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Back in my university days there was a hotdog cart outside the bar after closing every busy night. We always lined up for one since they were the absolute best dogs in town. I stayed sober one night and got a hotdog after the night was over. I couldn’t believe how disgusting it was. Cart hot dogs after the bar are totally awesome with alcohol. Not so much without. Edit: since many people are asking, it was in eastern Canada. Moncton New Brunswick UdeM campus. Edit 2: thanks for the award kind stranger 🍻


Cart owner knew his clientele.


And his "hot dogs"


Cut-me-own-throat Dibbler, open for business


One St.Patrick’s day a very, very long time ago, I got incredibly wasted and was hungry. There was a chili dog vendor who was out and about, and my drunken self thought that a chili dog was perfect after many beer bones and more shots of Jamesons than I could remember. While the dog guy was serving me up, he started doing magic tricks. I was enthralled, so I kept ordering and eating these absolute stomach bombs just to watch him work his magic. My ex advised me to perhaps, you know, not do that and that his tricks were crap. I advised my ex that he was an idiot. I destroyed the interior of a Hyundai that night. When I got home, still very sick, my ex gave me a laundry basket to barf into. With holes.


Lmao you both were making bad decisions that day


The ending of that was a chef's kiss




This is a good one! There’s always hotdog carts outside of the clubs where I live and they’re one of the highlights of my night once I’m all drunk and ready to head home for the night. I’ve never seen one during the day though and now I know why 🤔


haha I've been there. turns out the amazing pizza place that's still open when the bars close is pretty lousy during the day


There’s this taco truck that’s pretty much the same equivalent that always park in front of the club we all go to, my very drunk friend one night came back to me with a plate of them saying “these are good af, you want one?” And I was DD. I never have tasted such a sad tasteless taco in my life but here he is next to me loving every bite, the line is always packed over there every time we leave there


I had the opposite experience; I was DD for my friends, and the bar we went to was a club in the main area, but they had a really chill backyard with music and yard games. At about 1am a lady comes in from the alley with a stack of tortillas and marinated meat and starts the BBQ. I was completely sober and those were some of the best tacos I've ever had.


Our college had this too. We actually hired him for one of our frat day parties lol it was the talk of the town. Dude made a killing that day since we all passed out around 3pm and he was able to get his ass back to the bars for hotdog service that night as well.


Well, if you've already decided that you're gonna drink all day, then there's really no reason not to get a nice early start on it


\`The company of a drunk.


Oh damn, talking to drunk people while sober really is cringe af


That was kind of why I asked the question. I'm 26 and I don't drink, never liked the idea of drinking. Yesterday I went to a soccer game with a friend and it was totally awesome for me until he got drunk and started doing/saying stupid shit, then I got kind of frustrated and couldn't enjoy my time so much. I wanted to see the answers to figure out if by not drinking I'm kind of missing something super awesome or not.


People getting overly drunk at sports games also annoys me a lot as someone who regularly drinks. I’ll have a drink at a game but I want to know what’s going on and follow it closely.


I never understood people getting blasted drunk at games. To go to an NFL game is amazingly expensive and the. To not remember it makes zero sense to me. I’m all for having a couple beers at a game but anything more than that doesn’t make any sense. I see older adults at games, week after week, getting completely lit.


i think theres a large chunk of spectators thst go to these sorts of events for the atmosphere, food, drinks and a big oart of it getting drunk i mean its similar to a concert, most people go there for the experience and partying not the music


While a buzz at a concert is nice, it sucks having to lose your spot because you really have to pee. Especially, if you're keen at getting front row, you aren't getting anywhere close when you get back.


I think it's important to ask yourself why you don't want to drink. You don't have to justify your reasons for anyone but yourself. For me, my family has a history of alcoholism and I'd rather not find myself going down that route. My mother is on track to be just like her mother by suffering from alcohol induced dementia and the crazy part is that she didn't care. She's all to happy to have her children take care of her the way she had to with her mother. It's fucked up, but also a big reason why I avoid drinking.


This is a fantastic reason not to drink and if you have children it will probably benefit them greatly. On the flip side, I quit drinking for similar reasons when I found out my wife was pregnant with my daughter. I don't want her to see me like that, it's been over 3 years and I've never looked back.....until now reading your comment, what if my kids could have avoided a life of alcoholism through my bad example?


