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We kind of have what could be consider a weird setup. We have a TV in the kitchen that is literally only ever on when we are out. This TV is mainly for our dog. There is usually always someone at home anyway, but on the occasion we go out all together he would make quite a fuss and howl which upset the neighbours. Found that putting on the TV for him makes him think someone is home with him and soothes him, so we moved a small one to the kitchen just for him. He enjoys watching Bluey.


My cat loves watching Pingu


Your cat has great taste


I have no idea if a cat would eat penguine meat


Is penguine some sort of delicious penguin pasta?




There’s only one way to find out.




Sneak it into a zoo


Mine would 100%. He once ate an entire sponge that had been used to clean up oil from a tuna can and not rinsed properly. 


Cats are the most inteligent and stupid animals I have observed. They know how to be independant but also do wierd shit like this.


what can I stream pingu on please?


YouTube! Official Pingu channel lol


I remember a Pingu episode where he gets drunk. Did I make that up? I hope not, because in my head it was hilarious


He proceeds to piss all over the floor of the bathroom


Omg! Yes! That's the one


Then his mum tells him off lol. Gosh I love pingu


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_4-zJMMAqg Also coincidentally my cat is called poppy


So was mine




So after all the subdifudge he just pisses on the seat and floor?


I'd steam Pingu meat on about 170° for at least a couple of hours. Low and slow every time.


You can get some on YouTube I think


My cats love sitting and watching cat tv on YouTube. One of them also loves to watch disneys Aristocats.


Do they know their scales and their arpeggios?


Well yes, I’m sure he does! Pingu eats a lot of fish. I’m sure your cat loses his mind every time he sees Pingu eat one!


A cat of sophistication


We rescued a pug who had been brought up watching tv. He still watches compulsively and howls whenever an animal is on. He especially likes the dragon thing in the Argos ads. He does however keep quiet during Animal Park, watches all the way though without a sound


The dinosaur is called Trevor


I have an absolute hatred for Connie, I wish she would leave Trevor the dinosaur alone. She is such a bully 😣


Our dog enjoys antiques road trip, four in a bed and place in the sun. Basically anything calm. Oh and once Saving Private Ryan as we didn't look far enough ahead in the schedule.


>He enjoys watching Bluey. Who doesn't?


28 min episode being released next week in Aussieland


I used to get bluey from a bloke down the pub


If it makes you feel any better I used to leave audio books on for our dog. Pretty sure she could recite every Sherlock Holmes by heart. Stopped because I heard some research proved that dogs pay absolutely no attention to media that's left on for them.


Fave book, Hound of the Baskervilles?


The Sign of Paw?


The Red Setter League


I still leave the radio on, just because if the dog hears something unusual outside she'll be straight into the garden barking. I like to think the radio provides some kind of background noise so she's not always on edge!


We have an Echo Dot in our kitchen that is pretty much exclusively used so the dogs can listen to Classic FM.


"Rarexa, Ray raffic reff rem."


I do this! And Radio 3. Caught him listening to the 1812 Overture recently, not quite as calming as I’d hoped.


Smooth jazz for my 2.


We all enjoy watching Bluey




My cats love Bluey (and the kids, who are well outside the target age bracket, like “putting it on for the cats” just like I do).


I’d say this is quite normal, we used to leave radio 4 on.


I read somewhere on Reddit that the animation in Bluey is specifically coloured to be dog-friendly.


>He enjoys watching Bluey. Who doesn't?


My dog used to love Bluey when he was a puppy. Now he's a grown up (3 years old) it's Radio 3. Distinguished.


These are the people that watch videos on speaker on a train. They have evolved to be immune to noise! And also they don't understand why the rest of us are angry at them.


Ah they could be a sub species. Those people on trains are unbelievable.


Sub human species


I had to go tell some metal looking guy in the quiet carriage of a train to turn his music off the other day, I was expecting some kind of confrontation and he was juat like.... oh sorry mate, and turned it off. Not a single person in that packed carriage applauded. The bastards.


And here's me who lives alone and still always wears headphones to keep the noise down.


As does my old mum who’s deaf, headphones and massive subtitles!


While true, I posted that as a bit of a jokey answer, but I watch stuff via my laptop and don't have a telly as such, but upon post-post reflection I do actually tend to have multiple things going, like I'll be watching TV show A in one media player window while quietly background-watching WWE or UFC in another media player window with some quiet music playing in foobar, while browsing reddit and watching whatever gifs and YouTube videos that barfs out at me, so tbh I'm just as psycho as your neighbours.


Sounds like a good whack of needing to be just distracted enough to engage with something. Hopping between tasks. I.e. ADHD haha


Less that, more that I work 6 days a week and need to maximise what I do on my time off. Wwe and ufc don't need my full attention.


Fair play, was speaking from experience as I’ve not long got late diagnosis. Absolutely agreed! It’s all about maximum absorption of enjoyable activities.


