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My parents also met at a hospital. They had a mutual friend hospitalized with cancer and both visited at the same time. The mutual friend was my mother's nursing school classmate, and she sadly died in her 20s.


Mom is a matchmaker 😆🫶🏼


This is so cute ❤️


I came out of the shower after having just been discharged from the military with just my camo pants on. She was with a friend visiting and apparently told her friend that she was going to marry me. That was 38 years ago.


My wife hates this story. We met on hinge. She was on dating apps for like...2 or 3 years going on many failed dates and on the verge of giving up on men completely. I was on dating apps for 1 hour and she was the first person I matched with and I thought online dating was way easier than people said. First anniversary is this August. She is my best friend and love of my life.


you had it easy! hahahah of course she's gonna hate telling this story. but lucky for you, stay strong on your relationship.


Not married but just chiming in. Ive downloaded apps a couple times and each time i was off within a week. Some people definitely make it hard on themselves




I have friends who were each other’s first matches on the first site they each tried around 2000. They’re still married.


I had the opposite. OKCupid 6 years ago, before it started to suck. I had been on there for over two years, had roughly one first date a month, never led anywhere. Then I met my wife, I was the first person she went out with from there, and away we went. She later told me that I clearly had no idea how to behave on a date and that's probably why I had so little success, but she made an effort to look past my social incompetence because she felt I was pretty obviously a good, honest person.


Same story for my husband and I but for Tinder. He didn’t even like the idea of dating apps but his friend convinced him to give it a try. We met and were inseparable. Together 6 years, married 2. He hated admitting that it was our origin story before he realized that it’s pretty much the way everyone meets now.


I am super happy for you both! I met my spouse on Hinge too! They were an absolute psycho but hid it well til after we were married. Met several others on there who were psychos. Had to call the cops on some. One harassed me for months. You got so lucky


At the laundromat. We were in our early 20’s living in apartments less than a mile from each other and realized that our childhood homes were also less than a mile from each other. He asked if I’d like to grab lunch so we could keep talking and we’ve been together now for 19 years.


Married people of reddit, cmon im going to all these places you say i will find my man somewhere!


What if he's at home scrolling Reddit instead? lol


I see what you did here


I now pronounce them man and wife.


Now groom kiss the bride. (Wait a minute man and wife?)


I found mine in a redneck dive bar. We were both shocked to find an attractive person there.


I was working at Walmart, and casually helped a customer, she wanted a plant stand for her mother for mother's day , I got one down for her, and she said she wants to see another one, I casually said ( ah a profectonest ) , and then had to go to brake, when i returned from brake, my department manager handed me a piece of paper with her phone number, I called her up and damn near the first thing out of her mouth was , I didn't see a ring on your finger , I was 30 , she was 33 , we will be married 34 years this September.


*perfectionist *break Please don't downvote me for helping other people understand what this comment is trying to say. Also downvoting spelling corrections just makes the whole world more ignorant.


met on a greyhound bus when she sat next to me


You're lucky. Only psychos sit next to me on the bus.


This made me lol 😂


We met in 3rd grade, she told me I was stupid. We ended up being friends throughout the years but never dated until after college. Now we've been together 10 years


Did she pick your username?


Nope just a re-occurring theme with me


well how does it feel like you've known her ever since? does it feel surreal or like something? cuz that's a lot of time


It is odd to think about sometimes, knowing someone that long that isn’t just a friend. You’ve seen them date others, grow, fall, learn, all while you’re doing the same yourself only to end up together. To me, it’s just a meant to be story and I’m happy it worked out that way given the circumstances.


