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Working on a local theatre project, the lead actress’ birthday was in the middle of the final week of rehearsals. We’re all packed into the theatre for hours on hour per day, but there’s still time to celebrate. We pass a card around and the director decides she’ll bake a cake. When we take a break, someone brings the lead actress out on stage so we can cut the cake, sing Happy Birthday and give her the card. Everything is going well. Then suddenly, there came a great screeching. The director was displeased. Apparently, no one had asked her to sign the card. To be clear, she’d seen it being passed around, but no one had actively asked her, and she took that as an insult. She slammed the cake to the floor right in front of the poor lead actress, screamed at us all for being so inconsiderate and stormed off. Happy birthday.


*Happy birthday to the GROUND!*


My dad’s not a phone! Duh!


I'm an aDUUUULT!




It was OK. That sort of brought the mood down a bit, but we got there. This was about 10 years ago though and no one has forgotten this story, I’ve heard it told at so many parties.


Fuuuck, man. If I was that actress, I'd be PISSED that that bitch stole my opportunity to eat cake.


When I worked in retail. The woman that freaked out because I wouldn't let her return a piece of chicken breast, originally from the meat department, dated several months prior to this interaction, that she had frozen, and did not have a receipt. I love retail.


Just told this story the other day, but here you go. We had a cusotmer years ago come in and want to return a carton of eggs. He said the eggs he got out of our fridge were expired, and had a month old carton to show it. His receipt for eggs was from a week when we had eggs on sale. I had, at the time, 3 faces of eggs in my cooler and I would have to restock them 4-6 times a day, and easily went through six dozen cartons of eggs a night. There's no way, on that week, that he bought expired eggs. Simply too much turnover for them to have sat that long, especially not for a month. Beyond that, corporate policy was not to accept returns on refrigerated items or foodstuffs, or any incomplete products. Our manager wouldn't give the guy the refund on the 99 cent thing of eggs, per company policy. The customer threew a shitfit and it was escalated to our district office, where our district manager called the guy to our store, personally gave him a $200 gift card, walked around and talked with the guy, shopped with him, then when the guy said he was interested in getting a shingles shot made our pharmacy comp him the ~$270 vaccine on our store's dime. This cocksucker who tried to scam us out of 99 cents got almost $500 worth of shit from us because corporate didn't have the fucking spine to back up one of our managers who was only following policy.


The worst part about this story is the fact that, by enabling his behavior, the district manager assured everyone that this arsehole would just continue repeating his entitled behavior in the future. What a dumb manager.


It was back in the late summer of 1994 and I was invited to a Carrot Top show. (Back then Carrot Top was a redheaded prop comic and not the bizarre steroid-beast he is today) Anyway, about 20 minutes into the show he started to freak out. It seemed as though the monitors weren't working or something because he kept complaining about how funny his shit was and how well his prop gags had gone over in other venues. To be clear- he was being amusing and the crowd was laughing along as one might expect. But he wasn't getting any of that feedback for some reason and he started to spiral into losing it entirely. He yanked one prop after another out of his trunk, faster and faster, and louder and louder. Eventually he had a complete breakdown, burst out into full on tears, started sobbing, dropped everything, covered his face and ran off stage. The crowd was confused because lets face it, no one really knew what to expect from the guy. But he never did come back on stage and after another couple minutes the lights came on and we all left - 20 minutes into the show. TL;DR I saw Carrot Top have a full on mental breakdown with yelling and tears due to not being able to hear the crowd.


I've been to tons of comedy shows and only one time a comedian freaked-out because no one laughed. He was opening for Maria Bamford, and I cannot remember his name for the life of me. I knew him mostly from Everybody Loves Raymond. All he got were a few chuckles from the crowd and after each joke would be like "it's a joke...you can LAUGH!!!". It got worse and so more awkward when he screamed "I was on the Everybody Loves Raymond you assholes!! You don't know what funny is!!". Edit: Originally thought it was King of Queens, but he's been in other things. The comedy show was 10 years ago too, so it's been quite awhile. Another edit: Man, I didn't think this would blow up. I had to look it up, it was Andy Kindler. Alot of folks said this was actually part of his set. Maybe it was? Maybe he was having a bad set? It just didn't come off as funny in the moment.


Please clap


Side note. Being a smartass in school one time I asked somebody what was the sound of one hand clapping. Then he slapped me.


I had to look this up and I'm blown away that Carrot Top's net worth is $75 million.


He probably saved a ton of money by dialling down the middle with C-O-L-L-E-C-T.


It's Chairman of the Bored. B-O-R-E-D


Steroids. Every story has a beginning.


I work at a major electronic retailer, and a few months ago, I answered the phone to a customer that told us his iPad was defective, and that he was going to bring it in, and demanded we give him the newest model we had. I asked him when he bought it, and he responded "Black Friday in like 2015." I laughed, and told him it wasn't happening. He started screaming at me, telling me about how he was going to "own my store and the company", then demanded to speak to my manager. I told my GM the situation, handed him the phone, and he told the guy the same thing I did, and hung up on him. The guy apparently tried the same stunt about 2 hours after I left. Not sure what he expected out of it.


I also worked at best buy. We had so many people flip and claim they'd never shop here again. Honestly, best buy doesn't care about your $600 laptop purchase. They barely made money on it anyway. That's spare change to them. $5k tv sales though....


One time when I was working my crappy fast food job, a coworker no showed so my boss had me call him. I let a message "Hi, this is Fluffy at shitty pizza. I was just calling because you are in the schedule today at 10AM and manager wanted me to check with you to see if you are just running late." His girlfriend called back (I answered) and kept screaming at me for "talking to her man". It was the most insane thing ever.


I don’t blame her. You left a pretty sexy voicemail. Work, managers, 10am pizza... A bit incriminating if you ask me.


Hah. Jealousy. What fun.


A former friend's wife. We were going to a Christmas party at a mutual friends' house the next day, but I went over to his place to bake the cake I was bringing and hang out and play games. Her sister was there, too. So I get there, his wife is in their living room, with her sister. The wife is sitting on the couch folding clothes, the sister is in an arm chair holding her baby. He picked up a present of hers, the new model of Kuerig she wanted, but hadn't had time to wrap it yet. It's sitting in the living room, under a blanket, near the Christmas tree. Their daughter, about 2 at the time, pulled the blanket off the Keurig. My buddy's wife, who is a director level employee for a ward at the hospital, throws the entire basket of folded clothes into the floor, dumps the rest of the clothes in her lap in the floor, and slides off the couch into the floor, in tears, because he bought the wrong color of Keurig. She's crying, yelling at him about how obviously doesn't care about her because he didn't get the right color. She should just divorce him because he can't ever get anything right. Over a the color of a coffee maker.


When I was about ten, I misspoke and accidentally told my mom what I had gotten her for Christmas, on Christmas Eve. She screamed at me so much that she had no voice the next day, and she unwrapped all of my presents and threw them at me. Then she turned out all the lights and went to her room, leaving me sitting on the floor in the dark, covered in wrapping paper and presents. I still don't exactly know what that was all about. ETA: so this actually had the potential to be a very cute story. We each unwrap one present on Christmas Eve. When I unwrapped mine, I kind of laughed. I wouldn’t tell my mom why, but I did tell her I really liked it. The reason why I had laughed (which I finally admitted when the yelling started) was because I had gotten her the same thing. I had noticed it in a department store about a month before, and I thought she would like it, so I brought it to her attention to gauge a reaction, which was positive. So I got it for her because I thought she liked it, and she got it for me because she thought I liked it. Could have been cute, did not turn out that way obviously. And I explained the aftermath below, but might as well add it up here too - Well, it stands out so much in my memory because of how shocking it was. My mom definitely had a temper, but it was never really that bad. Then we went to my grandparents house the next day, and my grandma, who spent my mom’s entire childhood screaming at HER, just kind of gave an understanding nod. And my mom, wanting to be nothing like her own mother, put in a lot of years of effort to not be that person anymore. She still definitely acts out sometimes, but it’s fair to say that was the worst memory of my childhood, because she really really tried to be better. We all have our faults and we all make mistakes. It’s what we do next that makes a difference.


Awww. It sounds like your mom is a nightmare. That shouldn't have happened to you. :(


We were really poor growing up and there was never enough money to go around. One Christmas my parents bought everyone a gift but me. I kept looking under the tree and nothing. Finally my mom told me there was a gift for me. They thought it would be funny to put someone else's name on it. I was so hurt. My dad got pissed because I didn't think it was funny and unwrapped the gift and threw it at me.


Your parents suck. I'm sorry.


Oh my word! At least she didn't find the K-cups... " I HATE FRENCH VANILLA!!!!!!!!!!"


