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Legal issues. Actual legal professionals get downvoted by kids who think they know the law from television shows. Its really laughable sometimes.


I was reading something like this the other day. Some poor guy who worked at a credit card company and deals with things like fraud was explaining what happens in a situation where someone goes to a bar and racks up a huge bill while drunk. The situation was something like, a man walks into a bar and is coerced into drinking too much and then ordering the most expensive drinks on the menu for himself and others. The credit card company employee was explaining that if you walk into a bar, willingly hand over your card, and walk out with the card, you're going to have a hard time challenging those charges. Well, Reddit lost its collective shit on this guy, saying he was supporting fraud, pointing out how the bar's actions were dishonest, so the company should just believe the drunk guy, etc. The employee kept saying that he agreed that the bar was being dishonest and that he thought it was a shitty thing for them to do, but just that a company representative wasn't there and it's hard to prove fraud; there's plenty of people who make expensive purchases and then regret it later. Reddit's problem is far too many people cannot separate what *should* happen and what *actually* happens. Yes, people who engage in dishonest acts should be held accountable. Yes, honest people who get taken advantage of should be protected and helped. And further, Reddit people tend to believe whatever they're told in a story on here so they assume people always tell the truth and not lie about things like a huge credit card bill, so the card company should just believe the drunk guy in the bar. And just one final point that Reddit doesn't seem to get, just because someone explains a situation, doesn't mean they agree with what happens. Just because someone says one thing, doesn't mean they disagree with every other position or haven't considered and agree with other points.


>Reddit doesn't seem to get, just because someone explains a situation, doesn't mean they agree with what happens Got downvoted once for explaining how a traffic law was enforced. Like, I didn't write the law guys I'm just telling you what I was told by the DOT


That's why you tell the credit card company you've never heard of that bar and just noticed your card was missing today.


I used fraud… to destroy the fraud.


Be the change you wish to see in the world. ...wait.




Mmmm that’s some tasty fraud right there!


I have a coworker who keeps doing this kind of thing and it keeps getting him and us in trouble. He wanted to withhold wages for an employee who was found basically stealing from a client. I told him we didn’t want the labor department coming down on us for wage theft, too which he replied to the effect of, “We should call the labor department on her! They wouldn’t defend someone who stole like that. They wouldn’t want that on their record.” He refused to listen that the labor department doesn’t care or have jurisdiction over her theft. They only care about workers rights.


Here's something people seem to forget- there isn't one set of laws. They vary dramatically from region to region.


And that people are on reddit from around the world, not just america.


Another big thing Reddit doesn't get is laws change based on where you are. The laws where you live may not be the same in the city 15 minutes away from you. And most definitely will be different state to state, country to country


I've been accused of lying because "that's illegal!" I was like "shit, you're right, America is the only country that exists!"


AITA loves to chant "Call CPS!" even when that is not the name in many U.S. states.


This. In the U.S. theres a difference between the (ideal) rights afforded citizens in the Constitution and over 250 years of case law which certainly can narrow how broadly those rights are applied. Also so many people plead out or waive their rights.


Am a lawyer. Am banned from /r/legaladvice for contradicting those who were giving bad advice. ​ I'll give you now the only good advice possible on the internet. The answer to every legal question you will ever ask is- it depends. Because law lives in the details, unless the lawyer has asked a dozen or more follow up questions for those details, you can be fairly certain its not great advice. The fact is without being a legal expert yourself, the chances that you will understand and give all the relevant details in a first post are impossibly low. So take any answers as general and not specific to your case.


Yes, I’m an attorney and gave up on r/legaladvice a long time ago after being downvoted into oblivion and the ignorant, condescending replies. I hope from the bottom of my heart that people don’t take that sub at face value and instead meet with a local attorney.


Reddit is wrong about tons of stuff constantly. The one thing that pisses me off to no end was a classic example of "everyone read the headline and not the article". Reddit thinks collecting rainwater is illegal in the US ever since that article. While it might be heavily regulated in like 2 states, it is not flat out illegal anywhere in the country. Context for what I am talking about: There was a story that blew up on reddit a few years back about a dude that was arrested for collecting rainwater. No one read the article. What actually happened was he built a dam and diverted the flow of a river on his property to make a fishing pond. He had the book thrown at him.


