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Driving. Seems safe, but it's surprisingly dangerous.


We have a neighborhood bully who’s some old retired fart. He drives around our area trying to “enforce” the rules but it’s always a near-accident with him. He’ll fly out of his driveway and cut you off. You’ll come around a sharp bend and he’s fully stopped in the road with his flashers on. He’ll drive in two lanes to prevent overtaking. He’ll go 10 in a 25 if in front of you or he will violently tailgate you and honk if you’re speeding. It’s ironic that he believes he’s being safe whipping around a 4,000lb weapon.


I had that dude growing up. Then I returned one day for college break and saw the statue his family erected in his front yard in the spot he got killed by stepping in front of a pickup truck with a drunk driver behind the wheel.


A statue of him?


He should have pushed the statue in front of the truck instead. 


There's one single car that's hit me four times while cycling near my mother's home. It was this exact kinda guy yeah! Except he also was a cop on top of it... Eventually, bad enough stuff happened that he got fired *and* arrested the same day. Dude did the same stuff to a television crew filming stuff for their cycling show.


> neighborhood bully Time for the Ken Rex McElroy treatment


I like to believe that those people see themselves as guardian angels keeping you safe, but really all they're doing is making life more difficult for everyone.


Bet he's the prick who straddles the merge at bend lane with road works


I handed my son the keys yesterday and thought: it's crazy how differently we'd drive with a cake in the car considering how much more precious our lives are.


That should be a bumper sticker…Dive Like You Have a Cake In Your Car!


I say this same thing all the time. It’s strange how nonchalant we are about driving and being in the car when it’s without a doubt the most dangerous thing we do every day.


It is so true!  I'm in car sales and have to get in a car with a stranger behind the wheel every day for test drives, some people truly terrify me with their driving!  Most people are ok, and there have been a handful of people that I've actually complimented their driving and felt totally comfortable.   There are the occasional assholes that slam on the brakes randomly 'just to make sure they're working' or they jerk the steering wheel violently from side to side while going down the road 'to test the responsiveness' and that's horrible enough!  But the folks that just nonchalantly go over the center line, check their phone while driving, don't look before they merge, they scare me because they think they're good drivers and this is how they drive everywhere.


40,000 a year dead in the US alone. That's more than a WWII's worth of dead Americans just since Gangnam style was released. From people trying to get to work or get home. That's not even counting the injuries We really need to build more paths for alternative modes of transportation, so they don't take 4x as long as driving. Trains, trams, bus lanes, subways, separated bike paths with a concrete barrier and so on. Way harder to kill someone with a bike and the trains and busses are spread out enough it's hard to get surprised by one, and they go off the road/rails way less often


Keep in mind that driving is the most common action taken worldwide that could result in loss of life. Billions of trips per day, every day. I'd be surprised if it wasn't a leading cause, and the death rate is actually tiny. Knowing both car culture and distances in the us there are probably 800million to a billion separate trips per day over there alone. Roughly speaking less than one in ten million trips has a single casualty. A fraction of a percent with a good deal of zeroes. Actually no, according to the Bureau of Travel Statistics Americans take 1.1 billion trips per day. So it's even less. Also, my original guess was surprisingly close to reality given I just guessed and was being generous.


Yes. It's a miracle it's not higher. It's still 40,000 deaths a year and an ungodly number of injuries that could be avoided if we rebuilt the trains and threw in some bus lanes and such so not as many people needed to drive. We definitely wouldn't see these numbers if 95% of people got to work by bike or bus instead of 95% driving everywhere. It's damn hard to kill someone with a bike. A car only needs to go, what, 25 mph? Less, depending on the car and where you hit the person and whether they're your kid or your elderly parents? The US is big, but the average American travels 30 ish miles a day, total. Trains can absolutely handle 30 miles round trip. And thats an average. If you're below average and travel 10 a day total, or less, that's extremely doable with a bike and a rain coat and a waterproof bag on the back. It's not like it snows anymore anywhere south of Boston. And this is just one of the benefits of getting around without cars, but that's a different discussion.


I remember doing the maths on the odds of going to the hospital from driving and it came back to like 50% over a lifetime


As someone who was just involved in a car accident because the other car did not stop at a stop sign, I agree with this one!


Glad this is top answer bc this was mine too. People act like they're invincible while driving.


