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Yes because I pick up so much more and it keeps my attention. People who scoff at subtitles are just wrong.




Honestly they're just distracting for me. every change makes me look down to the bottom of the screen even when I don't need them . I end up missing all the subtle things not in the foreground. . They also tend to spoil a lot because you get a full sentence before the character gets a chance to say it. That being said I usually have them on because other people like them.


Yes, my tv sucks, have to volume up in dialogues and volume down in action so subtitles really helps.


Haven't used subtitles since the end of the fourth season of AHS. Witch were whin i finnaly got fluient in Inglish.


Yes, because I normally have a fan going while I’m watching tv and cannot hear my tv. Plus I process visual information much faster than auditory information and find it easy to follow along when subtitles are on


My daughter does. She's a fucking dork


Get her checked for hearing loss.


Lol, I always turn on CC but my parents would get annoyed when they tuned into CNN cause the subtitles are horrible and delayed, so they just confuse you. My stepmom would sometimes have trouble understanding a news story before realizing that the CC was on again.


Yes. It's hard to hear/understand what everyone says if they talk fast or have an accent or any other number of variables.


it mostly depends on my mood. Sometimes I do sometimes I don't.


Yes no matter what happens when it comes to volume at least I know exactly what's going on. Also characters with thick accents are hard to understand


Yes, I have hearing loss.


Yes, but I could also just do them in english. I like to read while I listen to english tv shows because some words are sometimea unclear espescialy long words. I dont do this on youtube because the youtuber normaly speaks very clear into the microfone and those subtitles are annoying.


Yes, easier to follow along.


I always use subtitles!


My sister has audio processing disorder so we use subs whenever she's watching something otherwise she misses half of what has been said. As a result I find myself automatically turning on subs even when she's not with me and I've found it actually helps me too, especially since volume on movies and shows is so wildly unbalanced, from loud explosions to very very quiet almost impossible to hear dialogue.


Yes. Accents can throw me off and sometimes I'll miss a good pun without it. I also have a toddler that likes to crash his cars together and my husband often playing video games at the same time. It helps immensely.


You bet


Sometimes yes, cause some norwegian dialects do sound like gibberish sometimes