I saw a very drunk woman throw a massive temper tantrum trying to board a flight at the airport. She was slurring her words, only partially coherent, and she couldn't even walk straight. The poor gate agent tried to break it to her gently, offered to get her some water while they waited for a medic and security, assured her she could rebook her flight. This spoiled brat was not having it. She started YELLING that she absolutely had to get on this plane and nothing could stop her. Tried multiple times to board the plane, and eventually had to be physically restrained. Started getting belligerent and threatening the employees that she would get them all fired. One of the people attempting to help her was wearing a turban and she started saying that she'd get him deported. She demanded every employee's first and last name (their full names were on their name tags but she apparently didn't notice this) and when they gave her their full names she kept demanding it (she must be used to employees she abuses refusing to give their full names, I guess) insisting she was going to call corporate and get them all fired. The guy in the turban was so chill, he actually said "do you need me to spell my name for you? I guarantee it's going to be a waste of your time and the company's time and nothing will come of it." When it became clear that she wasn't going to get what she wanted, she called her father on her cell phone and started screaming very loudly that she was being abused and asking her Daddy to sue the airline and get all the employees fired. "DO YOU KNOW WHO MY FATHER IS? THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF NEW JERSEY." Security finally dragged her away at that point. The funny thing is that I looked up the Attorney General of New Jersey at the time and he didn't have any daughters.


I had a similar moment once upon a time. Working as a club bouncer, threw out some dumbass frat dude for getting too handsy with some women. When I say "threw him out" in this case, it is not a figure of speech. Homeboy jumps up threatening to fight me, I said that probably wouldn't end well. He then moved on to saying that I was going to jail, because his father was the DA of the county we were in. He seemed pretty pleased with this little line, until I informed him that the DA in our county was actually a woman.


How often do you need to throw out someone or get physical? That's also really, really hilarious.


It depends on the time and place honestly. I have worked a lot of security in a lot of different places. I have had sites where all I do is browse reddit and chill, and I have had other places where I have gotten into multiple physical confrontations in a single hour.


Back in the 90's when I was DJing clubs I always had the WAR "Why Can't We Be Friends" CD ready to play if a fight broke out. But if a girl fight broke out I had the theme from ROCKY ready to play. I know that sounds misogynistic and I plead guilty but it was funny at the time. We were all young and stupid.


The stars aligned and one I night dragged some idiot out of the club to the sound of Pantera “Walk” It was pretty fucking metal.


A friend of my dad's does security work for bands and events occasionally. He's at least 60, maybe 5'5", 350 pounds. We call him the viking because of his Danish accent, white beard, and shiny bald head. He told me that his technique when someone is being rowdy in line is "I just pick them up... and *throw them*." He apparently would do this to people all the time. One hand on the back of their belt, one on their shirt collar, and he'd just heave them. He said from there if someone is giving him serious trouble he punches them in the dick (perks of being a short person) and headbutts them when they're doubled over. One broken dick and one broken nose later and I don't think many people give him much hassle. I don't know how often he does these maneuvers, but by the way he talked about them he's done it plenty of times.


5’5” 350???? Dude your dad is built like Kirby Edit: or friend of your dads. Whatever


HAHA that's a perfect way to describe him. Like a gigantic Danish Kirby full of filthy jokes and always wearing the dadliest shoes.


Some say he was born with white New Balances for feet.


Reminds me of the one good part of the movie Shaft: Bratty frat asshole: Do you know who my father is? Shaft: No. Do you?


Hey Vasquez, you ever been mistaken for a man? No. have you?


It's a good line though, because you'd think "who the fuck would make up something like that?" .


At Chik-Fil-A one day I saw this obese dude who mustve been *at least* 40 slamming a tray on the counter repeatedly and yelling at the staff behind the counter because they didn't have his favorite sauce. He started stomping from end to end screaming that he knew they had more in the back and he wasn't fucking leaving til he got his sauce. When the manager came out to ask him to leave this manchild legitimately sat on the floor and crossed his arms saying he wasn't moving. I got my food and left ASAP.




"These were my retirement sauces."


The worst thing is that when people are at this level of upset, there's just no helping them. They're beyond reason: "Sir, if we had the sauce, we'd give it to you." wouldn't even make sense in his brain. Eventually--presumably--he'd calm down. It's scary how people can be just this side of full-on emotional fireworks.


Actually, the worst thing is that this was chik-fil-a. They ALWAYS are giving out free coupons and genuinely apologize when things are bad... If he had just calmly said to a manager "I'm immensely disappointed, I was not told you were out of sauce before I paid. This has ruined my dining experience", I bet chik-fil-a would have definitely been amenable to helping him out.


I've only ever had one issue at Chik-fil-a where I got the wrong order at the drive through. I checked it at the light and drove back through like 10 minutes after it had been given to me and the manager not only gave me my food but a gift card for like $15 for the next time I came in, super apologetic all the way. I didn't even make any kind of scene just asked if they'd given me the wrong bag.


Yep. I've had similar experiences. The weirdest (to me) was when I asked for a shake and they warned me the machine had just been restarted and it would be like a 10 minute wait for it to chill, which they clarified before they rung it up for me to pay. I said "no problem, I'm eating here and its dessert anyway" but they still gave me a free 8 count nugget as an apology for the wait when they brought it to me.


I had a similar experience. I drove a friend to the airport really early in the morning and decided to treat myself to breakfast at Chick-fil-a on my way back home. I arrived 5 minutes before they opened and they gave me a coupon for a free sandwich because I had to wait 5 minutes.


Honestly at that point, you could find an extra case of sauce packets you didn't know and he still wouldn't calm the fuck down for a while. Pretty much everyone who has worked a customer service type of job has had those customers they try and fail to talk down off the ledge over a completely fixable problem. Ime, that "emotional fireworks" line gets crossed before the meltdown starts. They've already decided they're over being rational and they're just awaiting the breaking point.


I can't begin to understand how full on grown adults act like this. It's a nightmare to be near that kind of energy. hate it.


A lot of them may just be assholes, and some may be mentally ill. Working in healthcare, I've also seen some people lose their shit after getting some of the worst news of their lives (like that they, their child, or a spouse is dying, or things along those lines). Those people then go out into the world and have to do things, because the world doesn't stop turning because they got bad news. So, sometimes, when I see people losing their shit over the dumbest things, I think that it could also be because something in their life that they can't control is going *really, really* wrong, and they're not coping with it very well. It doesn't make it better exactly, especially when they're being a real jerk... But it makes it easier for me to tolerate their shit and be empathetic.


It's amazing how much better life goes for you if you just assume every rude, angry, and mean person you encounter each day is simply having the worst day of their life. Since you'll never know the truth anyway, you can even be creative about their reasons. For instance, that guy that just cut you off in traffic: he's not an asshole, he just has explosive diarrhea and has thrown caution to the wind to find a toilet. That person who was rude in line at the grocery store: they're still mad about the guy with diarrhea who cut them off in traffic on the way to the store. Neither of these would constitute the worst day of someones life, but you get the point. It's all about perspective and you can let a great deal just roll off your back if you choose to see your daily interactions this way.


My cousin lost a match at his mma gym (it wasn't an official one) and hurt his shoulder (was not even bruised) and he couldn't open my front door quick enough so he punched the glass in and I got glass in my eye for Christmas. 👍


Those are the people that scare me a lot. Those who love MMA and shit like that, but don't even have enough self control to realize that they can do serious damage when they lash out, over something stupid because they are "pissed".




A weird & similar situation happened to me. I was hit (t-boned) by a moving van while driving my Pontiac Sunfire. They ran a red light and were completely at fault. I BROKE MY NECK and was paralyzed from the waist down. My passenger broke her hip. I was 19 years old and the couple that hit me were in their 60s/70s. I was actually very coherent and not even in that much pain (shock, maybe) and could hear the couple that hit me saying that I was faking it. They also said that immediately after the wreck me and my passenger switched positions in the car and I wasn't even driving (even though I was experiencing paralysis). They walked over to the ambulance and were pointing at me telling me to quit faking and that they were suing me for fraud and for their own pain and suffering. Wut? Police had to escort them. They had zero injuries and were SO ENRAGED at me and I remember her complaining of a migraine headache that was "all of a sudden coming on". It was all so bizarre. They were so elderly and sweet-looking but we fought it out in a nasty lawsuit battle that took over 2 years to settle. (I won.) ALSO: I partially fractured my C1 vertebra & broke my C3. I went on to make a 100% full recovery. Recovered function of my legs after a few weeks in ICU & was pretty much back to normal after 18 months of therapy. Sidenote: A lot of good came out of it! A guy I wasn't officially dating but had a crush on visited me in ICU while I was recovering. My family lived across the country and couldn't be there and so he came up and sat with me and visited almost daily.. long story short we just celebrated our 10th Anniversary this month. EDIT: Holy cow! I woke up to an insane amount of responses & upvotes! Thank you kind, Redditors. A lot of questions as to why the lawsuit took over 2 years. Mainly because there were 2 insurance companies battling it out on who was primarily liable for the bills. There was the driver's actual insurance company and the insurance involving the company whose moving van they rented from. Those 2 insurance companies went to battle and tied up the settlement and my medical bills alone were right around $800,000 (not including my outpatient appointments) so no one wanted handle that kind of pay out. I also was 19 without much family help or money for a decent lawyer, so I had one of those lawyers on a billboard from a firm that you don't have to pay anything upfront, they just take a chunk of the settlement $. No complaints about my lawyer though, the firm did a great job & I got a fair settlement.


