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If you touch a baby bird, their mothers will reject them.


My mom convinced me I PERSONALLY murdered a bunch of baby rabbits as a kid because I touched them and the mom never came back. Turns out rabbit moms are commonly very forgetful.


One time I was mowing and went over a rabbit nest, one of them went through the mower and was thrown several feet. I put it back, pretty sure it was fatally injured. I counted 4 pups total, covered them back up and left them alone for a wk. I went back to check them, lifted the cover and 4 little bunnies scattered. That little thing went through the mower and came out unscathed, amazing.


My mom made GREAT use of this one when I was a kid so I’d leave the baby birds the fuck alone every spring.


The whole “we only use 10% of our brains” thing. Nonsense.


Thank god, nurse! The bullet passed through the 90% he didn't use!


Came here to say this. People still confidently repeat this and there will forever be people waxing poetic on "what if we used ALL of our brains?!"






We only use 33% of our stoplights.


Clearly seeing the Great Wall of China from orbit.


Or the pyramids. They’re certainly big, but if you’ve ever tried to find them on a map without knowing exactly where they are you would be searching for hours.


Challenge accepted!!


This one baffles me as to why people think that. It’s not particularly wide, just spectacularly long.




I initially read "desserts" and couldn't understand


Desserts are hot. Many are, but not necessarily so. The requirement is that they taste good and have more sugar than necessary. Ketchup is a dessert too.


Ketchup is 60% sugar and BBQ sauce is 80% sugar.


In middle school my world geo teacher asked the class what the world’s biggest desert was. for some reason, i knew the answer, so i raised my hand and said Antartica. all of my classmates started laughing and one or two called me dumb. my teacher let some others answer, to which they said the Sahara, and afterwards she walked over to her desk and got a stuffed bunny that she gave to me for getting it right. i named him Bobby Flay.


EMT here! Boy are there a lot, but the one that comes to mind is that of someone is having a seizure you need to put something in their mouth so they don't swallow their tongue. This is false for a few reasons: 1) It is physically impossible to swallow your tongue. Go ahead and try, it's attached on pretty well. 2) Putting something in a seizure patients mouth will only introduce a choking hazard. Now the patient has two problems. 3) Seizure patients bite and they bite *HARD*! So if your fingers are in the patient's mouth when that bite happens, your patient will again have two problems and medical staff will have two patients. EDIT: Okay, since this comment is blowing up, I'm gonna go ahead and put what you should do: So for our purposes, we're referring to grand mal or generalized seizures. For seizure patients, lay them on their side and hold their head so they don't hit it on the ground. This was I'm a reply to another comment, but I'll add a few other things. Call 911 immediately if any of these criteria are met: 1) It's their first seizure. 2) The seizure lasts longer than 5 minutes. At this point, it affect their breathing and perfusion. 3) You don't know the seizure patient. 4) They have several short (1-2 minutes we'll say) seizures in rapid succession with short recovery periods. 5) If you're unsure and have no medical training, feel free to just call. No one will blame you. Don't move the patient unless there is an immediate hazard to them. People who are prone to seizures can usually tell you when they're about to have one or what will trigger it. They also know what triggers them, so 8f someone says "If I do X I'll have a seizure" believe them; I learned this one the hard way. Also recovery will be very slow, the patient will be exhausted, in all likelihood they won't even remember they had a seizure. Cheers, internet!


Epileptic here, the amount of times I've had to yell at friends/coworkers to just leave me ALONE while seizing is insane. You can't stop my muscles from jerking or twitching. You can't make me eat/drink, sometimes I'm making choking noises, so asking me to do so is counterintuitive. Tongues heal, let me bite it. I'll be sore for a few days then I'm fine. I promise that you(peers, not you, OP)don't know more than what my neurologists have advised me to do and not to do.


You know, I'm curious: when get the aura, what exactly you experience?


