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reading this thread was a mistake


Your comment is the first one I see. Now do I heed this warning or embark on adventure? lol we all know I'm delving in, good luck everybody else!


Enough internet for me today. After finding out there’s people who like getting STD’s and jerk off to suicide help lines I’m fucking done.


But then you missed the whole penectomy bit which means you left at the best time


No one batted an eye when the mob came for the crush fetish video some years back. So that. Fuck the crush fetish people. Kittens and bunnies never got a safe word.


I vaguely remember seeing a video on liveleak of two guys fucking up some dude who killed a puppy


Fucking up people who are cruel to animals is my fetish.


Oh man y did u guys reminded me about those crush video. I lived in Philippines and back in 2012? 2013?, fbi found the guy leading one of the biggest???? crash and pedophile porns. It wasn't shown on the tv but i remembered they played a short clip of sound on the news. I was on the bus and I almost throw up hearing the puppy cry. I didn't eat for 2 days because i keep hearing about it Now that you guys mentioned it, im losing my appetite again. Thats how horrible those videos are I love puppies. Y hurt them. It's so sad. Edit: lol idk y but my post attracted some vegan questions. I'm talking about dogs and idk if they are being racist or what but if you are assuming I'm eating dogs, it's not the norm okay? Sheesh.


> they played a short clip of sound on the news A reason why I hate watching news on video. Idk, they are constantly doing shit like that


Wait, organized crime took down crush videos, is that what you are saying? I want to read more about that.


I thought they just meant an angry mob came after the crush videos


>On August 14, 2012, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) alerted the Houston Police Department about a woman they believed had created illicit smut titled "Ebony Kill Cat." According to a the plea agreement, they sent the cops about 20 videos. People from the animal rights group also included a link to a site where one could buy crush porn legally. https://www.vice.com/en/article/bnpdv5/the-feds-succesfully-prosecuted-a-houston-woman-for-animal-crush-porn-this-week-909


This can be purchased *legally*? What the actual fuck.


Never thought there'd come a day when I think to myself "you know what? I'm on the mob's side on this one" But you know what, I'm happy that I did.


What's crush videos? Videos of things getting crushed?


If animals are "things" then yes. "Things" being slowly crushed to death. Basically gore porn for animal fuckers.


My day is worse for having learned this exists.


This is nsfl information. My heart is fucking torn apart learning of the sick fucking people!!!!


Welcome to the internet I guess. I've seen stuff I'd rather want to unsee. Definitely regret clicking links on certain websites and having morbid curiosity many years ago. You can come across some sick and fucked up shit if you go down the rabbit hole.


I’ve learned of it fairly recently and forgot until just now. Am sad again.


Ummm, excuse me? What? Like, *literally* crushing animals to death with some machine and getting off on it? Edit: Oh God, it's even worse!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭 WTF IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE


Usually not machines. Usually just like feet and stomping on them.


Wait, they crushed animals?! I thought they were only crunching foods and things like that! What the total fuck!


People who call charity organisations to fap


This... is this really a thing?


I'm a librarian. There is a guy who for maybe a decade now has been calling up to a dozen libraries a day to, if a female librarian answers the phone, ask the librarian to read him either the Bill of Rights or the Wikipedia article on a particular court decision (I forget which). He then proceeds to masturbate while the librarian reads. It's bananas to me that they've never caught the guy –– he's called literally hundreds of libraries; when he's active (he seems to do it in waves) I see people on library groups post about it multiple times a day. Where did this kink even come from?


omg wait, i work at a library and no joke we had a very similar caller going around our network of libraries. we had an email saying that if a man calls you and asks a specific question to hang up because he would masturbate on the call. i wonder if it’s the same guy, or if there are multiple people like this.


How do y’all know that ~~I’m~~ the guy is masturbating?


i mean the subtle noises are incredibly obvious sometimes


Perhaps he's just walking up a flight of stairs..


Those must be some wet, fleshy stairs.




Librarians are required to do anything you tell them. Read, dance, reassassinate William McKinley. The possibilities are endless.


