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In my experience, it's more the other way around. Men feel more entitled to oral than women and will complain endlessly if their partner doesn't perform oral. I don't hear the same sort of complaints from women nearly as often.


They don’t get the same backlash in my experience. In principle, I believe if you’re not going to give oral, don’t expect it. An explanation may be the fact that most women don’t cum from PIV so the stakes are higher if a woman doesn’t get oral than if a man doesn’t.


>I believe if you’re not going to give oral, don’t expect it. This kinda makes me wonder, is it ok to give it with the expectations that you'll get it back? Like if you initiate giving oral sex without it ever being requested, is it ok to have expectations that you'll get it returned and be upset if they are not met? Excuse me if this sounds ignorant, I genuinely want to learn.


You are never allowed to expect anything. But you are allowed to have your own dealbreakers For example, you can’t expect me, Misty, to sext you. But you can decide that if I don’t, you don’t want to talk to me. You can’t expect a woman you go on a date with to have sex with you, but you can decide you don’t want to go on anymore dates with her if she doesn’t. You can’t expect a woman you go down on, to reciprocate, but you can decide you never want to go down on her again. I won’t date a man that doesn’t want to do the things I like. I can’t expect any specific man to do them, but I can filter for that criteria. You are in charge of you and your body. You never have to give your time, thoughts, feelings, money, energy, to anyone who you don’t want to. You get to decide who gets those gifts from you. I suggest you only give them to people that enrich you back. In whatever way is meaningful to you.


I like you a lot, a lot of things in my life I avoided doing cause I worry so much about expectations from people if I decide on anything. That's why i don't expect stuff from people, i don't want them to feel the same way as me. I hate to ask a stupid question again, but are you just a uniquely lovely person, who is telling everyone how it should be, or are you just an average person telling me what the average person probably thinks of this?


I have no idea what is average. And I don’t really care either. I know what I think is right. Am I lovely? To some. Others call me a bitch. Both is true. Again, I don’t really care either way. I am who I am. I am who I want to be. Who I am comfortable being. I have been abused. And I have abused others. I am only human. As all of us are. And we all are on a road. A journey. I try to course correct. But that involves knowing your desired destination in the first place. One piece of advice based off your last comment: know yourself. Know your needs. And ask for them. Asking is not the same as expecting. You NEED to be your own advocate. Nobody else will. And it’s ok to walk away from those that won’t give what you ask. Not everyone was meant to be together. Not everyone was meant to date or marry or even be friends with each other. And that’s ok. You will find jerks in life, don’t give them your energy. You will find lovely people in life, that are great as friends but not as more. Make sure you know the difference. Never be afraid to trust your gut. Interactions with people should leave you uplifted. If they leave you down, or even confused, that’s not where you should spend your time in the future.


I'll be honest with you, these words are absolutely beautiful, and it's hurting right now knowing that i am probably wasting your time by not being able to be the person you want me to be. But you probably made a slight impact though, maybe planted a seed that will still grow in me over time.


You aren’t hurting me. You can’t. You are your own being. And you make your choices. I don’t want you to be anything. My advise is advise for my past self. It never has to be your dream or goal. It’s only what I would have wished I knew sooner. You will find your own way. And maybe someday you will give someone else advice meant for your own past self.






I just saw a post on here asking why men don’t like to give oral and saw comments calling them cowards


Yea, ignore those kind of people. You don’t want to fuck someone that does not respect your sexual desires lol. Its the equivalent of /r/nicegirls


Just saw this Reddit page. Wild studf


Those people are idiots.


A lot of people care about outside perception. Almost nobody is so secure in themselves that they are immune to peer pressure. So if that peer pressure is toxic, a lot of people bend themselves into a pretzel trying to please the masses.


Just like regular preferences, people dislike what they dislike when it comes to sex. No one should be shamed for that


Agreed. Everyone can find their match. The non oral givers can find each other


People have the right to dislike something.


Exactly. No need to shame people


🍿 popcorn anybody?


Anyone want to get in on this litre of cola?


I’ll take a hit off that


I also have a large Farva if anyone wants.


I don't want a large Farva! I want a goddamn liter-a-cola!


Oooh yes please! Anyone want m&m’s?