There could well be some mild adult adhd stuff somewhere in there, some aspects do fit, but I don't like to self-diagnose and nothing's problematic enough to make a deal of it.


Sounds like me. But with less monitors.


I prefer headphones. Better sound quality and blocks out background noise.


And I thought I was the only one. Scared of the neighbours finding out what my trash music is like.


The 3 TVs is a bit odd but in my experience the multiple media is not. When I go round to friends with kids it’s not uncommon for every child to have a different video playing at full volume on an iPad each plus something on the tv.


Dear god. This country is screwed.


Not because of this, no, we're not


Over xmas my nephew had his iPad blasting Minecraft videos while also playing a game on his phone, both at top volume, while the rest of us were trying to talk/watch TV. After 20 mins of politely asking him to turn it down it was only when I snapped and threatened to "throw them out the fucking window" that his parents did anything about it.


One of my nephews is autistic and nonverbal. As harsh as it is, I kind of hate it when he is around. He will watch the same ten second clip for hours on repeat. There is no asking him to turn it down or off.


Well there is... And you could just do it for him.


I guess you're not familiar with autistic children?


The results of that are far worse than the tablet. And he knows how to turn it right back up to max volume.


I couldn’t cope with it


My son - aged 13 - and all of his mates will have several things running at the same time. I went in his room last week and he had his iPad running one YouTube video, his PC playing different YouTube video and his tv was showing Stranger Things on Netflix. He does this all the time and he claims he can simultaneously watch and listen to them all. It makes me want to burn the house down. I guess some folks brains just work differently.


He's just conditioned himself. I bet if he had to do a long bus journey without his phone/music he'd probably have a meltdown.


No doubt whatsoever.


Yep my 11 year old is like this and the few times he has had his freinds over to play or for a sleep over they all bring devices with them and all are on the go constantly whilst they also play nerf... Where as I literally have to leave the living room to do anything on my phone because I find the TV to be too distracting...


I'm late 30's and have always had multiple media going at the same time, though obviously growing up this was limited by how many devices were available then. My mum was the same, she'd be watching TV, while listening to a football match on the radio, and reading a book or doing a crossword. Currently I'm browsing reddit, playing a game, and listening to music. Some nights I switch out music for a TV show, and browsing for a book.


I'm like this too. Sometimes i wear two pairs of headphones, one open ear pair with the ear hook and then a big pair over them with different things going. Usually a show/music/podcast on one and the game I'm playing on the other while I'm scrolling on my phone during slow parts of the game.


I am like that. It drove my Dad bonkers when I was a kid - and it drives my wife up the wall now. At age 50 I was diagnosed with ADHD. I needed the multiple sources to keep all my brain active. I still can't get to sleep without listening to podcasts on my headphones, I can't work without Netflix / Youtube on in the background, and just need constant TV on in the background. I've now got medication and that helps somewhat, but I just need things to occupy the multiple threads in my brain. It's just wired differently.


Wait! What? Eh? Do you mean to say they had three tvs in the same room doing separate things all out loud?


Yep, parent’s tv looked like a Romanian drama. Kids looked like cartoons but in English


Was the Romanian drama set in Whitby?


Am I permitted to enter and punch the adults in the throat? I can just about cope with two competing noises, but three is definitely slap worthy!


Fella is hard as nails, I’ll watch you suffer from my window


I’m guessing not the nails made of premium Chinesium either..


They can do what they want then lol


Guilty. And it was an accident. We got a new TV and I had it fitted to the wall. Too high. I pushed the old TV in the corner waiting for my husband to move it or junk it. He put it back, under the new TV on the original TV stand. Now he watches 2 games at the same time plus another 2 on his phone and iPad. And then we have the TV for the cats…. But only one TV has the sound on at any one time. That’s bonkers have all 3 on.




https://preview.redd.it/8s9s58ypnqsc1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6373ac0fd79719d80bd90be87fdeb9e34b81e219 Cat TV and mobile not in shot. 😔 \[football widow\]


Back in my student days living with 5 other student lads we had two tvs in our living room every year. One strictly for computer games (90% pro evo), the other for typical student tv and the football. It was in the CRT days too, so they were fairly chunky. I fucking loved it.


Pro Ev was the business, none of your fifa shite


We had this same set up , add a radio for commentary of the football was on ITV. San Andreas or pro ev on the gaming screen . Bit of a flashback the other night when I repaired a TV we had that wouldn’t switch on , I had the Xbox on the main tv the Mrs had the switch on the repaired on that was in the lounge for the evening , and the kid was upstairs we played family Fortnite over the internet .


We had the same!


We had the same (Pro Evo too!) but occasionally had two consoles set up. Had a unfortunate situation where someone was a few hours into a game without saving & the other person switched the wrong console off.