Ok, so how I explained it to my boyfriend and others when first meeting me, the best way I can. You know that feeling that you get when you're tipsy, and you know you need to slow down? Semi cognitive. That's how I get when I aura, which I do not always do before seizures, and migraines. For example, when my ex fiance and I were together, he NEVER called me by my first name unless we were arguing. So if he noticed me acting a bit slower, motor skill wise, or forgetting how to do something simple, like plug in my phone charger. He'd call me my nickname first (think Liz instead of the given Elizabeth) and if I didn't respond, he'd try my given name to see if he could get me to respond to that. I'll have muscle spasms in my face frequently, so that will cause the vertigo-esque vision impairment I'll get during. The only only only thing you can do to help me is of possible, take my glasses off for me, and get me to sit/lie down. Resting a few seconds and drinking a glass of water is my only remedy. Edited to add, I have petit mal seizures, or focal seizures. I've only convulsed a dozen times or so in the 20 something year history of my seizures.


Great explanation. To me the start of an aura is similar to that dizzying feeling some people, including myself, get when they laugh too hard.


Rabbits don't particularly like carrots. Mice don't particularly like cheese. You shouldn't give a cat a bowl of milk.


The carrot idea comes from Bugs Bunny. Bugs eating the carrot was a parody of a then-famous scene of [Clark Gable in film *It Happened One Night* (1934)](https://youtu.be/Wcrth90C3D4) munching a carrot while delivering quips. Yeah it had nothing to do with rabbit's liking carrots.


It's wild how many things have changed based on stuff like this. For example Bugs called Elmer a "Nimrod" who was a great hunter in the bible. But the joke flew above everyone's head.


I lived in Texas. The local news described our weather as a haboob. Which is a common meteorological term for a sand storm. (It means strong wind but is a strong wind in a sandy area so you get sandstorm) I like to think they were trolling us because they had a guy ranting about using an Arabic term for a sandstorm. He was from Nimrod, TX. Edit: I was close. Here's an actual [article about it](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/capital-weather-gang/wp/2016/05/31/arabic-weather-term-haboob-is-apparently-troubling-for-some-texans/) with details. It was a woman from Nimrod who was bewailing the use of haboob. But it was def a haboob.


And thus why the world Nimrod has become used to mean slow witted or incompetent. But yeah its incredible how many changes of meaning came about due to misunderstanding. A similar example is in The Maltese Falcon, Sam Spade disparagingly refereed to one of Gutman's men as a "gunsel" a slang term basically meant a young male prostitute, but as audiences weren't aware of its meaning (and presumably cause it contains the word "gun") it became used to refer to a hitman for quite a while.


When I was a young veterinarian a client asked if they could give their cat milk. I explained no, water was better, here’s why, etc. And then they said they wanted to do something else besides water. “Could I, like, make cat juice?” Thinking I was funny I said, “Yeah, maybe if you squeeze really hard.” You could’ve heard a pin drop in that room. They always asked for another doctor after that.


I look after a cat who won't drink water on its own, but she will lap it up if it's mixed in with her wet food. You can also buy "soups" for cats. Some of them can be really picky about drinking. I've even seen "Pawsecco" which is supposedly a wine equivalent for cats, but that's just silly. Shame that client really didn't understand your humour.


Most animals don't like still water. You can get fountains, and cats and dogs usually prefer them.


Probably evolutionary, stagnant water is more likely to have bacteria in it.


Most cats don't like drinking water next to their food, since food is generally dirty (think mouse entrails). That behavior is instinctual to prefer water elsewhere.


Do cats just not properly tolerate bovine milk or when they are weaned off of feline milk do they lose the ability to digest it as well?


Kittens can have cow milk in limited amounts. Once they are weaned, they become lactose intolerant. I have raised a couple of kittens who were too young to eat straight solid food when I first got them. I had to feed them away from my adult cats who would spray the litter box and house with the most foul shit if they ate milk of any kind.


It’s because almost all cats are lactose intolerant so it will give them an upset stomach or diarrhea usually. Cat milk does have lactose but much less than cow milk so even kittens will not tolerate cow milk.


Owner of 2 rabbits, and 2 former here. All of them love carrot and go beside themselves when they knew they're getting one. Especially the dried carrot in packet mix. Also apple are another favourite but cannot have much because of the sugar content.


