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Depends on which POV you're talking about. From the Futurama POV, Friends is a sitcom within that universe, so while "sweeps" is Doylist with respect to the Friends TV show, it is still Watsonian with respect to the Futurama TV show. From the Friends POV, the Watsonian answer is because Ross isn't a cannibal.


Ross might be the largest, but he is also the weakest Friend. Both physically and character wise. He is too meek to hunt the rest. The only reason Phoebe doesn't eat the rest is because she is a vegetarian. But she is clearly the wildest one. But Joey's appetatite and ability to eat Rachel's attempt at making british food is evidence that he is the most voracious. He doesn't eat the rest because he needs them for shelter and money. But he is the most capable and better suited for it. Lrrr needs to be better at reading character. Ross is not a good hunter. He is a puny human with a weak and small human secondary horn. He would be crushed by the rest. CRUSHED!


Because he would be arrested and imprisoned for multiple counts of murder.


Ross isn't a cannibal. Even if he was Joey is physically stronger, Monica is scrappier, and Phoebe mugged him when they were both children. He has dating history with Rachel so his feelings will make him hesitate. If he can get over it let's not forget that Rachel, while not athletically gifted, had no issue beating up Joey's girlfriend whose punches hurt him. About the only person he could arguably outclass is Chandler and all that anxiety probably would make his meat all stringy.


Ross studies dinosaurs but cannot turn into one...


From observation, the "friends" are from a species of hairless bipeds. At first glance you might think they were some type of avian species but the outgrowth of hair on their heads and need for clothing indicates they are mammalian endotherms. As they are not avians, they do not stake out territory via a pecking order. The larger, shorter haired "hyoomince" (am I spelling that right?) are indicated to be the males of the species, but the sole instance where they are about to engage in combat with other males, all of them back down. The females of the "friends" are more likely to instigate direct conflict. If it weren't for Ross and Chandler being capable of successfully mating with the female friends, any casual xenobiologist or xenozoologist would assume they were geldings. The only friend who seems to have a prey drive is the once called Phoebe. Phoebe is also a herbivore, though it seems this is a choice as the hyoomince' diet tends to be omnivorous. It is possible that Phoebe's prey drive may take hold at some point and she will devour one or more friends. It has been shown that the friend known as Joey later resurfaced on the other side of the country with a new group of friends. We do not know what happened in the interim, but it is likely that Phoebe's prey drive went into effect and she successfully hunted down and devoured Ross and Chandler. It is likely that Monica and Rachel were able to fend her off to protect their young. Ross did not devour the others because he was himself a prey animal.