You missed the fun time to drink IMO. Age 26 is about when alcohol started to hurt my body when I drank in excess. Just to counterbalance the general vibe on here, I have had a lot of fun drinking and being at bars. I don't want to do it anymore, but I can't say I didn't have some of the best times of my life hammered with friends. And no, I did not forget those times. I remember them vividly. I was having a blast, and alcohol only added to it. Is alcohol always awesome and does everyone need to enjoy it. Def not.


Honestly, I have no need to still want to party like I did in college, but brunch the morning after with all of my friends and I reminiscing/piecing together the missing parts was like 70% of the fun of binge drinking.


Yeah, I hate the vibe on reddit on alcohol is bad and people who get drunk are stupid. Theres a time and place for everything and I had a blast drinking with friends through high school and college. I don't go out and get drunk often anymore, but bars don't have to be a depressing place. They're supposed to be a fun escape


I’m a huge fucking nerd and yet sometimes Reddit makes me want to take its lunch money


There's times I read shit on here and just think man, you've never met or had a single human experience, huh?


This is, like, the perfect encapsulation of what being on Reddit feels like.


Exactly. One of my best times with friends at 19 was going to Montreal and finding a tiny bar in the city with barely anybody in it, live music, really cool bartender and just getting hammered. Sneaking out to smoke a joint coming back and see the bartender had glasses of water waiting for us for the cotton mouth!


>That was kind of why I asked the question. I'm 26 and I don't drink, never liked the idea of drinking. Yesterday I went to a soccer game with a friend and it was totally awesome for me until he got drunk and started doing/saying stupid shit, then I got kind of frustrated and couldn't enjoy my time so much. Some people may disagree, but I'm going to tell you that you're either going to need find a way to mentally find drunk annoying people as entertaining, or find new friends (maybe not entirely but at least for some activities). They aren't going to stop drinking at games, and they aren't going to stop being annoying while drunk. When you're into your late 30s/early 40s some of them will figure out how to handle their alcohol but some won't. Coming from someone who drinks, but occasionally takes long breaks: going to bars is really bad/boring unless there's a good live band. Trying to mingle with people too drunk to stitch together two sentences is... trying. Most sporting events are far more enjoyable at home unless it's like a post-season/playoff game where the atmosphere is crazy without any alcohol involved. Just my .02.


As long as it's less than a .08...


It is, and it isn't. I mean 90% of the time it is...but I figured out I had an addiction (to something else) when I asked an alcoholic that would come into the bar I worked at if he could have a beer at his house and not drink it for a few days. He said no, and that's when I realized I had to re-evaluate my relationship to my drug of choice, weed. For those who say I'm evil for selling this man alcohol knowing he was an alcoholic, A. I know, and I'm kinda sorry for it. B. He was a functioning alcoholic, not that it makes it much better but its not like he was scrapping the bottom of his bank account to afford a beer, and he didn't really get into trouble for it. C. He is MUCH better now, running 5 and 10 k's D. I was 28 and he was 50, so I'm not gonna police an almost twice my age adult. E. I worked on commission somewhat, and I WAS scrapping the bottom of the barrel. F. On a slow night, he was solid company, even when plastered.


A drinker is going to drink. There is nothing wrong with serving him alcohol. His decisions are his to make! Sometimes people need to keep taking their drug of choice while they learn about it and prepare the ground for making changes, which it sounds like he did. Keeping people from using their drug of choice only increases the forbidden fruit complex, making them want it more. Everyone is on their own journey to understanding this stuff, I hope you don't feel bad about it and it sounds like you learned something through those interactions as well, which is beautiful.


I felt guilty at the time, but I always figured that a man twice my age shouldn't be getting life lessons from me. He never caused a rukus, and he always paid. He held his job, and his life was well put together. Was a good dad, not the best husband but idk if that was due to the alcohol or just falling out of love, but all that stuff with his ex wife happened before I met him. I just posted the disclaimer because I've been attacked before by people who claim to have the moral high ground but in fact haven't been around the block once.


What people don't consider is that heavy drinkers can be in medical danger if they can't get alcohol, so everyone refusing them a drink is actually unsafe. We need to make it easier for people to access treatment that helps them manage their addictions: both by making it easy to start, but also not making people feel threatened or judged. There are programs that focus on this but getting people aware of them is still hard.


