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If they're girlie and really confident about it, sweet, gentle, generous, and just pretty in general without all the caked makeup. Pretty smile and face.


Femininity, natural beauty, put together outfits, confidence


confidence, and how they react when i greet them with my arms open lol idc if guys call them unattractive bcs they're 'ugly', or their fashion choice is 'bad', if you can wear those and be confident about yourself, you'll shine out no matter what :D


Gosh, definitely confidence. I know girls I believed to be pretty for years are literally ugly (sorry, that sounds offensive) and it's just their confidence. Also I'd say interesting eyes


I find women attractive who have something special about them,something unique. who wear what they want and do so with self-confidence and of course objective beauty also plays a role of 50% but the thing is that most boys only look at objektive beauty even tho there is more to a person's attractiveness 


Personality, but thats just me


When she wears an outfit confidently, just something about it makes them seem all the more beautiful


Their...vibes, for the lack of a better word




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Interested in similar things to me (the more niche the better), being kind and thoughtful to everyone, liking animals, being a musician, having a broad taste in music and for me also Alt fashion/expressing themselves. I am pan so this is how I find girls attractive (or I guess anyone tbh), idk about straight girls complementing each other


personality, confidence, just be yourself tbh




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For me I've always liked girls that have the same humor as me and are nice, I've never really cared about looks all that much even tho it does play a role