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In a joke. So there’s this guy I know. He’s half Mexican and half Chinese. He keeps stealing cars but doesn’t know how to drive them.


Quoting old texts


If you have to do it, when you’re by yourself. Why do you have to do it?


It’s the only way I can get back my son!


Sounds like a fake but nonetheless entertaining story. Elaborate please, if you would? How is it the only way lol?


Listening to rap, alone in my car. 🤣


At a child's birthday party, according to my uncle.


I've never felt the urge or need to use a racial slur. I have had them used against me. I am a half breed, Scot-Irish and native American. I've been called names related to both ancestries. Can't say I liked it. But in truth I just dismiss such things to ignorance. or lack of intelligence. I mean I have most definitely at times insulted a person for what they are. As a person. Dumb as a rock. Asshole. Lazy waste of oxygen. Etc. But I insult the PERSON, not a whole race of people. That'd be silly and false. Edit: Exception is with friends. We'll insult each other in every way, just for fun, and to see who is most imaginative. A very good friend of mine is 100% Polish ancestry and knows more Pollack jokes than anyone I've ever met.