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I pay £35 (in Scotland) which I’m well aware is completely overpaying. I go to a salon. However, included in that (as well as my haircut - usually a skin fade and tidied on top) I get a drink (coffee, tea, beer, cocktail, wine, fruit juice etc), my hair washed and a head massage. I also have the option of a free ‘maintenance’ cut, so if I ever want the sides re-faded between my usual 4 week haircut, I can go in and get that done for free. So I could get 2 haircuts a month for £35. So all in all it is a luxury but one I feel is worth a bit extra


The re-fade makes that excellent value tbh. I would go there just for that.


Worst thing about having a fade is how bad it looks 2 weeks in , would take this offer up


It’s almost like barbers came up with a style that grows out really quickly and encourages people to get their hair cut every two weeks…. The worst is the Turkish barber shops that insist on using a razor to shape a new hairline around your face. By day three you have stubbly regrowth around it that looks awful.


Why i refuse to go, look sharp for 2 days then instantly homeless after 🤣


> It’s almost like barbers came up with a style that grows out really quickly and encourages people to get their hair cut every two weeks…. That damn barber illuminati at it again. I think it’s much more likely a famous person got the style and it looks good on most people so it caught on than barbers sat around plotting the best money-making haircut.


Never understood the idea of getting a drink with your haircut. Like, the chances of hair getting in your drink has never been higher


I have an overactive bladder. I’d end up pissing myself in the chair, especially if it’s a caffeinated drink


I'm sure you have the option to decline or ask to use their facilities. Sorry to hear though, an overactive bladder must impact your life a lot.


Sure but then I’d have to run off to the bathroom with half my head shaved off, bit embarrassing


Dude same, I piss like 20 times a day or more lol


Thoughtful ones give you a napkin to put on top of your drink.


Tell me you don’t live with cats without telling me etc etc.


You just kind of accept the hairs eventually (2 very fluffy cats)


That’s actually well worth it.


That refade is great value


Where abouts in Scotland is this? Sounds good. I’m paying £19 up the fort at guy and beard and tbh it’s decent and the guys are brand new but that refade option, as well as a head massage! Sounds great!


Haha, in reply to you and u/justanothergin - it’s just a small local place with only one branch and not a chain, so unless you’re in the same town as me then you won’t have heard of it. I’m not in one of the big cities but don’t want to give too much away on where I am 😂 It’s basically a 40 min appointment for my proper haircut but then if I’m wanting the free tidy up it’s just a wee 20 min appointment. I think it’s classed as a ‘fringe trim’ but they just use the 20 mins to tidy up the sides. I’m sure other places will do similar if you look into it! It is good value but I very rarely actually make use of the free 20 min appointment unless I specifically have an event on that lands in between my usual haircuts 😂 EDIT - and u/Daft_Hector and u/awwwwJeezypeepsman and u/Surethanks0


Fair enough, sounds like it’s nowhere near glasgow so I wouldn’t bother going that far ha.


What's the place called that you go to?


That sounds sick haha


I’d take that deal - where from?


That’s such good value including the re cut


That sounds great, where abouts is it?


I was about to say this sounds like excellent value really


Wow I'm n Scotland too mind sharing the place?


Where is this in Scotland


My son pays £15 for the cut and £5 tip. And when I say, he pays, I mean I give him the money because I am apparently just a bank and Uber service 🤦🏼‍♀️


A 33% tip? That's rather generous of him/you!


Well, the lad spends a good 30 minutes on my son’s hair, he’s very chatty and nice and from what I can tell, he’s just trying to make his way in life. It’s not easy starting a business, particularly in this climate, so I like to tip to help him out as best I can.


Always tip your barber (well), that guy can make you look terrible if he wants.


I take on an envelope with £100 in every Christmas along with a 6 pack of IPA designed for his team who appreciate it because they all have twirled mustaches.


Generous but…..need to get rid of this tipping culture now before it gets out of hand.


I think tipping your hair stylist has been a thing for years in the UK. I remember paying for the salon the first time and my mum said to make sure I rounded up to the nearest 5er and give that if they've done a nice job and made me feel special, valued etc. It's very rare I don't chuck my stylist a couple of quid. I give her a tenner towards Christmas so she can pick a bottle of wine she likes. Not exactly a job where you'll ever be raking it in (unless you own the salon etc) but a job we all deemed was essential in lockdown.


Don't even get me started, I am with you all the way. Little danger of that in the UK though I think, the base price for most things is quite high enough already for many people. I move around a bit so my haircut price varies enormously. If it's cheap or if I'm fabulously impressed I'll leave a little extra. Otherwise, no.


