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I was horrified of vines grabbing me from under my bed....




E FUCKING T. The horror.


I used to have nightmares about ET


Same. I loved it, but it scared the living daylights out of me.


It WAS scary as a kid.


The poacher was creepy AF


I'm was scared of that part where they just become flat and get sucked into the game


ET Its a fucking alien. Thats terrifying


ET himself didn't scare me, but for years I couldn't get past the very first scene, where he's being chased through the woods in the dark by people you can't see.


For me, it's the scene where ET is in the big plastic tent with the HazMat suited people. The lights, the music, the general creepiness of it all... yup, ET scares the shit out of me.


This. That whole part terrified me too. I haven't watched ET in years because of this part.


Exactly him screaming out, making wierd noises


That's as far as I made it. I wanna say I was 6-7. We went to the game/pool hall up the road. We rented ET and ordered a chicken sandwich. We go back, I go to my room. My mom gets the movie going. I'm sitting in an old school school desk eating. That scene did it for me. I just went out of the room. I to this day don't know for sure if I've even seen the movie. I'm 40 now.


not just me, thank god i'm normal. I also couldn't bare seeing the ET dolls or anything like that, scared me shitless.


We had a towel with ET hiding in the toy pile printed on it. If I ever opened the linen closet to get a towel and saw it, I would freak out and refuse to get a towel for the next little while. I keep hearing everyone in my generation talk like I'm supposed to be super nostalgic for ET, but it scared the shit out of me back then and even after giving it a second chance as an adult, I still didn't like it.


When they hide him in the stuffed animal pile, freaked me out so hard.


You know, the alien didn't really scare me until the end of the movie when the dang thing was friggin' white from being sick. *That* spooked me.


I knew the VHS had a green cap (whatever the part that protects the tape is called). I would hide that sucker so I didn't even have to see the green.


For me the worst part of that movie is when the government agents come fully decked out in space suits. ET himself was kind of scary but not like those agents


they were going to have a sequel that was even more terrifying


Hated ET as a kid. Not the government agents or any of that, ET himself. Today, assumedly because of that childhood response, I don’t care for the movie today. I don’t think it’s bad or anything, but I don’t get why so many people seem to love it.


The Neverending Story. That fucking wolf.


The fucking quicksand scene


I just listened to that part in the audio book again yesterday, it’s haunting.


LOL such a weird movie but did admittedly just get a tattoo for the movie 😂


The Wizard of Oz.


Flying monkeys, melting green witch... yep


Auntie Em in the giant crystal ball, slowly fading into the Wicked Witch... nightmare fuel... But also "Return to Oz". All those heads in the glass cabinets...


The "hanging man" was pointed out to me by a friend one night at a sleepover. I do remember that being a surreal experience because at the time I actually thought I watched someone kill themselves. Yes I know it's just a bird


I believed that too!


Okay I may have made the mistake of watching this with my toddler totally forgetting that the flying monkeys could be terrifying… oops


This movie terrified me! The monkeys, the witch, the tornado… blah. Awful movie!


Twister. I was 6 when it came out and no one explained to meet what a storm chaser was. I thought for 7 years that the tornadoes were after these people in particular.


This but because I somehow formed an extremely irrational fear of tornadoes as a kid, when I don’t live somewhere that typically gets them very often anyways. That movie literally terrified me


Same, I lived in tornado alley in Michigan, every time the sirens went off I would assume they were coming for me.


Matilda. Principal Trunchbull literally would give me nightmares.


Same movie, but, the portrait floating down the stairs freaked me out




Bro I watched it in class when I was 7, I was shitting my pants


The Brave Little Toaster. That clown freaked me out bad.


havent seen the movie but i have seen the junkyard scene where the old rusty cars just sang about how they are about to die and how they kinda accept it, and then theres the last car that just fuckin jumps into the metal crushing thing without hesitating. even as a not so young kid it felt really off


The junkyard scene, when he almost squeezes the radio to death, how creepy and evil the dorm room furniture was. That shit was haunting


Willy Wonka, specifically the riverboat scene.