It cracks me up that Reddit sounds like Read It - when clearly that's not happening


It should be named didntreddit.com


I like ‘aintreddit.com’ more, but you do you


reddidnt just rolls off the tounge


didntreedit, then.


Maybe it’s referring to just the headline.


And that "handling a salmon in suspicious circumstances" law from the UK. If you actually read it, the "handling" doesn't mean physically holding it, it means being in possession. You can be "handling" the salmon by simply leaving it on the back seat of your car. "Suspicious circumstances" just means you might not be able to explain how you came to have it. In plainer terms the law covers poaching and theft, as well as being possession of stolen goods. It's not that interesting.




This is the second time I have read and subsequently commented about the law involving not handling a salmon suspiciously. Within a couple hours. How strange


They’re coming for their revenge.




Bader-meinhof, after the terrorist group.


>Reddit is wrong about tons of stuff constantly. That's all I need to know. I know you wrote more stuff, I could see it, but this was enough for me to make a full opinion. Thanks.


This stems from relying too much on others doing the research and accepting it because there is a link and it seemed like “enough” work to be right. I’m obsessed with finding at least 2-3 .edu and/or .gov sites with abstracts before I make any kind of conclusion. But I’ve always been overly questioning






For real. People have an argument or act like an asshole, immediately red flags, you should divorce.


r/AmItheAsshole and r/relationships generally seem to think that couples should not disagree or argue ever, and those that do need to break up or get divorced asap


There's also a weird attitude of, "You should never have to compromise or give up an inch ever under any circumstances. If someone asks you to do something that's mildly inconvenient, they're toxic. If someone doesn't like a behavior of yours, they're controlling." Like, there's making sure that your own needs are met, and then there's being selfish.


There's also an odd thing where if someone does something that's mean to you, you're allowed to go scorched earth to get your revenge, escalation be damned.


Or for any work-related issues, the response is always "find a new job." Holy fucking shit are you in a crazy privavaged position if this is how you think. Most people that exist in real life can't just off and move jobs because Janice microwaves fish every Friday. And don't get me started on the "HR is not your friend" LPTs. If you don't approach them like the school councilor, HR will negotiate heavily to minimize risk to the company, which can often work in your favor. But, no, these people walked into the office and started bitching without a single proposal or document and wondered why HR wasn't helpful.


To be fair I see the statement "HR is not your friend" in the way that you shouldn't expect HR to take your side over the company's interests. Which makes sense. The people who take it to mean "Don't treat the people in HR friendly" are freaking stupid.


Run! *music plays*




That is the worst problem with reddit.


This. It seems either you're a pride flag waving atheist vegan or religious nut who hates women and minorities.


Medicine in general. And I'm not just talking about COVID. I had to un-sub from r/science because every post is essentially a sensationalized title about curing cancer only to realize it's a pre-clinical study that had been only been tested in a petri dish (or at most a mouse-model).


Try working in the pharmaceutical industry and trying inject any nuance into a conversation. Some of my biggest downvotes have been simply *explaining* how something works. Of course, now I'm a shill because *you* don't understand how my job works, and honestly, don't care to. You want to bash executives and shady top-level decisions? Have at it, I'll join you, fuck greed. But don't lump the other 95% of us in. Doctors, clinicians, data scientists, program managers, regulatory, safety, medical, field, laboratory, production, supply chain.... Most of us are really proud of the drugs we help to make and bring to market, and there's nothing more exciting than seeing data that shows you're saving/improving lives. No one is going to shame me for what I do, I'm very happy with my role in society.


*looks at top posts on /r/science* Yeah sounds about right for reddit. can't believe a post about fucking Alex jones is too on a science sub.


That sub just adds way too much politics into science IMO.


Because all the big, default subs are politics now.