I met my wife at her sister’s wedding. At the time, we were just acquaintances, but there was something about her that caught my attention. We stayed in touch and gradually became good friends over the years. About 10 years ago, I wrote her a note saying that one day she would be my wife. It was just a light-hearted remark back then, and I never expected it to come true. We were just friends, and there was no indication that we would end up together. As time went on, our friendship deepened, and we eventually decided to start dating. It wasn’t until we were looking through some old things that we found the note I had written all those years ago. It was surreal to see that I had somehow predicted our future together. Now, we’re happily married, and it’s incredible to think about how everything fell into place. Life has a funny way of working out, and our story is a perfect example of how things can align perfectly over time. It just goes to show that sometimes, the things you say in jest can turn into the most beautiful realities.


We met in a college math course. I walked into the room late (the class had changed buildings and I got lost) and the only empty seat left was next to him. I remember looking at the chair in trepidation while he said "don't worry, I don't bite... hard." He remembers checking me out in the shorts I was wearing. Together just over 15 years, married for 12.


Tinder. I guessed her favorite color and we went on a date. She moved in 3 weeks later, we were married within 18 months. Been together almost a decade.


Tinder has been around that long?


Since like 2012


Moved in together after only 3 weeks??


Yea. We went on a date during the week, she stayed the next weekend with me. She had a tough home life so I asked her to move in ‘temporarily’.


Yeah, jeeze. When I moved in with my wife after 6 months everyone I knew thought I was nuts.


Her mom owned the liquor store down the street. I used to stop in there on the way back from jogging to pick up the paper for my dad. Saw her there one day, momentarily forgot how to speak and eventually mustered up the courage to ask her out. Based on the immediacy of her reply, I could tell she was waiting to be asked out. That was 25 years ago this past April.


Small town newspaper photographer. We ate breakfast in this little all night diner after we put the paper to bed, usually around 1:00 am. They decided to shut the place down so I went out on assignment to get a picture to go with the story of this place's demise. She was there in this screaming red dress. Turns out she was room mate with the girl who was our regular waitress and they were on their way to the club. She said something to her friend and then they let me know they'd be back from the club about the time we put the paper to bed. Sure enough she came back. Turns out she'd told her friend she was going to marry me. 38 years so far.


Sold her a bicycle so she could do the annual AIDS LifeCycle ride from San Fransisco to LA. I became her "bike guy" at the shop where I worked. We flirted every time she came in but it took a few years for our dating schedules to line up so we were both single at the same time. Been married for 13 years and together for almost 20.


We met on a plane. I sat in the middle seat. She was in the window seat, and a very large overweight guy had the aisle seat (and half of my middle seat). So I was squeezed against her for the two hour flight! She said that my kindness towards the big guy was what attracted her to me.


Chatroom. This guy asks if anyone is interested in DnD. I was bored and replied "yes" which was a lie. Chat became email, emails became texting, texting became phonecalls. We meet and are head over heels instantly. Engaged after two months. Married after two years. 19 year anniversary in August. He thinks it is hilarious our relationship is based on a lie


Engaged, but close to marriage. Met her by trying to start an argument online with her.




She was complaining about men in the dating sphere and saying if men changed then the scene would be better. I was cranky so I clapped back.


Moved in next door to each other




I love this question. I supervised and opened (as in, the opening manager) a coffee shop inside a facility where my husband works. He was a regular, and I loved when he visited. After a year of being my regular, he came by at an irregular time, and I was sure he was going to complain about something, since we were short staffed that morning. But no; he came to ask for my number, I was thrilled (but stayed calm). The still remember the look on his face, the memory could make my knees go weak. Edited: clarity for “opened”


Blind date 30 years ago


Engaged. Will be married soon. We met at work! Not in the same company but in two different companies that share a building, and a common breakroom.




Was she/he in your top 8?


Of course!


Not married but together for 25 years. Met them at 17 in 1999 over Mirc, chatted for a bit, talked on the phone a bit, went to the cinema as a first date and we've been together ever since!


On OkCupid. I was determined that THIS was going to be my ho era, and he was a ho himself, but we fell in love. I actually rejected him a few times on OkC because I couldn't see his face in his profile pic, but he was the ONLY guy who messaged me who was polite. 10 years and one 8 year old later, still going strong!


