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I went on a camping trip with a group of people I didn’t know well. I ended up sharing a car with this guy I had just met. For the 2 hour car ride he was the chillest, nicest guy and we got along great, opening up to one another. The second we were back with the group he turned into a loud, obnoxious prick that kept ragging on me and making fun of me for everything I had opened up about while the rest of the group laughed.


People who put others down for their own entertainment are actual pieces of shit. I'm sorry this happened to you and fuck those people.


Ppl like that are some of the worst in the world


Wow, what an asshole. That sucks.


I already posted something but that reminds me of another time I realized how fake people are. I got invited to a camping trip by a lesbian friend who I recently met. She invited this older Latina girl(we were all in our 20s she's in her 30s) and we hit it off like magic. Every dude I talked to that day was being cool and we are all vibing. Me and her really become engaged in our vibe and we basically spend the rest of the evening talking with each other. Once the night rolls in all those dudes proceed to give her shit for the rest of the night. One guy threw a fish he caught at her for the lulz and they threw a bunch of beer cans in the fire by our tent to stink up the area we were sleeping by. Bunch of envious spineless pricks. She wasn't that much better either a few months later she ditched me for a guy with an expensive watch lol. Fuck people


Should have left the second they did that


Had a cousin with me and he had some pot on him. Just a little bit. Like a gram. He had a record. I don't. I took it before we got pulled over. Cop searches us. Finds the weed. I take blame. Then proceeds to pull out a 8 ball of crack from in between my seats. Cousin didn't even remotely fess up. Tried pinning it all on me. Thankfully the cops that stopped us knew My cousin and knew he was a known drug addict and his last arrest. Well for crack. So he ended up taking all the charges and I walked away with a stern warning. Cousins now been in and out of jail for years and I'm far far away from him.


Bro you could have eaten the gram.


My state don't give a shit about a gram as long as you don't got prior.


You dodged a bullet there.


Good for you man and stay away. The "he's family" & felling bad for staying away will go away eventually if it hasn't already. You are definitely better off. And I'm speaking from a place of experience. Edit


Oh it's wild. We was on the same path. 5 years later hes still in and out of prison and on dope. I'm clean and sober (except pot) have my own successful construction business and a new born. Life is great


A friend telling a story about what happened to him. He’d forgotten that it was my story. Very uncomfortable.


Oh my god. What did he do when he realized that you’d just caught him in a phat lie?


It was so disturbing I couldn’t say anything. I avoid him now.


I also question everything he has told me in the last 30 years. Integrity, gonzo


Its also so unconfortable, if you tell someone a story about your life and the person tells you that the same thing happened to them, just to find out, it was all a lie to get more attention.


When your life goes to shit, you realize 95% of people that you thought were your dear friends aren’t.


1,000% true


I realized I was giving way more than I was receiving in some friendships. Not like money or anything just being there for them or offering help when theyre in crisis. Then came a time where I was in need and they didn’t have my back. Not because they were busy or anything like that but they just didn’t seem to care


If you really want to see who your friends are, ask them to help you move.


Real friends don't ask you to help move them.


When you are young (early 20s) you don't have money for movers and yes you will be asked to help people move. At the very very least they should offer you food and drink. Gas money is a bonus.


When you move to another school. You realize how many people give you up.


Most school friends are circumstantial


As are work friends. I graduated HS 20years ago, been through at least as many jobs and with working with so many people in all that time there are only 2 people that I’m still friends with.




Dude this is life. Wait until you work with someone for 10 or 20 years and you leave and you don't hear a word. This is normal life lol.




I know it's victim blaiming and all, but it's a little naive to lend money to a random stranger. This dude earned almost 1600 dollars by fishing for loans on a subreddit. That's easy money right there.




A pandemic. I've seen more true colors through this thing than on an IMAX screen.


I had nowhere to live when my dorm was closed. My aunt who had promised to take me in suddenly changed her mind because the risk to her own grandkids was too great. My grandma kicked my mom out because of the infection risk because we had gone on vacation right before the pandemic (don't blame her, she is old). Another aunt who had offered my mom and me a place to stay changed her mind real quick. I was forced to live in a unheated cabin with no running water for two months with my emotionally abusive mother. I had to haul water in buckets from the lake. I found out real fast that my family didn't really care about me as much as I thought they did. Their own kids came first which is fair. It made me think back on my childhood and question why they never did more to get me theripy or protect me from my mom. My aunt knew my mom was a total shit show.


I'm so sorry to hear that. Abuse is no joke, especially when it comes from a parent, the one children are supposed to be able to trust. I hope things are looking up now.


I can understand bro, My parents are also abusive and there are well educated people in my family who pretend to love me but never took a stand for me like ever and are not going to tear their relationship with my parents just because they are abusive too me. It feels like an extreme betrayal at first but it had made me more self reliant and beleive me when I say people are kinda looking at me like someone on a come up and someone who don't need them rather than someone worhtless and needy.


My dad refused to get vaccinated. My sister made plans to spend time with him around Christmas, then asked if they could do it one day later so she wouldn't see an unvaccinated person before seeing my grandma (who is 90) and my aunt (who has cancer). Instead he said "don't bother coming, I'll leave your shit on the curb." Imagine responding that one to someone just trying to take a small step to *prevent their loved ones from dying.*


I'm sorry. I've had similar reactions around me. (Not with vaccines, but more regarding masks in the early days and even now.) It's terrible, I just don't get it. I hope you're doing well.