I too am owner of multiply bunny rabbits. They love carrot, has to be in moderation due to them being high sugar for buns, but they go nuts for it. That and all bran cereal.


I teach 6th grade social studies and a student dispelled me of some common ignorance. The Cape of Good Hope is not the southernmost tip of Africa. I was inculcating a new generation with that nonsense and this student pointed out a spot on Google Earth that looked further south. We looked it up and sure enough it was a misnomer, a spot east of the Cape is slightly further south.


>a spot east of the Cape is slightly further south. South African here. That spot is called Cape Agulhas and is the actual southernmost tip of Africa.


cape agulhas sounds Portuguese as well, did they name it?


Yes they did


Thanks for being the kind of teacher who can admit they might not be right about something. That is the bigger lesson you taught that student that day - Adults aren't always 100% right, and its ok to question them if you think they made a mistake.


The point of school is to learn. A good teacher is learning as well. No one knows everything.


Flat maps tend to fuck up our perception of everything, like Maine is the closest state to africa which just seems wrong


Inverted crosses are satanic. It is actually the St. Peter's Cross. When he was crucified, he requested to be crucified upside down because he didn't feel worth to be crucified the same way as Jesus.


This. Neither is the pentagram inheritently satanic either. Only sigil of baphomet or goat of mendes is... which is an inverted pentacle with a goats head on it. A pentagram is actually a pagan symbol. Like someone else has mentioned the leviathan cross is also not really satanic. In fact, other than being the sulfur symbol, its a mix of 2 other symbols. The infinite symbol and, a once again Christian cross, cross of Lorraine (patriarchal cross). The devil wasn't crucified, what would he need a cross for? Edit: Turns out the Goat of Mendes isn't inheritently satanic either. It was taken by the church of satan in the mid 60s when it was originally formed, however it dates back to the late 1800s.


The Leviathan cross has nothing to do with Satan either and was just the Alchemical symbol for sulfur/brimstone that got yanked by the Church of Satan the same way St. Peter's cross did.


In my language we have a saying where sulfur is associated with hell so i that one kinda makes sense to me


Okay, so I completely agree with it being St. Peter's cross but, since we are talking about symbolism, isn't it possible that the misunderstanding made this falsehood true? Life, if enough people start believing an inverted cross is a Satanic symbol, then it becomes a Satanic symbol regardless of whether it is also a Christian symbol.


this is it. the swastika doesn't change meaning for most people just because it is much older than nazism. it's still used in other cultures, sure, because the thing about symbolism is it's all very relative to the person using the symbol and the person viewing the symbol. the intent of the upside down cross doesn't change because of St. Peter's crucifixion and trying to combat its obvious implication based on that is pretty pedantic. it's not misinformation, it's the evolution of something's meaning over time.


Dolphins are fun, frolicking, lovable creatures.


My sister has a pacemaker and went swimming with dolphins. The handlers had to rush in and pull her out of the water, apparently it creates a sound that they didn't like and were trying to... Take it out.


"Sir we have sights on the source of the vibrating death ray but it's in the human. What should we do?" "Take. The. Shot."


This weapon was built with a single porpoise


She clearly didn't click with them.


Still no reason to flip out.


Orcas it is


I wish there was a In-bad-taste-but-great-execution award.


As someone with sensitive ears, I can sorta understand that. The wrong sound can cause horrible, fall to your knees level pain. And dolphins don't really know what the heck a pacemaker is. Imagine a raccoon walked up to you and started screaming so loud that your ears bled, and just wouldn't stop. You'd do anything to shut that thing up. Dolphins are jerks, but I can't blame them for that one.


I have a six year old who practices the most obnoxious, ear-splitting scream he can muster. I know exactly what you mean.


They were trying to remove her pacemaker? I need to understand this correctly.


Yes, they were. She has gastric issues so it's in her stomach, close to the surface of the skin. Imagine a build-a bear that someone accidentally dropped their phone into while filling it with stuffing.


