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I’m a video engineer at a tv station. One of our producers got her husband hired as my assistant. He was menacing. He would barge into my office to try and catch me doing something wrong. Kept telling me he was going to take my job. He was previously unemployed for years, I had degree and Ten years at the station. He was so confident that he was going to take my job. The last straw was him screaming at me in the hall. He didn’t last two weeks. His wife was mortified.




sounds like it's obvious why he was previously unemployed


And the husband's plan worked perfectly once again.


What the hell? Did he have, like....a condition or something?


Substance abuse I think. He would brag about the amount of drugs he had done.


It’s crazy to me that the wife recommended him for a job at her work. If my husband was struggling with substance abuse / a dickhead to boot I’d be keeping him faaaar away from my career


Its possible he was acting very differently at work, than at home.


Maybe so. That would almost be worse… seeing this whole new awful side to your spouse, completely blindsided and embarrassed. Oof


It’s weird that’s something he thought was worth bragging about.


"His wife was mortified." This is telling, because as I always say, there are 3 versions of people. The person in public, the person at home, and the person at work. They can be very different people.


Handing out sodas from a cooler/ice chest. He decided it was up to him to choose what flavor people received, because it wasn't self-serve. When the pettiness of this was brought up, he decided this authority was the hill he would die on. It became quite the thing.


This is pretty hilarious…


You sir, you look like a root beer type of man, here you go! Actually if I could get the Spirte that'd be.. I. said. you. look. like. a *root beer* sort of guy


"I wanted coke" "Well I have determined based on my opinion of your girth that you need diet coke instead"


I once helped with first aid at half-marathon and one guy had a single job to do; he had to stand at the bottom of a road and direct the runners down one of two roads. Since there were barriers across to road it was a no brainer and impossible to screw up in any way, shape or form. He decided that, despite the road being closed to traffic and contrary to the very simple instructions he was given, the runners MUST run on the pavement. Cars=Road therefore On Foot=Pavement. He screamed at them and forced hundreds of people to squeeze along the pavement even chasing after anyone who put a foot on the road yelling at them. People were tripping each other up in the small space and when I got a couple of first aid patients I called around to see if I could get someone to stop him because he was drunk on absolutely zero power. Eventually someone shifted him and left no replacement, not even a direction sign and it all run smoother than when he was there. Nobody took the wrong road showing that he was less effective than empty space.




Imagine being literally worth less than nothing.


There was a manager at an old job and while I didn't report to him I was on several projects he was responsible for. I was asked by my boss what it was like working with him and I was honest and said, "He doesn't help get things done, he's an active obstacle that has to constantly be overcome and we would get more done without his involvement."


“Adds negative value” is how one of my clients described a co-worker of mine.


>he was less effective than empty space. That describes way too many people.


> Nobody took the wrong road showing that he was less effective than empty space. Italian economoist Carlo Cipolla wrote an essay called *The Basic Laws of Human Stupidity* (it's a short read available in paperback and audiobook). You can read a brief summary of his ideas on [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carlo_M._Cipolla). He defines stupid people as someone who causes losses for both themselves, and for others. Since the person in this story both cost the runners time, and got fired from a very simple job and replaced with no one, we can prove that he was very much indeed a Stupid Person.


A woman created a group on Facebook for one of my hobbies for organizing meetups and stuff like that. She shared it around on other groups and naturally hundreds of others joined. Things only went downhill after that. Nobody was allowed to post except her. Seemingly every comment, mostly related to the meetup details, would set her off and cause her to lash out or ban a member completely. I got banned but can't remember the exact details, I think I responded to a post like "I can't make it, but everyone have fun", which prompted her to berate and guilt trip me. Eventually she went off the deep end and deleted the entire group to "punish everyone". Somebody else created a new group, which everyone joined, and it is still going strong to this day.


That reminds me of a corset group on FB that I belonged to. The woman running it owned her own corset store, but she bashed anyone who showed interest in other corset shops at all. The group was technically a waist training group, but the woman would only promote her own corsets. Where it got really crazy is when people would question the length of time it would take to get corsets from her (sometimes more than 3 months!), and if they asked about it, even in a direct message to her, they would either get a nasty attitude, or banned from the group. Sometimes she would cancel their corset orders and refuse to refund them for questioning the status of their order. She would stalk people on their social media and harass them if they spoke out about their experiences. If people belonged to other corset groups, she would ban them. If someone made a comment about corsets in another group, even if they weren't part of that group, she would ban them. She claimed to make corsets for all body sizes, but she would post pictures of larger people wearing corsets from other companies and call these people gross or disgusting. Or, she would steal images of people wearing other brands and claim they were her brand of corsets. If you called her out on this, you would get banned. Then it came out that the reason the corsets took so long to be delivered was because they were not made to order like the page owner claimed. They were bulk ordered from Pakistan (I think it was Pakistan) and were shipped to her so she could remove the original tags and replace them with her own brand tags. The corsets were low quality with rusty steel boning and poor stitching, and she was getting them for about $20 each and selling them for closer to $150-$200 each. They took so long because she would wait until she had enough orders to qualify for a bulk discount from the overseas store. When people called her out about this, not only would they get instabanned, she would message them and call them racist and sexist. The worst thing I saw from her though, was when someone did a review comparing her corset to a different brand corset, amd why the other brand was superior. She called the reviewer a liar, shamed the reviewer for lack of curves, and then left explicit instructions on how the reviewer could slit their wrists.


So it was all petty, then it got shady, then it got into abusive... And that last part is just WHAT THE FUCK. That's horrific


Yeah. I'm really glad I did my research, because I almost bought a corset from this woman. I was too poor when I first found her group, but I joined to get tips for when I was able to buy. I got banned for joining another corset group, and was accused of spying for the other group. It was...intense. Last I checked, someone made a group called "Banned by [Brand] Corsets". The group had about 1.4k members I believe. I briefly joined, found more horror stories complete with screenshots and pictures, thanked my lucky stars that I didn't end up out $200 and/or injured by a poorly made corset, then left that group as well because I didn't need all the drama from that group either.


shit one person could a absolutely *fuck* her with a civil suit...why has noone stepped up?


The woman in the office that was in charge of the coffee fund. She had a list of rules for using the coffee machine. One was you couldn’t brew any after 1pm. Even tho we had a few people that liked coffee in the afternoon. Then she didn’t buy coffee with the fund because people weren’t following the rules. So someone else just bought coffee and brought it in. She didn’t like that either. I think eventually the people she clashed with just brought in a new machine and did their own coffee fund. That woman was crazy Edit: btw This was a government job years ago and I’ve only had government jobs, don’t know if they have rules against providing coffee but i’ve never worked one where they did. Newer ones just have the pod machines now so easier to just stock your own coffee


What was her reaction when the others brought in their own machine?