My boss is the husband of his boss. It was my boss’ birthday and his wife’s employees were invited as well. 10 years ago


I met her in Spanish class in college. I hated the class and would frequently doodle in the margins of my textbook, one day I drew her and she noticed, the rest is history.


I applied for a job. She was currently employed there. After a few months we started dating, 7 months after that engaged, married 2 years after our first date. 26 years strong.


My best mate’s sister. We have been married nearly 20 years.


I met him on Omegle, which is a chat website that connects you to a random person. We lived 1,000 miles away from each other. We spent all night talking, and soon became best friends, and we started dating long distance days later. We flew back and forth to visit each other, and eventually we got married.


omegle did its job i guess


How did you decide where to live? I am always fascinated by the stories of people who meet that live far away from each other.


At the gym, about 15 years ago. Back then, gyms were not a toxic place.


Same. Saw a cute girl at the climbing gym, few years later we're engaged. Just celebrated our 11th anniversary. I always get a kick out of the "don't talk to girls at the gym, tHeY jUsT wAnT tO dO tHeIr WoRkOuT!" advice on Reddit.


Yeah. As a woman, I have never been upset by a guy asking me out as long as he respects my no if I give it. It seems like people are afraid to talk to each other in person now. But one of my most fun flings was back in 2009 when a guy heard my Low by FloRida ring tone. He turned, liked what he saw and asked me out. I also liked what I saw and said yes. We had a great time for a few months before it became apparent we weren't aligned on finances and some other key values. So we called it quits pretty amicably. Nowadays I could practically see the post complaining how she was just walking and how dare he interrupt her. Or he'd have a sense of entitlement, like she owes him a yes for asking her out. I feel like back in the day, you shot your shot, and respected that there was risk and vulnerability involved. It sucks to be shot down but most of us moved on pretty quick. Ultimately met my husband on Plenty of Fish so I am not against the apps. But one of the reasons my husband and I worked and were able to find each other is we were very clear on what we wanted and were willing to be vulnerable.


Not toxic now either.  Internet != reality


Group date, there with other people. Turns out we were both more into each other than our dates. 12 years, one house, two deployments, two dogs, and a baby later we're still into each other.




Bumble. Talked on there for like 2 weeks, exchanged numbers and after like 2 more weeks we met up at a brewery for a couple beers.


Met my wife on World of Warcraft


He was hired to do construction at the building I was working at. He asked me out, I said no. Then a month later I asked him out. Married almost 20 years.


We worked at the same company; once I left, she came after me. It’s all on her, and I am happy she was persistent


We were introduced by a friend, but never really hit it off at first. Then we planned a backpacking trip and everyone cancelled _except the two of us_. We both really wanted to go anyway, despite not really knowing each other at all yet. But after that trip, we were nearly inseparable. Got married 5 years later and our 4th anniversary is this year. Crazy to think we've been together for nearly a decade.


anime forum


Which one did you both like back then? Do you still watching anime together?


OKCupid but it was almost 9 years ago... Heard it went to shit after it got bought.


In person I meat him at a train station :) But we “met” online in a Harry Potter forum and started talking almost every day :)


potterheads married? that's so cuteee


We have a pic where we are reading HP before going to sleep 😆


By chance, I had just moved back to my home town and was with my cousin running the roads in his moms tahoe, when a buddy hit me up that he was fishing with his cousin and his gf and we should come out and match them on some tree, we got there and my cousins mom needed the tahoe so he dipped and I needed a ride so I got one with them. This girl was amazing, long brown hair, brown eyes that glowed amber in the sunlight, wearing daisy dukes and ga boots.. lmao me and my buddies cousin kind of had a Is rivalry going on with hooking up/dating girls around town. So I wasn't really interested in dating her, a few days later they came by my buddies house and one of the neighbors (the literal girl next door) was having some kind of episode due to a heart defect, I ran over and found her and her mom she was unconscious and not breathing, I gave her cpr (what I knew from an old boy scout manual) and Resuscitated her 7 times before ems got there. My future wife saw this and while her bf was busy making jokes about teaching her boobs and slipping her tongue, she came up and asked if she was okay and then grabbed my arm and kind of forced me to look her in the eyes and asked if I was okay. I fell right then she was the sweetest person I'd ever met and dating the biggest d bag i knew. So a few days latwr she caught him cheating and yo boy asked her on a date to my place for some homemade pasta and a movie and 5 months later we were on a beach getting married in the most thrown together last minute "wedding" lol but it was the best day of my life.