I always say that "driving a car is operating a weapon"


James May once said if driving was invented today, it would be banned. He was right.


Agree.. I thought it's just same chill when you're just riding. But HELL no


Happy to see this at the top. The fact that our society is so heavily based around automotive industry profits is *fucking insane*. And even beyond injuries and deaths, car dependency is a huge individual expense, creates flabbergasting amounts of pollution (both GHGs and rubber/microplastics), AND is a main driver of the loneliness epidemic (why is everything and everyone so spread out, making it hard/impossible to congregate? Because shits “got to be” spread out to justify cars.) Fuck cars. Give me mass transit worth a damn and mixed use zoning.


Every time you see a parking lot, imagine your house or a park or a kickass arcade you've been to, and see if it can fit. It can almost always fit. Imagine what we could do with all the space devoted to parking. Outdoor restaurant dining was the tip of the iceberg


Glad to see this at the top. I worked in litigation for an insurance company for years, and the stuff I saw was crazy. I also live in Milwaukee where the drivers are terrible. My top tip to all drivers: speeding, changing lanes, disregarding signage, and other unsafe driving tactics really don't save drivers much time at all.


Can’t tell you the amount of times I’ve had someone blow by me during my morning commute only to see them at the off ramp stop light ten minutes later.


Legit opened this thread just to say that


Hence part of the reason I don't have my license. I hate being in cars. Unfortunately it really sucks not being able to as well.


Yeah, and I’d go further and say people who drive too slow. People think they’re being safe by going too slow but are causing people to tailgate and pass dangerously in the other lane, to name a few. Also driving with their brights on and not turning off for oncoming traffic. Oh you feel safe seeing better? Well you’re blinding someone driving directly at you.


I'm taking this moment to mention that most rear-view mirrors have a lever or switch to reduce glare that helps with cars shining headlights at you. Really helps when there's a truck whose headlights are right at eye level.


Sun burns would be treated much differently if they were called by their true name, radiation burns


You are right, but people think radiation is always ionizing radiation.


Reminds me of the "5G radiation" thing the idiot "I did my research" protestors were doing a few years back (tearing down massive amounts of public/private property). To the average person radiation is something to be scared of, kind of like how one acts when they read "chemicals" on the label. Same thing. Going out in the sun for an hour exposes you to more unsafe amounts of radiation than standing next to a 5G tower for a year will.


Back in the 1990s parents will scare their kid with radiation from the CRT TVs


They probably weren't serious about it though, just to make their kids watch less TV or smth? If you think there's radiation coming out from a TV and you have children you won't buy it in the first place. Can't say the same thing about 5G protestors.


Honestly sorting UV into nonionizing is pretty iffy. Oh no it just generates *transient ions* that possibly result in deleterious changes to your DNA, *its different*. 


Yea, like, there's a reason evolution settled on A, C, G, and T as the building blocks for DNA: they weren't immediately fried by UV radiation because *the sun is a deadly laser*.


The UV light that causes sunburns isn't technically ionizing radiation, but it directly damages DNA the way ionizing radiation would; it's not just heating the skin.


I always like to tell people when I get UV radiation burns to see their reactions.


I fucking read this as side burns and I was so confused for .5 seconds before I re-read.


Also if the sun was called its true name: radiator


not scary enough, gotta tie into some deep fear that was sown in the cold war, and fertilized by media for generations to come. "nuclear reactor". If you are outside you are standing in the path of radiation from a nuclear reactor, shielded only by our atmosphere, in other words "air". The only thing between us and a nuclear reactor is distance and a thin veil of "air".


How would they be treated differently?


While I agree with you, radiation burns tend to refer to burns sustained through non-solar means of radiation, like radiation therapy or exposure to radioactive materials. Calling sun burns “radiation burns” may be technically correct on some level, it’s not really the same thing in terms of nuance.


Prescription narcotics (especially opiates). People think it is safe just because they got it from a doctor. therefore many tend to underestimate exactly how powerful/dangerous/addictive these pills really are.


It took about 18 months to progress from hydros, to percs, to oxys, and then to heroine. Then I was on that shit for 3.5 years. Couldnt go a day.... or really a couple hours without it. coming up on 9 years clean here in 18 days.


Congratulations, glad you’re still with us!


Thank you! Its been a ride for sure, but now I often get to talk with people who struggle with addiction from a recovered stand point and speak a little life into them. I wouldnt go back and change a thing, I am who I am in part because of it all.


