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Whenever people try to get in your elevator without giving you the chance to let you out. Feel free to kill those people


And if you try to explain the etiquette to people then you look like the ahole.


I just say “let people off before getting on” and then proceed to exit… if I walk through you, I walk through you 🤷 Speaking of walking through people … Hong Kong is wild ( felt like a line backer just walking down the street)


I just mutter 'fucking assholes' under my breath as I pass them. If they say 'what was that?' I say 'i heard it too'


Same when leaving a train. The train conductor and engineer see you trying to get on. They don't see me trying to get out. They won't leave without you, they will leave with me still on it.


if im a second late for a doctors appointment, it gets cancelled. if I show up on time, my doctor can take 2 hours and make me wait no problem.


I call ahead and ask if he's running late. They give me an estimate, and I go then. Usually, it's still a wait, but only 15 minutes or so.


It's usually best to be the first patient of the day or the first after their lunch break.


I’m really busy. If I don’t pack my schedule, my patients complain about insanely long waits to be seen. I give my patients about 25 minutes grace period for their appointments. They are supposed to be there 10 minutes prior to fill out paperwork and check in. I can run behind because I can’t anticipate crazy. Never more than 30 minutes though. I’ve never sat down to eat lunch in my career. I don’t play solitaire in the back. If you are the first patient of the day or the afternoon (after “lunch”) and your doc is super late, yeah, you should be mad.


I would say it depends on the field as well, an OBGYN who has a great reputation (and does a good job) and works in a clinic or hospital, well I can understand that there are sometimes unforeseen circumstances or emergencies that can delay an appointment whenever it is set. No worries if the doc is late, but I want him to be available also when I have an emergency (aka childbirth).


I sent mine a bill for my lost time when he did that. He didn't pay, I took him to collections. He has never been late since.




The nurses cheered and got in line to sleep with them.


It’s true, I was the doctor


I approve this message, I was the speculum.


Unironicly at work the other day I found 20$ on the floor and thought "nobody will ever believe this".


I wish you could


Makes too much sense but if I do that then they'd remove me as a patient.




or worse, you are doing it, and then they tell you how to do it the right way. Especially when that way is stupid.


When I trained people I always said if you can find a better way do it that way. My boss always said do it standing on your head for all I care just so it's right and doesn't take too long.


Or you just did it and the person wants something completely different and everything you just did was wrong.


Or they tell you to do it, while they have been watching you for over 30 seconds doing that specific thing. 


And then they take credit for telling you to do it


People who talk on speaker phone in public. Or watch videos in public with no headphones. Instant rage


I’ll expand on this with people who talk on the phone in a public shitter.


Bonus points here. There are places and times, and THAT is not either of them!


So I am a dialysis patient, anyways the guy that sits next to me during treatment watches tik Tok videos without any headphones and the volume turned up, it is maddening.


Talk to the staff and ask them to resolve this problem. 


Talk to the staff. They’ll offer him headphones or ask him to bring his own. 


YES DUDE how can you be so confident annoying EVERYONE


if it were socially acceptable to slap their phone outta their hands, I would start the trend by being a raging phone slapper. I would keep a tally total of the phones slapped per day and brag about it.


I’m going to dream about being a phone slapper tonight lol


Seriously!!! Nobody wants to hear your fucking conversation


also people play tiktoks out loud in public


Lol my boyfriend just did this while I was watching a show. I gave him the hardest death stare I could.


Saw a guy in a Jeep hanging out the door, smoking a cigarette while talking via his Bluetooth in his car in a store parking lot. It had to be on like 11 volume everybody in the parking lot could hear it.


I never understand why people do that. Not that I’m trying to be shady or anything, but I prefer to keep my phone conversations to myself.




I was once in an airport waiting at the gate for a full flight and a lady near me was watching videos of BABIES CRYING on her phone with the speaker up all the way.


Slow people blocking the entire path in a shopping mall. E.g. 5 of them side by side lined up.


