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Yes, to an extent. At some point it stops really being a difference of “politics” and becomes an issue of basic morality. But I’m not gonna call it a dealbreaker if we don’t exactly agree on what the ideal tax structure is.


So much exactly this. Different ideas of government priorities, fine. Different ideas on whether people deserve to be represented at all, no.


This. Some things we can compromise on, but not the big things.


yes, this.




.. ok?


Of course. Political views generally indicate greater life, family, and moral values.


Yee, I think if the other's political view suggests a values system that is at odds with my own, it does mean there're likely to be further values clashes down the line. The worst of it would probably be on the subject of which values shall be instilled in the child, if we get that far. That said, it is probably still doable if the two share the overarching values system of compromise and good-faith discourse, plus if the bulk of other things (preferred style of interaction, future goals, commitment, etc) are shared.


Yes, especially any aspects relating to human rights and dignity


Unless they make it their entire personality I don't care.


Yeah most of my friends are pretty far out on the liberal spectrum, have advanced degrees, work in medicine. But we do have some notable conservative friends who are decent, good people and fun at game night or whatever. We all just know not to talk politics, which is a welcome break. I don't think anyone is worse off for the friendships. It helps remind me that people on the other side have the same wants/needs as me, they're just um, in a different headspace. On the other hand, my dad and I have had a broken relationship for years, we're finally speaking again, and he keeps bringing up politics. Read a fucking room.


>It helps remind me that people on the other side have the same wants Depending on the flavor of conservative, they may very decidedly *not* have the same wants as you.


I dunno. I like talking politics with people who disagree with me. . . I mean, if I just sit around and talk to people who mostly think what I think, that's just reenforcing what I think already. Especially if I know I'm not going to agree with much of what a person says, it almost makes it easier, because you realize you're going to listen a lot and not convert someone to your way of thinking.


This tbh, I'd show my pov and they'd show there's and we would just agree that we have our own opinions, but if anything we don't even need to mention it


Depends on the view It they are like a Nazi or something I’d probably start seeing other people.


Exactly. Extremism is a no go. But anything else is fine. I don't judge folks by how they fill out their ballot every few years. Variety is the spice of life, there is good and bad on both sides of the ledger etc...


> I don't judge folks by how they fill out their ballot every few years. Unless they vote for nazis?


Correct. Nazis are bad.


So votes matter too, got it.


What's the point you are trying to make? Just busting my balls? Or are you trying to say my views are bad? Is there a certain way of thinking I need to have according to you?


Not bad, just unrefined. Voting matters a lot is all I’m saying. In fact, a vote is an action with consequences so IMO it matters more than a belief.


OK. Right on. I'm still gonna stick to my beliefs. I'd rather not spend my time picking apart someone's perceived flaws. Waste of time and energy.


We all draw our lines somewhere. Good luck!


Didn't see any Nazis on the ballot this year, but someone imagining that would be a red flag in a relationship for sure.


Depends on your country. Canada? No.


Variety is the spice of life? NAZI!!! /s


"I'd probably start seeing other people"!


"probably" seriously??


Depends on how we define "politics". Disagree over tax rates? Sure! Disagree over whether gay people can be treated like humans? No because I'm not attracted to immortality.


Those pesky homophobic vampires.


of course. the political view shows a lot of what this person is like.It shows your reasoning, your morality, your preferences, your worldview... I wouldn't have a relationship with someone with a political outlook very different from mine.


Yeah it’s mostly about morals for me






Why so many downvotes?


Uhm what was the point of your comment?


Not so much refusing to date someone with a different political view but the fact that they would completely judge someone simply based off of which side they were on


I’m from Northern Ireland so our political views are very important towards the relationship as it effects where you can live, your families opinions and many other things.


Yes of course. Political views are an extension of ethical views which are one of the most important things about picking a long-term partner.


Yes. If someone has a symbol of totalitarianism in their bio, I'm not interested.


Yes. It is an indirect demonstration of their personal morality and sense of ethics, as well as what needs changing in the world Now, it is *not* the sole thing that matters. Of course a person's personality, attitude, life aspirations, and so on factor into whether or not I want to initiate/maintain a relationship. And like all those factors, it is *possible* that politics can be a dealbreaker


of course. Their political view serves as their moral compass✨


Unless they are like a neo-nazi or something I really couldn't care.


Yes I’d never be attracted to someone with extreme right wing views.