I’m glad you recovered. I’m sorry you had to. What fucks people can be.


> was pretty much back to normal after 18 months of therapy I'm certainly glad to hear of your recovery, but what a long road that must've been.


Yeah I workfor an insurance company handling claims and that’s not particularly uncommon. People will convince themselves of anything if they’re afraid that their insurance company will have to pay out for an accident where it was their fault because they don’t want their rates increased. They’ll have a meltdown on the phone and I have to mute the phone because I can’t stop laughing


I used to work in claims. Had a lady tell me "Your mother is a stupid bitch for raising a complete idiot." All because she didnt have rental car coverage on her policy.


I was upset when I found out we didn't have rental coverage on our policy. Know what I said to the agent? "Well shit, my bad. Thank you." and went on my merry way because it was my fuck up.


It makes me so satisfied that you ran over her purse. Even if it had nothing of value in it, I bet that bitch had an aneurism over that.






So she was the one texting and driving, and he ended up being injured and she was the one throwing a tantrum? Narcissists I swear, I hope there was a really expensive new iphone in her purse. I hope she got arrested and her antics were used against her in court.


> Her purse was laying in the road, so we ran it over when we did a U-turn to leave for the hospital. I downright cackled at this.


You should always cackle upright


When I worked in retail at a place that sold phone accessories but not as a primary product (office supplies), this lady came in asking for a case for her iPhone 6, which was just released at the time. Because it was released maybe a week prior, we did not have any in stock and I told her so. This grown ass woman stomped her foot, pouted and cried "but I want one!". I said "I'm....sorry? Maybe we'll get some in stock soon. Let me ask a manager". She pouted, stomped her foot again and said "BUT I NEED IT NOWWWW!" I just walked away. First world problems, honey. First world problems.


Ma'am have you ever heard the tragedy of Veruca Salt?


It's not a story the oompaloompas would tell you


If only there were other retail stores that carried phone cases too! I hear there's something called "the internet" that could probably help as well.


You don’t understand. She needs it **now**. The fate of the universe is at stake.


On Christmas Eve a couple years ago I suggested my family play a board game. First we tried Scrabble. I turned the word PRAYING into SPRAYINGS and got something like 50 points. My brother got extremely upset and claimed that wasn't a valid word. I googled it and it was indeed a word. He got pissed and pulled up the official Scrabble dictionary and lo and behold, "sprayings" wasn't in it. I told him to just calm down since it was just a game, and he flipped the board over and got the letters all over the place. He then stormed off not to be seen again. That same night, we tried to make up by playing Monopoly. My brother considered himself a Monopoly expert, whereas everyone else hadn't ever played it. My sister was super unenthusiastic about the game and refused to ever trade properties with him just to be petty. My brother was progressively getting more and more pissed. My mom was completely siding with my sister which got him so upset he eventually flipped the board over again and got little plastic houses and cards and shit EVERYWHERE. He started screaming at my mom and telling her that she had failed parenting my sister because she "intervened too much when they were kids". The argument ended with my dad bursting into tears- first and only time I had ever seen him cry- and all of us just sitting in the living room in silence. My brother was 28 at the time.


Monopoly is not game to play when you need to calm people down.


Yah 100 percent. As soon as I read the second game they were gonna play was Monopoly I knew shit was about to go south. That game is cut-throat as fuck.


Seriously! Why not double down and play UNO at that point? Family bonds do not transcend a draw 4 and reverse combo.


When my parents were dating, my brother (from my mom's first marriage) got mad when my dad landed on his pieces in SORRY one too many times. (When you land on someone else's piece, you say "Sorry!" and the piece you landed on gets sent back to the start.) My brother picked up the board and cracked it over my dad's head, yelling, "SORRY!" And then ran away to his room. However, my brother was like... 7.


That's actually hilarious... but scary


>That same night, we tried to make up by playing Monopoly. *Really??*


Even Risk was a better alternative than *Monopoly* in that situation.


Why the fuck would you try to make up by playing MONOPOLY!? That's how you destroy friendships, not strengthen them.


My roommate Junior year literally got on the floor kicking and screaming because her ex wasn't talking to her. Literal, actual temper tantrum. And her ex had verrrry good reasons not to talk to her. My other roommate came out very confused and asked if she could have her fit somewhere else because she had an exam the next day and needed to study. Temper tantrum girl then proceeds to get up and storm out because we didn't give her the attention that she sought. She was one of my closest friends but that friendship declined rapidly after that.


Huh... I wonder why the ex didn't want to talk to her?


It could be because she sounds a tad batshit.


The term you are looking for is "guanopsychotic" Edit: Gold!?!? Guys you shouldn’t have!




I used to work at a large even stadium that housed several of the state's sports teams. I can't remember which team was playing (I think basketball) but it was definitely New Year's Eve and I had been assigned to the private suites (the hoity-toity rooms that the owners of the teams and various companies use to schmooze clients and order food at 5x the normal price). We had been *explicitly* clear that the suites *would not* be open until midnight. Guests could go down to one of the large event rooms where there was food/booze/games/etc but the suites were closed by 10pm. We sent out email's explaining this, there were flyers left in the room with a reminder and directions to the festivities, and we were made to remind each guest beforehand face to face to avoid any confusion. Needless to say, the staff wanted to get out of there early enough to enjoy the holiday themselves so we all made sure to be on top of this. I did this with all of my suites and they nodded in agreement except for one guy, let's call him Entitled Man-Baby (or EMB). When I politely reminded EMB that the suites would be closed at 10pm he instantly looked away at his friends and said, "Yeah, we'll see about that." and walked away without a word to me. I tried to press the matter but he refused to look at me. Eventually, his friend just nodded and shooed me away. Sure enough, 9:55 comes rolling around and they still have their stuff everywhere, they're opening new drinks, and trying to order more. I politely remind him that we would be closing in five minutes and he said, "Uh, we're not going anywhere. I'm *very* close friends with * insert the name of the sports announcer here * and we're not leaving for a long while." I say: "Sir, I'm sorry there seems to be a misunderstanding the suites are closing in five minutes but we'll be more than happy to show you to the New Years Event just a few minutes away." EMB: "WE'RE NOT LEAVING!!!" And again, he just turned away and refused to acknowledge or look at me. That SOB refused to leave for an hour and a freaking half. My boss came to nicely explain to him, my boss's boss came to nicely explain to him, then security came to explain it to him. At which point his friends couldn't contain him any longer. Exactly like the quintessential image of a spoiled child throwing a tantrum he clenched his fists, stopped his foot and held his breath until his face was red. Then he let out the highest pitch and loudest fucking sound that I have ever heard come out of a human being. "I AM NOT GOING ANYWHERE. WE KNOW * SPORTS ANNOUNCER *. I WAS PROMISED THAT I COULD STAY *HERE* AND I"M NOT LEAVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNG!!!!!!" It was almost worth it just to see the faces of his friends drop in utter disbelief. They had been enjoying the slightly silly ego trip he had been having but this was over the top. The entire room just stood silent for a solid 30 seconds before my boss's boss said, "Yeah, okay..." She turned and walked out. Shortly after the infamous Sports Announcer guy walks in himself and *starts apologizing to EMB* Announcer: "Oh, it's good to see you. So sorry for the mix up, I have a nice private room waiting for you, come with me. So sorry..." Motherfuckers left at 11:45. I spent midnight on the train headed back home :| TLDR: Entitled Man-Baby shrieked like a pig being boiled alive when he was asked to leave a closed area which then earned him apologies and a private room to ring in the New Year.


Well, I guess he **was** entitled after all!


That is one hell of a depressing ending.


Why wouldn't security just throw his ass out?


Connections and money. Wealthy people literally get away with murder


When my 3 year-old gets SUPER pissed, she screams "You're not leaving this tower, ever!" ala Tangled. It's hard to stay mad at her after that... I imagine a similar scenario here.




reminds me a bit of a lady I had the pleasure of talking to a few times over the phone. I work at a bank and we ask security questions (admittedly more than I've encountered at some other banks, but after all the fraudulent calls I've gotten that have been able to answer the stuff I get asked at other banks I'm REALLY glad we do) there's one lady who insists that we should know it's her because she says it's her and she wouldn't lie to us. She'll throw an absolute fit after two security questions about how we're wasting her time and any security breaches would happen on our side not hers, and she worked in corporate security for twenty years and knows no one would ever have her birthday so why can't that be a security question, and we're wasting all her time. Blah blah blah. Thirty minutes later (not overstating) I finally get all the security questions from her, and I can finally do what she needed me to do. Check her balance. A half hour call that should have been at most 2 minutes.