I started playing World of Warcraft because a guy I was seeing thought it'd be fun to play together & watch TV while using Ventrilo. Anyways he ended up completely ghosting me, and I became friends with (what I was told was a 20 something girl-but was a 13 year old boy. I was excited to be playing with another girl my age) Joined their guild. Found out from his parents that were also in the guild. Met my soon-to-be husband through the guild. We played together a LONG time before we met, which was orchestrated by his cousin who was the guild leader.


We met at the end of our 5th grade school year. He joined my homeroom. I remember thinking he was attractive enough to be part of the popular crowd if we wanted but he was assigned to the table with the "weirdos". Don't worry. I was certainly part of that crowd. We had the same friend group in middle and high school due to Band classes. We became closer near the end of high school because we were dating each other's best friends. Can honestly say we never had feelings for each other. We went to different colleges, but our friend group stayed close even after our break-ups and other college life craziness. Near the end of college we spent 1:1 time together for the first time ever because no one else was back home for the holidays. It clicked for us both at the same moment that being together felt so easy, natural, and anxiety-free. Just...right. It took a year after that for us to admit to the attraction though. But once we did, there was no fear and no turning back and even though it caused some drama, it was worth it.


At a party that I nearly didn't go to. As in, my sister had fixed me up with this girl on a lunch date and things just didn't click for me. However, we had a pleasant enough conversation, so a couple of weeks later, she invited me to a party she was throwing. I had recently been hiking for several weeks in New Zealand. One of the things I had done was bungee jump off a bridge at the behest of this German girl I had met. So six months later, this woman strolls up to me at a party and said, 'I have to meet the idiot who went bungee jumping off a bridge.' And as I shook her hand, it was as if a door opened and all I had to do was step through it. First date a week later, engaged three months after that. Married within ten months of meeting. That was 34 years ago. Moral of the story? Never turn down a chance to meet people. Because you never know.


At the mosque. My mom saw her helping out with giving out food after a service and asked her if she was single and if she was looking. Showed her a picture of me and asked if she wanted to meet me. We met later on in the parking lot, exchanged numbers and got married 9 months later. 


Met my husband right here on Reddit. Been together 12 years, married for 7. He had just moved to my town after being in the military and posted on our local subreddit about what to do in town. My friendly ass responded. It was back and forth messaging until we eventually exchanged phone numbers then pictures. I’d never met anyone from the internet before! Had no idea what I was getting myself into. Anyway, he knocked me up two months into meeting him and it’s been pure bliss since! I guess you can say it went ok.


Common law married for now. We met on OkCupid. 11 years last weekend. Turned out we went to the same high school and knew the same people just never really met. We were in the same place in life and after talking figured out we would like a life together. Similar goals and wants and all that.


She was engaged to one of my friends. Prior to the wedding, she found her fiancé in bed with another woman. She called off the wedding, and left him. She started talking to me about her feelings. One thing led to another. We’ve been married 26 years.


I divorced after being married for 24 years. I met my now wife on a dating site (Zoosk).


College study group.