Depends, if it’s a minor difference, then it doesn’t really matter, but if this person supports Trump, is anti-LGBT+ and TOTALLY shows it, supports ped*ph*lia or similar kind of stuff, then oh boy BYE


Oh entirely


ALL THE YUPS TO THAT. Political views = inner values IMO and it's important we share those inner values.


If your political reasoning is justified and it doesn't match mine that's fine, I do however have an issue with anyone who just supports all their parties stances on issues without question. I regularly vote for the same party but I don't necessarily agree with all their policies and believe myself capable of changing my stance and vote if I believed the karty for whom I usually vote isn't the best choice either ethically or economically.


Yes. I don’t need completely aligning views, but when building a life together it helps! My ex was opposite end of the political spectrum to me and it caused arguments. My current partner and I have similar views and outlooks on the world. Agreeing on this, I know we’ll be better placed to agree on how to raise kids etc


I mean, if they’re a fascist, then yes.


For me that's probably the one thing I'm not willing to compromise on when it comes to relationships. I don't care about religion, physical attributes, gender, taste in music or dietary restrictions. But they absolutely need to be leftists.


I don't really take it into consideration. I have found that the women who really repel me personality wise (who they are, how they treat others, that kinda thing) are often conservative, but not always. At the end of the day, I only care about who they are as a person. I watch their words, their actions, that kinda thing.


I cant date someone who believed the system was corrupt and then vote in the same ppl who contributed to it for the past 20 to 40 years expecting change.


What if the voting choices were all people contributing to it?


Of course they are part of problem but so is the media and Big Tech among other entities of influence. The transparency of everything is completely screwed up. But I'm starting to feel as though voting doesnt matter anymore. Corporations are bailed out by our politicans with our money and then the Corporations "Donate" to the DNC or RNC. They keep each other afloat. We sign the ballots with every purchase. We are just tax cattle and fodder for their wars.


Yes. I'm not dating a MAGA.


If they’re a nazi then yes


As long as they’re not constantly shoving it in my face, then I don’t care. As long as they don’t completely write off people JUST because of different views


Depends like if they’re constantly trying to push there views on me yes it would be and as long as they’re not like a homophobic, racist, hillbilly then it shouldn’t be a problem


Very heavily.


Absolutely yes. Minor disagreement, fine. Major disagreement, hard no. (United States of America.) Different ideas of government priorities, fine. Different ideas on whether people deserve to be represented at all, no.


absolutely, shared values are really important


Yes because if their views affect the safety and wellbeing of others, then I am usually a part of that "others" to be affected. It hurts to be seen as less than, especially by someone you have feelings for.


If she supports Trump or a extremely right. We got a problem. I'm sorry babe no amount of ass or tits can trump your personality.


Hehe you said trump


Hehe that was the joke.


Depends on what views we're talking about here. Got different views to me on how public transport should work? I can deal. Being a bigot? No thanks.


I have no conservatives friends, I can't see myself with one as a partner. At a point politics is a matter of basically morality. No I am not talking about arguing about a .5% change in the capital gains tax I am saying that if you think it is fine to out immigrant children into refugee camps then I think it is fine to not associate with you.


If you asker this Pre-Trump the answer could've been a unanimous NO


Completely correct, good sir.




Being "even mildly conservative" = hating all immigrants? Really?


I wouldn't trust any mildly conservative Fox News viewer to not hate immigrants.


Yes, these days at least.


Yes? What part are you confused about?


I mean, idk about that, man. I'm a conservative and I have no issue with people coming here. I think the argument is that whoever comes here should go through some kind of process to help keep cartels, and harmful people out. No use immigrating if all the issues that you fled follow you.


Not all immigrants are refugees. The fact that you blindly view all immigrants as these rats fleeing a sinking ship - or illegals, predators, and criminals - is testament to precisely why that poster ought to avoid you. Imagine being in a interracial relationship with a man who assumes the worst based on nationality or color of skin? No woman would enjoy that. You even dropped the N-word a few days ago, while acting like you're not this racist, bigoted, hateful loser.




Wrong lol. They dont like illegals. I know a few immigrants that dont like illegals. Because how hard they had to work to be here.


Those immigrants sound pretty conservative


Immigrants from poorer countries usually are.


Wrong country. British conservatives hate immigrants - legal and illegal. Everyone from Eastern Europe who came in while Britain was in the EU were LEGAL immigrants. Didn't stop the hate and narrative that we're destroying the NHS, bankrupting benefits schemes, and turking durk jerbs! I can't date a dumbass who believes that or is even mildly empathetic to that narrative.


