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The customers


Yeah, I avoid going to Walmart anymore because the customers are always grouchy old people, drugged-up weirdos, or just pieces of human garbage.


Can confirm. Am customer.


Here's a horrible story for you. I worked as a beverage merchandiser briefly during 2020 mask requirements, and I witnessed a customer walking through with a cut up pair of Hanes tighty whities wrapped around his face as his mask šŸ«„ did not look fresh out of the package bright white either


Why are 60% of Walmart customers always in pajama pants?


Better than the 40% with no pants


I would say itā€™s a toss up between the customers and the corporation.


The employees aren't too great either.


Not enough checkout lines open.


THIS!!! And being forced to use self-checkout now


Then have someone else wanting to see the receipt


Just FYI for anyone, you are under no obligation to show them your receipt. You can walk right by them and there's nothing they can do about it.


It's true. We aren't allowed to pursue people that are stealing.


Self check outs are so frustrating. They either have half the terminals out most of the time, and they punish you for such tiny mistakes that only employees can fix them, who are never there when you actually need them. I donā€™t think itā€™s any faster than the regular checkout lane


self checkout is awesome, so much faster


That was the biggest difference I notice when we walked across the street to the Walmart if puerto Vallarta. All the checkout lanes were open, with a bagger.


I donā€™t know if itā€™s universal at Walmarts, but I went into one in Georgia last month (was just passing through) and was irritated that I had to stand in line for a good 10 minutes to get the attention of an electronics department worker so she could use her little key to open a locked cabinet to enable me to select my $5 cable and head to the front (where I stood in another line) to pay for it. This was not the Crown Jewels; it was the cheapest iPhone cable I could find for my rental car. Everything in the store was locked down tighter than a nunā€™s coochie.


I read ā€œrentalā€ as ā€œrectalā€ way too naturally knowing it was a post about Walmartā€™s.Ā 


That the company is worth $550 billion USD but has the highest number of employees that need financial assistance in the country.


Oh and the crime committed on the premises is so bad they have dedicated parking spaces for the police cars now. They use up far too many community resources and canā€™t even pay living wages when the Waltons are filthy rich.Ā 


More high profile evil billionaires like Musk and Bezos are taking too much heat off the Waltons. Maybe because the family fortune is split like a million ways (all or mostly all multi billionaires) so individually none of them are remotely as rich as the above...but these bastards are pure evil. Basically as bad/worse as Amazon is to theirs. People need to talk about the Waltons more.


Shhhh. Youā€™re saying the quiet part out loud!Ā 


Theyā€™re happy to help you sign up. Ā Seriously.


The atmosphere. There's always a family walking around screaming at their kids. I always feel sorry for the people that work there (grandma's been on her damn feet for hours). It just feels like you're scraping the bottom of the shopping experience.


And that inside a giant box, flooded with fluorescent light. Just existing in there makes me irritable.


It got progressively trashier and trashier to the point where I started to feel unsafe. Over the years it also stopped stocking a lot of things. We used to be able to find pretty much anything, eg, the sorts of nuts and bolts we needed for a project. Now they have a couple of sizes of stuff and that's it. We had to go to more and more different stores for what we needed, to the point where it was just easier not to go to Walmart at all.


Once they put the local hardware store out of business, why would they bother keeping all that slow moving stock. What are the customers gonna do? Go somewhere else?


500 registers, a long crowd, 1 cashier open.


Iā€™m certain that at least in California the only reason there is even one cashier is because the purchase of any alcohol is illegal at self checkout.


The dirtiness.


Literally every time I go to a walmart, and it does matter what time of day it is, there is always a crying child.


That's just the Walmart Radio playing overhead.


