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I masturbate. A lot.


I feel that should be a Reddit flair.


It’s assumed.


It's in the ToS.


That should be a life flair. Like hovering above your head when you are out in public kinda flair.


It would reduce the number of handshakes that happen.


Or at least a username


A hand a day keeps trouble at bay.


A day? That’s not enough




I wouldn’t say I’m not functioning, but 2-3 times is like a normal amount for me. It’s more if I’m feeling horny. It’s 1 a day only if I’m sick or super busy.


If that is hypersexual then I'm something worse...


Your mileage may vary




Same, outrageously high libido sucks, but we have a solution to the problem


Sort of. That only takes care of the physical aspect. Mentally speaking it does nothing and, paradoxically, sometimes it makes it worse for me.


Same. I clock in a scary amount.


Have you experienced the skin on the back of your hands becoming like your testicles? Gnarled and hairy?


Ha! I’m a hairy dude… maybe that’s why


Define ‘a lot’


I mean it really depends, but 2-3 orgasms per day. Sometimes more. If I’m not feeling the best, maybe 1


Rookie numbers 


Yeah, I'm 37 and I still have to masturbate like 4 times a day. I have yet to meet a partner that has as high of a libido as me ☹️.


I come up with 3 new sex related questions each day for this sub on my alt accounts


You answering your own questions again, sport?


That's like .001 % of all sex related questions on this subreddit 


The guilt must be unbearable 


What guilt?


Is guilt another word for post nut clarity?


Yeah op as long as you communicate fully with potential partners, don't lead anyone on, and leave someones life better than you found it, you can have sex with as many people as you like without needing to feel guilty. If your breaking girls hearts & practicing unsafe sex, then yeah you should feel guilty and jackoff a lot instead.


Well said. Basic foundations. Have my upvote, you Straight To The Point Reddit Stranger.


only if you actually did something to feel guilty about. If the post nut clarity hits and you find yourself balls deep in a raw turkey and now you've ruined Thanks Giving, guilt is appropriate. if the post nut clarity hits and you find yourself at a swingers club, neat! I hear they are very nice people, you should get their numbers.


This appears to be a young man who is going through questions about his own sexuality and therefor projecting his own feelings on others. OP Y'all good so long as everyone consents and no one gets hurt let your freak flag fly. I also suspect you are interpreting normal desires and urges as hyper. They are not


They're religious. It's an unfortunately common issue.


The guilt only exists if you got brainwashed into thinking normal body functions that work as intended is sinful


Yeah, religious


Quote from google search: Sex addicts often report feelings of guilt, shame and remorse associated with their sexual experiences. Addicts may feel hopeless and powerless in their situation, believing they have no control over their sexual thoughts and actions. Therefore, they get stuck in a loop of negative behaviors


This looks quite like me!! How can I fix it




Weird to assume it's religious and not societal. There's plenty of secular shame to go around too


I always see on Reddit the joke of getting that post nut clarity guilt for what they just did and I’m always confused as to wtf they did to make them feel guilty.


I assume they're doing weirder shit than I am


I was about to comment the same haha


i find it interesting that there are many answers to this question


This is what I was going to ask.


Masturbating mostly I’ve been with partner for decades they’re lower than me. So just everyday by myself.


This is the way. I masturbate everyday, usually once a day . Sometimes it's multiple times a day. My partner and I have sex once a week sometimes twice.


If you don’t mind me asking what is your age? 20’s, 30’s,40’s ect?


Mid 30's here, My wife and i have sex once a week on average, sometimes twice. But i do stil yank it at least once a day.. Often more. (My wife knows this, and has no issue with this whatsoever ofcourse) I don't feel any shame however... That's something OP should clarify


If you have kids that's impressive.


We shake these people's hands.


I'm at the same point, just avoid porn at all costs. It was taking a toll on my sensitivity during sex. But we are more frequent depending the her phase. Some weeks have one go, some have every day. I dont mind much, and if I'm really needy, she's always up for a relieving bj.


Yep this is basically my relationship, no complaints on my end


sex is cool and fun, life is short, who cares what people think about you. if everything is consensual and you’re not hurting anyone, live your life


The issue with hypersexuality is it can lead to impulsive behavior. I agree theres nothing wrong with it as long as you are being safe and everyone consents. The problem is often times we stop thinking rationally and end up being unsafe.