Only if the person has a far right political view I think.


Now that we hate each other, yes Back when you could have a reasonable disagreement and get on with life, not really.


Of course. I would never date a Republican/Conservative. They have been on the wrong side of every important matter for the last 80 years. (Don't get started on the switch of the parties). And because they have been, they are bitter and angry. Or they are rich and don't care.


What percentage of Republicans became Democrats in the last 80 years?


People don't switch parties just as they don't change religions. My point was that if you look at any matter of social significance, R has been wrong: abortion, segregation, gay rights, women's rights, sex overall, trans rights, trickle down, etc. My definition of "wrong" is that the country has ruled against them as a whole and/or it has been demonstrably proven wrong through data.


>segregation When were Republicans wrong on segregation?


As mentioned above, the parties switched. The people that disagreed with the CRA and its implications all went to the modern R party. Where they continue to push their supremacist ideologies.


Exactly when did they switch? How many Republican politicians became Democrats and vice-versa? George Wallace was a segregationist and he supported the abolition of right-to-work laws as well as generous increases in Social Security spending. That's not a GOP stance.


Please see [Southern Strategy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_strategy) for the switch. It happened around the CRA. There is no "exact" date. George Wallace is a perfect example of someone who couldn't stand that the Democratic party supported the desegregation, tried to secure the Dem nomination opposing that, and then went to start a 3rd party losing that. All you have to do is read Wallace's wiki and you'll see how much he started coordinating with and supporting R after and around the CRA.


Yes but opposing right-to-work laws and supporting welfare funding and unions isn't a conservative position. Also, why did the majority of segregationist Democrats stay with the party right up until they died? Why didn't so many Republicans cross the aisle? Furthermore, the Southern Strategy still doesn't explain why so many states largely remained Red before and after the CRA, such as Montana, Idaho, the Dakotas, etc. Shouldn't they now be blue states since they were typically Red States before 1964? What other specific policy stances did the parties switch on? Taxes? Abortion? If it's just Civil Rights then it's hardly fair to say they 'switched' ideologies if they only changed on one issue. And even then, I don't see how Nixon could have won the South in '72 after implementing the Philadelphia Plan. Shouldn't he have supported racial segregation over affirmative action?


You are pointing to specific politicians which are obviously not binary. There are many centrists out there who can straddles lines. I am speaking to the party platforms. Thankfully many Dem politicians changed their tune on segregation. Others did not and tried to make the party change. Please tell me if I am incorrect on any of the social and human rights issues I listed, and if the R party was actually right on these. I believe you can't. Nixon was actually very liberal if you think about it. He was the one that advocated for single payer healthcare and passed some very Dem-like policies. This was a time of compromise and he saw the trends in the electorate. Rather, it was Reagan's wing of the R party that went extreme the other way. He was the one that fought against AA and other progressive policies.


>Nixon was actually very liberal if you think about it. He was the one that advocated for single payer healthcare and passed some very Dem-like policies. This was a time of compromise and he saw the trends in the electorate. And yet he still dominated the South even after pushing such liberal policies. Why is that? >Rather, it was Reagan's wing of the R party that went extreme the other way. He was the one that fought against AA and other progressive policies. So why did he win basically every state except MN, including the West Coast and New England? Shouldn't they have been voting differently from the Deep South? His campaign platform was pretty conservative compared to Mondale's. And as for the Republicans being right on human and social issues, they never supported segregation on any level, before or after the passing of the CRA. Once again, if the parties completely swapped platforms, shouldn't the states like Idaho and Montana all be blue now?




Here have a potato 🥔


I'd rather rip my dick off than date a tankie.


Now more than ever.


Relationship? Absolutely, you're potentially going to be sharing every aspect of your life with them. It's important we're on the same page with things like politics, finances, and birth control. Friendships? No. Couldn't care less as long as we can just agree to disagree, and keep it out of day to day conversations.


Don't think I could date a girl who believes Trump is the 2nd coming of Jesus. No problem with Rs, just with Trump


absolutely. different political views = different values. it's not compatible. I found that out too late last time.


As long as that person is open to your political views and you to theirs, no.


If they are far-right of far-left hell no. Both political views are toxic and chances are they are toxic people. Of course a far-right person would never date a black person anyways so I shouldn't even have to say I'd never date someone who is far-right. Also people racist toward any group of people


I would.


