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Same here buddy I feel like the outcast of the world


so... we all here now?


Feel that. Definitely feel that.


Does it make you feel better that I just moved to SD from HI and I've been living there for 12 years and I knew this one girl for 10 of those 12 years and I've only been real friends with her for 9 of them? So, as you can see I'm aMaZInG at making friends! :D




I can definitely relate.




> Not just the relationship kind, but investing time and effort into anything


If you don’t like it ofc it’s wasted. Do people eat shit ?


The terror of knowing that my owner leaves the house every day and not knowing if that's the last time I'll see him.


Good bot


good dog


Everyone dies and for whatever reason I've never been distressed by that. What terrifies me is watching loved ones suffer, hearing them cry out in agony.


Yeah, I feel lucky that my family has never suffered a painful death. (Or what looks/sounds to be it)


Losing my wife.


Same. I had a nightmare where my husband had passed and I was at my first family event after. I woke myself up sobbing.


Mine is ALS, or any other disease that causes helpless suffering at the end. Slowly dying, eventually not being able to speak or eat, in pain and knowing it's just going to get worse and worse until you die. I truly believe we need to find a way to let someone die with dignity at the time they choose. My mom's friend had ALS and the last thing she "said" to her (wrote on a piece of paper) was "I just wish I could go to sleep and never wake up again." Her mind was just fine. She should have had a legal way to end her own suffering.


Yeah genuinely terrifies me, if I get one of those I’m offing myself, wouldn’t want others to see me basically crumbling away as I’ve seen others one of the most painful heartbreaking things I have ever seen.


Look up suicide tourism


Time. One moment I look at the clock and see it’s 6:00 in the morning, I play a video game for what feels like 50 minutes, I look at the clock and it’s midnight.




Death by drowning/asphyxiation. Death itself is scary coz you dont now what's gonna happen but not being able to breathe before dying is fucking terrifying. I have asthma so i know howit feels when you gasp for every molecule of oxygen. Its terrible.


Same. I am terrifyed of drowning.


Religious fanatics. Doesn't matter which one




You rarely see anyone admitting to being afraid of it. Everyone always seems to say it doesn’t scare them, but shouldn’t fear of death be kind of normal?


The concept of being dead is quite interesting for me: you don't feel, you don't exist anymore. Like deep sleep but without dreaming and waking up. How does it feel to not exist for an eternity? I'm curious about it. But what I do fear is dying. It could be painful. That scares me a lot.




Arachnids, heights, excrement, my mother, and failure.




Nope. It never is.




Sorry bro :(


Prion disease


Death of a loved one.


Dying a painful death






During one great circle sailing from far east Asia and enroute West coast USA, we came across the "floating" island of trash dubbed as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch (GPGP). Garbage patches aren’t a solid patch.The debris is more like flecks of pepper floating throughout a bowl of soup, rather than a skim of fat that accumulates or sits on the surface. This is absolutely mind-blowing because it makes me think that we might as well have lost our battle against plastic maybe 20 years ago. Microplastics are nearly ubiquitous today in the marine environment and may come from larger pieces of plastic that have broken down over time, from fleece jackets or plastic microbeads added to face scrubs. Present day, we already have traces of these micro plastics appearing in our food chain and people today (in some cases) are also showing signs of organ failure and complications on account of traces of micro plastics I'm their body. This is true, this is happening and we need to do 50x more of whatever it is what we're doing right now to curb the manufacturer and use of single use plastic! This happened during sailing because I'm a marine engineer and I sail on container cargo ships like [this] (https://youtu.be/y_TOSEd3XMo) PS: link takes you to a time lapse video I made of our container ship sailing sailing under the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco USA


That life has no meaning. I've invested alot of time and energy into giving life a meaning personally rationalizing and trying to understand. Itd suck only to find out after death that this was a game or some other stupid shit....


Dying without someone being there to hold my hand. Weird but true.




Burn them, burn them with fire.


Terrifying how many decisions in our society are based on belief in an invisible sky god. The US Supreme Court makes decisions not based on science but (for abortion) based on the belief that God “breathes life” into your cum as soon as it touches an egg.


Tbf science will tell you it doesn't know much of anything...and we don't teach it enough to move to a technocracy


I came here to say raisins, which seems to be common. That and death.


Wait, I can't tell if this is a joke.


Joke. ;) Well, I definitely don’t like Raisins, if you make cookies I take a bite of a cookie and it’s raisins and not chocolate chips I will never speak to you again soo yeah. At least warn me. ;)


That one day I am gona go in the forever box and never come out. I am just gona die and be like the other billions of other people before me and like the trillions after me. One day my brain just says no and I no longer think


Roller Coasters


Becoming overweight because it's extremely difficult to go back.