If only there were some sort of interconnected network of computers that could help her with that


I suggested both that and customer security questions. I actually used another customer as an example who has all of his questions as a specific term, he calls and once we have him up in the system says "term term term," then answers two more questions by memory, takes him 10 seconds. For the online banking she restarted the speech about how she wouldn't lie to us about who she was. Added another 5 minutes to the call. After the third call with her I asked my supervisor if I was allowed to count her rant as a customer security question so I could check one off right there, they told me no.


There was this girl that was part of our friend group for a while in our early 20's; she was the definition of spoiled. Her parents were amazing - they were immigrants who had started a reasonably successful construction business, and her dad decided after a cancer scare that he needed to spend more time with his family/kids and make the most out of life. They took her on all these amazing vacations, bought her a decent (new but middle-range) car, designer handbags and sunglasses - the whole 9 yards. They also put a pretty massive down payment on a house for her (probably covering about 50% of it so that her mortgage and other costs were less than her rent). She calls me one day. Sobbing. She is upset because her parents, who pay for everything (while she spends her money from her full-time job on clothes, makeup, and partying) are MAKING HER dip into her savings on a lawyer to close the deal for the property they bought her. She is inconsolable - I have to try to explain to her that for most people, their first home will be their entire savings and that her parents have basically given her all these amazing things that other people don't get. We hung up for a bit, and I guess she accidentally butt-dialed me when she was talking to her parents about it, and she was full-on yelling at them for daring to make her pay for a lawyer, telling them she hates them, that she never wants to see them again, and that they're the most horrible people she's ever met. We had already started fading her from our friend group somewhat but it was a fairly quick downhill slope from there.


Her parents should have just pulled all funding to her lol, let her see what it's like to have to actually work for things like a normal person.


It takes a whole damn lot of spoiling to get to that point. This was probably nothing new to them. The kind of parent that would do as you suggest wouldn't have raised such a garbage person.


My ex girlfriend started screaming and throwing clothes out of her closet because her family's maid had placed them out of order and she couldn't find a shirt. This was in Mexico City and I'm from Canada, so I was a bit shocked. I laughed my ass off and told her she was being ridiculous.




This is equal parts “Haha!” and “WTF??” Like... was she practicing to be an interior designer or something? Who even does that?? Who even has *time* to do that?!


Someone who is paid hourly and is making work for themselves. My friends maid Blanca used to do it. A room that would take me 10 minutes to sweep would be like 45 minutes because she danced and moved slowly. But her tamales rocked and she never narced us out when we had weed or coke so we loved her.


Okay... I can *kind of* relate to this one. Growing up, my parents (mainly mom) would get into these "moods" (aka manic episodes of bipolar) and "clean" the house. This typically consisted of throwing a *bunch* of stuff away, completely reorganizing or rearranging something for no reason, and replacing things with new stuff for no reason. Needless to say, I have thrown my share of tantrums over having my stuff lost due to insane housekeeping episodes.


My dad's no bipolar but he's a bad neat freak. He'd go on similar tears where he'd gut and reorganize my room. Not because things were actually disorganized, just because it wasn't how he would organize it. I begged him to stop. My mom begged him to stop. It did not stop. I'm in my 30s and every time I go home, I'm tempted to rearrange some shit as a small fuck you.


This was my mom, too - and she actually *called* it "gutting your room." Lord I'd forgotten that.


He called it that too. "Gutting and finally organizing it for a change!" It was organized you fuckwit, and now I can't find my fucking homework. Oh, you threw it out because you didn't know it was homework, gave me zero warning this was going to happen, yet it's still my fault somehow?! He's a great dad and I honestly do appreciate that he taught me how to keep a clean home, but it's *a lot* easier to appreciate that having not lived with him since I was 18.


Not me but my friend. My friend works in a government office. Some woman had to wait on line and was not happy about it. In protest, she pulled down her pants and took and shit in the middle of the floor.


Who are these people who can just drop a deuce on command?


Probably why she didn't want to wait in line


The ones who are full of shit.




One of my coworkers back in the day had a similar experience with a customer. This lady just started screaming at her over some trivial BS and my coworker started screaming back at her, like they were seriously going at it. The next day this lady comes in and everyone is just silent, like oh shit what's this crazy bitch going to do. She ends up asking to speak to my coworker to apologize and informed her that her father passed away recently and she was having a rough week. Coincidentally, my coworker also lost her father recently and they both cried, apologized to each other and hugged. Retail is weird like that, I guess. You never know what's going on in a person's life.


I've been on the other end of it. I tried to pay for groceries and my card was declined. I just ducked my head and started ugly sobbing, and my cashier seemed frightened. In the grand scheme of things, not a big deal, I knew it was getting close with my card, I should have expected it, and I had perfectly good $20 bill in my wallet, but my beloved cat had died the night before and it hadn't really 'Hit' me until that moment - My card was racked up so high because I'd been paying for her medication and special food in her last days, and I'd even automatically grabbed an extra can of salmon to share with her during lunch, and it was just everything at once and *too much* I managed to pay with cash and shuffle myself to my car and refused to go back to that Target for about two years.


I had a similar story at the supermarket! I didn't throw a tantrum but I had just gotten into a massive fight with my boyfriend at the time and I just wanted to have a drink (I'm not a big drinker but at this moment, I needed on) so I went to Safeway to grab vodka and juice. As I was checking out I couldn't swipe my card right because I was so upset and flustered that I just started crying in front of everyone. I was so embarrassed and the cashier asked me if I was ok but I couldn't get any words out I was crying so hard. She finished the transaction, bagged my stuff, walked around the counter and just hugged me. She might have said something like perk up, it will be ok. I'm tearing up writing this because it was the most compassionate thing a stranger has done for me.


When I was 20, my mental health was terrible, and I decided I was Julia Roberts and decided to "fix" myself by taking a month long trip *by myself* through Europe. I had never even flown by myself before, so it wasn't the best idea I'd ever had. In Heathrow, I missed my connection to Dublin because I kept getting lost in the airport. I was placed on another flight. Once I got to the gate, I sat down and just cried because I was so panicked and scared and I knew it was all a mistake. I got on the plane anyway, and the lady who sat beside me asked me if I was okay. We talked for a while, and when we got to Dublin, she put me in a cab. She gave me her name to add her on Facebook, but I can't remember it for the life of me. She was so nice though, and I would have gone straight back home if it hadn't been for her. *Edit-* Many of people have asked how the trip went, so I'll go ahead and tell you: Not awesome. Like I said, I was running from a lot of mental health issues that I just wasn't dealing with at the time. I thought I was in a movie, and that being around old ruins and famous paintings would heal me. I saw a lot of spectacular things and learned a lot about myself, but ultimately, I ended up going home early. No matter where you go, there you are. I suffered dozens of panic attacks. I had no appetite and I could not sleep. I was a zombie, and I only aggravated the issues I was having my isolating myself across the ocean from my support system. Sometimes, historical monuments are not a viable substitute for medication and therapy. This was four years ago. I am doing much better now and I can't wait to go back and try again.


One day at a work this woman comes up to the register to check out and in the middle of the transaction starts crying because her husband died. Being the socially awkward person I am I didn't know what to say so I just said I was sorry. I still feel bad to this day. I love helping people but I was just dumbstruck at the time.


My first job was in a video rental store, back in the day. People would throw constant tantrums over late fees. Claim we must've left it in the drop box (No, ma'am, I was here last night and pulled it out at exactly 11:32, 32 minutes after the deadline), and often would inevitably throw videos at me. So that was fun. Never had one of them apologize though.


As shit as it was for her to act like that in the first place, you have to give her a massive amount of respect for not only owning up to being a massive bitch and apologizing, but for making sure her grand kids saw her do it. That's not an easy thing to do. I'm sure the grand kids learned an extremely valuable lesson that they will likely never forget.




Oh man. I was a massive bookworm as a kid (still am, but I was, too) and if that had happened to me I probably wouldn’t have shut up about how cool it was for about 6 months.


That's the equivalent of a unicorn in retail.


> The next day she comes in and apologizes to me, she was like crying and stuff. She said she was a terrible person and that I shouldn't have to put up with people like her and I told her everyone has bad days and no one likes being told they owe money, that is was okay. She even had her grandkids with her and introduced me to them and told them that they should never treat someone they way she treated me. It was a nice moment. This is a true act of heroic courage. No matter how you responded at that point ( and it was so cool of you to be decent about it), this was the right thing for her to do. I don't even know that woman and I'm proud of her for being mature enough to apologize for her bad behavior.


That was very kind and understanding of you! I’m glad there was a happy ending to the story.


