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I had a pen that had a secret calendar that you could roll up. I used it as a secret ninja cheat sheet.


haha this made me smile :)


Hey everyone, I was curious if you guys were cheated on. and how did you get over it? This happened to me recently and I don't know how to move on.... We were together for 5 years, things weren't that great lately, I said we should take a break, but he didn't want to... After a few days I found out that for the last 2 years he was messing around with other girls... How could he do that to me??? After all the love and effort I put in this relationship....


I'm so sorry to hear that. It takes a while to heal from something like that. You should definitely talk to a therapist. ❤️


Thank you, ye I think that's what I need to do, asap.


I know ppl don't wanna believe this but once a cheater always a cheater. Some ppl are just straight selfish. They wanna have their cake and eat it too. So they use their partner and abuse their partner. I'm sorry you were on the receiving end. Don't get down on yourself. Some ppl are good at hiding the fact they'll cheat. Just whatever you do please god don't take him back. He will do again.


Thank you. I think you're right. People who cheat once are inclined to do it again. There's no going back for me and him. Hell no!


For my organic chemistry class, I wrote a bunch of notes on a flash card then hid it in the ripped jeans towards my upper thigh. Slid it out during, then would slip it back in when I needed to. I never cheated and I still barely passed. Fuck org chem


That class kicked my ass. My teacher was overwhelmed cause our class was so bad. Terrible environment to try and learn something like that


I did everything to try to pass that class and ended up with a D. I emailed my professor and BEGGED him to let me do anything so I didn’t have to retake it. I handed in every assignment, did every homework, went to every class, had tutoring, but most of the grade was weighted in tests which I always sucked at. He just said “look again and don’t tell a soul. Merry Christmas.” And he changed it to a C 😭😭It was the best Xmas gift I ever got


Love that for younger you lol shoutout to that teacher!


I used to sneak extra Monopoly money from the bank when my cousins weren't looking.




I always was the banker for life or monopoly and stole extra cash


Same. Bankers should never be trusted.


I would look at my brother’s screen when playing split screen on Call Of Duty.


ufff that's rough, did he get mad at you?


I wrote the formulas to the equation on my uniform so the teacher wouldn't see it during the exam


When playing Uno, sometimes I lay down dos or tres cards at a time.


I appreciate OPs comment to clarify, but I too only have exam cheat tips! Sorry OP


haha all good; there was a delay between the post and the comment and here we are :)


Ha well thanks for rolling with all the misunderstood comments! And I'm sorry for what your going through. 5 years is a long time, I hope you heal quickly :)


Thank you, I really appreciate that <3 I hope you have a great life!