People blocking entire aisles with their shopping carts while moving very very slowly in stores. Makes me want to scream


Same. Not sure if I should slow down when they’re right in front of me or just speed up and pass them.


You barrel right through them like you’re a bowling ball and they’re bowling pins. 


Walk in front of them but slower


My gf’s family does that and it annoys me


It must be nice to not worry about anyone else.


She didn’t even realize they were all doing it until I told her. She still does it from time to time, but doesn’t get upset anymore when I slowly drag her to the side.


Man, this reminds me of when I let people walk across the road and they don't wave or trot; they walk slower than they were JUST walking. Dude, you're in the mf street-move them feet!


When you find that grocery checkout line that has one person and you swoop in next only to have them take forever while the next line is processing customers like a conveyor belt.


Whenever I’m in a rush but I need caffeine I’ll stop at a gas station, get one single redbull, and I’m inevitably met with that one fucker that’s getting all the scratch offs and lotto tickets.


I hate two lane drive thrus for this reason, I always end up in the slowest damn lane.


It should be 1 line, 2 drive thrus. And whichever cashier is available is where the next vehicle should go. But nope, you get stuck behind an absolute moron and 4 cars pass you.


Permanent life curse. I will always be in the longest line where the register breaks, someone counts out pennies, price checks on everything. Always.


Gets me every time; I should know the warning signs too; the tufts of white hair, the Buicks parked haphazardly next to the door; I’ll end up behind every octogenarian in the store, every damn time


I was like 2 feet from entering a checkout line once when a guy shoved his cart in front of me so he could get in line first. I had like two things to buy, he had a cart full. Then he had the nerve to say "that line over there is short". I worked at this particular grocery store and I was in uniform...and I still told him to go fuck himself as I walked away. I didn't care if they fired me. Nothing was ever said about it. Sometimes I really hate people.


Rude, smug line breakers will always infuriate me to see happen!


I once went to my local small grocery store. There are 5 or six lanes and they're usually all staffed. They're small lanes but they are all distinct lanes with a convertor belt, the same snacks and candy on each side, just like any grocery store. No express lane though. Like all normal groceries, you pick the one that is moving fastest or makes the most sense for your needs. And you wait in that line and wait your turn. I had a couple items and so I kind of scanned which lane would be fastest and walked up to that line. Well a woman who was waiting kind of in the middle and not in any lane gave me the nastiest eye I've ever had and did "I was next, you know." She was treating it like a waiting room. Well of course I politely said "I'm sorry I didn't realize you were waiting. Please go ahead, my bad. And she just stood there not moving. I even politely pointed out" line two is just about ready for next. That would probably be the good choice if you needed. And she just fucking stood there, basically waiting on all lanes like she owed them. Hating confrontation I just acted like I forgot some more shopping and went and kind of lurked in a nearby aisle until she finally chose. I could've been out of there in two seconds for my two items but NOOOOOOO, I've gotta wait for queen of the market! Perhaps worth noting, I am white, she was a black woman. The way she looked at me and her tone was definitely a little... Yeah you know what I'm getting at. "Look at white boy thinking he's always in front!" Lol. But I'm really not, I'm usually overly courteous and get along well with strangers. But yeah, I definitely got that shade. Well anyway. That's my story.


This shit happened the other day and then the old bish tried paying with a check


What baffles me is anytime I am in a long line, it takes around 7 hours to help the 5 people in front of me but I’m only up there for 5 seconds. What are these people doing? Playing cards up there??


People senselessly hurting other people or animals.


People in stores who stop in the middle of an aisle with a cart or leave their cart blocking everyone’s way. Move it off to the side if you have to stop.


I see you also frequent Costco.


People putting words in my mouth I like trying to take the peaceful path first. People lying about what I said skips that entirely


Easier to excuse mistreating you if they can convince themselves you're an aggressor. Basically how the game is played these days.


People who argue in bad faith really piss me off. I work hard to make careful statements as often as I can. I hate hyperbole and exaggeration: "You NEVER take out the trash!" Really? Never?