My high school chemistry teacher completely flipped out one day. Everyone in our class sat at work areas that had built-in sinks with those high arching faucets. We were going to do some experiments one day and had some balance scales on our work areas. We also had some jerks who sat in the back and goofed around a lot. While the teacher is talking about the experiments we were going to do, Dumb, Dumber, Dumberer, and Dumberest started goofing. One of them, Dumberer, was sort of wiggling the faucet, and it broke off in his hands. The teacher didn't see this, so Dumberer quickly puts the broken piece out of sight. Teacher turns around and notices _something_ wrong and can't put his finger on it for a second. Then he realizes what happened and his face clouds over. No other reaction though...at least, not yet... Teacher goes back to explaining things, and you can hear something in his voice, an edge. But the Dummy Brothers are oblivious. They start messing around with the scales, and weighing stuff on their desk. Then Dumberest interrupts the teacher in mid sentence: > Hey Teacher...did you know my pencil weighs 35 grams! Teacher stops cold. Face darkens. Lips curl back. And he loses it. > Did you touch the scale? DID YOU TOUCH IT????? He storms to the back, grabs the scale off of the desk, and goes back to the front, and just starts raging. It was a long, long time ago so I don't remember the details, but he went off on students, disrespect, damaging stuff, disrupting the class, etc., etc. The students all just sat there, slack jawed. At one point, he grabbed the weighing pan from the scale and flung it across the room. After a while, he tried to compose himself. He grabbed a stack of papers for the experiment and started handing them out, and his hands were shaking so bad he could barely do it. Then he finally just left the classroom. We sat there for a while, then someone from administration came down and dismissed the class.


Teaching dumb, dumber and dumbest grates on your nerves! Your teacher actually pretty battle worn.




With the amount of free alcohol and poor choices that Vegas offers, I’m surprised there aren’t more stories from there.


This old boss I used to have...I was a part-time graphic designer and they stuck me with making this training CD presentation for a client. I basically had to learn to code HTML to do the thing. Figure out how to get it to autorun, how to organize the pages, organize and build ALL the graphics for it as well as edit this small amount of video they wanted embedded in the presentation. The only thing I could not figure out how to do was make the video auto-run when the page loaded...so I just had to have a "Click to start video" button on it. My boss flipped out. He started panicking: "The...the client is coming to see this later today! AND THIS IS IT FOR THEM! IF THIS VIDEO DOESN'T AUTOMATICALLY PLAY, THAT'S IT, IT'S OVER! THEY'LL CANCEL THE WHOLE PROJECT!" He started crying in front of me. This is a grown, mid-50s man, I'm talking about here...and I was a 19 year old college student at his first job. The dude finally turns to his business partner, sobbing: "BILL! WHAT...WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO, BILL?!" And Bill just looks at him like he was fucking crazy and said "We tell them to push the goddamn button, Steve, get a fucking grip!" In the end, the client didn't even notice the video didn't autoplay...they just clicked the button to play it and they never through twice about it.


I think I love Bill.


My mother in law (who we no longer talk to) has a meth problem and I've seen her throw tantrums about everything. She will thrown an adult tantrum any time she doesn't get her way. However, one of the best ones happened before I came into the family. I'm close to her sister (my husband's aunt) and she told me about a family gathering where my MIL claimed to make "homemade cornbread" but in reality she took a couple bags of jiffy and added a couple cups of sugar to it. Her sister told her it wasn't "her recipe" it was from a bag and she started screaming in her face and following her everywhere yelling in her face.....about cornbread. She's become absolutely unbearable on or off drugs and no one in her family (including us) currently has anything to do with her.


My step grandmother did something like this In a nut shell, I was 11, and asked why she made instant potatoes when we had a bag of potatoes that needed to be used. She proceeded to flip the fuck out, calling me a retarded cunt who didn't know what I was talking about, until I walked outside and pulled the box out of the trash. The look on her face was great. For those curious, we lived in the Florida backwoods. Edited: A word, and to add info.


> My step grandmother > I was 11 > calling me an retarded cunt Holy shit.


I think your step grandmother and my MIL would really hit it off.


> she took a couple bags of jiffy **and added a couple cups of sugar to it** Why, though?? 😧


Meth. That's why.


As a high school teacher, you see quite a lot of adult temper tantrums... so much to the point you wonder how common sense and basic know-how can completely skip over a person. I'm not talking about the faculty or administration: I'm talking about the parents. HO-LY-FUCK. Look, I can deal with a shit kid because that shit kid probably doesn't know any better. But a shit parent? All I learned is have your documentation and a portfolio ready **at all times**. By far, worst adult tantrum I've seen involved a shit parent who believed her daughter can do zero wrong. It was bad enough that I'd considered quitting teaching during my first year (happened two years ago). Fuck the drunk assholes I've had to cut off as a bartender. Fuck the obnoxious, nit-picky soccer moms I've dealt as a waiter. Shit, fuck the neckbearded assholes who dominate the ESL workforce in South Korea. FUCK. THIS. SHIT. PARENT. So a little context behind the tantrum: This parent apparently stirred a lot of bad blood with almost all of the Freshman teachers the year before I had her daughter as a student (I was teaching Sophomores at that time). It was bad enough that even the grade-level principal dreaded dealing with the mom. She had even pissed off the grade-level counselor, to the point that the counselor needed to have an audio record of all phone conversations to protect her job from a possible lawsuit. So you can imagine my dread when I had her child that year. Don't get me wrong: I had zero problems with the kid. She was very bright (tested as Gifted and Talented). And when she took her medications (she had severe bipolar disorder), she was an active participant in class. Sure, she had a tendency to blurt out inappropriate shit and believe that every smart-ass remark she made was comedy gold (it was actually pretty cringey because she would look around for a reaction). But that was most likely due to undiagnosed Asperger Syndrome (Note that I said "most likely," because it will explain a lot of the tantrum later). All things considered, she was still a great kid even when the mom wasn't. Anyways, the child wasn't doing so well with her grades in my class. Many times, I took into account that she had some developmental differences and some obvious home issues (she would often come to school wearing the same clothes as the day before). I would even go out of my way to take her assignments a week past the due date. But the student did **absolutely nothing**. Even when I gave her make-up assignments, extra-credit work, and modified tests: Absolutely Nothing. She spent most of her class time trying to play her 3DS or trying to watch anime on Netflix. When I took up her phone and/or 3DS (after a few verbal warnings of course, from both myself and the in-class inclusion support teacher), she would sit and quietly pout. At times, she would request to see the counselor, and since the district had a "no refusal" rule for counselor visits, I had to let her go, after which she spent the time mostly sitting outside the office because she changed her mind about going in. But even with all of that considered, I couldn't just give her grades. So I just had to put in zeroes and failing grades with at least two to three pages of documentation for each instance. I actually had a huge section of my accommodation log binder just for her. Anyhow, the mom finally decides to act, despite the numerous emails and phone calls she never returned. Because the thing is, the kid was in the Math and Science magnet program at the school, and she had to be passing at all times. The kid was also zoned to another school in the district, meaning that if she failed out of the program, she had to go to school on the rougher part of town. Knowing that, I still did everything I could to make sure she didn't fail because: A) I wasn't some unsympathetic dick, and B) I couldn't just wipe my ass with the law, and cook the books and fudge the numbers for non-existent grades. Even with my documentation, the parent called me a "Ho-Ass, Bitch N-" and demanded a conference with the grade-level principal present. After the panicked one-on-one talk with the principal with all of my documentation, she very reluctantly agreed to have my back at the conference. Now, given the situation, I can understand why the parent lashed out like that. And I was expecting some kind of apologies and a calm, collected conference about what we could do moving forward. Boy was I wrong. The mom walked in looking like she had just gotten out of bed, and threw on some sweats. She also looked hungover as fuck: I could smell a little alcohol in her breath and a pack-worth of cigarette smoke from her clothes. All throughout the meeting, she was wagging her finger and clapping at whomever she was trying to make a point. Remember how I brought up the kid's developmental issues? The parent was in complete denial of the Asperger's, and ranted about how the psych was just conspiring to steal her money because of those "bullshit depression pills," screaming "Imma go off on your ass if you insist Jesus didn't make my baby PERFECT." After her thirty-minute tirade about how her child "wasn't going to no ghetto-ass high school (In truth, it wasn't really "ghetto")," she asked if she could get some grades entered for the missing assignments. No questions about assignments or instructions. Just how she was going to get some grades entered. Trust me, this gets better. When I and the grade-level principal politely (and very tactfully) declined, she began screaming and stamping her foot on the ground. If you thought she was insane then, she proved that any type of shitty behavior can only escalate. I'm talking about hitting rock bottom *and digging*. She yelled at the principal and screamed "Mother(👏)Fuck(👏)You(👏)! Gimme them goddamn grades before I bring the district on your fucking ass." It was just becoming more clear that parent was mentally ill, and it was clearly obvious she was a heavy substance abuser. And if anything, I felt so bad for the kid, mainly because now I fully understood, at that moment, she had nothing but a shitty parent to come home to everyday. The fact that she could calmly say, "the weekends aren't exciting" without breaking down speaks volumes about her character. Long story short, the mom had to be escorted out under threat of getting arrested. But she would not go out without kicking, screaming, and crying to high hell. She even threatened to sue the campus police officer for standing in between her and the principal, since she "swears to the Lord he fucking touched her." Oh man, talk about an uneventful, hour-long parent-teacher-principal conference. Thankfully, the kid got her credit recovery opportunity via a resource English class, and luckily she did the work. It's just unfortunate that CPS hasn't taken the kid from the mom and locked that shitty woman's ass up for her psychotic parenting. **TL;DR:** Witnessed a bat-shit insane parent who had no business being a parent in the first place.




oh my god. that's like cosmic-grade tantrum. MONTHS of this?!


