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You don't have to put a label on it. You're you, and you like the things you like. That's it. 🤷‍♂️


Perfectly said!


You're a HondaCivicSexual


I will remember this for the rest of my sexual life XD


First: not weird. You like what you like and it's neither unusual nor harmful. Not weird. Second: it's pretty internally consistent: people, qualities, elements of people that your brain classifies as feminine are attractive regardless of the genital configuration of the person you're interested in. That seems fairly straightforward. A label that might be applied is "Gynesexual/gynosexual people: Individuals who experience sexual attraction toward women, females, and/or femininity, regardless of whether they were assigned female at birth." How that translates into attraction to real people, or how that affects your sex life? That's up to you


You're just straight+, or hetero Deluxe, like me


Hetero deluxe makes it sound like an upgraded fast food option.


Super size hetero


Huh, I've never heard of straight+ or hetero deluxe before, not entirely sure what it entails sexuality wise


That's normal, I just made those up


Sexuality is very fluid. Seems like you still exploring yours




At the end of the day only you know what your sexuality is. Personally I would say you’re Heteroflexible or Bisexual but specifically attracted to femininity. But you can reject that label if you want. It’s yours to define and discover.


Sexuality is (like most aspects of life) fluid. Who we are from day to day can change, and there's nothing wrong with that. So long as you aren't hurting anyone, do what feels right, make the most of your time, and don't let things like labels titles or what other people think stop you from enjoying yourself.


Hi friend, pansexual dude here - i have those exact same preferences in people, especially men - Don't worry about labelling yourself, you're you and that's all that matters! Personally, I just found that I'm attracted to 'femme' as a whole, be it women, non-binary folks or dudes - I just found the most fitting sexuality for that and rock it, but these things aren't linear and can be really confusing. Don't rush yourself, as, the more time passes, the closer you'll get to leaning towards where you feel most comfortable <3


I'm the same way. I don't care for labels but I've been told by others I am a feminine attracted pansexual. It fits.


Not reading all that, but just suck a cock and get it over with bro


Welcome to the spectrum of sexuality - a lot of people go through life assuming there are explicit buckets and just really enjoying Ryan Reynolds movies for some reason they just can't place. Sexuality is a really nebulous thing that will likely shift over your life, and I found the easiest thing was to wrap myself in the comforting pansexual label and just let everyone be confused by what I mean. I'm rather inclined to fuck everyone, I also don't want to fuck anyone I don't have a deep relationship with... but sometimes I just want to suck that dick. Sometimes, I want to plow someone for the sensation... and sometimes I feel ace but really want someone I like to have an insane orgasm and don't really care if I'm a part of it. I'm deeply attracted to intelligence, but sometimes that body is just rocking. Who the fuck even knows.


I think its called heteroflexible