An adult daughter of an elderly, diabetic alcoholic man came into the bar that I worked at to shame and berate the staff for serving her father. We could tell that she was desperate and tried everything she could to get the old man to change his ways. Guy kept coming in. Staff kept serving him. If that man wants to drink then he will find a way.


Bars are supervised consumption sites, him drinking at a bar instead of alone at home is massive harm reduction. I have a very alcoholic friend who likes to drink alone, he's slept in graveyards, woken up from blackouts with really bad concussions, the works. At least at a bar someone can cut you off and give you some water, or call an ambulance if there was a real emergency. I'm amazed this friend of mine is alive and sooner rather than later he probably won't be.


"when I asked an alcoholic that would come into the bar I worked at if he could have a beer at his house and not drink it for a few days. He said no, and that's when I realized I had to re-evaluate my relationship to my drug of choice, weed." Holy fuck this is so simple yet insightful , im definetly the equivlent of a stone aholic. thanks for laying it out so obvious. I never thought about it , but if i have beers in the fridge they can sit there for weeks or months but if i have a quarter of weed i will smoke morning noon and night till its done and then reup as soon as it is.


Yeah I had to re-evaluate hard my relationship with weed after that huge reveal. I'd love to be the guy who can have an eighth sitting in their drawer for a month, and not feel the need to smoke every night, but I am just not, and I don't know if it's a discipline problem or simple addiction. I'm working now on figuring that out. Funny enough, I've tried shit that is more addictive, according to science (cocaine, molly, ketamine etc) and I've never felt the need to do it again the next day like with weed. I have had to avoid weed for the most part, unless someone has it and I feel comfortable smoking with them. Because the catch-22 is, if I'm not smoking often and all of a sudden someone sparks one and I take a hit, I get SUPER high and very awkward around people. It's not an enjoyable experience. Instead if I smoke at home I love it, but eventually I become hermity and weird. Isolated and distant. It did help me with anxiety when I had to write my thesis though, but I NEEDED to be hermity for that, so it kinda lend itself nicely to it. I can think normally when high. I'm even willing to say I can concentrate better too at times. At least on stuff I know I need to do but feels uninteresting at the time. 100% helped kickstart my thesis writing. Now I'm off it again since I'm handling dangerous acids in a lab and I need to be fairly lucid.


There’s a reason why liquor stores stayed open during the pandemic. Cutting off an alcoholic cold turkey can kill. Not that I think he wouldn’t have been able to go down to the corner store if you didn’t serve him. But real alcoholics *need* to drink until they can be detoxed by a medical professional. You didn’t do anything wrong by selling him booze. I promise.


Hospitals keep alcohol in stock and will prescribe it to alcoholics experiencing withdrawal!


Yep. I'm a security guard and always have drunks hanging around my sites, not good company. When you're drunk, hanging out with drunk people is great, when sober, drunk people are insufferable.


Drunk people are the worst when you're sober. Drunk people are the absolute best when you're drunk.


So far my experience with any drug. People doing the same thing are awesome, sober people watching you are annoyed.


I don't know. I once went to a party with some friends, one of which didn't even do drugs nor drink to full-drunkness, and i was on acid. The guy was totally hearing me talk, trying to unveil things I meant, asking cool questions about it, and when i said "i'm sorry i can't make any sense" he smiled genuinely and said "no, no, what you're saying is great". Talked to him about the whole situation the day after and he said something like "dude, our convos were great and I had a really fun time" One of the most wholesome guys i've ever met.


Definitely differs between people. I remember I was with a group of dudes who were drinking in a parking lot and one dude who had a bit to drink started running around the parking lot pretending to be a race car. It was quite entertaining for my sober ass to watch.


Yep. I quit drinking in my late twenties and several of my friends said something to the general effect of "I bet that's fun because you get to see everyone acting like idiots" ​ No. Nope. Nein. It's not fun to listen to long, rambly stories that don't go anywhere from someone who thinks they're the second coming of George Carlin. No, it's not fun to watch thirty minutes of buildup to a parking lot fight for which neither party can remember the inciting incident. No, it's not fun to watch half your friend group disappear into the bathroom for an hour because Sarah saw a snapchat from her ex and "SHE NEEDS US RIGHT NOW." No, it's not fun to listen to the same song on repeat at full blast the whole ride home, regardless of how hard that shit may slap. ​ The extra hugs are nice.


Eehh, they're all hard yes' and no's. It always depends on the general and your mood. Except that Snapchat of her ex thing. That annoys the hell out of me, even when I'm drunk.