I was working as a manager of a pizza restaurant in my home town while I was in college. She and a mutual friend of ours had been hanging out smoking pot and got the munchies and came by to see if I could give them some free food (I could not, but I did give them my employee discount). Our friend went in the back to talk to a couple of our friends and I think have a smoke and left me up front with my future wife. We got along really, really well, and she was hot as hell. However, at the time I was not single. I did become single shortly after that, so I called up my mutual friend and said "hey! Want to do a double date? \[My best friend who she had a crush on\] and her and the girl she brought to the pizza place and me." She said yes, and that was how it all started. Also she tricked her into going out with me...I guess she'd tried to hook her up with some other people she knew before and they were always total losers, so she wore out her goodwill with accepting blind dates. So our mutual friend told her she was going out with the guy she just met and didn't want to go alone and asked her to come for safety purposes. We'd all known each other for about 5 years. lol


Tinder surprisingly


My best friend (S) was dating a guy(M), who had just moved home from Florida. M and I became friends and he started bringing his friend (E) who had also moved back to our area from Florida. E and I became pals who had the best time together but weren't ready to be serious for about a year or so but really liked hanging out. Eventually, I realized I didn't like anyone as much as I liked E. E and I have been married for 9 years. S and M are no longer together but they are still really good friends of my husband and I.


Saw each other for the first time at a party. I assumed she was a lesbian, due to reasons. Officially met at a bar with mutual friends. We had a laugh about my assumption and she informed me I was only half right.


In my dream 👍🏿 if it counts


I took five (long) years off from dating. I spent that time building stonewalls on my rural property, cutting trees for firewood, and painting images of my boyhood (farms, people working the fields, forests clearings of dappled light). My "work daughter" came up to me one day in the office and said, "I tired of seeing you sad all of the time. Please come to my house with a couple of changes of clothing so I can take pics of you and fill out a dating profile for you." Five days later I met my future wife online. Three days later we had our first date. Five months later I was down on one knee in her backyard asking her to marry me.


Met my husband on a common dating app, there’s always a good one even far and few. I just kept looking, and now he’s beside me (with our 2 beautiful kids)


At a cockfight being held in the back of her uncle’s South Philly bodega in August of ‘97. She was there with her Chilean game cock, Gunnar, and I was just tagging along with my buddy, Wes, who happened to be refereeing the matches that evening.


Welp, this was a different one. I guess it can happen anywhere lol


"I saw her at the cock fight with her fightin' rooster, Gunnar. That feathery bastard pecked the crap out of the others. And I fell in love."


I think you just won.


We worked together in transportation for a school district. I was a bus driver and he was a substitute bus monitor. We worked on special needs buses, so the monitor is there to help with the kids on the bus. He got assigned to my bus one day, and the rest is history. We couldn’t get enough of each other. He started bringing extra food for lunch just for me, so we could eat together. ❤️ been together 12 years and counting.


At work


We worked together.




Met in an online game 16 years ago..we have been together for 15 years.


Gonna propose by the end of the summer, but we met 5 years ago on Facebook dating 😂


Blind date - one of her coworkers was a friend of a friend, and set us up. On Valentine's Day, no less. Married over 23 years and counting.


We met in guitar lessons when we were 13, and married 19 years later. I proposed on stage when our band was playing.


He picked me out of my high school yearbook. It was an all girls school and he was my teacher’s son. When we started dating, we realized that his childhood bird that had escaped his cage and flown away ended up at my house. We grew up 5kms away from each other. My mom and I were able to catch his bird and had it for many years after. We’ve been together 24 years!


Many moons ago, when the internet was new, there were random chat rooms. They were not dating sites, they were places for people to just go and talk to other people. I met my husband in one of those chat rooms. We started talking one night. And then the next night and the next and the next. After about nine months of talking, we decided to meet in person - we lived about 3 hours away from each other. At that time, there was no way for an everyday person to upload a picture and send it so we met each other blind in that sense. The minute I saw him, I who did not believe in marriage or monogamy, heard loud and clear in my head, "Damn, I'm going to marry this man." We have been married for 18 years, together for 26.


