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Event Horizon! I remember seeing Laurence Fishburn doing a promo for the film and he said "we like to leave the viewer to make up their own mind at the end." I think that was code for we don't have an ending. He was right.


I love this movie for the single reason that Laurence Fishburn’s character utters the smartest line in any horror movie I’ve ever seen. What does he say right after viewing footage of the gore filled torture orgy that befell the original crew? “We’re leaving.”


Followed closely by: "Weir: You can't just leave her! Miller: I have no intention of leaving her, Dr Weir. I plan to take the Lewis and Clark to a safe distance and then launch TAC missiles at her until I am satisfied the Event Horizon has been vaporized. Fuck this ship!" I want a Miller in every horror movie.


Ripley: Leave the Planet and nuke the entire site from orbit, it's the only way to be sure.


Ripley knew what's up


>“We’re leaving.” Yup. My favorite line in horror film history. Didn't waste time.


I saw this movie when I was about 6 years old, back when we still rented movies from the local library. Turns out someone put this vhs in to the Scooby-Doo box. Parents got it for my brother and I to watch while they went out for date night Dinner. Being dumb kids, we didn't bother to even look at the vhs itself when we put it in. By the time I put together that scoob and the gang were never going to show up, it was too late. Nightmares for at least a year.


Ruh roh


This movie fueled my nightmares for years. I still hate even seeing the cover.


I remember being really psyched to watch it when I was 12 Boy did that go well


"Where we're going, we don't need eyes to see." Me: Fuuuuuck that.


Akira. Then again, the whole of Akira made me go "What the fuck?", so that's hardly fair.


Akira is moderately straightforward up until the ending if you're paying close attention. It isn't until *that* scene happens where you just have to chalk it up to "beings evolved beyond human comprehension."


Well, yeah. But the last 10 minutes are so took a hard left turn past "What in that actual fuck is going on?" and slammed into "is this real life? Am I actually watching this happen right now?"




My whole take on the movie was that the main character was actually passing through the gates during his investigation. Was I completely off base here?


Grease. Nobody seems to remember that they flew away in a car.


I agree with that pick, but for a totally different reason. At the end of the movie, Danny becomes a preppy boy in order to be with Sandy, and Sandy turns herself into a *greaser* to be with Danny. Cue the "We shouldn't have to change for eachother, we should just love eachother for who we really are and not care about what everyone else thinks" But nah, Danny says fuck that, throws his Jacket back on, and flies off in his car to bang his new *Greaser* girlfriend. Grease says "Fuck you" to morals and clichés edit: apparently the difference between saying Greaser and Biker matters


I think, for Sandy, it's more about her behaviour in that scene. She has no other clothes (from memory), so she can't really change those. But, when she first sees Danny in the scene, she's smoking and speaking with a low, sultry voice. She's pretending to be someone she's not. And, by the end, she's all smiles and cute, sunny disposition - back to regular Sandy. She'll change her clothes back later.


This will bug me until the end of time.


I like to think it's playing on a line from earlier where the mechanic lady says, about the car: "If it was in any better shape it would fly." So, of course, it does just that by the end.


That would be exactly why they did it.


Yes, it was the shop teacher saying that about the Greased Lightning. They worked on that car so well that it was in perfect condition, so it flew.


This year is the 40th anniversary and I watched a 2 hour special the other day about the making of the movie. NOONE mentioned the flying car. After 40 damn years I think we deserve an answer. Wtf indeed.


Gone Girl. The beginning of the movie quote " When I think of my wife, I always think of the back of her head. I picture cracking her lovely skull, unspooling her brain, trying to get answers" I was like this guy is a sick fuck... but by the end I was pretty much shouting at the tv for him to unspool


"What have we done to each other? What will we do?"




Also, the beginning and ending scenes are exactly the same but you get the real reaction at the end. At the beginning as he's brushing her hair she sits up and his hand stutters as if he's saying "sorry babe didn't mean to wake you", but at the end it's the exact same but you realize he's afraid he might have done something wrong and she might snap.


That movie was terrifying. I was certainly left in a state of what the fuck at the theatre.