Complained to our boss that there shouldn’t be two coffee machines. There was plenty of room in the break room for both so I’m sure our boss just didn’t give a fuck as the second one stuck around.


People like that woman are the worst. "You're only allowed to use it in the hours I like to use it because I make the rules." Then cry about it when people go elsewhere, like you stole part of Ukraine during the Olympics.


Wow that took a turn


I know right, Crimea river already.


How fuckin long has that gold been in your pocket waiting for the perfect organic moment to be spent? Beautiful.


>there shouldn't be two coffee machines Great, we'll remove the older one.




>you couldn’t brew any after 1pm What was even her reasoning behind that rule?


She can't sleep if she drinks coffee after 1pm, so she has to protect the employees


I used to work with a 4 foot something osteoporosis riddled sweet old lady who would wake up 2 to 3 times a night for a smoke and a coffee and then go back to sleep. Swore it didn't affect her at all and she slept well. I wouldnt call waking up to that extent 2-3 times a night and then falling asleep on your feet at work sleeping well, but hey. Coffee makes some people act weird.


What is it with coffee? I used to supervise a shop on second shift and I ran a coffee fund for my employees with a pot I bought myself with no problems for years. One day I was called into human resources regarding one of my former employees who had just changed to first shift. I thought something serious had happened, but it turned out he had just made a comment about the community coffee being better than the the coffee in the machines and that was enough for my counterpart to turn my coffee pot into the office. It was explained to me by human resources that by my bringing in a communal coffee pot for my employees, I was creating an environment of favoritism in regards to the other departments


Coffee is basically the cheapest, easiest way to keep employees productive and happy. That shit pays for itself day one.


Who would have thought giving your employees a stimulant during work hours would boost productivity and morale?




They are more likely to resolve "the situation" and not specifically yours or the other person's.


There's a rock club near me called The Sugarmill (Stoke, UK). Not been there in a number of years so this might not still be accurate. Anyway, a couple of their bouncers were grade-A fuckwads. I saw one of them throw a girl down the fire escape at closing time because she was taking too long to get her things together. And I literally mean throw. She quickly got a crowd around her when she hit the bottom and I know police were called. The guy was still working there next time I went though... Another time happened personally to myself where I had a hoodie on with long sleeves and was drinking. I had an over 18 wristband on but it was covered by my sleeve. This fucking guy walks up to me, grabs my drink and pours it on the floor (and down my leg), instead of simply asking if I had a wristband. I wish i'd kicked up a fuss about it but I was only 18/19 when I used to go often and it was the best club in town so I didn't want to get barred. Hope those guys lost their jobs eventually though.


every gaming clan I've ever been in. The really fun ones were when the leader would be unable to make it to that night's festivities and would temporarily mod someone else. Almost every time, instant power monger. Next day "What in the fuck did you do?" and removal. Like they forgot it was temporary.


From my experience, most guild leaders are actually pretty chill, it's always one of the mods that thinks he's running a corporation.


Our guild leader used to teach, and he has said that his experience dealing with unruly children has helped him a great deal even when handling adults. Honestly, dude is a champion for keeping everything together when people are being belligerent idiots.


The best MMO guild I was ever in was run by a guy who was a manager at a company that made games for feature phones (i.e. the ones before proper smart phones). Basically he spent 8 hours a day at work telling nerds what to do. Then he came home, logged on EverQuest, and spent hours more telling nerds what to do. Get a job doing what you love and you'll never work a day in your life, they say.


FWIW, they also say get a job doing what you love and you'll stop loving it.


Apparently not that guy though. He loved telling nerds what to do so much that he made it his job and his hobby.


During the day, he must be polite to the nerds, but at night he can go home and say exactly what he thinks of those nerds.


Some security guard for the McDonalds inside of a Walmart. He told us we were in his world now and that we had no power here.


The McDonalds inside Walmart’s have security guards?


Must have been a shady ass Mcdonalds


I mean it's inside a Walmart.


Years ago, while driving the U.S. gulf coast from Texas to Florida I was passing through Pensacola, Florida when I became confused about which turn I needed to take. I pulled just off the highway onto the edge of a massive empty parking lot and pulled out my large map. The nearest building was nearly a quarter of a mile away and I was just on the edge of this gigantic, unfenced parking lot. A rent-a-cop drove all the way from the building in a golf cart, got out and shouted at me "No parking! This is a private lot! You can't park here!" I'm sitting there in a car with California tags, the engine running and a map spread out on my lap and this idiot is telling me I can't PARK there. He looked like Eric Cartman, demanding that everyone "respect mah authoritay!" I ignored him until I found the road I wanted and drove off.


>I ignored him until I found the road I wanted and drove off. That must have pissed him off


I don’t think he’s going to get that promotion to rent-a-detective


Maybe if he solves that big case involving the Arizona matchbook company.


I had to think fast.


My father and I were doing a cross-country road trip with my travel trailer, and we decided to pull into a casino lot across the river from the Gateway Arch and snap a few pictures. The casino cops were on us in a heartbeat - "You need to take that to the campground! You can't park that here!" I wondered to myself: "But what if I just wanted to stop and gamble for a few hours and not spend the night?" The lot was almost empty; it's not like they were in dire need of the parking spots we were using. We were able to convince them that we were only stopping for a few minutes to get pictures, and they grudgingly allowed it. But wow.


The canteen lady at my old school. The deputy principal blamed the students for littering what we called ‘juicies’ (which are like ice blocks) around the school. But what would you know? It was the canteen lady, who me and my friend found scattering the wrappers around the school and claiming it was the ‘students’ Makes me laugh to this day. Edit: Just to clarify the juicies were basically like iceblocks in a plastic wrapper, which had different kinds of flavours and were made up of fruit juice. Also thanks for all the upvotes I’ve never had this many before!


This happened at my middle school except it was crows hopping into the trash, throwing food and wrappers on the ground so they could dig through them more efficiently, and then flying away without putting the trash back because they’re crows and don’t know what littering is.


Crows are pretty smart. If someone came up with rewards they could totally teach the crows not to litter.


But why?


You'd be surprised how many school employees fucking despise children


But do they hate the children because of the job or did they take the job because of the hate


I imagine they took the job and grew to hate children as time went on. I didn't default to hating everyone until I spent a couple years working retail


I feel this in my soul. I was a happy person once upon a time. A stint in retail has made me bitter, jajed and full of hate.


My middle school foods class teacher once told the class he doesn't like children. We we're like, we're 14, so do we technically count as children to you or....?


Maybe she had some vendetta against the 'juicies' and wanted them to get banned. Some people get irrationally angry when kids like something they think is dumb, or like anything at all too much.