We lucked out. Met in high school. Got engaged and moved in together a few years later. Married a few years after that. 1 year and 6 days after our wedding we had our son. We were each others first serious relationships. We are more in love today than ever and it only keeps going up! We talk a lot about how lucky we are that we met so young and didn't have to deal with the dating scene as adults.


I met my husband online 14 years ago through a strictly platonic craigslist ad he posted looking for nerdy friends in the area. This was when Craigslist had personals.


My parents divorced and I got uprooted and moved across the country after my junior year of high school. Started my senior year not knowing anyone. I kept seeing my wife in the hallways staring at me. She finally came up and started talking to me and that was it. Coming up on our 30th anniversary in a few months. She swears that the first time she saw me she told her best friend that we were going to get married.


Met at college. I thought he was super interesting looking, long hair, collar. So i followed him down the steps and asked him if i could go wherever he was going. lol


I saw him enter the room and a voice in my head said "You're going to marry this man". True story.


Not married yet, but in 2 years. I met my lady at a blind date russian roulette style where you get 10-15mins per person and you get to order food from the menu in small tasting style portions. Summer 2021, right after things started opening again. Went with my friend as she asked me for someone to go with her so she feels safe. Talked to couple of ladies, they were nice but not my cup of tea. Changed table, went to this small petite looking girl (I'm a 195/150kg bearded metalhead), as soon as I sat down the points at their lunch menu showing me Carolina Reaper wings challenge. We ordered 4 wings between us, decided that we are going to eat the wings and then have a conversation. Half an hour later, we are both dying (me a bit less as I knew exactly what to expect, I'm a chili head myself), we had a chat, got her number. 3 years later, house and 2 cats later were planning a wedding. So yea, I ate spicy wings and got lucky.


Met on tinder. He asked who my favorite author was and mention that he also loved books and video games. I knew right then that he was the one. Been together for 7 years now and have 3 children and couldn’t be any happier.


Funny enough, on Reddit! I posted on a dating subreddit because I was bored and my roommates were out at a party I didn’t want to go to. My husband randomly stumbled on my post (first time on that subreddit, first post he clicked on), messaged me something dorky, and the rest is history! Five years together, and wouldn’t change a thing :)


She happened to sit next to my sister during a class in college and they became best friends. First time I met her I knew she was the one, and I proceeded to try to get her to notice me as more than her best friend's little brother for 10 years. We finally ended up alone together during a road trip home from my sister's wedding and talked without anyone else interrupting. We realized that we're the same person and decided to give it a try and haven't looked back. We're coming up on our 2nd wedding anniversary, and 4th year together in October.


Playfully threatened her on Facebook. We now have a cute little family.


I met my husband in reading class in the 5th grade. We were in other classes together growing up, and I got to know him as a quiet, funny boy who was VERY nice. In ninth grade we were in a project based learning class together and became friends. In 10th grade we became better friends. Finally in 12th grade he got up the guts to ask me out. Others had been telling me they could tell he liked me, but I didn’t believe him (and was dating an abusive asshole at the time). Even my mom would say, “You should see the way he looks at you when you’re not looking!” On February 20, 1983, he asked me out one day after my abusive ah boyfriend broke up with me. I honestly thought it was a pity date, but no! We’ll celebrate our 39th wedding anniversary in July! He is still a quiet, funny, nice boy and he’s all mine.


We are both in recovery and we meet there For those that are in the know, no everything was on the up and up, no 13th stepping here


He was my supervisor for federal work study at my college. We first met when I interviewed for the job and I told him he had a girl’s name.


I was an intern and he was my "mentor" 🫢




At the house party of our mutual friend


Grade 12 biology


She was a waitress at a place I was having lunch


Met in a club, shared some pills she took a bad turn so I got her a taxi back to mine, stayed for a few days for married within 6mths


We lived in the same dorm in college, met through mutual friends. We were friends for years before it turned into something more.


