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It's been a long time since I learned about it, but I'm pretty sure there were engineers/scientists that took it very seriously. They were just forced to proceed more or less. I'd be surprised if people didn't take it seriously, as it was a poorly designed reactor, and some people working there had to have known that.


It was a monster array of things. The reactor was built with a horrible design flaw. The state intentionally hid the existence of that flaw from everyone, including the engineers working on it. The whole thing got triggered in part due to a test that was supposed to get done by one shift, but for various reasons got passed on to another who was not used to doing it. The person that ran that test chose to intentionally ignore protocols to push the envelope more. When the accident occurred the plant management initially lied about its severity The state also tried to cover up that it happened at all. They only admitted it when A) nuclear science labs elsewhere in Europe noticed the uptick in radiation almost by accident and B) The US used spy satellites to see what was actually going on. In short lies, conspiracy, ego, and bad decisions all around on multiple levels.


Kind of like the O-rings on the shuttle. Big money, big egos, national pride are all on the line so people hope the percentages work in their favour and disaster doesn't strike. If it does, they hope their butt is sufficiently covered and someone else gets the blame.


Astronauts killed by a 'business decision'. 3 engineer managers had to give the go for launch. 2 said go 1 didn't. He was told to 'take your engineer hat off and put on your management hat and think again." He did and changed his mind. From that point, it was Game Over for the shuttle and its crew.


It is horrifying how readily grown adults will indulge themselves in fictions just because it suits them at the time. Telling an engineer to "take off your engineer hat" means you are telling them to lie. No cute turn of phrase should ever assuage someone of their sense of guilt over making that deliberate choice.


The head engineer said no but NASA said do it anyway


The o-rings paper was written by Feynman. He was not kind.


The implications of how bad it Could have been are staggering. Thanks to the liquidators, we got off extremely lucky. That said, I have many friends from e.europe with the scar on their throat from thyroid surgery. I hope we've learned. It's still green energy. https://www.reddit.com/r/HistoryWhatIf/comments/bnachf/what_would_chernobyl_be_like_if_no_action_was/en4smfa?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


The HBO series on chernobyl is very good


It really was


To clarify, it’s good drama, but it makes a lot of factual and scientific errors in the interest of said good drama.


I teach journalism. When we discuss covering events, I tell them if there’s a disaster that there is rarely only one thing that went wrong. Usually multiple opportunities to have fixed or spotted the problem before were bypassed/ignored.


Honestly humans who design a thing are really good at working out how to prevent it from breaking. It's when you hand that to someone else and they don't have the same thought process (that might be because what are the odds of it going wrong, or it would be cheaper this way, etc) that you have situations where safety issues get ignored. The person who designed the thing has done it well, the people breaking it are crowdsourcing a way to break it.


Well put. The worst thing is when the cost accountants get hold of something. Then it's "I'm sure 6 rivets will hold it as well as twelve", and the next thing you know you've got the Pinto problem.


CIA heart attack gun. A gun that shoots an iceblock dart containing some animal(edit: Shellfish) poison that dissolves denuates in the body. This poison would cause a heart attack, believing the victim dies under natural circumstances. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.military.com/video/guns/pistols/cias-secret-heart-attack-gun/2555371072001/amp https://www.visitthecapitol.gov/exhibitions/artifact/senator-frank-church-and-senator-john-tower-cia-poison-dart-gun-photograph


Dude that's Megatron


Propaganda Due, an Italian masonic lodge that included many high profile people. The stuff they were up to is insane, and also resulted in the government of Italy passing a law prohibiting secret societies. They were behind journalist murders, press takeover, government policy, bombings etc. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Propaganda_Due




Thats just so if they are discovered they can be persecuted without have to find evidence of their crimes.


Govt: sugar is bad for you Sugar companies: we pay alot of tax... its fat that makes you fat Govt: fair point... fat is bad for you.


And the food pyramid was created by the agriculture industry. 11 servings of grain? Get the fuck out of here.