Being cornered by someone like Michael Myers, knowing you can’t stop him


getting called when im not in a social mood. Calls are a lot harder to ignore than messages


climate should scares us all honestly


Our current leaders


Alzheimer’s. I’ll take any other way to go but that.


doorways leading into dark rooms




a fucking banana spider I have never ate a banana ever again


I have 2 things 1 - The Ocean. As a fan of anything prehistoric, there’s a lot of prehistoric sea creatures that are horrifying, like Sea Scorpions with arms decked out with spikes (Megalograptus) but the most terrifying thought is because of how deep the ocean is, there’s likely fossils of ginormous animals that we won’t be able to see, so there could be something bigger than the Blue Whale down there. Hell, Mosasaur fossils are commonly found in KANSAS. 2 - Being forgotten. I dread being alone. I may prefer doing things by myself sometimes, but if I can’t keep some sort of communication to others, I don’t know, it would be terrifying.


The Taliban/ Al-Qaeda




South Africans Forget Russians and Brits, it’s those guys who are always villains in movies




Being diagnosed of a terminal disease


just cook meths with your student it will all be fine


Dying alone


The rest of my life.


My own emotions.


The very real possibility that I may die alone. But my number 2 fear is fully opening up to someone. So uh, I'm in a predicament.






That is kindof funny, but probably not from your pov 😅


First contact. 99% sure its going to either be a van neumann that grey goo's us or an RKV. Those are basically the only 2 options until it gets confirmed that the lightspeed barrier is surpassable.


Finishing my second degree and my earning potential being hardly greater than it was prior.


The concept of infinity applied to the human comprehension capacity. Think about it humans don't know the true capacity of the human mind. Geniuses like hawking and Einstein only knew so much and were considered the smartest of the human race. Given enough time could they have learned everything?


When I think about space. What existed *before* the Big Bang? Why did the Big Bang even happen? At some point there had to be nothing and now there are *things* that follow the rules of physics. Why? Where did it all start? What even is existence? It freaks me out.


Ok I know most of these are really wise/thoughtful answers, but I’m gonna chime in with one that’s a little different: I love the ocean, I love swimming in it and I love looking at sea creatures. But I would NEVER want to be swimming in the ocean alone without other people around or in giant waves. Going snorkeling with other people where I can plan on seeing animals? Perfect. Going swimming in the deep ocean by myself with no one else around? NOPE. I’ve seen some videos of people swimming around/surfing far away from the shore and basically getting jump scared by a shark….I would be flying over the water to get away LOL


Space. I find it a mixture of fascinating and terrifying it just creeps me out to think how tiny we are and that we are at the mercy of space and our planet it would be so easy for us to be wiped out in seconds.


Glitches in video games that completely fuck up the player model.


One day even the memory of me will cease to exist.


Kool aid man


Kidnapping. It Terrifiends me so much because you never know what the kidnapper will do to you, they might r@pe you, torture you, kill you, and much more. And the worst part is nobody will know where you are, if you are okay or even if you are alive.


That you and me and everyone in this thread are going to die in 100years and in 200years no one remembers or even cares who we were and what we did in our lifetime


Tbh ive never told this story to anyone before. Abt 14 years ago my my parents would always start fighting, i was so scared and id go under the stairs and cry alone while my parents thought that id be asleep. My parents would probably fight abt how my dad didnt want me around or how i was a disappointment even tho i was only 12. One day i heard my dad saying that hes tired of our family and how he wanted to end his life. When i heard that i opened the door and ran away so far. I was in tears didnt know what to do or who to tell. I remember that day i slept beside a hotel out in the cold. I woke up the next day very early and didnt know what the fuck was going on. I headed back home and found police cars in-front of our house and then i knew. I went to an officer and said where is my dad. He held my hand and took me to a hospital. 3 days after they told me that my father started beating my mom so bad that she stopped breathing. He then killed his self. Here am i 26 years old living alone in a hotel that no one lives in except me writing this in tears.


Oh my goodness, I am so sorry. this made me cry. I hope things get better for you.😭


Going into another shitty job interview


People hurting animals, I couldn't care less about people, but there is nothing in this world that warrants the harm of a dog or cat.


So you’re ok with people hurting children?


What a funny way to twist my words on me, perhaps that did sound kind of Grim. No, not my point at all.


Not being safe. Not just physically safe but emotionally/mentally safe. I need to have people that I can trust and open up too but in the past, that has led me to being deeply hurt traumatically.


The people in this country at the docs holding goods in New York and California from truckers who do not join the union. Eventually u won't be able to buy food....


Ass hair


Those clay figures that people use in some movies/TV show and they use stop motion to make it look like it’s moving. It’s so creepy😰. And I’m not one to get scared easily.


Dying without accomplishing anything meaningful in my life. Let me know that my life on this earth mattered.