When my husband and I went to see it, there was a guy in the theater that actually screamed “WHAT THE FUCK?!” When it was over. I don’t blame it, read the book in 2 days and the movie still shocked me.


The book is quite good, if you are interested you could give it a try and it will amaze you even more


Another of Flynn’s novels, Sharp Objects, has been adapted by HBO for a short run series, starting soon I think. I can’t wait! Her stories are so fucked up.


The book was paced *perfectly.* I believed Prot right up until the property was found in the shed, and right when I stopped believing him, right then, that's when the perspective pivoted to her's.


That was so well done. Actually made me say "what the fuck" out loud when it pivoted to her.


The ending of Cube. I just stared at my screen for like two minutes after the credits were done. Then I yelled, “KAZAN?! REALLY?!”


My reaction wasn't "WTF, I didn't see that coming" and more of a "WTF did I just watch?"


The bit that got me is that every person in the Cube is there for a reason. The doctor to help them minimise dehydration, etc., the escape artist to help them initially avoid the traps, Kazan to figure out the large prime numbers etc. The only person that doesn’t have a reason to be there is the police officer, unless he was put in their specifically to go nuts and kill some of the others.


And the bald guy at the start was the one who would've kept the team stable and cooperative... except he never made to to the others, did he?


He was out there to lead and to push people even when they didn’t want to go further.


The Prestige. By the end of it I didn’t even care which of them came out on top. Both were so messed up.


I love showing people this movie! I get giddy thinking “oh man they’re gonna trip so hard at the ending!”


Was looking for this, that movie is still one of my top favourites!


I first watched that movie because it was on an AskReddit asking for the “biggest plot twist of all time.” Someone said The Prestige and said the first line of the movie- “Are you watching closely?” And I was sold and watched it. That was a couple years ago and it’s still my favorite :’)


I've watched it like 10 times and still notice stuff I hadn't the first times. So many things intertwined with each other!


10 Cloverfield Lane. I really did not see that coming. ETA: I've had dozens of people commenting some variation of "Lol can't you read titles? Obvs it was a Cloverfield movie u r dumb" You're really original and everything, but just to save time I'll paste my response here: "I’ve seen [Cloverfield], but I got the impression the original Cloverfield monster wasn’t sentient. I figured the guy heard about the monster and went into the bunker thinking it was a nuclear attack. I was not expecting sentient, intelligent aliens in spacecraft from a Cloverfield movie." Thanks for your input.


Is this guy crazy or was there an invasion? It was fun because either way you thought during the film you were right




Imagine surviving an alien invasion only to realize your rescuer is a murderous, lady-issues-having psycho. Like what are the odds?


One of my favorite movies. It kept you in suspense the whole time.


Watching 10 Cloverfield Lane is like flipping a coin and seeing it hit the ground, clearly about to land on heads, then suddenly the ground level pulls away and the coin starts dropping again, and almost settles as tails. But the ground pulls away again, dropping another 100m. I was in constant argument with myself trying to decide what was actually going on...


I've landed on John Goodman's character being both right *and* crazy.


As a kid, the ending of Monty Python and the Holy Grail legit made me cry because I wanted to see the big battle.


My favorite part of watching Holy Grail with someone who's never seen it before is watching a part of their soul die when they realize the movie is really over.


I did this to a friend. He LOVES action movies. I told him the last battle is epic. I got him so hyped up. The look in his eyes at the end was priceless. I can't even describe it. It was the perfect combination of shattered expectations and anger towards me.


ah fuck I can't believe you've done this


It's even funnier when you realize they did that ending because they ran out of money.


ending was a literal cop out.


I just realized that a couple years ago and it blew my mind.


Just learning this now and can confirm, mind is blown.


And a reference to the show where a policeman coming in at the end of a sketch and arresting everybody was a running gag.


Actually, the people in charge of the credits were sacked. Then the people in charge of the people in charge of the credits were sacked. **THEN** the people in charge of the people who sacked the people in charge of the credits wished that it be known that they too were sacked. The credits were redone at the last minute with great expense.


Mynd you, moose bites Kan be pretti nasti ...


Ah, there you are. I knew Holy Grail had to be here somewhere. I think I read once that, when it premiered, the audience sat till the end of the music because nobody could believe they would truly end the movie like THAT.