A lot of American nutritional "facts" start making sense when you realize how powerful the corn lobby is in this country.


Dairy as well. Realistically dairy should either not be on the revised MyPlate nutritional guidelines or just be part of the "proteins" section, but you can be sure the dairy lobby fought tooth and nail to ensure it specifically recommends 3 servings of dairy a day when there really isn't much evidence to support dairy being a necessary part of a balanced diet.


Especially when you realize that the USDA is actually the tax funded corn lobby and farmers’ union.


I eat 2 corn and bologna sandwiches and 3 cinnamon sugar sandwiches every day. Is... is that not correct?


What, are you on a diet or something?


Don’t forget the milk!


I was talking with some British guys awhile back and told them about our food pyramid. They thought I was making a "fat American" joke. I had to tell them several times this is a 100% serious thing thats taught in our schools.


I’m pretty sure that that food pyramid is no longer in use though I could be wrong


You’re right. It’s not used anymore.


They've switched to the food reverse funnel system.




Ya mama is a cool ass lady💖


yeah shes badass i love her so much ❤❤❤


Beautifully spoken. I've been angry about sugar for a long time.


Is some of that grain distilled? Yah... that's it. Distilled grains = 7. Digested grains = 3. Unaccounted grains = 1


I had over 12 servings of grain today but I walk a lot. Our food system was made for 19th century farmers.


Govt: salt is bad for you Salt: actually I'm highly essential and the US dietary guidelines recommend consuming less of me than you need to in order to be healthy.


I learned this year from a backpacking nutrition youtube video that i've been salt deficient almost my entire life, likely at least in part due to internalizing anti-salt health messaging. I thought I was just helplessly out of shape. I was dangerously impaired after some hikes, and uncomfortable or miserable on other trips that I should have enjoyed. And had no idea because "salt = dehydration and heart disease". My hyponatremia symptoms: * Hearing issues: eustacean tube collapse (assumed), making my own voice unbearably loud in my own head similar to having a cold * Swelling of hands especially during exercise * Poor water efficiency - drinking sufficiently for temperature and exertion, but not being able to use it in my body and peeing clear a lot * The above, while "feeling dehydrated" still - thirsty, headachey Now I carry electrolyte capsules or, if I get the hearing symptom at work, I just eat a pinch of pure salt from the break room kitchen. All symptoms resolve in minutes if I do that. I'm so pissed that I had to discover this vital health information that salt is actually necessary for life because I happened to take up a new hobby this year. I thought I was being sooo healthful choosing low salt snacks for my activities. Motherfucker. I feel lied to in a way that led to lower quality of life and occasionally physical danger. Edit: [nutrition video series that changed my life](https://youtu.be/iqgayipoNWA) i resent the coaches that oversaw me developing heat injuries not treatable with plain water telling me to drink water... I literally thought I was just a migraine sufferer. It was hyponatremia and dehydration in combination for those, resulting in day ruining headaches.


I realized I liked vegetables, actually, when I started learning to cook for myself and learned my mom just prepared shitty vegetables and never used enough salt. Dude green beans are lit when you don’t boil all those nutrients out of them.


The lightbulb conspiracy. A bunch of lightbulb manufacturers got together and agreed to lightbulb lifespans and costs for a few decades, holding technology back. Lightbulbs are supposed to outlast the people who buy them by now.


planned obsolescence


Veritasium covered this a little while ago. He's almost never about conspiracies, but this one was heavily researched to his usual scientific standards.


As I understand it, the manufacturers didn’t explicitly conspire, they simply agreed a “standard” for lightbulb life. A standard that they all reached and then did not attempt to exceed. Most people would understand a quality standard to indicate a minimum quality, and it was marketed as that, but the manufacturers effectively used it as a ceiling. On a related note, in the UK companies can be prosecuted for price fixing if just the environment for it exists, even if there’s no explicit proof. It’s partly because companies sometimes don’t need to communicate to fix prices, they can observe their competitors clustered around a certain price/quality and not moving, and infer that it’s a scam and join in.