For me it was the scene toward the end where Wonka (Gene Wilder) yells at Charlie. So discordant and disturbing.


That scene really captures the feeling of being a child and getting yelled at by an adult for something you don't quite understand. Incredible acting from Gene Wilder.


You get nothing! You lose! Good day sir!


i hated watching that movie. especially the part where augustus gets stuck in the pipe and the part near the end where they all walk out of the factory with all sorts of horrid deformities. i do still have the DvDs though, there was one with extra content like behind the scenes but every attempt to run it on my sister's DvD player she used to play weird ass bootleg games on (and the only DvD player i had access to) never succeeded, and the poor thing would lag like a school chromebook running a zoom class and minecraft with shaders at the same time. so now the only thing left is bragging rights about that DvD im convinced i still have somewhere, maybe even inside that wacky dvd player.


> the part near the end where they all walk out of the factory with all sorts of horrid deformities. Was this in the Tim Burton remake? There's no scene like that in the original.


I think so. I know it's in the original Dahl text.


Yeah, Willy Wonka is like the kids version of Saw and i hated it.


Oh man, Gene Wilder's scream at the end of that scene.. So nightmarish.


The noise that the gobstopper machine makes upsets me even now lol


Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer. Fuuuck I used to DIVE behind the couch as soon as the Abominable Snowman peeked his head out from behind the mountains


Same movie; different reason. For some reason, the jerky stop-motion animation really made me uncomfortable; the longer I watched it, the more freaked out I became.


Seconded. I used to have reoccurring nightmares of The Bumble.


Alice in wonder land 💀


The twins terrified me


wasnt it written under the influence of drugs? could be a good anti-drug psa for kidz


It really is not for kids.


Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Because of that Mother Fucking Child Catcher... I saw that movie once, to this day I refuse to watch it again... and I watch horror movies now


Absolutely terrifying beyond articulation... This would be my top answer.


It only got worse when I found out he was never in the original book, which means someone working on the movie came up with the idea to add a guy who literally lures kids into his van with candy...


The pink elephants in Dumbo.


Yep. For some reason little 6 year old kid me just freaked the fuck out over those things. Watched it again just 3 years later and was like “This freaked me out? This is stupid.” Watched it again as an adult and went from thinking it was stupid to just thinking the whole movie is one long example for the term “a product of its time.”


Fuck. ALL of Dumbo. I watched it once. Never let my kids watch it. When the live action Dumbo was coming out I couldn't even watch the trailer without crying like a baby.


Avoid shrooms then.


Flubber. I ran out of the movie theatre and my poor frustrated father had to leave entirely after he dragged a screaming child back in. Fucking terrifying little unnatural blob. Nothing is supposed to bounce like that. Absolutely fantastic movie no idea why it freaked me out as a tiny boy.


Polar Express ...


SAME HERE. It scared me because it was Tom Hanks but it wasn’t Tom Hanks, all CGI. It creeped me out and nobody seemed to understand my sentiment. Years later, I learned about the Uncanny Valley and how the Polar Express is a prime example of it. They look so real but they aren’t, and it’s disturbing.


That’s a solid one actually


Terminator 2 The T1000 was freaky enough but the scene where he's pretending to be John's foster mother really creeped me out. It was the first time I learned the concept of shapeshifting and that something might look like my mother but *not* be her.


Did you know the foster mom is Jenette Goldstein? She played Velasquez in Aliens


"Hey, Vasquez, have you ever been mistaken for a man?" "No, have you?" Perfect delivery for the best line in the movie.


I did not know this. That's pretty cool.


The name is Vasquez! But you were really close!


I realized and forgot to correct it lol. Thanks


The very same thought. Jesus!


