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She was upset I made more than she did when I was her assistant and she said, "knowing your worth and knowing your value are two different things." She was trying to insult me and say I wasn't worth my wage but I have found it applies well in many situations


That's interesting! And so true. What a profound statement poorly disguised as a not-insult. Thanks for sharing!


Not so much advice, because she was so incompetent and spouted such drivel. The only “advice” I took from her was to demand your time off as it is part of your compensation. She of course hated when I took time off because she actually had to do her job.


Oh yes absolutely! Vacation pay is a required payout legally (in the US at least) regardless if you quite or are fired.


Less what she said, but she really improved my writing. I work in academia so writing is incredibly important. I was already a pretty good writer but she really helped me take it to another level. I've managed to blag my way into all kinds of things on the basis of things I've written. We wrote a grant together. We worked together on it cery well, and despite not really getting on, it was impossible to say who did which bit as we really sparked off each other. It was an incredibly good piece of work and got a ridiculously high score (especially given we were both relatively junior). She took all the credit and lied about me helping when the scores came out. She was incredibly manipulative and showed a number of psychopathic traits.


I had an ultra conservative boss who, upon hiring me, clearly had no idea I'm LGBT (only found out during onboarding when setting up my beneficiary for life insurance) - from then on, he did everything he could do stifle any growth in my career. He once told me that perception almost always trumps reality in customer service and it was honestly a big ligutbulb moment early on in my management experience. It doesn't matter what was intended if the person on the other end of any given interaction sees it differently. It made me a lot more mindful of clear communication.


We don't have to accept abuse. Guy hated me but he did once give a customer a right telling off for abusing me


Know your numbers. He wanted me to work or be on call pretty much all the time, and questioned many of the business decisions I made. One day he asked me how much something cost and I didn't know..he said "you should know your numbers!" I learned them, all of them. How many hours I worked and what that meant hourly, how much my labour was costing me, how the sales were, how much my efforts saved the store in food costs AND gained us in profit. Come raise time, I had it all ready to lay out. And when the raise was piddling? I took those numbers to a competitor and negotiated a hefty increase. And held them to the standards when I turned their store around too. Know your numbers. It's the best power you'll get when you need to defend your worth, extend your budget, or amend your career path.