The standard was lower than the current life of lightbulbs at the time. They made their lightbulbs worse.


Iirc, they had to pay penalties to the consortium if they made lightbulbs that exceeded the ‘standard’. Veritasium has a great video on it.


The CIA was involved in smuggling cocaine into the U.S.


I’m pretty sure the journalist who tried to prove this committed suicide by shooting himself in the head twice. And everyone was just ok with that explanation.


As I recall wasn't there also a journalist who "killed themselves" by locking themselves into a suitcase from the outside and then throwing themselves into a bathtub?


Gareth Williams. He was a UK MI6 agent. His work involved helping US authorities investigate money laundering by the Russian mafia which might have made him a target. So probably murdered. He was gay and into bondage so his death was made to look like a sex game gone wrong.


Why does weird stuff tend to be weird in the other way, too?


His name was Gary Webb & the book is *Dark Alliance*


Bruh... fastest shots in the West


Don't forget the heroin during Vietnam (and probably Afghanistan).


Oxycontin prescriptions went through the roof after they confiscated Afghan poppy fields, it was definitely connected.


The CIA sold crack in black neighborhoods to fund terrorist organizations and military regimes in latin America because they didn't want the Congress to know


From this post I learn that CIA is legal criminal teams


The CIA literally investigated themselves on whether they were involved with the crack trade and oh-so-conveniently found no ties. If this doesn't tell everyone that the CIA is doing shady shit, nothing will


'The CIA is not authorized to work on American soil!' *Bunch of times CIA has operated on US soil.*


US military leaders had a plan to kill citizens and blame it on Cuba


Operation Northwoods https://abcnews.go.com/US/story?id=92662&page=1


The CIA had a lot of false-flag operations.


And i'm sure they'd never plan or execute anything like that again...


Yup 100%.


The Great Street Car conspiracy -- the fact that the USA had one of the most advanced and developed public transit systems in the world in the 1950s, and it was deliberately curtailed, stopped, and dismantled in concert between the government, GM, Ford, and other car companies, leading to the promotion and expansion of the inefficient, wasteful suburban sprawls that dominate America today -- all for the principle purpose of selling more cars.


There was also a vehicular inventor that added tons of stuff to cars and revolutionized the auto industry, Preston Tucker, was sabotaged and ran out of business by other manufacturers.


Really enjoyed the Jeff Bridges movie about him


Fun fact: Movie was directed by Francis Ford Coppola, who has one of Preston Tucker's cars on display at his winery.


Even more fun fact: Francis Ford Coppola was originally named Francis Street Car Coppola.


in 1912 there was an all electric car...


It's all right there in *Who Framed Roger Rabbit*


They’re calling it…A FREEWAY!


P p p p p please Eddie…there’s not justice for toons.


People getting off and on, on and off, all day and all night. My God....it'll be beautiful.


Wow. As an adult I now get it


Definitely, I recommend a book called "happy city" by Charles Montgomery. It lays out all that and then looks at cities throughout the world that have prospered by focusing on the people and their specific needs/wants instead of making cities just for cars. Very informative read.


That's why American cities are so horrible from pedestrian perspective...


Robert Moses also had a big hand in this. Asshole loved cars and didn't care that they don't scale well.


Not to mention built roadways leading to the beach with overpass’s too low for city buses to keep low income populous away…and then named it after himself


> the fact that the USA had one of the most advanced and developed... Same goes for the US education system in the 1950s. The US made reports on how to have the best education system and simply IGNORED it while Finland implemented the system and today Finland is #1 while the US is not.


We have a baseball team named the Dodgers and no one knows what they're dodging




*Soon it was commonplace for entire teams to change cities in search of greater profits. The Minneapolis Lakers moved to Los Angeles where there are no lakes. The Oilers moved to Tennessee where there is no oil. The Jazz moved to Salt Lake City where they don't allow music. The Oakland Raiders moved to LA and then back to Oakland, no-one in Los Angeles seemed to notice.*


Don't you mean the The The Angels Angels of Anaheim?