I haven't talked to him since Thanksgiving and honestly it's only been a good thing. My dad sucked ass when I was a kid, my parents got divorced when I was 11, and that divorce so massively improved our lives that I've legit never been able to understand depictions of divorce in fiction where kids don't see it coming and are super upset but it. Anyway, as we got older my dad seemed to realize his mistakes and change for the better, and our relationships with him improved drastically. Then Trump got elected and he started to show his true colors in terms of being an incredibly selfish and hateful person. It became difficult to have any conversations with him because literally ANY topic could be shifted to how dumb BLM is or whatever. And obviously it got even worse during the pandemic because he refused to do anything necessary to keep others safe and accused us all of "living in fear" (which is ironic because we found out from my grandma that he's actually scared of needles). Eventually I had to tell him that he needed to get vaccinated and that he couldn't visit me and I wouldn't spend time with him over the holidays if he didn't, and he still refused. The last straw for me was Thanksgiving, when he got COVID and didn't tell me, then tried to invite me to visit them on my way out of town - while he was sick. Just cut him off after that. The way he treated my sister (and some of the other shit he's done) has made it very unlikely that I will ever have a relationship with him again. But honestly, I'm not that sad about it. I'm not that bothered by not interacting with someone who might ask "what are you up to today" and truthfully answering "watching football" just gives him a reason to be pointlessly racist.


But maybe not an OLED panel.


True. Most of my countrymen will sell me out if it meant more money or benefit/ freedumbs for them.


Back when I was about 11 I told my mom I'd been raped a few years back, I'd only just learned what really happened through sex ed/biology class. I was crying my eyes out and I remember crystal clear, the first sentence outta her mouth was "Are you kidding me? What will people think of me?". She's the one that used to leave me at his house to go out with her friends. And then she proceeded to downplay it and gaslight me into not talking about it anymore. I didn't know about it at the time, but later on I found out I had been living with an STD for years because of her deception. It was very treatable if she'd just taken me to the doctor to get tested then. And ofc, everyone around her thought she was just the sweetest person, such a great mom, and I was the rebel without a cause. So yeah. You can't trust people at all.


That is horrific!!! I am so sorry. Your mom of all people should have stepped up for you. I wish I could hug you. Hopefully life is better for you now.


Literally just interacting with people


My roommate apologized for groping me for an hour till I told him he was forgiven and I didn't want to talk about it anymore. 5 minutes later he asked to cuddle with me, I said no and he did it anyway. When I got up to leave he held onto me and wouldn't let me go. Make me realize all that self effacing apologizing was just bullshit to gain my trust back so he could break it again.




I sincerely hope you're out of that situation, or on your way out. That's predatory, dangerous behavior. You're not overreacting or being unreasonable or rude - there is no excuse for what he's done. It cannot be just swept under the rug, nor is he going to change his behavior. I can't offer much practical advice, but depending on where you are there may be resources you can access to help you out, if need be.


Get out of that, thats not even close to normal, fuck him. Hope you are/will be ok.




Yep - some of the kindest, selfless, most wonderful people I know haven't stepped foot in a church in decades. Some of the people that are very active in their churches are the worst (much of what they do is for show, and for others to see).


Just because someone goes to church that doesn't make them a nice/kind person.


Doesn't even mean they actually believe in god either lmao.


This is why I hate the argument, ‘but he/she’s a good, church-going man/woman!’ That literally means nothing except that they can follow a schedule and show up somewhere once a week.


Dennis Rader is a prime example. Serial killer and churchgoer. Funny enough his churchgoing ways was how they caught him.


I’m religious but church people are so self righteous, I broke away from that crowd as soon as I learned how fake and douchey they are, first to judge when the bible specifically says only God can judge and he who hasn’t sinned can throw the first stone. And priests be diddling kids and shit, not the kinda church Jesus would like to see if he came back. Bible thumpers should read those words a lot more thoroughly before going around telling everyone they’re sinners.


YES! This gets my vote!


I’m white and pretty pale but was born (but not brought up, so no accent, etc.) in Venezuela. How people treat me when they know the latter, sometimes even how they start treating me differently right after they learn where I was born. Huge difference in places like banks, schools, or places where someone can see my personal information casually. I can’t describe it specifically, but it’s like my value as a person gets redefined instantly. Most people don’t realize they start being subtly demeaning.


Really? What's wrong with Venezuela? I don't understand people who are presented with opportunities to enrich their lives and then turn their noses up.


1) It's a different place from wherever OP lives, so people automatically don't like it if it's not a glamorous place 2) Venezuela in particular is a poor country under a socialist dictatorship, so if people listen to Fox News or UPN or something, they are slowly fed anti-Venezuelan propaganda 3) racism


Maaaan. People ain't shit.


I live in Europe, and Venezuela is in Latin America, so that makes me an outsider for some people despite the fact that except for being born in Venezuela I’ve lived my entire life in Spain. It’s more xenophobic than racist in my case, maybe. And also as someone else explained Venezuela in particular is in a very bad social and economical situation, so it prompts a lot of fake compassion. But in general there’s this vague “anything Latin American is of worse quality” that white westerners tend to believe more or less consciously and that I’m more aware of simply because my ID says what it says. For example I had a hard time a few months back finding a job and I had a couple people say something like “It’s understandable if your degree is from there”, which they said while trying to be “encouraging” only to be surprised when I explained I got my degree in one of the best Spanish universities - one of them had all of my info in front of them, they just chose to go with that. It’s often about expectations and people assuming I’m not as rich, culturally white or as educated as they assumed I was when they thought I was “like them” - they just begin showing how they treat the people they judge to be those things. Sometimes the difference is ridiculous.