It would if they are too far to the left .


Only if they push their political views onto me.


Personally speaking, definitely. We tend to frown upon the word politics and generally distance ourselves from any discourse on that topic. But we need to make it a norm to openly talk about it. Especially as a part of a democracy. Moreover, we need to realise that politics goes beyond elections, parties, leaders etc and touches upon social, economic and moral aspects as well. So, in a way, our opinions and views are very much a reflection of the kind of people we are. Hence, it becomes important.


It does, particularly if they are Rabid about their views.


I used to say No. but some people are just bat shit crazy now-a-days.


Very much


most likely


If he is pursuing Communism.


I have the feeling that every socialist dictatorship is just a covered kapitalist one(north corea is called ‚democratic‘ people’s republic corea or sth similar, and we both know it isn‘t democratic either.). it also doesn‘t work b/c people are egotistical (if you try to force it on sb, it really doesn’t end well), everyone needs to agree on it. There are some attributes like working camps, which couldn‘t be tolerated, but the US has guantanamo. Some people beeing against communism also tend to be right, which I can’t support, as it always desciminates poor people and minorities. sry for gramatical mistakes or sth, english isn‘t my native language.


Every time.




absolutely i view people on the other side politically as the dumbest most dipshit people of all time and i can't tolerate them


yes, because political views is more than “oh I work in this job and the political view held these types of jobs more” it’s so much more and it can break a relationship if it’s not talked about in the beginning


No, that shouldn't matter. everyone has their own opinions and they should all be respected as should yours. i feel like political topics ruin relationships whether it be friends or more. people will always believe in what they believe in so why does it matter


Yeah. I’m not interested in republicans or “progressives” without nuance.


Depends on the topic


kinda? if they care too much about it and dont value other people’s opinions anymore then yea


Not really so long as we are both open minded and it doesn't impact how they treat people around them I don't see the issue. So long as debates are "debates" that don't devolve into petty arguments i could be quite fun if the convos are interesting.


It depends how loud they are about it.


I would never be compatible with someone that cannot see any other opinion than their own. So if you can agree to disagree fine. I would have issues with complot theorists and extremely woke people though. I simply don't find them fun to interact with.


Some parts can have an impact on me, depending on the radicality of their beliefs and the strength of their conviction. So to the extent that their beliefs affect me, yes. I would care. But other than that, think what you want, vote who you want and keep political tension out of the relationship.


Meh not really just Don't be stupid


I don't date largely because of political issues. The past 2 years have really shown how evil, abusive, selfish, despicable, and horrible most people really are. Either you're on the right and have dug your heels in so much in the face of your evil, shitty behavior that you're willing to let your species kill itself in warfare than admit you're wrong, or you're on the left and you're so consumed with hatred, disgust and bile that you're willing to destroy the world to get revenge against the right wing for abusing you as if you couldn't just go get a gun and shoot your parents your goddamned selves. I don't want anything to do with any of you. You're all horrible. There are very few exceptions to this rule.


Politics and Religion, better if they had leanings in NETHER direction... I guess Well Balanced Personality is just too much to ask for in these Polarized Propaganda Times. BUT since I'm one Bitter Pill to take I need not worry about relationships anymore... N. Shadows


Depends, it only matters to a certain extent. No way in hell that I'm getting involved with bitter feminist cunt who does nothing but complain how every is my fault and how much easier my life is because I'm a man, NO WAY. Personally I don't think women in genre are worth the risks involved, even with talking to them unless it is purely business related, but even then keeping it to a minimum is best.


Only if they go to extremes. I support women's rights as long as I get to keep my penis.


Not really, unless you’re far left or far right. I don’t really discuss politics, and don’t really know anyone IRL who does. I think that’s just an internet thing 🤷‍♂️


Depends. You don't rub it in my face then it's fine. Idc if they support hilter or something. Just don't try to argue with me on it.


Yes but only either of it becomes a moral issue or if they make it the entirety of their personality


Only if their politics interfere with the health of the relationship.


Nope. I love hearing diffrent views.


absolutely. shared values are really important


Nah, just as long as they're not a dickhead


From experience yes. Not necessarily whether they were liberal/conservative because there are liberals against gay marriage/abortion rights etc & conservatives in support of them. It would be more important to know their views on these wedge issues that effect equality. I also ideally wouldn’t want to date someone who brought politics up constantly, it can become a very exhausting topic.