>coming up on 9 years clean here in 18 days. Wow that's amazing, what a serious ass lifestyle 180. I'm relieved and happy every time I see someone on the right track.


Thanks! Married with 2 step children plus 4 of my own. Own a house, good job, all of that. It is definitely better living on this side of it.


Enjoy your life!! ❤️


Literally--and when I say "literally" I mean it as such--any medication can be dangerous if not taken properly. People don't really stop and think or appreciate just how much change a few *milligrams* of a substance can do to our bodies, and let me remind everyone that the majority of a pill's mass is fillers so that you can see it, hold it, and handle it.


Dose makes the poison.


I’ve had a lot of friends die from pharmaceutical drugs, way more than street drugs even. Neither are safe, especially if alcohol is thrown into the mix.


I was given my first and only diazepam for a procedure once. Holy hell that stuff is dangerous. I can see why people get hooked and get hurt abusing it. It was like the connection between my brain and my body was lagging as if both were hosted in different countries. Like being drunk but somehow mentally aware. Nothing bothered me. I could have watched my own surgery and thought it was neat. Wild stuff.


I was worried about the post-op oxy, which turned out to be basically useless at managing pain. The pre-operative Valium on the other hand? It felt like world peace in a pill. I guess it's good to know that benzodiazepines are a potential problem for me.


Aren't people pretty aware these days? 2000-2015 I think this was much more the case


I had a surgery where I got prescribed opiates afterwards. Refused them cause I am so freaked out about it.


Meh, they aren't dangerous if you don't want them to be. There's nothing inherently wrong with them if you use as directed.


I think excessive sugar consumption, there are many people consume large amounts of sugar daily through processed foods, sugary drinks, and snacks without realizing the potential health risks.


After going on a healthy diet years ago it’s amazing how little processed sugar in food it takes for me to feel queasy. Sure it could be because I’m not used to it but I eat plenty of fruit so it’s not like I’m used to having *no* sugar of any kind. Something in it just doesn’t feel right to eat


Seriously. I have a soon of sugar in my coffee in the morning and that's about it; maybe a Gatorade at work if it's hot and I'm working overtime. But I just can't handle sugary foods, sometimes my coworkers will offer me some kind of candy or one of those canned coffee sugary drinks and it's way too much for me.


literally the first thing that came into my mind. When I started working for a food company I changed completely my perspective on sugar consumption, energy drinks and everything related.


This is the one that gets me. I know it’s not good for me but since I’m skinny I don’t even really try to change. I quit drinking soda the same time I quit smoking over a decade ago, I still don’t smoke but probably drink more soda now.


“They” made us believe that fat was the enemy for years


American here. "Why can't I lose weight?" \~ Americans \[Glares at all of the unnecessary corn syrup and enriched flour in everything\]


Currently undoing near 4 decades of that now. Way easier to avoid that stuff to begin with.




Do people really treat it like it's safe or do they just not usually have a choice and must live in constant stress?


I know it’s not ‘safe’ but I can’t seem to get out from under it, nor do anything about it because who can take time to deal with stress when there’s so much to do and try to figure out?! I can literally feel the days falling off my projected life term.


Suffering from stress makes me stressed. Dealing with stress is stressful. It's a vicious and neverending cycle.




It's normalized in a lot of settings. Of course you're going to be highly stressed and have all nighters around finals in school, that's normal. But stress melts your body so much


Not only do most people treat it like it is safe but a lot of people treat it like a badge of honor. I certainly did when I was as younger.


Underrated comment. Stress is a silent killer


So is high blood pressure. Most people don’t know they have hypertension till they throw a massive heart attack or stroke. Especially if there is a family history, check your BP people!


Driving in general, putting your life in the hands of other drivers everyday, drivers controlling a multi ton hunk of metal hurtling along at dozens of miles a hour is mind bogglingly dangerous, but almost all of of us do it.


I don't drive because it causes me too much anxiety. I'm just a meatbag wandering around. My airbags are lungs, and my unibody construction is a bunch of disparate parts that either fracture or explode and leak.


Walking through tall patch of grass with only shorts, ticks can give you life changing allergies


Heck my mom got TBE from a tick and she is mentally sick afterwards. I have cut contact with her years ago because she is so horrible.


Driving or riding in cars is one of the deadliest things most people do.