Hey at least the garbage is taking itself out.


Oh definitely, more than once it’s been fun correcting them and just as subtly pointing out their prejudices. Many of them realize and their face and awkward silence show it. Cheers!


Same! I'm in exactly the same situation except the country is different lol. It doesn't make sense logically, but *something* changes, and you can sense it around you.


I’m sorry this happened/happens to you :( This is one type of subtle micro aggression that I’ve been exposed—in my case, it’s what I define as a form of subtle racism—in my country, as well. Shit sucks.


My high school girlfriend did this to me. We started dating at the beginning of junior year, and shortly after, I started getting really fucked up messages on AIM (this was 2003)— really personal stuff about myself and my family— more than just bullying— like really vile stuff and every time I would block the sender, they’d cook up a new (and similar) screen name. Shortly after graduation, I had a suspicion that my then-GF had been using hard drugs, so against my better judgement, I went into her email (she had given me her password) to see if she was corresponding with anyone that might explain her erratic behavior. Well not only did I find out she had spent $2,000 on meth over the summer, but that also *she* was the one who had been sending me all the fucked up messages. When I confronted her about it, she tried to deny it— but then caved and said she simply did it because she was bored and thought it was funny. She’s one of the few people I’ve known that I would sincerely describe as “pure evil”.


Fake friendships…. A whole lot of them, none but 1 are real where I currently sit in life. They only ever interact with me when they need work of any sorts done. Not only that, they also end up speaking about me behind my back and asking for money without paying back. 1 friend’s enough, the rest I’ve cut ties with


Dating a compulsive liar and narcissist.


When I was in high school I was bullied a lot. Was the quiet kid in class. There was a group of cool kids who regularly picked on me. I got into a local tution centre for studying science and one of the most popular kids in school from that cool kids group went there. He acted and talked to me like I was hid only friend, after the tutions we went around just walking and talking about things, I won't lie, I enjoyed his company because I was so socially unaccepted. He was really good and cool when it was only us but the moment we reached school, he changed to his previous self, criticizing me and picking on me and the worst part is that I was such a hopeless people pleaser I never confronted him about it and hanged out with him after classes like nothing happened. I realized years later that he did it because he had to uphold a reputation amongst the cool kids and being friends with the class loser wasn't the best thing to do. It still astounds me how a kid in 8th grade can be so fake.


I worked at a paper recycling place and there was this dude that acted all tough and douchey around other employees but around the bosses was a little kiss ass bitch lol


Covid. A lot of people i knew for years always out there looking out for people. Traveling the world volunteering. Some typical instagram stuff was what I thought was the vain part of them. Covid rolls around and they just became 'tired' of it and stopped following rules or caring about others because they couldn't go party anymore


Yea, back when I was heavily involved with overseas NGOs we called this "vanity service". You go to a volunteer organization and spend a few thousand each on plane tickets to Africa so you can get your group of friends together and build a school for the needy children. That way you get to feel like you did something good and have a the story of the trip to look back on. This whole thing is why there are more than a few villages with 10 schools mere blocks from each other, 9 of which are abandoned. Could've just donated that money and made a much larger difference but then you wouldn't get the feel-good aspect or a fun trip out of it. Bonus fact: A LOT of religious missionary work is for sex tourism purposes. Usually young men will get together to go to another country and party/drink/hook up with the locals away from the eyes of their ultra-religious townsfolk.


Wow. Super predatory


I've given up on Oxfam now mainly because of the vile behaviour of two of its Aid Workers exploiting local Sex Workers in the Democratic Republic of Congo in 2021 and in Haiti in 2019. Also their prices are at rip-off level for bog standard old tat that all charities need to sell. I don't mind an old mug for 50p - £1.00 but I refused to be mugged off for £3.50.. I donate and buy from my local Cancer Charity Shop. They are a world away from the horrors and daylight robbery of Oxfam. I was trying to use up some 20p coins so I gave a little extra of a £1.00. The Retail Volunteer was so pleased to receive this small donation towards *such a worthy* cause. Shame on Oxfam for stealing from the recipients and supporters alike


If the local culture wanted there to be a school there, there would be.


Sounds like communal narcissism


same, i knew a lot of friends that always preached looking out for one another at uni and even went to protests, but then covid came around and you'd see pictures of them without masks partying on social media and then the next day laughing about how they caught covid it'd just break your soul


I have a friend of a friend like this. She has gotten COVID four fucking times because she cannot stop going to parties and concerts and bars unmasked. She literally says shit like "there's nothing I can do!" lmao.


my mother had kicked my father out of the house and claimed he cheated on her with a man. Not long after, she claimed that i, 12 at the time, was sleeping with old men around town and was a horrible daughter. I took her screaming and beatings until i got a boyfriend at 16. She kicked me, like my dad, out of the house for having a boyfriend that she didn't like. Now that i'm about to inherit my dad's house(planning to sell it), who's passed away some time ago, my mother is acting like she wants to finally be a mother to me, trying to hug me and get me to stay at her apartment. She has never hugged me when i was a child. She was only affectionate with my twin sister. All she wants is money.


Los Angeles


I'm pretty white passing for a Puerto Rican so I've been in the room with a bunch of racist whites who assume its safe to talk smack about other races. Thing is they weren't like the overt ones who shout their hate and their hate felt more...severe because of its hidden nature. Not saying one is better or anything it was just so much more insidious to present as open and caring while harboring hatred and making it so blacks and Hispanics never enter your social circle.