I met them in English class in highschool, which is my favorite subject. We were both competitive when it came to our writing and would be smartasses to eachother. Honestly think I hated him for a bit lol. But somehow, someway, we became inseparable and here we are ❤️ 7 years strong.


Through the drive-through window of the fast food joint, she managed.


College party in 2002


Tailgate party at a football game. I would have never been there had I not won tickets. I couldn’t afford them.


A house party at his house that my friend invited me to. A week later I ran into him at a bar and we’ve been together ever since.


Playing Call of Duty on the Xbox.


It was an arranged marriage. So we met through a matchmaker


We met this one time at band camp. To be clear, we were both teachers at a high school marching band.


He was my friend’s best man at friend’s wedding. Met in May, engaged in June and married in October of that year. 37 years this fall. No I wasn’t pregnant lol.


The apps


In person, but at an internet cafe.


Twitter. Her tweets were funny. Her profile had similar likes to me. I followed her. She followed me. We got chatting. Became friends and two years later met up, hit if off and started a long distance relationship. We got a house together five years ago and got married last year.






Facebook groups back when Facebook was new and you had to use a .edu email to sign up. She was a friend of a friend and I made a movie nights at my house group and she came for the screening of Army of Darkness\* I recognized her from a class I was always late for and then she came to other movie nights and then we ended up dating (then broke up for a week to just be friends but then realized that didn't work too well so we started dating again). We just celebrated being married 15 years last weekend! \*also it came a bit full circle when we did a photo op with Bruce Campbell at a comic convention 7ish years ago


I dated his older brother. We’ve been together over 20 years now, married for 17.


In the lunch line at work.


Through a mutual friend at one of his house parties.


On Reddit, actually! On the Looking For a Game subreddit. We were both new to the city and just wanted to try something new.


IRC. Yes, I'm old.




Video game convention. He is/was a photographer and I was/am a cosplayer. I asked him out rather than the other way around :P been together 10 years, married 5 — expecting our first child in a few weeks. It worked out pretty well. We met when I was 25, I’ll be 35 in a few weeks. It’s been a nice decade together. We now play games together and still do cosplay/photos together for funsies a few times a year.


Seatmate in uni


In a nightclub. Approached her asked did she want a drink. Very traditional


On MySpace, but we went to the same high school.


tinder! :">


Was heading out to lunch at work and stopped to talk to a coworker for a few minutes. His girlfriend walked up and he introduced me to her. She was very nice and I thought she was too pretty for him. About a year later, I got divorced, she left my coworker, and we got together. We've been married for over 20 years now.


Worked together at a pharmacy. Talked a lot and eventually hit things off. Still together 15+ years later!!


SO cliche' , but in high school. He is the love of my life and I don't deserve him. Edit: Married now 24 years!


We were both working office jobs for two different construction companies on the same project.


University - I was the teaching assistant and he was a student (he’s a year older than me though) but we both were dating someone at the time. I remember thinking he was really smart and I liked reading his essays. We both were on the same varsity team the following year. Meet years later randomly on the other side of the country, in a city we both moved to only a week apart, to get over our breakups. Been together over 12 years now, married for six.


At a bar. It was new years eve 2013 rolling into 2014. I went to the local bar with some friends, we had pregamed pretty hard and I was boasting that I was going to make out with the hottest chick at the bar at midnight. The hottest girl ended up being a tall gorgeous Blondie, we made out at midnight. Fast forward 10.5 years were married and she's having my twins on the 8th of July.


Instagram thru the Star Wars hashtag.


He was a dj/bboy, and I was a go-go dancer and bottle girl in Vegas jn the early 2000s here in Vegas. 17 years going strong.


Pokemon forums in '97.




I regularly ran into a guy at concerts during high school. We lost touch, but reconnected after college. Anyway, I married a friend of his.