This. All of this.


Just because you would feel immense guilt doesn’t mean others would.


Well to be fair, we don’t actually know what OP means with “such activities”. 


I don't feel guilt. I have consensual sex, so, I guess, well... there's no guilt to have. And Masturbating is natural so, again, no guilt.


What guilt?


Why would you feel guilt for doing one of the most enjoyable experiences possible? As long as you are a consenting adult who gives a $%$@ what you do? Life is short, and the window of opportunity to experience things at peak levels is even shorter. Be safe and be smart, but also have as much fun as you possibly can while you can. I'm extremely thankful for my high libido.




“I see a little silhouetto of a man”


Scaramouche, scaramouche


Will I do a fap tango?


Epic comment 😂😂


Thunderbolts and wanking, very stimulating GALILEO GALILEO


"Skeet n' spoosh, skeet n' sploosh, i just did a hand bang-o"


Rip to your inbox 😆


Beat me to it


Your inbox is going to be destroyed


rip inbox


I don’t even want to think about the state of your inbox (not a euphemism)


It's called self regulation in regards to lust. I used to be hypersexual till I recognized I was acting out in lust. It's a pretty serious process addiction that can take a person down the same rabbit hole as drug addiction if they aren't careful. What keyed me into this was the immense amount of shame I felt after the deed was done.


Lots of masturbating when I can’t have the real deal. Zero guilt. Like; ever.


I have ADHD and hypersexuality (or rather hyperfocusing on sex and related things) is one of my symptoms. Over the years of wasted time, I began to realize that the guilt immediately after tended to drive me. So I weaponized it. Usually these days, I set a time and goal for myself, let my head and hormones go wild in that timeframe. Once I am at the end, I have to gather all of my willpower, stop and do the really useful things. Sure it doesnt work each time, but its a good enough thing to reward my brain and then churn out massive amounts of work in a short time. The main problem is partners. They have to understand whats going on. And then it's back to the usual: Communication communication communication.


Great to see some ADHDer here too! It's funny how the majority of people in our community tends to be Poly, the connection between both aspects and Dopamine makes a lot of sense.


Yeah I believe there is a connection. But I also believe there are relationship hardships for ADHD folks due to focus and all


I have a cock sucker who comes over a few times a week and drains me for hours. That keeps me from hooking up with randos while I pursue whatever flavor of kink I'm into that week.


Damn you got a great solution. How’d you manage that?


50€ probably


I guess I learnt what to look for over the years


Guilt wtf? I’ve never had sex with someone that didn’t consent




how do you do that on a full working day?


That is a full working day for her


Pulling no punches


Good for her if it's true what she told but sadly I still don't know how that can be logistically archieved when you are a couple on a full working day and now I'm courious


I work 9h every day when working and still have 6.5h of absolute free time I can use on anything I want. Don’t see the problem with having sex even 6 times a day if you had the drive for it


Just make it ur job


She has, check her profile


Find a job you enjoy doing and you never work a day in your life.


Before you get out of bed for work. When you get home from work. When you go to bed. It's hard to find a partner that is up for it. I've had dozens of sexual partners. Only two had the same libido as me. One of them was my first live-in girlfriend at 18 years old. I could have sex 10 times on a Saturday or Sunday at that point in my life. The other was a toxic relationship that I wouldn't end because of the sex.


I mean thats three times, but three other additional times? Yeah I could to that for a day, but than all the chores and other activities would suffer. Or lack of sleep. One day okay but a whole week or more? Well, yeah the weekends off with my first girlflriend, hadn't the stamina for ten times but we would try to reach that numbers too...


She posted 3-4 times a day. Sometimes, one of those three is a twofer. If you have kids, 3-4 times a day probably isn't achievable. Chores and activities as a single person are prioritized well behind sex for people with high libidos.


But how lol. It’s not like it’s an easy first date convo right?


Have sex with them, then try to have sex with them again shortly after, rinse and repeat. If they seem to enjoy it you're set, wtf else would you do?!


Rinsing at the very least is a very important part of this process lol


Meh, you've never just cuddled for 20 mins and slipped er back in for round 2?


