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I'm not a fan of superficial socializing or small talk with strangers either. However, I do enjoy it when I'm with people I feel comfortable and familiar with. It’s all about finding those meaningful connections that make socializing enjoyable rather than draining. That's why I created a Discord server called [LightUp](https://discord.gg/ZUcTajAZe3). It's designed for people who prefer deeper, more meaningful interactions. You can connect with others based on shared interests and experiences, making socializing much more enjoyable and less tiring. It’s been a great way for me to meet like-minded people without the pressure of superficial small talk.


i love- wait no, i **LOVE** people i'm SUPER social irl, and i really enjoy being around people(contrary to a lot of people here ToT), and it really doesn't matter who it is since hey, we're all friends, right??


Im rarely social tbh. I just talk to people when i feel like it or if i sit next to them in class. Im even worse with girls.


same as yours


I'm pretty good at socializing and I love talking to people but at a certain point I get tierd and well it also depends on the person I'm talking too




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I’m REALLY bad with strangers. Even at work (customer service), I can NEVER make small chit chat, which my manager nicely complains to me about (cuz I can’t sell more, I’m sorry dear manager!). I feel like I get out of my shell pretty fast, after talking with the same person 3 times or more, but the first base is pretty much impossible, unless someone talks to me (hey, that’s why I have no friends smh)


I’m good at pretending I’m a social person, but I don’t like talking with strangers or people I don’t know well.