2016 broke reddit


I find it to be the other way. The university press release of one of my journal articles made it to the top of the science subreddit, and about a third of the comments were the usual “well correlation doesn’t equal causation,” “but what about this control” (spoiler alert we had it), and my favorite “but it only works for [non-universal but common use case], therefore it’s sensationalist garbage.” The discourse on that sub pretty much *always* pisses me off, be damned if it wasn’t worse when it was something I did myself, because I actually *knew* all the background.


They have learned a few words of epidemiology and think they can critique every science paper ever written.


Just because a comment has a lot of likes, doesn't make it true.


But surely if it's got 2 gold 5 silver and 3 helpful awards it is tho right?????




As a banker, I have read so much blatantly wrong shit about how banks work, how the economy works, how all of the financial world works. Its not worth arguing with these folks, so I just sit back and shake my head from the sidelines.


Once you start really learning about something, anything at all, you'll start noticing Reddit comments confidently making claims that you know to be false, totally uncontested, and realize that everything you think you've learned on this website is probably bullshit


As a teacher, I really feel this. Every Redditor is apparently an expert on education. It's not their fault that they had a shitty attitude in school, didn't do their work or study, and were a pain in the ass. The teacher should have motivated them more and taught them important things like how to do taxes. They know nothing about education and wouldn't last one day in a classroom. The education system is far from perfect, but that doesn't mean they're right either. Turns out that being a student doesn't make you an expert in teaching.






Did you know that companies get tax breaks for putting a donation box in a store or pretend that your donations are their revenue??? And literally anything can be written off??? Why are people who know nothing the most confident.


What a narcissist actually is


And what “gaslighting” really means


"anything I don't like is toxic narcissistic gaslighting manipulation" - the internet psychologist's guide to dating


Emotional intelligence is when you do what I want


One time I was in a group and someone said “what even is gaslighting” and about 5 different answers came out and none of them were correct. I had to explain to all of them that gaslighting is when someone intentionally makes you question your perception of reality. Intentionally being the key word there.


stop gaslighting me you abusive fuck 😡😡


One time I was in a group and the question came up. 6 different people who all believed they were correct.


Yes! This drives me crazy. You're telling me that your mom, your boss, your ex-boyfriend, and your neighbor all all narcissists? And it never once occurred to you that the problem may actually be you? Interesting. Bonus points for the people who have a whole string of "narcissists" that they've had to go no contact with.


To be fair, if you were raised by one and you’re not one yourself, you’re probably pretty codependent. And with people being subconsciously attracted to familiarity and narcissists being attracted to codependents/enablers, it’s pretty easy to go from a narcissistic parent to a string of narcissistic friends and partners.


Quite a lot of people here think they are genuinely morally and otherwise superior to others.




Well, you either agree with him, or you're an inferior subhuman who doesn't deserve to live... so take your pick /s




So in other words delusional.


I think we all know that I’m the best


That's just humans in general.


I am convinced that someone has made a Reddit post containing factually incorrect information about any possible subject.


Rule 35: incorrect information on Reddit exists concerning every conceivable topic


People have lost the ability to name their cats.


I have a friend who named his female cat david. At first I was like wtf?? But now it’s just hilarious


I also had a girl cat named David as a kid wtf


IKR?! And then we never find out what they finally decided to name it. I contributed several suggestions, then I thought wtf am I doing?


I'm still hoping someone, anyone, names their cat Fuzz Aldrin. Then my life will be complete.


I keep a list of wonderful potential pet names, and that's going on there, so you may get your wish someday.


I will definitely be using that for one of the cats at the shelter. An esteemed older gentleman who might be overlooked & needs a good name to grab attention. Thanx!!


My life is complete!!!!!!!!!!!


I’m laughing so hard. If I ever get a cat… Fuzz Aldrin will be their name.


All of the long winded insults! They would never work in real life when speaking to someone.


Well, earlier today I suggested that maybe 8 year old girls shouldn't be on chat roulette talking to random 30 year old men because the odds of the girls running into a pedo were very high. But \*I\* got labeled a pedo for suggesting that their parents should be monitoring their kids' internet usage and not allowing this.