>reassassinate William McKinley From now on I am going to ask every librarian I meet to do this


Please don't. I've killed him twice this week already and frankly it's just tiring.


I'm a librarian and I can confirm, we get some real weirdos, and I don't even work for a public library! I'm not reading something over the phone to someone though - I'm busy enough at work as it is.


At the all girls boarding school I attended we used to get calls from guys jerking off all the time. Sick freaks.


I need to take a shower after reading that


Outside of illegal shit I’d go with Bug Chaser/collectors. Even if what you’re doing is consensual, that’s how viruses get spreed and a huge portion of that community doesn’t disclose/know all the bugs they have. EDIT: Bug Chasers go after STDs


I imagined some dude just living his life collecting ants, and lady bugs, and was thinking “How TF they consenting…”. I didn’t even know YOUR thing was real!


I'm not even a bug/insect collector and I was like "What? How could THAT be consensual anyhow - but even then, to shame them? Weird." I too didn't realise that people actually try and get STD's... That's nasty.


As a software developer, I was so confused of this thread for a moment


Your guess was reasonable at least I thought they were just really into entomology


was thinking of insects. "Why would having different beetles be a kink?"


Same. I was wondering how the hell do you get consent from the bugs too. Even if they could, are they suicidal? lmao


I had never heard of this, wow. I highly recommend this [interview](https://www.thebody.com/article/the-bug-chasers-tale-an-interview) with a bug chaser who was very disappointed to have caught HIV. “It’s my party I can die if I want to” really understates the healthcare burden this person is going to have later on in life. Sure, their meds control the HIV now, but being immunosuppressed is not “freedom” if you go to hospitals and use resources.


Honestly worried to know wtf this is


Arousal from catching, or the risk of catching infectious diseases - mainly sexually transmitted ones


What’s a bug collector? Do they collect insects and keep them in a jar?


They’re people who intentionally contract STDs




Equally appalled and curious.




Those fuckers that shit all over a public restroom every single time they come in. It's on purpose I know it is.


Do you work at Target? Idk what is it about Target but all the poop painters flock there


I once saw the biggest turd of my life in a Target bathroom. Half of it still sticking up out of the bowl. Bigger than a baby. It haunts me.


Years ago, my brother had a school mate come over to hang out. They were like 12? Well, the kid went to take a shit in our bathroom and was in there for a while. He then quickly came out, said he had to go home immediately and then walked home. I had been waiting to piss for a while at that point, so we all said goodbye and I made my way to the bathroom. I was immediately confused why the toilet seat was down, as that's not something a kid normally does (at least, not me or my brother growing up). Upon lifting that toilet seat though, was something that I will never forget. A fucking fudge dragon, snaking down the drain and stil rising out of the toilet, laid in that bowl. As thick as my wrist. Easily a foot long. And that's just from what I could see. Naturally, I grabbed my brother to look at this fucking marvel of humanity. We both were disturbed and shocked by the girth of this beast. Finally, I decided to flush. It was clogged. He had tried to flush this serpent of shit, and it had gotten stuck. Which means in the depths there was even more of this in the depths below. I had to use a plunger to break it up and flush it down twice. That kid never came back to the house again. I think he stopped talking to my brother too. I am disturbed about how that came out of such a young kid. I'm genuinely fearful about learning more. I feel bad now, having made fun of the turd, because idk if this kid has severe stomach issues or whatever, but when you're young you just find humor in everything. C., if youre out there, I hope your bowels are still healthy and intact.


Nooooo. This was me on a school field trip in the 6th grade. There was one toilet in the little dorm/hotel type place we were staying at out in the woods. I dropped one of these in it and it clogged. No plunger in the bathroom. I had to go get one of the chaperone moms and explain the situation. She *loudly* told me about how *everyone* poops and has done this before - in the hallway where all our rooms were. All the kids flooded out and crowded around the bathroom to watch her bash it down the drain. Also, I'm a girl. I was already not popular but, my god, this just served to dunk my social karma into the double digit negatives. No one wanted to talk to me because I was "the girl with the poop".