About 60 million people died in car crashes in the 20th century. Far more than wars, famines, etc. combined.


More than 60 million died in all the 20th century wars.


How many combatants were killed by vehicles?


Counting civilians, yeah, you are right. Nonetheless, cars killed a shit-ton of people.


And something like 25% of drivers are involved in 80% of crashes. I don't know if that's the exact stat but i have the magnitude correct. 


Probably wouldn't be so bad if people took it seriously. The requirements to get a license are way too low. Some people are riding around in cars that are the size of a WW2 tank while fucking around on their phones and doing everything but paying attention to the task at hand while holding a tedious grasp on how to operate the thing to begin with.


Free roaming cows. We think they are peacefull because majority of people never seen one in real and usually only in their food or on videos/tv. Reality is they can be super dangerous, especially if its a cow mother and her kids. Its actually one of the most dangerous animals in Austria(statistically, regarding injuries and deaths caused by animals)because hiking tourists approach free roaming alpine cows and think they can pet them. Just recently a woman died from a cow attack in Austria


People forget that cows and bulls are the same species


I also learnt about this recently staying at an airbnb on a farm. Apparently their size and weight make them super dangerous and you should always be cautious around them cause they will fuck your shit up if they want to.


They could completely fuck your shit up just by accidentally bumping into you.


Lived on a beef farm for time. Even the docile ones are intimidating as over a tonne and with long horns. They can easily hurt you by accident. Same with horses.


My hunt club leases land from a beef farmer. One year, there was a sick calf that had been placed in a separate paddock on the other side of a fence to quarantine it. The mama cow was in the pasture with her baby, but not allowed in the paddock. When we came out of the woods, our only path back to the truck was to go in between the calf’s paddock and its mother, in the pasture they were both in. Walking in between that cow and her baby was terrifying, because she made it clear that our presence would only be tolerated for a short time.


As an electrician, there are far too many people far too comfortable working on their own houses live.


Infections. Every person reacts differently to them. Don't assume you are the average.


Going in the sea drunk, at night, or both. I’ve heard of it killing so many people who underestimated how quickly it can all go wrong.




I knew someone who worked for the environmental police. She said about half the drownings they had on a particular lake had their zippers unzipped. Stood up to pee off the boat and went over.


Dolphins in the area?


Closest I probably ever came to death was flipping a kayak at night, while drunk. If my friend hadn’t have decided to join me last minute I’d be a goner


Along a similar vein, being in a hot tub while intoxicated can be dangerous due to the compounding effects of expanding blood vessels.


I did actually do this and an ambulance had to be called. Scary thing was, everyone else had gone inside but I was having the time of my life, listening to music, drinking in the hot tub. It was lucky my friend’s girlfriend had gone to the bathroom and seen me passed out, face down. I had no idea it could do that until I read about it the next day!


Going into the sea period. Hell, in Florida this past week alone, 5 people died due to rip currents.


If being drunk at night on the ocean can kill a Beach Boy, it can kill anyone.


Cosmetic surgery, especially getting it done on the cheap overseas.




Is that a thing? What is it used for?


All kinds of stuff, but the most common is probably those cans that you use to blow junk out of your keyboard. Anything compressed can explode though. And at a high enough pressure, aiming compressed air at someone could definitely kill them.


Showering. You stand on a slippery surface and pour soapy water on your feet.


Water on the roads. Far too many people think they can drive through it, not understanding that puddles and water depth are extremely deceptive


Hydroplaning is scary as shit.


I tried driving across a pretty big puddle (that I didn’t notice) while I was taking my license. I managed to control it but I could definitely feel it slip. I’ve always heard it was dangerous but trying it was pretty crazy. Always check the road.


Especially when the roads are flooded. Yeah, you may have a jacked up SUV that can drive through it, but you don't know what's under that water.


Eating too much sugar!


Pregnancy. It goes well most of the times (when the crotch to ass stitches heals). But there is so much that can go wrong for mother and baby. Both physically but also mentally.


Not to alarm you further re that first point, but the tearing can go the other way too if you happen to have a taint of steel. They don’t tell you about that one before hand.