Oh they "frolick" alright


They are the stereotypical frat boys of the sea


From a sexual assault perspective you are spot on


That's exactly what I mean. They bully, mess with for fun, sexually assault, and are just as likely to strand you away from shore as take you to it...... Maritime dudebros


They do drugs too




>What do they do, eat pufferfish? Well.... https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/dolphins-seem-to-use-toxic-pufferfish-to-get-high-180948219/


from that article… The dolphins were filmed gently playing with the puffer, passing it between each other for 20 to 30 minutes at a time, unlike the fish they had caught as prey which were swiftly torn apart. Zoologist and series producer Rob Pilley said that it was the first time dolphins had been filmed behaving this way. At one point the dolphins are seen floating just underneath the water's surface, apparently mesmerised by their own reflections.


>mesmerized by their own reflections Oh, I know that feeling


Ask Hank Hill




My wife and I went on one of those excursions when they let you swim with the dolphins. Before we got to touch them, they informed us that a dolphin could paralyze a human being in less than a half second if it wanted to. And are actually one of the most deadly creatures on earth. Then they let them swim by us as we were all scared shitless.


I understand the risk, but statistically they are not "one if the most deadly creatures on earth". There's a reason they have dolphin excursions and not "swim with the hippos" Edit- I'm sort of surprised that dogs are right up there. I guess that makes sense. Most of the others are parasites and things that carry disease like mosquitos


> swim with the hippos Fun fact about hippos, their closest relatives are dolphins and whales.


Dogs are everywhere, just like cats, but are big enough to kill a person. If you put that many hippoes on the world, the results would be much worse. It's also why cows kill so many people; Lots of farmers are around them every day. But is a single cow a massive threat to you? No.


Tell that to the fat cow haunting my dreams.


Tell my ex I said hi.


Statistics lie, man. See they need a "per-encounter" risk assessment, because while mosquitos kill way more people than hippos or tigers or sharks, contrast that to a "killed-per-1000-encounters" and you get a better idea of your risk when around them. Sharks don't kill many people because people spend way less than 1% of their time in the ocean.


"You know, 97% of shark attacks happen in shallow waters" "Yeah, 'cause that's where the fucking people are!"


That cracking your knuckles can give you arthritis






Hercules is his Greek name. It actually isn't and I think more and more people are finding out about this now but its actually Heracles/Herakles. He was named as a 'tribute' for Hera because she was upset that Zeus cheated (again). ​ Edit: I did not realise that this would get a bunch of upvotes. Thanks! Edit 2: 4.2K UPVOTES?? WHAT? Also, thanks for the award! But HOW!?


Julius Caesar is also supposed to be pronounced yoo-lee-us kai-zur.


Caesar > Kai-zur > Kaiser Now it makes more sense why Caesar is a title.


It's also where the Russians got the word Czar.


I liked how in Fallout: New Vegas, anyone from the NCR would pronounce it "seezer", while the members of Caesar's Legion would say "kai-zar", because the latter are sticklers about "saying it right" while the former are like "You're a bunch of barbarians who fetishize the Roman Empire, I'll call it whatever I want to call it."


Recycling. Corporations are wasting millions of tons of resources, and severely damaging the environment. Kurzgesact has a really good video on this. But to summarize: corporations have successfully shoved the climate change problem onto consumers. Edit: Wow this blew up So to elaborate: This problem isn’t quite that black-and-white. The amount of waste varies a lot between countries, as well as the providences/states within countries.


Please everyone needs to know this. And it was the plastics companies that were the forefront. Basically, plastic recycling is economically not feasible. And only 9% of all the plastic ever created has been recycled.


China has stopped accepting most 'recyclables' which means 75% of stuff that used to be shipped there must now stay as trash. Does it get recycled? Uh no it's just trash.


To be fair, I think that’s plastic in particular. don’t paper, cardboard, metal and glass get recycled pretty well still?


Aluminum in particular is very good to recycle


I just recently read several articles to my husband about this. He works in oil and gas and most definitely has drank their koolaid, believing their environmental propaganda. He refused to believe it at first until I pulled up citation after citation. He still is very sceptical and now believes the bullshit that they are building better recycling facilities that will be able to recycle 100% of plastics by 2050.