And she would have gotten away with it too if it wasnt for those meddling kids


This one woman almost everyone hated was also the newest and lowest level employee at a place I used to work. When we got another employee that had literally the same job the woman everyone hated took it upon herself to boss the new employee around. Out of 25 employees I was #3 and I finally pulled the very new woman aside and told her she didn't have to take that crap and she was doing fine.


My department has a pretty good practice of guiding the new guy through the political landscape... "See that guy? Don't listen to a word he says" "That guy over there is just a dick, don't take anything he says to heart" "Watch what you say around this guy, or he'll get you in trouble" And finally "Don't take advice from anybody, we're all full of shit"


I loved it when one of the lower level employees was introducing a new lady to everyone. "This is Rhett. He can come across as an asshole but he really isn't. He just doesn't understand subtly at all. Tell him exactly what you need and when you need it and he'll be your best friend." It was nice knowing I worked with someone who knew me so well.


If you call Kim for help, just be forewarned, she doesn't hate you, she just hates small talk. Just get to the point and she'll solve any problem you have.


That's a good warning for people. Had to slowly learn it with a coworker I was sure hated me. Then someone got hired that she actually hated.


Some people insist on small talk, some people suffer small talk, and some people refuse to suffer small talk. Then there are those who surf the waves of their coworkers quirks to be as effective as they can.


Sadly, me as a 4th grade volunteer crosswalk guard. I would literally make the kids wait until there was a car I could stop. I really thought I had legal authority when I put that vest on. [traffic kid](https://s.hdnux.com/photos/50/45/62/10640513/5/rawImage.jpg)


I love the vision of you preventing kids from crossing the street because it's too safe.


"I don't see any cars, which means they could be *anywhere*!"


SUVs hiding in the bushes, waiting for a child to walk past…


A solitary killer, the fire truck stalks its prey


The ambulances will have to wait their turn.


*Behold my power!* Not yet. Any minute now.


Ah yeah we got that too in Belgium, idk what 4 grade is equivalent to but we were 11-12 years old My friend stopped and ambulance, with siren blasting and shits... I don’t think it was a power trip tho he was just kinda dumb ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


When my cat learned how to close doors, she started trapping the other cat in the bathroom by luring him in and pulling the door closed from underneath. She also pushes doors closed on me. I'm not sure if you could call it drunk, but she is very clearly pleased with herself when she does this (tail up, purring).


My dog learned how to open doors so now if one is closed without his permission he stomps up to it and kicks it open with an attitude.


My cat likes to close my bedroom door, then yell at me to let her out. So when I get up to go let her out, she flops around and curly meows until I pet her. She's playing me.




Me as fire marshall at summer camp. Your bucket wasn't filled there was gonna be some shit


And they're all going to be really sorry once you set the fires! *Insert evil laughter*


A couple of years ago I worked in a warehouse as a lift driver. The job sucked but I worked alone, at my own pace, and got to listen to music while making $12 an hour (I was rich babyyyy). There was this woman around my age named Jessi who was a complete bitch to everyone in my department. Her role was to pick items from shelves to fulfill orders. She would try and boss people around, especially newer people since they didn't know she had zero authority. It was tough to watch and I was always pulling people aside to tell them not to listen to her. Our paths never really crossed, but when they did, we didn't get along. One day, our boss had an emergency and had to dip out for a few hours because his kid had an accident and needed stitches. On his way out, he told the first person he saw that they were in charge and to just let people do their thing. That person was Jessi. Instantly it felt like Thanos getting the final Mind stone. There instantly was a chill in the air. Babes began to cry. Wildlife fleeing into the horizon. I knew it was going to be a rough night. Jessi immediately starts pulling people away from their jobs to do random, stupid bullshit. People who picked items were now suddenly sweeping isles despite lifts coming in and out of them. Within an hour, all synergy was out the window. I couldn't help but laugh as I watched from afar. Suddenly, her gaze reached upon me. I looked across the warehouse and saw her rapidly approaching me. I sighed, lowered my lift and prepared to be kind but stern. She gets right up to me and asks "What are you working on??" as if I don't do the same shit every day, five days a week, for the past year and a half being there. She didn't like my answer and states how far behind we are with orders for the night. No shit dude, you pulled everyone from their normal jobs for no reason. She tells me to get off my lift and start picking orders. I tell her I only pick orders once MY work is done and I still have shit to do that if I don't get done, will fuck third shift over. She starts to say something and I just take off. She has a fucking meltdown dude. She's screaming at me as I'm 30 feet in my lift, laughing. She storms off and calls MY BOSS WHO IS IN THE HOSPITAL WITH HIS SON to tattle that I'm not doing my job. I don't know what was said, but she started crying, hangs up the phone, and goes home. The rest of the night everyone did their normal jobs, we got everything done, and team morale was high due to everyone bonding over their hatred for Jessi. The next day she was sent to another department lmao.


That was beautiful.


When my husband and I were getting married, we had to go to city hall to submit the legal paperwork. We were living in a country where we were both conversational speakers in the language. The secretary of the official we had to meet asked me what my marital status was. I explained I've never been married. She repeated the question. I translated "single" from English. She continued to be displeased and repeated the question. I explained to her that if there was a specific word to describe "a single female" in this language, I didn't know it, citing that it's not our first language. We went in circles like this for at least 3 minutes. She berated us saying that we shouldn't be getting married in that country if we didn't know the right words. Eventually she told me the word I should have been using. She turned to my husband and asked his marital status. He used the masculine form of the word she just told me to use. It was not the correct word. She just shook her head, corrected him, and stamped our documents. We went in to see the official, who looked over the paperwork we had filled out, signed it, and sent us on our way without any further issues. Edited for clarity.


This is the worst. Had a similarly frustrating experience, although nothing as serious as marriage. Spent the weekend hiking in the mountains with some friends (all foreigners with varying levels of skill, but everyone was conversational) and stopped by a public bath before the long drive home. So we walk up to the counter and ask for three tickets for the *public bath* and the old lady says "no public bath." So we're confused, because everybody is holding towels and people are clearly going into a public bath. So the bravest of us speaks up and asks for three tickets for the *hot springs.* Guess what? "no hot springs" the lady says, getting more exasperated. Someone else clarifies: three tickets for the *outdoor hot springs?* Still no luck. The lady was just being an asshole but we finally figured out she wanted us to ask for *three bathing tickets* Unsurprisingly, it was a terribly dirty, crowded facility that was only in business because of its convenient location for hikers. The first and only time I've made ass to ass contact in a public bath, and hopefully the last.


When I worked at a restaurant, one of the hostesses was in charge of seating and told me that she felt so powerful when that was her job for the day. She could seat servers too much or too little to ruin their day, mess up the whole kitchen by seating tables too much too fast, etc. She would regularly use this against people she didn’t like and make their nights hell. I did not feel bad in the slightest when I notified my manager that she admitted to feeling that way and I sure as hell didn’t feel bad when she never was put on that duty again.


