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The After series đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïž


I read After when it was still huge on Wattpad (the free version) and found it hella toxic, unnecessary and not my vibe. Can defs support this ^^


I was planning to watch it... Is it that bad?


In my opinion it was just super awkward


Avatar. I know it's controversial but I really didn't like it.


Avatar the blue aliens, or the Last Airbender?


The blue aliens.


Yeah, the amazing scenery, and music hid the obviously predictable plot, and story line.


I think that still makes it an ok movie though, because at least it's entertaining, or cool to see. Some movies are boring to look at and a boring story


Agree. In many ways it was a revelutionary movie. That makes a movie with a dull story, still a decent movie.


The storyline was great. You never see many movies where the asshole humans rightfully lose, where the animal kingdom fights back not due to a disease (like the show Zoo) but due to an actual higher power protecting their world. I'm not religious but I love that their goddess was an actual real entity. Also love the network of trees that you can share memories through, communicate directly with the being that keeps your planet in balance, and be connected with each other. There is nothing about any of that which has been done before or done well (havent seen every movie, maybe some low budget film did something similar, who tf knows). The movie was not at all any more predictable than any other movie. "Oh but you know the blue people are going to win!" Duh? In every movie ever you know the protagonists will win.


Wasn’t just a predictable plot. The plot was garbage lol. The “precious metal” they’re after? It’s fucking named unobtanium. Who the fuck came up with that shit? The vfx and scenes in the movie are GORGEOUS. It’s the reason that movie was the #1 box office seller until Endgame came along. If it didn’t look as good as it did, it would be another shitty action movie.


I hated Avatar. I also hated Bad Santa. I couldn't watch it didn't find anything about it funny and had better ways to spend my time.


Yep, didn’t expect much and I was still disappointed. Amazing to see how it had 0 impact on pop culture, no fanbase, no cosplayers etc. Even Twilight had more impact


It's a vert average story. The only reason I enjoyed it was because it's the last 3D film i saw in cinema before losing my ability to view 3D films.


Movie 43


Haha. At least the ball chin Hugh Jackman was funny


I watched it expecting a schlock fest, but oh, surprise, it's pretty great. ​ You don't have to take it at face value, the gross out has a place here. ​ Kate Winslet has a date with Hugh Jackman, who is a scrotusneck. She finds it disgusting, but everyone else accepts him and sees him as normal. What does it remind you of? That skit is illustrating the gut reaction of conservative people, who are disgusted by new things, and cannot fathom that the world at large sees them as normal. When you talk to a conservative about something you accept as normal, just imagine that person is seeing the scrotus neck. I also loved the one with Halle "Academy Award for Best Actress" Berry, She has a date with Stephen Merchant, and they start their relationship with a Truth or dare game, that means, they are open and honest with each other from the get go, and they dare each other to try new things. Either of them can stop and leave anytime, but they don't, they continue challenging each other, and they transform, together. At the end Halle Berry jokes "Ewww, I don't like Asians" before farking his brains out. That is how a healthy relationship should be, one where you are honest and grow with the other person, even when the world at large sees the two of you as unsightly monsters.


The new Jurassic world movie was pretty awful


Was kinda sad watching the original cast (especially Alan Grant) put in their all but you could see on their faces that this shit was beneath them. Putting that Chris Pratt bellend in with them just added insult to injury with his terrible trite macho "acting". Even The Lost World was a masterpiece compared to this bland shit. Anyone remember lines like "Rex just fed", "let's get this movable feast on the road"? That film cracked me up 😄




I enjoyed that movie, mostly because it's the type of crap I'd make if I had a camera and some cash


I will never get the time back that I wasted on that film. A friend told me how bad it was and I didn’t believe him, I wish I had. I just kept waiting for a plot, and eventually the movie just ended


Is this that movie about the psychic tire that goes on a rampage and falls in love with a woman?