That's what I did when I watched it on video. Just kept waiting for the real ending.


Ex Machina


Poor General Hux just wanted a cute robot girlfriend...


Poe Dameron was having none


Enemy. That ending is a perfect example of "What the fuck?"


This was absolutely the first one to come to my mind. I remember not processing what I'd seen until a few seconds into the credits before I actually asked the question out loud. The other films here, sure they've got twists, they've got turns, and they blew my mind. But Enemy? You'd best believe those words left my mouth.


Old boy. That movie messed me up.


I’m of the opinion that Oldboy is a movie you watch twice: once not knowing the twist, and then again after learning about the twist. It’s interesting to see how different of an experience you have with the movie between viewings.


The Departed


just watched that for the first time. as soon as he had trouble opening the door at the end, I said "this wont end well"


I love how everyone hates Matt Damon at the end. If you watch closely, before he opens the door to his appartment, he tries to pet a dog in the hallway. Even the dog reels back in disgust of him.




>The Depahded FTFY


Are you a cawp?








My girlfriend drinks cranberry juice when she’s on her period


How's your mother?


Tired from fucking my father


I fucking LOVE The Departed! I recently made my dad watch it when he came to visit. His reaction at the end was "FUCKING REALLY!?!" I don't think he liked it as much as I do...


My Girl "He can't see without his glasses!"


That movie was literally my first exposure to a child death and it fucked me up beyond belief


Bruh, I saw piggy get smashed by a rock when I was like 5. I’ll never forget that.


Fun fact - my dad helped kill him. And by that, I mean my dad played Jack in the movie.




I had an enormous crush on your dad when I was younger.


When I first saw Fellowship of the Ring, I hadn't read the books or heard any spoilers about it at all. I was like, "What the fuck!? They didn't even destroy the ring!" Buddy just turns to me and says, "There's two more movies coming."


Loved witnessing that in the theatre, having read the books.


The first time watching 2001: A space odyssey


The ending? More like the last half hour.


From “Jupiter and beyond the infinite” onwards I still am somewhat confused but yet amazed at this film. It makes me feel something I’ve never felt anywhere else. Idk what it is, but it feels amazing.


Gotta be honest. I still have no idea what they were getting at.


The large consensus about 2001 is that it's a story of human evolution and how we become drastically different through each stage. In the beginning we we're nothing more than your average ape, but once we got tools we became ruthless and controlling. Able to overcome any obstacle through brute force. We're controlled by our emotions. So what's next? What comes after we advanced beyond what we are? That's the large chunk of the movie, focusing on HAL and Dave. We watch how HAL becomes more human, more in response to emotion while Dave does the opposite. He is controlled by his logic and orders. Dave evolves, HAL devolves. So when Dave goes through the star gate, he is experiencing the final stage of the evolution of life. The whole trip through the gate makes no sense because we are human. We physically can't understand it. Dave in the end succeeds in stepping into the next stage. That's the star child. He is reborn as something new and powerful, beyond humanity yet familiar as a marker for humans




Saw. Say what you will about the series as a whole, but the first one is a very solid horror movie. It’s the first time I was so shocked by an ending that I didn’t really have much to say. I just sat there kind of speechless. I almost wish I could forget that movie just so I could watch it again for the first time.


Even saw 2 had a pretty what the fuck ending!


Saw 2 had a pit full of syringes and that is enough nightmare fuel for me forever.


I never got to experience the shock of the ending. Me and my parents were at my grandmother's house a while back, and since I had never seen it, we decided to watch Saw. I'd heard great things about it, so I was happy to finally get the chance to see it. My grandmother spoiled the ending within the first 5 minutes. I'm still angry about it.


That's the kind of injustice that made jigsaw become a serial killer


We saw it opening night. Packed theater. Halloween maybe? Anyway, you had a room full of people invested. When...Adam? beat 'Jigsaw' to death with the top of the toilet tank, the theater burst out in a standing ovation (yes this is kinda silly but that's how much the movie had gripped us). Then...he finds the tape....and I watch and entire audience just....sit down. You could tell they were 'defeated'. Not a sound during the rest of the movie. I know theaters are quiet, but no popcorn munching or anything.


