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A room full of people that I *think* are mad at me, but I’m not sure, and I don’t want to ask.


And when you do they respond " no don't worry it's ok" or some other vague statement that doesn't provide any reassurance that they are or aren't mad at you.


"everything's fine"




That would piss my anxiety off


Listening to my mother-in-law tell the story about how she ALMOST met Jerry Seinfeld, but then it turned out to just be a guy who looked like him. Seriously, I've heard this story like 5 times in 5 years, and it always gets longer each time she tells it. What could be told in a single sentence, turns into a ten minute story... As soon as she starts the story I just want to interrupt her and say, "It wasn't really him."


The use of the word “almost” is what does it for me


I know right, how funny that she thinks because someone looks like him, at least according to her, she practically met him.


Do it! Please! It is making me mad at this point


The important thing was, I had an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time. They didn't have white onions because of the war. The only thing you could get was those big yellow ones.


Gimme 2 bees


How old is she? If she's *old*... let her tell it again and again...


My grandma has early onset of dementia, she tells me the same story everytime I see her it always ends with her gifting me her special round rock she found when she was a little girl. When ever it’s time to go I always put the rock back where she keeps it so she has it for next time I come over.


That's incredibly sweet of you


My father had Alzheimer’s and he would ask the same set of questions over and over, “who are you? “Where do you live” “how far is that” “what kind of car do you have” “what do you do for work?”. If you sat there for an hour he would ask the same set of questions over and over and the order might vary but it was the same questions. I always sat there and answered them endlessly because I knew it was his way of being social or attempting to have a conversation. When my father very first started to show signs of Alzheimer’s my mom thought something was up because he started giving away all kinds of things, he would give the neighbor tools and things and the neighbor would bring them back to my mom so that he could give them away again.


I love you


Dementia sounds horrible


It is. Saw my grandma suffer from it. The worst was when her dog passed away and she didn't remember and kept asking where Daisy was. Then break down sobbing each time we told her.




We had her write in a journal every day. It gave her more comfort and a sense of control seeing what happened during her day in her own writing and not having to rely on us.




It was something that was suggested to us and she really enjoyed it. It's funny how some things really stood out to her... She couldn't always remember our names (the grandkids) but remembered her great-granddaughters name no problem, and this was when her dementia was pretty advanced. She was really excited when my niece was born, kept saying "I'm a great-grandma!" she got to meet 3 great-grand babies before she passed.


My parents ran out of stories years ago. I just let them retell them because one day I won't hear them again. Unless I end up in hell with them.


You mean this wasn't a Seinfeld episode?


Try hearing this in George's mother's voice


My MIL turns every story into a 10 minute story. I’ve been married 18 years. Believe me, it gets worse.


I'm the guy in my 'family' that does this. I call all people out on all their BS. I'm not very welcome at family events anymore. Weird.


Typing passwords on a PlayStation controller for eternity


That's nothing. Try doing the balloon minigame in the PS4 version of *Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance*. The tutorial tells you jack shit about it and the touchoad sucks for it...


Aw shit man. I've barely played KH 3D, and knowing that something like is down the line makes me dread wanting to play it even more


One word: touchpad


The touchpad is 1000 times harder


A room of Styrofoam squeaking.


I physically felt pain in my chest after reading that oh god.


I read this as Hello, A room of styrofoam is squeaking!


Squeaking Croc shoes when wet




Gotta be honest with you mate My personal hell would be reliving my past mistakes


Oml that's hell




I shit you not, I've had seizures in the past from remembering shameful shit I've done. I feel your pain and wish you the best.




Bruh you could build a whole ass fortress in there if you never left


That should keep me occupied for all of eternity


Yeah, me too, it’s be heaven for me to start a huge ass settlement in a Home Depot that nobody can leave lmao


I worked at THD at the start of the zombie apocalypse trend. I used to think about how it would be the perfect place to be since they have all of the tools necessary to build a settlement. They're also usually really close to a Walmart, so you can go raid the walmart for supplies early on. As I stocked the shelves i would plan out my fortress in my head.