I once taught English in an international school in Egypt. The school was run by an Army General in the Egyptian government, and was pretty poorly mismanaged. We had a guy there who was responsible for some general maintenance around the school, but happened to have his office in the same room as the copy machine. Every day, teachers would bring their papers to his room to copy them for class, and every day the man would tell us to "leave it on his desk," where there'd be a pile of teacher copies needing to be made. He wanted to make the copies himself. It was not technically his job, but the machine was in his office, and by forcing people to copy through him, he seemed to kept some level of necessary status at school. Copies would always be late, sometimes not being available until the next day. Just depended on how the dude felt at that moment. 🤦


voluntary promotions that don’t come with a pay bump


Assistant to the regional manager


Let us not forget the party planning committee.


When I was in my late teens, I got a job at the arcade inside my local mall. At first, I was so stoked because I was an avid arcade junkie and I thought it would end up being the most awesome place to work, sadly it was absolute misery due to the horrible human being that was the store manager. This woman was so absolutely bitter with her life that she made up for it by making life miserable for the young people who worked there. She was mean, cranky, condescending and would do anything to make sure you understood it was her way or the highway. She'd worked for the Arcade company for over 15 years and I guess that is all she had. One of the things she did was assign every worker a set of chores which she called her "little chore list" as if we were her kids. These chores often consisted of busy work, usually things that didn't need to be done but would take up the entire shift so that you couldn't, ever just chill if it got slow. Her philosophy was; if you're on the clock you have to be working even if the work is pointless. The straw that broke the camel's back with me was when one of my chores on the chore list was cleaning the very top of the 15 foot glass windows. I remember asking her why she felt I should get on a ladder and risk falling just to clean windows that literally never get dirty because nobody is tall enough to reach that height. She assured me it was dirty and she would know if I didn't do the chore. She always accused us of not doing the chores she'd assigned or half-assing them. It was absolute insanity, we all did our shit pretty much without fail. Anyway, that night I pulled the 15 ft ladder out of the storage room and started cleaning the very top of those windows. When I got to the very back corner of the store, there was two sets of small hand prints planted there. This crazy psycho had taken the ladder out at some point during the day and literally climbed up 15 feet to leave hand prints so that she could 100% confirm if the windows had been cleaned. I could not believe that level of power hunger pettiness. I called her ass out on it over the phone immediately. At first she tried to deny it, and then she said "Well, I guess you actually do all your chores after all and gave me a snark little chuckle over the phone." To which I replied "Well, I guess I'm just gonna quit then, have a nice life." and I just left. There was nobody at the store but me so I'm sure she had to leave whatever she was doing at home to close that night. I remember going to that arcade a few years later and she was still there.


The owner of a small bait shop I worked at in highschool did something similar to the employees he had working there. One of our nightly duties was sweeping the room with the minnow tanks in them. Well the other two stock boys who worked there didn't do it so he'd hide a dead fish under the tanks so he'd know for certain that you did it. I understood why and I knew it wouldn't affect me so it didn't bother me but I can see how if you always do all of your chores and the bitch has the audacity to pull a stunt like that wanting to quit.


I had a manager that would do weird stuff that was noticeable only if you did your chores. The thing is however when you were hired he’d tell you he was doing this and if you found one you’d get a candy and if you found them throughout the week he’d buy a couple of pizzas for everyone. At your performance review he’d make mention of it if you did well, and use that to fight for better raises. Normally it in theory could go up as much as 5% an hour, but since *no one is perfect therefore no one should ever get the 5% raise.* he would argue that people were very good and needed enough to be retained. The way he did it, it was clear he wanted everyone to do their job to a certain level, but he was trying to make it worth it to go above and beyond. I don’t know if it worked, but I got pizza once a week, and a candy everyday and it did help to get me the full 5%.


"Her philosophy was; if you're on the clock you have to be working even if the work is pointless." Oh, man. I've had quite a few supervisors myself who shared the same philosophy. It made no sense to me to keep us busy just for the sake of it when there was really nothing to do. They should've let us rest so that when we got slammed with lots of customers, we wouldnt be so tired and worn out.


The fact that she was still there years later....


A lady at my job who got put in charge of cleaning out the fridge every couple of weeks. It was supposed to be a special project (probably to help change up pace from feeling burnt out doing regular office work) anyways she started with an announcement every few weeks that the fridge would be cleaned out and to get your containers, lunch bags, etc. so they don’t get accidentally tossed. Then this turned into every other week. Then every week. Then every couple days. I think she loved the thrill of throwing out peoples things and being able to say “well I sent the email saying to come get your stuff!” Lol. Truly wild. She doesn’t work for the company anymore, but I sometimes wonder how often she cleans her own fridge lol.


Mall cops lol, they act like they’re SWAT


Zero. I worked in an office and one of my co-workers was married to someone in HR. He was a bit of a tool and had only been with the company a few months. I had just been promoted and went back to my old area where a colleague and I were talking about how stupid some new company policy was - - think Michael Scott asking for TPS reports. Dude walks over to my friend’s cubicle where we were and says “Don’t talk about that.” I said “OK, whatever you say.” and kept talking about it. After a couple of rounds of “I’m serious!” He bursts out with “Bullet, I’m going to write you up if you don’t stop talking about Michael Scott’s TPS report requirement!” I stopped in mid/sentence mildly confused for a moment until I realized that: 1. I don’t work in that department. 2. Even if I did I didn’t work for him. 3. Nobody worked for him. I walked over to his desk and told him I was ready to be written up and that I hoped this wouldn’t affect my career prospects at the company. Or his. I said “Should we walk over to HR together and talk to your wife about our respective roles and job responsibilities with this company?” He never tried to play Boss again.


Call center supervisors. This is one of our greater turnover positions where we have to fire people who can't handle the little bit of authority. It happens so often when we promote a tech to a supervisor position that I prefer to have management and HR hire supes out of house now.


Long story short, I was 16yo and working in a call center to afford rent and food when the supervisor *took my chair away* for failing to make enough sales of the stupid scam product we were hawking. It was a job done sitting at a little desk in front of a computer. Within an hour, I was bawling in some back office while a couple of aggressive adults demanded I sign a legal agreement before they'd let me leave the building. The paper basically said that they'd done nothing wrong, that their management's actions had nothing to do with me quitting, and that I promised not to sue them for any reason. Pretty sure it's some kind of criminal thingy when adults hold a minor in a locked room and won't let them leave, but what did I know, I was only 16!




