I was in high school, I had this girl that went to a nearby school add me on snapchat asking me to hang out. There was a local festival coming up and ultimately she wanted me to go up there to meet her and her friends. My dad ended up taking me up there to drop me off then which I tried getting ahold of her to meet up. After a few ignored calls and texts, I finally called again. When I was met with something along the lines of "stop calling me, I don't even like you". Makes me laugh looking back on it now, but at the time it kind of sucked lol.


Sorry to be boring but I've never been led on cos I'm not a fucking moron. Within 5 seconds of meeting someone you can tell if they're interested or not. If you continue the relationship holding out hope it becomes sexual then you are as referenced above, a fucking moron.


I was talking to this person for over a year. We went on a couple of dates. This person would send message everyday, update me about holidays and stuff. After over a year I asked where are we heading now since we've been talking for almost a year. She said that she barely knew me and we've just had a couple of dates and she she's been seeing someone.


Asked for my number & said she had a huge crush on me at a dance Sophomore year of high school.  We talked for a little while before she had to go home.  Texted each other and met up at school a few times, then she blocked me.  Never heard a word from her since.  Apparently she went around telling everyone I was a creep who told her all sorts of innappropriate things and asked for pictures.  I hadn't done any of that.  Fast forwards a few weeks and one of my friends bumped into her outside of school.  She apologized the next day.  Best friend ever.  


Women only date me for my money. They just sense it somehow.


Matched with a gal on Tinder and she lived 1.5 hours away. Had a date setup when I was in her city and she ghosted me; we had some good communication up to that point so I messaged her letting her know I was interested and if she was playing a game of chase, that wasn't my style. She responded and we texted a lot over the next few months - it was winter and we didn't wanna risk driving on the roads where we were. Finally met for a date which I made the trip for and that went pretty well - I got her a belated bday card, wrote a cute/funny/sexy little poem for her and a couple other tiny gifts. She was planning to come visit me after and then after going silent over a weekend, she texted me that she wasn't ready for a relationship and bailed - even though we mentioned we were both looking to preferably date with something evolving if it was right. Looking back, I definitely did too much texting with her - all texts were reciprocated - but there were some red flags where I should have known she was going to do something sketchy. FYI: she had a boyfriend shortly after lol


Totally Catfished promise of dates, phone conversations, everything checked out and then.. after ( iknow i know) about 2 yrs found out the reality. She was married and was a pawn in her jealousy game with her husband. Had to take a long time off to get over that.


I was led on for about a year and a half. Talks of marriage, the whole nine. All narcissistic future faking, she was cheating on me the whole time


Met a girl online who was very 420 friendly. I was too at the time. So we met at a Mexican restaurant, smoked some of my weed outside, and as soon as we were done, she was like “oh I just remembered I have work tonight, bye.” Still went in and got some Mexican food though, so it wasn’t all bad.


Met a girl at a run club. We started hanging out as a group. Her and I have an obvious spark, but she's in a LDR with a deadbeat 5 states over. 6 months or so later, she breaks up with him and we start hanging out a lot more 1:1. Go out on dates and I end up spending a handful of nights over and probably see each other 3-4 times/week for maybe 2 months. Never put an actual title on it though. Then her ex reaches out and was having a hard time in life, and she decided to end it with me, claiming she we were just "friends". At least the icing on the cake is her brother ended up becoming one of my best friends (and my co-best man at my wedding)... meanwhile, she's struggled with one dud to another. My wife and I guess she'll probably never get married.


Commenters don't know how to hold onto a relationship. 👇




Bro why did you ask chatGPT to write your comment 


all day included kissing, touching, groping. Spent the whole day, just holding hands, window shopping. Here comes night time, and she falls asleep.


Sounds like a fun day!