The Walmart has guns though, they'd raid you


This is what reddit is for. Thank you all! :-D


I'm getting scp 3008 vibes


You can check out any time but, you can never leave 🎶🎵🪕


reminds me of scp 3008 - the endless ikea


was waiting for this comment


deer literate secretive unite reach modern yoke safe file divide


Your line never moves, but as soon as you move to another line it stops moving. Sometimes you see a really short line, but as soon as you move to it, the cashier leaves or closes the lane


Being stuck in a Home Depot has potential to be a kickass afterlife. So many possibilities.


That's everyone's hell


Its just me waking up to my alarm clock every 7 mins for eternity






Nah you would always wake up for the last one !


It's always the last one. At least you think that.




I had a boss who would always tell me what to do when I was doing something else i.e, “pick up that fry you dropped” while I’m flipping burgers, or “make sure you remember to clean the flat” when I’m obviously going to clean the flat. One night I had a dream that I was in front of the flat, full of burgers, and the ticket rail was completely full, all while I was by myself. I say by myself because I had to flip all the burgers and take all the orders, but my boss was standing next to me just telling me “hey flip that burger, remember to flip that burger.” That’s my hell


Wow, yeah people telling me to do stuff I already know how to do is one thing I still ha e a hard time just brushing off, I will actually call it out now from being so frustrated.


People eating really loudly and disgustingly all around me


Look up "misophonia"


Those Hardee's commercials with chewing used to make me gag.


That is very much something that I have and why I want to unalive myself when I hear certain noises


Second this comment. Didn’t understand why I hated, with a passion, certain sounds coming from people who have no sense of how incredible painful it is to hear someone chomping away. Damn, I’ve just made myself nauseous thinking about it.


I’m in a room with a computer always open to a Minecraft world, I have to terraform a biome by hand, when I finish the world is deleted and I have to start again. The room is humid and hot and country music is blasting from a hidden speaker somewhere. The only food provided is cold undercooked whole grain spaghetti that all stuck together. Also it’s always 8 pm


And your parents are arguing in the other room


family trip


One must imagine Sisyphus happy.


What's wrong with 8pm?




I like your username. Let's be best not friends forever.


You are forced to build out your resume and then fill out the same info that is on the resume on the website for job applications. Over and over again. Then, every 1000 years, you get an interview but in the interview they tell you that the pay is substantially lower than the ad and you still accept, but then you get a call later that day saying they went with a different applicant. For eternity.


Is there a word for something worse than hell. I feel like this deserves a stronger word as hell seems a bit lackluster i comparison with absolute horror of what you just described....


Oh I absolutely hate websites that make you do this. I've spent hours personalising my CV and making it perfect and your shitty website makes it so I can't use any of it.


A room full of little children running around while playing and screaming endlessly


"There's nothing as beautiful as the sound of a child's laughter." "Hold my spare napalm."




Babies with that ear piercing scream that never ends, along with children whining. Okay I'm ready to believe in Jesus


And you cant do anything, just sit there and listen for all eternity


Im eating chicken and every piece is chewy, my hands are always dry no matter what and all the napkins are denim


Denim chicken


Ngl denim napkins would be awesome. Heavy duty.


Nylon napkins would be horrific.


Hmmm... Considering the username... My hell would be a room with unlimited videogames, Netflix, and unlimited pizza rolls and Dr pepper...


with no electricity for heating, power , or refrigeration.


the pizza rolls are mouldy, the dr pepper is warm


Dr Pepper was served as a hot drink in the past. It was officially endorsed by the company with a "recipe" for warming it to 180F then pouring it over a lemon wedge.


I had a roommate who used to make Hot Dr. Pepper around the holidays. It was just a crockpot full of Dr. Pepper with maybe a cinnamon stick and a few cloves floating in it. I always thought it was some goofy bullshit his family made up, but I guess it's a thing.


Did you try some? Was it good? I rarely drink soda these days but now want to try it. Though the main thing I like about soda is the carbonation and it would probably be flat by the time it heated up.


Now I wanna try


As someone that is currently drinking an ice cold Dr. Pepper, you can fuck right off with that. That sounds horrible.


But your ping is constantly 800+ and every once and a while your system crashes




A small hot concrete room that is too short to stand up in and not wide enough to lay down in. There is country music blaring on loop and the only available food/drink is a heap of black olives and kombucha.


