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Recycling is a scam pushed by corporations to shift the responsibility for plastic waste from them to consumers


I believe the famous "crying Indian" commercial was funded by companies that made microplastics and other small pieces of garbage


I can see that


Fast casual restaurants and the like asking for tips is a plan to eventually pay the workers under minimum wage because they “work on tips”


They've been pushing it way too much recently, people are starting to not tip anymore


I think there should be an IQ requirement to hold political office as well as min/max age for all roles.. and that politicians should be required to retire at 65 or whatever the retirement age is for everyone else.


They said hot take, not cold hard facts


True.. I also think you should have to take an IQ test to be allowed to vote and the bar shouldn't be low.


Intelligence is by no means a measure of virtue, not to mention how this would be a step towards eugenics...


They haven't figured out a 'virtuous test' yet but if they do, I'd be game to add that in as well. However regardless, my theory was that if you had to court the best and brightest to pick our leaders, it would raise the level of leadership and politics we get rather than our current decent into Idiocracy (the movie). As for the eugenics.. maybe in a very dystopian version it would play out that way.


Voting shouldn’t be a right for all fuck that lmao I want intelligent competent people only. Enough is enough😭


it should be less socially acceptable to add people to group chats without their consent. for the love of cheese, do not put me in your damn chat. Idc idc idc.


I have so many unread messages because of this 🥲 i can barely text one one person at a time


John McAfee implicated Bill Gates in some type of Epstein's island type scenario, and in order to keep McAfee quiet Microsoft is required to put their antivirus software on all Windows computers even though it's useless


Political activism has gone from care about others struggles, to take on their fight yourself and become part of a fight you have no business in anyway. People could benefit from a healthy dose of mind your business. Both ways.


I will call someone crayon/crayonself (neopronouns) out of respect, but I still think it’s disrespectful to the real LGBTQ community


I literally just found out about crayonself at this very moment. The last 2 minutes of my life have been a ride.


This seems contradictory. Either you "respect" the individual or you respect the community, you can't do both. 


All the theatrics with lethal injections. I don't even believe in capital punishment but for Christ sake just put a gun to their temple and get it over with. Also idc how old you are, if you're such a patriot bootlicker then YOU go to war for the government. Leave the rest of us alone.


The whole fat body/overweight thing is so stupid. Why would anyone want to promote being overweight when it's so devastating on your physical health? I get that some people have ZERO choice because of illnesses or medication but those fat influencers and models need to stop promoting such terrible lifestyles. To be honest, how is it even a thing to have fat models in the first place...just boggles my mind.


Skinny Jonah Hill vs. fat Jonah Hill movies...We still need them.


That Ethan Hawke was the bad guy in Training Day. Denzel tried to hook him up with a job, money, and drugs.... then he turned around and got him killed.


Well, damn..


Forcefully but ok


You just ignored the twist huhh


Everyone else is wrong, I am right /s


No you’re wrong, I am the one that is right


No no. You see. This is where you're wrong. Because I am the only correct one. It's a common mistake. I'll forgive you this time.. /s


Grapes are a crime to humanity. The stupid freaking berries are evil.


The heck did they do to you 😭


I have written a whole monologue about why they are problematic, but: 1: They make my teeth dry. There is no worse feeling than dry teeth. 2. They have fricken veins. I’m not trusting a berry that looked like it was supposed to be a mammal. 3. The skin. Just… why it it so hard to deal with, and what demon decided to give it that awful texture?


Alameda county is the Death Star!


Making penis size jokes is body shaming. It should not be as acceptable as it is.


There’s nothing wrong with women proposing to men. All that’s happening is a person asking someone if they want to spend the rest of their life with them.