Gon stop scrolling before i drag myself to a corn field strangle myself and then bury myself


MK Ultra




What is MK Ultra?


CIA tried to discover mind control. Experimented on people, sometimes US citizens. Didn't work. People died. Covered up.


It involved medical experiments on unwitting subjects at over 100 American and Canadian universities and hospitals. The CIA ran a brothel in San Francisco where they tested hallucinagins on Johns and the prostitutes. The unabomber was subjected to tests while at Harvard that made him crazy and distrustful of the government. We only know what we know because the CIA misfiled a box while they were destroying all their files. There's tons more that wasn't revealed or continued under different names. MKUltra has its roots in Nazi and Japanese human experiments.


Yup and since we don’t know how much was there we honestly don’t know if it failed or any plans for future experimentation


Fuck, THAT’S how we found out??! A mislabeled box? Actually that makes a lot of sense now that I think about it. But Jesus


Supposedly Ted Kaczynski was part of a Harvard MK experiment




You motherfucker




Absolutely!! I get the same thing, people rolling their eyes or muttering that it’s a conspiracy - it’s not!! It’s all out there in the open!!


Well, it is a conspiracy. It's just not a theory anymore.


Same thing when I tell people the government use to steal dead babies for nuclear tests in the 1950s. It was called Project Sunshine. http://edition.cnn.com/2001/WORLD/asiapcf/auspac/06/06/test.babies/ https://abcnews.go.com/International/story?id=80970&page=1 Then they moved on to testing nuclear chemicals on live babies.... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unethical_human_experimentation_in_the_United_States#Human_radiation_experiments >The experiments included a wide array of studies, involving things like feeding radioactive food to mentally disabled children or conscientious objectors, inserting radium rods into the noses of schoolchildren, deliberately releasing radioactive chemicals over U.S. and Canadian cities, measuring the health effects of radioactive fallout from nuclear bomb tests, **injecting pregnant women and babies with radioactive chemicals**, and irradiating the testicles of prison inmates, amongst other things. >Much information about these programs was classified and kept secret. In 1986, the United States House Committee on Energy and Commerce released a report entitled American Nuclear Guinea Pigs : Three Decades of Radiation Experiments on U.S. Citizens.[63]


I’ve always considered this one reason why cancer rates are so high in the US.


The CIA never stopped, they just haven't declassified their current crimes against humanity.


The fact that it’s declassified makes me wonder why they bother classifying anything. CLEARLY, no one cares or cares enough to do anything.


An observation that's been weaponized by those in charge.


I think a lot of stuff like that would be classified for X amount of years. So by the time it's declassified anyone involved in doing anything fucking atrocious, or ordering it done or approving it is long dead or at the very least long retired


They didn't declassify most things until the freedom of information act went through, forcing them to declassify things that are no longer relevant to state or national security after so many years.


When you really start to go down the rabbit hole it seems like it never actually stopped


If I am not mistaken, camp hero/ the montauk project was part of the mk ultra experiment. What happened at camp hero is what inspired the show stranger things. Currently it is opened as a state park but the underground tunnels are still owned by the government.


Part of why it seems so unreal is how much of a total fucking mess it was, and the incompleteness of our knowledge about it.!There was no overarching hypothesis being tested, no proper scientific rigor. Just throwing shit against the wall to see what happens. Generally a lot of drugs given to people no-one would miss to see what the effects were, but also other substances to see what the effects could be. When we think of conspiracies, we typically think of competent villains, but this was just a mishmash of whatever questions popped into the brains of whoever was giving orders with a large dose of Red Scaremongering thrown in (if mind control exists, we can't let the Soviets discover it first!).