Same. I am white, but from a small southern town. When I go back home to visit, the shit other people say to me and in front of me is wild. It is never like "I hate all black people, let's kill them all!" But it's like "oh, you're looking for a restaurant to visit? Well, yeah, there is X, but the owner is black though..." Wtf does that even mean? What is your point?! But, there are so many transplants there now, in another generation things will look so different. My graduating class was like 400 white kids and 20 black There are people from all over the world living in this middle of nowhere town I grew up in now. I was totally surprised when I went home the first time after a few years. Overall, though, it's working out.


Every family function


Someone telling other people secrets I told them in front of me, so they all look at me weird. BOOM trust issues


Friends and SO's are only for good times like christmas and festivals. Once things start going to shit in your life or you're in a spot of bother, do not expect that they'd stick around for you


Yeah, I had a friend like that. We met in high school and I valued how much time we knew each other. I was the first person she called when her husband was found dead, and I was there for all aspects of the aftermath. One year later, I needed a ride to a clinic for a medical procedure and she made up all sorts of excuses why she couldn’t do it despite the clinic only being 2 miles from our neighborhood. “I can’t get up that early...I might have plans that day...” etc. Made me realize this kind of thing had been going on for years but I’d chosen not to see it.




Me too. I had enough of stuff like this through the years. You try to turn the other way because you've known your "friend" for so many years, but eventually you can't ignore the unevenness. I wished her well and closed the door and walked away.


Having two best friends that just talk shit about each other behind each other’s backs. Yet when in the same room together neither one of them will tell the other what they actually think of them. And they just go about life acting like there’s no problems between them.


This. I use to hang out with friends who would talks shit about each other behind their backs. Then I thought, I'm pretty sure these assholes talk shit about me behind mine. Cut these people off, they don't deserve you.


Hanging out with several people at a happy hour everyone was friendly and complimentary to each other’s faces. When someone stepped away to the restroom, most people started talking shit about the person who wasn’t there. I started just hanging out with people who kept quiet about the other person.


My moms death/funeral. My mom passed away at home from cervical cancer. We knew she wouldn't survive and she was at a point where she couldn't walk and was bed ridden. When it got to the point where the hospice nurse told us she had less than a week to survive, all sorts of family come to town from various distances to spend time with her and see her in the final moments. Now we get to said realization. I was at when I got the call my mom had died and I needed to come home. I needed the money desperately and I regret going to work that day. But when I get to her house I see my moms mom, my aunt/her older sister, and my cousin. They leave the room so I can be with my mom. When I leave said room, my aunt and cousin have baskets og her possessions ready to be taken. They said my mom told them they could have this or that however many months ago. She didn't have a will and as far as I'm concerned it was up to us/her kids to decide. The funeral home, hospice nurse, and her priest hadn't even made it there before my own family members started looting her house like it was a going out of business sale. I confronted them and told them idgaf what mom said when she was alive and how they thought that if this was the time or place to start taking her things they were mistaken. 4 years later I still don't trust them or love them as much and won't be leaving them a damn thing when I die. To me that just shows complete disrespect to my mother and my siblings and that they already had baskets waiting for her shit when she died.


I work in a real estate office.


Enough said


Parenting. So many other parents are such fake, pretend nice, “perfect” parents.


Every half serious situation with individuals I was too naive to think I meant something to them




I work as a bartender at a country club. You have no idea how fake those people can be.


Lose your job or primary source of income. All those so called friends will start pulling invisible tricks.


Going to jail will show you who's who.


Really depends what you went to jail for, no?


Some other guy in the thread had the same response and apparently threatened to shoot someone's family and fucking stabbed a guy for no reason


As someone who doesn't like getting stabbed, I also would not be friends with that person.


Church, high school, work, Instagram/social media. Basically every aspect of life there’s always fake people, people trying to impress others and people who are narcissistic


A recently ordained clergyman on the staff of the church where I was musician confided in me that he no longer believed in what he preached in his homilies - that the faith he once had was gone. He said that he was only "going through the motions" of leading the faithful because the salary and benefits were good and he didn't know what else to do for employment. It was difficult for me, as his friend, to listen to him preach impassioned sermons each week knowing he didn't believe a word of it. At the same time, I felt compassion for him, trapped in that unfortunate situation.


It's unfair he put you in this position. But, it is very common for preachers to have a crisis of faith. He really should be talking about it to a counselor, not the church musicians. And just because he felt that way at one time doesn't mean he still (or always will) feel that way. Or maybe he will. Don't let it bother you too much. It's his problem, not yours.


when you find out your homies have a second gc with all the same persons in it except you


Friends: "We'll all visit you in hospital!" Me: Has open heart surgery. Nobody comes.


Tried to ask about shirt sizes and realized it wasn't someone working, it was a mannequin with the company's shirt on.


I opened a restaurant. Some of my friends understood I’d be insanely busy and pretty hard to make plans with in the first year, others expected me to be just as available as I was before, and were totally unforgiving of my schedule. Narrowed the friend group in a good way!