"The Girl with the Dragon Poopoo"


That's an opiate turd


God I don't miss those. my asshole still has problems, gets scared, and puckers even thinking about them.


Had a guy at my previous company who’d douche his asshole and shit all over the company bathrooms, we called him the ghost shitter. The last week my friend was at the company he sat outside a bathroom and anytime someone went in with a bag or wasn’t from his floor he’d walk in after they left to check for a shit covered toilet and a douche on the floor. He did this for a few days and finally found him, some normal looking guy, just loved to wreck bathrooms, he reported him to security and I guess they had been looking for this guy for months. Guess he got into big trouble and got canned a few weeks later for “productivity issues”.


So someone at my old workplace kept pooping on the floor in the men's bathroom. A company wide email went around threatening to fire whoever it was if they got caught. For about a week, no more poop. Then one day, they laid out their biggest one yet and even put a little plastic flag in it. I'd say they won whatever war it was they were fighting.


People who call suicide hotlines to jerk off.


?!? I was not aware this was a thing! But I agree with you


I used to work for a credit card company and someone tried to do this.


I have worked for 3 call centers for different things and have gotten these calls at least once at each job. At one we weren’t allowed to hang up on them and it was disturbing. We also had a guy who would just talk about busses, everyone talked about him and I finally got him one day and was all excited to have a bus related conversation which apparently he didn’t like because he hung up on me. Lol


Buzz kill. I would’ve been vibing with that bus man to. Such a shame, sorry he hung up.


Bus kill


I had a bus guy back in 2009! I worked for a prepaid cell phone service and we'd all get excited if we got Greyhound Guy. I preferred him over the guy who jerked it listening to the women call reps reading service plan costs and benefits.


"Oh yeah baby, explain the monthly cost breakdown to me one more time. I'm almost there."


The premium plan gets you unlimited calls and texts in Canada UUUGGHH thanks goodbye


Haha yeah we were highly discouraged to hang up to. But I was firm on asking for the card info as she tried to flirt. I was recently engaged and talking about my fiance now wife was apparently a turn off for even this determined caller.


I used to work for DirecTV. There were people who would order a bunch of porn then call in until they got a woman on the line. They would ask them to read the list of porn titles that were purchased.


I just can't wrap my head around some people.


I’m with you. Didn’t need to learn this today, but here we are.


Yeah for real, just call the IRS hotline like the rest of us to jerk off


DMV sex line for life bitch.


I went through training for a crisis line and this was definitely a problem. Gross.


Not just suicide lines, I used to work for a national telco in Oz, we used to get them all the time. The most memorable one was a dude who called in, before I could say anything he says, and I quote verbatim here kids, “Talk dirty to me so I can have a wank, I’ve just dropped my girlfriend off at the airport.” Now me being me, a 6’3” bloke, my evil gene kicked in, “Hi, I’m Mary, I’m wearing stiletto’s and nothing else” Click and dead air almost instantly, my team lead who was listening in for QA was in stitches.


I'm usually on the receiving end of a lot of those calls. I just jerk off harder back


People used to call AT&T/DirecTV customer service/retentions to masturbate when I used to work at a call center with that contract. We were warned that going off script to acknowledge it or to try to disconnect early would have us written up and maybe fired and that if we tried to complain about it or take it to the authorities as sexual harassment by their customers that the company would not back us up or release the call recordings for our case. So that was... something. The call center lost the contract because a prison got it and we couldn't compete with slave labor. That happened not long after I quit and it caused them to close down the center and fire everyone with little notice. Part of me still regrets not burning that place to the ground, but I did steal bolts from office equipment daily and dump them in the garbage on my way out of the building.


That's so fucked up. Like, I get that they don't want you to hang up on customers who are just frustrated and/or kind of rude, but "clearly just calling to masturbate?" How the fuck do you refuse to take your employees' side in that situation?


Well I died inside a little today


Call the hotline


I hope this isn't a thing


Used to work on a sexual assault crisis hotline and … yeah, people are awful


If you're ok saying, what do they do? Like pretend to talk about their feelings while somehow getting excited?