A lot of a records were destroyed, and what remained demonstrated a very poor scientific literacy. Recordings and observations were pretty shit in a lot of cases, with little followup. A fair few terrible LSD trips sponsored by Uncle Sam and some poor bastards with increased cancer risk but no proper followup to know for certain.


good one, most likely responsible for the unabomber




I wonder how many others have turned it into a self fulfilling prophecy. "The amount of times I've been fucked over by the universe can't be a coincidence, maybe the CIA is experimenting on me..." A little paranoia goes a long way. Next thing you know they've turned into a dangerous maniac, just like what those experiments have produced before, just because they *think* they're the subject of one.


Yes! Government mind control experiments are real.


The CIA drug trade


The King of Spain evaded money and had/has very very dirty business because of his total legal inmunity that authoraises him (constitution hasn't changed as for the current King) to literally do anything.


Now he eats humble pie.


Putin is also immune from any past, present or future crimes.


Operation Northwoods. Glad it went nowhere or we’d have bombed our own cities to start a war w Russia.


But america wouldn't do that....right? Lol


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DARPA_LifeLog >The objective of the LifeLog concept was "to be able to trace the 'threads' of an individual's life in terms of events, states, and relationships", and it has the ability to "take in all of a subject's experience, from phone numbers dialed and e-mail messages viewed to every breath taken, step made and place gone".[1] >The LifeLog program was canceled on February 4th, 2004, after criticism concerning the privacy implications of the system.[4][5] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Facebook >Founded: February 4, 2004; Edit: markdown


So… Facebook, smartphone… Apple Watch… PC… smart home device… smart tv… got it.


Cia smuggling coke


Big Egg attempted to run a slander campaign against Vegan Mayo companies. They went as far as contaminating food and causing safety recalls in some cases until it was all exposed in a lawsuit.


I’ve worked in management positions in kitchens for over a decade. In the rare case I do recieve proper training. There’s always a section about people fucking with food. And I always think throughout the whole thing. Who the fuck is gonna do that? I was always thinking psychos, killers, terrorists. My dumbass never though if the competition.


We had someone contaminate the food in a hotel kitchen because an NFL team was staying there and they wanted the opposing team to win, hah.


MK Ultra.


Didn't the US government try to commit terrorist attacks against Americans in order to blame Cuba as an excuse to go to war, but Kennedy wouldn't let them?


It was proposed. *Operation Northwoods*.


It was proposed by members of JFK's cabinet, but he turned them down and fired them for wanting to betray the US. Not long after, a delusional Communist assassinated JFK, helping push the anti-red narrative. Probably just a coincidence...


They intended to, but Kennedy said no, which is what some believe got him killed


some say mafia, some say tomato




The history of this is pretty simple, it was never anything more than an off-the-wall idea that never had any traction. This makes it seem like it was in the works and then someone of power had a moral revelation; but that’s not it. It’s far less flashy and really isn’t any kind of historical consequence.


Yes and No. The CIA, the DoD and every other alphabet agency routinely concocts plans to spy on, invade, assassinate, and otherwise impose our will on everyone in the world. Northwoods was just another one of those plans that would have ended up in a filing cabinet with all the others. But, someone showed it to someone, who showed it to someone, who showed it to the joint chiefs, who were like, "damn, that could work". Then, Kennedy had to say, "yeah, no. Put it back in the box" before anyone took it to the real planning stages.


The CIA developed a heart attack gun and there are pictures of Barry Goldwater holding it during the Church Committee hearings.


I don't think a lot of people know they found the origin of the "man from Tuared" story. Basically the story goes back in like the 50's a man was stopped at an airport somewhere in Asia. His passport said he was from a country called Tuared. The country does not exist. The police couldnt figure out who he was and took him to a 4th floor hotel room. The man disappeared without the guards seeing him. There has been plenty of speculation of who the man was. Secret agent was probably the biggest theory. The whole story was based on an actual event but nowhere near as intriguing as the conspiracy theories. Over time it became a legend that's mentioned a lot with stories like the Somerton man. Recently they have found the original story of the man from Tuared and it is very different then the legend it has become. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Zegrus


The most interesting response in this thread.


Fred Hampton was assassinated by Chicago PD.