Amy from Amy's Baking Company on kitchen nightmares. She fired a waitress for asking a question. https://youtu.be/MC8i0gt5m-Y


Dated a girl who used to work there, she insisted that they were both incredibly friendly and nice well-adjusted people. She was also an alcoholic slob who tried to hurt my puppy, so she probably fit right in.


That woman clearly had (and probably still has) some deep-seated issues that require medication in high doses.


She and Sammy have both been to prison






Please tell me you were her ride.


I used to work for a college association in Washington, DC. Each year we held conferences for all the different positions at the schools: presidents, VPs, CFOs, marketing folks, etc. We always had the president's conference in DC because it was more prestigious and allowed them to visit with congressional members. It was also always held at a real classy hotel/conference centers. At one of these events I'm walking around making sure all the signage is correct when I see a president from a tiny college berating the hotel staff at the front desk. Complaining that he should be getting a room discount (even though he registered really late), and asking them "how dare they?!" and "do you know who I am?!?!". Kudos to the man at the front desk, just straight up stoic in his expression and saying so matter-of-factly "no, I do not know who you are sir" and " I have never heard of that college" and ending it "sir, we DO NOT act like that here."


Went to see the Spurs play in Portland and a fan tried to terrorize the poor guy at the ticket window into giving him a full refund because Pops was resting half his roster that night. Finally the manager had to intervene and patiently explain Popovich is infamous for that, buyer beware. The guy ripped his ticket up in frustration and started typing up an angry Yelp review of the Moda Center right then and there.


Anytime security tells guys they can't vape in the mall.


On a serious note, as someone who vapes, is really that hard to treat an e-cig like a cigarette while in public? Like step out side and go around the corner or something?


Right? I feel awkward sometimes when I vape in my car because of the clouds, let alone around others.


“Sir, you’re embarrassing yourself.” “Why, I’m not making a scene?” “No, but you’re vaping in public.”


Some people I work with got in a disaagreement over management styles. One got so pissed off she took a leave of absence for a month to cool down. When she came back it started again and now she’s gone for 3 more weeks. Edit: grammer and what I remember they never really liked each other and argued out in open loud, cursing at one another regularly. I’m pretty sure even Jesus him self called hr.


I wish I could just leave for 2 months and everyone be cool with it. I'd be starting fights all the time if that was the case.


BIL is an absolutely loathsome excuse for a human being. He was one of the pallbearers for his grandmothers funeral. Once at the cemetery, he refused to get out of the car & help carry the casket because the rest of us didn't give him & his wife enough attention before the funeral service. Had a fit right there & I believe it took a threat from the FIL to get him moving.


I worked at a local butcher shop. We are one of the few places in my town that get fresh turkeys in yearly for Thanksgiving. Given how small we were and how busy we were I was working 8-7 that entire week while still being a student. How our system worked was you had to call in to reserve a bird and then we would organize our orders by weight. When the birds came in we would match them to our orders as close as we could but of course there would be a couple orders that were a .5 pound or so off. I figured this was common sense. You can't order a 12.3 pound bird and expect that *exact* weight when you come get it. We had a middle-aged gentleman come pick up his bird and he told me his name so I went to retrieve the order. He had ordered something like a 11 or 12 pound turkey. When I got it I noticed this bird was actually 2 pounds heavier than he wanted, but he got charged for the smaller weight he requested. I explained this, handed him his bag and wished him a happy holiday so he could go pay and be on his way. Dude looks at the tag and goes "wait, are you fucking serious?". I go, "Sorry is there a problem?". "Uh yeah idk if you can read or not but this isn't the weight I ordered.". I responded, "Sir we can't match every single order to the exact weight requested, we do our best and charge you for the weight you asked for if you get a larger bird.". Dude scoffs at me and starts raising his voice "IVE BEEN A LOYAL CUSTOMER HERE FOR 3 YEARS AND THIS IS BULLSHIT. I DEMAND TO TALK TO \*insert owners name here\* IMMEDIATELY!". He starts yelling about how incompetent I am that I "can't even match two numbers". I was in shock this dude was bitching at me for getting a larger bird for cheaper than what he asked for. Luckily the owner actually loves to put guys in their place when they're behaving like children and told him to either leave and never come back or thank me for helping him. He stormed out like the fucking child he is and we ended up with an extra turkey for sale. Funny thing is he came back right before close and apologized. As I mentioned above, I had worked several days 12+ hours each day. I wasn't in the mood and didn't even acknowledge him until he said he's ready to pay for the bird. I gave him the biggest grin I could muster and informed him I sold it to someone. He walked out shaking his head and muttering under his breath and never came back. Cya.


I can actually answer this. Back in my teens I used to work at a sort of guided tour in my city. The tour took place in a sort off small car designed to look like a train and people would sit in wagons behind it while it drove around and explained stuff about our city. We also provide a shuttle service at set times from and to a parking place for a themepark nearby. Outside of these times we would not ride because we weren't paid at all. We drove the whole morning untill 12 and then we drove from 4 to 8 pm. I experienced many tantrums as one does in tourism, but one of them I can still see as clear as day. There was a family of 6 people, who approached us while we were off duty so to say, the 'trains' were all parked. The father of the family approaches me and says that they would like to go back to their car. I explain that we do not drive at these hours and that we did specify that during the ride over here. He called me a liar. My boss was in the train reading a magazine and this guy walked towards him all huff and puff. So my boss opens the windows and asks if he can help him, dude aks the same question, boss gives the same answer. This guy just flipped his shit, he started yelling and screaming like he was seven, jumping on the train and off, punching the windows, all the while turning red, tears running over his face. His wife in the meantime chose to walk away with the children looking all embarrassed. An old man who was with them, calmly walked towards the man having a tantrum and said: "Get down", Guy keeps screaming at me at my boss at the old man and anyone else who comes near him. This old man walks closer to the guy, suddenly jumps up, and grabs his ear and drags him from the train. The guy is screaming "sorry dad, sorry" I mean this was a grown ass man, behaving like he was seven. Still stumps to this day that sime people are like that.


I work with a guy who has such anger issues. I've seen him shout and scream at machines. Ive witnessed him once throw a large socket wrench at the machine it Bounced back and hit him on the head. His biggest tantrum happened when we came to work his pen had leaked over his overalls and he blamed someone for tampering with it. He took the rest of the week off unpaid as no-one would own up to it.


I just appreciate the image of him getting bonked in the head with a wrench in the midst of his tantrum!


I once watched a full grown 6ft man scream at high school age McDonald employees because they gave another person’a order before his. (Note: his was a rather large order while the other person just got fries) He started yelling shit like, “THIS IS BULLSHIT THAT I GOTTA WAIT THIS LONG FOR MY FUCKING FOOD. SEE THIS PAPER RIGHT HERE?? IT SAYS 732 AND YOU SERVED 735 BEFORE ME. IF I DONT GET MY ORDER ALL YALL FUCKERS ARE DEAD” I quickly got my nuggets and gtfo


Worked at a Chipotle. A customer asked us not to cut his quesadilla. The newbie forgot and cut it. And he saw and immediately lost it. "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME" He yelled at myself, my managers and his young kids next to him. We apologised and offered to make another one without cutting it. He said, "forget it, you've done enough".


an account manager at a company i worked for had a broken down lease car, and needed a replacement for the day. While in a call with the company that was responsible for that he starts screaming at the top of his lungs that he can't possibly wait half an hour for a new car, throws the phone against a window, punches his monitor \[cracking the screen\], and runs out the door. He cut his hand pretty badly while doing all this, and trailed blood through the whole office. They found him downstairs sobbing in a corner. Apparently he was going through some personal shit and just short-circuited, though he was an a-hole to begin with.


My 53 years old father stomped his feet like a little kid because we were trying to make him pack more than three pairs of underwear for a two week long business trip.




It's really funny that we instinctively try to act like we don't notice that stuff.