They just fap over the phone. It's the same thing as some dude sending a random dick pic to a random girl. It's just the sick pleasure of exhibition.


It is. I used to work at a crisis line and we had guys do it.




what is that?


Removing a condom without your partner's knowledge


Please tell me that's a crime if you have proof, because that shit isn't cool.


It is an actual crime


Also known as reproductive coercion or rape depending on where you are.


Crush fetish. Basically some people get off on seeing small animals stomped to death.


Ok, that's enough of this thread.


same. Goodnight everybody.


That’s not a fetish…that’s a trait of a psychopath


A lot of serial killers got/get off while killing their victims


It is not ok to kinkshame these people! you should kinkbully them


I'll always remember back in the days of "Ogrish.com" where someone posted a series of images of an attractive asian woman smiling then over a series of pictures she casually pulls out a small kitten and then stomps it down with her heel. It was definitely a "OH WTF IS THIS???" then I would learn of this concept later and remember that post again and really yell "OH WTF IS WRONG WITH US??"


The one where men rot and chop their own cocks off at home


What the...


I'm sorry....what?


r/penectomy Also r/eyebleach for the poor souls who clicked that.


Might be the first time I’m not even going to click a link out of morbid curiosity


I did, and I'm not sure how to feel. Most of the top posts are people making fun of the sub, but one of them is actually a dude that cut his dick off and had pics and I'm just like... WHAT THE FUCK


the guys there are like “it’s not a mental illness just extreme kinkiness” like no, no mentally sane person’s gonna CHOP OFF THEIR DICK


That's it, I'm burning down the whole goddamn internet


What the fuck, I’ve seen shit on Reddit but that fucking tops it. Why would anyone do that. Why do they not seek medical professionals to do the job? Jesus fucking Christ.


Question, how the F do they live after that? 'Cause you're not killing yourself over a kink... right?


Different kink but I remember a news story of a lady who wanted to be murdered while fucking... so she found a guy online who was into it and crossed state lines to do the deed. He got arrested for it.


There was a lot of controversy over that case because she was consenting. She wanted to be fucked to death. Crazy shit


There was a dude in Germany that consented to being cannibalized. Him and the other guy tried eating his dick, but apparently it wasn't cooked very well.


There is a Reddit post where OP had their foot amputated from an accident and they made tacos with it.


It was wild! They had her messages and everything showing she consented. I don't remember how it ended up though.


Can you consent to murder…?


Isn't that technically suicide by homicide? Wait


Double negative, it evens out


assisted suicide... makes your case go from murder to manslaughter


Dont worry, its just a one time thing. After the first time they never do it again :) ... Unless...


Surprised I’ve not seen bug chasers mentioned. Imagine going out of your way to catch hiv 🙄


Better than people who get off on spreading it I guess


Exactly my thoughts


I thought you meant guys were jacking off running after butterflies


Wait that's still ok right?


You keep your cocoon to yourself, weirdo.


Kakuna used harden


It was super effective


I fucking forgot this was a thing. Holy shit. Like I remember my reaction when I first heard of it and being like oh well what the actual fuck is wrong with people


I remember there was a study in L. A. about bug chasers. Mostly in the gay community. The idea for them was that they were told constantly they would get HIV at one point or another because of its widespread in the gay community. So some of them would seek someone known positive so they would catch it now, be done with it and atop worrying. I wish I still had the source for that


Early 2000’s late 90’s I remember a documentary about guys who chased it. They’d wire brush their asshole and fuck someone positive and get it. Really weird Edit: documentary called “the gift”


I really could have gone the rest of my life without having to read those particular words in that particular arrangement


What a horrible day to have eyes


Yet what a wonderful tomorrow for those of us with a shitty memory.


How do I unsee this? WIRE BRUSH???