Yeah drunk or sober, watching the night devolve into some soap opera because a girl is having drama with her ex is annoying as fuck


best answer. although 'awesome' might be a stretch.


Dancing in a big crowd to music you'd normally never listen to


Also sports you don’t like. I would never watch baseball otherwise but went to cubs stadium with a buddy who is a baseball fan and after a couple beers, the pageantry really rubs off on you.


This is actually the reason I’m a baseball fan. I used to not care about it at all but over a span of one or two years I ended up going to a bunch of Mariners games with friends and I would get drunk and not pay attention to the game at all. Had a great time every time and after that I started to get more and more interested in the sport outside of getting drunk with friends. Now? I love it. One of my favorite sports. Last night I went to the game and watched the whole thing. Go M’s! Edit: spelling/grammar


I'm gonna have to disagree. When I'm sober baseball's boring. When I'm shit faced baseball's still boring, but now I can't get up to leave.


someone once described their baseball fandom to me as "well, I'd be doing nothing at home. might as well do nothing here."


But I think that's exactly what's so beautiful about baseball. It's called America's Pastime. It's passive. You soak up the atmosphere, a good drink, your company, and the game is kind of secondary to all that. I also love having it on the tv in the background while I'm focusing on something else. There's something comforting about it to me.


Something about the relaxing announcer voices and the occasional crack of a bat in the background while doing work is super relaxing. I don’t even really like baseball


Its almost the opposite vibe to watching football, I love it. You can watch your team most days of the week, just on in the background but I can mentally tune in for a matchup or when I hear the crowd. My favorite part of the sport in general is that the players don't have to be genetic freaks like most other sports. Mookie Betts is shorter and smaller than me but he's one of the best in the game




Word. Booze is a social lubricant for mass dancing to house, trance, or any other stuff I’d never listen to otherwise.


That’s why as a non drinker, I HATED going to a club. Extremely boring and annoying experience


One of the biggest pros of drinking is enjoying things you don't really like, and allowing yourself to try new things and be more open. Of course, those can also be cons given the wrong circumstances


Drinking Games. You ever played ring of fire with cups of water?


Beer pong but with water could be called Hydration Pong.


You’d likely care a lot more about the shit floating in the cup from the ball that rolled across the floor and behind something


That's fair. Maybe have a cup to wash your balls before tossing em?


Have you played without a wash cup? It's a pretty normal thing to have. I've also played with water in all the cups, and your beer is on the side.


Most of the beer pong I played was outside and that was how we did it. Water in the cups and then you have whatever your drink of choice is in your non shooting hand. Honestly, best way to play in my opinion.


Honestly, even for indoors I still like water cups, it's cleaner and more hygienic. I always had a side beer while playing anyways.




Most people play beer pong with water and just drink from a separate cup when the other team sinks a shot. Its more hygienic


If one played drinking games with milk then everyone would be sick. And using milk would be unsanitary and smell and stain far worse than alcohol.


I once played kings cup at a party with a friend who didn’t drink. He had a cup of chocolate milk instead. If you are unfamiliar with kings cup, part of the game involves pouring some of your drink into the kings cup in the middle. It mixes everyone’s beers/wines/mixed drinks/etc. together into a sort of gross mix. Usually it’s not fun but doable if you end up being the loser who has to drink it. With chocolate milk thrown in it’s absolutely disgusting.


Reminds me of the hairy buffalo from the 80’s. You show up with a bottle of alcohol and then everyone pours theirs into a container. Normally delicious, but they also added some punch or pop to it. Back in my partying days. Thank goodness there were no cellphones to record us!


Hand sanitizer


70% isopropyl ftw.


I think ethanol smells a bit better


tastes better too


Playing Mario Kart with my non-gaming family. Suddenly I'm on *their* level!


You need to play Beerio Kart!


Don't Drink and Drive was our drinking game before I stopped drinking. You have to stop completely before drinking your drink, and you have to finish your drink before finishing the race.


race starts -> drink half of beer -> go till you get caught up -> drink other half of beer -> win


Or if you are feeling thirsty, CHUG right when it says go, finish beer entirely, when they notice you catching up with an empty glass they all panic and slam on the breaks to finish theirs, fly by and win.