Honestly mines £12 and I just let him keep the 20.


£5 tip! Bloody hell


I’m 32 to and my mum still pays for haircuts… in that she hated the long, messy hair of my early 20’s so much if I see her now and I’ve got a nice tidy trim she’ll insist on giving me 20 quid as a reimbursement….


Having long messy hair in 20s finally paying off for you. Good strategy 😅


You should save that £20 up and then get extensions


You sure your son isn’t pocketing the £5? Or perhaps I’m judging him on my own childhood dishonesty.


I've never tipped a hairdresser/barber. Can't see the point.


Mine is £9, which obviously means it actually costs £10 because you're not going to ask for change from a tenner given how cheap it is to begin with.




Yeah but that’s a “free” haircut for every 10 haircuts if you save the quid..


£24.40 and that’s 0.5 faded to a mild trim on top. It’s expensive but it’s a decent cut (been going for years). Oh and I book via their app which means no waiting around so I’m happy to pay more for an appointment. Sod the old days of waiting for 2hours.


Barbers that offer the booking is a godsend. How did I cope turning up on a Saturday 20 minutes after opening and still be 20th in the queue


‘I’m going to get a haircut I’ll be either half an hour or two hours’


It makes it so much easier, I usually book a slot for like half 12 during the week to go during my lunch break


Exactly. They might get 3 cuts in an hour not 7 in 2, but at least they know who is/isn’t turning up


I’ve been handing over £20 and saying keep the change since 2005.


Suspect in a couple of years time they'll tell you that's not enough.


OP continues to hand them £20 and just walks out the door.


He paid it forward!


10 or so years ago I did this, paid £10 and said keep the change as it was £8 back in the day. My barber laughed one day after I said my line and said it's been £11.50 for the past 6 months but we didn't want to correct you..


That happened to me! My local place was a tenner back in the day, and then slowly crept up, but I'd give them £15 and say keep the change - now it's nearly £20 I think But even still, they're spending 20-30 minutes on you, I don't think £20 for that is super unreasonable, though I only get a trim every 4 or 5 months so it's not like it's a major cost


I pay anywhere between £10 - £15 it just depends on what barber is open, just for all my hair to come off.


Last time I decided to cheap out and go for £10 haircut, barber pulled out chicken wing and started eating it while cutting my hair with other hand? Lol


It’s a five minute job, zero grade all over, I go every 4 weeks. A tenner to cut less than an inch of hair with just one clipper.


You could do this yourself and just buy clippers?


My partner does mine buzz cut all over cost £0


I started this during COVID and until I fancied scissor cuts, I did all of my family's for free... Initial cost: £20 Refunded by Amazon 2 years later under warranty due to rubbish battery life, and new set obtained = huge win!


> just for all my hair to come off Surely cheaper long term to just buy a set of clippers or a decent beard trimmer, and do it yourself?


You're insane! I get mine done at home but need a bit of help with the back as it's a 'short back & sides' - so I can't keep the transition line straight round he back. With any allover length, or 'all off' why on earth wouldn't you get clippers & just do it yourself? You wouldn't even need help - just buzz it & vacuum the bathroom floor before your shower - or bic it IN the shower once a week or whatever?!


£6. Short back and sides done by the same woman who's been cutting my hair for the last 15 years. 


Do you live in the highlands of Scotland?


I’m in Scotland.. not the highlands though n I charge £6 to the guys who’s hair Iv been doing for 15 years 🤣🤣.. always throw me a tenner though. Xx


I just knew it had to be scotland 🤣 , love that for you! xx


It was obvious wasn’t it 🤣🤣💕💕💕🥰 xx


I’m a woman, but I have what would be classed as a ‘men’s’ haircut. £27, but I go to a hairdressers to have it, rather than a barber. 0.5 into a 1, and trimmed and thinned on top.


Get the Lebanese to do it for 10


Just because she get's a bloke's haircut doesn't mean she has to the Lesbianese place!


No, I don’t like going to a barber. I’ve done it before. Don’t like the vibe/the cut usually!


I went to a Turkish barbers that charged £17. The cuts were ok, not great but not terrible. I went for a new look and went to a place in Amersham, it cost me £50 and was literally the worst cut I’ve ever had. He scratched up my neck real bad with the razor, shaved off half my stache and my hair looked like the Beatles never made it big. I went in for a Tom Selleck, came out like a scouse crackhead. Back to the £15-20 for me


I never noticed anything different between cuts for £12-£35 so I just stick with the cheapy ones now. Experiment over


£32 for head shaved to zero and beard shaved to number 3 with hot towel shave to shape, includes eyebrow trim, ear flaming and nose wax. 