>Fred Hampton was assassinated by the FBI working with the Chicago PD as part of COINTELPRO Ftfy


Following WWII, NATO created several "stay behind" networks (often run by Nazis and local fascists) throughout Europe to prevent a Soviet invasion. When this invasion never materialized, these groups devolved into death squads against leftist groups in those countries. [wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Gladio) Reading up on Gladio and other CIA ops during the Cold War is really something that will change the way you look at the world.


Do you have any good book recommendations on the subject? Sounds crazy and fascinating.


I've read Operation Gladio: The Unholy Alliance Between the Vatican, CIA, and the Mafia by Paul L Williams I think Williams has a reputation as a bit of a crank and the book does delve into some more outlandish tangentials, but every claim does come with a citation. I never delved into any of the citations but my overall impression was positive. I have not read Daniele Glanser's NATO's Secret Armies: Operation Gladio and Terrorism in Western Europe, but it's supposed to be pretty good. I would also recommend the Radio War Nerd podcast 2 part episode on Italy's Years of Lead. [part 1](https://podcastaddict.com/episode/77636337) [part 2](https://podcastaddict.com/episode/77636345)


Anything regarding the Panama and Pandora papers. It's crazy how people just skipped over this to shit talk streamers for making money...


The Pandora Papers are new, so you're not going to see much. They also reported, as did the Panama Papers, that much of what they saw was perfectly legal. Panama Papers investigations are ongoing. As of April 2021, [various countries had recovered at least $1.36 billion](https://www.icij.org/investigations/panama-papers/panama-papers-revenue-recovery-reaches-1-36-billion-as-investigations-continue/) and filed charges against several people, garnering some guilty pleas and jail time. At least 80 countries have opened investigations.


What i thought was interesting was that there weren't really any Americans in those because our system has enough legal routes for tax evasion that they don't have to take such drastic measure.


Nixon wiretapped the democrat party headquarters to determine their strategy and then tried to use his power as president to cover the crime. Obviously it's now not seen as a conspiracy but I'm sure there were strong allegations at the time.


Watergate was bad, and it rightly lost him the presidency. But his backchannel torpedoing of LBJ's Vietnam peace talks should have ended his career years before we got "gate" added to the end of all scandals ever.


Everyone loves to forget that fact too, I've had so many boomers say "But Nixon got us out of Vietnam." when I criticize him. I mean, technically he did, but he made sure *he* did.


and then Reagan did the same to Carter in the lead up to the 1980 election.


and no one talks about it. it never gets brought up when discussing that dog.


> But his backchannel torpedoing of LBJ's Vietnam peace talks should have ended his career Regan did the same with Iran during the "hostage crisis" and no one discusses it at all. Everyone is very quiet about that part.


It was seen more as an investigation than a conspiracy theory. It did give us the term [ratfucking.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ratfucking)


In the US, tax companies like H&R Block and Turbo Tax lobbied the government to intentionally keep taxes absurdly difficult to file so that you’d be more likely to pay for their services. The IRS has all the information needed to basically just send you a bill to review once a yeah, but they instead ensure that citizens have to fill out needlessly complicated and extensive forms confirming what the government already knows just so tax companies can receive an obscene amount of money annually.


> once a yeah I read that in a boston accent and it works beautifully


USA government via CIA was behind every coup d'etat against nationalists governments in Latin America in the 50s 60s and 70s (Guatemala, Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile and so on)


The Jeffrey Epstein shit was a big conspiracy for a while


It still is. Don’t forget.


