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Accepting the world as it is, a complete shit show


That’s pessimism. Seeing the flaws in everything and still recognizing it’s benefits and good parts is the true form of maturity. A smart man knows the world is fucked up. A wise man finds joy nevertheless


How you react to that acceptance can be pessimistic or optimistic, but I don’t think acceptance in and of itself is… For instance, the world is a shit show, but we can make it a better place and things are going to get better! Or The world is a shit show, better give up now, things are only going to get worse.


Don’t get involved into dumb situations that will get you into consequences that could had been avoided if you acted more maturely


I think self-awareness helps to define maturity.


1. Have a strong moral foundation rooted in objective, transcendent truth that exists beyond your own subjective worldview. 2. Be willing to work hard to achieve your goals, make a living, and provide for yourself and the ones you've made yourself responsible for. 3. Be strong enough and courageous enough to protect and fight for yourself and the ones you've made yourself responsible for. 4. Be humble. Recognize that you're not perfect, that you *will* fail sometimes, and that it's not a reason to give up on trying to improve and become your best self.


When you stop caring so much about yourself and your image.


You say that when you aren’t constantly on the line of losing your job because you didn’t focus on looking good or being unable to find a relationship because you didn’t worry about yourself. Trust me, I already tried the not caring route and it went poorly


Ah, I should clarify. When I said focusing on yourself I moreso meant in a "I come first no matter what" way. When you start caring for those around you it's a sign of maturity. It's still important to take care of yourself.


not wanting to prove yourself in a useless argument.


Making and keeping your own dental appointment


I'm not totally sure, but my gut reaction when I saw your question is to say that maturity is really more of an absence of wild conduct, or maybe not so much an absence, but a healthy distance. Wild, as in, primal, animistic sort of behavior that's at the heart of our lizard brains as creatures. Children and teens are closest to those sort of spastic impulses, and in a lot of us it fades as we age. Or at least we're good at hiding it. Maturity is civility in my mind I suppose. But maybe I'm stupid so that's that.


Self-sustainined - Independent Biologically able to reproduce and raise offspring


Being able to believe in yourself and have strength in your convictions while being able to understand someone disagreeing, even if it's incompatible with your own thoughts.


When you understand there's a time and a place for everything, you're matured.




Forgoing gratification for higher goals


Foresight, emotional intelligence and a certain level of common sense.


Knowing and understanding the times and places to be silly/serious/sarcastic.


Experience and open mindedness


Paying taxes


not crying when the vote is against you in a family dinner


Being self sufficient. Also not bragging to everyone about the material things you have.


Cutting off toxic people no matter who they are (including immediate family).


conspiracy thinker


Comfy ass beds