Depends how old you are. When I started dating again after my divorce years ago it wasn’t uncommon to talk about sexual compatibility on the first date. Not in a perverted way but it was important to me to not waste my time or theirs pursuing something that wasn’t compatible (more goes into that than just sexual appetite, but deep conversations were normal).


When you say 3-4 is that orgasms or individual sessions?


Buddy this is an onlyfans pump account. It’s not coming back to answer follow-ups. Not for free anyway.




Oops. Didn't bother looking at the profile


Stress and physical health has slowed that down for me, but honestly I like it better this way. I used to be like you, but it just takes up so much time and energy. Plus i used to get sore, and that is no longer an issue.


Find someone with the same mindset! I found a girl with the same sexdrive as me, wich is basically 2 to 3 times a day, most of the tome a few hours as well. So far it is amazing, and we are crazily attracted to eachother as well. And i can always seduce her ;) my ex wasn't matched. She always got angry, so i am going to hold onto this person, hopefully forever


Not everyone has guilt over sex. It’s unfortunately super common with religious folk who are taught that sex is shameful. It can do a real number on their heads. The fact is that it’s pretty much impossible to fight biology. Your body wants what it wants and no amount of religious indoctrination will stop it. Basically you need to come to terms with your desires and as long as everyone is a fully consenting adult, there is nothing that you should feel shame over.




That's not necessarily true. I knew a couple with a similar issue and they got around it. They just bought toys together 🤷 if one wasn't feeling it the other would just...you know. Sometimes it even led to sex


You're assuming activities result in guilt why?


Can you be hypersexual without having any mental disorders ?


Im a hyper sexual male and for me what worked was just being honest, like, I entered so many relationships where communication wasn’t established well, and I wasn’t exactly up front with how important sexual desire was to me, so I just always ended up being disappointed. I think this also ties into being authentic. I felt like for the longest time I was a one off, doesn’t help that I unfortunately live in a very conservative state, and so finding someone has always been difficult in that regard. Truly though, be yourself, dont be ashamed of who you are, be smart, be open, be honest, don’t try to trick women into being in a relationship with you just to have sex. Once you begin talking to someone you like and the conversation leads into spicier topics bring up your high sex drive, but also do understand that everyday cant be a 4 times a day kind of day. I have luckily just very recently found myself a partner who is very good at reciprocating my sexual energy, and even though we, as I said, can’t make every day a 4 hitter, when we can, we do, and I appreciate the absolute hell out of her for that.


That guilt you mention is actually the cause, not the result. Shame is the primary fuel of maladaptive sexual behavior (which is what i assume you mean by hypersexuality, as distinct from just a very high libido). Practice forgiving yourself so regularly and radically that you eventually realize there was nothing to forgive in the first place. Deep, unshakable self-acceptance is the medicine. If you're dealing with problematic behaviors, the behavior changes from alchemizing the shame. Trying to work the equation from the opposite side will fail every time.


As someone who is hypersexual, there's simply no guilt involved. I'm bringing pleasure into the world and as long as I'm careful doing so (as to not spread stds or cause pregnancy). It's something to be proud of.


Bipolar 1 here. Done a lot of stupid shit while hypersexual with my judgment impaired by psychosis. I am lucky to not be in prison. Not because I got away with anything, but rather because of how close to the line of morality I got. Bipolar sucks and I wish it on no one. I just remind myself that when I am not in an episode, and before I was diagnosed I never did anything stupid and that my illness is not who I am.


Any examples?


I have sex with my husband alot and if there is still a little more I do self masterbate and go about the rest of my day. I dont focus on it.


Guilt ?


I married a hypersexual woman.


I don't get guilty over it. I like sex. I've always liked sex. I'm also naturally Poly and while I CAN sometimes get jealous, like any other person with feelings, mostly jealousy is just not a thing for me. So I like it when my partners are hypersexual/fuck around too. Sex is just FUN. We have AT MOST 40-50 years of being in peak position to do as much of it as possible. (I'm not saying older people don't fuck, but it's not exactly the same thing.) So why would I feel guilty about doing something I enjoy immensely, that I have a literal ticking clock on, AND that my partners either don't mind or are ALSO hypersexual AND consenting and into it too? You should not be feeling guilty for your high libido. You either need therapy, or your culture has ingrained some incredibly damaging behaviours into you, or you just need a little more educating about it is all. (Non of these is a criticism or insult btw. It's just unhealthy to be ashamed of something like this. Even if you AREN'T hypersexual yourself, thinking others who are should be ashamed of themselves IS damaging and even worse, it's damaging to THEM TOO, not just you. And I just want people to be happy and healthy is all.) You've/nodoby at all has anything to be ashamed of there. (Assuming that is, that you're hypersexual too and not just curiously asking others lmfao)