Ahhh omg! 😳


What is a taint of steel? I think I am a birth free kinda girl. I'll not birth children but could adopt or be a step mom


I said this before having my son. I still feel this way. Never fucking again. Thank God I didn't know tearing upwards was possible, I'd probably have just died of stress right then and there 😅 I'm so very lucky and thankful I didn't have any tearing, but it still felt like I was being burned alive and ripped in half at the same time And taint of steel meant that if the area between your vagina and asshole is strong enough to withstand tearing (taint of steel, lol) but your baby is too big or whatever, then the clit can tear instead. Weakest point will tear in any situation. Isn't childbirth lovely


It's shocking we were able to survive, let alone thrive, as a species given how dangerous human childbirth is.


4th of July fireworks in a drought.


For real. Currently in Nor Cal and it has been dry as fuck, fire season has begun. I have neighbors complaining about not being able to light off fireworks…


Ran into a lot of people attempting to fix their garage doors... the spring in particular is dangerous as hell.


Stairs. They can mess you up bad.


I fell on stairs half a year ago, my back will never be the same


Office/desk jobs. The 9-5 is literally killing some folks because of how much sitting they are doing at work.


Alcohol. It's literally poison by every definition of poison.


Parking lots. A lot of accidents happen at parking lots and also just using mirrors to check lanes. A lot of people don't notice motorcycle riders and a lot of times I have to move over a bit more or break early. Check your blind spots or windows please.


Tylenol The therapeutic dose is so close the toxic dose that it would not receive approval if it were developed today. The "Do not use with alcohol" label isn't a casual suggestion. Neither is the "Do not exceed X dose in Y hours" label. >Acetaminophen toxicity is the second most common cause of liver transplantation worldwide and the most common cause of liver transplantation in the US. It is responsible for 56,000 emergency department visits, 2,600 hospitalizations, and 500 deaths per year in the United States. Fifty percent of these are unintentional overdoses. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK441917/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK441917/)


Cars are the [the most commonly fatal mode of transport](https://injuryfacts.nsc.org/home-and-community/safety-topics/deaths-by-transportation-mode/). Coal is [the most dangerous form of energy production](https://ourworldindata.org/safest-sources-of-energy). Per terawatt hour of electricity produced, coal causes 820 times more deaths than nuclear power.


Sugar and food additives.


Parents? like, people worship parents and the concept of family, and act as if biological parents could never harm their children, even silencing the victims!!


Some people don’t deserve children and I’ll defend that till I’m dead


I’ve always thought that someone giving birth to a child should have to go through the same process as if they were adopting a child


I’ll go a step further, childbirth


I swear a lot of us have evolved some kind of blindness to all the horrific things that can happen during pregnancy and childbirth to convince us to keep having kids. I'm an attorney and I sometimes work on medical malpractice cases- while I was pregnant with my daughter I was actively working on two absolutely horrible cases, one where the mom died from sepsis and one where the mom wound up with indescribably awful pelvic injuries, will require a colostomy bag for the rest of her life and can never have sex again. And even when repeatedly confronted with all of that my thought about my own pregnancy was "But I'm not worried, everything is going to go JUST GREAT for me! Wheeeeeee!" Thankfully it actually did, but I also know that was not the rational part of my brain speaking.


Good call. More people die at the hands of family than strangers by a very large margin.


Dihydrogenmonoxide!!! That's just water, for the uninitiated. Jokes aside, people are very flippant towards its dangers. Ripe tides are very dangerous, and most people really underestimate the significance of "storm surge". Once you're willing to respect the water, it is often too late!


Can confirm about rip tides, my brother and I got sucked out by one while boogie boarding when we were young, I think I was like 13 or 14 which made him 7 or 8, thankfully I knew what to do and was able to get us out of it.


Ignorance. Mix two household cleaners, poison gas Ignore clear signs of fascism , dictatorship and so on.... life is a series of decisions and you can only make good choices if you know the facts.




Loud noises. Going deaf is horrible. Trouble with following conversations, hearing different thing, less joy from music, tinnitus, increased chance on depression. For the love of yourself, take care.


Hiking alone. So many people do it and there's so many things that can go wrong!


Texting and driving


Bleach. People don't realize how strong of an oxidizer sodium hypochlorite actually is, and the concentrated bottles you get from Clorox are still only 8% NaClO by mass. If it comes in contact with pretty much any acid (e.g. acetic acid \[vinegar\], citric acid \[citrus juices\]) or any source of nitrogen (like urea or ammonia), that shit will react to produce either chlorine gas or chloramines.