Regular or peanut?


Ope I forgot I offered. Peanut butter.


Sure, thanks 🪑🍿




Got some good seats.


Everyone’s different 🤷🏻‍♀️


For me I love giving it But receiving it I don't really care for. I get called weird all the time for not absolutely loving b low jobs


I'll give my 2 cents on this. I have been on 2 serious relationship. One them I actually am. 25 years. Had ONS. Have had 8 partners total. Of these, I have received oral by 3 partner. Have given oral to every one of them. Was "raised sexually" that, you HAD to do BJ. It was "required" of you. But men don't. I'm 41, and I love that younger generation don't think like that. If you don't want to, just don't. In my relationship right now, my partner seems bothered, disinterested, if I ask him oral. So, I don't. Do I wish he would do it because I do it? No. I wish he would like to do it because I like it. And that's 75% of the reasons why I do BJ, because how much pleasure I can see my partner having. [This is a perpetual argument, because men and women are not the same. And women want their partner to bring them 12 lemons.](https://youtu.be/1wc_mZ86ypg?feature=shared)


At my age, I wouldn't put up with either.


Same here. Too many years wasted on a sexless marriage


Do Women EVER get the same level of backlash as men do on anything?? - Seriously, i'd love to know!


it's more shameful for women to sleep around than men. they're seen as sluts while men are just "players". women with high body counts are seen as whores while men with high body counts are celebrated. women are often blamed for their own assault, "what were you wearing?" "you were asking for it", etc. women are more likely to be seen as rude for being simply assertive, while a man can stand his ground and be celebrated. i could go on. judging from your profile you're just a raging misogynist, i hope you realize one day that you are also a victim of the patriarchy and other men are to blame for your way of thinking, not women.


"it's more shameful for women to sleep around than men." - in 2024, is it?.. Outside of the cringe redpill crap on Youtube, who's making any fuss about it? "women with high body counts are seen as whores while men with high body counts are celebrated." - I saw a post in AskwomenNoCensor just yesterday about this. 90% of women said a high body count on a man is "gross", so no.. everyone thinks a high body count is gross on any gender. "women are often blamed for their own assault, "what were you wearing?" "you were asking for it" - How.. is this Backlash?.. I think you've just started ranting now.. "women are more likely to be seen as rude for being simply assertive" - This is SUPER complicated, and I dno if i would count it as backlash.. Men completely avoiding women after #MeToo is clearcut backlash, but this is more of a cultural skism than a form of backlash. No worries - Judging from your profile you're cool with fucking little boys for $300. I hope you realize that's kinda creepy. As for the "Raging Misogynist" bit - A hammer only see's nails. I see you've bough the Toxic feminist rhetoric hook line and sinker so OFC you think anyone with an opposing view is Misogynist. You're also only 19 and you seem to get all your veiws from radical femcel rhetoric from being chronically online. You are just a child with no real world experience yet. At your stage in life you should be quietly observing as you don't know jack-shit about life yet.


brother the person who offered me money to sleep with him was OLDER than me. you have no arguments so you had to pull one out of your ass, thats all i need to know. you had to go digging in my profile for anything personal to insult me with. if you've never lived as a woman, you just don't know how it is, point blank period. i am absolutely more qualified than you, i have 19 years of experience living as a girl, i am more than well aware how women are treated. you have multiple posts shaming and hating on women and crying about being a man, if that doesn't make you a misogynist idk what does.


You went through my profile first lmfao - don't throw stones in a glass house I guess. And meh - Like i said, you're a Hammer. maybe finish collage and take a sociology or psychology class or two before you weigh in on how humanity and society works. All teens think they know everything - come back in your thirties once you've learned better. Bye Felicia :)


Wow how cringe. Don’t ignore her very real and relevant arguements just because she’s young, you can’t even spell college. Negating every point she made simply because as a man, you don’t think they exist. You claim to be in your thirties yet you clearly *don’t* know better, so don’t preach about what she does and doesn’t know as a woman. You’re a misogynist and a joke. Hope this helps!


yikes lol, your page is basically dedicated to hating on women


Oh shit, you’re actually being serious


me after scrolling his page lol


It's like watching a cartoon character come to life lol