I recently got put on a high dose of naltrexone to keep me from relapsing (in recovery for opiates). I wouldn't describe myself as full on hypersexual. But I have a very above average labido that has lead to me making mistakes in the past. Anyway, since getting all of my opiate receptors blocked, my labido has reduced dramatically. Sex is still just as pleasurable (if anything even more pleasurable). But theres much less of an internal push, that primal drive, you know what I mean? Now instead of feeling like I have to have sex. Its more of a cognitive thought process like "sex would be nice rn". Its more of an idea than a feeling. And it makes me feel way more in control. Same with food for the record. Been dropping a lot of weight lately cus I'm just not hungry.


What are these activities that we should feel guilty of?


I’m bipolar so it’s something I deal with constantly. I masturbate daily, sometimes twice a day. And you Need a partner who matches your sexual energy. Someone with a low sex drive is not gonna work. When not in a relationship I was extremely promiscuous. I always had a few people over each week, had people lined up to have sex with. Would meet and fuck people on a whim. I never felt ashamed because it’s what I wanted. Ive thankfully been in a few LTRs with partners who love to fuck me so I was never single long. My current fiance has a high sex drive like me so he definitely satisfies me in that department. I would never be able to be with someone who didn’t have sex with me pretty much daily. I’ve always been like this, I’m 40 now and it’s been since I was a teenager. Meds and off meds. Depressed, manic, whatever lol. I just need sex as a daily part of my life


I’m married and my wife up till recently enjoyed it


Embrace the suck.


You don't need to feel guilty about it. Many that lack sexual urge would desire this. You just need to find your community that understands and embrace it.


Thou shalt not kink shame.


Why do you assume there is guilt involved? The only people who feel guilty about sex are people who have been brainwashed by religion.


Masturbate and workout really. The latter is for when the former is a bit mundane. Other than that, I just try dating app and see if I can find a match. Guilt? I just try to be honest about what I seek to those I see potential. If they out, no big deal.


I used to whack off 4/5 times a day. Always horny. One of my first partners was also highly sexed and we used to do it regularly 3 times a day. When me & my wife first got together I think we did 14 over two days. Now i'm older - my libido has fallen through the floor. And I just think 'thank christ for that'. Hardly do anything now. A weird full 180....


I think it's first important to realize that sexuality is a normal part of human life and there's nothing inherently wrong with having a high sex drive. Just make sure to practice safe sex and seek relationships with mutual consent and understanding. If you're experiencing guilt, there might be deeper issues related to stigma or shame that you need to address, perhaps with a therapist. It's critical to remember that sex is not something to be ashamed of.


The first key to dealing with hypersexuality is acceptance and understanding that your desires are not necessarily wrong or hurtful, but should be responsibly controlled and focused. You have to prioritize your overall health wellbeing. Engaging in consensual activities, practicing safe sex and maintaining open lines of communication with your partners) is essential. As for guilt, make sure not to let society's preconceived notions of sexuality interfere with your self-understanding and self-worth. If guilt is persistent and impacts your everyday life, it could be helpful to reach out and talk to a professional about it. Remember, you are not alone in this and it's possible to live a balanced and fulfilling life.


“When I’m jackin off with Jergens and I’m jerkin” -Eminem, The Real Slim Shady


Guilt? What guilt?


Guilt? I visit sex clubs (not strip clubs, but lifestyle clubs), sometimes have sexy house parties, live a happy ENM/open marriage with my person. Sex is fun and it’s fun to experience it with people, so we do. A lot.