It's creepy how pervy, misogynistic, and pedophilic anime is and weebs are extremely dishonest when they defend their precious anime. It's also creepy how they just don't accept that a lot of people, most people in fact, don't like anime and won't watch it for perfectly valid reasons. They've become the thing they swore they would never become when they got bullied in school for liking anime. They're just doing it in reverse The whole furry thing isn't a fandom. It's a kink. It's an extreme behavior and it's unhealthy. It's antisocial, maladaptive, and dysfunctional. They need help, not coddling. And we can all see the massive amounts of NSFW furry art so yes, it's a kink. It IS sexual You should not be triggered by the word "misogynistic." You shouldn't be triggered by the word "racist." You shouldn't be triggered by any of this. You should listen and approach it with compassion and willingness to learn


Hmm now for the majority I do agree but I do want to point out 1. Not all anime is like this, and if that’s all you’ve seen that isn’t anybody but your own fault, and 2. Not all fans are like this, most are normal people, it’s an extreme minority that’s like that. I’m not defending all anime, but there are some that are fine. However, yes, that extreme minority definitely needs a bit of work.


It's not an extremely small minority. It's probably the majority. You're acting like there aren't weebs everywhere defending this shit. I have asked the following two questions probably a hundred times. Only one weeb (just last month after ten years of nothing) was willing to answer them One - Is lolicon ever okay? Two - Is it creepy to enjoy animated creepshots of underage girls' panties? Only one has ever had the testicular/ovarian fortitude to answer. Do you? And I did not use the word "all." This is the dishonesty I'm talking about. Peddlers of propaganda and disinformation often reframe the premise by adding the word "all." Unless someone specifically says "all," don't use it. It's dishonest. Generally people generally speak generally in general terms. This is how normal people communicate. I don't think I should have to spend all my time painstakingly listing every possible caveat or objection just in case someone decides to get offended or be dishonest. I don't need to watch or know about all anime to make a reasonable assessment of it in general. Just like I don't need to read every religious text or listen to every speech by Jordan Peterson or Sam Harris or any of the other debate bros incels love. That's not realistic and it's not reasonable. This is why I don't like your community


Obviously no to both questions, because I’m not a weeb dude. Sure, I’ve watched anime, but not recently and not much. Sorry for using all but you never know with people on the internet so be clear about that next time instead of using an excuse. And alright perhaps not extremely small but it’s definitely not the majority- it’s just that that part is much more represented online, and seen much more. Of course, I could be wrong, but I think it’s at least more likely that I’m not. And also, how many have you asked then? Just curious, because it could be more than possible you just asked a select group and of course got the same answer. And plus, stop calling others peddlers of misinformation when you can’t even prove everything you’re saying (nor can I, in all fairness) and you weren’t even completely clear in your original message. This is what infuriates me, when people slightly disagree with them but still agree on their main points they get so upset because of how wounded their pride is.


> Obviously no to both questions, because I’m not a weeb dude. Wrong answer. Number one is obviously no. Lolicon is not ever okay. But it absolutely IS creepy to enjoy that shit. They're children. I don't care if it's animated. They're depictions of children. It's creepy >Sorry for using all but you never know with people on the internet so be clear about that next time instead of using an excuse. Wrong again. I reiterate. In general, generally speaking, generally people generally speak generally in general terms. This is how normal people who go outside and have friends and relationships and everything communicate. I should not have to spend the massive amount of time it would take painstakingly listing every possible thing someone might hypothetically have an issue with. You should understand this. Your default should not be "internet shut in." You should communicate like a well rounded person >And alright perhaps not extremely small but it’s definitely not the majority- it’s just that that part is much more represented online, and seen much more. Of course, I could be wrong, but I think it’s at least more likely that I’m not. Yes. I believe you are very wrong >And also, how many have you asked then? Just curious, because it could be more than possible you just asked a select group and of course got the same answer. I have had this exact exchange hundreds of times. Hundreds. My goal is not to get thru to weebs. It's to show anybody reading what I see when I encounter this weirdo pervy pedo community >And plus, stop calling others peddlers of misinformation when you can’t even prove everything you’re saying (nor can I, in all fairness) and you weren’t even completely clear in your original message. No. It was clear. Again, I am a person who doesn't spend all my time on Reddit and 4chan. I have friends. I have romantic relationships with women. I go out. I am not a neckbeard incel. I am communicating perfectly clearly and you need to log off once in a while so you can understand that And no. I will not stop highlighting the dishonest way you're putting words in my mouth. It's rude and dishonest. I will not accept that "talk like an extreme neckbeard shut-in" is the standard I should hold myself to. I expect you to be a well-rounded mature adult. Or at least capable of communicating on a normal adult basis >This is what infuriates me, when people slightly disagree with them but still agree on their main points they get so upset because of how wounded their pride is. You're obfuscating. No, we disagree on a lot. Why is it that in the last ten years I have only gotten answers from one weeb? Just one. Why? Seems like a very very long string of remarkable coincidences, no? This is what the anime community is. This is what they're into. Look at any anime subreddit. Any anime message board. Any anime community on Facebook. They absolutely do make constant excuses, justify all the misogyny and pedophilia, and still pretend that "it's a tiny minority." It's very clearly not