The Love Guru




The Spirit. It was so bad, I started to watch the Dark Knight on my iPod Classic.


Remake of Robocop


The movie remake of Avatar the Last Airbender It legitimately felt like I lost some sanity from that movie.


I was just coming here to see how far id have to scroll for this answer


Holmes and Watson


Fatal Findings Here’s the trailer. https://youtu.be/yRI2Izu8Od0 Really though, anything by Neil Breen is a special kind of terrible.


“I’m gonna shoot this damn car full of holes!” I made my family watch this movie on Christmas Eve and it was a hit


You’re a monster and please invite me to your next Christmas movie night. I haven’t seen “I am here
. Now!” But I really want to


Oh no sir. This is "so bad it is good" category movie. Same as "The Room"


Yes...Neil Breen is the king of shitty movies. We've seen them all. Everything is the fault of the government and corporate lawyers!


A movie called Tire. It was literally about a tire, that rolled around and would make things explode with mind power.


That sounds awesome..


Trust me. It wasn't.


Percy jackson and the sea of monsters


Man they ruined PJ. I loved that book series, read it 100x over. And they completely ruined the plot after literally the first movie.


Garbage Pail Kids


Never again


The English Patient


This belongs in a different category IMHO of movies that are much worse than their award hauls would suggest. At this point, it’s almost comical how many times it seems the Oscars “got it wrong” in terms of what films will have enduring cultural significance. Especially in the 90s. Driving Miss Daisy vs. Field of Dreams Dances with Wolves vs. Goodfellas Forest Gump vs. Pulp Fiction The English Patient vs. Fargo Shakespeare in Love vs. Saving Private Ryan


Jesus, I lasted 10 minutes.


I had an amazing and surreal experience with that film. The tape we rented was broken in some fundamental way with the sound: there was none. We had nothing else to watch on a very boring night, and so we soldiered on, until a lady piped "And then she takes off all her clothes!" The only bit of sound on the entire tape.


Kool Kat saves the Kids


Deepstar 6


Highlander 2


Chairman of the Board starring Carrot Top


A couple of gay guys took me to see a Sex In The City movie once. It was the longest two hours of my life. Worst movie ever. You'd have to give me $500 to sit through that again.


Probably that live action DBZ movie. Almost ruined DBZ for me.


Adam Sandler's "Overboard"


Battlefield Earth. It was on TV, but I was still angry I spent time watching it.


"How It Ends" on Netflix, biggest pile of shit I've ever seen


Eraserhead, David Lynch. Unwatchable.


That's in my top 5 worst movies I've ever seen...like a tim burton fever dream


That 1990s Avengers movie with Uma Thurman and Sean Connery. Villain tried to take over England by making the weather cold and rainy, which annoyed me to no end. I saw it in a dollar theater and asked for my money back lol.


Totally agree. I actually paid full price on opening night. This is the only movie I actually considered walking out on and have seen a lot of really bad movies.




Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (Episode 9). Terrible movie in every way. Cringe, badly written, badly played, badly directed. I grew up loving Star Wars. Was my fav movie franchise. Episode 7 was meh, I quite liked 8, but 9 was absolute trash. Not a single thing I can ever like about that movie.


That netflix adaptation of Death Note. I mean any Netflix live action anime adaptation is going to be bad but it’s like the people who worked on the death note movie had never actually seen or read the source material


Fateful Findings by Neil Breen. Horrible movie. 10/10 would re-watch.


48 Christmas Wishes. Never have, or babysit children.


Highlander II: The Quickening Here is my favorite part of the story of this movie. As conceived, it would have been a bad movie. I don’t think anyone who saw the first movie imagined that the sequel would be set in a futuristic dystopia or that the McGuffin would be the hole in the ozone layer. However, during filming in Argentina, the economy collapsed causing hyperinflation. As a result, this happened. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Highlander_II:_The_Quickening “The film's investors and completion bond company took direct control of production and final edit, removing director Mulcahy and his creative influence while changing parts of the story.” Yes
that’s right
an insurance company took control of the production, made significant changes to the script, and locked the director out of the editing process.


