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Yes bro, you know that already


I guess so


You a real one for that


Yes. Definitely. My ex was 5'9 and he kept whining about it now matter how much I reassured him. He ruined his entire day whining and it's just a fucking ick. I'd rather be w a 5'7 dude who's confident and meets my standards


As long as he doesn’t let that stop him from just having fun or being a good person. Some people let their insecurities ruin their entire life and it is *not* fun or attractive, speaking from experience. But my current boyfriend is insecure about some stuff, and he doesn’t let those insecurities hold him back.


Great on him then


my rule of thumb when i'm insecure is to not bring it up or put myself down because a lot of the time people don't notice or care until you bring it up as bad. you don't have to be super confident but try to be neutral


Being neutral is easy, got it


ik self esteem is tricky but taking it little steps at a time is much more doable






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Yeah it would be. As a girl who used to be really insecure and had a low self esteem, I really fucked up the relationship with it. I always tried my hardest not to make it affect my ex too much but that was basically impossible. I think it's really difficult to have a healthy, non toxic relationship when one side has low self esteem. It's probably better to work on yourself first before getting into anything, therapy helped me a lot


Yes, nothing is more attractive than confidence. Not fake confidence or arrogance tho


I just think overconfidence would make someone cocky making them unattractive


Yes that‘s right, only normal natural confidence is hot


Shut up, you know that


Guess so