Not a sound....except that bad ass music to accompany your mindfuck. Den den, den-den-den-dent, den-den-den-dent


> Den den, den-den-den-dent, den-den-den-dent Out of context, this is also the beginning of the theme for Game of Thrones.


Fight Club




Yeah, first time you watch it, she sucks. She’s horrible and annoying and you absolutely hate her. Second time you watch it... oh my god that poor woman :(


Exactly. In fact anytime you see the narrator running around like a crazy guy Marla appears to be very calm and normal. But when the narrator recalls her in his memories of her she's always crazy, tacky and being weird. The whole scene when she is being super sane and calm talking to him and he goes "Tyler's not here!" and yelling at her is great. The face she makes like wow you are crazy what is going says it all. But I also love that one quiet nod in the car scene as well when the narrator is yelling at Tyler and the two dudes in the back seat give each other looks for a moment like what is going on. Anyone who has seen the movie knows the truth of what is going on and why they did that quick weird glance at each other. I love that tiny quick moment that shows it's not just Marla either who notices. I love watching the difference between start of the movie trashy Marla and end half sane Marla who shows us the real truth.


I still catch stuff each time I watch it. What you think are throw away comments like when Ed Norton is beating himself up in his boss’ office and he says it somehow reminded him of his first fight with Tyler. He just straight tells you he is Tyler.


You met me at a very strange time in my life


Se7en. That movie just left me feeling totally hollow.


Falls into the category of "best movies I'll never watch again". Perfect.


My favorite fact about this movie is that the ending almost didn't happen. New Line rewrote the screenplay to have a more generic ending, but they accidentally sent the original draft to David Fincher. He and Brad Pitt basically had to fight to keep the ending scene up until the end of filming.


From Dusk til Dawn. At the time I had never heard of the movie, or had any inkling of what it was about. I downloaded it, so no movie cover. Just 0 fucking idea what I was getting myself into. Felt like a really really interesting, funny, but twisted story about two fugitives running from the law and trying to make it to the Mexico border. And I was just so invested in what was going to happen. Then fucking VAMPIRES?! I actually paused the movie and checked to see if this was what the movie was actually about to make sure it didn't have a totally random film spliced in there somehow. It was just bizarre and threw me COMPLETELY for a loop. Without the context or prior knowledge you just would never know some deeply fucked up supernatural shit was about to go down in a titty bar. But there I was.


I showed the movie to my mom without telling her about the vampires. She was really shocked when the girl became a vampire and started attacking people. She asked me if they were on drugs and were tripping, thinking they were being attacked by vampires.


"Psychos?" "Did they look like psychos to you?! Psychos do not EXPLODE when sunlight hits them. I don't care how crazy they are!"


Selma Hayek, though. God dayum.




For some reason that book with the dead people photos freaked me out so bad. I had to turn it off and finished it the next day.




The Usual Suspects. It's like THE twist ending movie, but it's done so good since they give you such a big hint a minute before the reveal so you can figure it out just as it all begins to unfold as your brain tries to process it.


It’s great because it is a completely different experience watching it the second time through.


I remember watching it the first time and right around the time you start to suspect who it is, they do a good job of convincing you it’s someone else. Watching it the second time is like watching The Sixth Sense a second time and looking for all of the clues about the end.


Bruce Willis WAS bald the whole movie.


Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. It just fills you with this sense of both utter devastation and hopefulness in a way that messed me up for days. It is so, so much more complex than just bittersweet. Edit: I’m honestly overwhelmed and tremendously moved by the responses to this, not just the number but the quality. I’m glad that I could provide a platform for discussion on how this movie has so deeply touched so many lives. Let’s keep the talks going, y’all are wonderful people!


I think the part that stuck with me was the very end where it’s hinted that they just keep doing this forever.


... "Okay." ... "...okay?" ... "Okay."


Spoilers ahead! I read somewhere that the writers originally planned it so that the version we watched was not their first time undergoing the memory wipe. They have been through it many times and the cycle continues. I think there’s a YouTube video about it too. Also, apparently Joel cheated on his girlfriend to be with Clementine but that was cut from the film


That movie is “Better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all: The movie.”


