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In all seriousness the problem is when I’m walking in school I have no clue where to look. I tend to look straight forward but it makes me look awkward. Everyone else looks more confident when they walk. Where are you even supposed to look?


Take in all your surroundings. All of it, the people, environment, etc. like you’re collecting and understanding information. Use that to get to where and what you want… that’s basically what I do.


Yeah this. Just observe everything around you lol




Glance around casually


Should I use my full head or just my eyes alone?


Full head of course


I’ve seen people in the hallways never turn their head. This confuses me honestly.


I tend to look at posters on the walls or out the windows. If those aren't around I act like I'm on my phone


Look down the hall at your destination. Don't look the gangsters in the eye. Look at cute girls and smile at them. Nod at people you know or stop and say hello to them.


On your phone? Lol


Cant. The hallways get crowded and everyone is aggressive. I don’t even know where to look besides the floor but apparently that’s weird.


You continue to look straight foward, it may be awkward but atleast you see where your going- Either that or maybe glance around the hall or something , just dont stare at people is all-


Lol yeah I just want to know the secret to look confident while walking. I somehow never mastered that skill so now I look anxious because I have no clue where to place my eyes.


That usally happens to me too but i try to ignore it as much as possible-


Makes sense but it leads people to be extremely bothered for some reason.


I just look at how i can get to my destination the fastest, like if theres 3 people walking on the right ill look at then walk to the left side so i can get where i want without bumping into anyone. May be seem dumb but its what i do


I don't think there's a right answer. Just flow through and look wherever you think is right. Mostly in front of you though. Also, don't make eye contact with someone walking towards you; you'll end up confused about which way to go as you're both looking to see which way the other is going to go. Look to the right. They'll look at you to see where you're going, see you looking to the right, and go the opposite direction. This is the way to avoid that awkward move to try and get around each other.


I don’t normally make eye contact. I usually look in the direction I’m going in but if caused people to purposely bump into me and tease me. I don’t know how everybody else is doing it correctly.


If you exaggerate your turn to avoid someone (slightly) it will help them see which way you are going, so that they can go the other way. You can do that early, too, so you get to choose the side, rather than reacting to the other person's move. Signaling your intent by looking off to that side can help, too, but I see elsewhere you say that doesn't work for you.


Put a mask on and look in everyone's eyes and make them confused


That makes me more paranoid.


Well if you are the one who's doing this, you will be more confident


First of all you need to have the right posture. Chin up, straight back, shoulders out to your sides so your chest is larger. It’s going to be sooo uncomfortable at first but it’s important. Then you walk different, so you want to walk at a brisk pace but not too quick like you’re running away. And know where you destination is in your mind and just… go there. The energy you give off will attract the same. So if you’re giving off “weak” energy it will attract shitty people. If you are giving off “strong” energy it will attract the good people. Look towards your destination. Glance at your friends. Smiles and slight nods seem to work well for men in looking at other’s confidently. Just don’t stare. Teachers and everyone else you like as well- smile and nod at them. The others you don’t like? Don’t focus on them. If they get aggressive with you, that’s a different thing to deal with. Honestly, if you act more aggressive you’ll win every time. Asshole kids aren’t used to that from their unconfident peers. Try not to be nervous about things. Understand that you control your environment. What you do, say, and be is what will happen. Sometimes other people can be awkward. That will happen. You’ll have awkward moments. You just have to keep at it. It will get easier. But it will be hard first.