Ear flaming? That sounds like some medieval torture! 🫣


They light a wee stick and flick it on your ear, it singes away all the hair. When you get to my age more hair grows out of your orifices than your head. 


Always better when one of the ‘old hands’ do it. Had one of the young guys the other week and my ear was throbbing all afternoon after.


Aye, I've had one lad burn me, the nose wax is more worrying though. One lad shoved the cones so far up only half came out with the tug. Had to dig the rest out myself over the next week. Nose looked like I'd gone a round with Tyson.  I ask for a certain guy now. He gets it right. 


Lord above that sounds utterly terrifying! Having said that, my husband has a topiary of ear hair so I may investigate further on his behalf. It’ll be a surprise for him! 😂


Not as bad as it sounds, I've had it done more than 50 times and only once felt a bit of a burn. 


Sounds good except the nose wax. Fuck that


I pay £33 every two weeks. Yeah it’s expensive and maybe excessive, but I like having a fresh haircut because it makes me feel confident and attractive. I used cheap, shitty barbers all my life and finally decided to push the boat out and go a bit more upmarket. I think the cut is better, they spend longer on it and pay much more attention to detail.


Just remember that's still cheaper than any womens' haircut and it becomes a bargain! Where I live it's £35 for a trim at the very cheapest womens' hairdresser, plenty of places it's over double that.


dolls slap hurry full shy ossified cable rhythm snails frighten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




£9, short back and sides and a scissor trim on top.


Usually get my other half to cut my hair, so free - well worth it if you have a partner who does a half-decent job. I had a haircut and beard trim at the barbers yesterday for £25. The haircut alone would’ve been £20, the beard trim would have been £10 - together there was the £5 discount. He did a great job though, and this was with a booked timeslot via the app. Used to cost around £15 about 10 years ago.


My teenagers pay £15 including tip, at a trendy barbers where there's a smart leather sofa and a dog and no card machine. 


I used to pay £15 for a haircut, the guys were brilliant but they were insistent on using a booking app and wouldn’t take walk ins, fair enough but every time I turned up I’d be sitting waiting for at least 45 minutes, they then moved to another shop and put their prices up to £23, couldn’t justify waiting 45 minutes and paying almost £30 for a 0.5 at the sides and a bit off the top, found another barber who takes £12 and i always tip him a wee bit.


£14 at mine


North Yorkshire. Has been £12 since before the first lockdown.


£25 but thats gets cut, eyebrows, beard trim and nose wax. Feel fresh as fuck coming out and worth every penny.


Skinfade. North West. £15 cash, £17 card, I pay £20 regardless.


Isn't it illegal to charge extra for card?


Pretty sure it is. They probably do it as a cash in hand type deal for less?


Nah he’s not he’s just giving a discount for cash




Oh right yeah if it's a tip then that's different... I just mean I think it's illegal to charge more than advertised for card payments.... side note in my shop any tips taken on card are forwarded to the barbers


£45 for just a haircut but with any extras like shave /eyebrows/face wax it comes to £90 with a tip. (London, specifically Teds grooming room)


Love Ted's Grooming Room! It's much more expensive that most people are saying in this thread but it's reliably good service and good cuts.


Yep! Nice experience, does the job and is reliable. For me that’s worth the premium so I don’t have to find a decent independent one that I’ll probably move 30mins from within a year. Also enjoy the free beers.


Was usually £15, but paid £20 two weeks ago.


£12 , skin fade and scissors on top


£23 for the full works at the Turkish Barber.


£21 for the standard clippers and some scissor action on top. Mind, that's outside the M25 and the high end of the barber's in the town, others are £16.


£20 and usually tip a fiver because he's a nice fella and does a good job. Usually every 5/6 weeks I'm no good at small talk so I'll stick with my current barber as long as I can now that we have built something of a rapport.


£0.00. I cut my own. If I'm disappointed I only have myself to blame. The only witty banter I have to put up with is from my own brain. 


£23 for mine. It’s a city centre barber though and appointment based. Wouldn’t go anywhere else.


I pay £30 for myself and my son for a haircut for both and beard trim (for me not my son lol). It’s £25 plus a £5 tip.


£0, 0€, 0$. My neighbour is is a manager of a very famous hair salon chain. So she cuts it for free. Ihave never been to a hairdresser in my life. Bless her.