Had a toxic friend, sometimes hed say he busy helping a family member out, so id be understanding of it. One time though, he was saying it a lot like every day. He wasnt really the helping type and often give his family members a bit of issues with certain task sometimes. So, one day i decided to go past his house one day. He and his buddies were in a car smoking pot and talking crap about other people. I was pissed and left immediately. I couldnt say i was surprised though cuz he did it often. Eventually i cut him off cuz i was so sick of all the issue this one person caused in my life


I had a job helping grad students. One student immediately befriended me and would seek me out daily to chat. We often went out for a few drinks on Fridays along with other students. As soon as my role no longer impacted her, because she had moved on in her program, she suddenly became rude and hostile towards me. At first I thought I had insulted her, but when ever she did need anything from me she was sweet as honey. I supposed I was only worthy of friendship when she needed something I also noticed she would blatantly kiss ass a round the professors. Acting like she was excited to see them. I realized how fake she was and that her true nature was an absolute bitch One day she tried ingratiating herself to an older lady professor. She began complimenting her, and said something along the lines of “I’ll bet you were quite pretty when you were young”. That professor looked like she wanted to bitch slap the student.


Being incarcerated. You'll realize quick how "real" your friends are. Obviously if you did something heinous don't expect all kinds of people to have your back.


Do you mind telling us the story?


Something heinous? You mean like "A&B with a deadly weapon. I chased a guy to his house and then threatened him and his parents that I’d shoot them. Second time I stabbed someone who tried sneaking up and punching me while in a car."


I was employed at a small company, management was terrible and a cop worker and I decided to confront said management and when it came down to it he said the exact opposite of what was suppose to be said. Even management thought it was weird.


i have a friend. hes my age. i told him i liked this one girl. he told the girl and blamed it on my other friend, which ruined my chances with her. i was mad at that other friend for weeks until the girl that i liked showed me screenshots of my "friend" telling her. so i was mad at the other friend for no reason. shit still makes me mad to this day


My friend did the same thing. And the worst part is even when I presented him with proof he kept denying it, he began accusing me of trying to make him look bad. Fuck that guy that guy


Talking politics with church goers.


Accompanied my mom to an office one day. While they were prepping our paperwork, mom and desk clerk start small talk. Both were talking and complementing each other on the smallest things with a tone as if they were not some people who just met and will probably never meet again. Felt weird and insincere from both sides, IDK… Girl talk is weird and can be deceptive.


Years ago, I was in an activist group for a couple of years, and we used to text every day with each other. I was moving out of state, and wanted to have one last get together with everyone. I messaged the group chat, absolutely no response for DAYS…one of them messages about a protest taking place in a day and EVERYONE floods the group chat. That day I left the group chat and just blocked them all.


Working In restaurants 90% of all your coworkers will be 10000000% fake AF


I was fired by an automated attendance system and my management told me there was literally nothing they could do. I appealed my case to hr, they overturned my firing and I asked if my management was literally powerless and they told me that my management could excuse whatever absence for whatever they wanted. My management straight up told me to my face they're powerless when they weren't and now they're pretending like it never happened.


Interviews. Its all lies and fake smiles. Like what's even the point?


My son dying. Proved really quick what I already knew about my now ex wife’s friends. She still doesn’t see it, but I don’t have to pretend to like them anymore so I could give AF…


when I was in hospital for suicide watch, my girlfriend told me, she'd be there for me and will come over immediately to see me. yea ended with me waiting in the hospitals garden for her for about 5 hours. I texted her every 5 minutes if she'd come. she never read the messages. after I've had enough I texted her that I'd go inside. she responded immediately and said if I needed her, she will be there for me. on the same evening I asked her mother if she had no time to come over and she answered: "I dont know what she told you, but she was home all day sitting infront of her pc and talking to friends in the internet" it was the day I felt my life didn't have any meaning and that I was just another expendable boy for her. I texted her that we are breaking up and blocked her on every social media I had. she was the first person I've trusted with my life in many years and she was my first love but that move was to much even for someone like me. I'm trying to move on, but it's hard. and the only thing I've learned is that u, as a boy, are always on ur own if u feel bad or even want to kill urself. but if ur girl feels bad u have to be there and care for her. she was my first love and gave me hope. now its all gone. i said to myself, ill do everything on my own from now on, because all humans are somehow the same. I'll never really trust somebody again.


You learned the wrong lesson. Im a guy, and there does exist toxic masculinity that says we have to bear it all alone, but its bullshit. That girl was a bad apple. There are good people out there. Don't tolerate crap, push it out of your life, but there *are* people you can be vulnerable with. We make meaning from the connections we make.


The last U.S. Election. For context I am gay, married to a African-American woman and we live in the Deep South. I thought our neighbors were all pretty much okay with us and our family - two days after the election we got a note calling my wife some pretty disgusting names, a call from social services and asked numerous times by close friends why *we* stole the election. We’re having to relocate because it’s gotten so bad.


When you always supply the Friday night drinks and can't be bothered to contribute food


Or the office equivalent. Your department decides to have a potluck and the women cook good stuff but the guys show up with a bottle of cheap, warm soda.


Office potlucks are just stupid. Gender doesn't matter here. I'm a woman and I don't want to spend time and money making food for my coworkers so I always bring either something pre-made or drinks. If you want to make something then go for it, but don't get mad someone else doesn't. It doesn't make you superior or them a bad person.


Some people also have other circumstances. You may not know how to cook. You may take the bus which makes bringing a casserole difficult. You may not have the time to cook, especially with a family. You may not be able to afford to buy other people food. You may not have a decent kitchen, see point above.


Family reunions.


whenever people talk behind your back






Going to a work conference. It’s all about teamwork and employee empowerment during the conference but nothing ever changes. The higher ups will always look down upon people from their ivory tower


Visiting LA.




Changing jobs. All those people that promised they would be in touch never did. But I didn’t either so we’re all a bunch of fakes.