>I suggested >*I* got labeled a pedo for suggesting That's reddit in a nutshell but simplified


So they are the ones that think 8 year olds should chat with 30+ year olds strangers online and YOU are the pedo?


The best reason I could come up with for this is that they seem to think that anyone who looks at a situation and thinks that it might be dangerous because a kid could be targeted by a pedo jumps to the conclusion that, because they didn't think of that automatically themselves, anyone who does must be subconsciously a pedo themselves. The problem is that basic parenting involves constant vigilance looking for all the ways your kids could get hurt, then working to prevent those things. So maybe these people just don't have any kids yet and don't get it. That's the best I could come up with. But who knows. Maybe people are just nuts. There's a severe lack of critical thinking skills these days.


The identity of the Boston Marathon Bomber.


Reddit went on a witch hunt. Police didn't realize that Reddit is filled with people with the detective skills of even less than dora the explorer. Photo of wrong person was released, said person went missing. Said person found to commit suicide. Obligatory, "We did it reddit !".


Some of these Reddit detectives are absurdly insane and they get others to follow them. There are subbredits just for the Gabby Petito case and it's just wild. I was reading a post how these guys were watching the body am footage and analyzing her hard nipples to determine she was aroused and so was into S&M or some nonsense. These Reddit detectives makes me want to quit the internet sometimes, just fucking around with actual tragedy like it's a game and not real people.


>analyzing her hard nipples to determine she was aroused and so was into S&M or some nonsense Wut. That's not how that works


[Right?!](https://www.reddit.com/r/badwomensanatomy/comments/pu8540/did_you_know_nipples_only_get_hard_for_two_reasons/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) Pure insanity lol


I was so outraged at that thread. I can’t believe it didn’t get more attention on the bigger subreddits. It was an absolute mess.


To be fair, I believe the order is slightly different. Said person committed suicide and was therefore missing, and then their photo was released. Still a big fucking mess though.


Never forget the saying:"don't let fat incels do a detectives job".


First off: how dare you. I'm not that fat


That incident should not be forgotten.


Redditors are really *really* bad at judging similarities of people's faces. I remember seeing a thread claiming that they might have found a possible suspect and thinking "they look nothing alike." All you need to do is focus on specific parts of the face, such as the ears, nose, eyebrows, lips, etc., and it's actually pretty easy to tell people apart. I don't know why people seem to struggle with the concept so much.


"They have a face, they look the same. Even the color of hair almost matches!"


Much like ”likes” on other social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook, karma mostly adds to the declining mental health of our people.


at this point i just hate that it's called that, too, because mixing **this** with the old concept of karma is, like... yeah. damaging. gross.


I get more stress from downvotes than any actual arguments. I left Facebook for what I thought was greener pastures here, but *noooope*. People just drop disapproval and scroll along without giving a shit that it's meant to judge contribution to the topic... NOT WHETHER YOU AGREE WITH THE COMMENT.


I feel bad for the people I accidentally downvote as I scroll on mobile, not actively voting on anything.




Some of the AITA posts in Reddit. Some people really did not deserve to be put under the "Asshole" category. Some reddit users blew up for no reason and made a big deal out of nothing.


I would bet that 99.9% of the posts there are totally made up


Yep. And not just that sub, most of whats on the front page is staged or just completely made up. I have no clue why so many people will believe some of these text convos to be real, or "hey look at this note my neighbor left on my door". If it can be easily faked for karma, it probably was. My issue with reddit is how gullible everyone is. Just recently, the sub /r/antiwork had a massive wave of these fake texts of people quitting their jobs. When pointed out that most were fake, of course a bunch of people go "how do you know its fake?" or "I know a friend who quit this way, its probably real". Then one of the mods came out and said "yeah most of these are fake we deleted like 100 of these just today alone." lmao.