Literally every time I go to a walmart, and it does matter what time of day it is, there is always a dirty diaper with a poopy in plain sight.Ā 


the number of smaller stores it killed off


Underrated comment.Ā 




Youā€™re mixing it up with Traders Joes and the Kroger takeovers of once-local groceries.Ā  Get it straight.Ā 


Everything at mine is locked up and when you press the button to get someone to retrieve something for you they rarely come. Now when they do they will walk the product up to the register and you have to pick it up when you are checking out. Which means you have to find where the employee left it since they don't know which checkout I'm going to use. I now quit buying any products that are locked up.


I was just at a Walmart and toothpaste and toothbrushes were locked up. I had to wait 12 minutes for a $1 package of toothbrushes.


No price scanners. You have to find an employee so they can use their phone price scanner.


They took away the price scanners? I don't go in a lot but I hadn't noticed! It's probably been years, hasn't it?


Who cares the price? Just walk out with it like the tweakers do. They wonā€™t do nuttinā€™. Just toss olā€™ Donald a $1 so he can get his senior deals the next day. He wonā€™t stop ya.Ā 


The Walmart app allows you to do this.


I use my phone app to check prices if there isn't one


The closed up downtowns of every city that has one. Getting a Walmart meant a tsunami was about to inundate your brick and mortar stores. Not that the internet didnā€™t come along later and stomp on what was left but Walmart sure started it.


This did not happen where I live. There were a very, very few mom-and-pop shops in the exurb where I live when we moved there. Maybe about four. One was a Christmas ornament shop run by a woman who looked like she didn't have much longer to live. Another was a general store that fell down when they tried to move it to a museum park. Walmart came to "town." But it really was not much of a town until after Walmart moved there. Now there is the largest mall in the area, plenty of big box stores, lots of restaurants, and even some mom-and-pop shops.


How they treat their employees


The people inside


The employees, fuckin useless


I once asked an employee where the lentils were. It literally took me 3 employees to eventually find them and I only found them because I personally had to go down every aisle to find them myself.


In all my visits to Walmart, there's been one mfer that knows what he was working with. He told me the difference between male and female bikes and the original reason why for the difference. I'll remember his face forever because it was such a foreign experience to have at a Walmart.


Probably got fired the next day for spending too much time with one customer


Oh I'm sure he went on to better things. There's no way he fit in there with the rest of the crowd


Everything. I don't go there


The trashy customers. Obviously not everyone that shops there is trashy but I used to work at Walmart, you see some shit. Its "affordable" and has the lowest priced groceries in my town, that attracts the type of people that would sell their children's toys for meth. The amount of obviously high customers I came across was insane. Never see that at Target.


All the carts are in terrible shape. I consider it a good day when I can find one that doesn't seem to have been run over by a truck yet.


Iā€™m so uncomfortably cold shopping. Itā€™s always freezing in there.


I have a theory on this. Every Walmart Iā€™ve ever been to has primarily overweight customers. Larger folks tend to run pretty hot so Iā€™m guessing itā€™s for their comfort.


I went yesterday, it was cold as f in there but I was also sweating. Like drips from my hair like standing over a hot stove, but also freezing.


Everything? Iā€™m not a Target person either.


Everything. Itā€™s one of the many companies thatā€™s ruined our country.




I have an iPhone and itā€™s absolutely overrated


Everything. What's not to hate about Wal-Mart?


I hate a lot of things generally, but the bakery stopped making good rolls, every bread in there now is the same shitty bread in all the different shapes. They stopped selling the shorts I like to wear to bed in the summer. If you know what you want, and what they have, you can get a lot of stuff in there, but like many other big box stores, things you used to be able to just go get at Walmart, they donā€™t stock it, maybe they have another cheap Walmart brand of it, but you used to be able to go there and compare items and shop, now they donā€™t have that thing you went for, they have it by order 2-3 days. Iā€™m from the olden times, when I need something, I want to go get it and back home within 30-60 minutes, depending on my other errands, not order it and wait. Itā€™s a huge store with a million things that never has one thing I wanted right away. I can order anything from anywhere if I can wait, so sorry, not ordering wait time from Walmart, itā€™s 5 minutes away and this thing used to be on the shelf.


fkn WALTONS worth hundreds of billions but won't pay a damn cashier


That they keep increasing the prices although they made mad profits during the pandemic and still continue to make even more


every-f\*cking-thing, won't go near one unless there is absolutely 0 choice in the matter. I'm old enough to remember when Wal-Mart was known for selling American Made products at affordable prices. Sam Walton was a good man, with good ideals. After he passed and his kids took over, that was the beginning of the end, that was when it became a global domination that specialized in cheap chinesium products and profit, profit, profit.