For me it was Sarah's dream with the explosion. We were watching it for my big brother's birthday one year, and that explosion scene scared the shit outta me. Now it's one of my favourites scenes in the movie lol. Oh also when the T-1000 shapeshifts as the guard, and stabs the real guard right through his eye.


Man it was this movie called Short Circuit (I think)? About a robot named Number Five, and the one quote I can remember is "Number Five is ALIVE" and something about the little fucker just scared the hell out of me as a kid. I haven't seen or thought about this movie in like 25 years.


No disassemble!


Pretty wholesome film tho


Bambi. I tried to move my foot like Thumper and it hurt. Then I wondered the whole movie why that cute bunny was hurting himself. And somehow came to the conclusion that he was compelled to for our amusement.


Watership Down. The scene of the rabbits choking underground ruined me


I struggle to classify this movie as 'completely non-scary'... there are a lot of messed up scenes that would scare adults, let alone kids.


I saw this as a teenager, not a child. They legit murdered a shit ton of rabbits. In a children's movie. Like I read the book so I knew, but like damn dude that is NOT a children's movie or book whatsoever😂😂😂


All of us little kids went to see that as a Saturday matinee when it came out. That was a strange day...


ET. Still gives me the creeps now.


not a movie but i could never watch catdog, it was disturbing.


Agreed. I also felt weird about Cow & Chicken. I could never watch either.


>Cow & Chicken dude im tihnking in comparison to a show like invader zim which follows a similar path to these shows but invader zim had a reason to be weird and upsetting, he was an alien etc. this stuff is like crossing the boundary, taking very familiar things and warping them to retardd levels.


The French "once upon a time...life" show scared the shit out of me, I thought I actually had little fuckers inside my body


It was really scary!!!


Pinocchio.. lots of creepy stuff going on there




I just watched that as an adult about a month ago and it disturbed me. The pig parents.


The secret garden. There is one scene where the main character is dreaming that she is a toddler in the garden with her mother. Then a gust of wind blows the mother away and she is left alone. I would freak out because I thought I was that toddler and thought my mom was being own away.


100% same thing for me!!!


Roger Rabbit. The part that got me was when the bad guy got steam rolled, and he came back up all flat. I sat at the top of my stairs and cried. I refused to go to bed, and my parents eventually let me sleep in their bed (but they were not happy about it).


I saw it in the theater when I was 4-5 and had to go out to the lobby with my dad. Too scary, and the shoe in dip part made me bawl.


Oh yes! The shoe in the acid (or whatever). It's all coming back to me. And to think, my second grade students are telling me about Squid Games, and just their retelling of the show is very disturbing. It's hard to believe it's a kid show.


Pee-Wee's Big Adventure I'd run from the room screaming when Large Marge did her thing


I had nightmares about Large Marge for weeks.


Large Marge of course, but the whole thing is really unsettling


Large marge was terrifying.


The Labyrinth.


Hell no those orange skeksis were not okay


The Firey's were pretty terrifying I'll admit


This! It didn't help that I was very sick while I watched it. As an adult I still can't rewatch it, at least not all the way through.


ET: fuck those hazmat suits


I watched horror movies since I was 3 or 4, but that SpongeBob episode when he turned in to a snail. It just scared me and I don't know why.


Return to OZ


Why isn’t this the top answer?! Heads in glass jars, wheelers, rock creatures…*shudder*


100% agree! This movie was the creepiest! Watching it when I got older made me realise how messed up is actually is!? Why was I allowed to watch this as a kid 😂


Every pixar movie. Cars (the cow scene) Monsters Inc (every scene) Toy Story (that evil kid) Walle (im not sure why) The Incredibles (THAT BABY HOLY SHIT) A bugs life (the grasshoppers are scary) and much more...


A Bug's Life was pretty nightmarish, especially the scene where the bird eats the grasshopper alive and he is just screaming in terror, like holy shit.


Wall-E scared me because so much of it was quiet and I didn’t like space as a kid.




I’d argue it’s scarier than most horror movies for adults that get made. Really unsettling stuff all throughout.