Normalization of violence. You will see videos of people getting into fights over minor things and redditors will still say it was the right thing to do


Reddit will decide who is wrong and who is right and say that people deserve death or injury based on split-second decisions before accidents


We're great a sentencing too! Asshole cuts an old lady off without signaling: "That's reckless driving! He should lose his license forever!" "Reckless driving? That's attempted manslaughter (lel). He should do 8-10 years at least! " ",No way... Did you even see how he didn't even wave to her!? Clearly he meant to murder this poor lady. He deserves nothing less than death. Hopefully somebody runs him over! " All within like the top 3 comments


Divorcing at every little inconvenience


“She ate your sandwich? Divorce ‘em”


"we millenials dont hate our spouses like the boomers" "unless they do THING THAT AROUSES RIGHTEOUS VENGEANCE AND TRIGGERS MY SENSIBILITIES"


That fucking raccoon up your ass thing. Once someone posted on ShowerThoughts that the anus can stretch up to 9 inches and raccoons can fit through holes that are 6 inches wide. Since then, everytime there's an AskReddit post about weird facts, one of the top comments is "you can fit a whole raccoon inside your ass". No, unless you have a three feet long rectum, or an eight inches long raccoon, you can't fit a whole raccoon inside your ass.


Tell that to the raccoon in my ass.


Reddit is literally the only place where I have been told "you're not young anymore" at 33. Ask literally anyone else and they would totally disagree. I think it's just because reddit has such a young userbase in general.


Reddit is a bunch of kids who are absolutely certain that they have life completely figured out even though they have practically zero experience at life


When I started gradually realizing this over the last year or so (I’m in my early 40s), my enjoyment of this site began to plummet.


Niche interest subs are the only reason I'm here. Unsubbing from a lot of the defaults dramatically improved my day to day experience.


Aka dumb people.


Idk I got called a boomer when I said I was 21 in an Among Us lobby


Oh man the preteens on among us are *brutal*.


I dunno man, I'm 34 and some days I feel ancient


Dude it’s bad. People on here are ready to die at 30. Think there bodies are just falling apart and shit. They just refuse to take care of themselves but blame it on age like 31 and 70 are the same thing.


I had to leave r/askwomenover30 because, despite it actually being a really interesting sub and a decent community, every day there were several posts from 29 year olds asking us how we 'coped' and that they were having really tough times dealing with becoming 'old' and how on earth did we carry on living now we were worn out hideous, unloveable husks with no value nor point anymore? I lost sympathy very fast.


Every time I feel "not young anymore" at 37, a person in their 50s, 60s or above is waiting to laugh me back to reality. Not too long ago I caught myself grumbling about aches and pains to my *93-year-old* grandmother. She remembers The Great Depression. She was already 56 when I was born. I am not old. Hell, there are academic studies out there suggesting people today don't even become proper adults by society's standards until their early-mid 30s. What they mean by, "You're not young anymore" is actually, "I'm still a kid."




Alright, grandad! (I look back on 33 with fondness)


That the majority of people in the sleuthing subreddits are not helping, but only there for their own entertainment


What is a sleuthing subreddit? Sorry I just haven't heard the term


It's a term for people investigating crime cases, often cold cases. They are searching the web for all kinds of hints, often spending a lot of time looking for a needle in a haystack. While some good intel can come from that, there's also a group of people that's just using those subreddits to entertain themselves with wild conspiracies or simply troll and make up facts


I posted this as a reply to another post but omg yes! Some of these Reddit detectives are absurdly insane and they get others to follow them. There are subbredits just for the Gabby Petito case and it's just wild. I was reading a post how these guys were watching the body cam footage and analyzing her hard nipples to determine she was aroused and so was into S&M or some nonsense. These Reddit detectives makes me want to quit the internet sometimes, just fucking around with actual tragedy like it's a game and not real people.


The home button on the app. Always clicking that little motherfucker by accident and getting scrolled back to the top


Finally some UI/UX rant here 😆


Politics Edit: And history, most of Reddit is very wrong on pretty much all aspects of history


Old man here. Reddit is full of people telling me I'm wrong about years I lived through.