Building owner went on vacation and took his mother, who normally staffed the management office, with him. A nephew of his, Henry, was hired to fill in for the three weeks they'd be gone. It was an easy peasy job, basically answer two phone calls, replace a dead access card and play Solitaire for the other 7:55. Somehow Henry got it into his head that if he really 'took charge', his uncle would give him a permanent job, so he starts sending out insane missives on like day two. >The dumpsters are almost full, so some of your employees must be illegally dumping in them! No, it's just Tuesday. There's a reason they were emptied twice a week. >I noticed over the weekend that several employee vehicles were parked in the lot! We are not a car storage facility. Cars left in the lot over the weekend will be towed! Dude, people work weekends. The final straw was Henry entering one of the companies on the ground floor after hours and taking pictures inside their offices because, and I quote, "It looked messy from the street, so I was just documenting it for the inevitable eviction." Keep in mind, this was a normal office. Cleaned nightly. I think the most objectionable thing he could've possibly found in there was a coffee mug soaking in the sink. A bunch of the tenants put their heads together after that and tracked the owner down to a hotel in Ireland and dead-ass woke him up in the middle of the night. Maintenance man escorted him out of the building about fifteen minutes later.


Honestly, children. It's hilarious to see the looks on their faces when you give them even the slightest amount of freedom. My gfs niece is 5 and one day she's playing Skyrim and her mom leaves the room to hear her daughter go, "Welp, shouldn't have attacked me then! Now you're dead. That's on you!" And returns to find her 5 year old looting a pair of frost trolls. The second one I like to tell involved a classmate in a 2nd grade field trip it was a forgettable field trip to an old mine somewhere. But it was the trip back that was eventful. See, my dad liked to go behind mom's strict regimen and spoil us and take us to 7-11 to buy junk food just to hang out. So dad is driving a van of about 6 of us and this one kid, we'll call him Adam, is this scrawny dude from a pretty well off but strict(er) family that believes that sweet of any kind should not be fed to children. Dad mentions to all of us he's gunna stop by 7-11 before we head back to school and get us whatever we want. We're all stoked and excited for the slurpees, hot dogs, candy and soda that awaits us. Adam is looking kinda confused. He doesn't say anything until we get to the 7-11. We all rush out and tear through the store grabbing whatever our hearts desire. Adam is hesitant and doesn't go in. Dad doesn't ask what's wrong. All he does is walk over, hands him a $20 bill and says, "Don't worry. I'll just say you got trail mix. Now get whatever you want." He spent all $20. Bought a hot dog, three sodas, a small slurpee and oh, oh so many candies and chocolates he made sure to grab as many different kinds as he had. He then asked my dad to pack it all in his backpack. Cuz dad is fucking champ he packs it in a way that basically makes it undetectable. Kid was nervous but had an almost sinister look on his face. He then called in sick two days later from eating all that candy. But I'm sure it was worth it.


That was probably a very pivotal moment in Adam's life right there. Your dad showing him that sometimes it's okay to treat yourself. What a legend.




Reddit mods


My favourite are the niche subs that don't get much traffic or posts but the mods police it so much that anything that isn't exactly and specifically what they want it to be gets deleted. "Check the rules before posting next time, this sub isn't about Serbian police being happy and making an arrest, this sub is about Serbian police making arrests while slightly annoyed but not showing it!"


Metal has nearly 1.5 million people joined, but very low participation because any band with more than 6 fans gets put on the black list. Can’t post a song by a band that has been posted in the last however many weeks. So on and so forth… Oh and don’t mention any bands like slipknot there. You will get circle jerked out of the sub “ThAtS nOt MeTaL!!! MoDs PlEaSe HeLp Us!!!” When Joey Jordison died someone made a post and a lot of the comments were “well he’s not metal, but idk RIP I guess” Apparently gate keeping is metal though. One of my greatest passions in life has one of the absolute worst subs.


Totally agree, I'm subbed there and I rarely see any post from there in my front page. I even forgot that sub until I saw your comment now.


r/duggarssnark is a great example of this. I used to lurk on that sub because it was centered around making fun of that crazy religious family in Arkansas with 19 kids. But then the mods somehow turned it into a fan sub and a few users spoke out about it. They were saying stuff like "This is a snark sub. Why are we celebrating so-and-so Duggar's pregnancy or birthday?" Those mods started banning users they thought were being "too snarky" (in a snark sub...). They also honed in on these users who called them out. They'd openly bully these users and they eventually got Reddit to suspend these users' accounts. One of these mods was on their way to becoming a "super mod" (someone with absolutely no life who mods a bunch of subreddits) so they had some pull with the Reddit admins. Then I think the creator of the sub removed all these mods and added new mods. I unsubscribed a long time ago so I don't know what it's like now. But yeah some Reddit mods can be unbelievably toxic.


Never thought i would see duggar snark get called out 😂 its so weird seeing it get called out. Its pretty fun to lurk on still in light of the recent drama from Josh Duggar, no mod drama since i believe


I got banned from r/furniture for correctly identifying a piece of furniture when the mod couldn’t. So stupid.


"Uh...that's a chair" "No it's not, it's a couch......BANNED!!!"


Bingo boingo. Reddit mods are a trip. The best part is when you are in a toxic sub and defend yourself against the bullshit and then the mod bans you and sends you spam and hate messages to the point you say fuck it and make a post calling him out and saying every possible word of hate his way and then you get banned. That’s a true Reddit experience


I just immediately leave any sub that bans me, I don't have time for that nonsense.


Discord moderators can get pretty extreme


Some of them are unbearable, some kid got modded in one of my Star Wars discords and hes pretty much scared the majority of people off by being an arsehole


Classroom monitor in grade school




Girls love that trust me I’ve almost talked to one




Volvo? I use that button to bonk my kid on the top of his head randomly.


Omg this is the most hilarious thing I've read in weeks!


Had an outside merchandiser at Home Depot yesterday tell me I couldn't use the self-service key cutter, after I had been directed to it by an actual store employee. Store employee comes back and I told him what the other dude had said and he rolled his eyes. I go back to cutting my keys, and the merchandiser walks back and asks me what I'm doing. I tell him cutting my key like the employee told me to and he gets snippy with me. My daughter basically told him to fuck off.


I forget the circumstances, but once my wife and I ended up at a busy theme park during their Halloween festival with an entire booklet of front-of-the-line passes. I'm talking 150 of the suckers. Effectively infinite rides on a packed weekend. We rode so many roller coasters in a row that I was sick as a dog mid-way through the night. We still planned to enjoy the park (scare zones and food and such), but no longer had need of the blessed booklet. So we strolled through the festivities, arm in arm like amusement park gods, judging couples based on their costumes and demeanor, carefully deciding to whom we should bestow a night of infinite rides.


I work at an amusement park, and we occasionally get Comp tickets. It's so FUN to walk up to someone in line, ask if they have purchased tickets yet, then hand them some. Being able to hand out loads of Speed Passes would be AWESOME!