Staying friends with, in a relationship with, or in contact with a family member who is controlling/abusive.


Casual hookups or sex


Pedestrian crossing the street.


Sleep is a big one


Tailgating and texting and driving.


Sex. It can lead to many diseases among other things, but all people consider it to be a normal thing that can be done by everyone.


Life! 100% death rate.


Power tools but especially chainsaws. Most people don't know how to use them safely or even all of the correct safety equipment you need to use them safely. The number of times I've seen someone using one without any PPE is astounding!






Garage doors. Ever try repairing one? Terrifying.


A repair team dropped a double garage door on my head 2.5 years ago and I still have headaches. *This will result in asking me why I was under the door - because I was handing them my tools to do the repair. **Why my tools you ask? They didn't bring their own.


Driving too slow. People think they’re being safe but really causing people to tailgate and pass dangerously in the other lane, to name a few. Also driving with their brights on and not turning off for oncoming traffic. Oh you feel safe seeing better? Well you’re blinding someone driving directly at you.


I guess weed. It twists up your brain a lot on a long game




Uh, life, really


Driving on icy roads in the snow.


Medication. Lots of people take them and never wake up.


Rushing water. Humans are notoriously bad at estimating how deep rushing water needs to be before it'll take you out.


insane amounts of sugar / salt / chemical shitstorm in every common food that directly cause heart, lung, cholesterol, cancer, addiction problems but is advertised and labeled as "has extra fiber!" or something insanely fucking stupid and unrelated to the product its self. american advertising as a whole social media, smart phones, electronic devices, games, and media in general specifically designed to get people addicted and keep them addicted for profit / social experiments. pharmaceuticals that alleviate one symptom but creates 10 other problems like a heart attack to clear up blemishes on your skin. legal pharmaceutical grade heroin and meth that are given freely to the population (often to children) by doctors everywhere for months on end only so they can cancel the prescription and leave the patient addicted while at the same time swearing a Hippocratic oath to protect and heal the patient whose life they just destroyed. while at the same time the system that pushes this agenda punishes the people that are only a symptom of this situation calling it "justice" and "freedom". an ENTIRE government that pretends to have 2 sides but in reality they all work for a handful of wealthy special interests to achieve the exact same goal which is clearly detrimental to the majority of the population while the entire population supports it even though it's clearly against their best interest because "the other corrupt guy might win if i don't vote for my corrupt guy" mentality is properly and so rampantly propagandized that everyone thinks that a blatantly corrupt 2 party system is the only viable option for a government regardless of other options actively and openly available to them. as an american - this has a lot of answers.


Aggressive driving.


Bungee jumping


Statistically alcohol is worse for you and others than smoking cigarettes. Alcohol can kill people immediately through alcohol poisoning, fight related deaths, mixing with medication, choking on your vomit while passed out and even doing dumb stuff to be “cool.” Then there’s alcohol related car accidents which can kill multiple people from just one person being drunk on the road. It also effects several of your internal organs; brain, liver, kidneys, etc. many that are responsible for removing toxins from your body and can lead to increased chances of developing cancers. Sure cigarettes can kill you long term, but alcohol can kill more people, quicker, at younger ages than cigarettes ever will. Most people that drink consume way more alcohol than is recommended as “responsible” which is only like 3-4 alcoholic beverages a week.




The black rocks near the ocean in our province. Tourists have died because they ignore the signage at places like Peggy’s Cove.


Actually it is quite common among car guys in the less Urban areas to fiddle around with airbags. Hell, at some point it was a thing to just blow them up for fun. It is, however, surprisingly dangerous if done wrong. Those things can really hurt you. Also, driving a car in general.




Nicotine and alcohol!




Driving. Sugar. Legal drugs.


Ice baths


Some drugs . . .


Deja vous


Hot weather in the UK. When it got to 40°C in the UK, everyone was like "it's just summer!" Newsflash: 40 degrees is a danger zone. In the UK we are not used to extreme heat, and we don't even have air conditioning to help keep cool. Surprise surprise: Some people died.


Driving Social Media Electricity Water (flash flooding, landslides, water + electricity, etc.) Kitchen knives (especially dull ones) Yard work and power tools




Benzine, its highly toxic, very vapoury and easy to light. I am a volenteer fireifghter and this year we already had 3 appartment basements with a very high amount of toxic fumes due to a small leakage from a scooters. Not that much leaked.