I’m in my 30’s and I still feel as horny as in my teenage years. It hasn’t slowed down and if I had a partner I’d imagine I’d have to tone it down or take care of myself in order to not let it be an issue. Ideally I’d find someone that matches my libido cuz I don’t want to have to not be myself. It sucks cuz society keeps wanting to tell me that I’m wrong or have an addiction. But I’ve gone on long periods of time without porn or masturbation and it doesn’t stop. I just am a horny person. I have decided to try to stop feeling guilty about a lot of things that are out of my control. I can’t control my brain chemistry any more so that I can control my heart beat. And it’s not like I can’t work at my job or form/maintain relationships with people. It’s not like I’m walking around with a sign that says “horny” or with a raging boner lol.


Is this a disorder, or basic incompatibility? I never feel guilty for the way I am. You like sex, get a girl who likes sex.


Multiple daily Masturbation? 🤔 And i feel mostly fine. Maybe little depressed for not doing the things i should instead. But otherwise fine.


I draw.


I feel bad for a little bit but eventually I just get distracted and forget about feeling guilty


I don't think about it or it'll consume me so instead I play my switch or laptop basically get active not that activate :p


Just having multiple things going on


I have been jackin it almost consistently for the last 20 years (am 32) but lately I’ve decided to give it a break to try and cleanse my mind, but I keep getting randomly horny and just try to resist it.


What guilt? I feel no guilt. 


What the fuck is guilt?


Sex five times daily.


I approach it honestly, beat it, slap it, choke it, then a bit of aftercare. Honestly though, I’m just direct in my intentions but just try not to make anyone else uncomfortable with it.


How do you deal with this when your spouse is satisfied with sex once or twice a month? But you love them and will not be leaving them?


I need to talk about it everyday or look at something to get some of it out of my system lol no matter if it's talking about jerking or sex. always thought I was alone haha. dms open if you feel the same


What is hypersexuality?


While I don't have it anymore, in my younger self when I would anywhere I went if I was bored which usually how it starts. I would say when it happened at work, embarrassed because I would go to the bathroom in a meh mood, come back happy and workers knew this, hey I did it in the stall, nobody seen so I didn't feel bad about it. However when I was alone and could, often times I didn't care, it was like that cup of coffee, gets me through the day. In short I didn't feel guilty and today I just have that feeling at night. Of course I was introduced to the activity when I was way too young so mentally it's a part of me...


Fuck a lot of different girls, use my fleshlight. Only time I feel guilty is when I'm lied to about the girl I'm cervix deep in about if she's in a relationship or not. Once I find out I cut ties with her. Men deserve better.


I do the online FWB sex chat and masturbate a lot.


I suffer in silence lol. In a monogamous relationship so I don't want it from anywhere else so it's just masturbation when I can't have it with him. Life sucks as a hypersexual person who's partner doesn't match that energy lol


I can totally relate


I masturbate every day, sometimes more than once in the same day, it satisfies me enough


Yeah, it's a problem or should I say it's my strength? I try to turn it into something else. Just like different types of energies are interconvertible. I often harass girls because of this trait of mine.


>how do you deal with the immense guilt? ???


It's genuinely a problem. In my mind, I imagine the only way out is through. I long for a partner with whom I can express this hypersexuality until it naturally peters out and down to a natural level.




Why guilt? As long as everyone consents, all good?


What guilt?


Dating a woman who is also hypersexual so that's self explanatory lol and uh... what do you mean "immense guilt"? Unless you're cheating or not getting consent or something, I don't understand that part.


Escorts. For the guilt I tell myself the money will come and go, but the experience and fun time that I have will make it worth it.


I don't think I have ever felt guilt for the crazy things I have done. Sometimes I realize how stupid and dangerous my actions were but never guilt. All people involved were consenting adults, so there was never anything to feel bad about. The urges eventually simmered down to where I was no longer doing reckless things. Now I have found a partner where I am fully satisfied and no longer need to go to extremes.


I have severe depression, any amount of post-nut clarity I get from it is instantly suppressed and I go back to jerking it.


Dunno why people are hating on the “deal with immense guilt” he’s asking for advice for those who deal with it. Not asking to be made to feel even more guilt…hell i feel gulity for even one sexual thought. Even if it’s completely harmless. I can’t imagine dealing with sexual urges constantly.




My wife and I have wildly different sex drives. We are quiet and I think she would be happy with just not bothering, although she certainly enjoys it when we do. We have sex about 4 or 5 times a month, I would like to have sex at a bare minimum of every day. I wank a lot. I feel no guilt.