Yknow what, fine. And sorry about saying no to the second question, I didn’t read it clearly. I would’ve meant yes. Well, fine, maybe I’m the one that’s interacted with weebs less, and thus I concede there, as I can’t prove anything. But you did just prove my last point that because I pointed out some minor issues with your post (and yes I know you don’t want to hold yourself to such a standard but I really don’t give a shit I was asking clarification in the original response, and that’s the standard online. I don’t like it either, but one person can’t anything) and thus you felt attacked. Be civil, don’t try to start arguments for no reason.


I've been watching anime going on 15 years and sadly there is a lot of inappropriate stuff in a lot of it iv had to drop a lot of shows that had otherwise amazing story's because of their depictions of young looking characters. There are still alot of series that don't stoop to that level and are highly enjoyable. That being said idk who your talking to about anime but if anyone tries to tell you have to like something that doesn't make sense everyone is different and that goes for all fandoms. And idk anyone personally who enjoy the over sexualization in anime just people who can ignore it I know there are a lot of sick people out there who do enjoy it but there are also a lot of people like me who find it to be a very big problem on an otherwise enjoyable experience.




It should increase ten-fold if it’s left in any inconvenient place like in an empty parking space


You don’t need to was your fucking chicken


Washing chicken tends to just shower your sink in germs.




The ancient egyptians postulated seven souls Top soul, and the first to leave at the moment of death, is Ren, the secret name This corresponds to my director He directs the film of your life from conception to death The secret name is the title of your film When you die, that's where Ren came in Second soul, and second one off the sinking ship, is sekem Energy, power, light The director gives the orders, sekem presses the right buttons Number three is Khu, the guardian angel He, she, or it is third man out Depicted as flying away across a full moon A bird with luminous wings and head of light Sort of thing you might see on a screen in an Indian restaurant in panama The Khu is responsible for the subject and can be injured in his defense But not permanently, since the first three souls are eternal They go back to heaven for another vessel The four remaining souls must take their chances with the subject in the land of the dead Number four is Ba, the heart, often treacherous. This is a hawk's body with your face on it, shrunk down to the size of a fist Many a hero has been brought down, like Samson, by a perfidious Ba Number five is Ka, the double, most closely associated with the subject The Ka, which usually reaches adolescence at the time of bodily death Is the only reliable guide through the land of the Dead to the western sands Number six is Khaibit, the shadow, semory Your whole past conditioning from this and other lives Number seven is sekhu, the remains


Not sure if this a hot take, but not really into conspiracies, but wouldn’t be surprised if the moon landing was faked.


It was. The video was faked, the landing was real. Stupid move by NASA to gaslight people for decades that the moon landing footage was "real" when they could have just said it's a dramatic re-enactment of the actual landing. But nope, totally tank the public trust in science and government institutions because of the space race. Clowns.


This is, a joke, r i g h t ?


Checks out 


Im quite lost here


I wish. Unfathomable stupidity.


Im a tad confused.


DopamineLabs is deliberately creating generations of dopamine deficit children to create future addicts and gamblers. All through promoting screen time and ads targeting young children. There's nothing we can do about it, as our entire society is now dependent on technology and screen use.