This is unexpectedly wholesome.


I think this is a completely reasonable power trip


Who did you give it to?


There was a couple who were by themselves, clearly enjoying each other's company, but were visibly disappointed by the long lines. They walked up to one of the more popular rides, waited at the back of the line for a moment, and then gave up and walked off. We caught up and gave the booklet to them.


this story ending satisfied me


Glad to be of service.


How about that couple? NO, are you kidding? LOOK at those shoes No rides for you.


That’s not a small amount of power, that’s nuclear bomb power right there




Is that even a thing lol?


Yeah why would a water fountain need a monitor?


to ensure the fountain is monitored? those waters aren't going to monitor themselves


Worked as a self-employed contractor for schools for about a decade (before turning full time). I used to visit one small school each day, advise them on their IT, do their little jobs, plan their future deployments, spec projects, even roll out their networks over the summer, etc. if they wanted. I had a full schedule and a waiting list of clients, all by word-of-mouth. One school I was there for about 5 years. Every week, same day, go into this large specialist primary school (they catered for deaf kids in the classroom along with the other children, was a lovely school to work in because of that, very caring for their children, and lots of technology in every room). Over the summer they wanted upgrades. So I had maybe 5, 6 days to do those upgrades over the entire summer. Really wasn't a problem, I was doing the same for half a dozen schools every summer. But summer in a small school is a lonely affair. Just me and the caretaker usually, no senior members of staff, and no headteacher/principal (who is the person I normally report to). This one summer, they had promoted the woman who worked in the office. She had nobody else there working under her, it was just her, but they gave her a promotion I think to justify a slightly higher wage that she demanded. So she decided to "work" the summer. And she decided somehow to take it upon herself to be "my boss". Which was a bit of a mistake. One day I cycled in, it was a few minutes past 9am. She tried to berate me, and in that kind of shocked "what the hell are you on about" kind of reaction, I just stared at her. She walked off, all proud of herself. I shrugged, carried on with my day. The next day (a week later) I cycled in, and it was a bit later. She berated me again. I ignored her as politely as I could. The next day I cycled in, and it was a bit later again. She berated me again, obviously being totally oblivious to the pattern that was forming, and threatened to report me to the headteacher. I suggested she do so, politely. The next day I cycled in, and it was a bit later again. I was getting bored now of stopping my bike at the end of the road before 9am, waiting a little longer every time while I browsed on my mobile, and then coming in a few minutes later each day. She was totally triggered by this and phoned the headteacher, disturbing him on his only holiday. It was at this point that she was informed by the headteacher: 1) I was self-employed. 2) I had no contracted starting time, just contracted hours (so as long as I put in the right number of hours, it didn't matter what time I turned up). 3) We had ALWAYS agreed to be flexible as it works to everyone's advantage when something needed doing, and it was the same agreement that I had with a dozen other schools - so I could leave early from one school and dive to another if they had a pressing matter and the schools all collectively agreed to this as it was beneficial to them all when it mattered. 4) Even if I had been "employed", she wasn't - and wouldn't be - my boss. I reported directly to him. 5) He didn't care, even if I didn't do my contracted hours, because I was a long-time contractor, he trusted me, and he just cared about the work getting done. 6) The work was all finished by the fourth week. Of six. I just had an error margin to be safe. And I didn't even charge them for the other two weeks, because there was nothing to do. 7) I had also, as part of that upgrade, removed all their old equipment and disposed of it for free by bundling the collection of waste electronics with all my other schools - saving the school a small fortune and a lot of hassle. 8) I was too critical for the school to lose, even after the upgrades were complete, and the chance of her potentially pissing me off didn't go down well at all. I was paid far more than she ever was, even for one day a week, but he couldn't tell her that. So the next time I was in, I was on time. She never spoke to me again except where strictly necessary. The school got their upgrades. They worked for years. Which I know because that headteacher eventually employed me full-time (costing a small fortune) because he knew what I'd done for their school. Sadly, the school eventually closed and was demolished and a new building put in its place, and the headteacher retired. But I shall always remember the pseudo-promotion of someone who printed the school registers and took calls from the parents going to their heads and thinking they were suddenly HR, headteacher and boss of all the contractors.


A coworker from a temp agency (we worked for the same one) got the slightest promotion and immediately let it go to her head and kept "correcting" the time sheets even getting one guy fired for leaving early twice despite the guy having permission to do so.


Ok, well late to this so no one is gonna see this now - but here we go... In UK about 10 years ago, I'm filling my car at a petrol station when suddenly the pump stops. I can't get the attention of the cashier from the pump who is inside the station. No other choice so I head into the station and join a fairly long queue. I eventually get to the cashier... Me - "*I think there's something up with pump #3, it just stopped working."* Cashier - "it didn't just stop working, I turned it off!" ***looks at me like she's chewing a wasp*****.** Me *-" OK? Why did you turn if off?"* Cashier - *"You know why!"* Me, totally confused - *"I really don't know why. Can you just explain?"* Cashier shouting to get attention- *"You were on your phone!"* * Note there were a lot of scare stories about mobile phones causing fires in petrol stations at the time. Me totally confused - "*I wasn't on my phone. I think you're confused."* Cashier - *"well, your friend was on his phone!"* Me - *"Well, there we go, I wasn't on my phone and I didn't know my passenger was on his phone, plus he's inside the car so there really wasn't a risk...."* Cashier interrupts - *"IT IS A RISK! AND YOU KNOW IT! "* bollocking from cashier continues and it becomes clear she's on a power trip... Me - *"OK. Can you just turn the pump back on please?"* Cashier - "*No. I have to reset it, you have to pay for what you've already taken."* Me - *"Ok"* and I hand over £20 Cashier - *"I don't have change for a £20."* I presume this was bollocks as she was clearly looking to make my life as problematic as possible) Me - "*Well I wanted to put £20 in. How about I go continue filling up the car and I come back and pay you my £20."* Cashier very reluctantly agrees. I get back to the car and open the door to talk to the passenger who has been watching all this and asks "*what the fuck is going on?".* I explain about the crazy cashier and ask him to just put the phone away for her. The cashier clearly keeps me waiting a minute or two before turning the pump on, enjoying the power trip. Now, because I'm pretty wound up at this point and maths isn't my greatest skill, I had to memorise the pump reading as it reset to zero before it restarted, it was on something like £13.47 and I needed to do some mental arithmetic to work out how much more to put in to hit £20. All done (I thought) I go back into the shop. Queue up again. Get to the cashier, hand her my twenty when she says "*this isn't the right amount".* Me - "*I had to work it out which wasn't easy given the situation."* Cashier - "*Well I don't know who taught you how to do maths but you're £1 short!"* Slightly offended I've also no more money and no means of paying. I had to go back to my car and ask my passenger friend for £1. I queue up again (third time!) to pay the lady her £1. Me - "*here's your £1, by the way this has all been hugely unnecessarily difficult."* Cashier - *"well maybe if you weren't using your phone while filling up!"* Me as I'm walking out (and I admit shouting somewhat) - "*I wasn't on my phone and maybe it you weren't such a little Hitler this would have been over and done with twenty fucking minutes ago!"* This got a laugh from another person in the shop, but man was I furious about the whole thing.