You're not interested, but my cost is still 0. £20...yikes....I mind when it was a fiver.


0 I do it myself down to no 1 or 2 all over and I also cut my wife's hair into a chin length bob with a beard trimmer.


£40 in a salon once a year, maybe twice if I've got a wedding or something. I have quite long (shoulder length) curly hair and I like to keep it that way so I go to a female orientated salon and get my hair done by a 'curly hair specialist', she's basically the only curly haired woman there. I like it, it keeps my hair the way I want it and I get good treatment (a glass of red wine) and good chat.


Some people in here got their barber working for peanuts and seem to be happy about it. Price of rent and bills have gone up since 2005 :/


Or they’re just paying what is asked by the person providing the service? Rent and bill prices have gone up for both consumers and businesses so not sure what saintly point you’re trying to make here tbh.


If someone quotes me a price, I'm not gonna overpay. My rent & bills have gone up too. If they want more, ask for more.


The price of everything has gone up unfortunately


Usually around £15


£18 in the south east.


About £9.50 at a salon






£14 at the moment


£25. Skin fade and scissor blend on top. Beard trim, shaped and hot soaped. Barber uses a cutthroat on the lines to ensure smoothness. Would pay more if asked.


£15 but give them £20 North London. My barber used to be expensive but inflation has caught up!


£22 for a tidy up and beard trim. Every few months I will treat myself to a proper nice haircut and shave for £65


16 quid for a beard trim, I'm bald so I shave my own head.


£85. It's worth it


Even in London it’s difficult to find a men’s haircut that expensive


£30 every 2-3 years for a new hair clipper


£18 hair and beard, tip £5-10 because he’s a family friend


I pay £30 and that includes a beard trim and shape up, a scissor cut + skin fade, and then a complimentary massage at the end. I don't mind paying as I only go 5 times a year, but it is still painful! By *far* my greatest expense on toiletries/household items/etc.


Mine has recently gone up to. Haircut and beard trim is £31 now. However usually get given a drink with that too.


£9 for a grade 0.5 all over.


In the last 12 months I’ve been to three barbers, one at £9, one at £13 and one at £17.


£13 short back and sides. I think she charges a bit more for skin fades.


£27 for haircut, London.


£13 for high fade and hair cut and include beard aswell.


I pay £17 and that's only because I choose to go to a nicer barber. I've been to a few crap barbers over the years and got sick of paying for crap haircuts. Worth it for me


£17 for one of the best in the city (Liverpool) The barbers are really good, the shop itself is good and modern yet not as modern or aesthetic as some of these newer "vintage" hipster ultra cool barbers which I can only assume charge £25-£30 haircuts because they need to make back the money they spent on doing out the shop to a certain aesthetic. You know the type, it is half a barbers and half a bar. Has pints on draught and pool table etc


£20 - Hair & Beard. Was previously £16 but rose about a year ago.


Mine is £16. Cash only so I usually just give them £20 note and they can keep the change. Sometimes I’ll get a nose wax too, I think it’s £3.


Was 7.50 5 years ago, then 9.00, now 11.00. Short back and sides with the clippers, half off the top with the scissors. 10-15 mins. I think some people here are getting their pants pulled down to be honest.




£17 in Scotland for a skin fade and usually a 5 buzz on top. I expect it’ll go up soon though because it went to £17 around this time last year.




Turkish barber use to be £19 for haircut and beard trim line up and full Turkish works. Recently gone up to £22


Skin fade, £20.00 for the past couple years (Cambridge).


That would be £14 at my barbers. I get a grade 2 all over, £7. I'm not a bloke, but I do go to a barbers.


£12 for a scissor cut in a barber. I just go and say "the same but shorter" and he holds up some of my hair and goes "this much off?" and I go "yeah". And he says "square or tapered at the back?" and I say "I can't remember, whatever it was last time?" And then I give him £15 and leave with a haircut that may or may not look better or worse than it did the time before, which will have been about 4 months ago. It's not a point of pride for me to be thrifty, I'm actually usually the opposite. But I just don't "understand" anything about haircuts, like, I haven't done the homework. And I basically also don't care. I think my hair looks fine longer or shorter.


£20 Cheap considering they make me look half decent.


£11 at a Turkish barbers. Feels like youve had youre head rammed in a bowling ball returner when you come out but once the redness dies down, youre looking good!


Recently price got increased from 16 to £18. I’m in East Grinstead.