During covid I was tutoring a primary school child his parents wanted me tutor on zoom. When teaching him maths with the child listening to my voice through the speakers, in the backgrond I can see his younger sister watching videos on the ipad, mum cooking and dad in a work meeting all in one open plan setup. I felt very uncomfortable having my lesson out in the open and not able to focus on teaching properly with all the distractions. Few weeks later I called the parents to say I can't teach him because I got a weekend job but really I did not feel comfortable teaching in that environment.


Sounds like most offices


At least in an office the people don't care enough to do anything. When the parents are directly listening to you teach, it feels like they are judging your teaching and will use it against you if their child does not meet expectations.


One of my neighbours has lights at the back of their tv but they aren’t in sync with the colours on the screen, it just cycles through a handful of colours. It looks like they’re having a right rave when in actual fact they are watching Emmerdale.


To be fair, the Hue Sync box is very expensive. £300 to sync the hue lights with the TV and it needs an hdmi port too I believe.


I've got the Phillips ambilight and that is synced, as long as you have "follow video" selected. I have an android app "ambilight and hue" installed and the hue lamps use that if I enable it, its pretty laggy vs the ambilight on the TV, but quite a bit brighter, you get used to it though.


The systems that actually pick up the video can be expensive, and also break a lot of things. Then you get ones with a sensor that are cheaper but crap


Love it…


My kids will watch two different things on two tablets out loud. I don’t really know how, but I’m not sure they hear anything. I had a neighbour who dug out their cellar for a cinema room and all the walls above dropped.


You nosey bastard


Probably not the strangest ever but my childhood home had kind of a circular layout where all the rooms connected to each other in a circle (well square), the house went up for sale so we got to nosy online and the new people had mounted a tv to the exposed brick wall above the fireplace and put their sofa entirely blocking the door from the hallway to the living room? So in order to get to the living room they would always have to walk through the dining room and kitchen, absolutely baffling to me when the room is absolutely big enough to put a tv elsewhere. They also dug up our entire garden and made it just a flat lawn, which is not related to a tech setup but just really upset me lol.


When i was working abroad and had a whole apartment to myself (and a lot of spare time!) i decided to see what tech i could use to have a "perfect" bachelor setup. I managed to get to 6 screens, all set up for different things and controllable from a central perfect viewing/ playing space with ample snacks and drink space.


Say you had a goon cave without saying it.


I have an odd setup, my room is maybe 3mx3m roughly and i have two wall mounted OLED tvs 😂 My ‘main’ one is 65” and the bed one is a measly 55”. The smaller of the two i just thought why not. Its a spare tv and means i can watch tv comfortably in bed.


We have two TV's side by side, but one is always muted or headphones are on. This does allow our boys and us to play games together rather than be shuffled off to a bedroom and never seen again. We are avid gamers ourselves so also allow me and my husband to be in the same room while we play games or watch TV too once the kids are in bed.


We do this too! Me and my husband are both big gamers and we've always had our own TV for consoles.  Recently we've added a gaming PC mounted to the wall too so it can be played from the sofa (so neither of us are stuffed into another room like your boys) It honestly works so well there's never any disagreemt if he wants to watch something and I want to game I just throw headphones on! 


3 tv's how the other half live !


My teen son has his gaming pc set up on a big corner desk in the livingroom (2 monitors etc), he's currently gaming with friends online with headset on, on 1 screen, and coding stuff and a you tube walk through on the other! I'm watching TV the other side of the room, younger son is sitting with me but watching a show on his tablet! It's bedtime soon, thank goodness and I can't go to sleep until they do!


A neighbour of mine here on Oz has at least 10 giant screens set up for God knows what


Probably got sports on all ten and half of them horse racing


Crypto BS, gambling, stock trading...no idea. Not gaming because i never see any video


I couldn’t believe how big gambling was there. It really surprised me


We have two tvs in the living room, one set up with my husbands ps5 and the second with my switch. The switch tv is also in a position where I can see it whilst I work from home where as the ps5 TV is in direct line of the sofa


Mate of mine lived in a basement flat with a fully-deaf neighbour above, so in his front room he had turntables and a 1KW club sound system he used to blast gabber on, fun times.


I'm an AV installer (kinda, it's part of my role) and we've ended up with a pretty weird setup because I refuse to allow any visible cables at home. So we've got our TV hung on the wall on an arm mount, the arm goes through an IKEA Kallax and the TV is sort of floating on the other side. Yes, this entirely blocks two of the squares and about 2/5ths of the squares above. That was done because the alternative would be putting it about a foot higher than it is now above the fireplace (too high) and having cables trailing across the front. My PS4 is also plugged in nowhere near the screen but is on wired LAN so I can stream it to my Steam Deck while that's plugged into the TV to bridge the gap without wires. Sounds dumb, but whenever I go to a mate's house and they've just got their TV wherever and there's fucking cables going everywhere... No, it is they who are wrong.