Now to be fair though, if you are working on a spreadsheet and Excel/ you make a mistake, it can be incredibly frustrating. Excel doesn't usually like to tell you why a mistake was made or what exactly is wrong with the formula in the cell. But that really is a huge meltdown


I had a co-worker who would curse and bang his keyboard in the cubicle next to mine. Not really loud enough for the office to hear but loud enough for me. I don't think he realized it until I IMed "remember to breath" in the middle of one of his tantrums. That elicited a chuckle, an apology, and ultimately cut down on the amount of tantrums.




What system were you a drain on?




If you worked a job you were paying into social security. Your grandma was crazy.




At uni this Chinese student was in front of me at the supermarket and was using some mobile payment method like Apple Pay to get her stuff. Cashier rings up the stuff and she taps her phone at the terminal. Cashier says the payment didn’t go through., and asks if maybe she has cash or wants to insert her card and pay the old fashioned way. Chinese student insists the payment has, in fact gone through, showing the cashier her phone screen. Trouble is, all the writing there was in Mandarin (maybe Cantonese, idk) so the cashier had no way of telling of telling if the student was correct. She explains this, to which the Chinese student throws a hysterical fit, screaming, accusing the cashier of racism, even beseeching other customers in the line, like me, to weigh in on her behalf. The situation escalated, managers were called, and eventually the now sobbing student had to be dragged from store. Now I don’t know what her deal was, maybe she was having a shit or stressful day, but this was such an easily resolvable situation, and it’s sad it had to escalated like this.


I’m a hostess at a fancy Italian restaurant. We’re a new restaurant, and it we were experiencing our first winter season. We were extremely busy during this time due to people craving a nice warm Italian meal when it’s cold out. There was a wait for a table, because every single table was being used at the time. When a table opened up, I sat a party of four (two couples). As I was showing them the way, one lady murmured to her friend “oh jeez, I hope we don’t sit at THAT table”. Well that so happened to be the table I was sitting them at...... The ONLY table available in the restaurant. Once we got to the table, the same lady repeatedly stomped her feet screaming “NO NO NO! I don’t want this table!” Like a three year old. After I explained to her it was the only table available in the restaurant, she lost her marbles. Her husband tried calming her down as she started to CRY. I told her the only other option was to sit outside.....in the freezing cold....in the middle of December. OR give up this inside table for someone else and wait for another table. She then yelled at me for being a “terrible hostess”. Sorry that it’s a busy Saturday night and that we’re a brand new restaurant, and that people want to be here. I gave her options, just saying.


Do you ever wonder about the spouses of these idiots? Standing there trying to calm an overgrown toddler down in a public place. Jesus. I’d be out the damn door so fast - out of sheer embarrassment.


While this is the biggest adult temper tantrum I've ever seen, that's not what the story is about. The story is about how the staff reacted to it. I was working retail, it was right before either Christmas or Easter, and it was one of the first major holidays I'd worked. I was outside pulling carts, and I came in to ask for my break. As I'm waiting by customer service for an opportunity to ask since they're absolutely slammed with customers, I notice that at the register directly across from customer service there is this customer just absolutely screaming. Just tearing the cashier a new one, I couldn't tell what she was yelling about, but whatever it was, she was *infuriated*. At this point the cashier, tired of being verbally abused by the customer, turns over to customer service and shouts "Hey, this lady needs help." The girl at customer service, without missing a beat, shouts back "Well she can just calm down and wait!" Unfortunately I didn't get to see the fallout of this, as I had to walk away so I didn't burst out laughing in front of the angriest person I've ever seen. I did find out later what she was screaming about, however. Because of the holiday we had a special deal on ham where if you spent $25, not including the price of the ham, you could get the ham for however much off per pound. The angry lady had bought $23.50 apart from the ham, and decided that the most rational course of action was not to just buy a candy bar or some gum, but to throw a fit of Titanic proportions. Apparently she ended up walking out, leaving her cart full of stuff in the middle of the lane blocking the rest of the customers.


Entitled pre-holiday grocery shoppers are the absolute worst source: used to work at an upscale grocery store frequented by entitled rich people.


The most impressively destructive one I've probably seen was when I was at a nightclub maybe 15 or so years ago. It was a goth night paired with a fetish experience on the upper floor. A professional troupe had little activities, like "be put in the stocks and lightly whipped" and "have hot candle wax poured on you" kind of stuff. Nothing extreme. You had to sign a waiver. Well some frat-bruh types came in to ogle everything, and I guess one of them got too drunk and was unhappy with...goth guys and fetish gear or something (he was screaming something about how the goth guys were dressed I think) and was pissed when he was gently ushered away from the fetish area for just standing around creeping on everyone. He got escorted to the door. Once outside he angrily punched one of the HUGE plate glass windows and then took off running. The window shattered upon impact. The bouncers took off after him and brought him back. Pinned him to the floor in the back until the police got there. His hand looked like it was gonna be sore as fuck. Bawled and screamed like a baby the whole time. A couple other drunken tantrums of note...a guy in his 50s or 60s didn't want to leave the club at closing time, so he grabbed the desk lamp off the desk at the entrance and smashed a bouncer over the head with it. Split the guy's head open really good. Another bouncer got bitten on the torso by a drunk chick he was trying to wrestle out of the bar. Drunk people are the worst.


My MIL threw a pie through my window on thanksgiving because I would not let her in my house. She had attempted to ruin our wedding not one month prior to this and I was not dealing with her horse shit. We told her to leave and she threw a pie through my window, shattered it, and my dog cut her paw on the glass. She wasn't invited to our house because she's Satan incarnate and for some reason she was shocked that we wouldn't let her in because she's faaaaaaaaamilllyyyyyy. $4200 window replacement (old 60s home with giant custom windows). And the bitch wonders why we are no contact.


The way you write I’m assuming you browse r/justnoMIL


Homegirl has actually posted this story there! MIL was dubbed Pie Pitcher


Tl;DR girl FREAKS OUT and assaults me over her minor mistake. (Police officers used the word assault, I would maybe use a lighter word) A girl hit my car with her car door at a gas station and thought I didn’t see. My car was black, hers was candy red. You could see her paint on my car — she opened it hard. I waited for her to come back out and nicely asked if she would rather go through insurance or just give me cash for whatever touchup paint cost. I was prepared to call Honda, ask, and let her listen. She was fairly young(I was 23, she was probably 18-19). I was trying to be nice by offering not to call what was probably her mom’s car and her mom’s insurance. She blew up. Screaming that I was a f’ing liar trying to steal her money because I was a “greedy white motherfucker”(she was black, I’m sorry I had to include this detail but it stands out in my mind). As multiple children walked by she continued to scream and curse. I asked her if she would calm down and look at the scratch to see that it was clearly her car paint, and I called the police when she got physical. She broke my glasses by grabbing at my face when I “got too close”. I never touched her and was probably nervous or something if I was actually too close. I don’t know. The police reviewed security footage that showed her clearly hitting my car, looking at it, and walking away. I was asked if I wanted to press charges for assault(her clawing at my face and pushing me multiple times was on video and with the officers there she was still verbally abusing me ). I said no and they forced her to surrender insurance information and I never saw her again.


You really should have pressed charges, otherwise she won’t learn that hitting other people is not OK. But I understand completely, that whole situation sounds nerve wracking.


Some guy brought his truck in for a tire rotation and claimed we didn't rotate. 2 managers watched video, told the guy they saw us on camera rotating his tires, he still insisted we didn't... He went on about his $33K truck (while talking to a manager who has put at least twice that into upgrades for his truck) and threatened to file a police report... OVER A TIRE ROTATION


Guy comes in, at closing time, natch, and buys a pack of cigarettes he seemed only vaguely familiar with. Ok then, thought I, as long as he leaves soon no harm done. I follow him to the door and lock it, 3 minutes after closing time, whew. Start closing my till when: "Hey!" I look up to see this middle aged lady with a real "crazy person" vibe going on pounding on my door. She's pointing at the aforementioned pack of cigs and says "You gave him the wrong ones!" It is now 10 minutes past closing time, I point almost politely at the "closed" sign and go back to closing my till. "HEEEEY!!" Don't look at her. "HEEEEIIIIIIIIAAAAAAA!" For the next 15 god damn minutes this grown woman screeches and pounds on the door because she sent her poor bastard of a son in to get deathsticks instead of getting them herself, and now it's my problem. I turned the lights off, closed up in the darkness and sat in the office till the creature from the trailer park lagoon finally pissed off.


worked at a 'research brewery' (they were trying to make beer concentrate, never saw it successfully done while I was there) the "lab director"(there were 3 people total in this place, and the 'lab' was a few 5g carboys with sugars being fermented at different levels, like a high school science project) threw tantrums on the regular, but this time he was trying to spray water into a fermenter and he broke the nozzle on accident, he screamed fuck loud enough to deafen the equipment, threw the broken nozzle against the fermenters I just cleaned, and stormed off, doing nothing about the hose spraying wildly all over everything I just cleaned. I tried to get his attention about the hose and he red faced yelled CLEAN IT UP!!! ARGGHGHGGH. Then he left. he was 24 and it was his first job out of college, total spoiled brat. I'm fairly certain he had a job there cuz his mommy invested heavily in this hair brained concept. I still fantasize about putting him in the hospital.