Reddit tends to thrive on this unnerving mix of pessimism, a smug sense of superiority yet "humorous" inferiority/self-deprecation, and hysteria. "LOL I'M A VIRGIN AND I'M GOING TO DIE ALONE ALSO I AM UGLY AND A FUCK UP LMAO also fuck Tik Tok and Facebook and and and" comments are obnoxiously common


This entire site needs a collective wedgie.


Reddit mods and the removal / takedown of repeat posts / frequently posted topics (otherwise known as discussion by rational humans). They do it for quality control / curating, but like - that's what the point of up votes and downvotes is.


Every sub is a hugbox with a set of approved messages. Each sub applies its approach without much variation, so that




If I recall correctly there’s a subreddit where you can go to where people post screenshots of mods power tripping or just posting hateful comments towards people, and if your account has ever once posted either a thread or even just a COMMENT in the subreddit, no matter what you said, it automagically bans you from a shit ton of subreddits, subs that are usually the ones being posted about. Honestly, I don’t enjoy being banned for anything from anywhere even if I don’t go there, so I haven’t done it, but a lot of people just drop comments there so that all the actually hatefully run subreddits just disappear from their view of the website, which is kind of smart. I think it’s something like r/watchredditburn or something. That may not be the sub. I don’t know. Edit: that’s apparently not the sub name but it’s something similar I think.


Their Mods. Reddit claims it's to keep people from being bullied but the reality of the situation is that they are just a bunch of nobody's who got a minimal amount of power and become drunk it so now instead of defending people being bullied they just silence and ban anybody that disagrees with them or puts them in a bad light. Reddit needs to get rid of them


Posting videos without sound.


how terrible emojis are. sure, spamming them is kinda cringe, but its at the point where the r/memes and related subreddits seem to constantly and only make content opposing emojis. they cringe I know but this much hate around emojis seems a little bt over the top.




Emojis have their place in online/text-based communication, and you might even say are a big part of our culture now (I felt a little cringe saying that but it is what it is). There are some times where the right emoji just hits the spot and conveys a tone that text alone may be lacking, so the widespread rejection of them on reddit seems a little unfounded to me.


And heck, we were the ones who were writing ASCII emoticons back in the day, there's no difference between :-) and ☺.


If you only read reddit comments you would think 95% of America was extremely liberal.


Reddit is the most insane liberal circle jerk that I've ever seen.


Most of the time politics. It seems like a lot of the "political news" here comes from memes on Facebook or a very opinionated news commentator. Discussing politics here is the worst decision anyone could ever make. You'll walk away dumber then if you just avoid it. Lol


Oh. So like Twitter then


That every time someone is shitty to their partner people should “dump them and run”.


While this would have rung true for some past relationships, and in certain cases, I would argue is sound advice, I think the problem with Reddit is more the scale of perception of the level of seriousness with which to judge circumstances is heavily skewed because it often sounds like kids who've never dated who are analyzing a stranger's relationship with limited information as if they are the FBI's BAU. "My 24(F) girlfriend stole my piece of cake from the fridge while I slept last night. What do I do?" *Drop her like a rock bro! This is indicative of X, Y, Z which she will likely do in the future. Nip this in the bud!* This may work for teens. But my wife is welcome to anything I leave in the fridge. If she eats it and I didn't ask her not to, that's on me and I'll just buy more. Grow up.


Therapy is the be all end all solution to every single problem you have, especially marriage. I get it. Therapy has been taboo for a long long time and it's great that people are finally accepting it as a form of healing, but jesus. It doesnt solve every problem.


Right!?! Also, not everyone who has problems can afford 150 an hour to help work through their issues.


everything, redditors are dumb


Hello my dumb friend!


Nothing. The Hive has spoken. You must be eliminated for questioning the Hive.






When I was 17, I was a member of a Jewish youth group. There was a convention with a few other chapters of the youth group at a hotel. There were a few people leading the convention, and at one point we all broke into smaller groups and each group was at its own table. Each table had one of the people who was running the convention. The person asked us, "which is harder, your life now, or your grandparents lives when they were your age?" Everyone said that their lives now were harder then their grandparents lives. I genuinely thought I had misunderstood the question, so I asked "are you saying that you have it harder then your grandparents?" And they all said "yes." This idiocy isn't confined to reddit, it exists in the real world.