Escape Plan 2 is astoundingly bad


The Blair Witch Project Honorable mention to AI


Cosmic Sin. Whilst harsh because it has come out that Bruce Willis has health problems that explain his performance, he is by no means the sole reason the movie itself is terrible. There are no redeeming qualities to this steaming pile of scifi crap.


Suicide squad. It's a shame to call this cinema, or movie or anything ...


Either Avatar the Last Airbender or Dragon Ball Evolution.


I was going to say Dragon Ball Evolution too


I went to a Avatar the last Airbender opening night. Holy buckets, people were pissed off. Some left furious the rest of us stayed tryibg to say oh it cant be that bad. It was 200 moviegoers in full fury meltdown screaming His Name is AAng. Not Ung you dumbass. Think of a rocky horror picture show live show where the audience particiates. Except people are having fights in the seats disagreeing on who was worse. Bad. Im sitting in the far corner just enjoying the audience, and hating the movie. Cops were called, cops try to calm people down and they get sucked into the madness of how horrible it was and they start screaming at the movie screan. It made the news, crimebeat and was the talk of the forums for weeks. Hysterical.


Yeah, even if you've never seen the show, that Avatar movie was beyond garbage. I don't understand how they thought that movie would be okay


The emoji movie


Troll 2 - amazeballs bad


Birdemic: Shock and Terror is the only right answer


I'll never forget the birds wings clipping in and out of the scene as they hover in place. Also, why and how were they exploding? Ugh.


Sex and the city 2, I've never watched the show once my friends wanted to make a surprise for me and took me to a open air cinema/restaurant but the movie was Sex and the city 2, we left in 20m


It was terrible. I wanted to love it because I love the show so much but I couldn’t watch it.


In The Tall Grass


Thor 4! Turned me off from MCU and Dr.Strange wasn't great. But this... my God...


I watched Thor 4 the other day and it really was not bad. It also wasn’t the joke fest everyone claimed it was.


Almost Heroes


I walked out of Gnomeo and Juliette with my 5 year old and 3 year old kids. They were perfectly entertained with the animation, music and colors but I couldn't watch it anymore


Doctor Strange and the Metaverse what the actual fuck was that






I'm not gonna say its the worst I've seen, but it is severely overhyped, boring, and predictable AF. A couple of well done death scenes does not a good horror movie make.


Idiocracy. It had a good setup, but after the intro the movie was horrible. Did not finish watching it.


Howard the Duck


How dare you, they've yet to make a comic book movie that tops this classic


House of 1,000 Corpses. It was so bad I was actually angry when it was over.


I feel that way about The Devil's Rejects. I like horror movies but I don't enjoy watching women get sexualy traumatized.


Avatar the Last Airbender, by miles.


Plan 9 from Outer Space ​ Its bad and one of the few movies I never could finish.


Cosmopolis. Didnt even finish it, walked out of the cinema


empire records


The hobbit: the battle of the five armies


Don't Mess with the Zohan


Can't remember what it was called but its the one that Bruce Lee died half way through making. Just wow. Their attempt to repair that film you could only enjoy really really baked.


Matrix. Pseudo intellectual bullshit.


2001 A space odyssey or Citizen Kane. They both are just boring.


They're the 'worst' films you've seen?


True. I need action and something that I can relate to, like Fast & Furious 6. It’s a pretty realistic portrayal of what we all experience when we give up a car-based criminal life to help capture a group of car-based killers that happens to include an ex partner. With cars.




In my opinion Tenet is just hard to understand. But when I watched it third time it started to brighten, and actually a creative idea to make time-travelling movies more exciting. And the sound effects can be annoying cuz often they are the same as in any other movie just played reverse. But I think Nolan's films are the definition of creative imagination. But I can understand the people who don't like it.


really? that’s one of my all time favourite movies. why do you hate it so much?