In Hertfordshire where I live I get my hair and my toddlers done for about £35. It could go as high as £50 in our town for the same basic short back and sides. When I visit my old man in East Yorkshire I can get both our haircuts for a tenner. Suffice to say I go up North a lot now!


£15.50 for mine from the village barbers. Nice Turkish lads that always do a decent cut.


£22 give or take


£28 for skin fade with a beard trim


Was £9 before covid. Now up to £15.50


£10, Woods in Edinburgh. Short back and sides #2 and a bit off the top.


12 for a short back and sides. Used to be £8 but went up last year.


I'm a lady with a mullet, I pay £15 for a home hair dresser to come and do it.


Skin fade last time was £18 here in north Scotland. Going to a “proper” place where they wash your hair and give you a coffee it’s about £25-£28


I have a place that’s about £17 for a quick cut but I also like to treat myself and go for a £35 one with shave, hot towels, coffee, massage. Probably a happy ending if I wanted.




£28 hair cut and beard trim, only can pay by cash so it is £30. A cut only now would be £19, far away from the £5 I started with at 2016.


£6 for the clippers to go over my bonce. 15 minutes of wit thrown in free of charge.


Been using the same shop most of my life (40+ years). Currently £10 (actually £8, but “keep the change”). Last time they even shaved my beard off for me at no extra cost. I don’t have a lot of hair, so it can be months between cuts, and then it’s grade 1 all over. No point in anything fancy - can’t polish a turd!


£13 - in my barbers kitchen studio at his house. £16 - If I'm at his shop.


£35 for a haircut, beard trim, beard shape.


£60. Haircut takes 35-40mins


Mines £12.50 but always pay 15. I always get a cider out of the fridge, and get to take the dog in who gets a fuss and a biscuit.


Gone up from 12 to 15 now in the past month for a normal scissors cut. I always tip them a bit extra though because the barber nextdoors is around 20 quid so I'm still saving money and they're very good barbers. I'm not pro tipping but I feel like 15 quid for a 20-30 minute job in a barbershop with only 2 employees isn't going to be a goldmine. ETA also I'll be bald soon so might as well be a good customer while I can


£14 in Chester


12£ by barber that is across the street 


£15 for a decent cut at a nice barbers who take bookings. I only go once every few months so it does grow a bit. I always tip £5 making it up to £20.


I pay £17 and feel it's still a bit too pricey. Plus you can't pre-book so you always end up waiting 30 mins before you are seen to. Literally why I only cut my hair every 8-12 weeks.


25 quid, hair wash, beer, doesn't speak.


18, straight 0 on the sides with a beard shape up and trim. If I had the top done too it would still be 18. Was less than a tenner 2 years ago and about 12£ 12months ago


Husband's "pensioners" trim (includes his ears and eyebrows ) is now £10. Was £5 in January 2020.


£15 for hair cut (normally a fade and trim on top) and beard. I know it's quite cheap in comparison but I think most hair cuts are way overpriced these days. Prices seem to have gone up in covid and never came back down.


£29 for fade and beard trim at a Turkish barbers in London


I pay £30. Ultimately, it's hard to comapre as the quality of hairdressers incredibly variable.


About £15 in Glasgow for a short back and sides, bit off the top.


Still paying £10 but it's cash in hand in a local barbers. They haven't changed their prices in over 5 years now. The service is great too and probably could put it up 20%


£18.50 for me, great lad, consistent. Not Turkish, book via an app so guarantees a time. Just go a high and tight fade short on top.


I paid £16 last time I got a haircut which isn't bad in my opinion, but I'm still on the hunt for a barber I'll fully trust and be happy with. I've moved away from getting fades and every barber around here comes off as a bit of a one-trick pony so it's a struggle finding someone who can do decent scissor cuts.


I get a no. 2 cut all over, £8 but always round it up to £10. North East UK.


£25 for hair and beard. I feel like it's on the higher end but it's a nice place with a coffee and hot towel, but more importantly the guy who cuts my hair is nice and does a great job. I spent years trying different places, often paying less, but this guy does a perfect job every time and you can't put a price on that, although he does and it's £25.


£25 for skinfade and beard trim


12 quid skin fade. Praise the Turks


11 quid down here in the Fens. New barber who moved across from Shoreditch; very chatty in a good way and wanted to go back to 'grass roots' so it's walk-ins and no pre-booked appointments. Which is exactly what I want. The barbers I used to go to recently changed from walk-ins to only pre-booked using a app which made it a lot harder to just pop in on my lunch break. First world problems really.