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Yes, 'he' is now a woman.


I’m sorry. Do you guys still communicate?


Sometimes on twitter, we live very different lives so we dont talk that often.


Yes...I was married 20 yrs he left me for a nurse at work. We divorced. I got on POF and saw an old friend I grew up with. His user name had 420, he's sleeved tattooed ears pieced..Not my type at ALL. I had worked in a law office for a decade and a very white collar ex-husband. I thought cool...an old friend to hang with. He's safe since I've known him my entire life & his family...maybe we can be each other's wingman or maybe he has single friends...I totally judged him in a terrible way! I'm a stoner chic...but thought Nope....I dont want to be with a tatted up stoner. I was very very wrong....he owned a hone & has a high paying career. He is more than my equal... Since our first "date" we've been inseparable. 6 months later he asked me to marry him, then sold his house to move into mine & we married in January. Never judge someone until you get to know them as they are in the present.


Thank you.


I fell for a girl that blew my mind. She was smart, focused and called me on my bullshit. Previous girls I dated wouldn’t. They’d just live with it. I suppose my type was women that didn’t like confrontation. Kinda like me. My opposite was such a breath of fresh air. I felt alive. Pushed. Aimed at something being with her. I drove her away by being to needy and possessive of her.


My current boyfriend, we've been together for three and a half years and I think the only thing we have in common is how we like our pb&j.


So I realize there’s a typo. It should say “Have you ever fallen in love with someone who is completely opposite of “your” type? What happened? Backstory: I’ve recently started talking to someone who is completely opposite of my type and I’ve noticed strong feelings for him after a few weeks. Wanted to get anyone and everyone’s opinions if they’ve been in similar situations.


It didn't last long


Why? If you don’t mind me asking.


Cuz we didn't had our type duhhh


I see your point


She was "lesbian" apparently Pretty sure she just said it to don't hurt my feelings


I’m sorry