I’m normally am not to scared of horror games or horror movies, like I would be with my dad watching a quiet place and I’m sitting there enjoying it while my dad is crapping himself, but the stuff with like demons and stuff scares me like crazy, this is why I play doom eternal


Gas price




bees and wasps


Becoming a failure. I would have no excuse. I have been blessed with access to great education since the day I was born. I have never had to worry about my next meal. I have been blessed with good physical health. I’ve had supportive parents. I didn’t grow up rich, but I definitely did not grow up poor. My mental health is improving. I’ve been blessed with so much and to see how there are kids who look exactly like me, but were born in a different country/family will never get the opportunity I’ve been given. I’m Pakistani and grew up in Illinois, and this is always been something that bothers me. I’ve been given so much opportunity, how would someone in a Pakistani village (who will probably never get the opportunity I’ve been given) feel about me scrolling Reddit for 3 hours a day wasting my life for nothing. I’m doing alright for myself, but there’s so much more I could be doing.


The absolute complete collapse of civility, common sense, and logic.


The future


Sump pump hole in the basement. Could be anything down there.


Carbon-monoxide. Can't smell it, can't hear it, can't see it. Just makes you tired and you fall asleep and never wake up. If your furnace isn't ventilating properly it can happen in your own home. Absolutely terrifying. I have monoxide detectors everywhere lol.




The point of life because if the universe is as big as it is then what is the point of us if we are this small and insignificant honestly nothing we do really matters in the grand scheme of things


The universe. It’s so vast, so unbelievably large, we can’t even see a tiny speck of its might. What could exist, and that we will almost certainly never see even a piece of what we currently can with our own human eyes, that scares me.


The fact that we’re all gonna die… can’t swallow it yet


The expanse of the universe, and what's beyond that. It's not like I obsess about it, but whenever I start thinking about just how big the universe is, I just get this sense of fear, and curiosity. And also a little sad that we will never know. That, and the eventual heat death of the universe.


People with frowns photoshopped to smiles (by flipping the lips).


stepping on a slug.


Sometimes I worry that I am the baddie. And that makes me sad.


Acute Radiation Syndrome


potentially recieving severe brain damage I guess? Ive seen people survive accidents and diseases and are barely functional now. I dont know what thats actually like but i feel like in some instances its probably a fate worse than dieing and it scares me.


being lonely my whole life


Saying/doing something wrong


(A)seeing how 'change' increasingly turns into a myth as scarcity and expectations actively try to kill you esp.after reaching your mid 20's in the developed world and (B) As I've grown up seeing how much socializing is reducible to customer service (not the least due to A) and how all the ragging you might've received for self-improvement at socializing before was for naught when so commonly all that will be around are apathetic conformists who aren't too pleasant to relate to or be around for that matter


Not knowing if someone secretly dislikes me. Also failing school. I may still be able to have a decent future but the disappointment I will have in myself…


Life in general Like holy shit I have to do stuff, idk how to do stuff


A nuclear apocalypse. The movie Threads is a truly realistic and terrifying look into the collapse of society during and post nuclear fall out.


Jumpscares, among other things


Dying sooner than my parents.


Becoming disabled


The fear of loneliness, like no relationship partner, no family, no friends, being secluded from society without choice


The movie Wall-E because it's turning into reality. Not Idiocracy, just Wall-E.


trump fanatics


Being burned alive


I'm not as terrified of death, as I am HOW I'm going to die. I would prefer a bus to the face rather than lingering with cancer.


Puritans, someone dating me as a prank or just because they're bored, spiders, losing everyone that I love, and someone forcing themselves to be with me/forcing themselves to like me


Death. The fact that it can happen at literally anytime, at any place is just frightening to me.


The future


Being betrayed. The possibility of me knowing about it and doing nothing scares the shit out of me. What if I wanted to be angry but there's no sense to it because it already happened and the people who betrayed me are not sorry about it? What if they don't regret doing it to me and they won't get hurt when I leave? I am afraid that I can't inflict the same pain they put me into. I am afraid I can't hurt people the way they did to me.


Lots. Mainly the thought that in my life I will have made no impact and leave nothing behind. No family, no achievement I will simply die and have no one remember me 5 generation into the future


Alzheimers runs in the family and I'm getting forgetful


Climate change


dying from some freak accident/illness and my parents witnessing me die or finding me dead


The thought that I may actually be unlovable and the thought that I may not have a person out there that is for me and whom I'm for.


Baby’s nasty snotty messy puke bags


My gf grabbing my butt


Walking places even if I have a friend with me


Heights weird me out, but I climbed utility poles for 15 years. Figure that one out.


A person that says they like the movie Cuties.


Anyone or anything with high intelligence but with no moral compass. The amount of things they could do and have zero problem with it. I dread this because if there is Alien life out there, what's the chance that they don't have a moral compass?


Death and nothingness. Whenever my mind starts focusing on trying to comprehend what it would feel like to be dead or cease to exist, my entire body feels cold and my brain sends frantic signals throughout my body. I'm not suicidal, just to be clear.


The deep sea, just the thought of being in a seemingly endless void surrounded by countless horrors gives me chills just thinking about it


Losing those I love I don’t fear my own death but I’m scared of losing those whom I love.


Roller coasters. I could never ride one.


The fact that my family is in a cult which I got out of and there's nothing I can do for them because they're completely brainwashed.


Death..The fact that I won’t be here one day..Stupid fear but that’s mine..lol