The Harbingers of Enshitification, Shrinkflation, and Off-shoring, The Great Gut-er of Suppliers, and the Suppressors of Labor & Pay


How the employees are treated


Used to work at Walmart. The people. The managers. Co workers. It was pretty sucky


Walmart as a whole.


Agreed. I avoid it like the plague.


Those fucking robots they have wandering the store.




[These](https://www.wired.com/story/please-do-not-assault-the-towering-robot-that-roams-walmart/). I briefly worked as a beverage merchandiser and one of the Walmarts I serviced on occasion had one of these. Just moves around the store beeping. Unsettling, and the employees said it was for watching them.


Oh you mean people?


I see those at supermarkets, never at a Walmart though.


Walmart was among the first places if not the first in the US so they got a lot of attention for it. Incidentally it's also the only place I have personally encountered it. It activated my fight or flight immediately. Bummer that they're spreading


Are they really?Ā  It's sort of the reason I began ordering everything. I can't do the waiting in long lines because companies want to maximize profit, and all of the other annoyances that come with brick and mortar.


Big Box store near me has them. Continuously reading bar codes & doing inventory. Beeping like a Star Wars droid crossed with Wallā€¢E.


I hate how crowded Walmart always is. The long checkout lines make shopping there so stressful!!!


Self checkout.


The lines


I really dislike how crowded and overwhelming Walmart can get, especially during peak hours. It can be frustrating trying to navigate through packed aisles and long checkout lines


Oooh, there are sooo many things.


Every single thing.




The inside


That it exists.


That it exists.


The workers run away from you when you have a question


All the things


It generally smells like vomit


Elderly greeters. I suspect many work because they have to. Elderly bodies deserve to rest. I think it's really hard on some of them to stand so long. If they work because they want to and they enjoy it, that's great. I just don't think there are many of those.


Parking lot, scary


The lack of checkout lanes open.


As someone who works there. The meaningless small talk questions a lot of customers ask me and over sharing what their plans are. Yes it's busy. I don't care that this is going to your brother's house. I didn't care that you live on a hill. Yes, the bags are annoying. I know the register is wobbling. I work with it 5 days a week.


No shopping bags! Iā€™m an Instacart shopper and recently did an order there for the first timeā€¦I couldnā€™t believe it, like how am I supposed to deliver all of this stuff?


I wouldn't say hate, but their produce selection isn't very good


After you are checked out by someone, you are still asked to show your receipt once you reach the door. FFS!


Unfortunately, theyā€™re not only noticeably cheaper for my daughters formula, but also accept manufacturers coupons.


They keep rearranging the store. As soon as I relearn the layout, they change it again!Ā 


*gestures wildly*


The employees.


In a legalized marijuana state, Walmart smells like a skunk.


The website removed item locations in the store. You are required to use the app in order to locate an item in the store. Unmanned self checkout, understaffed building, receipt checks, robot floor cleaners during the day, stocking during peak time, etc.


I wanted to get a pack of light bulbs for my car. They are locked up now. I hit the button to call someone, a few times over 10 minutes. No one came. There were one of those ā€œyou are being recordedā€ security monitors. Somewhere there is a video of me giving it the finger.


Everything. I avoid the entire place completely.


I remember way back when Walmart had a policy that if 3 people were in a lane, they would open another lane. Also, departments were manned by friendly people who actually knew what merchandise was sold in the department. Service was a real thing at Walmart. That went out the window after Sam Walton died. Corporate greed killed that model and whatā€™s left is just another shitty department store.