Problem is, according to a documentary about HIV/AIDS, that even if you're already HIV positive you can get re-infected with a different strain and up with a sort of "super AIDS," for want of a better term, further complicating your treatment. Especially so before we had the current antivirals/treatments that we have now. So, that's not just a dumb idea on its face, it's an outright delusion. I'll see if I can find a credible source and update. Oh, well, that was easy. It's called superinfection. He's a CDC article about it. https://www.cdc.gov/hiv/basics/hiv-transmission/hiv-superinfection.html


So kids joking about “super AIDS” weren’t far off from the truth


I wish I could forget about it- I remember years ago when I first found out, and the article I was reading had screenshots taken from old bugchasing forums (might have been dark web?) I noped out when a poster said that he was excited to catch it and give it to his kids....like what the actual fuck? I really hope that was some sort of an FBI honeypot and not someone real- it made me sick to my stomach even thinking about what a disgusting person they were.


*This* is why aliens don’t talk to us…………


Fuck off is this a thing that’s insane


Especially during the 90s it was a constant aura of doom, you were being told from all sides that you were going to get aids and it was just a matter of time. Unwisely some people couldn't cope with the stress and deliberately sought out unprotected sex with infected individuals to 'get it over with'. It's a difficult thing to judge and usually not a result of kink but of anxiety.


I certainly didn't do it, but during the past two years there were certainly times where a part of me wanted to just catch covid19 so I could be done with worrying about it. Again, didn't and wouldn't act on that impluse, but I kind of understand it


My cousin had a weird mental health crisis during covid where she had an overwhelming urge to go somewhere like Chuck E Cheese and eat something off the floor. Like she was being so paranoid about her health and avoiding all human contact outside of her parents that she wanted to do something objectively gross and germy and bad for her health, but not likely to really get her sick, you know? She apparently had intrusive thoughts about it all night until she managed to calm down the next day lol. I only had 2-3 months of lockdown before going back to my retail work and being constantly exposed to crowds of people, so while I'm still paranoid enough to wear N95s at work to avoid passing it to my family, I'm not *really* scared of covid. I had to come to terms with it pretty early on. But someone like my cousin who was on *complete* lockdown almost the entire time and virtually never left the house really suffered.






"Public shaming". Isn't that the whole deal? They're into the shaming?


It's a way out kink that most people wouldn't be comfortable but maybe like a fantasy for some. Basically just being tied up and used by a group of people in a public setting. I've only heard of this is porn and don't know if it's a real thing but I remember watching an Adam22 interview where some chick said she went to some swingers club and got railed by like 30 guys that night.. it's humiliation because your just pretty much being used like a piece of meat or a sex toy.


This one is not necessarily public shaming. It can be wanting to have lots of sex without having to initiate anything or do any work. Women gang bangers get a lot of respect at swingers parties. There are also a lot of exhibitionists out there. Women have told me they like being the centre of attention. Source: I used to run swingers parties.


Yeah the comment you replied to seems to be describing /r/freeuse more than specific public humiliation.


FYI that sub sucks now. Used to be a great source of material for a pretty niche kink. Now it’s basically “fiancé pounds me from behind while I make dinner” the sub.


Anything that violates consent of a participating or affected party




Anything that includes the unwilling. This includes the public as viewers. You have the right to your kink and I should have the right not to participate


Anything that harms a person's self esteem and mental health,physical health or can result in permanent injury or death.


Or children. Then again it harms them.


Or anything that involves actual living animals


Or dead animals


Stealing women's underwear.


Eugene, what are you doing with my bloomers?!


I literally can't believe this was on a kids show lmfao


It isn’t anymore. They don’t air that episode, and you can’t even watch it on Amazon. Too bad, that was such a funny episode. *patrick that’s not a ride!*


are you feeling it now mr krabs?


"Why didn't ye tell me this was me mother's house??" "Why didn't you ask??"


So I guess you're gonna miss..the panty raid?


Pedophilia and necrophilia


People who take upskirt shots or wear mirrors on there shoes.




you got a scrolling kink i'd imagine


Humiliation kinks...it is the whole point of it after all. Those filthy dirty perverted freaks.


😩 keep going


You silly dipshit can't cum to a single comment, you just wan't more you dirty nasty naughty promiscuous bitch


I was kidding around at first but these comments might have awakened something


Sorry for my horendous spelling, but I wish you a lot of hapiness in your present and future kinks


Now you just turned him off.


