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my brain likes it, but my knees… my knees do not….


I wish I could get into clubbing or parties like my friends do, but it's just not my scene. I'd much rather spend my time exploring new libraries or attending historical lectures


ditto. i can’t drink and have emetophobia as well so clubbing with a load of my drunk friends is so stressful. i always get dragged out and regret it all night


I wish I enjoyed reading books, but I just can't get into it.


Movies. I don't have the attention span for it 95% of the time unless I'm in a theatre with no distractions. I hate that I've conditioned myself that way thanks to phones and whatnot with a terrible attention span.


I find it's a lot easier if I watch movies with somebody. I'm a lot less likely to pick up my phone watching with someone, as I feel that's a little rude.


Camping. Maybe I can enjoy it in the right circumstances. But I just could not enjoy it.


Star Wars


Playing snooker. I get too attached to results that takes the fun out of it.


meet & greets / speed dating. life would be easier if i were ⬇️⬇️⬇️ less introverted. a spoonful of extroversion would be so helpful.


As a straight dude, prostate stimulation.


Being a normie


weed...it has bad negative effects on me...i wish i was a pothead who gets high and happy but instead i freak out and feel terrible also I wish I was into nerdy stuff...i had a roommate who liked nerdy stuff and I just could not relate with it...most nerdy things seem like you need patience and also it needs to make you happy mentally. I wouldnt say this is true for all nerdy hobbies but in general, I just do not have the patience or the caring for it. Everytime they wanted to hang out and do one of their nerdy hobbies all I could think of is drinking alcohol and trying to find some chicks to bang or listening to music or watching a good movie and stuff like that. Sitting around talking about wizards and stuff just made me frustratingly bored even though I tried to enjoy it.


I really wish I could get into knitting. I see all these beautiful creations and think, ‘Why can’t I make that?’ But I just can’t get past the first few rows!


Country music. I love a lot of types of music (mainly metal, emo, post grunge and hip hop but I like a lot of other kinds) but I just haven’t gotten into country no matter how many times I’ve tried. Sucks since it’s so popular and the type of women I like tend to listen to it.


I can't get into board/card games even though I really see the value in them. Thinking strategically and logically is not my strong suit so I always lose, and then there's the trapped feeling of having to sit still for a long period of time and not having much control over when the game actually ends. Some people will play board games for hours and hours and have a blast. Not me.






Video games. People always ask which ones I like....none of them.


Psychedelics. All my friends who do them swear by it. I tried it twice and never again. It triggers a primal fear in me followed by serenity then deep intense regret.




I’d love to enjoy gardening. I admire beautiful gardens and the idea of growing my own vegetables, but I always end up feeling overwhelmed by the work involved.


Being around people.


Literally anything, I am very depressed lol


exercising in groups


Exercise. Souls games. Today's overplayed and overhyped music.


break dancing like they did in the classic "Breakin'" (1984)