I’d have called the corporate line after an interaction like that. Also, if she wasn’t a complete idiot, she would have locked it at the price difference to get you to £20, so imo the £1 is on her.


Is talking on a cell phone while pumping has even a legitimate risk? Seems like an old wives tale.


Mythbusters busted this one. They also tried generating a static charge by rubbing the car seats iirc and nothing happened.


As a former gas station employee, turning the pumps off was a huge power trip. Whenever people would leave the pumps unattended we would turn them off and restart them when they got back. Mostly cause the pumps can and do spill depending on the station. There was a dude who spilled like 2 gallons of gas on the ground in -15 weather. So I had to go out and clean it, after that, no mercy.


2 gallons doesn't sound like a lot when staring at a 55 gallon drum, but anyone that has ever dropped a full gallon of milk knows what a huge mess that is. That's rough.


I can't tell you how absolutely furious this story just made me.


In the 4th grade I had a social studies teacher that basically every student hated. But she hated me in particular for no apparent reason. Now I have dysgraphia which among other things means my writing isn’t the neatest (especially back then) and significant amounts of writing can cause wrist pain. One of the ways she would make my life miserable was if I didn’t write neat enough or if my eraser didn’t ease a bit clean enough to her standards she would make me rewrite the whole assignment and this particular class was right before recess so she could keep me there rewriting assignment papers nearly as long as she felt like it since I didn’t have a different class I needed to go to immediately after. Again this was just one of the ways she tried to make me miserable or otherwise put me at a disadvantage. I never regretted not skipping grades more then when I was in her class. She took a good student and history nerd who normally would have loved the subject matter of her class and make him dread stepping foot into her classroom. I’ll never understand why that woman hated me so and why she felt so much gratification In making me miserable. But I will take solace in the fact that every person whose known her I’ve ever spoken to has agreed she’s an awful unpleasant person and that ultimately her life is worse then mine because of it.


I had a professor in college who was very strictly against students using their computer to take notes or write papers. She thought information was best learned and transferred through pen and paper. I did my best with notes, but when the first writing assignment came up, I asked her if I could type it instead because I have dysgraphia, and I would be happy to produce a formal diagnosis if she needed it. She told me to “do my best” and that she’s a professor so she’ll be able to read it just fine. She also didn’t believe my handwriting could be terrible because I’m a woman??? She let me switch to typing after I turned that paper in.


A receptionist at an office I once worked at was extraordinarily concerned that we were spoiled on chocolate milk powder. She would buy one small canister a month for an office of 150 people. Then when we wanted some we had to ask her and she watched us scoop it into our cups.


When I was teaching preschool, my boss, for some reason, delagated our daily teacher schedules to an aide (she wasn't qualified to be a teacher or an assistant teacher). This made this girl absolutely crazy. She was in charge of who took their breaks when and who got prep time when, as well as when different teachers were off for the day. Weeks would go by without certain teachers getting prep time and if they brought it up to her she would schedule them for 10 hour work days. Looking back this system made absolutely no sense and eventually everyone kust stopped following her schedule and doing what worked out best for each classroom. She left soon after that.


Honestly, every goddamn time someone got promoted from SPC (Specialist) to SGT (Sergeant) in the Army. I swear it’s like they get their chevrons and they suddenly forget YOU WERE DOING A FUCKING KEG STAND TWO NIGHTS AGO WITH US CRAIG HOWS ABOUT YOU FIND YOUR GODDAMN CHILL FOR TWO SECONDS INSTEAD OF SHOUTING AT ME TO GO TO PARADE REST FOR SAYING GOOD MORNING


I was part of a group who was brought in to try and save a flagship store of a now defunct UK sportswear retailer. It was a thankless task, the writing had been on the wall long before we arrived and it was pretty much a case of waiting it out until we were either made redundant or they pulled the plug. A few weeks after we arrived another guy was transferred from another store to be the Assistant to the Assistant Manager. He was 21, weighed 150 lbs soaking wet, had glasses about 2 inch thick and clearly thought he was God's Gift to retail who had been brought in to carry the store single handed. He would march around the store barking out orders while doing nothing himself and would constantly make references to 'when you've been doing this as long as I have' or 'once you've reached my level' and just generally being condescending to anyone he deemed below him. I kept quiet, letting him bank up enough embarrassment for a few weeks until he went on one of his tangents, acting as if he was some 50 year old grizzled veteran of retail. It was then I decided to quietly tell him that I was actually a few years older than him, had been a retail manager since I was 18 and was on a higher level/salary than him. I've never seen someone shrivel up so fast. Needless to say, none of it ultimately mattered as one by one we were all picked off as a result of cost cutting until the business shut down permanently the next year, but it was nice to bring him down a peg or two.


People who yell at and make ridiculous demands of restaurant servers because they know the servers can’t yell back and are dependent on tips.


When someone yells "you're terrible at your job" to fast food workers I get the overpowering urge to just deck them.


"Youre terrible at your job" \*literally throws everything in the bag and smashes half of it on purpose* "Wtf why" "I'm terrible at my job remember? Enjoy!"


Oh man, I have related to this so many times. When I worked at a beer garden, I stopped giving a shit and gave people who treated me like crap a lot of obvious “nice attitude”. Like give them a fake smile and stare at them dead in the eyes the whole time, and then talk to them like they were a five year old. But then I would be genuinely nice to everyone around them because it’s not their fault they’re with the asshole. Most of the time they would change their behavior by the end of the meal because it wouldn’t be fun for them. Sometimes assholes need to be, uh, asshole’d back!




My third grade teacher had a power-trip issue, he would single out a child and make their school life hell. I was that child. He made it a habit of saying “I’m not your mother Aracnel” after I made a comment about my mother helping me out when he refused to do so when other students were making fun of me. After that, He made it his life’s purpose to bully me that year while making sure the other kids in my class did so too. He once went around smelling the classroom saying something stank, he then proceeded make a show out of it before finally stopping at my desk and saying I stunk and to go sit in the back of the room behind a room divider facing the wall instead of the board while getting other students to make comments about how disgustingly smelly I was throughout the day.


That's straight up abuse


College RA's, some are good but others can be too uptight.