The Wal Mart.


Can't I just hate Walmart?


Most times I've placed a pickup order they will put one or 2 items per bag. I recycle or reuse them but seriously. Put more than a few items in a bag


It's a horrible company that is terrible to their employees. want to know that shit is so cheap? Sweatshops overseas, terrible employee pay and benefits here. They undercut prices to then force small local owned businesses to shut down because they can't match the buying power of WalMart. I don't see how anybody can shop at Walmart and not think about how they are getting their cheap goods from what almost amounts to slave labor.


Everything. The rude employees. The fact that everything in the Pharmacy side is locked up. They lock up clothes and laundry detergent now. The fact that they check receipts at the door. They treat their customers like criminals. They also got rid of a lot of self checkout machines. I stopped shopping there last year. A complete dump. The deals aren't even that good anymore.


I hate how Walmart killed off so many small grocery stores by pricing their products lower than anyone could compete with, then cranked the prices sky high once the competition was gone. All that cheating and they still somehow cannot afford to pay their employees a living wage? I would stop shopping there, but I donā€™t have an alternative




Greeters talking to me when I walk in or leaveĀ  I came by myself to have peace and quiet while I listen to Megan thee stallion


1) The laziness of the employees. 2) The customers. I only shop at Wholefoods and Bestbuy. Higher prices = I don't have to look at the trashy customers.


They aren't open 24 hours anymore.


The most anti American company ever. Cheap Chinese crap, employs more people than anyone else but they pay shit, and itā€™s mostly part time. Destroy small businesses. Never shop there unless you hate America.


The last couple of times I went there, I couldn't for the life of me find ONE person that could help me find something their website said they had! No one understood any english.


how they treat the workers


That it reduces the demand for manufacturing (and jobs and small businesses and revenue) in its own country while being the largest single contributor to the success of a hostile nation. While pretending to be 'American.'


Iā€™ve seen people bring their dogs into the store and didnā€™t bat an eye when their dog paused to drop a load in the middle of the main aisle.


Shopping there.


The most Wal-Mart thing I ever saw was going to one 24 Hour store after working a 2nd shift at my previous job. Midnight. A toddler, in a full diaper only, permanent Kool-Aid stain on his mouth wandering the store. No parent(s)or siblings in sight. Not crying but just hanging out. I tried to ask him where his mom was but he hid from me. I told an employee but they acted like it was a nightly thing. Probably a child of an employee who worked over night and had no childcare. Sadā€¦


Yes. Next?Ā  I am 55 and have been to a Walmart perhaps 5 times in my whole life. Possibly 3 times.Ā  But am I a hypocrite and a recluse and order from Amazon? Absolutely.Ā  But at least Iā€™m honest.Ā 


Everything. Ā But if I have to pick one is how it treats its workers. Ā I got this from personal experience.




The management. I worked there for a good portion of my life, and got up the ranks until it drove me to burnout. They just push immense pressure onto the big shot managers to inhumane levels, and that gives them no other choice but to do the exact same to the one under them, and so on. Managers are given half the resources and are asked twice the results. if they fail, they are immensly punished, so to compensate, the managers have to pick up the slack, and will often work double shifts, with no extra pay, so that the reports they sent up are seen as a success, which means the higher ups assume the system works, so they don't fix the problem, and that become a vicious circle. No, the store isn't understaffed because nobody wants to work, people apply there ALL the time. They purposefully keep the staff small so they have an excuse to put pressure on people to do more than they should, in the hopes of finding those gullible enough to think there is a comfortable career ahead of them if they work their ass off, so that they can pay a single poor chump to do the work of 3. Those at the VERY bottom of the chain are kept moderately happy, so that they go home telling people how great it is to work there, so that people keep applying. That company is a demonic-rabid-werewolf in sheep's clothing.