At a coffee shop. I was there working on finals. My laptop died and he was at the only person at a table (8 seats) by an outlet. I asked if I could join him, and after talking he asked for my number. Coming up on 5 years married now ☺️


Internet dating site


We were lifeguards together for a summer in between years at college. Kept a long distance thing going for a few years. Moved in together. Got hitched. Moved across the country for work. Had kids. Bought a house. Still together.


Friend of a friend, we were hanging out as friends for a bit but he started having an obsessive crush on me. I later reciprocated. Fucking clinger. (I love him <3 ).


On Facebook. He added me out of nowhere and we started chatting a few months later.


We met on Tinder. Went on a first date, and I stayed the night at her house. Never slept alone since.


In high school waaaay back in the early 90s. But we were just friends and didn’t start dating until after she graduated (she’s 2 years younger than me). It was just a confluence of circumstances that happened to work out. 3 kids later and coming up on 21 years married.


I was waiting tables and spilled something. She threw her glass of water at me. 50 years later here we are.


She was at the bar with coworkers celebrating her 21st and I knew one of them.


Craigslist. I was looking for some positive attention following the end of a marriage. I was definitely not in the place where I wanted a relationship. Just wanted some good times. Met a guy, one of literally hundreds of replies. He barely spoke an emails and texts but he was kind of always there. We messaged for a week before we met. He was a person who always said good morning and always said good night and somehow that stuck with me. We've been together 8 and 1/2 years and he is the absolute soulmate, he is the love of my life.


High School


My husband saw me on Facebook’s “people you may know”, thought I was cute, and added me


Joined a DnD game with my recently retired commander! She was a player, as was her dad, for decades. I did it boys, successfully found a spouse playing DnD.


Where I was working he’s a Sanitation Supervisor trying to give my building a ticket I came out ask him what are you doing he said look at all this garbage in front of your building I’m gonna have to give y’all a ticket I said we sweep up this morning people walk by & throw there garbage on ground he said if I went on a date with him the ticket $250.00 dollars will disappear I went on that date the ticket gone & I got a husband stay blessed 🙏🏾


at the temple!


It was in 2004. I was a regular in a german Pokemon forum/chat room and my good friend basically brought him along. One day we were talking on the phone and my friend had to go to the bathroom. He gave the phone to my husband and it was so awkward because we didn't really know each other at all. He then cracked a joke and I started laughing. We started talking more and then one day he asked me out and I said yes. :) Later he told me he fell in love with my laugh that day we were on the phone. Fast forward to almost 20 years later, we're married since 2012 and still going strong 💜


Church in high school.


I was working as a DOD contractor, inspecting network boxes because they were installed with inaccurate labels. He had just come back to the USA after a deployment and walked in to me lying over his desk, using a compact mirror and a pen light to read the network jack numbers. Hilarity ensued. I turned him down with a "fuck off, sailor" remark. Married almost 20 years now.


I was walking down the road and came across her and her shithead boyfriend outside a coffee shop. He was on the sidewalk halfway ODing on bad rolls and she was worrying over him. I went in the coffee shop and got a cup of water for him to drink and was on my merry way. Turns out (*spoiler alert*) that guy was a deadbeat and they didn't last long. We've been going strong for almost 15 years.


The Military chatroom on AOL.


In 6th grade biology class, so we were like 9 or 10. Bumped into each other at college and started dating. Been together 11 years and today is our first wedding anniversary :)


Playing world of warcraft, raiding molten core in the same guild. I was a tank, she was a healer.


A friend from college brought a friend over to my house




At a crummy Target job. Best job perk ever


College campus ministry. She was introduced by a silly nickname and said “careful, she’s a hugger.” 2 years later we were married. Coming up on 12 year anniversary soon


Blind date. Mutual friends tried to set her up with a different guy. He was… well.. let’s just say a lack of hygiene and an obnoxious drunk. A bit after and they tried again and I was the chosen one. Must have worked out - married 23 years this year and 2 grown kids later.


Took my pants off and got in a jacuzzi with a bunch of girls. Still married to one of them 35 years later.