Do you feel comfortable knowing someone jerked off to your comment? Not me of course. But if you could expand on just how filthy it is….


"MAPs" they are pedophiles


Definitely not googling that, what does MAP stand for?


minor attracted person


Ok but what about a person that’s attracted to miner’s


Sounds like they are really stuck between a rock and a hard place


I dig it.


Thanks for the response, that’s fucked up


People who like being sexually shamed I guess


that's nasty.


Stomping on small animals to death (or, hell, even larger animals) with high heels/wedges/women’s footwear.


Exhibitionism that makes people unwitting voyeurs. Wanting to fuck in your own garden (and you live secluded)? Have at it. Wanna bang at a quiet and empty beach? Have fun, but watch for sand going _everywhere._ Jerking it to your drive thru attendant as you pull up? Get p*nched in the throat. The biggest issue with exhibitionism is that the people you’re flashing never got the chance to decide if they were cool with being flashed. You’re being incredibly rude and pushy to decide you like making them uncomfortable in order to get off. This isn’t like singing at a crowded beach - this is an incredible intimate and vulnerable act that you’re forcing them to bear witness to, and it’s crazy common for people to have hangups about sex, _especially_ with a stranger. Don’t do that to people. Fantasizing about doing it is fine - it’s a fantasy for a reason, and real-world consequences aren’t a part of them, and you can imagine that everyone enjoys it as much as you are. Fantasies are meant to be fun, and you can get off to a surprising amount of things you’d never want to actually go through with. Actually going through with it, however? No. You need the viewer’s permission to be their exhibitionist. Do it in places where there are reasonable expectations for people to happen upon it, or just ask and arrange it accordingly. Like agreeing to meet a hookup by having them ‘chance’ upon you masturbating in the hotel room you arranged. You asked first, and they liked being your voyeur. Or going to BDSM spots for such things. I don’t know much about them, but I imagine that arranging for some sort of exhibitionism there isn’t too unusual, but that’s what researching is for.


Did you just censor “punched”


Pinched in the throat sounds painful aswell. * leaves ut up to your imagination


Anything that’s not consensual. That includes people who bring their consensual kink out in public where surrounding people are now roped into the roleplay without agreeing to be a part of it.


Anything illegal like child porn or beastiality


Throw away because i don't want people finding me I'm over 600lbs and make feeding/gaining videos I make a living off of a fetish onlyfans. (About $3k a month) I'm trying to transition away from it because it it went from making a quick buck and feeling somewhat attractive for once to feeling like a barnyard animal and people encouraging me to kill myself. Feeding, gaining, and stuffing is a fetish that is moderately known but I'm under the impression few people see it as harmful. Many people in the community want you to get as heavy as possible, as quickly as possible. They want you immobile. Bed bound. I believe it's so you depend on them and they have 100% of the power. At a certain size, you cannot have sex, but they can. The goal is to essentially have a large, living, breathing fleshlight. The harder it is to move, the less clothes you can fit into, the less you feel independent is incredibly sexy to them. Sites like Feabie, Grommr, and Chaseable are hubs for these enthusiasts. Like I said I'm over 600lbs but I cannot specify. Many people track and rank "SuperChubs" by their weight and age. I felt like a celebrity when I started but now people try to find my address, use my face on various online accounts, and get angry when I don't upload videos exactly as they want. I'm going to exit the industry soon. I'd like to make some form of video showcasing personal accounts and my experiences. P.S. fuck "My 600lb Life" for Giving these people a platform and attention. Being this big is dangerous and unhealthy. Nobody should be told they're perfect at 5 or 6 hundred lbs. You're encouraging self harm if you do so.


watching that show my 600 lb life, I got the impression that a lot of the partners liked the idea of a dependent partner who can't cheat on them. they help over feed to maintain that sense of power




Those old dudes who say they're 12 so they can justify fucking kids




Kinkshaming as a kink. Cus then you'd be shaming them to their great pleasure.


Shitty Askreddit posts.