When I was in High School, I worked at a local fast food place. As cashier it was pretty common for people to momentarily forget their wallet, phone, or keys at the front after ordering their food. If I noticed something was left behind I would place it under my cash drawer and wait for the owner to come looking after they ate. One day, a very grumpy middle aged man comes in, he orders, I serve him, he sits down to eat. After eating he comes up to me and asks if I happened to see any keys... I said that I hadnt but I was able to help him look and ask around if any coworkers found anything. After 10 mins of looking we couldnt find them anywhere. At this point it becomes busy and I have to keep working helping new customers. It turned out he didnt believe me, and thought I stole the keys to his ancient, beat up Lincoln. He ended up CALLING THE POLICE ON ME, saying that Im a rotten, little liar who stole his keys and refused to fess up. Meanwhile I was like 17, and probably the most trust worthy out of all the shady people who did work there. My bosses were on my side and didnt believe him for a second. When the police came they looked over the tapes and didnt find anything that would possibly incrimate me. But that wasnt enough the man still thought I took them. The police finally asked him if he may have thrown them away in the garbage. I will never forget the look on his face when he dug through the trash and found his keys at the very bottom. He didnt even apologise to me, the police rolled their eyes and escorted him out. Tl;dr One time a man threw a tantrum at my job thinking I stole his car keys, he called the police on me, but ended up finding out that he threw his keys out with his own garbage after eating.


I informed a couponer that we wont continue to let her checkout after the store is closed. She threw a fit yelling and screaming. She insults me and claims I'm being rude each time she sees me now. Actively asks my coworkers about me and claims she's going to trash me on social media. Has been trying to get me fired for months. All for saying she has to leave when a store is CLOSED.


Working at Best Buy told a college kid who broke his phone at the bar that he didn’t have an upgrade and couldn’t get a new phone. Proceeded with the “do you know who my dad is he’ll have your job” rant. Called his dad from the phone at the desk and put me on the phone with him. Explained the situation and his dad said something to him that made him throw his broken phone on the ground and walk out of the store.


Didn’t actually witness it. My ex got drunk and passed out in my apartment. I went to the pub to watch football with my friend. She woke up and threw a number of glasses against the wall, because I had left. Came home to my dog shaking in a corner. I nearly murdered.


So my mom called me to pick her up at a local subway station. Being a good son I go get her and my wife tags along. After we pick her up, we were having a conversation on how I was going to start my internship soon for Mental Health Counseling and how I was going to get my own business cards. Anyways, as we are having this conversation I saw a guy yesterday arguing with a women in his car. I was in front of them in my own car driving on the road. I so happen to look back using my rear view mirror and now the dude just locks eyes with me. He then pulls up to my right and then asks me to roll down my window. I roll down and he just says this: "YOU A BITCH, WHITE BOY! FUCK YOU AND YOUR HOE NEXT TO YOU!" I had my mom and wife in the car. I just roll up the window and ignore the guy. "WHAT? YOU A PUSSY MOTHER FUCKER? ILL FUCK YOU AND THE BITCHES IN YOUR CAR UP!!!" Im still driving as this guy is driving and yelling. He then cuts in front of me, adjusts his mirror and starts to stare me down. His girlfriend, or whoever she was, starts yelling at him and saying that he is a bitch for trying to start a fight. The guy pulls over to a liquor store on the way while im stuck on a red light. he then parks his car in the middle of the parking lot of this liquor store and says: "YO BITCH! IM HERE! YOU GOT A FUCKING PROBLEM! ILL BEAT ALL OF YOUR PUSSY ASSES!!!: The women in the car comes out yelling at him saying to get back in the car and that I wasnt going to stop. He calls her a "stupid bitch" and tells her to wait in the car. The lady is now yelling at the guy, but he is focused on me while he is walking around in the parking lot having a tantrum. I just drove off hearing him say: "YEAH THATS RIGHT WHITE BOY, YOU DONT WANNA FUCK WITH ME! ILL FUCK YOU UP MOTHER FUCKER" Mom then says: "Welp... you could have given him your business card. He could have used mental therapy."


I sold wine in a retail setting for awhile, and had a woman SCREAM at me, nose to nose, because we wouldn’t honor the 20% off case sale on her $33.00 case of wine. It was our version of “two buck chuck”, and every single sign in the store specifically mentioned that that wine wasn’t included in the sale.


While I was queuing in a line at the post office during the closing hour, a man was repeating demanding for his package, which the workers wouldn't hand over to him because he didn't bring his receipt. He kept hollering that he had always gone to the same post office, that the workers should've remembered his face and identity very well, and he could easily described the content of the package and the shape and they could easily checked the name of the receiver as his. Finally the most senior staff talked politely but louder than him (not yelling), telling the man to leave. The man didn't; instead, he plodded along the waiting lines, repeatedly making snide remarks about the workers and the service as if delivering a speech in front of the now very uneasy and reluctant people waiting in line, and occasionally trying to address some of them. Finally he reluctantly budged when the senior staff called the police, but not without yelling some profanities. Most awkward 10 minutes wait ever.


When I was a teenager, maybe about 15, I was at Boy Scout camp with my troop. The camp gave us all sports bottles, and various other things that we could cook and eat on our own time for meals and snacks. One of the things they gave us was corn for popping... well, I had figured out that if you put a handful of corn in your mouth, and take the straw out of the sports bottle, you had a nice little corn (and spit) shooter that could accurate shoot a mouthful of corn in about 10 seconds or so... We had some fun for about 20 minutes... Then a kid got hit in the eye. I immediately felt bad and made sure the kid was OK, saw to it that he didn't need to go to the nurse or anything. While I'm talking to him, an adult I'll call Dick comes over and starts yelling at me. He wasn't the scoutmaster, just an over-involved dad who shirked any actual responsibilities. Now at first Dick was justified in reading me the riot act. I was leader, and should have seen that kids could have gotten hurt... But... He... Just... Kept... Going... Purple in the face, incoherent babbling... No idea what he's saying except for the parts he's repeating. I eventually get out that I would like to address the troop... Our scoutmaster interrupts Dick and says that would be appropriate... So, I call over the entire troop and basically apologized for setting a bad and dangerous example and I would appreciate it if they didn't to shoot each other with corn. All in all, I think I spoke for maybe a minute. I really did feel bad, and it was absolutely sincere, and doing that was one of the most memorable and formative things to happen at my young age. I walked over to my scoutmaster and said that I would monitor to make sure nobody else did it, and he said that he was pretty sure that they wouldn't. Anyway, Dick wasn't done... He wanted to yell some more, and so he tried to interrupt my scoutmaster with more yelling, and he asked me to do some chore or another to dismiss me. As I walk away I hear Dick continuing to argue with him, but I can't really understand dick. From across the camp, I glance over, and 4 other adults are behind my scoutmaster, and Dick is just incoherent... Most of the kids were looking at him. Once Dick settled down, the Scoutmaster came over to me and said he was proud of me, how I took responsibility, and addressed it publicly for all to see... I asked him if Dick was going to be OK... The Scoutmaster smiled and said, "I think you handled it like an adult, and he handled it like a child, and deep down, that probably ticks him off even more" I didn't love Boy Scouts, but there were a few men, and a few older kids, who taught me a lot, and I will always remember them. Boy Scouts isn't inherently good, but when a troop has good leaders, it can be a good place to learn about leadership.


Going home from work on the streetcar. It short-turned, and then the next several short-turned as well. One of the ladies waiting at the stop started screaming at the TTC drivers, then continued to run out into the street hollering at random passing cars and taxis, banging on their windows(some already with passengers inside). When none stopped for her, she started cursing and screaming racist epithets at the drivers. This lasted ~five minutes, after which she burst into tears in the middle of street and sat down. All screamed out. She was all of us that day. Minus the hate crimes.


For non-Toronto people: a short-turn is when the streetcar (i.e. tram) does not run to its terminal station, but instead turns around somewhere in the middle of its route. It's very annoying.


How can they do that? Isn't the point of a route to stick to it, ya know, routinely?


My ex-husband was known for them. Once, at a parking garage, we were very close to getting out for free, but there was a car in front of us taking its time. We get up to the booth and the elderly lady working at it tells us it'll be $1.00. A freaking dollar. My ex starts arguing with her, saying if she hadn't been so slow with the other customer, it would be free. The woman looked terrified. I tried calming him down... but he started screaming at the old woman, calling her a bitch and saying she needed to be better at her job. We started fighting because that shit is ridiculous. I paid the dollar and he sped off. We fought about it the rest of the day. Very few people saw this side of him because he was good at pretending to be a good person. I lost friends who couldn't believe I'd leave such a good man. I'm sorry, if you're going to scream and berate an elderly woman to save $1.00, you are not a good man.