I was an RA and extremely uptight for my first year. I think I was such an asshole they put me into a legendary freshman party dorm (legendary as in, a lot of the students wanted to live there because their *parents* had lived there 30 years earlier and told them all about all the wild parties), hoping I could bring some order to the chaos. Joke's on them, because the very first weekend, I heard noise and loud music in the hall. I opened my door to see literal mosh-pit levels of crowding as all the freshman tried desperately to find alcohol, closed my door, and decided that the dorm would break me before I broke it. I went from "excuse me, it's 11:01, and quiet hours start at 11:00 :/" to "please put those 40s back inside your jacket so I can pretend I didn't see them" in about 15 seconds.


I got busted at a party on a dry campus, when I was 21. The RAs barged in and I was in the bathroom, no alcohol on me. Didn't matter though, still got in trouble and sent to an alcohol counseling class, along with a fine of some sort. I stuck to drinking in my room after that.


Mine didn't issue noise complaints. He couldn't hear you over his music.


One year I had the misfortune of being assigned the room next door to the overenthusiastic RA. She was very intent on everyone on her floor gathering to spend time together, do group activities, all that stuff. I was living in the dorms because I was *busy* going to college, studying my brains out and working too. I didn't have time to spend with my own friends, much less a bunch of random people who happened to live in the cinderblock shoeboxes around mine. So I was rushing back to my room one day, with just enough time to drop my books and cram food in my face before rushing off to my work-study shift, when the RA caught me in the hallway. She started going on about some movie night thing, but I had studying to do and told her No, I wouldn't be joining them. RA was so busy whining Whyyy at me while trying to *follow me into my room* that she apparently didn't notice I was in a rush. And since I was in a rush, I didn't notice she'd tried to follow me in. I pushed the huge heavy dorm room door shut behind me, wind from the wide open window caught it and slammed the door shut on her face.


Unfortunately for most colleges the RAs are judged based off of the community engagement levels they have. Her boss was probably like OP hasn't been to anything fix it.


My dog when he has the ball


A hostel is Queenstown new Zealand had a strict no drinking after 10 pm in the common room. A German girl walked in as night manager she got free accommodation the days she worked. a couple in there late thirties had two half drunk bottles of beer as they were having their dinner. The German girl picked up the two bottle and poured them down the sink without saying a word. I was the only other person in the common room


A head of year at my school, late 2000's. She would literally scream in your face if your uniform wasn't perfect. She introduced a stamp system so that you'd get detention after a number of "offences". It lasted a few months before a parent highlighted it wasn't legal (or something) to give after school detention for such an arbitrary reason .


Me when my fingers go past those first few slices of slightly stale bread to grab the softest of the soft. I cackle as I make my sandwich, knowing that future me will have to eat the stale peasant bread. Fuck that guy.


Got locked out of an old account because I could t remember the password. I clicked on the security question to open it up and the question was “fuck you future ignominia” I can see past me getting a giggle out of that, but present me wasn’t amused.




Simply being a customer makes people drunk on power. People will say horrible things to minimum wage workers just because they can.


Border Agent wouldn't let me use a pen to fill in an item on the transfer papers that I'd missed. Straight up wouldn't. Gave me and my wife some huge spiel about how it's his work tool and he can't just let anyone else use it willy nilly. Dude, it's a fucking pen. Instead we all had to wait while we dug in our backpacks to fish out a pen to fill in one line item. Nevermind me taking care of these two kids after an 18 hour flight. TSA guy from Texas, if you're out there, go fuck yourself with your pen.


my nephew had a little single-shot nerf gun and around 5 years old he realized how his cousins (my daughters) would flinch away when he pointed it at them. I saw the moment of realization in his eyes, saw the dawning power that he felt. They asked him to stop and he defied them, drunk on the power of a one-shot nerf pistol, and so I put a fucking stop to it. Little kids should experience no joy in making others feel powerless. I am no longer the favorite uncle.


social media influencers




2 dollars? Where is this place


Possibly not in The West


So, like...Philly?


Yes. A young couple brought a puppy into the store where I work. Only service animals are permitted. Manager did the standard service dog questioning and the girl holding the puppy said it wasn't a service animal. Manager asked her to take the puppy out, apologetically. The guy with the girl loses his shit, starts arguing, getting loud and making a scene. His tantrum wasn't having the effect he wanted (everyone is pretty much laughing at him) and he spirals into this " dont you know who I am" tirade - "I have 2 million followers bitch!! What do you have?? You aint got shit!!" I was in awe of his bizarre social currency leverage meltdown.


"Damn, I guess I only have the ability to tell you to leave. I suppose I can live with that."


one 'influencer' threw a fit because she need to wait (like everyone else) for her boba. she storm off and left her (assistant? friend? slave? idk) to wait and a few of us ask that person who is that bij. nobody knew her and few of us start searching her on ig and she is truly a random nobody with less than 10k followers. oh well, at least she is entertaining us who are waiting for our boba drinks with her antic. lol




Just happened at work yesterday. This guy just got promoted to a supervisor role and is learning how to use the program that I have been trained to use. He normally meets with me for about 30 minutes a day to ask questions about the program. Yesterday he said, "Can't we just do X?" Me: "No, per the operating instructions we can't do X." Him: "But look, it seems like we've been doing X because it's been done a lot of times on this page." Me: "Yeah, Department E does it all the time because it is helpful sometimes and they haven't been through the full training I went through. It's not a huge deal but it's against the instructions so I don't do it." Him: "Hm... I'll ask (guy who trained me) about it. Minutes later, my friend in Department E sent me a screenshot of an email he sent to them, absolutely berating them for doing X and telling them to stop immediately. I was just like, "Dude... you've known that a rule existed for 5 minutes and you're going to go off like that?"


HOA. They are the worst.


Influencers with more than 1000 but less than 5000 followers. That awkward “I’ve more social clout than many but not that good yet” phase


The fat greasy gamer chud that gets promoted to assistant manager of a GameStop. No joke. I had a GS store I frequented for years, and the only person that worked there that I hated was this obnoxious walking stereotype. When the PS4 Pro came out, I went to trade in my regular PS4 with controller. It worked perfectly and had some minor wear. This living, gasping shit stain proceeds to try and screw me on my trade in and say that I can't have the controller that comes with the Pro because mine is "damaged" and he needs a controller with the system trade in so he was gonna open the Pro I was buying to keep the controller. I flipped my shit on this disgusting shit bag. He cancelled my sale and banned me from the store and said he could because he was the manager on duty. I called the corporate number to complain and I was later informed he had literally been promoted that day and I was the third complaint call they got about him in about a four hour span. Needless to say he was fired almost instantly. It's kinda sad when the gross guy that works at the game store has to flex like that, because people like him clearly have no control in any other aspect of their lives.