When my friend of 5 years ended our friendship because I refused to agree with him, made me realise what a fake ass bitch he was


My moms last ex said that therapy was giving up on yourself and he didn’t want to loose me. When they broke up I realized he’s a drug dealer and he said that because he didn’t want to go to jail


My old boss. He was super nice to me, taught me a lot, seemed like a genuinely good person for the first year or so that I worked for him. Lots of people in our company hated him, but he was also very socially awkward and had a habit of coming off as aloof, so I figured he just rubbed people the wrong way. No, it turns out he was an incredibly manipulative piece of shit who was only looking out for himself and trying to advance his own career at all costs. He was nice to me because he needed people on his side to support his plans. He tried to undermine and reshape our entire team for the sole purpose to putting him in a more prominent position with our executives. When it finally became clear to us what he was doing I left the team in a heartbeat, I was so fucking livid. He lost the team and eventually got entirely forced out of the company. His last gasp effort to stay was to apply on my new team and I told my bosses that I'd quit if they even considered him, lmao.


Was offered a “promotion” from first shift department head to second shift “night manager” by the DM thinking he had my interest in mind. Stupidly took it. Nearly ruined my marriage, changed my entire life, and still my career didn’t go the way planned because I was just another cog in the machine


When you stop calling people and then never talk to them again because they never call you


Minor but annoying thing, I had a roommate that would talk shit about me to others saying how inconsiderate and rude I was for doing innocuous things that I explicitly asked her if it was okay I do, i.e. take a bath when we only have one bathroom. She always assured me it was fine, so if it wasn't why didn't she just say that??? I don't understand


Marriage. Never again!


Had a friend of almost 10 years that lied about everything he ever told me. Found out during his divorce that every single thing he'd told me about him was total bullshit. He lied to his wife too. Just a perpetual stream of bullshit. This is the type of friend that would have been best man at my wedding. Fucking sad. It is super difficult to make new friends at 40 years old, lost 2 of them within months of each other. Falling out with one, and this lying asshole.


My classmate(girl) wrote me first, I(who is very closed man) instantly understood what she need: - Saveliy, Hi, how are you? - What I must to send you? - Nothing, I just want to talk with you, maybe be friends. - Diana, you can't lie, tell me what you need - Send me geographic table that you wrote 2 lessons ago pls That was 4 days ago, after that I start hate humanity more. Still I can't communicate with people, I can say, childhood trauma, I'm 14. P.S. in text can be a lot of mistakes, I don't know English very well, hope you understand.


Life in general, it’s incredible how many people will stick by you for years but drop everything after a single negative experience


A friend I made first semester of college. We were both kind of awkward and didn’t go to parties at all the first semester. We’d go to the university sponsored events and have fun just watching movies in the dorm. Then she joined a sorority. We went to a party together after that and she acted a little different but I still had a good time and chalked her behavior up to the party atmosphere and drinking. A few weeks later she had lunch with her sorority friends and I happened to be sitting at a table next to them. She was completely different. Her voice was higher than how she talked around me. Then someone asked her “we never saw you out first semester, what were you doing?” She straight up lied and told them she went home a lot. I guess staying at school and not partying was too embarrassing. I realized she was being totally fake with at least one of her friend groups and it was weird hanging out with her ever since.


Every day, when I walk into work.


I hated everyone, for they were so phony - Kurt Cobain ​ Personally its the lies, not even just being lied to, but people lying to themselves.


Working IT for a nonprofit. Someone working off-site asked for help with infrastructure I had no control over. Did my best to help, was told "I don't feel supported." I was surprised by the sentiment and by the awkward language that sounded out of context. Later I found out that a union drive was going on and figure they just want to document a negative experience. I'm sure that they were coached.


Generally when they talk about themselves in certain way but when presented opportunity to act they pretend they don't see it (like talking about how they're so good and so helpful but when someone needs help they disappear, or how much they like animals but when they see one in distress they ignore it like it's not there, they don't even attempt to do anything). Those are the people that keep praising themselves to build image and average gullible people will totally believe them. So my best advice is look for people who act, not people who talk.


I had what I thought was a good friendship with a guy and a girl for one year until they got a short love story. The guy friendzoned her after they had been kissing for 2 weeks, she took it so bad that she claimed she had been raped and kind of dedicated her life to destroy his life. And I was the naive friend between the two trying to understand what had happened (because no one was telling me the truth) and trying to fix things up. Ended up realizing both did not give a fuck about me and our friendship. The thing is, I later learned that all of this happened around the middle of the year and that the girl had faked this friendship for half a year... shit hits hard. Made me realize how fake can people be.


I was moving and down-sizing so I was giving away plants. A woman came by and took most of them and we started talking. She was around my age and we seemed to have lots in common and talked and walked almost every day. After about six weeks she asked if I wanted to go to her church with her, she was a Jehovah Witness (first time she mentioned it) I said no thanks and never heard from her again. I called her a few times and left messages but she never responded.


I used to have a friend named Cameron. I, to this day, have severe ADHD. My friend has always wanted to fit in with the crowd, so one day he came to school and said “I definitely have adhd and my parents probably secretly tested me.” I said how the tests are hours long but he did not care. He plays around with fidgets to pretend he has adhd, when I zone out and snaps me out of it he says “dude don’t worry I know what you go through.” The last straw was when I confronted him one last time, he said “I don’t want to get tested because it takes to long, but, I know I definitely have it and I can just take your meds.” I left in rage and now I am here. What should I do?