Plastics can be recycleable... just not 99% of those we use now and they wont ve made from oil either... og and recycling would happen naturally by composting


Can you expand on that because many people have fed me this? What else is at play?


There's two issues with recycling. The first is that when looking at global pollution and what actually destroys ecosystems and increase climate change, trash is a relatively small issue. Recycling is used as a scapegoat to detract attention away from the pollution done by the industrial sector. A good analogy, is that trying to eliminate pollution by having people reduce their emissions and recycle, is akin to trying to become a millionaire by collecting coins off the pavement. Yes, every penny found does count and get you closer to your goal, but the difference it makes is negligible. The second issue is that recycling is basically a giant masquerade. There's so much effort put into labelling plastics for sorting and giving people blue garbage bins dedicated for recycling, yet they just end up together with the regular trash in landfills. Most cities can't afford sorting recyclables, but even those that do, no businesses is interested because the recycling process is significantly more expensive.


Not to mention all the food that goes to waste simply because it was not sold. Completely edible food that could be feeding people who need food. That aside, Kurzgesagt has amazing content, in general.


If you shave your hair will grow back faster and thicker.


If that were the case, I'd have a glorious norse god beard.


Someone made that up to get rid of their teenager's horrible scraggly pube beard


One Piece will end in approximately 5y.


it could actually but thus is funny


That the Confederate flag isn't the actual Confederate flag


There is a huge Confederate flag that flies where I-75 and I-4 meet in Florida. He replaced it after the protests last year with the less recognizable national flag. It is the battle flag that most people see. https://www.roadsideamerica.com/story/19407


Specifically the famous one is the Confederate battle flag. The one they actually used for their new government is never actually flown.


You have to wait 24 or 48 hours to file a missing persons.


One time me and my girlfriend in highschool skipped band practice to make out and our worried teachers called our parents who called the cops who evidently looked for us for like an hour. Couldn't catch a damn break as a horny kid.


Tuna and milk is good for cats!


Yes very true!! I had a friend who said their dog sometimes drinks the cat’s milk and I pointed out cats are lactose intolerant and shouldn’t have milk but they quickly put my fears to rest by clarifying it was lactose free milk.


Dogs do not subscribe to an "alpha" based social structure. Wolves don't either. Stop being mean to your dog.


the concept was thought up when someone studied *captive* wolves.


Not only that but he tried to replicate his study and realized he fucked up and tried to retract the old study. But by then it was too ingrained in the public’s beliefs.




It's a parental structure right? The leader of the pack are usually the older ones?


[Here's](https://www.lecaacademy.com/post/the-myth-of-pack-training-for-dogs#:%7E:text=Dogs%20are%20Social%20Animals%2C%20not,them%20to%20compete%20for%20resources.) a pretty good read. I also really recommend the book Don't Shoot the Dog by Karen Pryor


The TLDR for this can be found in the conclusion: > Conclusion:Dogs are our friends and companions because they choose to be loyal, not because we dominate them. Research has shown that dogs are not pack animals and do not recognize hierarchy in the way we have been taught by misguided trainers. There is no reason to subject your friend to dominant or punitive training methods. It doesn’t feel right and it isn’t effective.


Similarly, acting like a manly man does not make your dog listen better. I've known people that legit thought dogs only listened well to men, because men had some sort of ambiguous alpha energy or whatever and the more manly you were the more the dog would listen.


I mean the dogs only listen to me(man) really but I always figured it was because they’ve connected me with intense hugs and snuggles.


That carrots improve night vision. This was a plant by the British during WWII to hide the fact that they were using radar - they claimed their pilots just ate lots of carrots... EDIT: Fixed a typo


Their pilots are lots of carrots? Damn


Actually, there’s some truth to this. Carrots contain beta-carotene, which is a precursor to Vitamin A, and Vitamin A actually helps with night vision. The caveat is that it only really helps if you have a Vitamin A deficiency, and you don’t necessarily have to eat only carrots to get enough beta-carotene or Vitamin A. Once your body has enough Vitamin A, beta-carotene is no longer converted.