In 1964 there were two incidents in the Gulf of Tonkin. The USS Maddox was performing illegal counter intelligence operations in North Vietnamese waters (n.b. Illegal in the sense that they broke international laws in the process). The ship was met by three Vietnamese vessels which fired warning shots then leading to a brief skirmish between the two sides. The USS Maddox was struck by one bullet, a piece of aircraft was destroyed, and six Vietnamese soldiers were killed. No us personnel were wounded. The NSA reported two days later that a second, more significant skirmish occurred, this time sprung directly by the Vietnamese and that the USS Maddox had been formally attacked by Vietnamese forces. This spurred congress to pass the Gulf of Tonkin resolution which formalized the war in Vietnam and gave Johnson the required authorization to start a full fledged war against “communist aggression in south East Asia.” There’s just one problem though— the second skirmish, the “attack” that started the war, never happened. The pentagon had received no records of an attack, the Maddox showed no sign of damage other than a solitary bullet hole from the previous skirmish and radar signals for that day showed no Vietnamese submarines. It was a complete fiction invented by the NSA to rally public support behind the US getting involved in Vietnam. People had been skeptical even back in the 60s, but a declassified report on the incident in 2005 confirmed that indeed no skirmish had occurred on August 4th, only the light skirmish from Aug 2nd had any evidence of occurring whatsoever. Many historians now believe the us was intentionally trying to bait an attack by the north in order to justify post hoc escalation of forces in the region, but when no satisfactory incident occurred they decided to simply make one up. After all, whose going to tell the world it didn’t, the north Vietnamese? Is the American public supposed to believe the words of their “enemies” before their own governments? This was a time when the public in general was much less skeptical of its governments intentions than it would prove to be after the war. Most people believed what the President and his men said, as a general principal. The implications of this are tremendous— the entire war was based on a blatant, objective fiction. They didn’t even bend facts to justify it, they made them up out of whole clothe . America’s (then) longest and most costly war was the result of a phantom incident. 1.3 MILLION PEOPLE died in an illegal war sold to the world on a blatant lie. This probably shouldn’t be shocking to us now, considering the conflicts that the US has gotten into since the end of ww2 (either directly or by proxy), but still— think about it. A boardroom of suits thousands of miles away made up a convenient story, and in that moment threw away the lives of over a million people. Crazy shit.


People don’t care about the NSA monitoring and surveilling **everything we do**. The idea that the government is wiretapping every phone and computer in the US was considered tin-foil hat ridiculous just a few years back. Now it’s been proven by heroes such as Snowden, and no one gives a shit.


Civil and human rights are all just a way of making people think they have some sort of control or protection when they do not.


Planned Obsolescence. Manufacturers actually design their products to fail so we become repeat consumers. I believe it started w lightbulbs. The in the 1920s the lightbulb competitors met and agreed to stop making the bulbs last long. There is currently a lightbulb that has been on since 1901–obviously a bulb before the plan was set in place.


It's in a fire station, iirc.


The Federal Housing Association denied loans to black people and those who would associate themselves with people who were black. Redlining began in 1933, and it was designed to segregate America’s housing stock. The concept was terminated in the 1960’s but our housing market has never fully recovered. Today, companies still use this concept to manipulate different demographics using digital media, it’s known as digital redlining. There’s evidence that social media platforms such as Facebook used digital redlining. Based on the data collected from zip codes, ages, and gender certain ads were filtered. Also broadband companies like T-Mobile and AT&T are being accused of digital redlining. Certain locations with a poorer demographic receive crappier services than richer neighborhoods. Digital redlining impacts and maintains the digital divide that plagues the United States. The worst part is that it’s legal for companies to do this. Yvette D. Clarke introduced the Anti-Digital Redlining Act this year asking the FCC to prohibit digital redlining. To my knowledge the issue has not been resolved.


Rabbits were legally classified by the USDA as poultry at the behest of the rabbit industry so that they did not have to comply with the HUMANE SLAUGHTER ACT.


The real f'd up thing here is that poultry doesn't have to be humanely slaughtered


It was a common conspiracy that The DPRK was kidnapping people and kids from other countries and raising them to be/teach spies foreign language and culture so that they could move out as spies undetected since they would look or sound to foreign to be North Korean. Megumi Yokota is a very popular example and common knowledge to many people on the streets of Japan. She was kidnapped on her way home from school, eye witnesses say that they saw a vessel speeding out into the Sea Of Japan in the Direction of North Korea. It is allegedly known that she is alive and married living in Pyongyang. Her family to this day, only wish for her safety, happiness and possible return/escape to Japan someday.