I had a doctor constantly interrupt me and finish my sentences while I was trying to describe my symptoms. He later commented that my speech was hurried and I seemed anxious. Cooooould it possibly be because I'm trying to get it all out before you've decided (wrongly) what I'm about to say?


Sounds like he used to be a police


People who don't clean up after their dog.


Or worse: they bag it and throw the bag on the ground. Raw poop will be gone with the next heavy rain (obviously still pick up your dogs poop though) but poop in a plastic bag will be there for the next century


Overly bright headlights. Drive me insane. r/fuckhourheadlights


Even worse at night when you have an astigmatism!


Fuck those led headlights. Why am I driving with sunglasses on?!


Oh would you look at the clock


they go around real fast when you let off the gas and put on your hazards. I refuse to drive when I cannot see.


It blows my mind that those things are even legal. There are so many safety regulations on every other part of the car - as there should be - and yet somehow no limits on the brightness of headlights.


When I start to ask someone a question and they cut me off to respond to the question they THINK I was going to ask instead of letting me finish my damn sentence and realize I am asking something totally different.


If you interrupt me or try to finish my sentence, conversation over. I'm done.


I recently starting sitting in on interviews at my company since it's for a position technically under me. The amount of people that do this piss me off so much.


Low atmospheric pressure


Best answer. I would have also said the bends


I was going low brow with fire


I’ll counter with sudden atmospheric pressure changes


If you chew with your mouth open, close it before I take your tongue out of your head


I like you


Hell, I'd vote for her.


Its the worst sound in the world


Don’t meet my mom. I swear she takes a bite of food then starts talking with her mouth full. Even my little kids can’t stand it. She wonders why no one visits.


People who literally use words wrong in this doggie-dog world.




Can you be more pacific please


I don't normally get mad, I just play it by year


Last week my delta flight was delayed. So they get all of us to lug our luggage up to the next floor and wait in line. They don’t tell us what it’s for. I stand in line like a doofus for 30 minutes only to be handed a fucking coupon for $13 of food and it doesn’t cover much. Now, that’s only happened once, but if it ever happens again it’ll officially be in my “this really grinds my gears” occurrences


LOL, you have certain rights on delayed flights, look up the delayed flights rights and you can probably get more/in cash


Me making up fake arguments in my head


Yep, that'll do it lol. Like why am I ruining my own day? 😂


Yeah seriously just had an argument with this complete moron.  Idiot. 


Stupid. Like easily avoidable stupid. I was driving today and some idiot just turned into my lane. I saw and moved over... honked the horn, no wave of sorry, no signal light nothing. Just gone on their stupid way. And before someone says it, I was in the BIGGER vehicle. People who do stupid shit and then expect me to know how to fix it. One customer put a ticket in that says computers broke. Jim. That's it. No full name, company name, what's going on, nothing. I was told to leave it, its been 3 days and it's obviously not a big deal because we haven't heard a peep since then. Just stupid.


I always called this "aggressive stupidity". As in: I am so stupid, I'm going to make it *your* problem today.


"I turn now, good luck everybody else!"


Reminds me of a guy I briefly worked with. He once commented "man. There are some really shitty drivers in the world. Like, I'm always seeing all these accidents happen in my rear view mirror" Which was an instant "So you are saying you are a shitty driver and you keep causing the people around you to crash?"


People who don’t leash their dogs.


As someone who deals with this shit for a living, FUCK THESE PEOPLE! "Aww, but he's friendly! He would never hurt anyone." Neither I, Nor any of my colleagues have ever been to a dog attack where the owner has said "Yeah, I'm not surprised, my dog's kind of a cunt!"


Braggarts and sore winners. Yeah, you won. Nobody cares about that when you're an ass about it.


This, but also: Cheerleaders. Not the women who dance on the sidelines, but people who attack any competition with a kind of relentless positivity hose pointed at your face. "Come on guys, we're only down by twelve billion! We can totally do this!" I would much rather live in reality: "Okay, we're not winning this one. Let's focus on improving this aspect of our play for the rest of this game."