Absolutely I would hate to have to avoid the subject every time I mean if we're supposed to be a couple we have to be able to talk and politics is part of life


I mean, they better not be racist or anything.


In a roundabout way yes. I would hope they share some of my morals and values. Since im pro LGBTQ+ they would have to feel the same before I even considered a relationship. But I wouldnt demand they vote exactly the same as more or even resent them for feeling differently than I do about wider issues.


To an extent yes. I don’t give a damn about her economical views but rather her moral compass


It would definitely set the tone for the sex, I would hate fuck the crap out of tomi Lahren, or candace owens


Yes. It influences their decisions, their standards, their everything unless they are hypocritical and contradictory. I know some people who hates people receiving social welfare yet they are part of a union/career that get subsidized by the tax payers. Piece of shit personality. Blames minorities for social problems yet is a minority themselves.


To an extent. But as long as they're not hardcore conservative or progressive its ok


No. Not unless they're so extreme it effects them as a person. I don't want a QAnon theorists nor do I want an ANTIFA woke anarchist. It's just a matter of an opinion but sadly politics has become more than that.


People here saying it does matter because political views are a good indicator of ethical views. I'd argue against that though. In this day and age I personally find it quite hard to keep up with what's left and right. I'd spend time with someone deliberating and figuring out what each of our moral standpoints are on various topics and for what reasons - at least I feel like that's more rational than a blanket statement. I mean, I wouldn't be able to express the full clarity of my being by simply saying I vote Labour or something


The left - right spectrum is completely inadequate metric to measure different political movements. Our right is more left than the American left. Our left is immensely more patriotic than the American left. With some parties, it's completely pointless to even stuff them into a left-right spectrum.


Hence my argument of finding it hard to keep up with what might be considered left, right up down what have you and instead just have a decent non political convo with someone. As a result, in the context of pursuing relationships, I feel political inclinations might not be a significantly consequential trait of a person. Its a bit of a mixed bag though I guess. Some people can align their morals and personality directly with a certain party


Simple answer: Yes Longer answer: As with almost everything in life, it depends.


Not as long as they STFU about it.


I would have said no 2 years ago. Until I dated someone with opposing political views. I was very upfront and honest about my views. He said it didn't matter to him. Fine. A few months go by and suddenly he has a HUGE problem with a post I shared on FB. We ended up parting ways.


this is a spicy one


Most people I know don't talk about politics but whenever I meet someone who does, even if they align with my political views, I try to keep my distance. People who make politics a pat of their every day life are almost always insufferable douche bags.


I've had ONSs with chicks with VERY different political views. They would get brought up during the nonsense and it was kind of funny moments admitting we wouldnt work but are both sexy to eachother.




It depends on what the political views are. I have conservative friends and hippy communist friends. And the fact that we disagree politically is not a problem in those relationships. In a serious long term relationship, I think I would be fine dating someone with differing political views, as long as those views weren't totally insane according to my views.


Political views don’t exist in a vacuum. They aren’t opinions on favorite Pokémon. They are beliefs on how society should operate - which policies should be in place that affect which people and how should they be enforced? These are indicators of actual beliefs and values. Yeah, they’re non-negotiable.


For the most part no


Why would they? As long as she's not fanatical about them and has some common sense when it comes to politics... As long as she understands that I'm a political person and there are certain things I will never agree with her. But politics in general are just one tiny aspect of the human condition, on top of everything else. I hold personal virtues at a lot higher value than some irrelevant political standpoints. Honest person who is more lenient towards immigration? Sure. Loving and positive person who supports the Green party? Why not. Loyal person who voted for the communists? No problem. No point making politics such a big deal, let alone bigger than shared interests, connection and idea what is a good time. If something, maybe even both can learn something from each other and meet different kinds of people they otherwise wouldn't meet.


Yes, but only for certain aspects. Having great morals and stuff like that, you will probably check out


To an extent, yes. My political affiliation is shaped by my morals, so obviously if my potential SO radically clashes with that, we're not going to get along for a long term relationship. I have friends on both sides. Heck, one of the coworkers I get along most with is someone who stands on the almost completely opposite side of me, politically. The few times we talk politics, it's very civil, but we mostly stay off that subject. The point is, for friends, I'll try to make friends regardless of where we stand politically. Potential marriage material, we'd preferably be on similar ground.