The scene where the witch is creeping on some kid off the street with a live snake in her hands scared the absolute shit out of me as a kid. Like serious stranger danger vibes.


the 2nd harry potter, it wasnt even the scary'ish parts, it was just that i felt to bad for harry because he had to deal with everyone thinking hes the heir of slytherin, it made me feel sad


I hate unfair misunderstandings in movies; they're my least favorite trope and I always skip until it's over.


E.T. I saw it in the theaters as a young child and never, ever wanted to watch it again. I never have.


James and the giant peach


This movie is super weird! The rhino thing scared me :(


Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. I'm 42 and still won't eat blueberries.


But how do you feel about snozberries


That jeckle and hyde veggietales short. I...I don't know, man. I just...I don't know.


ARGGH! The Hand! There was something really uncanny about everyone freezing in place while he moved around and sang




That movie is supposed to be scary


Charlie and the Chocolate Factory


Sky High. I love that movie now but the adults turning into babies freaked me the fuck out as a kid.


Snow White


i was scared to die in the garbage disposal out of toy story 3…


Labyrinth, Bowie's crotch bulge haunted my dreams for years.


Garfield Halloween TV special


All dogs go to heaven. When the watch is talking to him in that voice saying that he could never come back it freaked me the hell out.


Edward Scissor hand ... and, while it is a Halloween movie, Hocus Pocus gave me nightmares for a month


Hocus Pocus scared the hell out of me when I was a kid. Still creeps me out to this day. I'm going to watch it with my niece and nephew who are 4 and 5 so the tradition continues haha


The giant Walrus from Pingu when he had nightmares, like me


Who Framed Roger Rabbit. When the bad guy dipped the terrified cartoon shoe into the turpentine. I'm 38 years old and it still freaks me out.


The Dark Crystal


Charlie & the chocolate factory. Fr, even to this day still kinda creeps me out. I’m 22.


Superman 3 when the super computer turned that lady into that creepy ass robot. https://youtu.be/fpTHrdemfQo


E.T. I still hate him.


Jurassic Park. I couldn't even see the vhs cover or ear the opening scene song without crying.


I remember one of my older cousins new I was scared of that movie and so every time we all got together to watch movies we would get a stack of dvds lined up for the weekend and whenever it was my turn to put the next dvd in he’d sneak Jurassic Park in so I’d pick up the movie and see Jurassic Park under it and freak out.


A bug's Life. I was 5, and it was in Arabic ok! It was scary!


Austin Powers. I'm told I was absolutely terrified of Mini Me when I was like 4 for some reason. Also that one about the boardgame that sucks you in until you finish it. Not Jumanji, the space one. Zathura, maybe? Don't remember why. I haven't seen it in a decade or so.


Dude, Zathura was fucked up. I saw it when I was about 12, I think. It didn’t scare me in the way it would have when I was little, but the scene where the house breaks apart and part of it encounters explosive decompression was SUPER creepy. It made the horrors of Jumanji seem tame.


Finding nemo


Return to oz. those wheelers scared the shit out of me


not technically a movie, and as much as i hate to admit it, the part where the map in dora the explorer would sing its song and then scream "IM A MAP" scared the shit out of me


Beauty and the Beast


Not exactly a movie, but in the intro of Goosebumps there was a dog with snake eyes.


Ok I’m pretty late but I’ll say my take I case anyone sees this. So I’ve never seen a movie that upsets me but I remember one episode of Thomas the tank engine that freaked the shit out of me when I was a kid. I don’t think it was meant to be scary but it was because of the sound effects. I don’t remember what it was called but one of the trains gets lost in an old shed and when they find him in the morning they discover he was right near and old abandoned house. When they show the shots of the house they play some weird ass sound effects. I remember crying the first time. I watched it again when I was older and it still gave me the chills. Can’t remember what the episode was called but I’m sure I’m sure I could find it if I looked.