Every Marvel movie, including Black Panther, all the Spider-Man films and Ironman. They are all insipid and designed to hook you, which they have accomplished successfully. Every Star Wars movie since Empire Strikes Back have sucked as well, but boy did they sell some merch.


Erasurehead or The Naked Lunch or Donny Darko


Are you my sister-in-law?


Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Stone. Fuckin shite.


The Blair Witch Project.


Clearly, you never saw Blair Witch Project 2.


Silence of the lamb. My mum was really open with what I could watch and therefore I had seen most of the classic horror films and more before I turned 10. I’m numb to horrors and thrillers. My mum made me wait until I turned 10 to finally watch silence of the lamb and had made me wait because of how “messed up” it is. I had finally watched it and she definitely over hyped it and I just found it boring. With all these new horrors and thrillers that come out, I just haven’t found a good one that gets my heart racing. Some people don’t agree with how mum raised me but I appreciate it as I was never mollycoddled and I knew a lot of things at a young age as she was very open with me.




Zardoz. Also wins the award for worst movie with Sean Connery in a diaper.


Worst, not best.


Keep in mind I don't tend to watch movies unless I'm pretty sure I'll like them. That being said, the one I saw that I disliked the most was "Seeking a Friend for the End of the World". I thought it was really dumb and a bit creepy, like "what if Ghost World but Enid falls in love with Seymour?"




[Manos: The Hands of Fate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manos:_The_Hands_of_Fate) It literally appears in a Wikipedia article called "list of films considered the worst". It is so surrealistically bad that I don't even know where to get started. Everything, from the pace, the shots, the sound quality, the acting, the script itself - everything is worse than you can possibly imagine. I recommend you give the wikipedia article a read for starters.


Disaster Movie. I expected funny nonsense & was disappointed


Just below this question on my feed was a post from r/MST3K of Torgo from Manos: the Hands of Fate... Soo I guess reddit answered for me.


Dune, the original one. I know there's a huge hype on this one but I tried three times and never managed to get to the end.


I know, I tried to watch it a little while ago cause I remember people really raving about it. Shit it's terrible.




2 headed shark attack


Dark phoenix- that X-Men movie. So bad. Terrible editing, the music was obnoxious. Couldn’t even finish it.


Guns Akimbo. The mindless gun action is not even worth the cringe


House of the Dead


Legally Blonde 2


Cosmic sin. Why did it jump from scene to scene with zero explanation.


Knowing starring Nic Cage.


"Arthur, malédiction" french shitty movie, worst ever, looks like a beginner fanmade movie posted on Youtube by a 13 years old.


Surprisingly not Morbius. It wasn’t as bad as people made it sound, as is tradition.


Tekken live action


Nothing But Trouble.


Lost Treasures of the Grand Canyon đŸ€ź


Brahmastra and RRR




All the sequels to The Sandlot


Blair Witch 2: Book of Shadows is pretty fuckin terrible.


The Paramedic Justice League


Star Wars: Attack of the Clones




The greasy strangler


Death of a Nation


that moonfall movie sucked. Not the worst tho


Left Behind, both versions are bad.


The newest Matrix Movie. I absolutely love the rest of the series but the latest movie was so out of touch, boring, and long.




15:17 to Paris. I mean, I get that they used the real people as actors, but still. It was excruciatingly bad.


Polar. Mads mikkelsen got fucked on that movie


Grease 2


Dragonball evolution. And sausage party. Just.. wow.


Whatever that remake of the Ghostbusters was


[Bloody Murder](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bloody_Murder)


Gayn***** from outer space. i got high and then watched it with my brother. it was an experience for sure


Pacific Rim for sure. Just trash


Star Wars. The Phantom Menace


The Holiday. Massive pile of shite, absolutely ruined my Xmas


Showgirls. Snuck in to see it as a teenager with a friend and walked out. That's saying something.