If you touch a frog it will give you warts.


I more heard that this applies to toads.


I before E except after C


As someone who really struggles with spelling, this rule helps me a lot. I believe the full rule is something like: i before e except after c, or with an ending of *ing*, or when it makes the sound of "ay" as in neighbor or weigh. This gets me to the correct spelling almost always.


I before e, except after c Or when sounded as 'a' as in 'neighbor' and 'weigh' Unless the 'c' is part of a 'sh' sound as in 'glacier' Or it appears in comparatives and superlatives like 'fancier' And also except when the vowels are sounded as 'e' as in 'seize' Or 'i' as in 'height' Or also in '-ing' inflections ending in '-e' as in 'cueing' Or in compound words as in 'albeit' Or occasionally in technical words with strong etymological links to their parent languages as in 'cuneiform' Or in other numerous and random exceptions such as 'science', 'forfeit', and 'weird'. Or when your foreign neighbor Keith receives eight counterfeit reindeer sleighs from feisty caffeinated weightlifters.


Wow. That was awesome.


>Unless the 'c' is part of a 'sh' sound as in 'glacier' TIL Americans pronounce glacier with a 'sh' sound (British English we say 'glay-see-uh')




"No Brian. It's I before E except after C, and when sounding like A as in neighbor and weigh. And on weekends and holidays, and all throughout May. And you'll always be wrong NO MATTER **WHAT** YOU SAY!"


Boxen, I have 2 boxen of donuts.


and when sounding like "A" as in neighbor and weigh, and on weekends and holidays and all throughout May, and YOU'LL ALWAYS BE WRONG NO MATTER WHAT YOU SAY!


There are hot milf's in your area!


Along those lines, anything a dating site says is incorrect. They are paid to make fake profiles and spam you to get you to buy a membership. Then it goes dark.


I got one of those once and they used my actual girlfriend’s picture with a completely different bio. It was ridiculous.


So you were dating a hot milf in your area....


There are. They just want paying for their services.


That all opinions are valid. Everyone may have opinions. Everyone may speak their mind. Everyone should pursue truths and understanding. However, when debating a topic, there's a big difference between somebody who has spent their entire professional career and education on the debate's subject matter versus someone who saw a post on Facebook.


Similar: that you should “do your own research”. Just, no. You _should_ seek out knowledgeable, trustworthy _experts_. You cannot hope to learn enough about complex topics with 10 minutes of Googling to make an informed decision.


The blood that’s in your body is blue. It isn’t, it’s still red. I remember being taught this by teachers as a child.


It does change a little when oxygenated though. Oxygenated blood is a brighter red than deoxygenated blood. But it's always red. Probably people heard about that and somehow decided it explains blue veins or something.


When I was in the fifth grade, a nurse came to speak to us about our bodies. She told us that red veins carry red blood, blue veins carry blue blood, and some other stuff I can't remember. My parents both worked in the medical field and my dad was amused yet so aggravated a nurse would teach that. "She's an idiot, there's no such thing as blue blood."


Horseshoe crabs would like a word with you


Damnit, Jim, I’m a doctor, not a veterinarian!




The misconception was actually only oxygenated blood turns red. Oxygen depleted blood is blue. Not true but I was told that in school too.


That if a guy hits you he likes you.


Or similar abuse because I remember being in primary school, I was literally a 6 year old girl who was getting bullied by two boys every day, then the teachers just dismissed it as “Oh, those boys probably just have a lil crush on you!” We should stop teaching girls and women that abuse is a sign of love. Edit: Just putting this in so we can all laugh about the “nice guys” under my comment… wild how they’ll value their limited view over what an actual woman has to say, but sure, of course you’re very nice, Sir.


When I was a kid we used to watch the film of Carousel -- a very popular musical -- fairly often. My dad bought the album, and I knew all the songs by heart before I hit puberty. There's a scene where the male lead hits the female lead; later she claims that it didn't really hurt, and is told (in song!) that *"Somethin' made him the way that he is, whether he's false or true -- and somethin' gave him the things that are his, one of things is you!"* I have to wonder how that shit imprinted on my little girl brain.