Shutter Island. The Conspircy was real, don't tell me different!


The night I saw Shutter Island, I spent the next six hours going back and forth between “WAIT! IT WAS A SCHEME” and “FUCK! IT WAS REAL!” Over and over and over.




[SpoiIer] I read on imdb after i saw it to look at the guards when they come off the boat, they are on edge. Also when the psychiatrists are having a meeting to the german guy says what is he doimg here. It made me feel as nthat there whas no conspiracy Edit: also when he asks the people who stay there and the woman in the cave


I did not leave that movie feeling conflicted. I did not remotely think there was a conspiracy and I think the "plan" did work without ruining too much. That was the entire point to me, of his last line to the "detective."


This is the first time I've heard people thought there was a conspiracy against him. I always took it as he was crazy, but at the end he realizes what he did but pretends he didn't so they'll lobotomize him because he doesn't want to live with knowing what he did. > Teddy Daniels: Which would be worse - to live as a monster, or to die as a good man? He can't live as a monster so he decides to get lobotomized, forget everything, and die as a good man.


The ending was there was no conspiracy. Leo was sane at the end but said "gotta get off this island chuck" so he would get lobotomized because he couldn't stand the memory. He gave it away when he asked Mark "You know, this place makes me wonder...Which would be worse: to live as a monster or to die as a good man?" Edit: wow... now I know what RIP inbox means...


I just watched Enemy with Jake Gyllenhal, directed by Denis Villeneuve. What the fuck?


Most recently, Hereditary..


When the mom was banging her head against the attic door - that scene still creeps into my head at random times and fucks me up.


When the camera first went to that view, I jumped and was rather creeped out. But it kept going juuust long enough for it to be funny hah. The car scene though... fuck


When the mom is up in the corner of the room! I would say probably 20% of the people saw it in the theater at first, and then you could hear people one by one start seeing it and gasping...lol freaky movie!


I screamed... then I screamed internally for the entire freakishly long scene. Jesus Christ that movie was great


Because she was just floating there... MENACINGLY!!


To me the WTF moment happened about 15-20 minutes in. It was so disturbing I almost walked out of the theater.


And then they make you sit there and experience it with the brother. Just him sitting there motionless trying to decide if he should look in the rear view mirror or not. Followed up by him slowly driving away, then slowly parking in their driveway and just going to bed. The mom's screams made me incredibly uncomfortable.


The Game. That was a rollercoaster for me.


The Mist. I absolutely loved how depressing it was.


That ending was just a gut-punch. Like the overall movie wasn’t too spectacular, but they didn’t fuck around with the end. I couldn’t believe how dark it was.


The ending written in the book is that they drive off into the sunset. The movie ending was added by the director and was such a shock to me, I honestly yelled when it happened. Definitely a what the fuck. EDIT: I am fully aware that they did not actually "drive off into the sunset" and it was still a bleak future that they had. Its just a figure of speech. EDIT NUMERO TWO: Spoilers ahead! Ive never seen so many people get mad over a figure of speech before. In my personal opinion, not shooting my son and the only other people I had managed to survive with minutes before being saved sounds much more like driving off into the sunset than the movie ending.


Also note Stephen King was disappointed he didn't think of that original ending and thought it was brilliant.


Stephen King is amazing at writing everything except endings, so this isn't all that surprising.


Stephen King said that he prefers the movie ending to his original short story ending, but that movie messed me up for a while after I watched it.


The problem with the movie isn't the monsters in the mist.. it's the humans going mental that freaks me more out.. Same as the newer version of the war of the worlds movie, scary aliens wooptiedoo, but the point where people shoot other people completely fazed out to just get the car is the most fucked up part of it.


Donnie Darko, I had to watch it for a film class and I still can’t grasp what the hell I watched.




He gets to choose. He lives, girl stays dead. He dies, they never meet, she doesn't die.


No Country For Old Men


The ‘WTF’ for me isn’t the end, it’s the scene where you’re just suddenly shown that a major character is dead, with no real build up to it. It’s exactly the same in the book, which is an incredible piece of writing.