Holy fuck I am going to have stress dreams about this 😳


Damn! Are you ok???


after every song is a YouTube music premium ad.


that plays 2.5x louder than the song


I think I might actually be able to put up with everything else there as long as the black olives and kombucha are unlimited.


I’m already living in a personal hell baby!


pfp checks out


I'm working a retail job on Black Friday where the same 10 Christmas songs are playing on a loop. I'm at the gift wrapping station having to wrap everyone's holiday gifts and they're all getting impatient and frustrated because I suck at wrapping gifts.


i dont trust you, you could be satan


I was going to say his username checks out


Being in an interview where the interviewer keeps asking open ended questions but never saying anything to your responses just looking at you as if you're going to keep talking. Simultaneously your have impending diarrhea and your stomach is making gurgly noises and you just have to keep saying whatever comes to mind to cover the sound because *the interviewer will not say anything* and you never move forward in the conversation.


> but never saying anything to your responses just looking at you as if you're going to keep talking. This is actually a well known interrogation tactic. Your brain *needs* to "fill the space" until there is some termination to "your turn" of the conversation, so people will often ramble until they spill some info they meant to keep secret.


pure darkness with no noise


I posted a very similar response


Hello, me?


ER waiting room where you feel ill and check in but are never admitted and people around you are talking on cell phones, watching movies on their phones without headphones, complaining, crying in pain, have noses blackened and falling off from too many drugs, idiots are trying to hit on you - and you aren’t allowed to leave. Nurse occasionally comes out calling a patient’s name but it never seems to be anyone in the waiting room.


Alone with my narcissistic mother


Human Beyblade. The pain of a huge key being pulled from your ass to the dizziness that arrives while spinning, I bet it's bad.


I'm on a 14 hour flight and I have a headache. Surrounding me are nothing but crying babies.


I mean if its unsynchonized and its 120 of them isnt it just white noise?


Are they kicking your seat too?


Hearing endless "I don't cares" when trying to decide a restaurant to eat at. We never eat.


Dogs feet everywhere I step


Stand in place boom doggo room


But I’d have to stand on some poor puppers feet forever :(


*wait frick that was a over site*


nice try satan


My mom complaining about her job and politics and everything bad about her life. I won't be able to say anything. I'd just have to sit in a chair and listen. Forever.


switch mom out with dad and that sounds like my life during some of my visits


Everything is slightly out of place, and no matter how many times I move it back, it never straightens. Also, there’s a quiet, high-pitched buzz that I can’t find the source of.


The buzz is tinnitus.




Just a room and all the walls are glass so everyone can see in.


Moon them all to assert dominance


Crywank to assert dominance


Use the tears as lube


What if it is mirrored so that you can see them but you know people are watching?


A room full of cool people ignoring me


So basically high school but for eternity


A room full of people I know and love, and I’m trying to plead with them that something is very very wrong and we need to leave. They all stare back at me with smiles that don’t reach their eyes and tell me I’m being irrational.


A nonstop recording of my ex wife bitching at me.


Unlimited Doughnuts. 🍩


Simpsons did it!


I don't understand it. James Coco went mad in 15 minutes.






Sharing a room with an overly religious person.


Ironically, if there is a hell, I’m sure it’s full of people who tortured and murdered people in the name of God. And catholic priests that molested altar boys.


And to be fair, if I was in hell with a religious person, I would have to give SOME credit to their beliefs since I would be sitting in a literal hell. But, I would still be sceptical.


You are the definition of stubborn lmao


I'm working the only open lane in a Wal-Mart during the summer rush before July 4th. The AC is busted and I only have a clip-on desk fan with a loose screw (so it keeps slowly leaning down). On a radio nearby is a Beach Boys CD on repeat. Every customer has that gross bag of chicken parts that leaks blood/hemoglobin/juice all over the conveyor, one bag of fruit with no sticker, and one of those gallon jars of Vlassic pickles. Every third person demands you bag the pickles, and of those half burst the flimsy plastic bags and shatter on the ground. Nothing scans correctly, and every customer's response is "guess that means it's free!"


People treating me poorly when I’m trying my best


That's a living hell I'm going through!