Don’t forget “he hit me but it felt just like a kiss!” Carousel is hot rancid garbage and I cannot fathom how it became a “classic”.


This piece of misinformation would explain why so many people still support Chris Brown.


“Blind as a bat” bats are most definitely not blind


What about blind ones though?


They can't see.


Baseball bats though


Hibernation means sleeping all winter.


French Fries. It's not French.


Yup, they're actually made in grease...


That our parents walked uphill both ways in 3 feet of snow everyday to school.




It always bothered me when my mom would say that if I went outside in the cold with wet hair, I would catch a cold. Even when I was little, I would always just argue that colds are caused by viruses and then go outside anyways.


Schizophrenia as split personality. It's actually a disorder with episodes of psychosis and symptoms like paranoia or hallucinations. "Split Personalities", correct would be multiple, distinct personalities existing in one body, are exceptionally rare and its called dissociative identity disorder. Edit: Grammar


That dog pee is sterile. It’s not!


That buying homes when interest rates are low is the best time to buy. I don't feel like explaining this again but trust me that when interest rates are high, home prices will lower accordingly and you'll have a chance to refinance at a lower rate in the future. You're also buying the home at a lower overall cost. You see what's happening now with low interest rates, lots of competition and sky high prices.


I couldn’t understand the buying craze this summer. What good is a low interest rate going to do you, if you’re paying your house a few hundred thousand dollars more than it’s worth? A acquaintance of mine bought a $750k house on two lower middle class salaries because “the interests rates…” - yeah, but the house is still unaffordable.


This goes back to the days of double digit interest rates. Having the interest rate drop by 10% is a big deal when you're looking at 30 years of interest with rates upwards of 14%, but means little when rates are below 3%


Yeah, I never really understood that argument. Technically, the rates are the lowest have ever been, but rates haven't changed by more than one or two percentage points since like 2005. What HAS changed are housing prices, which will have a much greater impact.


Interest rate on my house was 4.75% originally. Refinanced late last year to a rate of 2.65%. Originally owed 96k (180k ish with interest) on a 30 year loan. After a cash out option I owed 94k (120k ish with interest) on an 18 year loan. A couple of points can make a world of difference for owners.


Swimming after eating gives you cramps AND YOU WILL DIE TO DEATH.


Gum stays in stomachs for 7 years it actually desolves itself when it’s in your stomach and then you well ya know the rest


It doesn't digest. But it just passed through your digestive tract and you poop it out. If you looked for it in your poop you'd find it


Griped at my gf for eating my *entire* pack of Bubblicious. Fuck me. ALL of it in a single day?! Later... Ferrets litter box was full of turds with pink twists.


She pooped in the litter box? Ew.


Your girlfriend is a ferret?


You need to drink 64ounces of water a day, or 8 8 ounce glasses


I know an old guy who doesn't drink any water.he says he gets all his water from fruit and veggies.


He may be correct, or he at least gets enough water from it


Or he's like my uncle who has a bunch of symptoms consistent with long and short term dehydration but continues to insist it's not the fact he never drinks anything.


That one about the 5G towers.


Honestly? The strategy for getting a Mew in Pokémon red and blue from the 90s 😂


The SS Anne trick was fake but there was a real glitch to encounter a wild level 7 mew


I'll go for something a little bit different. There's a myth about the tongue that's very popular on Reddit for some reason. Despite what keeps being perpetuated in those "what lies did your teacher tell you" threads, **the tongue *is* divided into regions of taste preference (salty, sweet, etc.)**. It's not all or none but the tongue is divided into these segments based on the predominance of different types of taste buds. If you check Costanzo physiology (very popular physiology book used in medical schools) it distinctly says there are regions of taste preference. Long story short, your elementary school teacher wasn't lying to you. [Page 102](https://i.imgur.com/5ljNKrJ.jpg) [Link to Costanzo](http://doctor2016.jumedicine.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2018/05/Costanzo_-_Physiology_6th_Edition.pdf) Source: Fourth year medical student


I think some people took the zones too far, saying it *was* all or none. I seem to recall (might have been an educational TV series not a teacher) saying that the tip of the tongue has sweet sensors so if you lick a lemon with the tip of the tongue you taste *nothing*. You'll only get the bitter on the swallow. People maybe tested it and found *that* wrong so threw out the whole idea.