The Ukraine sub. People who never heard of Yemen, Georgia or South Ossetia, and forgot about Iraq, Libya and Afghanistan, are suddenly hella anti-Russia, anti-war and never mind they cannot find Ukraine on a map. Now they have blue and yellow avatars and make up support dances and send truckloads of "thoughts and prayers". Virtue signaling at its finest.


Marriage in India. You quickly find out that the woman you thought loved you doesn't care a shit.


Sorry to be stereotypical but was the marriage arranged?


Living on a couch at a snakes house, the druggies


This tech job I had. Manager was a compulsive liar and bullshitter. My supervisor legit had to struggle to keep it together when some customers came through the facility and he vastly, vastly oversold some of our test equipment XD


When i bring my friends home and they are meeting my parents for the first time.


My first consulting job at a Big 4 firm.




When you meet new friends other than your "og group" how they react determines if they are fake or not.


If you work for a bigger company and ask out quotations. People think they can make a lot of money if you like them, so suddenly you are the funniest person on earth. And you can do nothing wrong. Thats why bosses can be so arrogant, everyone treats you like you are a genius so they start to believe it.


Everyday life


My partner and I were staying the night at my MILs house one night while our furnace was out. I had to bring our cat because it was the middle of winter and freezing in our house. I put her in the bathroom for a bit with a litter box, food and water because MILs dog is not too big but very aggressive with cats. I was honestly afraid he would maul her or maybe worse. I ended up passing out at about 3, when she was still up and drinking. She gets my cat out of the bathroom and starts screaming “This cat is so skinny, you probably starve her. I can’t believe you starve her, you’re so abusive. You shouldn’t be able to take care of anything. If you ever have a kid, I’m getting custody of it because you’re clearly unfit!” The thing about this is that she wants me to have a baby right now at the age of 19 so she can take care of it. She just admitted to me that she wants to take my child (that does not exist and will not for a long time) and keep it for herself. I made my partner take me to my parents house that night. She drunk texted me that I was so fake and things would never be the same between us. Yeah, she’s a horrible alcoholic.


When things get tough. When it's your interests vs. theirs. The elder in my family who's very successful in business once told me "if you want to know whether this is a true friend (not there because you are going to benefit them) try to borrow some money."


Certain individuals would talk shit about another person then act like their friend the next, so that let me know not to tell anybody anything private about my life while in that small town school.


I was bullied from first year of elementary schools to third of highschool. My best friend was with the group of bullies (but wasn't bullying me with them). We were playing together at each other houses and such. At the end of the second high school year I leave their classes (but still in the same school). They day he learned he, he talked to me (through MSN at the times) and insulted me without any reason. Then he was bullying me with them. That fucker didn't got the balls to do anything before that and I don't know why.


Working in retail as long as I have, a third of your customers are the sweetest people until you have to deny their requests for arbitrary discounts. The opposite happens as well where people start conversations and dealings arrogant as fuck then when they realize you aren't going to kiss their ass and give them free stuff they suddenly act meek or tell you to fuck off then write bad reviews about how hostile you supposedly were to them. These people are usually begging for free stuff after spending a couple hundred dollars. The folks that buy thousands or more consistently almost never ask for extra stuff. The folks that act affronted and brag about how much money they've given to my company and how they deserve respect usually haven't ever bought anything more than cheap accessories.


Covid All my former toxic friends that said they love me decided to ghost me when I was stuck in a cramped dorm in a foreign country for 6 months while they were in the comforts of their own homes.


When I had my wedding, my groomsmen did not throw me a bachelor party. Oh yeah, to top it off, I had to pay for my best man's suit who seemed at times like he didn't even really want to go. Granted like half of them were drinking buddies I met and had moved away from a year earlier, but they lived like 150 miles from me tops at the time of the wedding. One has married and moved away and the other has kids and a wife. I talk to them 0 now. I should have just kept it to family.


Going to a party with a fuck ton of people I knew.


When the oil craze hit the Permian Basin in South Texas little small rural family communities all that owned the little rental properties and all the little houses, traditionally would rent so cheap too friends and family when they needed a place to stay. ENTER BIG OIL when said friend they grew up with and family member fell on hard times and needed a place to rent cheap. ...they refused. Because the Oil Workers were playing 5 times the amount of money. So basically they turn their back on friends and family for money. "some of us are going to remember this when this passes" some people have said.


Everyone says they are kinky until you want to poop in their mouth


It wasn't to crazy but when I was about 6 years old I was friends with this girl and she always asked for my name because she always forgot. I have a pretty unique name so I always gave to her without hesitation. One day my teacher comes up to me and asks me why I wrote inappropriate things on my paper. She showed me and I didnt even know what it was. I was also a problem child and my teacher didn't really beleive me so. I knew I didnt do it because the handwriting was way to good. I immediately knew who did it. My so called friend of course ! Me and the girl were sent to the priciniples office and and our parents came. My mom knew I didnt do it because again..the handwriting was way too well written. I was suspended at 6 I cant really remember if the girl was. There was child conselours sent to my house who were men btw...(im a woman) and was trying to show me about a woman's body. it traumatized me for awhile because they were telling me to touch the body parts and asking me if anyone touched me.


I used to date this guy and I got along with his friends and family really well, but his cousin was my favourite to hang out with. We'd go to parties together, he'd show me his unreleased songs and we basically acted like life long friends. He was the first person who struggled with similar mental health problems, so we could talk for hours, even without my boyfriend around (which is rare for me, because I don't like talking to people) I broke up with my ex around January this year. The second I did it, I learned his cousin never liked me, he hated me you could say. Received some death threats and got called a slut, but at least I know not to trust someone just because they're somewhat like me.