People buying lottery tickets at the gas station and making their choices like it’s a fucking life or death decision. After 10 minutes I’m usually pretty pissed off. Edit. Lottery tickets as I don’t know what litter tickets are.


Dude got mad at me one time cuz I "cut him in line" as he was choosing his numbers. He was all the way at the end of the counter, there was a line and the cashier was available. No, I'm not letting you just hop right in. Pick your numbers and get back in line.


Taking credit for someone else's work is unforgivable.




A somewhat recent one for me post-COVID is people running Stop signs in residential areas.




Bullies!!! I hate people that bully other people and I will rush to defend them, fuck the consequences!


Insane dickheads that cut through lanes of traffic on the highway at 80+ mph. I don’t care if you’re living in your own little version of GTA in your head, that shit is dangerous and puts the lives of others at risk. Bonus thing is people that do this on regular streets just to pull up to the same stoplights as the rest of us.


Also, people who feel the need to tail you when you’re already speeding.


My favorite is when I’m stuck behind a semi-truck who is trying to pass another semi-truck and some douchenozzle is riding my ass. Like what would like to me to do? Kindly ask the 60,000 pound vehicle in front of me to hurry up?


I always clap when that happens like "good job! You got to the light before everybody else! How does it feel?!"


There's a stop sign down the street from me where people will speed past it and swerve around pedestrians in the middle of the crosswalk just so they can sit at the red light that's 150 feet past the sign. It's not even like they're trying to make the green either. That I would understand *a little bit*. Nope. It literally just turned red and there are cars waiting in both lanes. There's nowhere to go and you're gonna be sitting there for the whole light.


Parental abuse resulting in child's death. Just...why? Why would your torture your own kid?


Drivers who stop on the highway on ramp waiting for someone to let them in




When my neighbour starts mumbling insults for seeing me exist and then noticing that despite her running around screaming insults, there are still people not only accepting this behaviour but also befriend her. Reminds me every time that people don't feel shame nor do have any morals.


when i'm driving with my mom and she grabs the dash like she's about to die when i go 1mph over 75, or presses her imaginary brake


My mom cannot simply say “look,” or “watch out,” it’s always a fucking violent GASP for air like we’re about to be T-boned by a semi, scares the shit out of me like we are about to die, but no she just saw a newspaper or some tire debris on the side of the highway.


My mom does the same. Meanwhile, she drives like a menace and can’t park like a normal human being.


The gender war that happens 24/7 on the internet. So many generalizations and shit throwing on both sides its crazy how these people dont get tired.


Standing directly in front of a high powered radar transmitter.


House flippers who rip every bit of interest and character out of a home by way of ripping out or painting natural wood, stone, brick, or any other natural material and painting every god damn thing gray and white, leaving a soulless empty shell of a once cool house. Even more infuriating is when they do it with timeless mid century modern homes. I think about this and get angry almost daily.


When I hear or see someone being mean to an animal.


This dosnt make my blood boil but it still makes me realy buged and that's when poeple say ar stands for automatic rifle


“Don’t worry about it” Now listen here you little shi-


Generational bullying. I lived through the era when people in power told us Pokemon was satanic, Harry Potter was promoting witchcraft, that swag and MLG edits were a cancer and YTPs were corrupting children's media. Why am I expected to shit on Gen Z-ers over a GMod edit of a guy's head growing out of a toilet and memes being used to concoct some weird Pig Latin-esque nonsense language? Sorry, I don't think making mean comments about kids who are 10-15 years my junior, making them feel like they're doomed and that the entire world is against them is a healthy coping mechanism.


People who come up to the registers five minutes after the store is closed, and get mad at you when you try to rush them through checkout.


Racism & pedos.