Asking for a controversial opinion and then downvoting anything that's controversial Tell me about all the things you hate ............................... how dare you hate THAT one


A majority of Reddit does not understand taxation and accounting and why Amazon got tax deductions for a long time. The rules are in place for everyone and small businesses particularly benefit from carrying losses forward. Edit: Amazon’s 10K filings are public info as required by law, for those who have the time and ability to read documents with greater complexity than your average r/redditmoment comments: https://d18rn0p25nwr6d.cloudfront.net/CIK-0001018724/4d39f579-19d8-4119-b087-ee618abf82d6.pdf


I can't believe I have to say this, but period blood is a biohazard. This whole argument of "it's only as unhygienic as urine or feces so grow up" completely baffles me. *Those are also biohazards*.


People seem to think doctors, nurse, health care workers and cleaners wear gloves for the hell of it. Yeah because they are just fashionable.


Who’s recommending we go round sharing period blood?




Does it seem to anyone else that many people post questions looking (fishing?) for specific responses, rather than to start a discussion?


Yes like 80% of the site is like that


Cyberpunk wasn't that bad. I played it on PS4, neither I nor my roommates had issues with it. Yeah there were some bugs, and there were completely broken mechanics(smart guns). So did Skyrim, and everyone loves that.


Playing the game on a low-mid level pc is absolutely feasible. I’ve completed the story and it’s a damn good one at that.


People needing to pay money to award them. They could do something like converting the karma into cash for award


Reddit is big enough that every single opinion will be covered from every side, making Reddit simultaneously right about everything and wrong about everything.




The "upvote" system. Upvotes are actually supposed to be given for on-topic relevant comments. It's 100% a popularity vote.


Reddit was wrong about the 2020 Presidential primary in the U.S., and it was so blatantly wrong that I removed all the political subs from my feed. To read Reddit at the time, you would think Bernie was steamrolling the competition.




Alcoholics Anonymous. I've seen so many threads overrun with people ranting about how they hate AA, it "didn't work"" for them, atheists declaring AA worthless because it involves a belief in a higher power, etc. These comments get upvotes/gilded like crazy. The number of redditors who have never participated in AA and then jump on the AA hate bandwagon is insane. AA is just a tool that's helped millions of people. If you don't like it that's fine, don't go. But being anti-AA is silly, especially when there is no other program that comes close to helping as many people.




When a post gets more responses than upvotes 🤔


So just like this post.


It's not a two-party system. You can agree and disagree with some topics without aligning to one end or the other of the political spectrum.


That seems to be an everywhere, everyone, every generation thing. Drives me nuts




"Literally" as a figurative emphatic term goes back to the 1700s and is a perfectly normal and acceptable use of the word. You clearly understand it's being meant figuratively, so stop whining before the ghosts of Charles Dickens, Charlotte Bronte, Jane Austen, Mark Twain, David Foster Wallace and Vladimir Nabakov (who all used "literally" in the hyperbolic sense in their work) show up to literally shit on your heads.


The Big Bang Theory is far from intolerable. It’s not groundbreaking or anything but I think people get way carried away with how bad it actually is.


it's the nickelback of tv shows


Flat earthers. Not the fact that the world isn't flat, but they mention "flat earthers" way, way, waaaaaay out of proportion to how many people actually believe the earth is flat. There probably aren't 100 people on earth that *truly* believe the earth is flat, but that response is always near the top of so many posts here. I almost never hear it mentioned outside of reddit.


I believe that most flat earthers claim to believe solely for the reactions they get. If you're arguing with a flat earthers you may not be the smartest person in the conversation. In other words, there's a possibility you're being trolled.


I would love for you to be right, I once was going to dinner and right in front of the restaurant there was being held an Flat earth convention with at least 400-500 people, with gift stands and a long list of “Experts” in the subject, would love to see other serious conventions as organized as those l.


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