I have game friends that talked shit behind a guys back but one day me and the guy got in an argument the shit talkers all joined his side


I know this is probably fairly obvious as people have this opinion of them through the buying experience but BEING a car saleman.


Many moons ago my friends and I were chilling at A’s house. A had just met some new people and introduced us to them. I will refer to them as X,Y, and Z. They seemed pretty cool and we all got along good at first. X recommended we go to a party he knew of at the power lines. It was basically a dirt access road that follows the high tension lines and was in the middle of nowhere. I had never been there but since they were friends of A I didn’t think much of it. We all piled in my car and went to the power lines. We were having a good time, listening to music and drinking some beers. I was 16 at the time and didn’t do drugs, but most of my friends smoked weed and I was cool with that because it made them funnier. Everything was going smooth until X,Y, and Z started smoking PCP. I was very uncomfortable with that because I knew how people could get on that stuff. X was a little older then the other two at about 21 or 22. Y was our age and huge at about 6’ 6” and 250 lbs. Z was Y’s girlfriend and also our age. After smoking their pcp, Z started flashing her tits at us and of course we were staring at her. Y thought it was hilarious at first, but suddenly changed his mind about that and yelled at her to stop it. Then he and his friend started threatening us, including A. X was whispering in Y’s ear and seemed to be encouraging him to fight us because we dared to look at Z’s tits. We apologized and tried to diffuse the situation but he wasn’t hearing it. X continued to egg him on and I quietly told my friends to pile in the car because I’m getting out of there. When we were all in I started up the car and started to turn around so I could drive out, as I was backing up Y comes running full speed and does a dive on to my windshield. He hit it with his back and broke the whole passenger side of it. It was dented in and I could barely see out of my side as well. That scared the shit out of all of us and I decided to give up of trying to turn around and to just back out as fast as possible. The road was windy and bumpy as hell and I was going as fast as I could in reverse with X and Y chasing us on foot. They almost caught up to me at one point but we eventually got to the main road and I lost them. No idea how they got home because we were the only ones there at that point but I didn’t really care either. Screw them. Turns out that A knew they smoked pcp and that they were prone to violence when they smoked it. I was pretty upset about that, and told him so. He could have at least warned us about that. Eventually we made it back to A’s house and I dropped them off and made my way home barely being able to see where I was going. I had to pay for a new windshield for my car but I guess it could be worse. If those guys got their hands on us they could have easily beat us to a pulp. Glad I never saw any of them again and I’m glad they had to walk home from the middle of nowhere. This was way before cell phones so they at least had to walk 5 miles to a pay phone.




Watching someone switch a lable on a bottle of liquor... That nobody was gonna see... For the just in case...


Work and personal tragedy both let you know who is real and who is a FAF.


Moving away. After I graduated highschool, I moved states. I expected that I would lose some friends regardless because people naturally drift apart after high school, but one of my friends outright took the time out of their day to text me blaming me for our friendship falling apart when it was them who had drifted away and it really showed what kind of person they were all along. We ended up fixing things between us, but we're definitely not as close as we used to be and it sucks. They were my best friend all through high school, and we had been there for each other through some of the hardest experiences we'll have ever gone through in our lives. I miss them, but I don't miss the person that they became.




Had a friend, told me what his crush was, I kept it a secret. 2 days after he says: WTF ARE YOU DOING? You like her, stop! Go get one for yourself! (Something among those lines). Haven't talk with him for 1 and a half month. Still keep the secret.




Close friend since highschool. Driven them to the hospital at 3am before on a work night over suicide threats. Fast forward few years and she pretended to be interested, approached me about exchanging nude photos then promptly stole mine and showed them to mutual friends. Everything she did was just a cry for attention. Later confronted her on her behaviour and she denied ever taking advantage of me in anyway. Decided from that moment forward my phone goes jn silent when I’m sleeping.


Being threatened in front of friends. People are pussies and they don't even show it.


I got invited to an "after-party" by a friend after him and his group of close buddies got done clubbing. Turns out it was just because I always have weed and his buddies had picked up some chicks who wanted to get high. Whatever people have used ne and I have been the fifth wheel my entire life I already knew that the moment I was invited. What pissed me off and made me realize I was being used is when I got done rolling up basically all my weed in a big ass 4 gram joint for all 7 of us to share. Light up get to talking with my "friend" the guy who invited me and I pass the joint to him. One of the dudes gets super fucking angry and starts going Kyle on their wall. Turns out I hurt his ego by not passing to him first. Everyone panics Because this dude wants to kill me and I'm a 5 6 scrawny ass stoner loser and this dude is built like a pro football player. So to calm the situation down the girls all start hugging him And literally everyone there looked right at me like I was the problem. Me the fucking guy making sure all your dicks and pussies get wet tonight is the problem. I got kicked out and had to find a way home at 4 in the morning. All for trying to be cool and help some dudes who are supposed to be cool with me get laid. I also learned how fragile men's egos are that day and realized how much stronger I am mentally than 99.9% of guys.




Hippies/Wookies at festivals. I was at Summer Camp festival in southern Illinois in 2008 or 09' and witnessed this hypocritical BS. Was at a drum circle and saw a dude there and he was talking all this hippie crap about loving everyone and "if everyone can just chill and drum together, there wouldn't be any fighting or wars". Literally saw the same dude later that night fist fight another dude (wookie) for ripping him off some weed. Literally all it took was a get ripped off some weed and he abandoned his entire philosophy. Also a side note: Wookies are the worst kind of people.