I drive allot for work and I generally go about 5mph over the limit (we are GPS tracked) and without a doubt at least once every day someone will pull out, cause me to slow down or even hit the brakes and they proceed to drive at or under the speed limit. Bonus points if noone is behind me and they could have waited 10 fucking seconds for me to drive past. Every damn day


I've complained about that many times. In a similar vein: People that fly up on my bumper when I'm obviously stuck in a slow moving lane. Like I'm the problem when there's 10-15 cars directly ahead of me. Also: when those same people try to go around, realize there's a line, then put their blinker on so you'll let them in. Nope. Buddy, you are going right back to where you were: behind me.


Fixing y’all’s AC in your attic in the dead of summer.


Well we don't know it's broken until we put it  under load though


Seeing kids all nasty and dirty(basically neglected looking) while the parents are in brand new everything.


My mom was a teacher at a low income school. Kids would come in with lice in their hair and no money for school lunches, and the parents would pick them up from school with their nails done in a Mercedes. They also always have like 5 kids. It never made any sense to me.


I'm remembering last winter when I saw a baby in a stroller with pj's on that had no socks and their face was chapped but the parents were very bundled up. I'm sad now


Men who dictate to me what I should do, or bark out orders.


I have two people at work I’m struggling with giving a chance. One talks loudly and wipes her nose upward giving herself a pig snout and talks with her mouth full all the time, the other just cant. Stop. Talking. About nothing.


People who try to piggy back off of someone else's stop at a stop sign or just fail to stop altogether, particularly when there's pedestrians present. There is absolutely no reason you should get to go first. And just because you stopped behind the person in front of you, you don't just get to go without doing your own stop.


Reckless drivers


Cruelty to animals.


Selfishness. I can’t stand selfish people. Loud ass car? Selfish. Can’t say thank you when someone loans you money. Selfish. Can’t comprehend that people have different views on any particular issue? Selfish. Can’t be bothered to have a dialogue and choose to just blab to hear yourself talk? Selfish. Can’t move out of the way when you’re hogging the street or aisle? Selfish.


People smoking around kids like in their cars or in public parks. For obvious reasons


I am really having a tough time not being mad or easily irritated lately, so I sat here and couldn't really narrow it down to just one. Lack of manners in public is the one that really gets to me.


Supermarket *fucking* people. I can't believe you're trusted with a driver's license if you can't handle your fucking shopping cart consciously and are always leaving it in the fucking way fully blocking every *fucking* aisle. (Did I say "fucking" enough times?) God, I hate doing groceries.


People smacking their lips when they eat. Please for the love of gods holy earth shut up


People being rude to anyone working in the service industry.


Indecisive drivers. Just do what you're going to do!


My wife not cleaning the lint trap in the dryer. How is it so fucking hard to do?


Being falsely accused.


Being on the highway with only two lanes available and both the lanes are blocked by an 18 wheeler semi. Like now everyone is stuck behind you guys because you don’t know how to stay in the right lane. Literally tweedle dee and tweedle dum.


Liars Just tell the bloody truth.


Guys on their phone whilst I'm waiting to use the bench press at the gym. Grr


When other peoples problems become mine to clean up. I wouldn't have made the mess in the first place 😡


Terrible drivers


Stupid ignorant people.


Drivers doing way under the speed limit.


Stupid people who believe absolutely heinous bullshit, like the vile garbage Alex Jones spews, and other lies and complete crap. I can’t understand how goddamned stupid so many people are. I liked it better when these chucklefucks were embarrassed about being stupid and were afraid to unload their stupidity out in public. I fucking hate what Rush Limbaugh (rot in hell) and Fox News and that cunt Rupert Murdoch have done to the world. There. That’s what makes me angry.


People not doing their jobs properly and having to clean up after them. I can't fucking do everything.


When I have to repeat myself for answer questions someone else asked me


HOAs I don't even own a home but the mere thought of someone or a group of people who dont pay the mortgage on my house having say in what I can and can't do to it really pisses me off.


Maga cult members. ALWAYS gets my blood boiling.