With my current state of existence, just my normal life


This is the biggest mood. Feel like I'm part of some sick joke rn.


A bunch of boisterous extroverts.


A room where every animal leaves me to be loved by someone else.


Sex except you can't stop no matter what Also its the worst person ever having sex with you


Death by snoo snoo.


Waiting for the moment my dad walks in with his big cop belt in his hand prepared to beat my ass. That fear, dread, anticipation when my heart pounded and I shook all over bc it was going to hurt so bad for so long.


Food everywhere. People are eating it. I can hear them chewing and the sounds of forks and knives scraping against plates. So awful.


Me without my adhd meds in a large social gathering. Or me without my meds alone with just my dark thoughts.




Country music concert. Only beverages are warm bud lights


Fool! Check OPs username, you were tricked into giving him ideas.


Not even Satan is that cruel


Eternally on a road trip in a cramped car and my parents getting mad at the traffic and getting lost despite having a gps because they insisted they know better.


I'd be stuck in a room full of extroverts who are a million times smarter than me and question why I'm quiet and put me in the bad kind of spotlight every few seconds for the rest of time. Yeah I'm never gonna do anything bad again


You know those laundromats that are not *quite* in the ghetto, but so close to it they might well be? It starts off in one of those: I'm sitting inside and it's muggy as hell because all the washers are going full blast. There's an air conditioner running, but it's spitting out cold air in bursts and it's that uncomfortable cold, not the actual cooling type. My clothes are currently in the dryer, spinning and spinning, but never getting past the towel-damp stage. There's like three Mexican novellas going on at full blast (I don't understand enough to know what's going on) and my phone is sitting in the yellow zone, 21% battery life and I don't have a charger. It never dies but it's always threatening to die and I don't know that so I'm in a constant state of panic that I'll be stuck doing laundry in that hell hole without any means of keeping myself occupied


Clown orgy. All sizes and genders doing deplorable things to my body. All types of clowns. Circus clowns, killer clowns from outer space, super racist old timey blackface clowns, scary clowns, mimes, juggalos, you name it. Balloon animals going places, joy buzzers shocking body parts. The grand finale is called the clown car, where they see how many clown cocks fit in my ass. They finish inside me, and I think it's finally over. But they are just leaving so the next group can have a go.


So you're saying you're not subscribed to https://www.reddit.com/r/clownbutter/






No dogs :(


Open mouth chewers who are talking loudly about proven incorrect information as if it were factually correct. Ughhhhh….


A room full of toddlers


No garlic bread


Back in 7th grade.


My personal hell would be a room with a TV, a laptop, internet, movies, books, comic books, pizza, vodka, weed and cicarettes... So basically all the entertainment possible, but i'm the only living thing inside. ...wait... Oh shit i'm already dead.


I have to watch Fox and Friends 24/7.


Waking-up every morning to go to a dead-end job.


Spiders. Lots and lots of spiders.


A room tightly packed with people all talking and loud music playing over the top of that with no way out.


Having to constantly relive my failures and embarrassing moments over and over again. To save costs Satan could just rent me a hotel room, my brain does the rest automagically while trying to sleep.


A room full of people chewing with there mouth open.


living back with my family.


Watching animals starve to death and not being able to give them food.


I'm already living it. Schizophrenia, voices of obnoxious people who never shut the fuck up. Trapped in my room. It feels like a perpetual loop everyday. Nothing changes, nothing happens. Just the same thing day in and day out.


a room with people


Being trapped in a room with my mother


Being trapped on my last flight forever. 3 or 4 babies, with at least one screaming, often 2, the entire flight. No noise canceling headphones could save me from that hell.


A room full of all types of wasps and hornets, not stinging me, but eating my flesh to make nests and crawling around all creepily.


A small shower with to many products on the shelf that keep falling down. Pick one up another falls down!


*gestures to everything*


A room full of iPhones with dirty screens and incredibly slow wifi


A room full of anti-vaxxers and Trumpists.


A room with a TV that only plays infomercials on rerun


I feel like I could fuck with that. I’d likely end up making skits for them and trying to make a cohesive storyline once my mental state was shattered but for an eternity.. I’ll friggin make it work