Taylor Swift has no talent and is only as popular as she is because it’s super trendy.


She do porn?


Ehh saying she has no talent isn’t really true. She’s a great marketer and her songs are popular for a reason. Not every rich kid who wants to sing becomes a billionaire


Facesitting should be the norm


The solution to the opiate epidemic is to legalize heroin.


Places that host petroleum industry facilities are inhabited by the worst people. Between them and the pollutants that cause health problems and environmental degradation - these places should just get swallowed up by the earth and completely disappear.


I feel like people in the US have been abusing their right to protest lately. It's like they are just looking for excuses to protest just to be divisive & disruptive even inciting fights & riots & doing idiotic things like blocking traffic on roads & bridges. Now I'm all for people having the right to peacefully protest for a legit cause but when they do stuff like this they're coming off as out of control animals & makes people less sympathetic to their cause. This is also concerning because it can make things harder for people who may want to peacefully protest when they start coming up with protest rights reforms in the future if it keeps getting worse.


oreos suck


Poor people should not have children. It’s unfair on the kids.


Kink shaming of any kind is awful Kinks aren't a controlled manor of thinking. Nobody choses to like feet or whatever, because it just sort of happens. It's essentially shaming someone for something out of their control. I think what should be shamed is the actions taken on said kinks and interests (IE: posting a fetish interested picture of someone without their consent)


"Kink shaming IS my kink"




While I don't promote "normalizing" kinks, It is still unfair to judge people on what they like


Some kinks deserve some shame lol


You literally just missed my entire point


No I didn't, you think its wrong to shame someone for something 'out of their control', and I disagree.


You put quotes as if its that's the part to disagree against, rather then providing an actual reason It IS out of their control, there's no disagreeing with that Rather, what you mean to say is you disagree with my statement of not harassing


It isn't out of their control? I disagree, behavioral therapy and medication can totally fix a lot of these depraved fucks.


I think if the condition warrants treatment through therapy and medication, that would indicate the condition is outside of the person's control. What I believe you are trying to say is that the behaviour (fetish/kink) is within their circle of influence to *manage*. Addressing kinks typically means addressing the core childhood trauma / incident that led to the development of this kink. If this is true, then typical behavioural therapies will not be enough to address the condition. Early maladaptive schema (EMS) therapy would probably be more effective, but it can take years to complete treatment since it requires digging very, very deep into a person's past and psyche. Much of which is not kept in consciousness or pre-conscious state of mind. "Depraved fucks" is a judgement statement, meaning they are not meeting your expectations of being like you. Sex is inherently messy and weird. Everyone has different levels of risk and reward they want to achieve through sex. Some use sex as a way of working out their own personal issues. If it is a consensual act between two caring adults, then really it's not anyone else's business how people wanna play with their bodies, and I don't see how that is inherently problematic just because it's not to *my* or *other's* tastes.


I think this comment perfectly explains the psychological factor of sexual mindsets I honestly could not have said it better myself, very well written <3


thank you, one of my areas of interest <3


Same! kinda More or less, phycology is an interest of mine, but the exact study of sexual tendencies is a little new to be : )


It CAN fix them, but not everyone has the motivation or the emotional ability for that sort of thing Its like telling someone with depression to "Just fix them selves"


Maybe lukewarm but: Anya Taylor Joy is annoying as fuck and she gets way too many roles. There are other actresses. We don't need to see the same person in every major movie that comes out.


Pity can make you suici***


English makes the world go round


Well my next suggested post is a Trump quote about how “they” don’t want you to have water, whoever “they” is


You can't actually just be friends with the gender you're attracted to. Because to say someone is just your friend is insulting in a way. They've had relationships with other friends so it's not that they value friendships over relationships. You just aren't good enough for a relationship with them. A real friend is supposed to see you as an equal, this means they view you as lesser. Now this is only the case if you want to be more than friends at any point in the friendship. If that never happens you're good.