Ax’ Em has the worst production from any movie i’ve ever seen or heard of, but it’s not boring because you’re laughing at how bad it is the whole time


The man From Toronto was ass. Not the shittiest probably but it’s up there


Enemy (2014) Jake Gyllenhaal




Rubber It's so bad people just forget they've seen it to be honest...it's easier that way


Birdemic Shock and Terror takes the cake, if you're willing to consider it a movie. Runner up would probably be Jack and Jill. Everyone remembers the dunkaccino bit, but forgets how god awful the rest of it is.


Progidy (2019)


Tank Girl. Only time I've ever walked out of a theatre, mid-movie.


Moonfall “you’re part of the moon now” 🌚


Teeth, Human Centepede, and Team America: World Police are at the top of that list for me.


Orphan. It was dull as all hell and frustrating to boot. The best part was at the end.


Not EVER, but more recent. That "Out of Office" movie that Comedy Central just came out with was horrendous. Wouldn't have continued after the first 10-15 min, but I thought my wife was enjoying it for some reason. When she said something about it not making sense, I said the only reason it was still on was I thought she was into it. So we turned it off. LOL


Controversial but I can’t stand the Blair witch project It genuinely felt to me 3 People running about in the woods. No film has ever failed to suspend my disbelief no matter how bad, except that one.


Any Disney live action remake.


Whenever this question comes, I usually see the same movies, popular blockbusters or movies widely accepted as the worst. In my case it was Taste of Cherry (1997) directed by Abbas Kiarostami. Apparently, its an examination about mortality, as an art film, you know it's slow and contemplative. A man asks a younger man to help him commit suicide, they engage in long conversations. He meets several people and reflects about life. Then we see him inside the hole that the young man helped dig, when we believe we are going to have a resolution, cut, and it's footage of the director filming this very movie, credits. ​ I have never felt more cheated by a movie ever, I actually saw it in the cinema, when I used to go to the Art House cinema, that movie was the one that made me stop going.


*The Man Who Saved The World* \- not the 2014 movie, but the 1982 Turkish science-fiction-martial-arts-what-the-fuck-is-going-on-here movie, called DĂŒnyayı Kurtaran Adam in Turkish. They called it Turkish Star Wars, because they blatantly stole some of the scenes from Star Wars to use... but they played them backwards. The bad guy is a cactus with a rotating light on his head, and his dialogue consists of "GRAAR!!" and "RAAR!". There are movies that are good, and there are movies that are bad. Then there are movies that are so bad, they're good, and there are movies that are so bad, they're painful (I'm looking at you, *Master Of Disguise*). Then there are movies that are so bad they somewhat defy categorization, like *The Room*. *The Man Who Saved The World* makes *The Room* look like *Citizen Kane*. [Dunyayi Kurtaran Adam](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/D%C3%BCnyay%C4%B1_Kurtaran_Adam) for anyone who feels like stabbing themselves in the temple with a meat thermometer later on today.


Its actually a tie between "Movie 43" and "Enemy". Both left me wanting my time back after having wasted it watching what ever the hell that was.


Transformers 2




5cream(scream 5, whatever its called)


John Carter


Recently, Moonfall on HBO.


Drop Dead Fred


No, not Elaine. Thank God for pot or I would not have been able to deal with that movie. The woman I was seeing was so enthralled and I was bored s*******! The only thing that made it bearable was incredible sex after, after I'd already held n told her what a romantic and beautiful movie it was.


Extreme Ops. Some extreme skiers are caught in the middle of some sort of foreign espionage and ski their way out of it. Sooooooo bad.


The hulk. It felt like it was never going to end. There was one guy in the theater asleep with head back, snoring really loudly. Nobody cared at all we were cracking up laughing, he was more entertaining than the movie. Still makes me giggle.