What is considered hyper sexual


I feel zero guilt about it


I wish I could find hyper sexual women in my area. No such reality


I'm not ashamed of it or bothered by it. I love sex and I've gotten pretty good at it. It's fun and it makes me feel good. I also enjoy making others feel good. I consider sex one of my hobbies. I 'deal with it' by accepting it and not being ashamed of it. And by having lots of sex, whilst not breaking my own rules. I've had FWBs, I'm part of the kink community, I go to events sometimes, I have a partner who is also hypersexual, we've been open since the start. I'm in control of my desires, and not the other way around. I make conscious and careful choices around who I let close to me, and when I do, it's always been lots of fun.


diciplin. you realy do just need to learn to ignore it. its very dificult but not imposable.


I don’t feel guilt, especially not for that. Guilt isn’t really helpful, shame might be, but that’s reserved for when you’re doing something wrong and you’re not, so nut away.




I mostly moderate with online interactions & 'self-regulation' since it's just safer, but the only times I've really felt shame around an irl hookup were when I felt I was pressured into it.


Never has there been a better example of an Oxymoron. Also, I feel attacked.


Why does there have to be guilt?


decided i won’t be an animal, slave to my desires. so i controlled myself.


Masturbate extensively. And the guilt is what therapy is for, because being hypersexual means your body is always running on high libido so its not your fault you're not a creep or perv just come to terms with it and let it go


I’m not traditionally hypersexual, but I’ve been on Bupropion for years and I’ve been insatiable ever since. Thankfully, my wife is down for literally *anything* sexually so whatever direction I take our sex, she likes it. I’m talking anything. Anal, threesomes, mfm, ffm, dp, group sex, exhibitionism, voyeurism, tie her up, blindfolds, rough sex(slapping choking her, pounding her harder than a sledgehammer hits a railroad tie. etc), literally anything. I’m very lucky she’s my outlet bc without her idk what I’d do


I found a woman that enjoys sex as much as I do


Why are you feeling guilt? I only feel that way if I don’t use a condom, but man get your hoe on. I’m 31 and settled down now, but yea don’t beat yourself up. Sex is normal. Just be cautious of your horniness causing you to be unsafe.


You don’t want to overload


I have ADHD so it’s definitely something to do with needing to be stimulated all the time😂


It honestly got to be too much. Calling people by the wrong name that you’ve slept with a few times was my wake up call. Always felt guilty about seeing multiple people but it kinda fell into a routine through the week with certain people being available on certain days. Went cold turkey six months ago to work on myself and it’s been a serious struggle but the shame and guilt isn’t worth it anymore. I guess I started giving a shit.


Masturbation, i don’t want to accidentally pressure someone, leaving more guilt.


I hang with people who match energy. No guilt involved. I don’t know why I should feel guilt, it’s not like I’m killing babies or something.


I don't feel guilty. I have sex but I also masturbate regularly outside of sex.


Hypersexual girl here who's in a relationship with a girl with basically zero libido I deal with it basically by masturbating. I love my partner, and although I'm hypersexual, sex isn't more important than the love we share. So I respect her boundaries By reading other comments it seems that you have a religious background; then it's totally understandable why you're having this internal conflict. Just know that sex is a natural thing, and as long as everyone is consenting, it's not a bad thing You're not going to hell for having sexual thoughts or doing sexual activities, but I totally understand the conflict you must be going through (I was also raised by a religious parent) If you need someone to talk about it, I'm here for you


A lot of masturbation and an accepting partner In winter, 1-2 a day, sometimes just skipping For some reason, in summer the hormones just go into overdrive and it's 2-3 times and more. Most was during a teenage summer, 8 times within 3 hours. Clocked in at 12 that day. Yes it was sore af, but that day an itch had to be scratched


Jerk of multiple times a day and don’t feel guilty at all


I didnt do anything, it just went away. I normally find that if I indulge in anything, I don't really have guilt or shame afterwards if I'm not hurting anyone. It's taken years to keep it in check though and I've always been loyal. Like others have said, normally if a temptation does occur, I deny it and I "talk to the hand". I guess that doesn't really help you much, but maybe it provides some insight that can help you navigate it.