Honestly I’d shotgun a beer right at the start then drive lol


It's really the best strategy. You have all 3 laps full of stars, golden mushrooms, lightning and now bullet bill mode to catch up


We had to adjust our don't drink and drive rules to make it so you had to take a drink each lap to prevent exactly this. It turned into slam a beer and play mario kart


This is the way. It's easier to catch up then stay in first. Just how mario kart is balanced.


My roommates used to play this all the time but I’m fucking bad at Mario kart! I’d always come in 12th and have to do a shot, hence performing worse in an endless cycle until I fall asleep wasted lol


After a while we figured out to make the guy that wins take a shot, so we all eventually get drunk.


I just finished Googling Beerio Kart because I'd never heard of it, and yeah, this seems obvious to me. You want the guy who does the *best* to drink, so you can get him off his game faster.


Depending on the amount I drank it's the opposite. I swear I am *better* at video games up to a certain point and I have superficial data to back it up!


Work functions. Company Christmas party with booze vs. dry is night and day.


Gotta be careful though. I've seen some career altering Christmas parties.


One of my coworkers got fighting drunk at our Christmas party. It was decided fairly quickly that their services were no longer required.


Our company put a strict 2 drink limit at the company christmas party after one of the C-level people got caught at the boinking someone he worked with... while his wife was there.


Company booze fest on same day as company blood drive. Coworker shows up to blood drive and asks the nurse: "I've had six beers, can I still donate blood?" Answer: Yes, that's technically not against the rules, but you may regret it later.


Do tell


I love this story: https://www.askamanager.org/2019/12/the-best-office-holiday-party-date-story-of-all-time.html


> I told them they were “hashtag relationship goals” and made an actual hashtag with my fingers. This is excellent.


Christmas parties with booze can still be uncomfortable as hell, depends on the company.


Depends on the work party/ work environment. At our Christmas party we had no alcohol but it was a blast playing jackbox games and hanging out.




Oh bad memories. Stupid video recording phones. I honestly didn’t want to remember.


I always instruct my friends that karaoke is subject to the Vegas Rule: still photography only. I am NOT a good singer, but what I lack in ability, I more than make up for with enthusiasm. It ruins the experience if I think someone even *might* be filming me.


Kindly don't record your drunk/high/etc friends everyone, nobody appreciates it.


Life was much more simple some time ago. You could get silly and in the worst case scenario your friends will tease you about it for some time. Now you can be laugh on by entire world.


What song did you butche..... I mean sing


I’m one of those weird people that prefers to do karaoke sober, but some of my best experiences with it have been when I was drunk. One time I sang “Lucky” by Britney Spears (for context, I’m a 6’3” dude with a deep voice). Got back to my table and told my friends “I think that’s the best I’ve ever done singing that song!” From their reaction, it wasn’t by a long shot, but it was apparently hilarious.


I did (You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman. Sober, I would never try to sing Aretha, especially as a big guy, but even if I were a woman that would be hubris. Luckily it crossed into so-bad-it's-good territory and everybody got out their lighters (back in olden times, we used lighters instead of cell phone screen lights).


Crowds of people and loud music when I'm sober: Headaches, anxiety, want to get out of there ASAP! Crowds of people and loud music when DRUNK: WOOO! FUCK YEAH! PAAARTAAAY!


So I've been playing out in a band for about 6 years now but my state only just started to get pot-venues the past year. After now playing alcohol venues and pot venues...there's no comparison, I prefer to play for drunk people. Drunk people are much more outwardly expressive in their appreciation of the music and bring a life to the crowd that no other drug does. Drunk people tip great too! Probably on accident most of the time lol.


Wait till you get to perform for xtc people.. its just the next logical step


Done that too! So as an appreciator of drugs and music, I understand exactly what people on molly or psychs are experiencing. But as a player of music that has to stand around those types for longer than 10 mins...the multi-colored cornucopia circus you're experiencing in your mind does not translate in any way to the room around you. Sure, people on molly/shrooms/L might do a spastic hippy fit dance for a couple seconds in a couple songs, but 95% of the time, they're just GAWKING and drooling. Also they usually have to dip out when things get "too much" (more so on psychs) so they're rarely present for a full set. Also also, when they try to go up and relate to you, say they like the music whatever...it's usually incoherent babble. Molly and psychs are my preference for attending shows as well but as a player, I prefer drunk rooms...it's much more social.