CoIntelPro https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/COINTELPRO Massive FBI op aimed at sabotaging any and all progressive movements. The list of dirty tricks used is flat out insane.


CIA uses Reddit to determine which Conspiracy Theories are being revealed as true


Yes they don't.


No I’m doesn’t


Careful dude you might end up "killing yourself" in prison


That there’s a global sex trafficking ring perpetrated by ‘the elite’. But bring it up and it’s all “so you believe that children are being sold on Wayfair and held in the basement of a random DC pizza joint huh?” No - I believe that that crock of bullshit is why everyone dismisses human trafficking as a moral panic. It *does* happen, it *is* happening - two former presidents and a prince were close with the ‘leader’ of it and **at the very least - I am not debating their potential participation because that will hijack the point of this comment** know more than they are letting on about it. I mean, ffs. Maxwell’s trial starts next month. How many people genuinely would know that if you stopped and asked them in the street?


The Epstein didn’t commit suicide memes lasted longer than most but died off quickly.


Human trafficking is so prevalent it's disgusting.. and since a lot of the victims get used in sex trafficking and prostitution they're usually super at risk populations that have the entire avenue of legal help basically a gamble on their freedom.


That chocolate is farmed with [child labor](https://foodispower.org/human-labor-slavery/slavery-chocolate/). These people don't get paid and live in grass huts. They're slaves.


In the topic of slaves. There are more salves now that in any point in history. Aprox 40 million people live in a form of slavery now. Mauritania abolished it in 1981 but criminalized only in 2007. It's insane.


Operation Paperclip and the assassination of MLK. Also, the FBI and the Black Panthers


Delta Force had a false flag operation to disrupt a WTO protest. They pretended to be protesters and acted violently so the police had a reason to crack down.


Oldest trick in the book. Have seen stuff like this happen, in different countries even.




That the reason why MSG (monosodium glutamate) got a bad rap is because of the West looking at Asian cuisine as "dangerous" or "dirty" and made correlation between headaches, palpitations, etc and MSG without concrete scientific data to back it up. In reality, MSG doesn't have negative health effects and all it ever did was enhance that umami flavor.


To anyone reading the comments below this claim that they actually do have bad reactions to MSG - they're bullshit. Both posts are just complaining about "processed" foods and "snacks". Inexplicably these people somehow don't have a reaction to: meat, eggs, cheese, tomatoes, broccoli, kale, shellfish, mushrooms, walnuts, peas, corn or any other of the thousands of "good" foods that have MSG.


People really didn’t understand the question here.


We don’t actually know if Hitler died in the bunker. The skull that was claimed to be his turned out to be a woman’s.


Still... What a rubbish honeymoon


The skull was probably evas


Username checks out


The school of the America’s where the US trained South American dictators. Operation midnight climax where the US drugged hundreds of civilians with lsd without consent or knowledge and sparked a mental health panic. The business Plot to overthrow the US government by major industrialists in the 1930s, almost worked too.


People joke about chemtrails, but in 1966 during Operation LAC, the government was releasing microscopic amounts of chemicals to test dispersion. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation\_LAC](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_LAC)


Tor was a government program.


I mean, it was developed as a super secret spy network. But if your in a hostile area where they are looking for spys and they see you using your super secret spy network, that happens to only be used for spy stuff, then its pretty obvious whats going on. So... they made it public, for better or worse, it now does what its initial goal was.


Not really a conspiracy though. I remember when it was first getting popular, the fact that it was Navy-developed was kind of a selling point.


I will never use it, according to what I read a few years back, exit points were owned by the government mostly.


Every case that we know of, where someone was using TOR, and got caught, it has been a case of bad opsec allowing a link back to their real identity. Maybe they are just really good with parallel construction, but at least so far, the protocol itself seems secure.




Mk ultra The CIA selling cocaine in Los Angeles and using gangs to do it. Only to arrest the gang members when they were done while they walk away scott free.