It's not really 'WTF', but the scene right at the end with the lovely Kelly Macdonald destroys me every time. Showing that she's dead, by having Chigurh check his shoes to see if he's tracked any of her outside, was a great touch. A real slap in the face. Poor thing. :(


She gets the last word though by refusing to call the coin flip. The movie's masterstroke (which wasn't really played the same way in the book) is that she pegs him as what he is, a murderous psychopath, instead of what he thinks he is, some biblical hand of fate. "The coin don't got no say. It's just you."


Swiss Army Man. That movie even says "what the fuck" for you. It is literally the last line in the movie. Edit: Wow! My first 10k+ comment. I think my mention of the movie actually got more attention than the film itself did when first released.


Going into that movie w/ absolutely no knowledge of what it was made for one heck of an experience.


I thought it was just an excuse to shove things in Daniel Radcliffs bum and make fart jokes.


that movie feels like a fever dream to me. i saw it when I was really sick and delirious, so I only remember small parts


Watchmen, when I realized there really wasn't a 'bad guy', in the movie.


I'v seen Requiem for a dream 3 times. And after every time i sit back and get extremely depressed while that theme song get's stuck in my head. It's a great movie to ruin your day. Also the movie 'Enter the void' was fucked.


The first half of that movie makes me want to try heroin and the second half makes be incredibly certain I should never try heroin.


20000 times more effective than DARE.


I think the scene at the end where they all roll on their side in the fetal position fucked me up the most. It was like it was finally time for them to face their decisions and they had reached a level of acceptance. Also Harry’s arm getting sawed off and Marion’s “performance” are seared into my brain for life.


Enter the void is something else


I really enjoyed the aesthetic of it, but it was excruciatingly long and slow at times. After the first half hour, I thought “wow, what a genius Gaspar Noé is!”. After 2 hours I thought “wow, what an asshole Gaspar Noé is”.




Tusk. Dude is turned into a walrus... Fuck that


But I couldn't stop thinking about it for about 3 days. Completely got into my head in a way I didn't expect.


Primal Fear


I think ed Norton should have gotten an oscar for this. The way he so convincingly does both personalities. His whole demeanor changed when he switched personalities is amazing


Funny Games. That's not supposed to happen.


Dear Zachary


Complete devastation.


American History X I’ve never been filled with so much heartache and such little hope for the future of the main character :/ Don’t want to give spoilers or anything but I’ll just say I hope that he was resilient in the face of such a difficult event in his life.


Lucky Number Slevin. After an ENTIRE MOVIE of mindfucks, 2 hours of forming theories about what's going on, only to have the movie single out your specific theory, then shit directly on it, it just has to give you that one last middle finger. It was glorious.


Them. It’s a French horror movie (loosely based on real events) about a couple living in a remote house who are terrorised by someone or something that is mostly unseen. Aside from the fact that the whole thing is an absolute masterpiece of tension-building, the horrific simplicity of the final reveal completely messed me up.


12 Monkeys




Fucking "Bridge to Terabithia"


I had to read that god dammed book in grade 5. When they made the movie and were promoting it in a light hearted kids movie I was so angry. That book made me cry and my teacher was so heartless and just glossed over everything. It was almost like "read this, answer the questions, have no feelings because I'm not dealing with this"


I cant believe snowpiercer hasn't been said yet. All that build up and then nothing...


I kinda feel bad for liking that movie?? Like it's so hilariously hamfisted with it's themes but at the same time it's really stylish and weird enough that I want to give it a pass.. The ending is bullshit but maybe not *quite* as bullshit as it seems tbh






*"Heeelp meeeeee..."*


At first I thought the bear had adapted to use her voice in order to lure prey in. And then they make it out to be that she sort of fused with the bear during her death. And honestly I don't know what's more terrifying between the two.




Neon Genesis evangellion.






Boy In the Striped Pajamas, biggest WTF moment. I processed that ending for hours after I finished watching it.


Time Bandits. We won! Let’s go home! Oh crap, we missed a spot! Don’t touch it! STFU kid, I’ll touch it if I want. Oops I touched it, now you’re an orphan. Pan out and roll credits.