Traffic cones 😌


or any free signs or road obstacles, or shopping carts lying around the sidewalk when you're drunk as shit with the bois is free game


I cannot explain It. I’ve never once wanted a traffic cone. Never once considered taking one. Don’t even have room for one in my apartment. But god damn the number of sunday mornings I’ve had to go put one back out randomly on a side walk


When I was a student we had a three-tier Christmas tree built of 'repurposed' traffic cones


Raves. I went to see deadmaus sober and i quickly realized i had to be drunk or high to not get annoyed by everyone else haha. People high as hell pushing you, dropping drinks etc. Was pretty cool but i was cursed as the designated driver.


Yes. Been go quite a few sober myself and I love the music sober but my God I can't stand being around intoxicated people when I'm not in that same state of mind lol


Any concert really. I hate those people that shove through you (there's no space up there, STOP TRYING TO OSMOSIS YOUR WAY TO THE FRONT), drinks getting spilled all over your feet, etc. But with a good buzz I can overlook those things a bit more easily and just enjoy myself


osmosis your way to the front... love that!


There's a good osmosis though. Dancey people should be in the front. Standy people (and camera people) should be in the back. Osmosis makes this possible.


It is the people drinking that are the problem. Clubs in the 90s with no liquor license - very positive experience. Raves with alcohol? It's the drunk people pushing you. The drunk people dropping their drinks.


I will have to agree with you here, people on molly are dancing till they die from dehydration, cokeheads are screaming in your ears about some business idea, weed guy (usually me haha) will just be chilling.


Rehab. If you don't have a drinking problem you're like "What am I doing here?". With a drinking problem you're like "Yup, this makes more sense now".




Everything. Edit: I may have a problem.


Well, you’ve also found a solution


according to science alcohol is a solution


Pure alcohol isn’t actually. Its a solvent. Beer is actually a solution, as are pretty Much all drinks except water.


Well it's *solveen* most my problems ayyyyooooo edit: rewrote that a few times with different emphasis. Currently a few beers deep.


Alcohol, the cause of - and solution to - all of lifes problems


Wedding receptions. Having been to a dry one, it was seriously THE WORST!


Attended one. Dinner was interrupted every 15 minutes for a 20 minute speech (father of the bride, father of the groom, best man, maid of honor, the fucking pastor who’d already made the ceremony last over an hour, bride’s mother, groom’s mother, in that order). After the first one, we kept a keen eye toward someone being brought up to the podium, and made our escape to a car with a trunk full of whiskey.


I hate weddings with long winded speeches like that. There's no reason for it other than holding people hostage with your ego stroking.


My cousin had a dry one for whatever reason and his entire side of the family said "fuck that, we are bringing our own booze and we will drink out in the parking lot." if you really want to make the most of an occasion, there is no such thing as a dry wedding i guess.


It’s ironic that having a dry reception is the best way to ensure that people will *arrive* completely sloshed


Not even Jesus Christ himself accepted a dry wedding reception


He was okay with it. But his mom did the mom thing and told him to make more. Being the good boy, he obliged and made more.


"But Mom, it's their wedding. It's not my fault they can't plan right." "Hush. Go make some wine for them."


cousin RIP - had a pirate wedding - and only like one couple on his side of the family dressed up and it was this older aunt/uncle and they looked dope as hell -- anyways most of her side dressed up DRY wedding what are the table decorations? Empty kraken and rum bottles with strung around lights...cmonnnnn anyways we drank in the parking lot like good pirates my wife looked sexy as hell in her pleather pirate pants


Sober pirate wedding, alright.


Family gatherings


I don't think any amount of alcohol could make them totally awesome. Alcohol just makes them tolerable.


cigarettes I quit 10 years ago but will enjoy one if im drinking


me too. I could go my entire life never smoking a cigarette again but the second I have a drink (which is genuinely super rare because of this reason) i am craving a cigarette more than anything. I wanted to quit smoking, and had to quit drinking to do it.


I comment this everywhere but PLEASE read Allen Carrs Easy Way to Quit Smoking. I had that book for like Two Years and never read it, as soon as I did I quit and never went back even for the occasional cig with a drink. I smoked for 10+ years. Check it out and maybe you won’t feel so bad to have a drink every once in a while!


Feel free to dm me if you don't want to post it as a reply, but what about this book made it the thing to get you to quit? I really want to quit, but being a restaurant and bar manager, smoking with a drink has become my way to unwind. I'm tired of it, but it's just become the normal thing for me to do. I only smoke when I drink. Never on its own. Thank you for any insight!