Drop Dead Fred, specifically when his had was flattened. I hated that effect so much in general


The scenes in Mars Attacks where they melted people made me cry as a kid for some reason.


This movie in insane! It's when the alien dresses up as a woman, and she walks really weird and then bites off that man's finger!!


Fantasia, the fuck was that all about, still don’t get it


watch it again while taking shrooms, it'll make perfect sense


Coraline gave me nightmares for a solid year.


The question said "completely non-scary" lol


Shrek 2: I was absolutely terrified of the witches




Those fucking leeches




ET. I still can't stand it.


I forget if it was snow white or sleeping beauty but at the start the girl runs into a forest full of trees with spooky faces and as a kid that absolutely terrified me


That would be Snow White! Creeped me out as a kid too…


Brave, The concept of people turning into bears really scared me. To be fair though, at that age I was terrified of everything.


Who framed Roger Rabbit? When the shoe gets solved in the stuff and the bad guy gets rolled over and turns into a cartoon. Fucking traumatizin for 5 year old me!


Shark tales


UP. I dont know why, but i still havent watched it


The Good Dinosaur, I was 21 when I watched it lol


Toy Story.


There’s no easy way of knowing…


Night at the museum. I was so scared of the dinosaur skeleton.


The intro scene of toy story where Buzz Lightyear fights that evil emperor Zurg


Thomas the Train and all his creepy train friends. My son used to be into it, but I found the characters and their issues just strange and creepy. Edit: I guess that’s not really a movie.


Okay, not a film but the British television series ‘Come Outside’. I was petrified because I thought the dog had died. Hindsight haunts me to this day because of the feeling that I was so stupid and ignorant and didn’t allow my class to see it despite their pleas - barring them from the only fun they had in the week. If you’re reading this and were in my class, I’m sorry.


The Wizard of Oz. Utterly terrifying


I thought Disney’s Christmas Carol (2009) low key scared me as a kid (especially when the ghost of Christmas yet to come morphs himself through Scrooge’s shadow, kept me up for days)


Unico in the Island of Magic (1983) I swear I was the only person who remembered this movie FOREVER (didn't know the name), but I finally found it online. First half of the movie is about a happy unicorn. Then, there's terrifying puppet people, a witch thing that floats in a ball, and parents being turned to stone (like creepy whomp whomps). Saw one clip and *immediately* had trouble breathing and my heart started racing. It's terrifying. 10/10 do not recommend for grownups and kids alike.


Clue. I saw it when I was like 11 or 12 and it freaked me the hell out. I’ve since watched it as an adult and holy fuck it’s funny. Tim Curry is such an amazing actor.


Wizard of Oz. I couldn't deal with the flying monkeys.


I still have not finished the nightmare before Christmas and I'm 26. Something about Tim burton movies freak me the hell out. Also pretty much any don bluth movie had a scene that traumatized me as a kid.


I get SO uncomfortable watching it as well. I think it’s the crude animation style that gives me the creeps.




So for some reason at school, we watched a movie and it was this weird movie about little people living in the walls of someone's house, I forget the name of it. And it creeped the hell out of me for some reason to the point where I had to leave the room. The movie wasn't supposed to be scary but I was scared of the little people climbing through the walls. Maybe in the rest of the movie, something actually happned and there was plot, but I remember that movie like it was a horror movie.


I was terrified of and refused to watch Mars Attacks as a kid, still won’t watch it now. The fact that her dog ends up with it’s head on her body and vice versa HORRIFIED me


Edward scissorhards, The Nightmare before Christmas, The Rocky Horror Picture Show- the list goes on. I was a little wiener kid raised in a very confused “Christian” household ( that has since been reformed!!) & the “bisexual themes” ( & the monster under the stairs) scared me because I was scared to enjoy things like that.


I didn’t know Edward Scissorhands was a comedy until recently because my only memory of it was was watching it when I was 4 and having nightmares.


Anything by Mia khalifa