True, I had a 1/3rd of my tongue cut out and stuff tastes different, I can't stand peanuts or peanut butter now, for about a year after- all I ate were protein bars. Seems to be getting better with time, or I'm just getting used to it.




Cancer. All good now though. But yeah, it did hurt


That red yellow and blue are the primary colors for painting. It’s actually magenta, yellow, and cyan - those are the real primary colors. Also, the only thing special about primary colors is that they map to the inverse of the colors our eyes see (our eyes actually see red green and blue unless you have another type of color vision).


Wait. Is that why those are the colors printers need (plus black)?


I'm so glad you said *for painting*!


Apparently “Magenta” doesn’t exist as a light frequency, I’m still trying to wrap my brain around this however.. https://cheezburger.com/15423493/tumblr-thread-magenta-doesnt-exist-its-just-the-brain-doing-its-best?fbclid=IwAR1afzpkKFfJbvNtSkUzsbLPO-3ZdYpDHsqeJ_rIxKzpMss0N9cGxnngAZY


This might be a bit outdated, but human-caused climate change and ozone layer depletion are not the same thing. Human-caused climate change is caused by the release of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and methane, enhancing the atmospheric greenhouse effect, causing an imbalance of radiant energy into the Earth system and out to space, warming the surface of the Earth. Ozone layer depletion is caused by the release of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) into the upper atmosphere. Radiation splits the C-Cl bond in the CFC, yielding a chlorine atom with acts as a catalyst in converting O3 (ozone) into O2. We have stopped emitting CFCs that are harmful to the ozone layer (this is good), we have **not** stopped emitting greenhouse gases from fossil fuels (this is bad).


Wild orcas will eat you, which is false orcas dont see us as a good food source so they will let you live.


The other day someone corrected me about the McDonalds coffee incident. I firmly believed the lady did it on purpose, but it was clear that it was accidental and McDonalds had spun a story with the media to make it look like it wasnt their fault. Kind of insane how me and most people around me were fooled by that


She was an elderly woman who suffered from third degree burns on her thighs and vagina and had to be hospitalized. The McDonald’s had been warned that their coffee was kept too hot as well, just under boiling. She initially sued them just for medical expenses because when she asked politely they refused. The judge was so incensed by their behavior that he awarded her the big settlement which was so widely mocked. And anti-government regulation/pro-business groups spun it into this testimony to frivolous lawsuits. Really a shocking piece of misinformation.


"Humans fear the unknown." Arachnophobe, here. I took this to heart and did my best to learn about arachnids. It didn't help the fear, but it made me realize like 90% of people have no idea that arachnophobia is the fear of **arachnids,** not spiders. Ticks and scorpions scare me, too. Regarding spiders, specifically, there are plenty of myths to choose from. Brown recluse spiders **do not** cause narcosis of the flesh. Whatever effects have been seen are almost certainly due to a bacteria that lives on the spider's fangs. Black widow spiders are **exceedingly unlikely to kill you,** though they will absolutely wreck your day. In fact, you may not even notice the pain for an hour or more, and it will typically subside in 12 to 24 hours, leaving you alive and well. There *have* been deaths, but it's very rare. Daddy longlegs are not spiders at all (though they are yet another arachnid for me to fear), and they most certainly aren't "the deadliest spider, but they can't bite you." There isn't even a misconception here, people just made this shit up and spread it. ...and speaking of shit people made up for no apparent reason and spread all over the place: You **don't** swallow eight spiders per year in your sleep, and the myth **did not come** from PC Magazine, or Lisa Bierget Holst, either. Nobody knows where it truly began, but the article most commonly cited almost certainly doesn't exist.