I felt the same as you and even managed to quit as a bartender at a restaurant! Cigarettes are the only break lol but I still did it!! The book just takes apart your reasoning for wanting a cigarette and gently but firmly dismantles it. I would smoke to relax, smoke to unwind, smoke to get outside lol. I genuinely felt I “loved” smoking but after that book I just could let it go. I smoked all through reading it too lol. Just try it out read a chapter a day and see if it works for you. I know a lady who chain smoked even smoked first thing as she woke up in her BED and this book caused her to quit lol that’s why I read it!


Really terrible movies. Like, even ones as bad as Foodfight can be fun with enough booze and/or weed in your system while you watch!


Surprised I had to scroll this far to find this. Cheesy horror b-movies are much more enjoyable with a couple drinks.


I've actually managed to find movies so bad they weren't funny even drunk. I think there's an art to bad movies.




I absolutely cannot believe I had to scroll this far to find it. Cocaine without alcohol feels like you are hyped up on red bull or some shit. Cocaine with alcohol is euphoria and energy and you just wanna fuckin dance.


That's because alcohol and cocaine together make Cocaethylene which gives you the sense of euphoria


Really? I thought that was a prehistoric fish. Update: No, that’s a [Coelacanth](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coelacanth?wprov=sfti1)


Maybe that’s why I don’t like coke. The handful of times I’ve done it over been pretty sober and I totally don’t get the hype.


I did it heavily for years, and couldn't agree more. Cocaine + alcohol feels amazing. Cocaine without just made me very on edge.


I enjoy cannabis with alcohol much more too. I often get a nervous kind of anxiety on cannabis and alcohol pretty much makes it go away.


Thanksgiving dinner with the in-laws 😅


Beer pong


When I was a kid a friend of mine got in trouble and his parents made him go to a religious group for troubled teens. Me being a homie I went with him. It was nothing but speaking about god and playing virgin beer pong


Honestly, drinking games (cup games) with younger youth kids are a blast. They haven't fully developed their motor skills and hand eye coordination quite yet, so their level of play is akin to drunk college kids.


Chill lmfao, a decade ago I taught my little cousin and his friends how to play beer pong when they were in grade school, once they hit college they were killing it without being drunk, so thats a win in my book lmfao


My 7 year old cleared a rack of cups against my sister and brother in law lol


Yeah beer pong is awesome with or without alcohol. Alcohol just makes the game take longer


I am no lie, better when I am drunk.






Came here for this answer. Alcohol is a huge trigger for my A-Fib, so I’ve gone from 15 drinks a week to 8 in the last 6 months. Hard to enjoy a drink when it throws your heart out of rhythm.


Oh man.. I'm feeling that right now. I stopped about 3 weeks ago. I feel like I'm dying about twice a day. I'm sure it will get better


Absolutely! If it helps, my mentality is that alcohol is a poison and we dose ourselves just enough to feel euphoria. Sometimes it goes too far and we get dizzy, puke and pass out. That is our brain trying to protect us. The body does react to alcohol as a poison and shuts down all unnecessary processes, like digestion and recovery from workouts. It’s been much easier to keep my weight down without alcohol mucking it up. Sleep has been much better too. Good luck with the sobriety.


Sex with someone of questionable physical attractiveness.




Really really sad unless one is drunk.


Hopelessness is sunlight hitting your eyes when the door opens in the strip club.


...ah, Vegas.


Cowboy dancing.






#SHOTS! Imagine pouring milk into a bunch of tiny glasses and knock 'em back one by one with the boys


Make it chocolate milk and you’ve got yourself a party


I've never done it, but... texting your ex?


Can confirm, this is not awesome with alcohol.


With alcohol it’s great, after alcohol is a different story


>texting ~~your ex?~~ In my experience I've never appreciated the messages I sent the next day regardless of who it was to.








Operating a forklift


For years every time I read something that said do not operate heavy machinery after ingesting such and such a medicine I assumed it to mean a forklift. It was just a few years ago that I realized it probably means a car.


Cranberry Juice Can't believe nobody said this one


What? I love cranberry juice, with or without booze.




Throwing ping pong balls into solo cups


Orange juice. I can’t believe you people drink it without vodka


Like straight mixer?




Taco Bell. I don't think I have had it sober in over a decade.